Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author | Files | Lines |
5 months of development.
Hook up customizations for sq (Albanian) and de-duplicate
Add entity for krename
Add a max width to the content
Move ksnake to deprecated and add ksnakeduel entity
Add an entity for Kigo
Don't compare signed with unsigned int
Check executables exist in PATH before passing them to QProcess
Don't hardcode "kf5" for the catalog search path
[ca@valencia] Add Catalan (Valencian) Language
All checksums have been double-checked against existing RMD160 and
SHA512 hashes
Could not be committed due to merge conflict:
The following distfiles were unfetchable (note: some may be only fetched
./devel/pvs/distinfo pvs-3.2-solaris.tgz
needed for latest cmake.
10 months of patches/updates.
Use bold italic at 100% for sect4 titles, and bold 100% for sect5 titles
Update the list of the Italian entities
Use the same style for informaltable as for table
recursive bump for the dependency change
build with qt5 5.14
All frameworks
Port from QRegExp to QRegularExpression
Port from qrand to QRandomGenerator
Fix compilation with Qt 5.15 (e.g. endl is now Qt::endl,
QHash insertMulti now requires using QMultiHash...)
Don't use a verified nullptr as a data source
Support multiple children elements in comment elements
Set a proper agent string for Attica requests
Correctly report if baloo_file is unavailable
Check cursor_open return value
Initialise QML monitor values
Move URL parsing methods from kioslave to query object
Breeze Icons
Change XHTML icon to be a purple HTML icon
Merge headphones and zigzag in the center
Add application/x-audacity-project icon
Add 32px preferences-system
Add application/ icon
icon for ktimetracker using the PNG in the app repo, to be replaced
with real breeze SVG
add kipi icon, needs redone as a breeze theme svg [or just kill off kipi]
Extra CMake Modules
[android] Fix apk install target
Support PyQt5 compiled with SIP 5
Framework Integration
Remove ColorSchemeFilter from KStyle
KDE Doxygen Tools
Display fully qualified class/namespace name as page header
Improve to have an Introduction section
Make incidence geographic coordinate also accessible as a property
Fix RRULE generation for timezones
Deprecate KCModuleContainer
Fix invalid cast to enum by changing the type to int rather than enum
Deprecate KPixmapProvider
[KHistoryComboBox] Add method to set an icon provider
kconfig EBN transport protocol cleanup
Expose getter to KConfigWatcher's config
Fix writeFlags with KConfigCompilerSignallingItem
Add a comment pointing to the history of Cut and Delete sharing a shortcut
Rename "Configure Shortcuts" to "Configure Keyboard Shortcuts"
Align ECM and Qt setup with Frameworks conventions
Specify ECM dependency version as in any other framework
Add KPluginMetaData::supportsMimeType
[KAutoSaveFile] Use QUrl::path() instead of toLocalFile()
Unbreak build w/ PROCSTAT: add missing impl. of KProcessList::processInfo
[KProcessList] Optimize KProcessList::processInfo
[KAutoSaveFile] Improve the comment in tempFileName()
Fix KAutoSaveFile broken on long path
[KeySequenceHelper] Grab actual window when embedded
Add optional subtitle to grid delegate
[QImageItem/QPixmapItem] Don't lose precision during calculation
Partial fix for accentuated characters in file name on Windows
Remove unrequired private declarations for taglibextractor
Partial solution to accept accentuated characters on windows
xattr: fix crash on dangling symlinks
Set breeze as default theme when reading from configuration file
Deprecate the top-level IconSize() function
Fix centering scaled icons on high dpi pixmaps
pic: Fix Invalid-enum-value undefined behaviour
[KFilePlacesModel] Fix supported scheme check for devices
Embed protocol data also for Windows version of trash ioslave
Adding support for mounting KIOFuse URLs for applications that don't use KIO
Add truncation support to FileJob
Deprecate KUrlPixmapProvider
Deprecate KFileWidget::toolBar
[KUrlNavigator] Add RPM support to krarc:
KFilePlaceEditDialog: fix crash when editing the Trash place
Add button to open the folder in filelight to view more details
Show more details in warning dialog shown before starting a
privileged operation
KDirOperator: Use a fixed line height for scroll speed
Additional fields such as deletion time and original path are now
shown in the file properties dialog
KFilePlacesModel: properly parent tagsLister to avoid memleak.
