Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author | Files | Lines |
IPython 8.2 mostly bring bugfixes to IPython.
- Auto-suggestion can now be elected with the ``end`` key.
- Some traceback issues with ``assert etb is not None`` have been fixed.
- History is now pulled from the sqitel database and not from in-memory.
In particular when using the ``%paste`` magic, the content of the pasted text will
be part of the history and not the verbatim text ``%paste`` anymore.
- Fix ``Ctrl-\\`` exit cleanup
- Fixes to ``ultratb`` ipdb support when used outside of IPython.
- Bug 1762244 - resolve mpitests build failure on Windows.
- Bug 1761779 - Fix link to TLS page on wireshark wiki
- Bug 1754890 - Add two D-TRUST 2020 root certificates.
- Bug 1751298 - Add Telia Root CA v2 root certificate.
- Bug 1751305 - Remove expired explicitly distrusted certificates from certdata.txt.
- Bug 1005084 - support specific RSA-PSS parameters in mozilla::pkix
- Bug 1753535 - Remove obsolete stateEnd check in SEC_ASN1DecoderUpdate.
- Bug 1756271 - Remove token member from NSSSlot struct.
- Bug 1602379 - Provide secure variants of mpp_pprime and mpp_make_prime.
- Bug 1757279 - Support UTF-8 library path in the module spec string.
- Bug 1396616 - Update nssUTF8_Length to RFC 3629 and fix buffer overrun.
- Bug 1760827 - Add a CI Target for gcc-11.
- Bug 1760828 - Change to makefiles for gcc-4.8.
- Bug 1741688 - Update googletest to 1.11.0
- Bug 1759525 - Add SetTls13GreaseEchSize to experimental API.
- Bug 1755264 - TLS 1.3 Illegal legacy_version handling/alerts.
- Bug 1755904 - Fix calculation of ECH HRR Transcript.
- Bug 1758741 - Allow ld path to be set as environment variable.
- Bug 1760653 - Ensure we don't read uninitialized memory in ssl gtests.
- Bug 1758478 - Fix DataBuffer Move Assignment.
- Bug 1552254 - internal_error alert on Certificate Request with sha1+ecdsa in TLS 1.3
- Bug 1755092 - rework signature verification in mozilla::pkix
Pull up patch from dev branch:
Overview of changes in GLib 2.70.5
* Bugs fixed:
- g_time_zone_new_offset() assertion failure if offset >= 25 hours
- glib: fix buffer overflow in g_canonicalize_filename()
- gtimezone: Fix assertion failure when called with a huge offset
* Translation updates:
- Catalan
- German
- Hungarian
- Lithuanian
- Romanian
- Serbian
- Turkish
0.18.3 (22-03-25)
- Adds `pytest-trio <>`_ to the test dependencies
- Fixes a bug that caused pytest-asyncio to try to set up async pytest_trio fixtures in strict mode.
0.18.2 (22-03-03)
- Fix asyncio auto mode not marking static methods.
- Fix a compatibility issue with Hypothesis 6.39.0.
Node 17.7.0 had a regression in url.resolve which broke Yarn, causing network errors. This release fixes that, although the regression also got fixed on the Node side starting from 17.7.1, so as long as you keep your Node up-to-date it'll be fine.
This is no longer useful documentation.
Version 1.14.0
Bugs Fixed
Python 3.11 dropped inspect.formatargspec() which was used in creating signature changing decorators. Now bundling a version of this function which uses Parameter and Signature from inspect module when available. The replacement function is exposed as wrapt.formatargspec() if need it for your own code.
When using a decorator on a class, isinstance() checks wouldn’t previously work as expected and you had to manually use Type.__wrapped__ to access the real type when doing instance checks. The __instancecheck__ hook is now implemented such that you don’t have to use Type.__wrapped__ instead of Type as last argument to isinstance().
Eliminated deprecation warnings related to Python module import system, which would have turned into broken code in Python 3.12. This was used by the post import hook mechanism.
New Features
Binary wheels provided on PyPi for aarch64 Linux systems and macOS native silicon where supported by Python when using pypa/cibuildwheel.
Version 2.9.2 (Mar 29, 2022)
Enum now has an __index__ method on Python <3.8 too.
Local internals are now cleared after finalizing the interpreter.
Bug fixes:
Better support for Python 3.11 alphas.
PYBIND11_TYPE_CASTER now uses fully qualified symbols, so it can be used outside of pybind11::detail.
