Remove unneeded dependencies.
Version 0.14.2
* Improve startup time by only rebuilding add-in registry when passing --debug.
* Fix random startup crash caused by using GConf before GTK+ was initialized.
* Fix over-zealous URL matching (#436994).
* Support FUSE being built-in to kernel (#500524).
* Prevent crashes when reading unexpected note XML (#581844).
* Change "Open New Note Template" LinkButton to Button to prevent error (#581582).
* Upgrade Windows to Mono.Addins 0.4 (no more console window) (#572088).
* Support console logging on Windows (Benjamin Podszun).
* Documentation text now cross-platform (#576487, #500803, Paul Cutler).
* Translation updates: ca, el, es, et
Version 0.14.1
* Translation updates: ar, ca, el, es, he, kn, nb, tr
Version 0.14.0
* Fix buggy behavior with Tomboy icon menus in Windows (#556406, #566173).
Version 0.13.6
* Fixes to linking (#436994,#573317,#525753, Stefan Schweizer & Benjamin Podszun)
* Add printing support to Mac OS X version.
* Localization fixes: #572096, #570121 (Benjamin Podszun and Wouter Bolsterlee)
* Translation updates: be@latin, bg, da, de, en_GB, es, et, eu, fi, fr, hu, it,
ja, ko, nb, nl, pl, pt, ro, sv, ta, th, zh_HK, zh_TW
Version 0.13.5
* Additional updates to note printing (#512369, #572024, Benjamin Podszun).
* Windows installer now requires Novell's GTK# >= 2.12.8 (#569324).
* Increase/Decrease Indent shortcuts now appear in menu (#570334, Benjamin Podszun).
* No longer writes to disk every 40 seconds (#514434).
* Fixes to note linking (#323845, Florian Pinault).
* Add GConf preference for auto-accepting SSL Certs in WebDAV sync (#531364).
* After succcessfully configuring sync, offer to perform first sync (#553079).
* Other fixes: #570917, #570918.
* Translation updates: bg, cs, da, es, eu, hu, nl, pl, pt, ro, sv, th, vi,
zh_HK, zh_TW
Version 0.13.4
* Removed bundled Mono.Addins. Mono.Addins is now a hard dependency.
* Update printing to use Gtk.Print (#512369, Benjamin Podszun). Still buggy.
* Fix multi-page printing of exported note HTML (#548198,
Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle and Stefan Schweizer)
* Fix crash when clicking link and browser not set (#569639).
* 64-bit Windows support (#558272, Jay R. Wren).
* Search window position saved on Windows/Mac (#559663).
* Fix lingering tray icon in Windows (#569709, Benjamin Podszun).
* Fix bug with font settings (#559724, Benjamin Podszun).
* Mac MonoDevelop solution now easier to build (Doug Johnston et al).
* Other fixes: #562846 (James Westby)
* Translation updates: ca, es, fi, ko, lt, lv, nb
Version 0.13.3
* Rename Mono process to "tomboy" instead of "Tomboy" (#565166).
* Cut down memory usage by 25% (#565790). Also improves startup times a bit.
* Fix panel applet icon background transparency (#567308).
* Improvements in translatable strings (#566711, #565208).
* Fix crash associated with notes with '&' or '<' in their title (#566967).
* Translation updates: es, fr, lv, nb, pt_BR, sk, sv
Version 0.13.2
* Fix Windows<->Linux sync incompatiblities (#559094).
* Fix data loss bug in sync and SetNoteCompleteXml dbus method.
* Link fixes in HTML Export (#564150, Stefan Schweizer).
* Header cleanups in libtomboy (#564235, Przemysław Grzegorczyk).
* Translation updates: it
Version 0.13.1
* Configure/build fixes.
* Help menu item opens online help on Windows and Mac.
Version 0.13.0 (Windows/Mac-only "preview" release)
* Initial support for Windows and Mac OS X.