HTTP ioslave: call correct base class in virtual_hook(). The
base of HTTP ioslave is TCPSlaveBase, not SlaveBase
Ftp ioslave: fix 4 character time interpreted as year
Re-add KDirOperator::keyPressEvent to preserve BC
Use QStyle for determining icon sizes
ActionToolBar: Only show the overflow button if there are visible
items in the menu
Don't build and install app templates on android
Don't hardcode the margin of the CardsListView
Add support for custom display components to Action
Let the other components grow if there's more things on the header
Remove dynamic item creation in DefaultListItemBackground
reintroduce the collapse button
Show application window icon on AboutPage
Add KColumnHeadersModel
Added tests for Math.exp()
Added tests for various assignment operators
Test special cases of multiplicate operators (*, / and %)
Ensure the dialog title is correct with an uninitialised engine
Don't show the info icon on the big preview delegate
Support archive installs with adoption commands
Send along the config name with requests
Expose enum to the metaobject compiler
Also correct the shader header files
Correct license headers for shaders
Deprecate KServiceTypeProfile
Add "line-count" property to the ConfigInterface
Avoid unwanted horizontal scrolling
[plasmashell] Update docs for panelTakesFocus to make it generic
[plasmashell] Add signal for panelTakesFocus changing
KActionCollection: provide a changed() signal as a replacement for removed()
Adjust keyboard shortcut configuration window's title
Manager: add support for AddAndActivateConnection2
cmake: Consider NM headers as system includes
Sync Utils::securityIsValid with NetworkManager
Plasma Framework
[ToolTip] Round position
Enable wheel events on Slider {}
Sync QWindow flag WindowDoesNotAcceptFocus to wayland plasmashell interface
[calendar] Check out of bounds array access in QLocale lookup
[Plasma Dialog] Use QXcbWindowFunctions for setting window types Qt
WindowFlags doesn't know
[PC3] Complete plasma progress bar animation
[PC3] Only show progress bar indicator when the ends won't overlap
[RFC] Fix Display Configuration icon margins
[ColorScope] Work with plain QObjects again
[Breeze Desktop Theme] Add monochrome user-desktop icon
Remove default width from PlasmaComponents3.Button
[PC3 ToolButton] Have the label take into account complementary color schemes
Added background colors to active and inactive icon view
[ToolTip] Round position
Update size hint when font changes
Display first / in mounted storage access description
Ensure mounted nfs filesystems matches their fstab declared counterpart
The signal done is deprecated in favour of spellCheckDone, now correctly emitted
Syntax Highlighting
LaTeX: fix brackets in some commands
TypeScript: add "bigint" primitive type
Python: improve numbers, add octals, binaries and "breakpoint" keyword
SELinux: add "glblub" keyword and update permissions list
Several enhancements to gitolite syntax definition
Fix memory leak in KConfigWatcher
Disable KCONFIG_USE_DBUS on Android
KProcessInfo::name() now returns only the name of the executable. For the
full command line use KProcessInfo::command()
Avoid enabling kcrash if it's only included via a plugin
Disable kcrash when running under rr
Warn if KPackage is invalid
[GridDelegate] Don't select unselected item when clicking on any of its
action buttons
[ColorButton] Forward accepted signal from ColorDialog
use zero-based coordinate system on the plot
KF5DocToolsMacros.cmake: Use non-deprecated KDEInstallDirs variables
Suppress mouse events in KCMs causing window moves
adjust margins of KCMultiDialog
Fix generating properties that start with an uppercase letter
Add KListOpenFilesJob
Delete QQmlObjectSharedEngine context in sync with QQmlObject
Port from deprecated QWheelEvent::delta() to angleDelta()
Conditionally show navigation buttons in the header for multi-page KCMs
