Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author | Files | Lines |
Catch up to bundled version in perl-5.14.1, and let not to depend on
external (too new, and troubled) modules with perl-5.14.1.
Revision history for Perl extension Module::Build.
0.3800 - Sat Mar 5 15:11:41 EST 2011
Summary of major changes since 0.3624:
- Generates META.json and MYMETA.json consistent with version 2 of the
CPAN Meta Spec. [David Golden]
Also in this release:
- Autogenerated documentation no longer includes private actions from
Module::Build's own release subclass. [Report by Timothy Appnel,
fix by David Golden]
0.37_06 - Mon Feb 28 21:43:31 EST 2011
- prerequisites with the empty string instead of a version are
normalized to "0". (RT#65909)
- More Pod typo/link fixes [Hongwen Qiu]
0.37_05 - Sat Feb 19 20:43:23 EST 2011
- fixes failing ppm.t in perl core
- Pod typo fixes [Hongwen Qiu]
0.37_04 - Wed Feb 16 15:27:21 EST 2011
- moved scripts/ to bin/ for less confusing porting to bleadperl
0.37_03 - Wed Feb 16 09:54:05 EST 2011
- removed an irrelevant test in t/actions/installdeps.t that was causing
failures on some Cygwin platforms
- dropped configure_requires as some CPAN clients apparently get
confused by having things in both configure_requires and requires
- bumped Parse::CPAN::Meta build prereq to 1.4401
- bumped CPAN::Meta prereq to 2.110420
- Pod typo fixes [Hongwen Qiu]
0.37_02 - Mon Feb 7 21:05:30 EST 2011
- bumped CPAN::Meta prereq to 2.110390 to avoid a regression in 2.110360
0.37_01 - Thu Feb 3 03:44:38 EST 2011
- Generates META.json and MYMETA.json consistent with version 2 of the
CPAN Meta Spec. [David Golden]
- t/signature.t now uses a mocked Module::Signature; this should be
more robust across platforms as it only needs to confirm that
Module::Build is calling Module::Signature when expected
- Added CPAN::Meta and Parse::CPAN::Meta to prerequisites and dropped
0.3624 - Thu Jan 27 11:38:39 EST 2011
- Fixed pod2html directory bugs and fixed creation of spurious blib
directory in core perl directory when running install.t (RT#63003)
[Chris Williams]
0.3623 - Wed Jan 26 17:45:30 EST 2011
- Fixed bugs involving bootstrapping configure_requires prerequisites
on older CPANPLUS clients or for either CPAN/CPANPLUS when using
the compatibility Makefile.PL
- Added diagnostic output when configure_requires are missing for
the benefit of users doing manual installation
0.3622 - Mon Jan 24 21:06:50 EST 2011
- No changes from 0.36_21
0.36_21 - Fri Jan 21 11:01:28 EST 2011
- Changed YAML::Tiny references to the new CPAN::Meta::YAML module
instead, which is the YAML-variant that is going into the Perl core
0.36_20 - Fri Dec 10 15:36:03 EST 2010
- Module::Build::Version has been deprecated. Module::Build now depends
directly upon A pure-perl version has been bundled in inc/
solely for bootstrapping in case configure_requires is not supported.
M::B::Version remains as a wrapper around
- Module::Build::ModuleInfo has been deprecated. Module::Build now
depends directly upon Module::Metadata (which is an extraction of
M::B::ModuleInfo intended for general reuse). A pure-perl version has
been bundled in inc/ solely for bootstrapping in case
configure_requires is not supported. M::B::ModuleInfo remains as a
wrapper around Module::Metadata.
- Module::Build::YAML has been deprecated. Module::Build now depends
directly upon YAML::Tiny. M::B::YAML remains as a subclass wrapper.
The YAML_support feature has been removed, as YAML is now an ordinary
0.36_19 - Tue Dec 7 13:43:42 EST 2010
Bug fixes:
- Perl::OSType is declared as a 'configure_requires' dependency, but is
also bundled in inc (and loaded if needed) [David Golden]
0.36_18 - Mon Dec 6 16:46:49 EST 2010
- Added dependency on Perl::OSType to refactor and centralize
management of OS type mapping [David Golden]
- When parsing a version number out of a file, any trailing alphabetical
characters will be dropped to avoid fatal errors when comparing version
numbers. These would have been dropped (with a warning) anyway during
an ordinary numeric comparison. (RT#56071) [David Golden]
Bug fixes:
- A Perl interpreter mismatch between running Build.PL and running Build
is now a fatal error, not a warning (RT#55183) [David Golden]
- Bundled Module::Build::Version updated to bring into sync with CPAN 0.86 [David Golden]
- No longer uses fake user 'foo' in t/tilde (RT#61793) [David Golden]
- Won't fail tests if an ancient Tie::IxHash is installed
[Christopher J. Madsen]
- Correctly report missing metafile field names [David Golden]
- Suppress uninitialized value errors during Pod creation
on ActiveState Perl [David Golden]
- Return to starting directory after install action; this is
an attempt to fix an install.t heisenbug (RT#63003) [David Golden]
- A broken load won't cause Module::Build::Version to
die trying to install itself as a mock version (RT#59499)
[Eric Wilhelm and David Golden]
- PERL_DL_NONLAZY is now always set when tests are run
(RT#56055) [Dmitry Karasik]
- 'fakeinstall' will use .modulebuildrc actions for 'install' if
no specific 'fakeinstall' options are provided (RT#57279)
[David Golden]
- Add install*script to search path for installdeps client
and search site, then vendor, then core paths
- Skip noexec tmpdir check on Windows (RT#55667) [Jan Dubois]
- Arguments with key value pairs may now have keys with "-" in them
(RT#53050) [David Golden]
- Add quotemeta to t/tilde.t test to fix Cygwin fails
[Chris Williams and David Golden]
- Build script now checks that M::B is at least the same version
of M::B as provided in 'configure_requires' in META
(RT#54954) [David Golden]
0.36_17 - Wed Oct 27 18:08:36 EDT 2010
- Added 'distinstall' action to run 'Build install' inside the
generated distribution directory [Jeff Thalhammer]
0.36_16 - Thu Aug 26 12:44:07 EDT 2010
Bug fixes:
- Better error message in case package declaration is not found
when searching for version. [Alexandr Ciornii]
- Skips 'release_status' tests on perl < 5.8.1 due to buggy
treatment of dotted-decimal version numbers [David Golden]
0.36_15 - Wed Aug 25 10:41:28 EDT 2010
Bug fixes:
- Added a mock Software::License to prevent t/properties/license.t
from failing.
0.36_14 - Sun Aug 22 22:56:50 EDT 2010
- Adds 'release_status' and 'dist_suffix' properties in preparation
for adding CPAN Meta Spec 2 support. 'dist_suffix' will be set
to 'TRIAL' automatically when necessary. [David Golden]
- Makes 'license' more liberal. You can now specify either a license
key from the approved list (c.f. Module::Build::API) or just a
Software::License subclass name (e.g. 'Perl_5'). This should
provide better support for custom or proprietary licenses.
[David Golden]
0.36_13 - Wed Jul 28 22:40:25 EDT 2010
- Bundled Module::Build::Version updated to bring into sync with CPAN 0.82 [David Golden]
0.36_12 - Tue Jul 27 00:08:51 EDT 2010
- Module::Build::Compat will now convert dotted-decimal prereqs into
decimal rather than dying (and will warn about this). [Apocalypse]
Bug fixes:
- Caches case-sensitivity checks to boost performance, fixes
RT#55162 and RT#56513 [Reini Urban]
- Won't try to use ActivePerl doc generation tools without confirming
that they are indeed installed. [David Golden]
- Sets temporary $ENV{HOME} in testing to an absolute path, which fixes
some issues when tested as part of the Perl core [Nicholas Clark]
- Module::Build::ModuleInfo now warns instead of dying when a module
has an invalid version. ->version now just returns undef
(RT#59593) [David Golden]
- When authors do not specify Module::Build in configure_requires and
Module::Build is automatically added, a warning will be issued
showing the added prerequisite [David Golden]
- Moved automatic configure_requires generation into get_metadata()
and added an 'auto' argument to toggle it (on for META and off
for MYMETA) [David Golden]
0.36_11 - Thu May 27 09:41:23 EDT 2010
Bug fixes:
- Handle META/MYMETA reading and writing within Module::Build to ensure
utf8 mode on filehandles. Now passes/gets only strings to YAML::Tiny
or Module::Build::YAML
0.36_10 - Wed May 19 18:36:06 EDT 2010
Bug fixes:
- Fix failing t/manifypods.t on Windows from 0.36_09 changes [Klaus
0.36_09 - Tue May 11 09:19:12 EDT 2010
Bug fixes:
- Improve HTML documentation generation on ActivePerl (RT#53478)
[Scott Renner and Klaus Eichner]
0.36_08 - Mon Apr 26 08:00:15 EDT 2010
- Give a list of valid licenses when given one we don't recognize
(RT#55951) [Yanick Champoux]
- Added 'Build manifest_skip' action to generate a default MANIFEST.SKIP
[David Golden]
- When temporarily generating a MANIFEST.SKIP when none exists, it will
be removed on exit instead of hanging around until 'Build clean'. This
is less surprising/confusing and the 'Build manifest_skip' action
is now available instead to bootstrap the file [David Golden]
Bug fixes:
- Fixed runtime error on cygwin when searching for an executable command
during installdeps testing [David Golden]
to trigger/signal a rebuild for the transition 5.10.1 -> 5.12.1.
The list of packages is computed by finding all packages which end
or PERL5_PACKLIST defined in their make setup (tested via
"make show-vars VARNAMES=..."), minus the packages updated after
the perl package update.
sno@ was right after all, obache@ kindly asked and he@ led the
way. Thanks!
to version 0.36070 (upstream version 0.3607).
Upstream changes:
0.3607 - Thu Apr 1 11:27:16 EDT 2010
Bug fixes:
- The 'dist' action now always ensures a clean dist directory before
creating the tarball [David Golden]
0.36_06 - Thu Apr 1 01:23:58 EDT 2010
- Migrated repository to git and updated META.yml to match
- Removed bugtracker URL (let use default)
- Disabled SIGNATURE generation
0.3605 - Wed Mar 31 12:05:11 EDT 2010
- No changes from 0.36_04
0.36_04 - Tue Mar 16 21:41:41 EDT 2010
Bug fixes:
- Added missing newline to "Changing sharpbang" messages under verbose
output (RT#54474) [David Golden]
- Added 'beos' to list of Unix-like os types (RT#53876) [Nigel Horne]
- Sets $ENV{HOME} to a temporary directory during testing [David Golden]
- For VMS: fixed prefix handling plus other test fixes [Craig Berry]
- Support anonymous array of directories for c_source [Alberto Simões]
- Small POD formatting fix [James Keenan]
pkgsrc changes:
- Remove upstream applied fix
Upstream changes:
0.3603 - Mon Jan 18 22:28:59 EST 2010
(Oops, I released the last one before I realized this should have been
fixed along with it.)
