* Use prebuilt binary, because the build system has changes to Gradle and
offline build requires additional files.
OmegaT 4.1.5 update 3 (2018-11-14)
2 Enhancements
2 Bug fixes
5 Localisation updates
4.1.5 update 3 vs 4.1.5 update 2
Implemented requests:
- Add Moodle .php files filter
- Allow user to choose which MT suggestion to insert
Bug fixes:
- Team projects: some Subversion network errors were not detected
as an offline condition
- Console mode crashes with a valid project
Localisation Updates:
- Dutch localisation updated to 4.1.5 update 3 (UI, readme)
- Interlingua localisation updated to 4.1.5 update 3 (UI, readme)
- Italian localisation updated to 4.1.5 update 3 (UI, scripts, readme)
- Russian localisation updated to 4.1.5 update 3 (UI, scripts, readme)
- Sardinian localisation updated to 4.1.5 update 3 (Instant Start)
OmegaT 4.1.5 update 2 (2018-09-19)
2 Enhancements
2 Bug fixes
1 Localisation update
4.1.5 update 2 vs 4.1.5 update 1
Other changes:
- Show human readable error on version check failure
- Allow to use two methods of authentication (username/password or
apiKey) for IBM Watson MT
Bug fixes:
- Team projects fail to open in offline mode
- Incomplete mirroring in team projects
Localisation Updates:
- Sardinian localisation updated to 4.1.5 (UI)
OmegaT 4.1.5 update 1 (2018-08-06)
3 Enhancements
4 Bug fixes
0 Localisation update
4.1.5 update 1 vs 4.1.5
Implemented requests:
- Extract Text Content script to export to UTF-8
Other changes:
- Watson Language Translator: Neural translation is always on, it's
possible to enter a Model ID in the credential dialog. See
- Automatic conversion of numbers when inserting fuzzy matches now
works with Ctrl+I in addition to Ctrl+R
Bug fixes:
- Segment marked as empty causes error when running QA check script
- Not possible to map remote content into arbitrary root-level folders
- Learned_words.txt and ignored_words.txt not downloaded in team projects
- Error with Tagwipe
OmegaT 4.1.5 (2018-06-08)
8 Enhancements
3 Bug fixes
8 Localisation updates
4.1.5 vs 4.1.4
Implemented requests:
- Port TagWipe from DGT-OmegaT project as an OmegaT script
- Clarify XLIFF filter options description
- Add support for Microsoft neural machine translation
- Watson Language Translator Integration
- Automatically check for updates
Other changes:
- Project > Open Recent Project now remembers up to 10 projects by
default. Existing users should remove the `most_recent_projects_size`
item in the omegat.prefs file to take advantage of this change.
- Added Project > Open Recent Project > Clear Menu
- Linux: Updated Kaptain launcher to include fields for new MT credentials.
Bug fixes:
- Infinite loop when searching with no keyword
- Empty regex capture group becomes "null" in replacement
- Edits may be lost without warning when closing OmegaT
Localisation Updates:
- Belarusian localisation updated to 4.1.5 (UI, scripts, readme, documentation)
- Croatian localisation updated to 4.1.5 (UI, readme, documentation)
- Czech localisation updated to 4.1.5 (UI, scripts, readme, documentation)
- Dutch localisation updated to 4.1.5 (UI, scripts, readme, documentation)
- Interlingua localisation updated to 4.1.5 (UI, scripts, readme, documentation)
- Italian localisation updated to 4.1.5 (UI, scripts, readme, documentation)
- Russian localisation updated to 4.1.5 (UI)
- Swedish localisation updated to 4.1.5 (UI, Instant Start)
OmegaT 4.1.4 (2018-04-02)
5 Enhancements
2 Bug fixes
6 Localisation updates
4.1.4 vs 4.1.3 update 2
Implemented requests:
- Optionally disable bold style for active segment source
- Replacement with regex capture groups and case manipulation
- Update git submodules when loading an existing project
- Scribus filter (*.sla)
- Integration of DeepL MT
Bug fixes:
- OmegaT ignores valid TU after finding a TU missing source
- Search result marking never ends, consuming CPU
Localisation Updates:
- Brazilian Portugese localisation updated to 4.1.3 update 2 (UI)
- Czech localisation updated to 4.1.4 (UI, scripts, readme, documentation)
- Croatian localisation updated to 4.1.4 (UI, scripts, readme, documentation)
- Dutch localisation updated to 4.1.3 update 2 (UI)
- Interlingua localisation updated to 4.1.3 update 2 (UI)
- Italian localisation updated to 4.1.3 update 2 (UI)
- Russian localisation updated to 4.1.3 update 2 (UI)
OmegaT 4.1.3 update 2 (2018-01-16)
2 Enhancements
2 Bug fixes
6 Localisation updates
4.1.3 update 2 vs 4.1.3 update 1
Implemented requests:
