path: root/devel
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2015-04-05Update to 1.4.3wen3-148/+275
Update DEPENDS Add test target Upstream changes: 2015-03-14 -- 1.4.3 * Remove three warnings: star-args, abstract-class-little-used, abstract-class-not-used. These warnings don't add any real value and they don't imply errors or problems in the code. * Added a new option for controlling the peephole optimizer in astroid. The option ``--optimize-ast`` will control the peephole optimizer, which is used to optimize a couple of AST subtrees. The current problem solved by the peephole optimizer is when multiple joined strings, with the addition operator, are encountered. If the numbers of such strings is high enough, Pylint will then fail with a maximum recursion depth exceeded error, due to its visitor architecture. The peephole just transforms such calls, if it can, into the final resulting string and this exhibit a problem, because the visit_binop method stops being called (in the optimized AST it will be a Const node). 2015-03-11 -- 1.4.2 * Don't require a docstring for empty modules. Closes issue #261. * Fix a false positive with `too-few-format-args` string warning, emitted when the string format contained a normal positional argument ('{0}'), mixed with a positional argument which did an attribute access ('{0.__class__}'). Closes issue #463. * Take in account all the methods from the ancestors when checking for too-few-public-methods. Closes issue #471. * Catch enchant errors and emit 'invalid-characters-in-docstring' when checking for spelling errors. Closes issue #469. * Use all the inferred statements for the super-init-not-called check. Closes issue #389. * Add a new warning, 'unichr-builtin', emitted by the Python 3 porting checker, when the unichr builtin is found. Closes issue #472. * Add a new warning, 'intern-builtin', emitted by the Python 3 porting checker, when the intern builtin is found. Closes issue #473. * Add support for editable installations. * The HTML output accepts the `--msg-template` option. Patch by Dan Goldsmith. * Add 'map-builtin-not-iterating' (replacing 'implicit-map-evaluation'), 'zip-builtin-not-iterating', 'range-builtin-not-iterating', and 'filter-builtin-not-iterating' which are emitted by `--py3k` when the appropriate built-in is not used in an iterating context (semantics taken from 2to3). * Add a new warning, 'unidiomatic-typecheck', emitted when an explicit typecheck uses type() instead of isinstance(). For example, `type(x) == Y` instead of `isinstance(x, Y)`. Patch by Chris Rebert. Closes issue #299. * Add support for combining the Python 3 checker mode with the --jobs flag (--py3k and --jobs). Closes issue #467. * Add a new warning for the Python 3 porting checker, 'using-cmp-argument', emitted when the `cmp` argument for the `list.sort` or `sorted builtin` is encountered. * Make the --py3k flag commutative with the -E flag. Also, this patch fixes the leaks of error messages from the Python 3 checker when the errors mode was activated. Closes issue #437. 2015-01-16 -- 1.4.1 * Look only in the current function's scope for bad-super-call. Closes issue #403. * Check the return of properties when checking for not-callable. Closes issue #406. * Warn about using the input() or round() built-ins for Python 3. Closes issue #411. * Proper abstract method lookup while checking for abstract-class-instantiated. Closes issue #401. * Use a mro traversal for finding abstract methods. Closes issue #415. * Fix a false positive with catching-non-exception and tuples of exceptions. * Fix a false negative with raising-non-exception, when the raise used an uninferrable exception context. * Fix a false positive on Python 2 for raising-bad-type, when raising tuples in the form 'raise (ZeroDivisionError, None)'. * Fix a false positive with invalid-slots-objects, where the slot entry was an unicode string on Python 2. Closes issue #421. * Add a new warning, 'redundant-unittest-assert', emitted when using unittest's methods assertTrue and assertFalse with constant value as argument. Patch by Vlad Temian. * Add a new JSON reporter, usable through -f flag. * Add the method names for the 'signature-differs' and 'argument-differs' warnings. Closes issue #433. * Don't compile test files when installing. * Fix a crash which occurred when using multiple jobs and the files given as argument didn't exist at all. 2014-11-23 -- 1.4.0 * Added new options for controlling the loading of C extensions. By default, only C extensions from the stdlib will be loaded into the active Python interpreter for inspection, because they can run arbitrary code on import. The option `--extension-pkg-whitelist` can be used to specify modules or packages that are safe to load. * Change default max-line-length to 100 rather than 80 * Drop BaseRawChecker class which were only there for backward compat for a while now * Don't try to analyze string formatting with objects coming from function arguments. Closes issue #373. * Port source code to be Python 2/3 compatible. This drops the need for 2to3, but does drop support for Python 2.5. * Each message now comes with a confidence level attached, and can be filtered base on this level. This allows to filter out all messages that were emitted even though an inference failure happened during checking. * Improved presenting unused-import message. Closes issue #293. * Add new checker for finding spelling errors. New messages: wrong-spelling-in-comment, wrong-spelling-in-docstring. New options: spelling-dict, spelling-ignore-words. * Add new '-j' option for running checks in sub-processes. * Added new checks for line endings if they are mixed (LF vs CRLF) or if they are not as expected. New messages: mixed-line-endings, unexpected-line-ending-format. New option: expected-line-ending-format. * 'dangerous-default-value' no longer evaluates the value of the arguments, which could result in long error messages or sensitive data being leaked. Closes issue #282 * Fix a false positive with string formatting checker, when encountering a string which uses only position-based arguments. Closes issue #285. * Fix a false positive with string formatting checker, when using keyword argument packing. Closes issue #288. * Proper handle class level scope for lambdas. * Handle 'too-few-format-args' or 'too-many-format-args' for format strings with both named and positional fields. Closes issue #286. * Analyze only strings by the string format checker. Closes issue #287. * Properly handle nested format string fields. Closes issue #294. * Don't emit 'attribute-defined-outside-init' if the attribute was set by a function call in a defining method. Closes issue #192. * Properly handle unicode format strings for Python 2. Closes issue #296. * Don't emit 'import-error' if an import was protected by a try-except, which excepted ImportError. * Fix an 'unused-import' false positive, when the error was emitted for all the members imported with 'from import' form. Closes issue #304. * Don't emit 'invalid-name' when assigning a name in an ImportError handler. Closes issue #302. * Don't count branches from nested functions. * Fix a false positive with 'too-few-format-args', when the format strings contains duplicate manual position arguments. Closes issue #310. * fixme regex handles comments without spaces after the hash. Closes issue #311. * Don't emit 'unused-import' when a special object is imported (__all__, __doc__ etc.). Closes issue #309. * Look in the metaclass, if defined, for members not found in the current class. Closes issue #306. * Don't emit 'protected-access' if the attribute is accessed using a property defined at the class level. * Detect calls of the parent's __init__, through a binded super() call. * Check that a class has an