Bug fixes:
- Module::Build::Compat would croak on distibutions that set requires
'perl' to a dotted decimal like '5.6.2'. We now skip that key
since it doesn't go into PREREQ_PM and we numify it properly for
'use 5.006002' in the generated Makefile.PL (RT#53409)
[David Golden, adapted from patch by G. Allen Morris III]
0.3602 - Mon Jan 18 22:09:54 EST 2010
Bug fixes:
- Fix failures in t/properties/needs_compiler.t when $ENV{CC} is set
(RT#53296) [David Golden, adapted from patch by Jens Rehsack]
pkgsrc changes:
- Adjusting options (upstream update clearifies a lot there)
- Adjusting mandatory dependencies
- Remove dependencies included at least in 5.10 perl-core
Upstream changes since 0.35 (skipping detailed list of developer versions):
0.3601 - Mon Dec 21 14:39:33 EST 2009
Bug fixes:
- When the currently running Module::Build is not the same as the one
that created the Build file, there is now a warning rather than a fatal
error. This helps installation of dependency chains where a dependency
might configure_requires a new Module::Build after Build.PL was already
run for an earlier distribution. [David Golden, on advice of Matt Trout]
- t/bundle_inc.t fails in odd ways. This test of an experimental feature
should not prevent users from installing Module::Build, so this test
now skips unless $ENV{MB_TEST_EXPERIMENTAL} is true
0.36 - Sun Dec 20 15:02:38 EST 2009
No changes from 0.35_15 other than the version number.
Summary of major changes since 0.35:
- Added 'Build installdeps' action to install needed dependencies via
a user-configurable command line program. (Defaults to 'cpan'.)
- Command line options may be set via the PERL_MB_OPT environment
variable (similar to PERL_MM_OPT in ExtUtils::MakeMaker)
- Generates MYMETA.yml during Build.PL (new standard protocol for
communicating configuration results between toolchain components)
- Reduced amount of console output under normal operation (use --verbose
to see all output)
- Added experimental inc/ bundling; see Module::Build::Bundling for
New or changed properties:
- Added 'share_dir' property to provide File::ShareDir support;
File::ShareDir automatically added to 'requires' if 'share_dir' is set
- Added 'needs_compiler' property. Defaults to true if XS or c_source
exist. If true, ExtUtils::CBuilder is also added to build_requires.
- 'C_support' is no longer an optional feature. Modern ExtUtils::CBuilder
and ExtUtils::ParseXS added to the 'requires' list. This ensures that
upgrading Module::Build will upgrade these critical modules.
- Clarified that 'apache' in the license attribute indicates the Apache
License 2.0 and added 'apache_1_1' for the older version of the license
- Module::Build::Compat 'passthrough' style has been deprecated. Using
'passthrough' will issue warnings on Makefile.PL generation. See
Module::Build::Compat documentation for rationale.
- Replaced use of with YAML::Tiny; Module::Build::YAML is now
based on YAML::Tiny as well
- A new get_metadata() method has been added as a simpler wrapper around
the old, kludgy prepare_metadata() API.
- Replaced guts of new_from_context(). Build.PL is now executed in a
separate process before resume() is called. (This is generally only of
interest to Module::Build or toolchain developers) (RT#49350)
- Add support for 'package NAME VERSION' syntax added in Perl 5.11.1
Notable bug fixes:
- The "test" action now dies when using the 'use_tap_harness'
option and tests fail, matching the behavior under Test::Harness.
(RT#49080) [initial patch from David Wheeler; revised by David Golden]
- Updated PPM generation to PPM v4 (RT#49600) [Olivier Mengue]
- When module_name is not supplied, no packlist was being written; fixed
by guessing module_name from dist_version_from or the directory name
(just like ExtUtils::Manifest does without NAME) [David Golden]
- Failure to detect a compiler will now warn during Build.PL and be a
fatal error when trying to compile during Build. (RT#48918) [David
- Auto-detection of abstract and author fixed for mixed-case POD headers
(RT#51117) [David Wheeler]
- resume() was not restoring additions to @INC added in Build.PL
(RT#50145) [David Golden]
- When tarball paths are less than 100 characters, disables 'prefix'
mode of Archive::Tar for maximum compatibility (RT#50571) [David Golden]
- Merging 'requires' and 'build_requires' in Module::Build::Compat could
lead to duplicate PREREQ_PM entries; now the highest version is used
for PREREQ_PM. (RT#50948) [David Golden]
- Module::Build::Compat will now die with an error if advanced,
non-numeric prerequisites are given, as these are not supported by
ExtUtils::MakeMaker in PREREQ_PM [David Golden]
Upstream changes:
0.35 - Thu Aug 27 09:12:02 EDT 2009
Bug fixes:
- Fix t/destinations.t segfault on 5.6.2
0.34_06 - Sat Aug 22 21:58:26 EDT 2009
Bug fixes:
- Multiple test fixes for OS2 [Ilya Zakharevich]
- Generated.ppd files use :utf8 if possible (RT#48827) [Olivier Mengue]
- Fixed preservation of custom install_paths on resume (RT#41166)
[David Golden]
- Warn instead of crashing when Pod::Man tries to create files with
colons on vfat partitions on unix (RT#45544) [David Golden]
0.34_05 - Sun Aug 9 22:31:37 EDT 2009
Bug fixes:
- When auto_configure_requires is true (the default), Module::Build will
only add last 'major' version of Module:Build (e.g. 0.XX) to
configure_requires to avoid specifying a minor development release not
available on CPAN [David Golden]
0.34_04 - Sat Aug 8 11:02:24 EDT 2009
- Added documentation warning that 'get_options' should be capitalized
to avoid conflicting with future Module::Build options and changed
the examples accordingly.
0.34_03 - Sat Aug 8 07:39:16 EDT 2009
Bug fixes:
- Fixed failing xs.t if /tmp is mounted noexec (RT#47331) [David Golden]
- Fixed failing debug.t on VMS (RT#48362) [Craig Berry]
- Prevent par.t from dying on error in .zip extraction [David Golden]
- Fixed potential runthrough.t failure on 5.6.2 [David Golden]
- Archive::Tar changed from 'requires' to 'recommends' so non-authors
without IO::Zlib can still use Module::Build to install modules
[reported by Matt Trout, fix by David Golden]
0.340201 - Sun Aug 9 22:11:04 EDT 2009
- Version bump for Perl core for 5.10.1 release; no other changes
0.34_02 - Sun Jul 26 22:50:40 EDT 2009
- Bundled Module::Build::Version updated to bring into sync with CPAN 0.77 [John Peacock]
0.34_01 - Sat Jul 18 16:32:09 EDT 2009
- Added --debug flag to trace Build action execution (RT#47933)
[David Golden]
- Bundled Module::Build::Version version code updated to fix unsafe use
of $@ (RT#47980) [John Peacock]
Upstream changes:
0.34 - Tue Jul 7 16:56:47 EDT 2009
No changes from 0.33_06
0.33_06 - Sun Jul 5 10:11:40 EDT 2009
- Bundled version code will use pure Perl on 5.10.0 to work around
a corner case involving eval and locale [John Peacock]
- Reversed VMS patch from 0.33_03 [Craig Berry]
- PL_files in Build.PL that are in the bin/scripts directory should not be
installed as if they are scripts (fixed for case-tolerant systems).
[David Golden, reported by Craig Berry]
0.33_05 - Sun Jun 28 22:06:49 EDT 2009
- New 'auto_configure_requires' parameter (default 1) controls
whether Module::Build should add itself to configure_requires
in META.yml if not specified in Build.PL [David Golden]
- The default MANIFEST.SKIP created by the "manifest" action
was out of date. It will now use the installed MANIFEST.SKIP
and add some Module::Build and distribution specific items
to it. [Michael Schwern]
- configure_requires do not necessarily need to be in requires
or build_requires; warning to that effect has been removed
[David Golden]
0.33_04 - Fri Jun 26 07:09:06 EDT 2009
- Don't try utf8 YAML I/O on Perl 5.6 [David Golden]
- configure_requires added to prereq report (RT#47254) [Curtis Jewell]
- updated Module::Build::Version to match forthcoming 0.77
(RT#47256) [John Peacock]
- skips xs.t and ppm.t when perl was not compiled with dynamic loading
since Module::Buld does not support static linking (RT#46178)
[David Golden]
- skip failing test in par.t if Archive::Zip is broken [David Golden]
- Added YAML utf8 patch in 0.33_03 changes list
- Added attribution for patches in 0.33_03 changes list
0.33_03 - Mon Jun 22 17:22:56 EDT 2009
- Removes Module::Build from its own configure/build_requires
[David Golden]
- ConfigData->feature() confirms that modules actually load successfully,
not just that they are present. (RT#43557) [David Golden]
- Module::Build::Compat handling of INSTALL*LIB (RT#43827)
[Tony Payne, David Golden]
- Module::Build::Compat and recursive test files (RT#39171) [Dave Rolsky]
- Fixed bug linking non-standard XS names on Windows (RT#38065) ["snaury"]
- Run PL files that don't generate any file (RT#39365)
[Matisse Enzer, David Golden]
- HTML generation failure no longer fatal (RT#36660) [David Golden]
- realclean might not delete Build.bat on Windows (RT#43863)
[Roy Ivy, David Golden]
- include_dirs parameter now works correctly when given a single
string argument (RT#40177) [David Wheeler]
- Lots of spelling fixes in the POD (RT#45528r) [Lars Dieckow]
- On Unix-like systems, tilde expansion is more liberal in username
characters accepted (RT#33492) [Jon Jensen]
- On MSWin32, bumped File::Spec prereq to 3.30 for a variety of fixes
- Add support for VMS in Unix compatibility mode (RT#42157)
[John E. Malmberg
- Added a can_action($name) method (RT#45172) [brian d foy]
- Documented that subclass methods should not permanently change
current directory (RT#46919) [David Wheeler]
- META.yml encoded in UTF-8 (RT#43765) [Olivier Mengue]
0.33_02 - Mon Jun 15 12:23:55 EDT 2009
- Fixed tests for bleadperl
0.33_01 - Sat Jun 13 20:24:42 EDT 2009
- Fixed RT#42724: consolidated VMS fixes [patch by Craig Berry]
- Fixed RT#46338: passthrough Makefile.PL cleans Makefile during distclean
- Fixed RT#45700: t/compat.t for HP/UX make
- Adds current Module::Build to configure_requires (and build_requires)
if no configure_requires is specified
- Always normalizes version number tuples in META.yml (e.g. 'v1.2.0')
(Partially addresses RT#46150)
- Normalizes a generated dist_version (e.g. from a .pm file) --
dist_version set manually in Build.PL is not normalized
- Documentation update for create_license
- Minor POD cleanup
simple white-space issues like indentation and trailing spaces. The
others are cross-references for Makefile.common.
- Updating package for p5 module Module::Build from 0.32 to 0.33
- Setting License to gnu-gpl-v2
- Adjusting optional dependencies to use always packages, not
perl core
Upstream changes:
0.33 - Sun May 3 20:16:34 PDT 2009
- Fixed RT#45462: needs to reference '' on VMS
[patch from John Malmberg]
- Fixed RT#45461: ext.t on VMS [patch from John Malmberg]
- Fixed RT#43861: Module::Build::PPMMaker has broken PPD name
versioning for v5.10+
Oked by tron@ and he@
- update to module version 0.32
- introduce options to choose recommented dependencies
- make previous dependencies and other useful default
Upstream changes:
0.32 - Wed Feb 25 17:40:02 PST 2009
No changes since 0.31_04.