- Add an MT connector for Moses
- Reduce unwanted glossary matches when "using terms appearing
Bug fixes:
- Overlapping glossary marks result in index-out-of-bounds errors
- Team tool `init` command does not set correct tokenizers
Localisation Updates:
- Brazilian Portuguese localisation updated to 4.1.3 update 2 (UI)
- Dutch localisation updated to 4.1.3 update 2 (UI)
- Interlingua localisation updated to 4.1.3 update 2 (UI)
- Italian localisation updated to 4.1.3 update 2 (UI, scripts, readme)
- Russian localisation updated to 4.1.3 update 2 (UI)
- Swedish localisation updated to 4.1.3 update 2 (UI, scripts, readme)
OmegaT 4.1.3 update 1 (2017-12-14)
1 Enhancement
2 Bug fixes
3 Localisation updates
4.1.3 update 1 vs 4.1.3
Implemented requests:
- Dismiss auto-completer window after hitting Ctrl + right/left
arrow keys
Bug fixes:
- Terms are only highlighted once in the Editor
- Download Team Projects failed to download content for 3.6-style
projects (i.e., with no mapping information)
Localisation Updates:
- Brazilian Portuguese localisation updated to 4.1.3 update 1 (UI)
- Dutch localisation updated to 4.1.3 update 1 (UI, readme)
- Russian localisation updated to 4.1.3 update 1 (UI, readme)
OmegaT 4.1.3 (2017-12-03)
9 Enhancements
4 Bug fixes
3 Localisation updates
4.1.3 vs 4.1.2 update 2
Implemented requests:
- Automatically unzip TMX files in /tm
- Commit target files
- Remember Statistics dialog geometry
- New segmentation rule to default set of Finnish language rules
- Allow copying support info from Help > About
- Update local omegat.project in 4.x team projects
- Improve highlighting of terminology issues
- Unify glossary matching and marking logic
- Improve capitalization behavior in glossary auto-replacement
Bug fixes:
- Forced versioned /target in 4.1-compatible team projects
- Menus not displayed when using a non-English language on macOS
High Sierra
- Some segmentation rule edits don't take effect when closing window
- Tags were lost when saving TMX from Aligner
Localisation Updates:
- Russian localisation updated to 4.1.2 update 3 (UI, readme)
- Brazilian Portuguese localisation updated to 4.1.2 update 3 (UI)
- Interlingua localisation updated to 4.1.2 update 3 (UI, readme)
OmegaT 4.1.2 update 2 (2017-09-22)
2 Enhancements
2 Bug fixes
1 Localisation update
4.1.2 update 2 vs 4.1.2 update 1
Implemented requests:
- Commit source files
Other enhancements:
- The script svn_cleanup_selected.groovy was rewritten to fully support
team projects in 4.x format or work on any selected folder (recursively)
Bug fixes:
- segmentation.conf and filters.xml not mirrored in team projects
- When retrieving files from mapped HTTP locations, OmegaT crashed
if the server didn't send an Etag
Localisation Updates:
- Dutch localisation updated to 4.1.2 update 2 (UI, readme, documentation)
OmegaT 4.1.2 update 1 (2017-08-09)
4 Enhancements
2 Bug fixes
1 Localisation update
4.1.2 update 1 vs 4.1.2
Implemented requests:
- Garbage-collect git-based projects
- Do not load fake PO fuzzies when real ones exist
Other changes:
- Move First and Move Last buttons were added to the segmentation
dialog to move quickly the selected rule to the first or last position
in the table
- New Reset Options feature in the Search window menu
Bug fixes:
- An error occurred when a PO file was used in /tm/auto
- Repository mapping lost when downloading team project
Localisation Updates:
- Italian localisation updated to 4.1.2 (UI)
OmegaT 4.1.2 (2017-06-22)
12 Enhancements
6 Bug fixes
2 Localisation updates
4.1.2 vs 4.1.1
Implemented requests:
- Option to translate target URLs in all Microsoft Office documents
- Support using bilingual files as TMs
- Create an Open menu in the Script Editor
- Compute PO fuzzies real match %
- Update MainMenuShortcuts.properties to reflect actual menus
- Glossary-based terminology checking
Other changes:
- New filter for WebVTT captions (*.vtt). Only simple files are
- The new script extract_text_content.groovy allows exporting all
strings of the project to a single text file
- The Scripting window now contains a Help menu with a link to OmegaT
- The /scripts/readme.txt file contains links to OmegaT Javadoc,
Groovy and EcmaScript language references, the GPL v3
- MyMemory translation engine improvements:
MyMemory allows the API key (-Dmymemory.api.key) to be set in the
configuration, to return matches from private TMs.
If MyMemory (machine) is used and no MT translation is provided, the best
human match is returned.