Some fixes for PyPy 3.9.
Fixed a potential memleak in PyPy in get_type_override.
Build system improvements:
Uses sysconfig module to determine installation locations on Python >= 3.10, instead of distutils which has been deprecated.
Support Catch 2.13.5+ (supporting GLIBC 2.34+).
Fix test failures with numpy 1.22 by ignoring whitespace when comparing str() of dtypes.
Backend and tidying up:
clang-tidy: added readability-qualified-auto, readability-braces-around-statements, cppcoreguidelines-prefer-member-initializer, clang-analyzer-optin.performance.Padding, cppcoreguidelines-pro-type-static-cast-downcast, and readability-inconsistent-declaration-parameter-name.
clang-format was added to the pre-commit actions, and the entire code base automatically reformatted (after several iterations preparing for this leap).
Version 8.1.1
- Fix an issue with decorator typing that caused type checking to
report that a command was not callable. :issue:`2227`
Version 8.1.0
- Drop support for Python 3.6. :pr:`2129`
- Remove previously deprecated code. :pr:`2130`
- ``Group.resultcallback`` is renamed to ``result_callback``.
- ``autocompletion`` parameter to ``Command`` is renamed to
- ``get_terminal_size`` is removed, use
``shutil.get_terminal_size`` instead.
- ``get_os_args`` is removed, use ``sys.argv[1:]`` instead.
- Rely on :pep:`538` and :pep:`540` to handle selecting UTF-8 encoding
instead of ASCII. Click's locale encoding detection is removed.
- Single options boolean flags with ``show_default=True`` only show
the default if it is ``True``. :issue:`1971`
- The ``command`` and ``group`` decorators can be applied with or
without parentheses. :issue:`1359`
- The ``Path`` type can check whether the target is executable.
- ``Command.show_default`` overrides ``Context.show_default``, instead
of the other way around. :issue:`1963`
- Parameter decorators and ``@group`` handles ``cls=None`` the same as
not passing ``cls``. ``@option`` handles ``help=None`` the same as
not passing ``help``.
- A flag option with ``required=True`` requires that the flag is
passed instead of choosing the implicit default value. :issue:`1978`
- Indentation in help text passed to ``Option`` and ``Command`` is
cleaned the same as using the ``@option`` and ``@command``
decorators does. A command's ``epilog`` and ``short_help`` are also
processed. :issue:`1985`
- Store unprocessed ````, ``epilog`` and ``short_help``
strings. Processing is only done when formatting help text for
output. :issue:`2149`
- Allow empty str input for ``prompt()`` when
``confirmation_prompt=True`` and ``default=""``. :issue:`2157`
- Windows glob pattern expansion doesn't fail if a value is an invalid
pattern. :issue:`2195`
- It's possible to pass a list of ``params`` to ``@command``. Any
params defined with decorators are appended to the passed params.
- ``@command`` decorator is annotated as returning the correct type if
a ``cls`` argument is used. :issue:`2211`
- A ``Group`` with ``invoke_without_command=True`` and ``chain=False``
will invoke its result callback with the group function's return
value. :issue:`2124`
- ``to_info_dict`` will not fail if a ``ParamType`` doesn't define a
``name``. :issue:`2168`
- Shell completion prioritizes option values with option prefixes over
new options. :issue:`2040`
- Options that get an environment variable value using
``autoenvvar_prefix`` treat an empty value as ``None``, consistent
with a direct ``envvar``. :issue:`2146`
Bug fixes
bug 679192 Missing images from generated qhp file [view]
bug_161451 @copydoc cannot span mutliple lines [view]
bug_365053 Wrong reference to ::classname [view] and [view]
bug_411629 ifdef-ed namespaces generate "endif" namespace (C#) [view]
bug_562008 cpp directives in \code fragments breaks subsequent links
replacement [view]
bug_683640 Docset info.plist file doesn't include feed URL [view], [view]
bug_684050 line continuation in (auto)linking [view]
bug_688384 JavaDoc @link does not use code font [view]