don't use a custom header height
add extra include
Fix memory leak of KQuickAddons::ConfigModule objects
[KCModuleLoader] Show error when QML fails to load
kconfig_compiler: Move the KSharedConfig::Ptr when using them
Make it compile against qt5.15 without deprecated method
Expose isImmutable to introspection (e.g. QML)
Add convenience for defaults/dirty states to KCoreConfigSkeleton
Make kconfig_compiler generate ctors with the optional parent arg
Make preferences() a public function
KProcessInfoList -- add proclist backend for FreeBSD
Use compile time checked connect
Make the settingChanged() slot protected
Get KQuickAddons::ConfigModule to expose if we're in the defaults state
Grab the keyboard when KeySequenceItem is recording
Add ManagedConfigModule
Remove outdated comment about [$e] expansion
[ConfigModule] Expose mainUi component status and error string
man: use <arg> instead of <group>
: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Update pt-BR user.entities
KDE Doxygen Tools
Update URLs to use https
[KCModuleLoader] Pass args to created KQuickAddons::ConfigModule
Pass focus to child searchbar when KPluginSelector is focused
Improve the KCM error message
Add runtime guard that pages are KCMs in KCMultiDialog
Add Notify capability to revertToDefault
point readme to the wiki page
kconfig_compiler: new kcfgc args HeaderExtension & SourceExtension
[kconf_update] move from custom logging tech to qCDebug
Remove reference from const KConfigIniBackend::BufferFragment &
KCONFIG_ADD_KCFG_FILES macro: ensure a change of File= in kcfg is picked up
Fix "* foo *" we don't want to bold this string
Fix Bug - clicking contact web url => uncomplete url is selected
Print strerror when inotify fails (typical reason: "too many open files")
[GridViewKCM] Fix implicit width calculation
move the gridview in a separate file
Avoid fractionals in GridDelegate sizes and alignments
Update Ukrainian translation
Catalan updates
it entities: update URLs to use https
Update URLs to use https
Use Indonesian translation
Update design to look more similar to
Add necessary files to use native Indonesian language for all Indonesian docs
Report human-readable error if Qt5Widgets is required but is not found
Replace currentDateTimeUtc().toTime_t() with currentSecsSinceEpoch()
Replace QDateTime::to_Time_t/from_Time_t with to/fromSecsSinceEpoch
Improve executable dialog buttons' icons
[KDirOperator] Show Detailed Tree View by default
KFileItem: call stat() on demand, add SkipMimeTypeDetermination option
KIOExec: fix error when the remote URL has no filename
KFileWidget In saving single file mode an enter/return press on the
KDirOperator triggers slotOk
[KDynamicJobTracker] Use generated DBus interface
[KFileWidget] When saving, highlight filename after clicking existing file
also when using double-click
Don't create thumbnails for encrypted Vaults
Fix WebDAV directory renaming if KeepAlive is off
Show list of tags in PlacesView
Delete/Trash confirmation dialogue: Fix misleading title
Display the correct file/path in "too bit for fat32" error message
Phrase error message with GiB, not GB
openwithdialog: use recursive flag in proxy filter
Remove URLs being fetched when listing job is completed
[CopyJob] Treat URL as dirty when renaming file as conflict resolution
Pass local file path to KFileSystemType::fileSystemType()
Fix upper/lower case rename on case insensitive fs
Fix "Invalid URL: QUrl("some.txt")" warnings in Save dialog
Fix crash while moving files
Fix NTFS hidden check for symlinks to NTFS mountpoints
Make file overwrite a bit safer
[KStatusNotifierItem] Send desktop-entry hint
Allow to set custom hints for notifications
Allow selecting only supported audio files
KPackage Framework
Fix finding the host tools targets file in the Android docker environment
Add cross-compilation support for kpackagetool5