- The default tokenizers were added to the team project creation tool
Bug fixes:
- Google Translate was in text mode, which didn't work best for
tags. It has been reverted to HTML mode.
- XML-invalid chars in source file names could leak into project TMX
- Long file paths truncated too aggressively in Project Files dialog
- Force wrapping in issue windows
- Segmentation rules not immediately editable upon making
- Tokenizer language discovery at runtime not working
Localisation Updates:
- Italian localisation updated to 4.1.1 (UI, readme)
- Norwegian localisation updated to 4.1 (UI, readme)
OmegaT 4.1.1 (2017-03-15)
11 Enhancements
4 Bug fixes
8 Localisation updates
4.1.1 vs 4.1.0
Implemented requests:
- Improve validation feedback when editing External Search items
- Additional parameter for neural net translation on Google translate
- Support new Azure-based Microsoft Translator API for MT
- Disable project-specific external search commands by default
- Change PO fuzzies default match % to 60%
- Make editor keys customizable
Other changes:
- External Search menu items are split into nested submenus of 10 items to
accommodate users with numerous item definitions.
- Mac only: The keys to switch auto-completer views have been changed to
Ctrl+Up/Down. To change them back, see Preferences > Auto-Completion > Switch
views with Cmd+Left and Cmd+Right.
- The script adapt_tags_to_match_target.groovy was largely improved, to
cover most cases, which are described in the script comments
- New filter for YouTube SBV captions (*.sbv)
Bug fixes:
- Wrong icon displayed when OmegaT is minimized in the OS X dock
- PO fuzzy counted as 100% instead of 60% in match statistics
- Exception when loading TMX missing `srclang` attribute in header
- Scripting: console.print() and println() add an extra line break
Localisation Updates:
- Belarusian localisation updated to 4.0 (UI, documentation, scripts, readme)
- Dutch localisation updated to 4.0 (UI, documentation, scripts, readme)
- Italian localisation updated to 4.1.0 (UI, documentation)
- Polish localisation updated to 4.0.0 (UI, readme, scripts)
- Brazilian Portuguese updated to 3.6 (UI, documentation, scripts, readme)
- Spanish localisation updated to 4.0.0 (UI, tutorial)
- Traditional Chinese (TW) localisation updated to 4.0 (UI)
- Japanese localisation updated to 4.1.1 (UI)
OmegaT 4.1.0 (2017-01-09)
9 Enhancements
4 Bug fixes
2 Localisation updates
4.1.0 vs 4.0.1
Implemented requests:
- Filter for RELAX NG XML
- Improve Segment Properties pane appearance with dark themes
- Reorganize preferences into a consolidated window
- Securely store sensitive settings
- Make MT, TaaS connectors configurable in the GUI
- Integrate ExternalFinder plugin, add configuration GUI
Other changes:
- New external_spellcheck script, to help spell checking in a
word processor when the source document is not a word processing
document. The script writes all segments (or only segments
from the current file) to a file named [project_name].doc and then
opens it.
- Windows 64-bit version. It installs as a 64-bit version and
contains a 64-bit JRE. It cannot be installed on a 32-bit system.
- The Align Files file picker shows feedback when the selected
files are not supported.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed an issue with the File Filters dialog on some Linux systems
- Password-protected PDF prevents project from loading
- The Doku Wiki filter no longer throws an exception when
encountering certain malformed header lines
- Changes to segments get lost in team projects randomly and silently
Localisation Updates:
- Italian localisation updated to 4.0.1 (UI, readme, documentation)
- Russian localisation updated to 4.1.0 (UI)
OmegaT 4.0.1 (2016-10-03)
7 Enhancements
2 Bug fixes
1 Localisation update
4.0.1 vs 4.0.0 update 1
Implemented requests:
- Highlight errors in OmegaT QA (originally, check_rules.groovy)
- Batch-mode spellchecking
- Add UI for checking all translation issues
- Allow enabling/disabling individual LanguageTool rules
- Enable use of LanguageTool remote servers or local installations
- Remember the Create Glossary Entry dialog position
Other changes:
- Update LanguageTool to 3.5
Bug fixes:
- Relative project paths not normalized
- Tokenizers did not automatically match languages when creating a
new project
Localisation Updates:
- Italian localisation updated to 4.0 (UI, documentation, scripts)
OmegaT 4.0.0 update 1 (2016-09-12)
0 Enhancement
3 Bug fix
0 Localisation update
4.0.0 update 1 vs 4.0.0
Bug fixes:
- OmegaT could fail to load some projects where folders were not
below the root of the project
- It was not possible to open projects where one folder (e.g.,
/dictionary) was not defined
- The tree structure of Linux packages was wrong
OmegaT 4.0.0 (2016-09-06)
35 Enhancements
8 Bug fixes
1 Localisation update
4.0.0 vs 3.6.0 update 3
Implemented requests:
- Allow searches across source, target simultaneously