bug_693776 @copydoc not working properly [view]
bug_712290 A command that will generate a warning during compilation [view]
bug_722111 - 'function' is displayed as C++ keyword (green) in HTML output
[view], [view]
bug_749992 XML output - "bodyend" inside location tag sometimes prints the
wrong row. [view]
bug_750666 Usergroup (layout.xml) url="[none]" doesn't work [view]
bug_753629 PLANTUML_JAR_PATH Environment Variable Needs Documenting [view]
bug_766164 Class Members is missing in the CHM. [view]
bug_771606 'doxygen -w' should not require existence of
header.html/footer.html even if listed in an options file
[view], [view]
bug_772405 *_AUTOBRIEF=YES gobbles end of paragraph from brief [view]
bug_774111 GENERATE_LEGEND with svg graphs [view], [view]
bug_774167 Left nav pane [view]
bug_791832 [view]
bug_792690 Spaces MAKEINDEX_CMD_NAME don't work the same as other config
options [view]
bug_796673 doxygen markdown engine disallow parentheses in image title
issue #7434 Error in LaTeX output of doxygen documentation of VHDL [view]
issue #7687 Write directory dependency graphs recursively. [view]
issue #7807 Incorrect handling of triple backticks with specifying
language. [view], [view]
issue #8528 Markdown links to Markdown pages with explicit page command
are broken [view]
issue #8590 XML: Issue with spacing around <programlisting> [view]
issue #8724 @ingroup not working with concepts [view], [view]
issue #8726 Confused by C++20 trailing requires-clause [view]
issue #8730 Read from invalid IncludeInfo object (version 1.9.2,
Ubuntu 20.04) [view]
issue #8734 @note with @parblock within a table data cell breaks the HTML
output [view]
issue #8738 Fixed sizes in project area of HTML output [view], [view]
issue #8743 <tt> missinterpreted [view], [view]
issue #8747 Improve output with WARN_AS_ERROR = FAIL_ON_WARNINGS [view],
issue #8750 Crashes with 1.9.2 on Ubuntu 21.04 [view], [view]
issue #8752 Generated filenames depend on undefined behaviour - doxygen
output not reproducible [view]
issue #8753 qhp file corrupt when subsection with no parent section [view]
issue #8755 :: lost in nested names when using markdown [view]
issue #8757 Segfault when using external search engine [view]
issue #8767 Order of pages in the tree view changes from 1.9.1 to 1.9.2
issue #8785 Markdown runs on <PRE> if class attribute is specified [view]
issue #8789 qhp/qch broken in master [view], [view]
issue #8802 Nested \cond sections are not started (#8804) [view]
issue #8811 Incorrect xml tags in source code listing (XML output) [view]
issue #8815 fix group close [view]
issue #8817 If \if, \else or \endif is in a list, the subsequent list entry
is not formatted as list entry but in "raw format" [view],
issue #8838 export "something" { } wrong parsing [view]
issue #8851 Python call graph is not completely correct [view]
issue #8853 LaTeX generated output fails to compile [view]
issue #8854 Class hierarchy diagram is not correct, if inherited from
Python built-in class ABC [view], [view], [view]
issue #8854 Class hierarchy diagram is not correct, if inherited from
Python built-in class ABC [view]
issue #8855 Unable to build 1.9.2 [view]
issue #8864 Markdown Tables cannot merge cells both horizontally and
vertically [view]
issue #8867 Fortran source file that contains the character literal
"import" or 'import' [view], [view]
issue #8882 Java: Issue with virtual as identifier [view], [view], [view]
issue #8884 Java: Issue with dotted annotations [view]
issue #8889 ".html_html" attached to some url links when linking to
external library [view], [view]
issue #8889 Extra ".html" attached to some url links when linking to
external library [view], [view]
issue #8895 [bisected]Directory dependency graph has stopped working [view]
issue #8898 c#: Inherit documentation from interface property (not working
as no docs displayed) [view]
issue #8903 Overload of function template can cause docs to be repeated
issue #8905 Documentation: WARN_NO_PARAMDOC not disabled by EXTRACT_ALL?