Add X-GNOME-UsesNotifications as recognized key
Add bison minimum version of 2.4.1 due to %code
Fix: apply correctly the text colors of the chosen scheme
DocumentPrivate: Add option "Auto Reload Document" to View menu
DocumentPrivate: Support to set dictionary on block selection
Fix Words & Chars String on katestatusbar
Fix Minimap with QtCurve style
KateStatusBar: Show lock icon on modified label when in read-only mode
DocumentPrivate: Skip auto quotes when these looks already balanced
Add Variable interface to KTextEditor::Editor
relax code to only assert in debug build, work in release build
ensure compatibility with old configs
more use of generic config interface
simplify QString KateDocumentConfig::eolString()
transfer sonnet setting to KTextEditor setting
ensure now gaps in config keys
convert more things to generic config interface
more use of the generic config interface
generic config interface
Don't crash on malformed syntax highlighting files
IconBorder: Accept drag&drop events
ViewPrivate: Make deselection by arrow keys more handy
Fix for showing argument hint tree on non-primary screen
Port some deprecated method
Restore the search wrapped message to its former type and position
ViewPrivate: Make 'Apply Word Wrap' more comfortable
ModeBase::goToPos: Ensure jump target is valid
ViInputMode: Remove unsupported text attributes from the status bar
KateStatusBar: Add dictionary button
add example for line heigh issue
* Update the list of Ukrainian entities
* add entity OSD to general.entites
* Add entities CIFS, NFS, Samba, SMB to general.entities
* Add Falkon, Kirigami, macOS, Solid, USB, Wayland, X11, SDDM to general
3 months of bugfixes.
as it breaks the plugin mechanism due to not being able to
resolve various symbols
16 months worth of updates. requires qt5>=5.7
The actual fix as been done by "pkglint -F */*/", and was
reviewed manually.
There are some .include lines that still are indented with zero spaces
although the surrounding .if is indented. This is existing practice.
* Provide a way to disable inotify use in KDirWatch
* Fix KAboutData::applicationData() to init from current
Q*Application metadata
* Make clear that KRandom is not recommended for cryptography purposes
* Don't crash if we have no openGL context
* Added entity applications
* libgettext: Fix potential use-after-free using non-g++ compilers
* kurlnavigatortoolbutton.cpp - use buttonWidth in paintEvent()
* New file menu: filter out duplicates (e.g. between .qrc and system files)
* Fix error message on startup of the cookies KCM
* Remove kmailservice5, it can only do harm at this point
* Fix KFileItem::refresh() for symlinks. The wrong size, filetype
and permissions were being set
* Fix regression in KFileItem: refresh() would lose the file type,
so a dir became a file
* Set text on QCheckbox widget rather than using a separate label
* Don't enable acl permissions widget if we don't own the file
* Fix double-slash in KUriFilter results when a name filter is set
* KUrlRequester: add signal textEdited (forwarded from QLineEdit)
* Fix template syntax for test case generation
* Fix linking with Qt 5.4 (wrongly placed #endif)
* Fix the layout of the BrowserOpenOrSaveQuestion dialogue
* Add a check for PersonData being valid
* Fix metainfo.yaml: KRunner is neither a porting aid nor deprecated
* Remove too-strict maximum string length in KSycoca database
* Use proper char syntax '"' instead of '\"'
* doxygen.xml: Use default style dsAnnotation for "Custom Tags" as
well (less hard-coded colors)
* Add option to show the counter of words
* Improved foreground color contrast for search & replace highlightings
* Fix crash when closing Kate through dbus while the print dialog is open
* Cursor::isValid(): add note about isValidTextPosition()
* Add API {Cursor, Range}::{toString, static fromString}
KDE Doxygen Tools