- Flexible use of spellcheck (with and w/o locale)
- New team mode implementation
- Update LanguageTool to 3.3
- Dismiss auto-completer window after hitting right/left arrow keys
- Support prefix search for dictionary
- Support ssh-agent for git public key authentication
- Put archive contents in self-titled root folder for all distributions
- Add action menus to panes
- Notify user when minimized panes have content
- Add Segment Properties pane
- Emacs-style keyboard navigation in autocompleter
- Add GUI aligner tool
- Update Lucene to 5.2.1
- Apply aggressive font fallback to Search results
- Handle multiple selection in Project Files list context menu
- Compatibility with MED format
- Scripting Editor Enhancements
- Perform case folding when looking up dictionary entries
- Show glossary entries in tooltips on TransTips marks
- Port build system to Gradle
- Bundle spelling dictionaries
- Cull excessive English stop words list
- Add tool for creating team projects
- Paralellize match statistics calculations
- Make scripts cancelable
- Add history prediction and completion
- Sortable and clickable Statistics file list
Other changes
- Replace glossary hits now supports multi-word glossary replacements
- The default memory allocation is now 1024 MB on all platforms
- There's now a Lucene Polish tokenizer
- When the list of online spelling dictionaries is displayed,
it is possible to double-click on a dictionary instead of pressing Install
- It's possible to disable individual autocompleter views
- When a filter is applied to the Project Files dialog
(simply by typing characters), the filter is reflected in the
title -- e.g., Project Files (2 of 48) -- and the filter pattern
is highlighted in the file paths.
- In the script nbsp.groovy, it is now possible to replace
straight apostrophes with curly ones. At the beginning of
the script, def fix_apostrophes = false; must be replaced
with def fix_apostrophes = true;
Bug fixes:
- Ctrl+click does not activate context menu on OS X
- When the list of filters was changed, an entry could lead
to the wrong filter
- TMX not loaded when extension is in uppercase
- Ctrl+I with MT match is not shown with red background
- Incorrect count of proposed changes in find/replace
- When replacing the target text with a match, the number substitution
could fail with duplicate numbers
- Word document properties are not translated
- Some CLI modes don't accept "." as project path
Localisation Updates:
- Interlingua localisation updated to 4.0 (UI, documentation, readme, scripts)
Provided by Thomas Dickey in private email.
20181112 (t)
> Adam Denton:
+ fix a typo in tcap.h (Savannah #52872).
> Jeff Morriss:
+ use strncpy() rather than memcpy() for copying hashed key from
crypt(), to work with Fedora 28 which does not necessarily use a
fixed-size buffer.
> Wayne Cuddy:
+ modify x11.c to avoid clearing the window manager flags that control
focus behavior, to work with ctwm.
> Tom Dickey:
+ add WinVile64 package script for Inno Setup.
+ show "win64" for $os symbol if built for 64-bit Windows.
+ add ifdef in winvile.iss to accommodate changes with Inno Setup 5.6.1
+ use GetModuleFileNameEx() in preference to looking for winvile's
registry keys or the PATH when finding the executable path for
the "-Or" option.
+ improve coloring of "\f" font markers in the nroff filter.
+ fix a mis-setting in api.c from 9.8q cleanup.
+ document winvile registry settings in the help-file.
+ create symbolic links for the utility program's manual pages, point
to the base manpage.
+ document the utility programs and scripts which normally are packaged
in the manual page.
+ if $VILE_LIBDIR_PATH is set, prefer that in vile-libdir-path
+ corrected glob expression for vile-libdir-path
+ several fixes using Visual Studio 2017 code analysis, including
+ w32cmd.c, correct if-statement for IsDialogMessage call
+ w32misc.c, correct size of allocation for buffer
+ ensure no leak on failed realloc
+ modify casts to avoid truncation
Some parts of the analysis are false positives; it appears to have
problems in the flow analysis for reporting uninitialized values and
dereferencing null pointers. In particular, it does not understand
the idiom for reallocating an array of types.
+ build-fix for Visual Studio 2012 and later: the "FILE" struct is
+ use registry value for PaddedBorderWidth in winvile to account for
misleading results from GetSystemMetrics introduced by Vista.
+ modify makefile.wnt to allow build with Visual Studio 2012 and later,
which omit the Win32.mak file.
+ fix a couple of unescaped "?" in suffixes for majormodes, e.g., in
+ add vcproj and vcxproj majormodes.
+ add a "report" target in makefile.wnt to show the symbols used in
a build to help troubleshoot upgrades to newer Visual Studio. For
instance, it is possible to build using Visual Studio Express 2012
with Windows SDK 7.1 by setting APPVER to "5.01".