explicitly defined metaclass before emitting 'old-style-class' for Python 2. * Emit 'catching-non-exception' for non-class nodes. Closes issue #303. * Order of reporting is consistent. * Add a new warning, 'boolean-datetime', emitted when an instance of 'datetime.time' is used in a boolean context. Closes issue #239. * Fix a crash which ocurred while checking for 'method-hidden', when the parent frame was something different than a function. * Generate html output for missing files. Closes issue #320. * Fix a false positive with 'too-many-format-args', when the format string contains mixed attribute access arguments and manual fields. Closes issue #322. * Extend the cases where 'undefined-variable' and 'used-before-assignment' can be detected. Closes issue #291. * Add support for customising callback identifiers, by adding a new '--callbacks' command line option. Closes issue #326. * Add a new warning, 'logging-format-interpolation', emitted when .format() string interpolation is used within logging function calls. * Don't emit 'unbalanced-tuple-unpacking' when the rhs of the assignment is a variable length argument. Closes issue #329. * Add a new warning, 'inherit-non-class', emitted when a class inherits from something which is not a class. Closes issue #331. * Fix another false positives with 'undefined-variable', where the variable can be found as a class assignment and used in a function annotation. Closes issue #342. * Handle assignment of the string format method to a variable. Closes issue #351. * Support wheel packaging format for PyPi. Closes issue #334. * Check that various built-ins that do not exist in Python 3 are not used: apply, basestring, buffer, cmp, coerce, execfile, file, long raw_input, reduce, StandardError, unicode, reload and xrange. * Warn for magic methods which are not used in any way in Python 3: __coerce__, __delslice__, __getslice__, __setslice__, __cmp__, __oct__, __nonzero__ and __hex__. * Don't emit 'assigning-non-slot' when the assignment is for a property. Closes issue #359. * Fix for regression: '{path}' was no longer accepted in '--msg-template'. * Report the percentage of all messages, not just for errors and warnings. Closes issue #319. * 'too-many-public-methods' is reported only for methods defined in a class, not in its ancestors. Closes issue #248. * 'too-many-lines' disable pragma can be located on any line, not only the first. Closes issue #321. * Warn in Python 2 when an import statement is found without a corresponding `from __future__ import absolute_import`. * Warn in Python 2 when a non-floor division operation is found without a corresponding `from __future__ import division`. * Add a new option, 'exclude-protected', for excluding members from the protected-access warning. Closes issue #48. * Warn in Python 2 when using dict.iter*(), dict.view*(); none of these methods are available in Python 3. * Warn in Python 2 when calling an object's next() method; Python 3 uses __next__() instead. * Warn when assigning to __metaclass__ at a class scope; in Python 3 a metaclass is specified as an argument to the 'class' statement. * Warn when performing parameter tuple unpacking; it is not supported in Python 3. * 'abstract-class-instantiated' is also emitted for Python 2. It was previously disabled. * Add 'long-suffix' error, emitted when encountering the long suffix on numbers. * Add support for disabling a checker, by specifying an 'enabled' attribute on the checker class. * Add a new CLI option, --py3k, for enabling Python 3 porting mode. This mode will disable all other checkers and will emit warnings and errors for constructs which are invalid or removed in Python 3. * Add 'old-octal-literal' to Python 3 porting checker, emitted when encountering octals with the old syntax. * Add 'implicit-map-evaluation' to Python 3 porting checker, emitted when encountering the use of map builtin, without explicit evaluation. 2014-07-26 -- 1.3.0 * Allow hanging continued indentation for implicitly concatenated strings. Closes issue #232. * Pylint works under Python 2.5 again, and its test suite passes. * Fix some false positives for the cellvar-from-loop warnings. Closes issue #233. * Return new astroid class nodes when the inferencer can detect that that result of a function invocation on a type (like `type` or `abc.ABCMeta`) is requested. Closes #205. * Emit 'undefined-variable' for undefined names when using the Python 3 `metaclass=` argument. * Checkers respect priority now. Close issue #229. * Fix a false positive regarding W0511. Closes issue #149. * Fix unused-import false positive with Python 3 metaclasses (#143). * Don't warn with 'bad-format-character' when encountering the 'a' format on Python 3. * Add multiple checks for PEP 3101 advanced string formatting: 'bad-format-string', 'missing-format-argument-key', 'unused-format-string-argument', 'format-combined-specification', 'missing-format-attribute' and 'invalid-format-index'. * Issue broad-except and bare-except even if the number of except handlers is different than 1. Fixes issue #113. * Issue attribute-defined-outside-init for all cases, not just for the last assignment. Closes issue #262. * Emit 'not-callable' when calling properties. Closes issue #268. * Fix a false positive with unbalanced iterable unpacking, when encountering starred nodes. Closes issue #273. * Add new checks, 'invalid-slice-index' and 'invalid-sequence-index' for invalid sequence and slice indices. * Add 'assigning-non-slot' warning, which detects assignments to attributes not defined in slots. * Don't emit 'no-name-in-module' for ignored modules. Closes issue #223. * Fix an 'unused-variable' false positive, where the variable is assigned through an import. Closes issue #196. * Definition order is considered for classes, function arguments and annotations. Closes issue #257. * Don't emit 'unused-variable' when assigning to a nonlocal. Closes issue #275. * Do not let ImportError propagate from the import checker, leading to crash in some namespace package related cases. Closes issue #203. * Don't emit 'pointless-string-statement' for attribute docstrings. Closes issue #193. * Use the proper mode for pickle when opening and writing the stats file. Closes issue #148. * Don't emit hidden-method message when the attribute has been monkey-patched, you're on your own when you do that. * Only emit attribute-defined-outside-init for definition within the same module as the offended class, avoiding to mangle the output in some cases. * Don't emit 'unnecessary-lambda' if the body of the lambda call contains call chaining. Closes issue #243. * Don't emit 'missing-docstring' when the actual docstring uses `.format`. Closes issue #281. 2014-04-30 -- 1.2.1 * Restore the ability to specify the init-hook option via the configuration file, which was accidentally broken in 1.2.0. * Add a new warning [bad-continuation] for badly indentend continued lines. * Emit [assignment-from-none] when the function contains bare returns. Fixes BitBucket issue #191. * Added a new warning for closing over variables that are defined in loops. Fixes Bitbucket issue #176. * Do not warn about \u escapes in string literals when Unicode literals are used for Python 2.*. Fixes BitBucket issue #151. * Extend the checking for unbalanced-tuple-unpacking and unpacking-non-sequence to instance attribute unpacking as well. * Fix explicit checking of python script (1.2 regression, #219) * Restore --init-hook, renamed accidentally into --init-hooks in 1.2.0 (#211) * Add 'indexing-exception' warning, which detects that indexing an exception occurs in Python 2 (behaviour removed in Python 3). 