0.31_04 - Fri Feb 20 11:04:59 PST 2009
- Bumped Test::Harness prereq to 3.16 for latest PERL5LIB fixes (solves
test failures when installing Module::Build using CPANPLUS::Dist::Build)
[David Golden]
0.31_03 - Sun Feb 8 14:54:01 PST 2009
- added a "prereq_data" action that prints a Perl data structure of
all prerequisites; can be loaded by external tools using eval()
[David Golden]
- 'fakeinstall' action warns and skips without ExtUtils::Install 1.32+
[David Golden, reported by Zefram]
- allows Module::Build version mismatch when installing self; works around
limitations in CPANPLUS::Dist::Build [David Golden]
0.31_02 - Tue Jan 27 09:16:43 PST 2009
- tests now use File::Temp (added to build_requires); appears to fix
Win32 testing heisenbug on directory removal during high system loads
- use_tap_harness.t will skip unless a release version of TAP::Harness
is installed
- improved diagnostics to ensure_blib() tests in t/lib/
- passthrough Makefile.PL will now play nice with cpantesters' on
exit(0) (RT#32018) [Eric Wilhelm]
Bug Fixes
- fix for doubling-up of --prefix (RT#19951)
Upstream changes:
0.31012 - Wed Jan 14 01:36:19 PST 2009
Bug Fixes
- t/tilde.t maybe actually fixed on MSWin32 now.
0.31011 - Mon Jan 12 21:57:04 PST 2009
Bug Fixes
- t/tilde.t had been failing on MSWin32 (RT#42349)
0.3101 - Mon Jan 12 13:52:36 PST 2009
- added 'mirbsd' as a Unix-type OS [BinGOs]
- added 'haiku' as a Unix-type OS (backported from bleadperl)
- skips certain tests on VMS (backported from bleadperl)
- sets $^X to absolute path in tests (backported from bleadperl)
Pkgsrc changes:
o Add a couple of dependencies needed when perl < 5.10
o Add "c" to the languages; the tests use the C compiler
Upstream changes:
Revision history for Perl extension Module::Build.
- Use of attributes as class methods is deprecated (this was never a
documented feature and appears to only have worked accidentally.)
0.30_02 - Mon Dec 15 12:23:55 PST 2008
Bug Fixes
- make Software::License dependency "softer".
0.30_01 - Thu Dec 11 18:25:53 PST 2008
New Docs
- Added a recipe for writing a new action to the Cookbook
- Added a recipe for bundling Module::Build to the Cookbook.
Doc Fixes
- Clarified dist_abstract search procedure in API.pod (RT#41056) [Mario
Bug Fixes
- Workaround HARNESS_TIMER env issue in t/compat.t (RT#39635)
- Fix ~ expansion when $HOME is different from /etc/passwd as
when running sudo. [ 39662]
- Fixed a small POD error in the Cookbook. [Damyan Ivanov]
- Unset group/other write permission bits when using Archive::Tar to
build the dist tarball. (RT#39804) [David Golden]
- We now support a 'create_license' parameter to new() that will
create a LICENSE file during the 'dist' phase with the full text of
the license. This requires Software::License on the author's
- Added lgpl2/lgpl3 entries to the supported licenses (RT#40532).
- Support for validating properties with a check subref. [David
Test Fixes
- Defend against more stray environment variables interfering
with the tests.
- Updated our embedded to 0.76, enhanced documentation on
dist_version_from. [John Peacock]
This even though some tests fail, but that's due to FAKEHOME.
Pkgsrc changes:
o add USE_TOOLS+=perl to make some more tests succeed
Upstream changes:
0.30 - Thu Sep 25 20:57:36 2008
- First non-beta release since April 2007. In the meantime, Sarkozy
became president of France, the 35W bridge fell in Minneapolis,
Phelps won a lot of gold, a new tribe of indigenous people was
discovered in the Amazon, and Bob Barker stopped doing The Price Is
Right. As of this moment though, the U.S. economy still hasn't
collapsed completely.
0.2808_05 - Thu Sep 18 23:30:39 PDT 2008
- Skip test in t/ext.t which tickles shellwords() in Text::ParseWords
below 3.23 [David Wheeler, Ken]
- Fixed some shell-quoting issues in do_system() on Windows [Ken,
Schwern, reported by Curtis Jewell]
- Fixed t/xs.t failure for missing 'const char *' typemap in 5.6
- Added build_requires for Test::More 0.49 and Test::Harness 2.03.
Removed bundled Test::More (was not working for 5.005x anyway).
- Minimum required perl version is now 5.6.1. [Schwern]
0.2808_04 - Thu Sep 11 22:51:27 PDT 2008
- Backed-out incompatible Module::Build::ModuleInfo change (first in
0.2808_03 - Mon Sep 1 14:43:27 PDT 2008
- Made adjustments for the format changes of recent Test::Harness
output. [Nicholas Clark]
- Fixed the documentation for script_files to indicate that we search
bin/ for scripts by default. It has been this way for several
years. [Spotted by Ron Savage]
0.2808_02 - Wed Jul 9 16:45:08 PDT 2008
- Experimental support for TAP::Harness with --use-tap-harness option
and the tap_harness_args property. [David Wheeler & Eric Wilhelm]
- Added test_file_exts property for main-run tests other than '*.t'.
[David Wheeler]
- Fixed getcwd()/rmtree() failure case on 5.10+mac where something is
unhappy about all of the tests deleting their distgen directory
before leaving it. [Eric Wilhelm & David Wheeler]
- Improved support for parsing qv() in modules' $VERSION
declarations, and made $VERSION-parsing errors more verbose. [Jos
- Integrated an omnibus patch for various VMS fixes. [Craig Berry &
John E. Malmberg]
- Some versions of Test::Harness (or something) seem to not be
stripping the ".t" suffix when outputting test reports, which was
causing one of our tests in t/compat.t to fail. Fixed. [Spotted by
a smoke tester]
- Most Unix platforms seem to allow hyphens in usernames, so we honor
this in our de-tilde-fying methods now. [Spotted by s-murata]
- If there are multiple assignments to the $VERSION variable in
someone's module and this generates warnings, tell the user what
line number the problem is at.
- Added 'gnu' and 'gnukfreebsd' as Unix variants. [Niko Tyni]
- Fixed a couple bugs in how we quote arguments to external processes
when they have to pass through the shell. Also much more
thoroughly tested our quoting now.
- Edited the Module::Build::API docs prose about the 'license' field
in response to some comments on the module-authors mailing list.
- Fixed a typo in some example code in the Cookbook. [Jeremy Leader]
- Custom typemaps were being looked for in places that don't quite
exist; fixed. [Michael G Schwern]
- QNX/Neutrino is now considered to be Unix. [ 32214]
- Added 'gpl2' and 'gpl3' to the list of valid licenses. [Allen
- Fixed our Data::Dumper wrapper's sensitivity to users who might set
$Data::Dumper::Terse. [Spotted by Dominique Dumont]
- Documented the fix_shebang_line() method. [Elliot Shank]
- Applied the 'const' modifier to version() and xs_version() XS
functions we use during testing. [Robin Barker]
- Fixed processing of INC=, POLLUTE=, INSTALLDIRS=, and LIB= for
passthrough/small Makefile.PLs.
- perl Build.PL --sign=1 now signs. [Michael G Schwern]
- Fixed processing of INSTALLDIRS=whatever for compatibility
Makefiles. [Spotted by John Peacock]
- Zillions of special-cases have been added in for dealing
with the special Makefile system on VMS. [John E. Malmberg]
- Fixed some stuff in how VMS command-args get quoted. [John E. Malmberg]
- VMS now overrides localize_file_path() and localize_dir_path() so
we don't need to do special stuff in the general case. [John
E. Malmberg]
- Added a few more VMS-specific entries to the default MANIFEST.SKIP
file that (sometimes) gets created during the 'manifest'
action. [John E. Malmberg]
- Fixed a catdir() that should have been a catfile() when creating a
ppmdist. [John E. Malmberg]
- Removed some assumptions about what makefiles are called (not
necessarily "Makefile") and how they take their arguments, to get
VMS tests working better. [John E. Malmberg]
- Fixed our check for Archive::Tar in the t/runthrough.t test, which
fixes a common failure on Win32. [Spotted by Chris Williams]
- Fixed a File::Spec mal-ism in t/destinations.t [Craig A. Berry]
- Exposed the internal ExtUtils::CBuilder object as part of our API,
via the cbuilder() method. [Zefram]
- Upgraded to 0.74 (fixes bug #30004.)
- Overwrite core (post-5.9.4) Module::Build installs (bug #20528.)
- Pass quiet() option to ExtUtils::CBuilder object.
0.2808_01 - Wed Oct 24 11:51:25 2007
- All .pm files in the Module-Build distribution (except for, which is kind of tied to now have the
same $VERSION number explicitly specified.
- When checking prerequisites, the required version of perl is now
checked before we start finding the $VERSION declaration of the
distribution, which results in much more intuitive error messages
e.g. if the author is using 5.6-isms in their declaration but the
user doesn't have 5.6. [Slaven Rezic]
- Added 'artistic_2' license, corrected 'lgpl' license url (bug #29783)
[David Thomas]
- VMS find_perl_interpreter() is just $^X (bug #29810) [Craig A. Berry]
- Some large VMS fixes, mostly having to do with the non-case-
preserving nature of most VMS filesystems, but also correcting for
illegal characters in VMS file specs. [John E. Malmberg and Craig
A. Berry]
- Fixed the _detildefy() method on VMS. [John E. Malmberg and Craig
A. Berry]
- We now use a much more reliable method when Data::Dumper-ing saved
state data. [Yves]
- When a module had 0.000 as its version, a few places in the code
thought the module had no version at all. This is now
fixed. [Andrew "Zefram" Main]
- When finding the default set of script_files, we now compute them
as relative paths, not absolute. [Spotted by Curtis "Ovid" Poe]
- Got rid of a call to eliminate_macros, which isn't needed in
Module::Build since there is no external make utility involved.
Override expand_test_dir to make up for the fact that the
home-grown glob() returns absolute, not relative, paths. [Craig
A. Berry]
- Fixed a catdir() that needed to be catfile() in the .packlist
creation code. [John E. Malmberg]
- If a *.PL file ended abnormally during the build, processing should
have stopped, but it didn't. Fixed. [Matthew Cast and David
- Module::Build::Compat adds "require 5.XXXXX" to Makefile.PL when
'perl' is specified as a 'requires' prerequisite [David Golden]
- Refactored t/compat.t for modularity and transparency; added
labels for all tests; supressed subprocess output to
STDOUT and STDERR [David Golden]
- Fixed bug in perl_version_to_float when version is already a float
[David Golden]
- Removed a mention of $build->{config} from the documentation, the
official interface to settings is now via the
$build->config() and has been for some time. [Suggested by Michael
- Tweaked some text in the Cookbook to bring it into the modern age,
and added a recipe for accessing settings. [Ibid]
- Lots of POD link/readability improvements to the Module::Build::API
documentation [Salve J. Nilsen]
- Added configure_requires as a new type of prereq. [Suggested by Adam
- Patch 31156 from bleadperl: some filename dot and extension help
for Module::Build on VMS. [Craig Berry]
- Reworked the _detildefy() method so it doesn't depend on glob()
anymore. This gets rid of a problem with spaces or other special
shell characters in things like 'prefix' or 'install_path'
entries. [Prodding by Eric Wilhelm]
- Added midnightbsd to the list of Unix-like OSes we know about
[Rafael Garcia-Suarez]
to trigger/signal a rebuild for the transition 5.8.8 -> 5.10.0.
The list of packages is computed by finding all packages which end
or PERL5_PACKLIST defined in their make setup (tested via
"make show-vars VARNAMES=...").
No compiler necessary.
can handle packages having no PLIST files.
- Added is_vmsish(), is_windowsish(), and is_unixish() boolean
convenience functions. Fixes some test failures on platforms where
$^O is set to a value we don't know about (like 'gnu').