+ reorder a comparison in regmatch() to avoid indexing past limits in
some cases of multibyte characters.
+ add a check in set_vattrs() to ensure loop limit is greater than zero
to handle a boundary case with double-width characters.
+ fix or work around gcc8 warnings.
+ improve initialization of hashed-key for crypt() using memset() on
the buffers rather than assuming the hash is the documented length.
Even with this, valgrind warns about buffer mismanagement within
+ check for _nc_free_tinfo() for leak-checking with ncurses' tinfo
+ modify perl/ruby filters to ensure the in-memory file ends with nul.
+ add filters for yaml, rust-modes to develop for a tutorial.
+ improve iss-filt.l, handling named constants such as {app}.
+ update iss.key, e.g., setup-directives and runtime functions.
+ compiler-warning fixes for gcc 7.2.1 with SuSE.
+ regenerate doc/*.doc from Debian 7 to Debian 8; the table-width
changed from links 2.7 to 2.8
+ add dummy "]]" in sh-filt.l to work around breakage with flex 2.6.1,
which insists on preprocessing C source using m4.
+ modify character class assumed for tags, to check for graphic
characters. Previously that used qident (cf: 9.7g), which did not
allow for dots in filenames which could be present in a ctags file if
it were generated using "ctags --extra=+f *" (Savannah #51774).
+ update ftp site url
+ improved configure macros:
+ modify ti-filt.l to allow hexadecimal, as per X/Open Curses
documentation. This is different from termcap, which (like terminfo)
supports octal and decimal numbers.
+ build-fixes for Visual Studio 2015
+ build-fixes to allow test-compile with ActiveState Perl 5.24.1, which
does not work with winvile because its DLL does not provide
COM entrypoints, e.g., CoTaskMemFree and CoRegisterClassObject
+ update config.guess, config.sub
20161217 (s)
> Brendan O'Dea:
+ add command-line parsing for "--" token, assumed by visudo in the
1.8.12 - 1.8.16 changes (report by Wayne Cuddy).
> Tom Dickey:
+ recompute majormode order when "after", "before" or "qualifiers" is
modified for a majormode.
+ add yamlmode (discussion with Steve Lembark)
+ modify DSTRING definition in lex-filter to handle continuation lines.
+ modify cfgmode to reduce false-matches with random ".cfg" files.
+ improve ps syntax filter
+ interpret %%BeginData / %%EndData keywords
+ interpret %%BeginPreview / %%EndPreview keywords
+ add ".mcrl2" as suffix for mcrlmode.
+ fixes from test-script: conf, hs, nr, rc, rcs, txt, xq, xml
+ improved regression test-script to check for places where the syntax
filter might have mixed buffered- and unbuffered-calls in the same
state, causing tokens in the markup to "move".
+ remove a statement from flt_putc in the standalone filters that
converted a bare ^A to ^A?.
+ remove escaping from digraphs.rc, since change in 9.7zg made that
both unnecessary and incorrect (reports by Marc Simpson, Brendan
+ improve tcl syntax filter
+ color backslash-escapes in double-quotes.
+ add rules to handle regexp and regsub regular expressions. This
does not yet handle -regexp switch cases.
+ add call to flt_bfr_error to flag unbalanced quotes here and in
a few other filters.
+ modify newline patterns to allow for cr/lf endings in continuations
+ add special case for literals like "{\1}" and "{\\1}".
+ add special case for html entities such as "{{}" and "{&foo;}"
+ improve sh syntax filter
+ allow quoted strings within '${' parameter, a detail that can
happen with ksh brace groups (report by j. van den hoff).
+ handle ksh's "ANSI C quotes", i.e., "$'xxx'" using single quotes
after a dollar sign.
+ use the ksh ("-K") option for bashmode and zshmode syntax.
+ interpret "$name" within '${' parameter
+ don't warn for inline-here documents
+ handle special case where matching tag for a here-document is on
the same line as a closing ")" in $(xxx) command.
+ highlight ksh's "[[", "((", "$((" bracketing like "{".
+ handle ksh's "((" and "$((" arithmetic expressions.
+ handle ksh's base#value numbers
+ improve perl syntax highlighter:
+ fix state used to guess where a pattern might occur, e.g., after
an "if" keyword with no preceding operator to account for line
+ correct a check for illegal numbers, which flagged hexadecimal
numbers containing "e".
+ distinguish special case of "format =" vs "format =>".
+ allow pod to begin without a preceding blank line, but warn.
+ allow for case where pod mode is turned on/off with only one blank
line between the directives.
+ check for simple patterns that may follow operators such as "map".
+ allow '$', '+' or '&' as a quote or substitution delimiter
+ allow angle brackets for quotes after 'q', etc.
+ fix highlighting when square-brackets are used as delimiters in a
perl substitution, e.g., s[foo[bar]xxx][yyy]
+ quiet some unnecessary compiler warnings with glibc > 2.20 by adding
_DEFAULT_SOURCE as needed.