2014-04-18 -- 1.2.0 * Pass the current python paths to pylint process when invoked via epylint. Fixes BitBucket issue #133. * Add -i / --include-ids and -s / --symbols back as completely ignored options. Fixes BitBucket issue #180. * Extend the number of cases in which logging calls are detected. Fixes bitbucket issue #182. * Improve pragma handling to not detect pylint:* strings in non-comments. Fixes BitBucket issue #79. * Do not crash with UnknownMessage if an unknown message ID/name appears in disable or enable in the configuration. Patch by Cole Robinson. Fixes bitbucket issue #170. * Add new warning 'eval-used', checking that the builtin function `eval` was used. * Make it possible to show a naming hint for invalid name by setting include-naming-hint. Also make the naming hints configurable. Fixes BitBucket issue #138. * Added support for enforcing multiple, but consistent name styles for different name types inside a single module; based on a patch written by * Also warn about empty docstrings on overridden methods; contributed by * Also inspect arguments to constructor calls, and emit relevant warnings; contributed by * Added a new configuration option logging-modules to make the list of module names that can be checked for 'logging-not-lazy' et. al. configurable; contributed by * ensure init-hooks is evaluated before other options, notably load-plugins (#166) * Python 2.5 support restored: fixed small issues preventing pylint to run on python 2.5. Bitbucket issues #50 and #62. * bitbucket #128: pylint doesn't crash when looking for used-before-assignment in context manager assignments. * Add new warning, 'bad-reversed-sequence', for checking that the reversed() builtin receive a sequence (implements __getitem__ and __len__, without being a dict or a dict subclass) or an instance which implements __reversed__. * Mark `file` as a bad function when using python2 (closes #8). * Add new warning 'bad-exception-context', checking that `raise ... from ...` uses a proper exception context (None or an exception). * Enhance the check for 'used-before-assignment' to look for 'nonlocal' uses. * Emit 'undefined-all-variable' if a package's __all__ variable contains a missing submodule (closes #126). * Add a new warning 'abstract-class-instantiated' for checking that abstract classes created with `abc` module and with abstract methods are instantied. * Do not warn about 'return-arg-in-generator' in Python 3.3+. * Do not warn about 'abstract-method' when the abstract method is implemented through assignment (#155). * Improve cyclic import detection in the case of packages, patch by Buck Golemon * Add new warnings for checking proper class __slots__: `invalid-slots-object` and `invalid-slots`. * Search for rc file in `~/.config/pylintrc` if `~/.pylintrc` doesn't exists (#121) * Don't register the newstyle checker w/ python >= 3 * Fix unused-import false positive w/ augment assignment (#78) * Fix access-member-before-definition false negative wrt aug assign (#164) * Do not attempt to analyze non python file, eg .so file (#122)
2015-04-05Update to 1.3.6wen3-123/+161
Add test target Upstream changes: 2015-03-14 -- 1.3.6 * Class.slots raises NotImplementedError for old style classes. Closes issue #67. * Add a new option to AstroidManager, `optimize_ast`, which controls if peephole optimizer should be enabled or not. This prevents a regression, where the visit_binop method wasn't called anymore with astroid 1.3.5, due to the differences in the resulting AST. Closes issue #82. 2015-03-11 -- 1.3.5 * Add the ability to optimize small ast subtrees, with the first use in the optimization of multiple BinOp nodes. This removes recursivity in the rebuilder when dealing with a lot of small strings joined by the addition operator. Closes issue #59. * Obtain the methods for the nose brain tip through an unittest.TestCase instance. Closes Pylint issue #457. * Fix a crash which occurred when a class was the ancestor of itself. Closes issue #78. * Improve the scope_lookup method for Classes regarding qualified objects, with an attribute name exactly as one provided in the class itself. For example, a class containing an attribute 'first', which was also an import and which had, as a base, a qualified name or a Gettattr node, in the form 'module.first', then Pylint would have inferred the `first` name as the function from the Class, not the import. Closes Pylint issue #466. * Implement the assigned_stmts operation for Starred nodes, which was omitted when support for Python 3 was added in astroid. Closes issue #36. 2015-01-17 -- 1.3.4 * Get the first element from the method list when obtaining the functions from Closes Pylint issue #448. 2015-01-16 -- 1.3.3 * Restore file_stream to a property, but deprecate it in favour of the newly added method By using a method instead of a property, it will be easier to properly close the file right after it is used, which will ensure that no file descriptors are leaked. Until now, due to the fact that a module was cached, it was not possible to close the file_stream anywhere. file_stream will start emitting PendingDeprecationWarnings in astroid 1.4, DeprecationWarnings in astroid 1.5 and it will be finally removed in astroid 1.6. * Add inference tips for 'tuple', 'list', 'dict' and 'set' builtins. * Add brain definition for most string and unicode methods * Changed the API for Class.slots. It returns None when the class doesn't define any slots. Previously, for both the cases where the class didn't have slots defined and when it had an empty list of slots, Class.slots returned an empty list. * Add a new method to Class nodes, 'mro', for obtaining the the method resolution order of the class. * Add brain tips for six.moves. Closes issue #63. * Improve the detection for functions decorated with decorators which returns static or class methods. * .slots() can contain unicode strings on Python 2. * Add inference tips for 2014-11-22 -- 1.3.2 * Fixed a crash with invalid subscript index. * Implement proper base class semantics for Python 3, where every class derives from object. * Allow more fine-grained control over C extension loading in the manager. 2014-11-21 -- 1.3.1 * Fixed a crash issue with the pytest brain module. 2014-11-20 -- 1.3.0 * Fix a maximum recursion error occured during the inference, where statements with the same name weren't filtered properly. Closes pylint issue #295. * Check that EmptyNode has an underlying object in EmptyNode.has_underlying_object. * Simplify the understanding of enum members. * Fix an infinite loop with decorator call chain inference, where the decorator returns itself. Closes issue #50. * Various speed improvements. Patch by Alex Munroe. * Add pytest brain plugin. Patch by Robbie Coomber. * Support for Python versions < 2.7 has been dropped, and the source has been made compatible with Python 2 and 3. Running 2to3 on installation for Python 3 is not needed anymore. * astroid now depends on six. * modutils._module_file opens in binary mode. Closes issues #51 and #13. * Only C extensions from trusted sources (the standard library) are loaded into the examining Python process to build an AST from the live module. * Path names on case-insensitive filesystems are now properly handled. This fixes the stdlib detection code on Windows. * Metaclass-generating functions like six.with_metaclass are now supported via some explicit detection code. * astroid.register_module_extender has been added to generalize the support for module extenders as used by many brain plugins. * brain plugins can now register hooks to handle failed imports, as done by the gobject-introspection plugin. * The modules have been moved to a separate package directory, ` develop` now works correctly. 