- Upgraded to 0.7203. [John Peacock]
- Support get_action_docs() =head2 style. [ewilhelm]
- Workaround Test::Pod::Coverage @INC bug. [Eric Wilhelm]
- Fixed the command-line args --extra_compiler_flags and
--extra_linker_flags so they properly shell-split their arguments.
0.2807 - Sat Mar 24 22:19:02 2007
- Upgraded to 0.71. [John Peacock]
- Removed a couple small constructs in the tests ("use warnings;" and
"qw$foo bar$[1]") that caused test failures under perl 5.005.
- Added support for an explicit default value of undef in prompt().
[Eric Wilhelm]
- Improved our prompt() method, which could sometimes hang before the
user got a chance to see a prompt. [Andreas Koenig]
- Added a note about --allow_mb_mismatch to the error message that
happens right before someone might want to use that parameter.
- Added DragonflyBSD to the list of known Unix OSes.
- get_action_docs() dies on error rather than twiddling $@
- Made ModuleInfo's _evaluate_version_line() compatible with 'use
version ...$VERSION' lines. [Eric Wilhelm]
- Added some verbiage in Module::Build::API that officially blesses
the _build/prereqs file for external consumption. [Suggested by Andreas Koenig]
- Added test profiles support via the test_types property and "testall"
target. [Eric Wilhelm, Jeff Lavallee]
- Use syscopy() on OS/2 in copy_if_modified() so we make sure to
overwrite any existing target file. [Ilya Zakharevich]
- Removed seemingly silly '~~' test in t/tilde.t.
- In our test-time utility library t/lib/, we need to know
about a few .exe-like extensions on OS/2. [Ilya Zakharevich]
- In t/ppm.t, use DynaLoader::mod2fname() (if available) to determine
the correct translation of our test module's name into a DLL
name. [Ilya Zakharevich]
- Avoid an unlink() error on OS/2 when fixing shebang lines. [Ilya
- When we're protecting the world from the evils of long RedHat
$ENV{PERL5LIB} variables, don't assume $ENV{PERL5LIB} is already
defined. This gets rid of a huge number of warnings for some
people. [Dave Rolsky]
Revision history for Perl extension Module::Build.
- On some systems (haven't identified the actual problem yet)
$ENV{PERL5LIB} can grow to enormous enough sizes that we can't
launch any more subprocesses because the environment table is full.
This is the now-infamous "Couldn't run Build.PL: Argument list too
long" error. Now we detect such situations and trim the directory
list to only include directories that actually exist, listed only
once each. Not the ideal solution, but it should work.
- Silence a warning in M::B::ModuleInfo that happens when the author
is using the "$VERSION = eval $VERSION" idiom.
- When running the 'testcover' action, do "cover --delete" if any of
the test files have changed (we already did so if any of the code
under test has changed). [Suggested by Chris Dolan, RT #23584]
- Fixed a broken link in the documentation about PREFIX. [Spotted by
David Steinbrunner]
- Changes to do_system() & friends on VMS to get system calls working
much better there. [Craig Berry]
- Added the "pardist" target which creates a PAR binary distribution
akin to a PPM distribution. [Steffen Mueller]
- Added the Interix platform as a Unix variant. [Stephen Hartland]
- Improved the error message we emit when a distribution contains XS
files but the user has no C compiler. [Suggested by Andreas Koenig]
0.2805_01 Thu Sep 7 21:57:29 CDT 2006
- Because of a weird behavior of YAML::Node, any distribution that
used objects to define their versions was generating the
wrong syntax for the versions in their META.yml file. They will
now appear as strings like v3.42.1 or similar, including the
leading v.
- Upgraded to version 0.67 of [John Peacock]
- Added a contrib/ directory with a bash completion function for M::B
actions and switches. [Julian Mehnle]
- When we eval() the embedded code we will now die() if
the eval() was unsuccessful, rather than continuing blindly on and
dying mysteriously later.
- Added a 'retest' action that lets users run the current regression
tests on a previously-installed version of a distribution.
* Instead of storing an entire dump of the hash in the
_build/ directory upon startup, we now just store any overrides the
user or author has specified. Note that if you were doing anything
you weren't supposed to be doing, like poking around in the
internals of $buld->{config}, your code might break, so I've put
the asterisk of incompatibility on this one just to cover my
tuchus. [Idea originally by Randy Sims]
- Made copying files via copy_if_modified() a little less chatty.
0.2805 Sat Jul 29 22:01:24 CDT 2006
- We now embed a copy of right in the
Module::Build::Version source code, with John Peacock's blessing,
in case the user has a rough time installing This
helps alleviate troubles people were still having with working out
a seemingly circular dependency (even though now ships
with a standard Makefile.PL too). A >= 0.661 installed
on the system will take precedence over our bundled one. [John
- Fix some test warnings (or failures?) related to
numification. [John Peacock]
- The top-level 'version' entry in META.yml files we'd generated was
in the wrong format (it was being treated as a object
rather than a serialized copy) due to a weird YAML::Node issue.
- Don't 'use base qw(version)' anymore in our M::B::Version wrapper,
just set @ISA directly, because some people have reported that the
'use base' line is croaking.
- Added an 'allow_mb_mismatch' parameter to suppress the startup
check that ensures the version of M::B currently running is the
same as the one initially used to run the Build.PL. Use with
- Module::Build::ModuleInfo will no longer detect things that look
like $VERSION assignments after an __END__ or __DATA__ token.
- Updated documentation to mention the new mailing list on
rather than the old one on sourceforge.
0.2804 Sun Jul 16 16:41:25 CDT 2006
- Added 'use version;' in Module::Build::Version, because some
versions of won't automatically load when we do
'use base qw/version/;'. [Spotted by Erik Tank]
0.2803 Sat Jul 15 08:26:34 CDT 2006
- The META.yml file in the last release was all screwed up, so the
distribution wasn't indexed properly. Fixed in this release.
0.2802 Fri Jul 14 22:40:34 CDT 2006
- Added reliance on, which means we should deal much
better with the wide range of version specifications one finds on
CPAN. This is made possible by recent releases of that
give the user a pure-perl option, so installing
shouldn't be too onerous for most users. [John Peacock]
- We should be accepting the default when we're in unattended mode,
not acting dumb and ignoring both the default and the [empty]
answer from the user. Fixed. [Spotted by Nik Clayton]
0.2801 Sun May 21 00:07:40 CDT 2006
- Module::Build::Compat's emulation of INC is incorrectly prepending
a -I to the value of INC. This is incorrect because there should
already be a -I on the value. I.E. it's "perl Makefile.PL INC=-Ifoo"
not "perl Makefile.PL INC=foo" so Compat should not prefix a -I.
[Michael Schwern]
- Native batch scripts under Windows should not be converted by
pl2bat. [Spotted by Ron Savage]
- Tweaked the way we determine whether a file is executable on Unix.
We use this determination to decide whether to make it executable
during installation. [Julian Mehnle]
- Replaced a vestigial 'next' with 'return' now that the code is in a
subroutine (htmlify_pods()), not a loop. [Ron Savage]
- Fixed a guaranteed failure in t/signature.t when TEST_SIGNATURE was
set. [Eric R. Meyers]
- Fixed a test failure that occurred when testing or installing in
unattended mode - the code to test whether unattended mode and
attended mode are working properly was assuming that we started out
in attended mode. [Steve Peters]
- Improved our stand-in YAML generator that we use to generate
META.yaml when authors don't have a copy of installed on
their machine. It was unable to handle things like embedded
newlines in the data, now it has a much more extensive escaping
mechanism. [Stephen Adkins]
- Revised the docs for --prefix and PREFIX. [Michael Schwern]
0.28 Thu Apr 27 22:25:00 CDT 2006
- When y_n() or prompt() are called without a default value and the
build seems to be unattended (e.g. in automatic CPAN testing), we
now die() with an error message rather than silently returning
undef for prompt(), or looping indefinitely for y_n().
- When searching for '.modulebuildrc', return the first HOME-like
directory that actually contains the file instead of the first
existing directory. Document the search locations and the order
searched. [Spotted by David Golden]
- Split the API documentation out of Module::Build::Authoring into
its own document: Module::Build::API.
- We should not emit a warning if a Module::Build subclass is
required in a Makefile.PL that is not bundled in the current
distribution; it may be installed on the user's system. [Spotted by
Tyler MacDonald]
- copy_if_modified() now preserves the executable bit of the source
file. [Spotted by Julian Mehnle]
- Fixed compatibility of our screen-scraping the Test::Harness output
so we can recognize the most recent Test::Harness version. [Steve
- Backing out a requirement added in 0.27_06 on the method y_n()
to always include a default. This behavior would cause existing
build scripts to start failing. We now fail with a missing default
only when $ENV{PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT} is set because there is no
reasonable default.
- Make install_types() method smarter with respect to custom install
- Add documentation for the install_base_relpaths() and
prefix_relpaths() methods. Improved their usage for a public API,
and added tests.
0.27_10 Tue Mar 28 22:50:50 CST 2006
- Added the create_packlist property, default true, which controls
whether packlist files will be written during installation. This
was already part of Module::Build 0.2609, but for some reason we've
forgotten it in the 0.27_xx series. [Spotted by Steve Kirkup]
- Document the versions of Module::Build where each feature, action,
constructor argument, and method was first publicly documented.
- More fixes for find_perl_interpreter() to work with BSD flavored
UNIX: Ensure we always return absolute paths; throw an exception
upon failure to find correct interperter; document everything.
- We now include our own work-alike that we can use when the
real YAML isn't installed. We might soon even start using it when
YAML is installed, because the YAML API and dependency chain have
been changing in unfavorable ways lately. [Stephen Adkins]
- Fixed some shell-argument-quoting issues on VMS. In the process,
we have added some support for avoiding tripping over
shell-argument-quoting issues on other platforms too. [Initial
patch by Craig A. Berry]
0.27_09 Sat Mar 11 22:48:54 EST 2006
- Fixed find_perl_interpreter() so we can find the perl executable
when running from uninstalled perl even when $^X contains a
relative path. [Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes]
- Fixed warning message where we were printing the wrong field names.
[Chris Dolan]
- Added a 'testpodcoverage' action that runs a POD coverage check for
all modules in the distribution. [Yanick Champoux]
- Added a Cookbook example of subclassing to modify an action. [Dylan
Martin and David Golden]
- When building HTML documentation, we were opening the POD file and
not checking whether the open succeeded, which of course caused
problems down the line if it failed. Now we do "or die(...)" like
everywhere else. [Spotted by Joerg Braun]
0.27_08 Fri Mar 3 21:22:41 CST 2006
- Due to shell quoting issues and differences in syntax between
various flavors of Windows, the code for the 'pl2bat' utility
distributed with Perl has been incorporated into M::B::P::Windows.
[Thanks to Dr Bean and Ron Savage for help testing and isolating
the problem.]
- Modify add_build_element() so that it only adds elements if they
don't already exist. [David Wheeler]
- Fixed a bug in the 'pass-through' Makefile.PL in which we would die
if CPAN::Shell->install returned false, but apparently this return
value is unreliable. Now we only die if the module is actually
unavailable after installation.
- Fixed testing problems on VMS related to non-case-preserving
filesystems. We now bundle Tie::CPHash in the distribution (just
for testing purposes, it doesn't get installed) to help with
this. [Craig Berry and Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes]
- We incorrectly documented the 'dynamic_config' flag in the META.yml
file as having a default value of false, but according to the
META.yml spec (which, for heaven's sake, we wrote) its default
value is true. Fixed. [Spotted by Adam Kennedy]
- The have_c_compiler() method was dying if the ExtUtils::CBuilder
module wasn't around, which is obviously an unhelpful thing to do.