+ improve version-comparison for "new" flex to allow for 2.6.0, and
accept that for built-in filters. Also modify filters/mk-2nd.awk
to work with "new" flex ifdef's to ignore yywrap (Debian #832973).
+ correct long-name for filename-ic mode (report Marc Simpson).
20160727 (r)
> Marc Simpson:
+ correct a typo in skipblanksb() which caused up-paragraph "{{" to
get stuck (Savannah #47211).
> Tom Dickey:
+ fix an off-by-one in argument list for wvwrap vs winvile that broke
edit-with operation from file explorer.
+ correct expression for QIDENT in rpm-filt.l, sh-filt.l, which could
match multiple tokens rather than a single one and interfere with
states for here-document.
+ use CF_PROG_LINT, which checks for cppcheck. Alternatively, this
works, though the "$(LIBS)" used in the lint-rule has to be removed:
export LINT=cppcheck
export LINT_OPTS="--enable=all"
+ add error-patterns for cppcheck.
+ updates for configure macros
+ CF_CC_ENV_FLAGS - don't limit the check to -I, -U and -D options,
since the added options can include various compiler options before
and after preprocessor options.
+ CF_FUNC_DLSYM add braces around calls to CF_ADD_LIB which follow a
test "&&" operator since the macro uses multiple statements
+ CF_LD_RPATH_OPT change FreeBSD to use -Wl,-rpath rather than -rpath
option. According to FreeBSD #178732, either works since FreeBSD
4.x; however scons does not accept anything except the -Wl,-rpath
+ CF_LIB_PREFIX build-fixes for OS/2
+ CF_WITH_MAN2HTML use configured shell
+ CF_XOPEN_CURSES improve check, making it define NCURSES_WIDECHAR if
we happen to be building on a platform (such as OSX) where we do not
+ CF_XOPEN_SOURCE build-fixes for OS/2
+ modify configuration so that "--no-leaks" does not imply
"--with-trace", since that is not necessary when using valgrind.
+ add null-pointer checks in vile-manfilt for some unusual erasures.
+ promote $filename-ic to a global mode, using this to allow users to
do filename-completion on any system ignoring the case of filenames
(discussion on vile mailing list started by Marc Simpson).
+ modify noautobuffer mode to update the "last" buffer when the user
jumps around, e.g., using ":e" or the "historical-buffer" toggle
(discussion on vile mailing list started by Hymie).
+ add examples for which-exec and which-source to vile.hlp to show
what the popup-buffer might look like when a numeric parameter
precedes these commands.
+ modify parsing of VILE_STARTUP_PATH to accept colon-separated list
(report by Chris Green).
+ improve formatting of vile.hlp (report by Paul Fox).
+ add mode "keep-position" to allow changing the behavior after
applying a command to a range, to better match the nvi (BSD) and
vi (Solaris) flavors (prompted by report by Marc Simpson).
+ reset "$_" before executing each top-level command (report by Marc
+ improve workarounds for building with "new" flex, in particular the
change of return-type for yyget_leng() (report by Martin Ward).
+ make special case when locating the copy of vile which was run, to
not warn and skip because it was found in a group-writable
directory (discussion with Steve Lembark).
+ update config.guess, config.sub
20150907 (q)
> Brendan O'Dea:
+ corrected initialization for Vileserv in vileperl.rc (report by
Chris Green).
> Tom Dickey:
+ add command-line options -u and -U to set $system-crlf variable
before the "unnamed" buffer is initialized.
+ add $system-crlf to allow override of compiled-in default for "dos"
mode so that winvile can be told to create the "unnamed" buffer with
linefeed endings (Savannah #44773).
+ add variable $system-name to show the name used in version message
+ add checks after write-hook is run in case the script set $return to
anything except true or sortoftrue, or if the script set the buffer
to "view". In either case, do not proceed to write the buffer
(report by Matthew White).
+ modify prompts for register name to support name-completion, and
recognize "register" as a typed macro-parameter (prompted by
discussion with Wayne Cuddy).
+ modify configure macros to use the configured shell rather than just
/bin/sh, to accommodate deprecation of non-POSIX shells such as that
used in Solaris.
+ add configure option --with-man2html, use in generating vile-man.html
+ modify wvwrap to ensure that it does not pass options to winvile
as filenames (Savannah #44774).
+ update autoconf macros from ongoing work in lynx, ncurses and xterm
for testing ncurses6.
+ fix special case of ^G toggling in minibuffer versus '\' escaping
(report by Wayne Cuddy).
+ cleanup logic which sets DOT.o to the beginning of a line, to
ensure that the left-margin is used rather than just the first
position on a line.