* Major rework of the API docs generation
* Use QQuickWidget for QML KCMs
* Avoid skipping KAuthorized check
* Print the failing plugin when notifying a cast warning
* [kshareddatacache] Fix invalid use of & to avoid unaligned reads
* Kdelibs4ConfigMigrator: skip reparsing if nothing was migrated
* krandom: Add testcase to catch bug 362161 (failure to auto-seed)
* Check size of unix domain socket path before copying to it
* Support selected state
* KCMShell import can now be used to query for whether opening a KCM
is actually allowed
* Add commonly used entities for keys to en/user.entities
* Update man-docbook template
* Update book template + man template + add arcticle template
* Call kdoctools_create_handbook only for index.docbook
* Give clearer error message when KRun(URL) is given a URL without
* Add KProtocolInfo::archiveMimetypes()
* use selected icon mode in file open dialog sidebar
* kshorturifilter: fix regression with mailto: not prepended when
* no mailer is installed
* use QUrl::fromUserInput to construct sound url
* use QUrl::fromUserInput to construct sound url
* Fix associated applications for mimetypes with uppercase characters
* Lowercase the lookup key for mimetypes, to make it case insensitive
* Fix ksycoca notifications when the DB doesn't exist yet
* Fix default encoding to UTF-8
* Fix color configurability of default style "Error"
* Search & Replace: Fix replace background color (regression introduced
in v5.22)
* New color scheme "Breeze Dark", see
* KateUndoManager::setUndoRedoCursorOfLastGroup(): pass Cursor as const
* sql-postgresql.xml improve syntax highlighting by ignoring multiline
function bodies
* Add syntax highlighting for Elixir and Kotlin
* VHDL syntax highlighting in ktexteditor: add support for functions
inside architecture statements
* vimode: Don't crash when given a range for a nonexistent command
* Properly remove composed characters when using Indic locales
* Cleanup KBookmarkManagerList before qApp exits, to avoid deadlocks
with the DBus thread
* Deprecate authorizeKAction() in favor of authorizeAction()
* Fix reproducibility in builds by ensuring utf-8 encoding
* Make epoxy optional
* Allow KDocTools to always locate at least its own installed stuff
* Use CMAKE_INSTALL_DATAROOTDIR to look for docbook instead of share
* Update qt5options manpage docbook to qt 5.4
* Update kf5options manpage docbook
* Also search catalogs for stripped variants of values in env var LANGUAGE
* Fix parsing of env var values WRT modifier and codeset, done in wrong order
* KIO: add SlaveBase::openPasswordDialogV2 for better error checking,
please port your kioslaves to it
* Fix KUrlRequester opening file dialog in wrong directory
* Fix unsafe KDirModelDirNode* casts
* Add cmake option KIO_FORK_SLAVES to set default value
* ShortUri filter: fix filtering of mailto:user@host
* Add OpenFileManagerWindowJob to highlight file within a folder
* KRun: add runApplication method
* Add soundcloud search provider
* Fix an alignment issue with the OS X native "macintosh" style
* Add KExtraColumnsProxyModel::removeExtraColumn, will be needed
by StatisticsProxyModel
* KNotifyConfigWidget: add disableAllSounds() method
* Add switch to disable KParts' handling of window titles
* Add donate menu item to help menu of our apps
* [QueryMatch] Add iconName
* Show Scrollbar Text Preview after a delay of 250ms
* hide preview and stuff on view content scrolling
* set parent + toolview, I think this is needed to avoid task switcher
entry in Win10
* Remove "KDE-Standard" from encoding box
* Folding preview on per default
* Avoid dashed underline for preview & avoid poisoning of line layout cache
* Always enable "Show preview of folded text" option
* TextPreview: Adjust the grooveRect-height when scrollPastEnd is enabled
* Scrollbar preview: use groove rect if scrollbar does not use full height