Now it just returns false. [Spotted by John Peacock]
- Fix detection of $VERSION expressions that are not
assignments. [Spotted by Chris Dolan]
- Obfuscate one of our constructs that uses a $VERSION variable,
because it was getting picked up by ExtUtils::MakeMaker's
version-finder. [Spotted by Randal Schwartz]
- The config_data script for querying and/or setting a module's
config data was forgetting to call write() after setting config
values (though setting feature values was working fine).
Fixed. [Brian Duggan]
- On Windows, remove the pl2bat generated 'Build.bat' script without
the annoying "The batch file cannot be found." error. [Solution
provided by RazTK and foxidrive on newsgroup alt.msdos.batch]
- Our version comparisons should now work correctly with modules that
use to delcare their versions (e.g. "our $VERSION =
version->new('1.0.0')"). [John Peacock and Ron Savage]
- We now create a Build.bat script on versions of Windows where it
makes sense. [Yves]
- Fixed the verbiage around choosing the correct make-alike on
different platforms to suggest using 'perl -V:make'. [Suggested by
anonymous user]
0.27_07 Wed Feb 1 20:07:45 CST 2006
- The notes() method now returns the new value when called with two
arguments, just like when it's called with one argument. [Tyler
- The notes() method now distinguishes among the values undef, 0, and
the empty string, where previously it didn't. [Tyler MacDonald]
- We now unshift(@INC) rather than push(@INC) for the directory where
a build subclass lives, so that we're sure to pick up the right
version and not some already-installed version. [perlmonkey]
- The SIGNATURE file for version 0.27_06 (and I'm sure for lots of
versions before that too!) was messed up, since we were modifying
some files after signing. This has been band-aided for the time
being by signing twice. [Reported by Chris Dolan]
0.27_06 Mon Jan 23 21:44:54 CST 2006
- Fixed an undefined-variable warning when building the META.yml file
and the author hasn't used the 'module_name' mechanism. [Chris Dolan]
- We should now work with recent (> 0.49) versions of when
creating the META.yml file. [Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes]
- The y_n() method now requires the default parameter, and the
prompt() and y_n() methods have been improved with respect to
how they behave/detect when there is no user to ask. We're now
more consistent with MakeMaker, including respecting the
PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT environment variable. [Tyler MacDonald and
Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes]
- When building a README file using Pod::Text, work around a bug in
Pod::Text 3.01, which expects Pod::Simple::parse_file to take input
and output filehandles when it actually only takes an input
filehandle. [Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes]
0.27_05 Thu Jan 12 17:39:21 CST 2006
- In t/, we were attempting to let the user's installed
Test::More take precedence over ours, but getting thwarted by all
the test scripts' loading Test::More beforehand. Fixed. [Spotted
by Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes]
- In various test scripts, we were outputting some strings that
weren't strictly conformant with Test::Harness's expected input,
though it didn't actually cause problems. Now we're more
conformant, though not yet strict. [Spotted by Yitzchak
0.27_04 Fri Dec 23 10:43:34 CST 2005
- Removed experimental feature that extended the prerequisite system
to apply ('requires', 'recommends', and 'conflicts') prereqs to all
actions. Most of the internal extensiblity has been retained so
that prereq types can easily be added, more selectively.
- Added a 'prereq_report' action that shows the user a well-formatted
list of all prerequisites, the versions required, and the versions
actually installed. [David Wheeler]
- Clarified the directory name that's created during the 'distdir'
action. [Suggested by Tyler MacDonald]
- Fixed a bug when creating the META.yml file without the help of - some common strings weren't quoted & escaped properly.
Now only some uncommon ones are. [Spotted by Joshua ben Jore]
- Fixed a bug in which an "UNINST=1" argument specified to a
passthrough Makefile's "make install" wasn't actually seen by
- Rather than dying when the Build script is run from the wrong
directory, it now simply chdir()s into the right directory and
keeps going. [Suggested by Dominique Quatravaux]
- Added an "Examples on CPAN" section to the cookbook, with an
initial entry pointing to John Peacock's SVN-Notify-Mirror
- Add an invoked_action() method to return the name of the original
action invoked by the user.
- Add 'meta-spec' field to the generated META.yml file, including the
version of the specification followed by the current Module::Build
and the url where the specification can be found.
- Introduced two actions, 'html' & 'manpages', that generate
documentation for POD when the respective feature is enabled. The
actions will generate the documents even if there is no set place
to install to. However, if the actions are invoked as a dependency
of another action (e.g. build), the documentation will only be
built when there is a default or user-specified place to install to.
- Added support for environment variable, 'MODULEBUILDRC', which can
be used to specify the full path to an option file to use instead
of the default location of ~/.modulebuildrc. A special undocumented
setting of 'NONE' tells Module::Build not to load any user settings,
so tests can be run without tainting from user options.
- Documented and improved preliminary support for more Getopt::Long
style options are supported, including boolean options (--verbose,
--no-verbose), and use of hyphens in option names in addition to
- The option to disable/enable reading of the ~/.modulebuildrc file
is changed from 'skip_rcfile' to 'use_rcfile'
- Allow the 'distmeta' action to continue when 'MANIFEST' is missing,
omitting the generation of the 'provieds' field. [Steven Schubiger]
- Fixed some failing regex from generated MANIFEST.SKIP file.
- Fixed an edge case in $VERSION parsing where we thought a package()
declaration was happening but it wasn't. [David Golden]
- Added docs for the install_destination() and install_types() methods.
0.27_03 (Beta for 0.28) Mon Oct 10 11:19:23 EDT 2005
- We now use ExtUtils::CBuilder to do all compiling of C code (for
example, when compiling XS modules). (This change actually
occurred in 0.27_01, but it was mistakenly omitted from the Changes
- Fixed an issue on Win32 (and other case-tolerant
non-case-preserving systems, possibly like VMS?) in which the
current working directory would sometimes be reported with
different case, fooling us into thinking that we were in the wrong
directory. [David Golden]
- The extra_compiler_flags setting was not actually being passed
along to ExtUtils::CBuilder so it could pass it along to the
compiler. Now it is.
- The synonyms 'scripts' and 'prereq' for 'script_files' and
'requires' were broken in a previous version (0.27_01, probably),
but now they're fixed. [David Golden]
- Previously, we assumed that any custom subclass of Module::Build
was located in _build/lib/. This is only true if the author used
the subclass() method, though. We now use %INC to find where the
custom subclass really is, so that we can "use lib" it. We also
issue a warning if it seems to be outside the build directory.
[Spotted by Peter Tandler]
- Added a URL for each license type that we know about, which will
appear as resources=>license: in the generated META.yml file.
- If the user passes a no_index parameter to our constructor, we now
pass that through when building the META.yml file. [Richard
Soderberg, RT #9603]
- A few more status messages can now be suppressed by using 'quiet'
mode. [Dave Rolsky]
- Added some more entries to the default MANIFEST.SKIP file. [Chris
- Our POD parser will now accept "AUTHORS" as well as "AUTHOR" when
looking for the author list in a module. [David Wheeler]
- When looking for the POD to auto-generate a README file, or for the
AUTHOR or ABSTRACT for the distribution, we now also look for a
*.pod with the same name as the *.pm file specified by
'version_from'. [David Golden]
- The recommended dependency on ExtUtils::ParseXS has been moved into
the "C_support" auto_feature.
- When building XS files, we now pass the -DVERSION and -DXS_VERSION
flags to the compiler. [Spotted by Jerry Hedden]
- If a distribution has XS files and Module::Build has not been
configured with the "C_support" feature, we now issue a
warning. [Suggested by Jerry Hedden]
- Added a dir_contains() method.
- Some versions of MakeMaker, CPANPLUS, and/or PAUSE thought that a
certain line of our code was declaring a $VERSION when we didn't
intend to. The line has been obscurified so they won't think that
anymore. [Jos Boumans, RT #14226]
- Added the Apache, MIT, and Mozilla licenses to the list of licenses
that this module knows about. [Bob Ippolito]
- Fixed a pretty significant typo in the documentation for
auto_features. [Spotted by Jonas B. Nielsen]
- In order to aid people who want to do customization of the META.yml
file, we've added a "metafile" property that can then be easily
overridden in subclasses, changed do_create_meta_yml() to
do_create_metafile(), and split out the code that actually
generates the YAML into a new method, write_metafile(). [David
- Fixed a couple of non-helpful behaviors with extra_compiler_flags
and extra_linker_flags. These will automatically be run through
split_like_shell() when given to new() as strings.
- When the user doesn't have ExtUtils::ParseXS installed and we use
the old 'xsubpp', the displayed command line for creating the .c
file from the .xs file was missing its newline. Now it's got it.
0.27_02 (Beta for 0.28) Fri Jul 15 07:34:58 CDT 2005
- Provided initial support for the --prefix installation parameter,
which acts like MakeMaker's PREFIX. It is still highly recommended
NOT to use it when you could reasonably use --install_base or
--install_path or --install_dest, but that's just because the way
--prefix is designed is weird and unpredictable. Ultimately the
choice rests with the installing user. [Patches by Michael Schwern
and Rob Kinyon]
- Fixed a bug in subclass() which prevented people from using it to
subclass subclasses of Module::Build. [Chris Dolan]
- Added a 'pure_install' action, which for the time being is
identical to the 'install' action. [Jos Boumans]
- Fixed a POD error in an L<http://...> tag. [Offer Kaye]
- Note several options for automatically creating a new module dev
tree. [Suggested by Eric Wilhelm]
- Removed some hard-coded references to File::Spec::Unix in the
creation of HTML docs, which should help that code work in more
places, and help people not to panic when they look at it. [Spotted
by Yves]
- We now use Pod::Readme by default (instead of Pod::Text) to
generate the README file when the 'create_readme' option is used.
If Pod::Readme is not installed, we will still fall back to using
Pod::Text. [Robert Rothenberg]
- The values of the "prefix", "install_base", "install_path", and
"install_dest" parameters can now begin with "~" or "~user", and
we'll de-tilde-ify them by using glob().
- The (optional) auto-creation of the README and Makefile.PL files
have been moved from the 'distdir' action to the 'distmeta'
action. [David Golden]
- When looking for a .modulebuildrc file, we now use a fancier method
of trying to find the home directory, because $ENV{HOME} isn't a
very cross-platform variable. [Robert Rothenberg]
- We now memoize the output of the internal _default_INC() method,
since it uses backticks and might be kind of slow.