+ changes in 9.8p for global substitutions with "^" exposed at least
one place, e.g., in oneliner.c where DOT was moved to the next line
without ensuring that its offset was reset. Review and amend several
other occurrences where DOT moves to next or previous line (report by
Jan Wells).
20150201 (p)
> from https://github.com/ricksladkey/vile (Rick Sladkey):
+ check in ntconio.c if running in ConEmu, e.g., ConEmuPID variable
is set, and if so, allow its bold/italic extensions.
+ modify ntconio.c to honor Unicode keyboard input.
+ amend GetCurrentDirectory() buffer size for Unicode.
> Tom Dickey:
+ add configure check for stricmp, omitted from recent Cygwin.
+ partial fix for recalling from history this command:
With the fix, one can edit the previous command, and issue minor
+ improve suffix rules for mvn mode by allowing a version number in
the filename.
+ improve ant, mvn modes to highlight user-defined tags, e.g., within
"${" and "}".
+ update mvnmode keywords to maven 3.2.5
+ modify vile-xml-filt to color property names according to the new
"xmlprops" table.
+ update antmode keywords to ant 1.9.4, including a representative set
of property names. The updated table also attempts to distinguish
between tasks and subtasks.
+ add the more useful types/macros from c99 headers to c.key
+ repaint all windows on an "unnamed" buffer if told to reread and
discard changes (report by Hymie on mailing list).
+ modify logic used in global substitutions to ensure that "^" for
beginning of the line is matched only once (report by Wayne Cuddy).
+ fix a few build problems with --disable-extensions
+ modify configure macro CF_WITH_APP_DEFAULTS to check OSX-related
pathnames for MacPorts and Apple's variant.
+ improve configure macro CF_SUBDIR_PATH, changing it to a loop, adding
/usr/pkg (NetBSD) and /opt/local (Mac OSX)
+ update yacc.key for current byacc keywords.
+ modify yaccfilt.l to handle escaped newlines in quoted strings.
+ build-fix for xvile without multibyte support.
+ add error patterns for bison and byacc.
+ correct workaround in manfilt.c for bullet characters from 9.8g;
they were lost when using UTF-8 encoding.
+ improve tcl-filt.l handling of single character between curly braces,
showing that as string-attribute.
+ modify tcl-filt.l to handle square brackets quoted by curly braces
(report by Wayne Cuddy).
20141002 (o)
> Tom Dickey:
+ fix some leaks, etc., reported by valgrind and Coverity.
+ correct filtername setting for issmode, which used ini-filter.
+ add ":" and "#" to ini-filter as aliases for "=" and ";"
+ add desktop-mode, using ini-filter.
+ revise ldel_chars() function to restore feature of backspacelimit
to delete newlines while backspacing. This was lost in 9.5s changes
(Savannah #43291).
+ add case to CF_XOPEN_SOURCE for Unixware, from lynx.
+ modify configure script to define _NETBSD_SOURCE for Minix, because
its header files put the POSIX.1-2001 prototypes, such as isblank,
+ add vile-to-html, vile-libdir-path to uninstall rule
+ modify configure script to supply default "-o" option for the install
program, since MINIX's does not provide a useful default.
+ other tweaks to work around deficiencies in Ash's parser, e.g., not
counting tokens until after dequoting.
+ modify configure script to avoid using "expr", fixing problem using
this with MINIX3.2, which uses Ash - a shell which omits the "<",
"<=", etc., comparison operators which POSIX specifies for "expr".
+ CF_ADD_LIBS workaround in CF_X_TOOLKIT uses pkgconfig, whose files
generally are using incomplete dependencies - in turn introducing
lots of duplication. filter out the duplicates.
+ CF_CURSES_FUNCS improve workaround for weak-linkage, seems to fix
tests with NetBSD 6.1
+ CF_X_ATHENA add --with-Xaw3dxft option
+ CF_X_TOOLKIT add workaround for breakage in XQuartz upgrades
+ update config.sub
20140706 (n)
> Brendan O'Dea:
+ use INT2PTR and PTR2IV macros rather than an explicit cast in perl.xs
and ptypemap.
> Tom Dickey:
+ improve description of search-list for syntax filter keywords in
vile.hlp; add links/anchors to improve navigation in vile-hlp.html,
config.html and macros.html
+ modify error-pattern to work with the GNU make 4.0 change to
+ modify makemode mode-filename pattern to match BSDMakefile and
+ add vile-to-html, vile-libdir-path
+ modify manfilt.c to recognize aixterm-style SGR 90-97 as colors 8-15.
+ correct off-by-one count in decoding "meta" markup from 9.8l changes
which did not work with external filters.
+ add note in config.doc recommending ncursesw for screen option over
curses/ncurses, for UTF-8 support.
+ modify DisableHook/EnableHook to let their return-value be usable as
the latch condition.
+ if configure check for gcc -rdynamic option fails, fallback to the
built-in filter configuration.