2014-08-24 -- 1.2.1 * Fix a crash occurred when inferring decorator call chain. Closes issue #42. * Set the parent of vararg and kwarg nodes when inferring them. Closes issue #43. * namedtuple inference knows about '_fields' attribute. * enum members knows about the methods from the enum class. * Name inference will lookup in the parent function of the current scope, in case searching in the current scope fails. * Inference of the functional form of the enums takes into consideration the various inputs that enums accepts. * The inference engine handles binary operations (add, mul etc.) between instances. * Fix an infinite loop in the inference, by returning a copy of instance attributes, when calling 'instance_attr'. Closes issue #34 (patch by Emile Anclin). * Don't crash when trying to infer unbound object.__new__ call. Closes issue #11. 2014-07-25 -- 1.2.0 * Function nodes can detect decorator call chain and see if they are decorated with builtin descriptors (`classmethod` and `staticmethod`). * infer_call_result called on a subtype of the builtin type will now return a new `Class` rather than an `Instance`. * `Class.metaclass()` now handles module-level __metaclass__ declaration on python 2, and no longer looks at the __metaclass__ class attribute on python 3. * Function nodes can detect if they are decorated with subclasses of builtin descriptors when determining their type (`classmethod` and `staticmethod`). * Add `slots` method to `Class` nodes, for retrieving the list of valid slots it defines. * Expose function annotation to astroid: `Arguments` node exposes 'varargannotation', 'kwargannotation' and 'annotations' attributes, while `Function` node has the 'returns' attribute. * Backported most of the logilab.common.modutils module there, as most things there are for pylint/astroid only and we want to be able to fix them without requiring a new logilab.common release * Fix names grabed using wildcard import in "absolute import mode" (ie with absolute_import activated from the __future__ or with python 3). Fix pylint issue #58. * Add support in pylint-brain for understanding enum classes. 2014-04-30 -- 1.1.1 * `Class.metaclass()` looks in ancestors when the current class does not define explicitly a metaclass. * Do not cache modules if a module with the same qname is already known, and only return cached modules if both name and filepath match. Fixes pylint Bitbucket issue #136. 2014-04-18 -- 1.1.0 * All class nodes are marked as new style classes for Py3k. * Add a `metaclass` function to `Class` nodes to retrieve their metaclass. * Add a new YieldFrom node. * Add support for inferring arguments to namedtuple invocations. * Make sure that objects returned for namedtuple inference have parents. * Don't crash when inferring nodes from `with` clauses with multiple context managers. Closes #18. * Don't crash when a class has some __call__ method that is not inferable. Closes #17. * Unwrap instances found in `.ancestors()`, by using their _proxied class.
2015-04-05Update to 3.3.3:wiz2-6/+6
TortoiseHg 3.3.3 TortoiseHg 3.3.3 is a regularly scheduled bug-fix release. The evolve extension was added to the Windows installer packages in this release. Bug Fixes annotate: do not instantiate filectx per line (fixes #4071) copypatch, export: pass --rev option in compact form (fixes #4081) doc, version: bump copyright year (fixes #4066) filectxactions: avoid crash by opening log of new file (fixes #4096) filedata: calculate status from given base revision if not known filedata: copy subrepo attributes when switching base revisions (fixes #4102) guess: sort added/removed files by path for stable result (fixes #4079) repofilter: always request to unapply revset by clear button (fixes #4073) repotab: catch Abort on repository lookup as well (fixes #4069) repowidget: stop the description column from shrinking on restart (refs #3882) Installer Evolve extension is now bundled (latest stable tag: 5.1.2) dulwich bumped to 0.9.9 (0.10.0 is broken on Windows) hgkeyring bumped to 0.6.7 hgcr-gui (fixes #4065)
2015-04-05Update to 0.4.0:wiz3-19/+58
0.4.0 -- 2015-04-03 ------------------- For more information about this release, please see `milestone 0.4.0 <>`_ on the project's page. New Features ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - A naive implemenation of a thread pool is now included in the toolbelt. See the docs in ``docs/threading.rst`` or on `Read The Docs <>`_. - The ``StreamingIterator`` now accepts files (such as ``sys.stdin``) without a specific length and will properly stream them. - The ``MultipartEncoder`` now accepts exactly the same format of fields as requests' ``files`` parameter does. In other words, you can now also pass in extra headers to add to a part in the body. You can also now specify a custom ``Content-Type`` for a part. - An implementation of HTTP Digest Authentication for Proxies is now included. - A transport adapter that allows a user to specify a specific Certificate Fingerprint is now included in the toolbelt. - A transport adapter that simplifies how users specify socket options is now included. - A transport adapter that simplifies how users can specify TCP Keep-Alive options is now included in the toolbelt. - Deprecated functions from ``requests.utils`` are now included and maintained. - An authentication tool that allows users to specify how to authenticate to several different domains at once is now included. - A function to save streamed responses to disk by analyzing the ``Content-Disposition`` header is now included in the toolbelt. Fixed Bugs ~~~~~~~~~~ - The ``MultipartEncoder`` will now allow users to upload files larger than 4GB on 32-bit systems. - The ``MultipartEncoder`` will now accept empty unicode strings for form values.
2015-04-05Update to 15.0:wiz2-6/+6
---- 15.0 ---- * Pull Request #126: DistributionNotFound message now lists the package or packages that required it. E.g.:: pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: The 'colorama>=0.3.1' distribution was not found and is required by smlib.log. Note that zc.buildout once dependended on the string rendering of this message to determine the package that was not found. This expectation has since been changed, but older versions of buildout may experience problems. See Buildout #242 for details.
2015-04-05Update to 4.0:wiz2-6/+6
Version 4.0 ----------- (codename "zoom zoom", released on March 31st 2015) - Added `color` parameters to lots of interfaces that directly or indirectly call into echoing. This previously was always autodetection (with the exception of the `echo_via_pager` function). Now you can forcefully enable or disable it, overriding the auto detection of Click. - Added an `UNPROCESSED` type which does not perform any type changes which simplifies text handling on 2.x / 3.x in some special advanced usecases. - Added `NoSuchOption` and `BadOptionUsage` exceptions for more generic handling of errors. - Added support for handling of unprocessed options which can be useful in situations where arguments are forwarded to underlying tools. - Added `max_content_width` parameter to the context which can be used to change the maximum width of help output. By default Click will not format content for more than 80 characters width. - Added support for writing prompts to stderr. - Fix a bug when showing the default for multiple arguments. - Added support for custom subclasses to `option` and `argument`. - Fix bug in ``clear()`` on Windows when colorama is installed. - Reject ``nargs=-1`` for options properly. Options cannot be variadic. - Fixed an issue with bash completion not working properly for commands with non ASCII characters or dashes. - Added a way to manually update the progressbar. - Changed the formatting of missing arguments. Previously the internal argument name was shown in error messages, now the metavar is shown if passed. In case an automated metavar is selected, it's stripped of extra formatting first.