- When processing XS files, we now look for a typemap in lib/ as well
as using the system's default typemap. [John Peacock]
- The DESTDIR, PREFIX, and INSTALL_BASE arguments to "make install"
are now supported for pass-through Makefiles (they've been
supported for quite a while as arguments to "perl
Makefile.PL"). [Requested by Guillaume Rousse]
- Test::Harness has changed its output format in recent versions,
which threw off one of our tests. We now allow for this different
format. [Reported by Scott Godin]
- Fixed an issue that prevented Module::Build from upgrading itself
using its own API (which is how CPANPLUS uses it). There are still
some issues with this solution, however. See ticket #13169 in [Reported by Jos Boumans]
- Fixed a fatal error that occurred when a distribution's author
could not be determined from its POD nor from the call to
Module::Build->new() in its Build.PL. See ticket #12318 in [Reported by Jos Boumans]
- Apparently on Windows and cygwin it's not possible to use the "-pi"
switch to perl without a backup extension, so now we use ".bak" and
remove the backup file when we're done. Thus the "dist" action for
Module::Build itself can now be run on those platforms. [Yitzchak
- Improved the handling of auto_features in the config_data access
script. [Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes]
0.27_01 (Beta for 0.28) Fri Apr 15 21:12:57 CDT 2005
Backward-incompatible (but better) changes:
* When using the 'install_base' option to choose a directory for
installing everything, perl modules now go into lib/perl5/ instead
of just lib/. It seems this is more consistent with people's
expectations, and the way I had it before was a bit peculiar to the
way I like things in my own home directory. [Michael Schwern]
* When the user is using the 'install_base' option, scripts will now
be installed by default in $install_base/bin/ rather than
$install_base/script/ . [Jan Hudec and Michael Schwern]
Major changes:
- The auto_features mechanism will now re-evaluate dependencies every
time feature() is called for an auto-feature, rather than freezing
the success/failure value during 'perl Build.PL' and using that
value for all eternity (or module update, whichever comes first).
This applies to both $build->feature() and
FooModule::ConfigData->feature() calls. [Requested by many]
- Added the meta_add and meta_merge mechanisms, which let the module
author add/merge arbitrary entries into the META.yml file.
- Now reads per-action default options from '$ENV{HOME}/.modulebuildrc'
if it exists. Command line options override anything set in the rc file.
- We now use ExtUtils::CBuilder to do all compiling of C code (for
example, when compiling XS modules).
- The creation of Unix man pages is no longer a strict necessity - it
has now been turned into an 'auto-feature' contingent on the
presence of Pod::Man and a location specified for man pages to go.
- A user-specified 'install_path' setting will now take precedence
over an 'install_base' setting. This allows the user to use
'install_base' to set the base for all elements in one go, and then
use 'install_path' to override specific paths or add paths for
additional kinds of targets.
- Split the main documentation from 'Module/' into two
sections. The user level documentation and overview remains in
'Module/', while a new document,
'Module/Build/Authoring.pod', has been created for module authors.
Minor changes:
- new_from_context() was losing its arguments in some cases (and not
because of inadequate training in forensic debate) - we now pass its
arguments directly to the Build.PL script rather than merging them
in afterwards.
- Let resume() return an object blessed into the appropriate class
if the user has provided a subclass, as specified by the
'build_class' property. This allows current() and new_from_context()
to behave more like factory methods returning objects of the correct
class based on context. [Ray Zimmerman]
- Refactored methods relating to parsing perl module files for
package, version, and pod data into a new class:
Module::Build::ModuleInfo. It should not be considered part of
Module::Build's API, because we may split it out entirely as a
separate CPAN module that we depend on.
- Added new method Module::Build::prepare_metadata() for authors to
override in order to add custom fields to META.yml.
- We now use Test::More for our regression tests. If the user
doesn't have it installed, we include a copy in t/lib/ that we can
use during testing.
- When copying files in the 'distdir' action, set permissions to match
the original files. [Julian Mehnle]
- When adding files like META.yml to the MANIFEST, we now tell the
user we're doing so by printing one of the "Added to MANIFEST: ..."
lines. [Ron Savage]
- Added a runtime_params() method, which lets a module author see
which parameters were overridden by the user on the command line
(or in whatever paradigm the user originally invoked Module::Build
from). [David Wheeler]
- Added the current_action() method, which, surprisingly, returns the
name of the currently running action. [David Wheeler]
- Added docs for run_perl_script().
- Added some stuff to the docs about why PREFIX is unsupported, and
what to use instead. [Steve Purkis]
- The simple get/set accessor methods for all the 'parameters' like
verbose(), license(), etc. now have auto-generated documentation in
- Created a Cookbook entry for 'Adding new elements to the install
- We now add META.yml to the MANIFEST when META.yml is created, not
when MANIFEST is created. [Spotted by Ron Savage]
- Added some additional patterns to the suggested MANIFEST.SKIP
contents, and changed the docs so that we encourage the user to use
the MANIFEST.SKIP. [Ron Savage]
- Eliminated a redundant recipe from the Cookbook, now that there are
some more extensive recipes on how to add stuff to the
build/install sequences.
- Eliminated an undefined-variable warning when testing under perl 5.005
- When building HTML documentation, 'html_backlink' and 'html_css'
properties are now first-class properties, so they can be set from
the command line. [Suggested by Sagar R. Shah]
- Have script_files default to everything in bin. I believe this is
the least surprising behavior. [Suggested by Michael Schwern]
- If script_files is given a directory, consider each file in that
directory tree as a script to be installed. This avoids having to
remember to add to the script_files list every time you add a
program. [Suggested by Michael Schwern]
- We now only load Pod::Man when we actually need to build man pages.
- We now make Test::Harness use our carefully-selected path to a perl
executable regardless of Test::Harness's version. Previously we
let it figure stuff out for itself if it was a reasonably modern
version, but it's safer to make sure we're using the same perl
developer is officially maintaining the package.
The rationale for changing this from "tech-pkg" to "pkgsrc-users" is
that it implies that any user can try to maintain the package (by
submitting patches to the mailing list). Since the folks most likely
to care about the package are the folks that want to use it or are
already using it, this would leverage the energy of users who aren't
0.2611 Mon Jun 13 22:22:53 CDT 2005
- Fix the output of an informational message that we output when
changing the 'shebang line' in installable scripts. [Robin Barker]
- Backported a change from the 0.27_xx branch that keeps track of any
custom Module::Build subclass that might have been created in the
Build.PL script, so that we can reinstantiate the right class in
new_from_context(). [Requested by Jos Boumans]
Same 15 test failures as 0.2610.
of Perl files to deal with the perl-5.8.7 update that moved all
pkgsrc-installed Perl files into the "vendor" directories.
These paths are now relative to PERL5_PACKLIST_DIR, which currently
defaults to ${PERL5_SITEARCH}. There is no change to the binary
0.2610 Fri Apr 15 08:25:01 CDT 2005
- new_from_context() was losing its arguments in some cases (and not
because of inadequate training in debate) - we now pass its
arguments directly to the Build.PL script rather than merging them
in afterwards. [Ray Zimmerman]
- Fixed a bug in which config_data and feature data were being
forgotten and no module would get written. [Ray
- Added a recipe to the cookbook showing how to run a single test
file from the command line. [William McKee]
- For command-line arguments, we now accept the syntax "--foo=bar" in
addition to "--foo bar" and "foo=bar". This seems to fit well with
what GNU getopt and Getopt::Long do, and with people's
expectations. [Adam Spiers]
0.2609 Wed Mar 16 22:18:35 CST 2005
- The html docs that were created during the first invokation of
'./Build' were being found and treated as pod that needed to be
converted to html during subsequent invokations. We now are more
specific about the directories we scan for pod that needs to be
converted, effectively avoiding blib/html. [Ray Zimmerman]
- If Pod::Man is not available, we now skip building man pages
(rather than dying) and tell the user why.
- We now write a .packlist file upon installation, in the same place
that ExtUtils::MakeMaker does. [Johnny Lam]
- On some Unix platforms (BSD derivatives, mostly) perl's $^X
variable isn't set to the full path of the perl executable, just
'perl', when the 'Build' script is run as './Build' and not 'perl
./Build'. This can lead to some other modules (maybe
Test::Harness, maybe IO::File, I dunno...) getting very confused
about where they are, and they try to load stuff from the wrong
perl lib, and big trouble ensues. To fix this, we now set $^X to
the value of Module::Build->find_perl_interpreter().
- The 'distcheck' action will now die() if it finds an error in the
MANIFEST, rather than just printing on STDOUT. [David Golden]
- When the README and/or Makefile.PL are autogenerated using
create_readme or create_makefile_pl, we now automatically make sure
they're also listed in the MANIFEST file. [Suggested by Michael
- Got rid of the t/MANIFEST file - it's superfluous, and it had
zero-length, which some versions of Tar don't like. [William
- Added a mention in the documentation that each property that new()
accepts also has a corresponding get/set accessor. (In the version
0.27_0x series each accessor method is mentioned explicitly in the
docs.) [Omission spotted by Ian Langworth]
'make test' failures down to
Failed 1/13 test scripts, 92.31% okay. 19/311 subtests failed, 93.89% okay.
Failed 3/13 test scripts, 76.92% okay. 41/319 subtests failed, 87.15% okay.
does. This allows us to use dynamic PLISTs for Perl modules that are
built using Module::Build. Bump the PKGREVISION of p5-Module-Build
to 1.
* Drop the use of PERL5_USES_MODULE_BUILD and introduce a new variable
PERL5_MODULE_TYPE that is either "MakeMaker" or "Module::Build" that
names the framework used to build/install the module.
* Split out the variables set in perl5/ that are also used
by perl5/ into a new file perl5/ Move some PERL5_*
variable definitions from pkgsrc/mk/ into perl5/
This just centralizes the common PERL5_* definitions into a single
file location.
* Convert the known packages that use Module::Build to set
0.2608 Wed Jan 26 19:46:09 CST 2005
- Add workaround for test files because Devel::Cover causes
require to fail when the argument to require is an expression
involving File::Spec. We now assign the result of the File::Spec
call to a variable and then call require with that variable.
- Tilde-expansion is now performed on arguments passed to a
compatibility-Makefile.PL [Spotted by Sam Vilain]
- We now run the 'gzip' and 'tar' values through split_like_shell()
when running the 'dist' action, so that e.g. the 'gzip' value can
be set to something like "gzip -f --best" and it'll work
correctly. [Spotted by Chris Dolan]
- Work around some bad mojo between Fedora Core [with its very long
@INC] and old versions of Test::Harness [with its propensity to
compound the number of @INC entries] that produced an "argument
list too long" error during testing. [assisted by Ville Skytta,
David Golden, & Randy Sims]
- Killed an infinite loop that would happen in y_n() in interactive
mode if the author provided no default value. [Max Maischein]
0.2607 (Bug fix release in 0.26 series) Sat Dec 18 14:14:09 CST 2004
- Instead of freezing @INC in the 'Build' script to the value it had
when Build.PL was run, we now just add those additional values that
aren't part of the default compiled-in @INC. [Michael Schwern]
- The run_perl_script() method will now propagate any extra entries
in @INC (such as those added by "use lib" or the -I command-line
switch) to the subprocess. This helps situations in which you want
to tell the subprocess where to find a certain module, for
instance. [Michael Schwern]
0.2606 (Bug fix release in 0.26 series) Tue Dec 7 22:33:11 CST 2004
- Fixed a linking bug on Win32, in which compiled C code object files
never got linked in with the modules being built. [Dominic
- Fixed a bug in the new_from_context() method in which any arguments
passed made us die. [Spotted by Jos Boumans]
0.2605 (Bug fix release in 0.26 series) Tue Nov 30 07:16:13 CST 2004
- Fixed a bug in which zero-length arguments for hash-valued
parameters (e.g. " --config foo= ") weren't being allowed.
- The tests now play better with environments in which is
pre-loaded, like in bleadperl. [John Peacock & Michael Schwern]
- Fixed a syntax error in one of the tests under perl 5.005.