[view], [view]
issue #8909 Build error with git head GCC (version 12, Nov 2021) [view]
issue #8911 Undocumented function with C++ requires clause [view]
issue #8914 Double Square Bracket [[ somewhere ]] stop Doxygen [view]
issue #8918 \emoji does not support emoji with ZWJ [view]
issue #8921 Overloaded function (with templates as change) is not displayed
in html page [view]
issue #8924 Horizontal scroll bar missing in HTML for wide class="dotgraph"
objects [view]
issue #8925 Java: Issue with enum parsing (xml output) [view]
issue #8932 XML output: table caption doesn't have ID [view]
issue #8933 Return type "unsigned int constexpr" not parsed properly
[view], [view]
issue #8934 documentation 'DEP' s.b. 'DEB' [view]
issue #8935 'make docs' fails when building PDF [view]
issue #8940 Not parsing #if correctly in C++ [view]
issue #8948 collaboration diagram should include smart pointer members
[view], [view]
issue #8953 Improve markdown image handling [view]
issue #8956 Section links in markdown mainpage not working [view]
issue #8965 Allow other names for plantuml.jar [view]
issue #8973 Incorrect citations for entries with double dash and for cross
references [view]
issue #9857 C# incorrect interpretation of '?'-operators [view]
Coloring of the nodes in the inheritance graph [view]
Fixed problem with large HTML tooltips running of the web page. [view]
Coverity: logically dead code [view]
Coverity: uninitialized struct elements [view]
Coverity: side_effect_free: Calling countLines(yyscanner) is only useful
for its return value, which is ignored. [view]
Using in/out in C# results in doubling it [view]
Restore default SIGINT handler inside the signal handler [view]
In HTML the @image title did not appear as tooltip and quotes were not
properly escaped [view]
Double member names in python source code [view]
Fix memory corruption in TextStream. [view]
Handle decltype(*) return types in declinfo.l [view]
Warnings when using `CREATE_SUBDIRS` and `HTMLHELP` [view]
Don't use full path for *file in XML output [view]
Incorrect handling of JAVA style code statement in preprocessor [view]
Incorrect linecount in case of JAVADOC_AUTOBRIEF set [view]
Incorrect markdown links. [view]
Incorrect warning regarding SQLITE3 seyyttings [view]
Incorrect warnings due to WARN_IF_DOC_ERROR=NO [view]
Incorrect xml tags in source code listing (XML output) [view]
Doxygen stops on invalid namespace name [view]
Problems with blockquotes in markdown [view]
Fortran: Warning on empty \cond statement plus extra empty line. [view],
Escaped double quotes inside double quotes [view]
Fixed problem where member attributes were not rendered properly [view]
Forward declaration of enum class. [view]
Handling \code in non doxygen comment [view]
Warning with python file starting and ending with __ as file name [view]
Improve warning location for undocumented parameters/return types [view]
Limit number of list levels in output [view]
Unmatched tt tag. [view]
Value of first @copydoc could end up in the brief description. [view],
Write directory dependency graphs recursively. [view]
Added missing symbols needed to enable SANITIZE_UNDEFINED [view]
Add the xml output format to the image command as generic format [view]
Add the HTML and XML commands to the index [view]
Added explanation for directory dependency graphs in graph manual. [view]
Avoid tampering with special commands while doing markdown parsing [view]
and [view]
Adding HTML tag <cite> [view]
Adding engine to xml output for plantuml [view]
Czech localization update, added all missing czech localization strings
up to 1.9.3 [view]
translate chinese upto version 1.9.2 [view]
Updated swedish translation to 1.9.2 [view]
Greek translation updated to 1.9.2. [view]
Portuguese translators upddated to 1.9.3. [view]
UTF-8 characters in email address [view]
Support for char32_t etc. in code coloring [view]
Changed license of doxmlparser from GPLv2 to MIT [view]
Better error message in case of a fatal error in a lexer [view]
Better readable warnings / debug messages incase of warning with token /
return value in docparser [view]
value attribute for <li> tag [view] and [view]
Copy original dotfile to output directory in case of DOT_CLEANUP is not
set [view]
allow using percentual numbers for images dimensions [view]
Make email obfuscation optional [view]
Improvement of WARN_LOGFILE possibilities [view], [view]
No warning in case non existing macro parameter [view]
HTML tag details [view], [view]
Include qualified names in `<memberdef>`s in XML output. [view]
Deprecated functionality
CLASS_DIAGRAM has become obsolete. The same functionality can now be
achieved using HAVE_DOT and CLASS_GRAPH. Old settings in the Doxyfile will
be automatically converted when reading or updating it. [view], [view],
and [view]
Refactoring and cleanup
Add support for optional ranges to reg::Ex and use it util.cpp [view]
Allow using obsolete config values while upgrading [view], [view]
Use std::unordered_set for better performance [view]
Refactoring: Use std::unique_ptr<Private> for PIMPL idiom instead of raw
pointer [view]
Refactoring: changes how context data is cached. [view]
Refactoring: fixed typo and improved code uniformity [view]
Refactoring: replace custom reference counting by std::shared_ptr [view]
Refactoring: replace raw pointers with std::unique_ptr in template.cpp
Refactoring: replace the last raw pointers by std::unique_ptr in
template.cpp [view]
Refactoring: use fixed maps for properties [view]
Remove obsolete states from lexer code [view]
Remove redundant checks in config file [view]
Remove redundant range checks in config file [view]
Remove some implicit casts to improve portability of the code [view]
Remove unnecessary conversions for enum type options [view]
Optimize Markdown::isBlockCommand() [view]
Moved util.h:escapePath() to QCString::quoted() [view]
layout.cpp and tagreader.cpp both defined class ElementCallbacks [view]
Removed global variables for RTF and Latex, and made some fixes [view]
Represent enum in the config file also as an enum in the code [view]
Make generateClassDocs() process files in parallel [view]
Make generateFileDocs() process files in parallel [view]
Name of used struct [view]
Performance enhancements [view]
Restructuring and fixes [view]
Better search criterion for RTF INCLUDETEXT [view]
Consistent messages regarding enabling settings [view]
Improve type safety of scanner code by not using void* for yyscan_t
This is a small release to pick up some bugfixes/improvements for Go 1.18 support.