2015-04-05Update to 0.021wen2-6/+8
Add missing DEPENDS Upstream changes: 0.021 2015-03-21 18:48:27Z - add a x_breaks entry for conflicting versions of File::pushd which inadvertently call our exported warnings() rather than invoking, and documented this undesired interaction
2015-04-05Update to 0.011wen2-7/+7
Update DEPENDS Upstream changes: 0.011 2015-03-22 10:07:52+01:00 Europe/Amsterdam Declare the minimum version required for the "merged_requirements" interface
2015-04-05Update to 0.11wen2-8/+7
Upstream changes: 0.11 2015-01-03 20:35:48Z - re-release to fix problematic $VERSION declaration (RT#101095) 0.10 2014-12-22 08:14:23Z - fix compile errors on perl 5.21.6 (RT#101076, Father Chrysostomos) 0.09 2014-05-25 16:17:38Z - bump required version of B::Hooks::Parser for MSWin32 0.08 2014-05-24 05:07:22Z - Patch for perl > 5.19.2 by Peter Martini (RT#95181) 0.07 2012-05-19 10:46:23Z - Patch for perl > 5.13.7 by Colin Watson See 0.06 2009-07-31 04:34:56Z - Require ExtUtils::Depends 0.302.
2015-04-05Update to 0.60wen2-8/+7
Upstream changes: 0.60 (2013-02-07) * Same as 0.59. Make it non TRIAL :) 0.59 (2013-02-07) * Support TRIAL release for PAUSE with --trial command line option 0.58 (2012-11-09) * Support our $VERSION = 'v1.0.0' construct per xdg 0.57 (2012-07-21) * Fixed an issue with PAUSE 0.56 (2012-07-21) * Supports and writes different style of perl version declarations (Brad Willis) * Changed the display of git unknown files to be prettier (Daniel LeWarne) * Include global git exclusion files (Daniel LeWarne) * Add support for not running under a terminal (Dave Lambley) * Make tilde (~) to point user's home directory (Dave Lambley) * miyagawa now takes over the maintenance of ShipIt
2015-04-05Update to 31.6.0ryoon1-4/+3
* Sync with firefox31-31.6.0.
2015-04-05Update to 3.18ryoon2-6/+6
Changelog: The NSS team has released Network Security Services (NSS) 3.18, which is a minor release. New functionality: * When importing certificates and keys from a PKCS#12 source, it's now possible to override the nicknames, prior to importing them into the NSS database, using new API SEC_PKCS12DecoderRenameCertNicknames. * The tstclnt test utility program has new command-line options -C, -D, -b and -R. Use -C one, two or three times to print information about the certificates received from a server, and information about the locally found and trusted issuer certificates, to diagnose server side configuration issues. It is possible to run tstclnt without providing a database (-D). A PKCS#11 library that contains root CA certificates can be loaded by tstclnt, which may either be the nssckbi library provided by NSS (-b) or another compatible library (-R). New Functions: * SEC_CheckCrlTimes * SEC_GetCrlTimes * SEC_PKCS12DecoderRenameCertNicknames New Types * SEC_PKCS12NicknameRenameCallback Notable Changes: * The highest TLS protocol version enabled by default has been increased from TLS 1.0 to TLS 1.2. Similarly, the highest DTLS protocol version enabled by default has been increased from DTLS 1.0 to DTLS 1.2. * The default key size used by certutil when creating an RSA key pair has been increased from 1024 bits to 2048 bits. * On Mac OS X, by default the softokn shared library will link with the sqlite library installed by the operating system, if it is version 3.5 or newer. * The following CA certificates had the Websites and Code Signing trust bits turned off: - Equifax Secure Certificate Authority - Equifax Secure Global eBusiness CA-1 - TC TrustCenter Class 3 CA II * The following CA certificates were Added: - Staat der Nederlanden Root CA - G3 - Staat der Nederlanden EV Root CA - IdenTrust Commercial Root CA 1 - IdenTrust Public Sector Root CA 1 - S-TRUST Universal Root CA - Entrust Root Certification Authority - G2 - Entrust Root Certification Authority - EC1 - CFCA EV ROOT * The version number of the updated root CA list has been set to 2.3
2015-04-04Needs to be if empty, not if !emptyrodent1-2/+2
2015-04-04Add an upstream patch to fix a test failure.wiz2-1/+46
No change to binary package.
2015-04-04Import openocd-0.8.0 as devel/openocd.rodent5-0/+597
Free and open on-chip debugging, in-system programming and boundary-scan testing.
2015-04-04Removing openocr. Supposed to be "openocd". :|rodent5-597/+0
2015-04-03Import openocd-0.8.0 as devel/openocr.rodent5-0/+597
Free and open on-chip debugging, in-system programming and boundary-scan testing.
2015-04-03Add TODO.alnsn1-0/+3
2015-04-03Add lua-ljsyscall.alnsn1-1/+2
2015-04-03Import lua-ljsyscall version 0.10 by Justin Cormack.alnsn4-0/+155
What? An FFI implementation of the Linux, NetBSD, FreeBSD and OSX kernel ABIs for LuaJIT. This means you will be able to program all the functionality the Unix kernel provides to userspace directly in Lua. You can view it as a high level language equivalent of the Busybox project in a way, although the functionality it provides is somewhat different, and the interface very different. Why? First it provides a comprehensive set of system call APIs for programming sockets, files and so on, including the more obscure things (eg file change notifications). Second it provides higher level interfaces such as network interface configuration, so your application can control its entire runtime interface including IP addresses routing and so on. Third it provides tools for added security, such as support for Linux namespaces (containers), system call filtering (seccomp type 2), capabilities and so on, all with a script language interface that is much simpler to use than the C interface. As it is Lua based it can easily be embedded in another language; in the future ports to other scripting languages are planned. It also serves as a way of learning how the operating system interfaces work in a more forgiving environment than C.
2015-04-03Sun, 21 Sep 2014 13:41:30 -0600 Sean Reifschneider <>rodent3-7/+8
* 1.54 release. * Numerous patches to attempt to get Python 3 working, but tests are still failing under Python 3, so this code is not ready yet. * MemcachedKeyCharacterError better describes key problem. Suggested by Roy Smith * Added touch(), patch by erankor on github. * Allow empty server list, patch by zewt on github. * If unknown flags in get request, raises a value error rather than the code bombing out. * Setting the SERVER_MAX_* values after import did not work, despite being documented to. Reported by alexf101 on github.