0.2604 (Bug fix release in 0.26 series) Wed Nov 17 14:32:42 CST 2004
- Fixed a split_like_shell() bug introduced in 0.2603 for Windows, in
which an array reference passed as an argument was returned as an
array reference, rather than as a list. [Spotted by Steve Hay]
- module_name() will now return '' instead of undef when module_name
is not set. This eliminates a couple uninitialized-value
warnings. [Suggested by Michael Schwern]
- The expand_test_dir() method will now skip dotfiles (like ._foo.t,
which sometimes gets automatically created on Mac systems) when
'recursive_test_files' is in effect. [Tom Insam]
0.2603 (Bug fix release in 0.26 series) Mon Nov 15 10:28:00 CST 2004
- Added documentation for the new_from_context() method.
- Completely rewrote the split_like_shell() method for the Windows
platform so it works like the shell. [Randy Sims]
0.2602 (Bug fix release in 0.26 series) Thu Nov 4 11:19:29 CST 2004
- The two bug fixes in 0.2601 gnashed against each other incorrectly,
resulting in a Win32 bug in split_like_shell(). Fixed. [Spotted
by Steve Hay & Randy Sims]
- Removed a couple of 'use warnings' statements from the code - they
were causing compile failures on 5.005_04, where isn't
available. [Blair Zajac]
0.2601 (Bug fix release in 0.26 series) Wed Nov 3 20:09:27 CST 2004
- Fixed some backslash problems with split_like_shell() on
Win32. [Steve Hay]
- Fixed a bug in split_like_shell() in which leading whitespace was
creating an empty word, manifesting as something like "gcc - no
such file or directory" during tests. [Spotted by Warren L. Dodge]
0.26 Sat Oct 9 17:51:01 CDT 2004
- Removed some language from the Module::Build::Compat documentation
that encouraged people to include a Build.PL without a Makefile.PL.
Also changed "a replacement for MakeMaker" to "an alternative to
MakeMaker" in the main documentation, which is basically what I
meant all along (i.e. a replacement for MakeMaker in your
particular build process - MakeMaker is never going to be fully
replaced in the perl world at large, of course), but some people
got the impression I was a little more truculent toward MakeMaker
than I really am.
- Added the formal concepts of "features" and "config data" for
distributions. This allows the module author to define a certain
set of features that the user can switch on and off (usually
according to whether they have the proper prerequisites for them),
and to save build-time configuration information in a standardized
format. See the main documentation of Module::Build for more
details. (Note that the name of this system was called
"BuildConfig" for a while in beta, but now it's called
- Added an 'auto_features' capability, which simplifies the process
of defining features that depend on a set of prerequisites.
- Added the 'get_options' parameter, which lets module authors
declare certain command-line arguments their Build.PL can accept
[David Wheeler]
- Changed the split_like_shell() method to use the shellwords()
function from Text::ParseWords (a core module since 5.0), which
does a much better job than the split() we were using.
- Added a 'testpod' action, which checks the syntactic validity of
all POD files in the distribution using Test::Pod. This eliminates
the need for doing so in a regression test. [Initial patch by Mark
- Added a process_files_by_extension() method, which generalizes the
kind of processing (essentially just copying) that happens for .pm
and .pod files, and makes it available to other user-defined types
of files. See the new cookbook entry.
- Improved compatibility with when authors are using
version objects as their $VERSION variables. Now
version_from_file() can deal with these objects. Currently we
stringify them right away, but perhaps in the future we will
preserve them as objects for a while.
- During 'distdir' and 'distmeta' actions, die a bit more gracefully
if there's no MANIFEST (i.e. explicitly say that a MANIFEST is
required). [Spotted by Adrian Howard]
- Eliminated a recursive dependency between creating the MANIFEST
file and creating the META.yml file. [Spotted by Dave Rolsky]
- On Win32, where a single directory might be known variously as
"Module-Build-0.25_03" or "MODULE~1.25_", we now use
Win32::GetShortPathName($cwd) to verify that the 'Build' script is
being run from the correct directory, rather than just a string
- The add_to_cleanup() method will now accept glob()-style patterns
in addition to explicit filenames. Also documented the fact that
they can be specified in either Unix-style or native-style
- Passing a PREFIX value to a pass-through Makefile 'make install'
now has the same effect as passing it to 'perl Makefile.PL' (it
dies with a helpful message).
- Added the 'testcover' action, which runs a test suite using
Devel::Cover. [Dave Rolsky]
- Added the 'lib' and 'arch' installation directories to the search
path for the 'diff' action, since they won't necessarily (though
they usually will) be in @INC at installation time. [Suggested by
Kevin Baker]
- The "=head3" POD directive isn't supported in older podlators
(particularly Pod::Man), so we don't use it anymore.
- Fixed a typo & improved the docs in the SUBCLASSING section. [Ron
- Added the '.tmp' suffix to the default MANIFEST.SKIP file, which
should avoid adding things like pod2htmi.tmp to the MANIFEST [Ron
- Backup files from Emacs, containing the string '.#' in their names,
should no longer find their way into the blib/ directory (and from
there into installation directories).
- Worked around an unpleasant interaction between and the
version-checking code that makes sure Module::Build's version
hasn't changed during the lifetime of the 'Build' script. [Reported
by Trevor Schellhorn]
- Fixed a problem in htmlify_pods() that would produce test failures
on Cygwin (and probably elsewhere). [Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes]
- Fixed a test failure on Cygwin (and probably elsewhere) in
t/compat.t, resulting from empty environment variables being set to
the empty string (as opposed to simply being unset) by their mere
presence in the "EXPORT:" list.
- Fixed a fatal error that occurred when the author specified
'dist_author' manually in their Build.PL script. [Spotted by Ron
- The 'provides' section of the META.yml file wasn't being built
properly on Win32, because of a mismatch between URL-format and
native-format pathnames. Fixed. [Reported by Robert Rothenberg]
- The progress message "lib/Foo.xs -> lib/Foo.c" was previously being
output even when the Foo.c file wasn't being rebuilt. It's now
- Fixed a couple of places in where it could have forgotten
which perl interpreter it had been run with ($^X isn't very
- On some systems, the way we updated the timestamp on the
"lib/" file (one of the output files for XS-based modules)
was failing. It's been replaced by a simple call to utime().
- Fixed a problem in t/compat.t that prevented it from being run
individually using 'make test TEST_FILES=t/compat.t'. The problem
was that a couple environment variables (TEST_FILES, MAKEFLAGS)
were being passed through to subprocesses, and confused them.
- Fixed an important typo in the documentation for the 'install_base'
parameter ('libdoc' and 'bindoc' were switched). [Ray Zimmerman]
- The pass-through Makefiles (type 'small' or 'passthrough') now
support the TEST_FILES parameter to 'make test'.
- Fixed a fatal error that would occur on perl 5.005 when building
HTML documentation, because its version of Pod::Html was old and
didn't like some of the parameters we fed it. [Spotted by Blair
- The final line of the generated pass-through Makefile was missing
its trailing newline, which is now fixed. [Chip Salzenberg]
- We now depend on YAML version at least 0.35 and at most version
0.49, so that we don't pick up a new (and backward-incompatible) beta
version from CPAN.
- Squashed a warning in t/basic.t about '"Foo::Module::VERSION" used
only once', and one in PPMMaker about $^V being undefined. [Blair
- Added a couple temporary output files from HTML documentation
generation to the cleanup list. [Toby Ovod-Everett]
- The PodParser module will now only extract paragraphs in the
'AUTHOR' section of the pod if they contain an '@' character. This
tends to do a better job, heuristically speaking, of returning
relevant stuff.
- Added regression tests and a helper method ( add_build_elements() )
for adding new elements to the build process. Also some
- Wrote a recipe in the Cookbook for adding new elements to the build
process, and a recipe for changing the order in which the steps in
the build process will occur.
0.25 Sun Apr 25 11:12:36 CDT 2004
- During the 'distdir' action, if no MANIFEST.SKIP file exists, we
will now create a reasonable default one. [Randy Sims]
- In Makefile compatibility mode, some arguments (like UNINST,
TEST_VERBOSE, etc.) given to 'make' are now recognized and passed
through to Module::Build. [Randy Sims]
- The regression tests now make sure that several pass-through
Makefile.PL parameters are dealt with correctly.
- Added support for the 'LIB' parameter to passthrough
Makefile.PLs. [Spotted by Jesse Erlbaum]
- Passing a 'PREFIX' parameter to a passthrough Makefile.PL was
supposed to make it die with a helpful error message, but instead
it just ignored it and blindly tried to install to the wrong place.
This is now fixed. [Spotted by Jesse Erlbaum]
- Added an extra_compiler_flags() accessor method.
- If the 'recursive_test_files' option was turned on, the test files
weren't sorted, but returned in an apparently random order. Now
they're sorted. [Martyn Peck]
- Documented the 'tar' and 'gzip' parameters to the 'dist' and
'ppmdist' actions.
- The generation of HTML documentation now works (it was accidentally
partially implemented with an itchy patch-application finger in
0.24). [Randy Kobes]
- Fixed a fatal bug when building META.yml with and
'dynamic_config' is set. [Reported by Jaap Karssenberg]
- Fixed some incorrect error messages that occurred when
compiling/linking C sources went awry.
- If the author uses a custom builder subclass, that subclass will
now be loaded correctly in the passthrough Makefile.PL if the
author uses the 'small' or 'passthrough' Makefile.PL options in
Module::Build::Compat. [Martyn Peck and Jaap Karssenberg]
- If the author uses a custom builder subclass created dynamically
through the subclass() method, passthrough Makefile.PLs (of type
'passthrough' or 'small') didn't work properly, because the custom
builder module wouldn't be loaded at the right time. This has been
fixed. [Reported by Toby Ovod-Everett]
- In M::B-generated 'traditional' Makefile.PLs, the entries in
'PREREQ_PM' are now sorted ASCIIbetically rather than randomly.
- The install_types() method will now return any additional types
given as 'install_path' arguments, as well as all elements of the
current 'install_sets' entry. This makes it easier to add new
types of installable objects to the mix.
- As a consequence of the previous change, there is no longer any
need to have an explicit 'install_types' data member, so it has
been removed.
- In the second example code for the Module::Build->subclass()
method, the Module::Build module needed to be loaded before calling
its methods. [John Peacock]
- Fixed minor error in the POD structure of Module::Build and
Module::Build::Platform::VMS docs.
0.24 Wed Feb 25 15:57:00 CST 2004
- Fixed a problem with incude_dirs not being propagated to the 'ccs'
file when compiling XS files on Win32. [Randy Sims and Steve Hay]
- In 0.23, Module::Build::Compat->fake_makefile() started choking
when no 'build_class' parameter was supplied in the Makefile.PL.
Since these Makefile.PLs still exist on CPAN, we now default
'build_class' to 'Module::Build', which was the old 0.22 behavior
anyway. [Reported by Martin Titz and Jeremy Seitz]
- Added documentation for the 'include_dirs' parameter to
new(). [Steve Hay]
- Changed the no-op command on Win32 from 'rem' to 'rem>nul' inside
pass-through Makefiles. [Randy Sims]
- The 'autosplit' parameter now accepts an array reference if
multiple files should be split. [Jaap Karssenberg]
- find_perl_interpreter() will now use $^X (if absolute), $ENV{PATH}
(if $^X isn't absolute), and $Config{perlpath}, in that order.