* Add KTE::MovingRange::numberOfLines() just like KTE::Range has
* Code folding preview: set popup height so that all hidden lines fit
* Add option to disable preview of folded text
* Add modeline 'folding-preview' of type bool
* View ConfigInterface: support 'folding-preview' of type bool
* Add bool KateViewConfig::foldingPreview() and setFoldingPreview(bool)
* Feature: Show text preview when hovering over folded code block
* KateTextPreview: add setShowFoldedLines() and showFoldedLines()
* Add modelines 'scrollbar-minimap' [bool], and 'scrollbar-preview' [bool]
* Enable mini-map scrollbar by default
* New feature: Show text preview when hovering over the scrollbar
* KateUndoGroup::editEnd(): pass KTE::Range by const ref
* Fix vim-mode shortcut handling, after behaviour changes in Qt 5.5
* Autobrace: don't insert ' character in text
* ConfigInterface: add scrollbar-minimap config key to enable/disable
scrollbar mini map
* Fix KTE::View::cursorToCoordinate() when top message widget is visible
* Refactoring of the Emulated Command Bar
* Fix drawing artifacts when scrolling while notifications are visible
* KBookmarkGroup::moveBookmark: fix return value when item is
already at the right position
* Add DeleteFile and RenameFile standard shortcut
* Install known licenses and find them at runtime (regression fix)
* Actually emit valueChanged
* Fix KIO::linkAs() to work as advertised, i.e. fail if dest already
* Fix KIO::put("file:///path") to respect the umask
* Fix KIO::pasteActionText for null dest item and for empty URL
* Add support for undoing symlink creation
* GUI option to configure global MarkPartial for KIO slaves
* Fix MaxCacheSize limited to 99 KiB
* Add clipboard buttons to checksums tab
* KNewFileMenu: fix copying template file from embedded resource
* KNewFileMenu: Fix creating link to application
* KNewFileMenu: Fix suggestion of new filename when file already
exist in desktop
* KNewFileMenu: ensure fileCreated() is emitted for app desktop files too
* KNewFileMenu: fix creating symlinks with a relative target
* KPropertiesDialog: simplify button box usage, fix behavior on Esc
* KProtocolInfo: refill cache to find newly installed protocols
* KIO::CopyJob: port to qCDebug (with its own area, since this can
be quite verbose)
* KPropertiesDialog: add Checksums tab
* Clean url's path before initializing KUrlNavigator
* KRearrangeColumnsProxyModel: fix assert in index(0, 0) on empty model
* Fix KDescendantsProxyModel::setSourceModel() not clearing internal
* KRecursiveFilterProxyModel: fix QSFPM corruption due to filtering
out rowsRemoved signal
* KExtraColumnsProxyModel: implement hasChildren()
* Don't set parent of sublayout manually, silences warning
* remove references to unused categories
* Always update the Trader parser from yacc/lex sources
* Do not ask for overwriting a file twice with native dialogs
* added FASTQ syntax
kbookmarks - Support for bookmarks and the XBEL format
kcmutils - Utilities for interacting with KCModules
kconfig - Configuration system
kcoreaddons - Addons to QtCore
kcrash - Support for application crash analysis and bug report from apps
kdeclarative - Provides integration of QML and KDE Frameworks
kdoctools - Documentation generation from docbook
ki18n - Advanced internationalization framework
kidletime - Monitoring user activity
kio - Resource and network access abstraction
kitemmodels - Models for Qt Model/View system
knotifications - Abstraction for system notifications
knotifyconfig - Configuration system for KNotify
kpackage - Installation and loading of additional content as packages
kparts - Document centric plugin system
kpeople - Provides access to all contacts and aggregates them by person
kpty - Pty abstraction
kservice - Advanced plugin and service introspection
ktexteditor - Advanced embeddable text editor
threadweaver - High-level multithreading framework