2015-04-03Update devel/gperftools to 2.4, patch provided by Jonathan Buschmann in PR ↵hiramatsu3-51/+14
49625. Changes from previous: == 2.4 == + enabled aggressive decommit option by default, significantly improve memory fragmentation + new ./configure flags for tcmalloc pagesize and tcmalloc allocation alignment. + Faster malloc/free, 5% on static library and about 10% on shared library. Mainly due to more efficient checking of malloc hooks. + Improved accuracy of stacktrace capturing in cpu profiler == 2.3 == + New experimental method for CPU profiling (only for Linux) + Most are fixes to pprof + Few other fixes, notably libunwind integration (selectable in configure step) and disabled on OSX & ppc64 == 2.2 == + Support for mips/mips64/aarch64/ppc64-le + New method for capturing backtrace + More fixes + Fixes for Windows + Sources served by Google drive
2015-04-03Update to 3.3.3:wiz2-6/+6
This is a regularly-scheduled bugfix release. adjustlinkrev: handle 'None' value as source adjustlinkrev: prepare source revs for ancestry only once amend: check for directory renames for both merge parents (issue4516) annotate: reuse ancestry context when adjusting linkrev (issue4532) dirstate: don't require exact case when adding dirs on icasefs (issue4578) dirstate: make sure rootdir ends with directory separator (issue4557) filemerge: clean up language in mergemarkertemplate help forget: cleanup the output for an inexact case match on icasefs hgweb: prevent loading style map from directories other than specified paths mergecopies: reuse ancestry context when traversing file history (issue4537) templates: fix "log -q" output of default style templates: fix "log -q" output of phases style win32: 'raise ctypes.WinError' -> 'raise ctypes.WinError()'
2015-04-03+ py-attic.wiz1-1/+2
2015-04-03Import py34-attic-0.14 as devel/py-attic, packaged for wip by myself.wiz8-0/+209
Attic is a deduplicating backup program. The main goal of Attic is to provide an efficient and secure way to backup data. The data deduplication technique used makes Attic suitable for daily backups since only changes are stored.
2015-04-03port some changes from netbsd gmp and adapt them to the gmp 6.x.mrg3-15/+341
this allows devel/gmp to build on armv4.
2015-04-03Recursive bump for vala-0.28.0 update.wiz3-3/+6
2015-04-03Update to 0.5.6:wiz3-11/+12
0.5.5 -> 0.5.6 ================= Akira TAGOH (1): Fix distcheck error David Tardon (2): install lt-config.h: it's included from langtag.h remove stray LT_END_DECLS 0.5.4 -> 0.5.5 ================= Akira TAGOH (6): Fix a memory leak Fix a typo Fix configure error on specifying --disable-modules Fix a build issue with inline keyword Fix warning on bootstrap Update revision
2015-04-02Import py27-limits-1.0.4 as devel/py-limits.rodent4-0/+66
The python limits package provides utilities to implement rate limiting using various strategies and storage backends such as redis & memcached.
2015-04-02Update to 0.001008:wiz2-6/+6
0.001008 2015-03-30 21:33:17-04:00 America/New_York - fix a bug inheriting from nonmoo classes - remove strictures dependency for laxer strict/warnings
2015-04-02Update to 1.16:wiz2-8/+6
1.16 Sun 29 Mar 2015 - Remove use Test::Script from tests that escaped when this requirement became optional. 1.15 Sun 29 Mar 2015 - Fixed small but important POD error 1.14 Sun 29 Mar 2015 - App::pwhich is no longer bundled with File::Which and included in its own distribution. - pwhich that comes with this distribution is deprecated, and will report a warning if you try to use it, you should insted install App::pwhich. - pwhich that comes with this distribution will not be installed if App::pwhich 1.14 or better is already installed. - pwhich will be removed from this distribution, but not before 30 April 2015. - Make Test::Script an optional dependency 1.12 Thu 26 Mar 2015 - Fixed bug in pwhich introduced in version 1.10 where only the first file was searched for 1.11 Thu 26 Mar 2015 - Support for relative and fully qualified paths in Unix (gh#2) 1.10 Thu 26 Mar 2015 - Test::Script is now a test instead of runtime requirement It will be entirely removed as a prerequisite in a subsequent release - Will now find .exe and .com files (as it should) on cygwin (rt83146) - Declared required Perl version is now 5.005003 - Updated repository and maintainer information. Source for this dist now lives on GitHub - New module App::pwhich contains the guts of pwhich. It will be moved into a separate dist in the near future. pwhich will be deprecated and removed from this dist in the near future.