Also, we now make darn sure the result is the same version of perl,
by checking Config::myconfig() for a match against the current
perl. [Reported by Edward Sabol]
- Fixed a fatal error on Win32 (and any other platform that doesn't
define an installation location for Unix-style man pages) during
0.23 Sun Feb 8 22:01:18 CST 2004
- Fixed a compatibility problem in pass-through Makefiles (created by
Module::Build::Compat). Some 'make' utilities (for example, BSD
make) didn't like a '@' by itself on a line, so we stole some
'NOOP' code from MakeMaker to fix it. [Reported by Mathieu Arnold]
- Added a 'ppm_dist' action, which just makes the PPD file and then
makes a tarball out of the blib/ directory. [Randy Sims]
- The @INC of the parent process is now propagated to child processes
when processing *.PL files. [Reported by Jaap Karssenberg]
- We now only attempt to fix the shebang line on a script if the
shebang line matches the regex /perl/i . This fixes some instances
where people put shell scripts in their distributions. [Jaap
- We no longer generate a 'requires', 'recommends', 'conflicts',
etc. entry in the META.yml file if there's no data to go in it.
- Added a documentation reference to Michael Schwern's wiki for tips
on conversion from MakeMaker to M::B. [Randy Sims]
- If there are script_files, we now add EXE_FILES to the
'traditional' Makefile.PL generated by M::B::Compat. [Suggested by
Yuval Kogman]
- Documented the 'test_files' parameter to new(). [Reported by Tony
- Fixed a problem in "Build help <action>", which didn't find the
correct help chunk if <action> was the final element in a POD
list. [Jaap Karssenberg]
- Fixed a problem in the get_action_docs() method which gave
incorrect results if the method was called more than once in the
same program.
- Fixed a problem in which actions defined by user subclasses
wouldn't be available via the pass-through Makefiles created by
Module::Build::Compat. [Reported by Jaap Karssenberg]
- We now use Data::Dumper instead of our own ad-hoc serialization
routines to create the 'traditional' Makefile.PL
arguments. [Suggested by Yuval Kojman]
0.22 Sat Jan 10 22:05:39 CST 2004
- On Unixish platforms, the syntax "FOO=BAR /bin/baz arg arg" now
works when present in $Config{ld}. This solves a problem on Mac OS
X 10.3. [Reported by Adam Foxson]
- The have_c_compiler() now also tests whether the linker seems to
work too.
- Fixed a problem with creating the distribution tarball in which
permissions would usually be all read-only. We now use our own
file-copying routines rather than those in ExtUtils::Manifest,
because those do some annoying extra permissions-setting stuff for
no apparent reason. It makes me happy that this was a very very
easy patch to make. [Reported by Thomas Klausner]
- The compile_c() method now includes $Config{cccdlflags} in its
command invocation. It's usually empty, but not always, so we
didn't notice for a while. [Richard Clamp]
- On some platforms it's common to have a $Config{make} defined, but
no 'make' utility actually available. We now detect this and skip
some 'make' compatibility tests. [Randy Sims]
- Fixed a spurious testing failure on non-Unix platforms that
happened because we accidentally call localize_file_path() on empty
strings in the test suite. [Spotted by Randy Sims on Windows]
- Made the 'name', 'abstract', 'author', and 'version' properties
required when building a PPD file. [Spotted by Randy Sims, Dave
Rolsky, & Glenn Linderman]
- When building a 'traditional' Makefile.PL with
Module::Build::Compat, we now use 'VERSION_FROM' when possible,
rather than always using 'VERSION'. This way the Makefile.PL
doesn't have to get modified every release.
- Made some fixups to the 'PPM' info-file, improving compatibility
with ActiveState's PPM tools. [Randy Sims, Glenn Linderman]
- The 'dist_author' property can now accept multiple authors, see the
docs for more info. [Randy Sims]
- If the user doesn't have installed during ACTION_dist, we
now create a minimal anyway, without any dependency
- The 'distribution_type' field is no longer created in META.yml
files, in accordance with the finding made at the London CLPAN
meeting that it's essentially meaningless and ill-defined.
- The 'dist' action now accepts an optional 'tar' parameter to use a
system utility for building the tarball, and a 'gzip' parameter for
compressing it. If these are used, Archive::Tar won't be invoked.
This was added because Archive::Tar is producing some very
non-cross-platform tarballs that many tar utilities can't handle.
- During testing, if isn't installed, then we won't try
making a tarball either, since this would invoke YAML to create the
META.yml file.
- Fixed a problem with chmod() being called incorrectly on MacOS
(i.e. MacPerl, not Mac OS X). [Spotted by Paul Sanford Toney]
- Fixed a problem with the --config flag not being treated properly
(essentially ignored) on the command line for 'perl Build.PL' or
'Build <action>'. [Spotted by Jakub Bogusz]
- Added a new config() method to get at the Build object's notion of
the %Config hash.
- Test::Harness is starting to contend for the Most Crotchety Module
Award. Work around a few of its nits when setting harness
switches. [Spotted by Diab Jerius]
- Now the Build script will die() if we're run from the wrong
directory, rather than trying to chdir() to what it thinks is the
right directory and do its work there. See . [Chris Dolan]
- Changed the manpage separator on OS/2 to '.'. [Ilya Zakharevich]
- On OS/2, disable C compilation, since apparently it isn't working
there. [Reported by Ilya Zakharevich]
- Inserted a comment into auto-generated Makefile.PLs saying it was
auto-generated. [Randy Sims]
- Fixed some annoying behavior in generated passthrough Makefile.PLs
when the user chose not to install Module::Build, or if
installation failed. [Reported by Ilya Zakharevich and Richard
- Moved the documentation for 'codebase' to the section where it's
relevant. [Randy Sims, Glenn Linderman]
- Fixed a have_c_compiler() failure on some platforms, we now define
a boot_compilet() function (since we're compiling a library, not an
executable). [Randy Sims]
- Added a recipe to the Module::Build::Cookbook describing how to
maintain compatibility with older versions of [Jim Cromie]
- Removed caveat about "looking for alternatives" in how hashes are
specified on the command line, since an alternative has been found.
- Previously most warnings about optional prerequisites looked like
they were actually error messages about required prerequisites.
This has been corrected. [Reported again by Sagar Shah]
- Added support for building XS (and C in general) stuff on AIX.
This was done by a small reorganization of prelink_c() method from to, and it is only invoked for the platforms
that need it invoked. AIX also massages some very naughty bits
(MakeMaker macro variables) in $Config{lddlflags} that should never
have been put there, but alas, they're there, so we find & resolve
- Added OS/2 ($^O = 'os2') to the list of Unix-like platforms. This
basically means that most platform-specific operations will be done
in a Unix-like manner.
- Pass-through Makefiles will now die() when they're given a PREFIX
parameter, and suggest using 'destdir' or 'install_base' instead.
Previously they just ignored the parameter and tried to install to
the default location, which is clearly not what the user wanted.
- Updated my email address in the documentation to a more recent
- Add NetBSD to the list of Unix-like systems. [Adrian Bunk]
- Add SVR5 to the list of Unix-like systems. [Rafael Garcia-Suarez]
- We now use Pod::Parser to find the ABSTRACT and AUTHOR when it's
available on the system. [initial patch by Randy Sims]
- Fixed a little scalar/list buglet in a documentation example.
module directory has changed (eg. "darwin-2level" vs.
binary packages of perl modules need to be distinguishable between
being built against threaded perl and unthreaded perl, so bump the
PKGREVISION of all perl module packages and introduce
BUILDLINK_RECOMMENDED for perl as perl>=5.8.5nb5 so the correct
dependencies are registered and the binary packages are distinct.
addresses PR pkg/28619 from H. Todd Fujinaka.
changes since 0.20:
- Added a have_c_compiler() method.
- Added documentation for the requires(), recommends(),
build_requires(), and conflicts() methods.
- On Unix platforms, we now create the "Build" script with a #! line
matching the perl interpreter that was used to invoke the Build.PL
script, rather than whatever is in $Config{startperl}. This avoids
a potential warning about the interpreters not matching. [Spotted
by Ken Y. Clark]
- The Unix version now uses the safer multi-argument form of system()
when building distribution tarballs.
- Added a regression test for the 'dist' action to the t/runthrough.t
- Fixed a problem with File::Spec usage when creating the names of
'libdoc' manual pages - the code wasn't dealing with the volume or
file portions correctly on certain platforms.
- When creating the names of the 'libdoc' manual pages, we no longer
assume that pods are under the hard-coded paths 'blib/lib' or
- Fixed a crashing bug that could sometimes occur when the
distribution contained no 'lib' directory. [Chris Dolan]
- Fixed a crashing bug that happened when the user had .PL files in
the lib/ directory and didn't explicitly name them in a hash
reference to the new() constructor. [Chris Reinhardt, bug #4036]
- .PL files are now passed the names of their target file(s) on the
command line when they run.
- When wasn't installed, t/runthrough.t wasn't properly
skipping some tests that required YAML. This is now fixed.
[Stephen J. Smith]
- Added documentation for the dist_version() and dist_name()
methods. [Spotted by Johan Vromans]
- Existing values in $ENV{HARNESS_PERL_SWITCHES} are now respected
and not squashed when we run the 'test' action. [Paul Johnson]
- On cygwin, the separator string for manual page names has been set
to '.'. Previously it was '::', inherited from Unix. [Yitzchak
- Avoid a warning when Build.PL is run (i.e. when the new() method is
called) and no MANIFEST file exists. [Michael Schwern and Kevin
- Added documentation for the 'code' and 'docs' actions. [Steve
Purkis and Mark Stosberg]
- The internal method compile_support_files() has been renamed to
process_support_files() in order to make it consistent with other
processing methods. Note that it was never documented using the
old name. It's still not documented, actually. Maybe later.
- Skip the 'write' pseudo-entry in the 'diff' action's installation
map. [Chris Dolan]
- Fixed a bug in which notes() set in the Build.PL before
create_build_script() was called would get lost unless more notes()
were also set afterwards. [Spotted by Dave Rolsky]
- The process of building elements of the distribution is now driven
by a list of build elements, paving the way for letting people add
their own types of build elements in future versions of
Module::Build (or in the current version with some difficulty).
- Fixed some linking errors on Cygwin. [Randy Sims, Terrence Brannon]
- Fixed a line-ending problem with detecting the dist_abstract
properly on Cygwin. [Randy Sims]
- Fixed a problem with signatures that occurred if 'distsign' was
called before 'distdir' - the signature would be generated twice.
- Added a 'create_readme' parameter to new(), which will use
Pod::Text to generate a README from the main (dist_version_from)
module file during the 'distdir' action.
- We now refuse to run the 'Build' script if it was created using a
different version of Module::Build. This has caused a couple of
nasty bugs in the past, I don't want to know what it would cause in
the future.
- Documentation for do_system() has been added. [Dave Rolsky]
- run_perl_script() is now available as a class method, though it
will need to (re-)find the perl interpreter in this case.
- Added a new_from_context() method that authors of automated tools
like CPANPLUS and CPAN can use instead of running all tasks as
sub-processes. We also use it in the regression tests for
Module::Build itself. ** Note that this method is currently
undocumented because its name may change in the future. **
- When signing distributions with Module::Signature, we now
automatically add the SIGNATURE file to the MANIFEST, avoiding an
unpleasant chicken/egg problem for the module author.
[unpleasantness spotted by sungo]
- In Module::Build::Compat, added support for the 'verbose' parameter
to Makefile.PL [spotted by Soren Andersen, fixed by Michael
- The Module::Build distribution now has a cryptographic 'SIGNATURE'
file created by Module::Signature.
- Added proper documentation for the subclass() method. [spotted by
Jonathan Steinert]
- Worked around a bug in Red Hat 9 which prevented man
pages from being installed in the correct places. [spotted by Ville
- Fixed a Module::Build::Compat bug in which setting INSTALLDIRS
caused a crash. [spotted by Ilya Martynov]
be a replacement for "ExtUtils::MakeMaker".