Jason Bacon. Should make gnuradio find swig2.
Version 2.0.10 (27 May 2013)
2013-05-25: wsfulton
[Python] Fix Python 3 inconsistency when negative numbers are passed
where a parameter expects an unsigned C type. An OverFlow error is
now consistently thrown instead of a TypeError.
2013-05-25: Artem Serebriyskiy
SVN Patch ticket #338 - fixes to %attribute macros for template usage
with %arg.
2013-05-19: wsfulton
Fix ccache-swig internal error bug due to premature file cleanup.
Fixes SF bug 1319 which shows up as a failure in the ccache tests on
Debian 64 bit Wheezy, possibly because ENABLE_ZLIB is defined.
This is a corner case which will be hit when the maximum number of files
in the cache is set to be quite low (-F option), resulting in a cache miss.
2013-05-09: kwwette
[Octave] Fix bugs in Octave module loading:
- fix a memory leak in setting of global variables
- install functions only once, to speed up module loads
2013-04-28: gjanssens
[Guile] Updates in guile module:
- Add support for guile 2.0
- Drop support for guile 1.6
- Drop support for generating wrappers using guile's gh interface.
All generated wrappers will use the scm interface from now on.
- Deprecate -gh and -scm options. They are no longer needed.
A warning will be issued when these options are still used.
- Fix all tests and examples to have a successful travis test
2013-04-18: wsfulton
Apply Patch #36 from Jesus Lopez to add support for $descriptor() special variable macro expansion
in fragments. For example:
%fragment("nameDescriptor", "header")
static const char *nameDescriptor = "$descriptor(Name)";
which will generate into the wrapper if the fragment is used:
static const char *nameDescriptor = "SWIGTYPE_Name";
2013-04-18: wsfulton
Fix SF Bug #428 - Syntax error when preprocessor macros are defined inside of enum lists, such as:
typedef enum {
eZero = 0
#define ONE 1
} EFoo;
The macros are silently ignored.
2013-04-17: wsfulton
[C#] Pull patch #34 from BrantKyser to fix smart pointers in conjuction with directors.
2013-04-15: kwwette
[Octave] Fix bugs in output of cleanup code.
- Cleanup code is now written also after the "fail:" label, so it will be called if
a SWIG_exception is raised by the wrapping function, consistent with other modules.
- Octave module now also recognises the "$cleanup" special variable, if needed.
2013-04-08: kwwette
Add -MP option to SWIG for generating phony targets for all dependencies.
- Prevents make from complaining if header files have been deleted before
the dependency file has been updated.
- Modelled on similar option in GCC.
2013-04-09: olly
[PHP] Add missing directorin typemap for char* and char[] which
fixes director_string testcase failure.
2013-04-05: wsfulton
[Ruby] SF Bug #1292 - Runtime fixes for Proc changes in ruby-1.9 when using STL
wrappers that override the default predicate, such as:
%template(Map) std::map<swig::LANGUAGE_OBJ, swig::LANGUAGE_OBJ, swig::BinaryPredicate<> >;
2013-04-05: wsfulton
[Ruby] SF Bug #1159 - Correctly check rb_respond_to call return values to fix some
further 1.9 problems with functors and use of Complex wrappers.
2013-04-02: wsfulton
[Ruby] Runtime fixes for std::complex wrappers for ruby-1.9 - new native Ruby complex numbers are used.
2013-03-30: wsfulton
[Ruby] Fix seg fault when using STL containers of generic Ruby types, GC_VALUE or LANGUAGE_OBJECT,
on exit of the Ruby interpreter. More frequently observed in ruby-1.9.
2013-03-29: wsfulton
[Ruby] Fix delete_if (reject!) for the STL container wrappers which previously would
sometimes seg fault or not work.
2013-03-25: wsfulton
[Python] Fix some undefined behaviour deleting slices in the STL containers.
2013-03-19: wsfulton
[C#, Java, D] Fix seg fault in SWIG using directors when class and virtual method names are
the same except being in different namespaces when the %nspace feature is not being used.
2013-02-19: kwwette
Fix bug in SWIG's handling of qualified (e.g. const) variables of array type. Given the typedef
a(7).q(volatile).double myarray // typedef volatile double[7] myarray;
the type
q(const).myarray // const myarray
a(7).q(const volatile).double // const volatile double[7]
Previously, SwigType_typedef_resolve() produces the type
q(const).a(7).q(volatile).double // non-sensical type
which would never match %typemap declarations, whose types were parsed correctly.
Add typemap_array_qualifiers.i to the test suite which checks for the correct behaviour.
2013-02-18: wsfulton
Deprecate typedef names used as constructor and destructor names in %extend. The real
class/struct name should be used.
typedef struct tagEStruct {
int ivar;
} EStruct;
%extend tagEStruct {
EStruct() // illegal name, should be tagEStruct()
EStruct *s = new EStruct();
s->ivar = ivar0;
return s;
~EStruct() // illegal name, should be ~tagEStruct()
delete $self;
For now these trigger a warning:
extend_constructor_destructor.i:107: Warning 522: Use of an illegal constructor name 'EStruct' in
%extend is deprecated, the constructor name should be 'tagEStruct'.
extend_constructor_destructor.i:111: Warning 523: Use of an illegal destructor name 'EStruct' in
%extend is deprecated, the destructor name should be 'tagEStruct'.