* improve `resize()`
* optimize `copy_n()` by avoiding loops
* `.bytereverse()` no longer sets unused bits to zero
* enable building wheels for multiple platforms and Python versions using
* use setuptools instead of distutils in ``
* add missing type hinting for `.count()` step argument
Fixes build with whitespace in either of them.
Found with debugging help from rillig@
Remove gmake dependency, builds fine for me with BSD make.
pkgsrc change:
Add unistd.h to gzguts.h to fix warning on NetBSD.
Changes in 1.2.12 (27 Mar 2022)
- Cygwin does not have _wopen(), so do not create gzopen_w() there
- Permit a deflateParams() parameter change as soon as possible
- Limit hash table inserts after switch from stored deflate
- Fix bug when window full in deflate_stored()
- Fix CLEAR_HASH macro to be usable as a single statement
- Avoid a conversion error in gzseek when off_t type too small
- Have Makefile return non-zero error code on test failure
- Avoid some conversion warnings in gzread.c and gzwrite.c
- Update use of errno for newer Windows CE versions
- Small speedup to inflate [psumbera]
- Return an error if the gzputs string length can't fit in an int
- Add address checking in clang to -w option of configure
- Don't compute check value for raw inflate if asked to validate
- Handle case where inflateSync used when header never processed
- Avoid the use of ptrdiff_t
- Avoid an undefined behavior of memcpy() in gzappend()
- Avoid undefined behaviors of memcpy() in gz*printf()
- Avoid an undefined behavior of memcpy() in _tr_stored_block()
- Make the names in functions declarations identical to definitions
- Remove old assembler code in which bugs have manifested
- Fix deflateEnd() to not report an error at start of raw deflate
- Add legal disclaimer to README
- Emphasize the need to continue decompressing gzip members
- Correct the initialization requirements for deflateInit2()
- Fix a bug that can crash deflate on some input when using Z_FIXED
- Assure that the number of bits for deflatePrime() is valid
- Use a structure to make globals in enough.c evident
- Use a macro for the printf format of big_t in enough.c
- Clean up code style in enough.c, update version
- Use inline function instead of macro for index in enough.c
- Clarify that prefix codes are counted in enough.c
- Show all the codes for the maximum tables size in enough.c
- Add gznorm.c example, which normalizes gzip files
- Fix the zran.c example to work on a multiple-member gzip file
- Add tables for crc32_combine(), to speed it up by a factor of 200
- Add crc32_combine_gen() and crc32_combine_op() for fast combines
- Speed up software CRC-32 computation by a factor of 1.5 to 3
- Use atomic test and set, if available, for dynamic CRC tables
- Don't bother computing check value after successful inflateSync()
- Correct comment in crc32.c
- Add use of the ARMv8 crc32 instructions when requested
- Use ARM crc32 instructions if the ARM architecture has them
- Explicitly note that the 32-bit check values are 32 bits
- Avoid adding empty gzip member after gzflush with Z_FINISH
- Fix memory leak on error in gzlog.c
- Fix error in comment on the polynomial representation of a byte
- Clarify gz* function interfaces, referring to parameter names
- Change macro name in inflate.c to avoid collision in VxWorks
- Correct typo in blast.c
- Improve portability of contrib/minizip
- Fix indentation in minizip's zip.c
- Replace black/white with allow/block. (theresa-m)
- minizip warning fix if MAXU32 already defined. (gvollant)
- Fix unztell64() in minizip to work past 4GB. (Daniël Hörchner)
- Clean up minizip to reduce warnings for testing
- Add fallthrough comments for gcc
- Eliminate use of ULL constants
- Separate out address sanitizing from warnings in configure
- Remove destructive aspects of make distclean
- Check for cc masquerading as gcc or clang in configure
- Fix crc32.c to compile local functions only if used
- Bug 1756271 - Remove token member from NSSSlot struct.