2015-04-02Update to 0.410:wiz2-6/+6
0.410 2015-03-30 - release 0.409_003 after no further issues came up 0.409_003 2015-03-27 - update bundled bootstrap modules * Data::Tumbler to 0.010 * Test::WriteVariants to 0.012 * Config::AutoConf to 0.311 - fix spelling (and add stop-words for names etc. in author tests) 0.409_002 2015-03-23 - fix multiple mg_get can break weird tie's (thanks to leont) - fix test run using PERL5OPT=d:Confess (thanks kentl & ribasushi) - use base instead of parent, cause parent isn't bundled before 5.10.1 (smoke report from SREZIC) - update bundled modules (for bootstrapping) and ppport.h (from 3.25 to 3.31) 0.409_001 2015-03-21 - fix RT#102885: uniq bug broke tied array (reported by - fix issue/8: Macros introduced in dfd851147f cause problems with MSVC (reported by A. Sinan Unur) - Update ppport.h from 3.25 to 3.31 0.408 2015-03-18 - fix RT#102840: uniq broken for call-by-function-return (reported by Jean-Damien Durand), with a new test case thanks to Thomas Sibley - fix RT#102853: hent_val accesses (reported by Brad Forschinger with a reasonable patch) - fix RT#102833: Compilation error with perl 5.21.7+ (reported by Slaven Rezic) - fix regex for RT#44518 test 0.407 2015-03-17 - Added one(), onlyidx(), onlyval() (RT#73134, MHASCH) and onlyres() - improve XS maintainability - document how uniq/distinct deal with undef (RT#49800) - add bsearchidx to satisfy RT#63470 - add singleton to satisfy RT#94382 - fix RT#82039 - uniq changes the type of its arguments - fix RT#44518 again
2015-04-02Update to 0.13:wiz2-6/+6
0.13 2015-03-28 06:27:23Z - fix optional test of interaction with B::C that sometimes invalidly failed
2015-04-02Update to 2.000001:wiz2-6/+6
2.000001 - 2015-03-16 - Fix how we pick between Sub::Name and Sub::Util if they are both loaded. This fixes how we interact with Moose in some cases. (RT#102729) (GH#15)
2015-04-02Update to 2.7.0:wiz2-6/+6
2.7.0 (compared to 2.6.4) ----------------------------- - fix issue435: make reload() work when assert rewriting is active. Thanks Daniel Hahler. - fix issue616: files and their contained fixutres are now properly considered for visibility, independently from the exact current working directory and test arguments that are used. Many thanks to Eric Siegerman and his PR235 which contains systematic tests for conftest visibility and now passes. This change also introduces the concept of a ``rootdir`` which is printed as a new pytest header and documented in the pytest customize web page. - change reporting of "diverted" tests, i.e. tests that are collected in one file but actually come from another (e.g. when tests in a test class come from a base class in a different file). We now show the nodeid and indicate via a postfix the other file. - add ability to set command line options by environment variable PYTEST_ADDOPTS. - added documentation on the new pytest-dev teams on bitbucket and github. See . Thanks to Anatoly for pushing and initial work on this. - fix issue650: new option ``--docttest-ignore-import-errors`` which will turn import errors in doctests into skips. Thanks Charles Cloud for the complete PR. - fix issue655: work around different ways that cause python2/3 to leak sys.exc_info into fixtures/tests causing failures in 3rd party code - fix issue615: assertion re-writing did not correctly escape % signs when formatting boolean operations, which tripped over mixing booleans with modulo operators. Thanks to Tom Viner for the report, triaging and fix. - implement issue351: add ability to specify parametrize ids as a callable to generate custom test ids. Thanks Brianna Laugher for the idea and implementation. - introduce and document new hookwrapper mechanism useful for plugins which want to wrap the execution of certain hooks for their purposes. This supersedes the undocumented ``__multicall__`` protocol which pytest itself and some external plugins use. Note that pytest-2.8 is scheduled to drop supporting the old ``__multicall__`` and only support the hookwrapper protocol. - majorly speed up invocation of plugin hooks - use hookwrapper mechanism in builtin pytest plugins. - add a doctest ini option for doctest flags, thanks Holger Peters. - add note to docs that if you want to mark a parameter and the parameter is a callable, you also need to pass in a reason to disambiguate it from the "decorator" case. Thanks Tom Viner. - "python_classes" and "python_functions" options now support glob-patterns for test discovery, as discussed in issue600. Thanks Ldiary Translations. - allow to override parametrized fixtures with non-parametrized ones and vice versa (bubenkoff). - fix issue463: raise specific error for 'parameterize' misspelling (pfctdayelise). - On failure, the ``sys.last_value``, ``sys.last_type`` and ``sys.last_traceback`` are set, so that a user can inspect the error via postmortem debugging (almarklein).
2015-04-02Update to 6.4:wiz5-28/+27
Version 6.4 - March 24 2015 [CHANGES] New facilities: o gtags: Now --sqlite3 option is supported formally. This option uses SQLite3 API instead of BSD/DB API for making tag files. To use this option, you need to invoke configure script with --with-sqlite3 in the build phase. [configuration phase] $ ./configure --with-sqlite3 # use sqlite3 API [execution phase] $ gtags --sqlite3 # make sqlite3 tag files o gtags: --single-update option supports deletion of a file. Now the next command line works well. $ rm test.c $ gtags --single-update=test.c o gtags: New --explain option. This option explains handling files. You can know the following information: - Skipped reason for each skipped files. - Used parser and its library path for each source file. [FIXED BUGS] o global: global(1) could not pick up source code from source files in library projects (GTAGSLLIBPATH) if their tag files are compact format. Now it works. [INCOMPATIBLE CHANGES] The following features of htags(1) were removed. o The -c (--compact) option. o The --system-cgi option. o The --overwrite-key option. o The -x (--xhtml[=version]) option. All files are 1.0. o The following configuration variables: colorize-warned-line (substitute: --colorize-warned-line) gzipped_suffix (substitute: not available) htags_options (substitute: HTAGS_OPTIONS) ncol (substitute: -n, --line-number [n]) normal_suffix (will be always '.html') no_order_list (substitute: --no-order-list) script_alias (substitute: not available) tabs (substitute: --tabs n) xhtml_version (will be always 1.0)
2015-04-02Update to 14.3.1:wiz2-6/+6
------ 14.3.1 ------ * Issue #307: Removed PEP-440 warning during parsing of versions in ``pkg_resources.Distribution``. * Issue #364: Replace deprecated usage with recommended usage of ``EntryPoint.load``. ---- 14.3 ---- * Issue #254: When creating temporary egg cache on Unix, use mode 755 for creating the directory to avoid the subsequent warning if the directory is group writable.
2015-04-02Update to 1.58b:wiz2-6/+6
Version 1.58b: -------------- - Added a workaround for abort() behavior in -lpthread programs in QEMU mode. Spotted by Aidan Thornton. - Made several documentation updates, including links to the static instrumentation tool (sister_projects.txt). -------------- Version 1.57b: -------------- - Fixed a problem with exception handling on some versions of MacOS X. Spotted by Samir Aguiar and Anders Wang Kristensen. - Tweaked afl-gcc to use BIN_PATH instead of a fixed string in help messages.