These %extend destructor and constructor names were valid up to swig-2.0.4, however swig-2.0.5 ignored
them altogether for C code as reported in SF bug #1306. The old behaviour of using them has been
restored for now, but is officially deprecated. This does not apply to anonymously defined typedef
classes/structs such as:
typedef struct {...} X;
2013-02-17: kwwette
When generating functions provided by %extend, use "(void)" for no-argument functions
instead of "()". This prevents warnings when compiling with "gcc -Wstrict-prototypes".
2013-02-17: kwwette
[Octave] Minor fix to autodoc generation: get the right type for functions returning structs.
2013-02-15: wsfulton
Deprecate typedef names used in %extend that are not the real class/struct name. For example:
typedef struct StructBName {
int myint;
} StructB;
%extend StructB {
void method() {}
will now trigger a warning:
swig_extend.i:19: Warning 326: Deprecated %extend name used - the struct name StructBName
should be used instead of the typedef name StructB.
This is only partially working anyway (the %extend only worked if placed after the class
2013-02-09: wsfulton
[CFFI] Apply patch #22 - Fix missing package before &body
2013-01-29: wsfulton
[Java] Ensure 'javapackage' typemap is used as it stopped working from version 2.0.5.
2013-01-28: wsfulton
[Python] Apply patch SF #334 - Fix default value conversions "TRUE"->True, "FALSE"->False.
2013-01-28: wsfulton
[Java] Apply patch SF #335 - Truly ignore constructors in directors with %ignore.
2013-01-18: Brant Kyser
[Java] Patch #15 - Allow the use of the nspace feature without the -package commandline option.
This works as long and the new jniclasspackage pragma is used to place the JNI intermediate class
into a package and the nspace feature is used to place all exposed types into a package.
2013-01-15: wsfulton
Fix Visual Studio examples to work when SWIG is unzipped into a directory containing spaces.
2013-01-15: wsfulton
[C#] Fix cstype typemap lookup for member variables so that a fully qualified variable name
matches. For example:
%typemap(cstype) bool MVar::mvar "MyBool"
struct MVar {
bool mvar;
2013-01-11: Brant Kyser
[Java, C#, D] SF Bug #1299 - Fix generated names for when %nspace is used on
classes with the same name in two different namespaces.
2013-01-11: Vladimir Kalinin
[C#] Add support for csdirectorin 'pre', 'post' and 'terminator' attributes.
2013-01-08: olly
[PHP] Fix to work with a ZTS build of PHP (broken in 2.0.7).
2013-01-07: olly
Fix bashism in configure, introduced in 2.0.9.
2013-01-06: wsfulton
Pull patch #4 from ptomulik to fix SF Bug #1296 - Fix incorrect warning for virtual destructors
in templates, such as:
Warning 521: Illegal destructor name B< A >::~B(). Ignored.
2013-01-05: wsfulton
[Python] Pull patch #3 from ptomulik to fix SF Bug #1295 - standard exceptions as
classes using the SWIG_STD_EXCEPTIONS_AS_CLASSES macro.
2013-01-04: wsfulton
[Java] Pull patch #2 from BrantKyser to fix SF Bug #1283 - fix smart pointers in conjuction
with directors.
2013-01-03: wsfulton
[Java] Pull patch #1 from BrantKyser to fix SF Bug #1278 - fix directors and nspace feature when
multilevel namespaces are used.
Version 2.0.9 (16 December 2012)
2012-12-16: wsfulton
Fix garbage line number / empty file name reporting for some missing
'}' or ')' error messages.
2012-12-15: kkaempf
[Ruby] Apply patch 3530444, Class#methods and Class#constants returns array of
symbols in Ruby 1.9+
2012-12-14: kkaempf
[Ruby] Apply patch 3530439 and finally replace all occurrences of the STR2CSTR() macro
with StringValuePtr(). STR2CSTR was deprecated since years and got removed in Ruby 1.9
2012-12-14: kkaempf
[Ruby] Applied patches #3530442 and 3530443 to adapt compile and runtime include
paths to match Ruby 1.9+
2012-12-14: wsfulton
[CFFI] Fix #3161614 - Some string constants are incorrect
2012-12-13: wsfulton
[CFFI] Fix #3529690 - Fix incorrect constant names.
2012-12-12: drjoe
[R] add fix to finalizer that was missed earlier
2012-12-11: wsfulton
[Python] Apply patch #3590522 - fully qualified package paths for Python 3 even if a module is in the
same package.
2012-12-08: wsfulton
[Python] Bug #3563647 - PyInt_FromSize_t unavailable prior to Python 2.5 for unsigned int types.