* Bump actions/cache from 2 to 3.
* Fix factory selection when Faker has been seeded.
The SIMDe header-only library provides fast, portable implementations
of SIMD intrinsics on hardware which doesn't natively support them,
such as calling SSE functions on ARM. There is no performance penalty
if the hardware supports the native implementation (e.g., SSE/AVX runs
at full speed on x86, NEON on ARM, etc.).
Additional changes in version 3.38.2 (2022-03-26):
Fix another user-discovered problem with the new Bloom filter optimization that might cause an incorrect answer when doing a LEFT JOIN with a WHERE clause constraint that says that one of the columns on the right table of the LEFT JOIN is NULL. See forum thread 031e262a89b6a9d2.
Other minor patches. See the timeline for details.
AllPairs is an open source test combinations generator. It allows one to
create a set of tests using "pairwise combinations" method, reducing a
number of combinations of variables into a lesser set that covers most
situations. Features:
- Produces good enough dataset.
- Pythonic, iterator-style enumeration interface.
- Allows to filter out "invalid" combinations during search for the next
- Goes beyond pairs! If/when required can generate n-wise combinations.
- verify_best_covering_pairs works the same as verify_all_combinations
but with a much smaller set in some cases:
Infinite loop during build, see PR pkg/56696.
- **NEW** Mob will automatically open the last modified file of the
previous typist in your preferred IDE. Therefore, you need to set the
configuration option `MOB_OPEN_COMMAND` to a command which opens your
IDE. For example, the open command for IntelliJ is `idea %s`
- Add a Smiley face to Happy Collaborating message to make your day :)
XXX maybe pullup 2022Q1?
One of the reasons why I always kept postponing patches and updates
in this project was the fact that it was pretty hard to maintain.
When I originally wrote most of it, I barely had time and just
wanted to get features out ASAP.
The Even Better TOML has recently passed the 100K installs mark,
I felt that some cleanup and care was long overdue.
This PR is pretty much a rewrite and/or a major refactor of Taplo
with the only exception of the parser, which I would love to rewrite
as well but I'm already pushing my time-limits.
* Rewrite of the DOM, it now uses a reference-counted implementation
where each node is cheap to clone and to juggle around.
* Rewrite of the CLI as well, it is now a first-class citizen not
just something quickly thrown together.
* Integration of jsonschema, most (all?) JSON Schema features are
now supported and the limitations of the current implementation
are non-existent.
* Support of schema store catalog and schemas
* The shared code between the CLI and the language server is now
properly extracted into taplo-common, so the CLI and the LSP are
no longer out of sync.
* The external environment is now abstracted away into a trait, so
both the LSP and the CLI should run pretty much anywhere with
minimal plumbing
* tracing is used for all logging
* Refactor and workspace support in the LSP
* All toml-test tests now pass
* Proper benchmarks via criterion (the new DOM is slightly slower
initially due to allocations, but not too much)
* Completions and hover in the LSP (the building blocks are there,
but the cursor queries require some plumbing)
* The LSP is part of the CLI as well, and the VSCode extension
works with it, WASM bindings are yet to be reimplemented
* Flexible configuration options in the LSP
* Proper directives in TOML files (e.g. schema)
Breaking Changes
Probably a lot, but here are a few notable ones:
* The DOM API is completely different, although migration should
be rather easy.
* Chrono feature has been removed, it can be reintroduced later
though if needed.
* As with the DOM layout, error types have also changed.
* Date types are now separate syntax-kinds.
* Even though we had no MSRV policy, I clearly used 1.58 features
during the rewrite
* The Even Better Toml vscode extension also gets a facelift with
some configuration options changed
Avoid building this package with Ruby 3.1 now since Ruby 3.1.1 contains
the same version of test-unit and cause conclicts.
Noted by wiz@.