2015-04-02Also sync minor version with firefox31tnn1-2/+2
2015-04-02sync DIST_SUBDIR w/ firefox31tnn1-2/+2
XXX should be moved to or removed since this is recurring
2015-04-02Update to 0.10.1a for a security problem (see below).wiz3-9/+125
0.10.1 2015-03-25 BUG FIXES * Return `ApplyDeltaError` when encountering delta errors in both C extensions and native delta application code. (Jelmer Vernooij, #259) 0.10.0 2015-03-22 BUG FIXES * In dulwich.index.build_index_from_tree, by default refuse to create entries that start with .git/. * Fix running of testsuite when installed. (Jelmer Vernooij, #223) * Use a block cache in _find_content_rename_candidates(), improving performance. (Mike Williams) * Add support for ``core.protectNTFS`` setting. (Jelmer Vernooij) * Fix TypeError when fetching empty updates. (Hwee Miin Koh) * Resolve delta refs when pulling into a MemoryRepo. (Max Shawabkeh, #256) * Fix handling of tags of non-commits in missing object finder. (Augie Fackler, #211) * Explicitly disable mmap on plan9 where it doesn't work. (Jeff Sickel) IMPROVEMENTS * New public method `Repo.reset_index`. (Jelmer Vernooij) * Prevent duplicate parsing of loose files in objects directory when reading. Thanks to David Keijser for the report. (Jelmer Vernooij, #231) 0.9.9 2015-03-20 SECURITY BUG FIXES * Fix buffer overflow in C implementation of pack apply_delta(). (CVE-2015-0838) Thanks to Ivan Fratric of the Google Security Team for reporting this issue. (Jelmer Vernooij) 0.9.8 2014-11-30 BUG FIXES * Various fixes to improve test suite running on Windows. (Gary van der Merwe) * Limit delta copy length to 64K in v2 pack files. (Robert Brown) * Strip newline from final ACKed SHA while fetching packs. (Michael Edgar) * Remove assignment to PyList_SIZE() that was causing segfaults on pypy. (Jelmer Vernooij, #196) IMPROVEMENTS * Add porcelain 'receive-pack' and 'upload-pack'. (Jelmer Vernooij) * Handle SIGINT signals in bin/dulwich. (Jelmer Vernooij) * Add 'status' support to bin/dulwich. (Jelmer Vernooij) * Add 'branch_create', 'branch_list', 'branch_delete' porcelain. (Jelmer Vernooij) * Add 'fetch' porcelain. (Jelmer Vernooij) * Add 'tag_delete' porcelain. (Jelmer Vernooij) * Add support for serializing/deserializing 'gpgsig' attributes in Commit. (Jelmer Vernooij) CHANGES * dul-web is now available as 'dulwich web-daemon'. (Jelmer Vernooij) * dulwich.porcelain.tag has been renamed to tag_create. dulwich.porcelain.list_tags has been renamed to tag_list. (Jelmer Vernooij) API CHANGES * Restore support for Python 2.6. (Jelmer Vernooij, Gary van der Merwe) 0.9.7 2014-06-08 BUG FIXES * Fix tests dependent on hash ordering. (Michael Edgar) * Support staging symbolic links in Repo.stage. (Robert Brown) * Ensure that all files object are closed when running the test suite. (Gary van der Merwe) * When writing OFS_DELTA pack entries, write correct offset. (Augie Fackler) * Fix handler of larger copy operations in packs. (Augie Fackler) * Various fixes to improve test suite running on Windows. (Gary van der Merwe) * Fix logic for extra adds of identical files in rename detector. (Robert Brown) IMPROVEMENTS * Add porcelain 'status'. (Ryan Faulkner) * Add porcelain 'daemon'. (Jelmer Vernooij) * Add `dulwich.greenthreads` module which provides support for concurrency of some object store operations. (Fabien Boucher) * Various changes to improve compatibility with Python 3. (Gary van der Merwe, Hannu Valtonen, michael-k) * Add OpenStack Swift backed repository implementation in dulwich.contrib. See README.swift for details. (Fabien Boucher) API CHANGES * An optional close function can be passed to the Protocol class. This will be called by its close method. (Gary van der Merwe) * All classes with close methods are now context managers, so that they can be easily closed using a `with` statement. (Gary van der Merwe) * Remove deprecated `num_objects` argument to `write_pack` methods. (Jelmer Vernooij) OTHER CHANGES * The 'dul-daemon' script has been removed. The same functionality is now available as 'dulwich daemon'. (Jelmer Vernooij) 0.9.6 2014-04-23 IMPROVEMENTS * Add support for recursive add in 'git add'. (Ryan Faulkner, Jelmer Vernooij) * Add porcelain 'list_tags'. (Ryan Faulkner) * Add porcelain 'push'. (Ryan Faulkner) * Add porcelain 'pull'. (Ryan Faulkner) * Support 'http.proxy' in HttpGitClient. (Jelmer Vernooij, #1096030) * Support 'http.useragent' in HttpGitClient. (Jelmer Vernooij) * In server, wait for clients to send empty list of wants when talking to empty repository. (Damien Tournoud) * Various changes to improve compatibility with Python 3. (Gary van der Merwe) BUG FIXES * Support unseekable 'wsgi.input' streams. (Jonas Haag) * Raise TypeError when passing unicode() object to Repo.__getitem__. (Jonas Haag) * Fix handling of `reset` command in dulwich.fastexport. (Jelmer Vernooij, #1249029) * In client, don't wait for server to close connection first. Fixes hang when used against GitHub server implementation. (Siddharth Agarwal) * DeltaChainIterator: fix a corner case where an object is inflated as an object already in the repository. (Damien Tournoud, #135) * Stop leaking file handles during pack reload. (Damien Tournoud) * Avoid reopening packs during pack cache reload. (Jelmer Vernooij) API CHANGES * Drop support for Python 2.6. (Jelmer Vernooij) 0.9.5 2014-02-23 IMPROVEMENTS * Add porcelain 'tag'. (Ryan Faulkner) * New module `dulwich.objectspec` for parsing strings referencing objects and commit ranges. (Jelmer Vernooij) * Add shallow branch support. (milki) * Allow passing urllib2 `opener` into HttpGitClient. (Dov Feldstern, #909037) CHANGES * Drop support for Python 2.4 and 2.5. (Jelmer Vernooij) API CHANGES * Remove long deprecated ``Repo.commit``, ``Repo.get_blob``, ``Repo.tree`` and ``Repo.tag``. (Jelmer Vernooij) * Remove long deprecated ``Repo.revision_history`` and ``Repo.ref``. (Jelmer Vernooij) * Remove long deprecated ``Tree.entries``. (Jelmer Vernooij) BUG FIXES * Raise KeyError rather than TypeError when passing in unicode object of length 20 or 40 to Repo.__getitem__. (Jelmer Vernooij) * Use 'rm' rather than 'unlink' in tests, since the latter does not exist on OpenBSD and other platforms. (Dmitrij D. Czarkoff)
2015-04-01Forgot .include "../../lang/python/".rodent1-1/+3
2015-04-01Remove obsolete python 2.6 patch. Also make sure we append totnn4-27/+6
PYTHON_VERSIONS_INCOMPATIBLE in so it we don't overwrite the default value.
2015-04-01Updated to 0.7.3. No ChangeLog, but from repo we can see that:rodent2-7/+7
fix Mul -> MUL token typo Added flags to LexerGenerator and loads more great stuff that no one cared to document properly.
2015-04-01Add tests PKG_OPTION. Update to 0.6.0. Dropped py26 support and addedrodent3-7/+24
py3{3,4} support. Add dependency on devel/py-flake8.
2015-04-01Updated MAINTAINER.rodent2-7/+7
1.0.7 - 2015-03-31 * Fixed build for ARM devices 1.0.6 - 2015-03-30 * Fixed type/size checking for array of arrays (ksuszka/patch-1). * Updated README. * Added ChangeLog.
2015-03-31Remove FETCH_USING, not package-setable.wiz1-3/+1