2012-12-08: wsfulton
[Perl] Fix bug #3571361 - C++ comment in C wrappers.
2012-12-07: wsfulton
[C#] Apply patch #3571029 which adds missing director support for const unsigned long long &.
2012-11-28: kwwette
[Octave] Simplified module loading: now just the syntax
$ example;
is accepted, which loads functions globally but constants and variables relative to the current scope.
This make module loading behaviour reliably consistent, and reduces problems when loading modules which
depend on other modules which may not have been previously loaded.
2012-11-27: wsfulton
[cffi] Fix junk output when wrapping single character literal constants.
2012-11-17: wsfulton
[Tcl, Modula3] Add missing support for -outdir.
2012-11-17: wsfulton
Fix segfaults when using filename paths greater than 1024 characters in length.
2012-11-14: wsfulton
[ccache-swig] Apply patch #3586392 from Frederik Deweerdt to fix some error cases - incorrectly using
memory after it has been deleted.
2012-11-09: vzeitlin
[Python] Fix overflow when passing values greater than LONG_MAX from Python 3 for parameters with unsigned long C type.
2012-11-09: wsfulton
Fix some feature matching issues for implicit destructors and implicit constructors and implicit
copy constructors added with %copyctor. Previously a feature for these had to be fully qualified
in order to match. Now the following will also match:
%feature("xyz") ~XXX();
struct XXX {};
2012-11-09: wsfulton
Further consistency in named output typemap lookups for implicit constructors and destructors and
implicit copy constructors added with %copyctor. Previously only the fully qualified name was being
used, now the unqualified name will also be used. For example, previously:
example.i:38: Searching for a suitable 'out' typemap for: void Space::More::~More
Looking for: void Space::More::~More
Looking for: void
Now the unqualified name is also used:
example.i:38: Searching for a suitable 'out' typemap for: void Space::More::~More
Looking for: void Space::More::~More
Looking for: void ~More
Looking for: void
2012-11-02: wsfulton
Fix some subtle named output typemap lookup misses, the fully qualified name was not always being
used for variables, for example:
struct Glob {
int MyVar;
Previously the search rules (as shown by -debug-tmsearch) for the getter wrapper were:
example.i:44: Searching for a suitable 'out' typemap for: int MyVar
Looking for: int MyVar
Looking for: int
Now the scope is named correctly:
example.i:44: Searching for a suitable 'out' typemap for: int Glob::MyVar
Looking for: int Glob::MyVar
Looking for: int MyVar
Looking for: int
2012-10-26: wsfulton
Fix director typemap searching so that a typemap specified with a name will be correctly matched. Previously
the name was ignored during the typemap search. Applies to the following list of typemaps:
directorout, csdirectorout, cstype, imtype, ctype, ddirectorout, dtype, gotype, jtype, jni, javadirectorout.
2012-10-11: wsfulton
Most of the special variables available for use in %exception are now also available for expansion in
%extend blocks. These are: $name $symname $overname $decl $fulldecl $parentname $parentsymname, see docs
on "Class extension" in SWIGPlus.html. Patch based on submission from Kris Thielemans.
2012-10-10: wsfulton
Additional new special variables in %exception are expanded as follows:
$parentname - The parent class name (if any) for a method.
$parentsymname - The target language parent class name (if any) for a method.
2012-10-08: iant
[Go] Generating Go code now requires using the -intgosize option to
indicate the size of the 'int' type in Go. This is because the
size of the type is changing from Go 1.0 to Go 1.1 for x86_64.
2012-09-14: wsfulton
Add new warning if the empty template instantiation is used as a base class, for example:
template <typename T> class Base {};
%template() Base<int>;
class Derived : public Base<int> {};
gives the following warning instead of silently ignoring the base:
cpp_inherit.i:52: Warning 401: Base class 'Base< int >' has no name as it is an empty template instantiated with '%template()'. Ignored.
cpp_inherit.i:51: Warning 401: The %template directive must be written before 'Base< int >' is used as a base class and be declared with a name.
2012-09-11: wsfulton
[Java] Fix #3535304 - Direct use of a weak global reference in directors
sometimes causing seg faults especially on Android.
2012-09-06: wsfulton
[Java] Fix (char *STRING, size_t LENGTH) typemaps to accept NULL string.
2012-08-26: drjoe
[R] make ExternalReference slot ref to contain reference
2012-08-26: drjoe
[R] fix Examples/Makefile to use C in $(CC) rather than $(CXX)
This package was created by Jason Bacon in wip.
Note that this is nb1 because it has been in wip as nb1.
SWIG (Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator)
SWIG is a compiler that integrates C and C++ with languages including
Perl, Python, Tcl, Guile, Mzscheme, Java, Ruby, PHP, and Ocaml.
SWIG reads annotated C/C++ header files and creates wrapper code (glue
code) in order to make the corresponding C/C++ libraries available to
the listed languages, or to extend C/C++ programs with a scripting
This is version 2 of swig.