This release contains quite a few bug fixes, and a couple of new features:
* New widget properties - GtkWindow & dialog subclasses now have default
width & height properties. GtkPaned has Position property, and
children have Shrink & Resize packing properties.
* GtkMenubar has shadow type property. GtkHandleBox has shadow type,
handle position & snap edge properties. GtkBox children have Position
property (which isn't saved in the XML), though this may be a little
confusing due to the PACK_START/END flag.
* More support for underlined accelerator keys. If the label in a button
has an underlined character, then the button can be activated by
pressing Alt + the underlined key. Similarly if a normal label has
an underlined character, pressing Alt + the key will set the keyboard
focus to the widget on the right, e.g. a text entry box.
* Ctrl-R accelerator to redisplay a window - it should appear at the same
size it will be in the final application. Very handy.
* Bug fixes, including a fairly serious one in the generated code which
meant that widgets were never destroyed.