+ suppress -rdynamic option-check for clang, because its error
reporting is unreliable.
+ correct logic in nextbuffer() when autobuffer mode is unset. Similar
fix for prevbuffer() (report by Hymie on mailing list).
+ modify test for stuttering in vile_op(), to check if a count precedes
the final letter in a command. With this change,
stutters as before, making the command in terms of lines. However
will act on the next 5 characters. Note that
will act on a single character (Savannah #42147).
+ fix a double-free in bclear(), when the buffer is marked noundoable
(report by Paul Fox).
+ update config.guess, config.sub
20140330 (m)
> Kevin Buettner:
+ add missing "break" in DATA() macro in x11.c from 9.8j changes.
> Tom Dickey:
+ fix configure check if curses.h is needed, by suppressing external
reference to vl_strncpy.
+ build-fix for --disable-extensions by providing dummy set_tagsmode()
+ modify [ShowFormatted] to also handle logmode the same as
typescript files
+ modify makefile.wnt to show version-details in wvwrap.exe
+ minor fix to make-hlp.pl, to complete underlining of project
hierarchy section of vile.hlp
+ clarify in vile.hlp how to suppress "press any key to continue"
message in winvile when running external shell-commands.
+ build-fix when configuring --with-external-filters when only flex
2.5.35 / 2.5.37 is available (report by Kevin Buettner).
+ fix crash in winvile in "select-all" command (Savannah #41943).
+ update gnreight.h from Debian/testing libc6 2.17-97
+ update xvile.desktop with improvements from Fedora package.
20140131 (l)
> Derek Woolverton:
+ add new keywords for C++11
> Rick Sladkey:
+ change initialization in ntconio.c to improve use with ConEmu, e.g.,
when the window is resized.
> Tom Dickey:
+ add version details to win32 executables.
+ improve rpm spec-file filter:
+ add checks for "%" markers in unexpected places, e.g., in comments.
+ change %package to not begin quoted text; it should be a one-liner
+ modify ^X-n to filter typescript files like vile-pager.
+ fill in pod descriptions for undocumented perl modules.
+ additional change for Savannah #37988 to update screen when removing
a newline which was inserted initially by the "o" command.
+ modify mode-pathname for makemode to work with arbitrary level of
directory; it assumed something like "/usr/lib/pkgconfig".
+ minor fix to tcap.c to restore colors after completing a loop which
turns off attributes. The directory.pm script caused the driver to
reset reverse-video and bold, but the driver was restoring colors
only after the first reset.
+ minor fixes for perl modules:
+ correct off-by-one position of highlighting for spell.pm
+ modify spell.pm to remember the last replacement made for a given
word and offer that as the first choice on followup changes.
+ modify dirlist.pm to reposition the window on completion so that
the last lines written to the buffer will always be visible.
+ modify hgrep.pm to set $search so that for instance, visual-matches
+ modify perl modules to use strict feature.
+ add ".pp" to pasmode / Pascal and ".shtml" to htmlmode (suggested by
Radek Liboska).
+ add requires/provides for Perl modules in vile.spec (suggested by
Radek Liboska).
+ correct a sign-extension bug in column_sizes(), which caused
incorrect cursor-movement for some 8-bit encodings (report by Radek
+ add still more keywords for C++11
+ fix for 9.8j change to manfilt.c; reset the overstrike link to null
in erase_cell(), to avoid freeing memory twice.
+ modify internal links of html documentation to fix linklint warnings
+ fix most issues reported by rpmlint for package/vile.spec:
+ add configure option "--disable-stripping"
+ strip executables during install by adding "-s" normally
+ make the wmconfig files non-executable
+ update FSF address in several files
+ modify -F option to ensure that output uses \n consistently for the
line-separator verus \r\n.
+ minor fix to sh-filt.l's stripping of leading blanks in a here-
+ updated ftp-mirror to http://invisible-mirror.net/archives/vile
+ add a new attribute markup, "M" for "meta" which is ignored by vile.
Modified filters to emit their command-line using this markup so
that applications can determine which filter was invoked when the -F
option is used to provided marked-up files.
+ build-fixes to allow "new" flex 2.5.35 to be used to build the
various filter configurations, noting that the recommended
tool is still "reflex" (report by Joran Ahlback).
+ add convile.nsi and minvile.nsi scripts to use for creating
installers from convile and minvile via cross-compiling. NSIS is far
less capable than Inno Setup, so the latter still gives the
recommended packages.
+ move ignoresuffix setting from cmode to global settings, i.e., to
use for other filetypes.
+ modify tags logic to set "tagsmode" if it is defined, and assuming
that, to test the local check-modtime value, i.e., that managed via
the majormode to allow tags files to be selectively reloaded when
their content changes (discussion with Wayne Cuddy).
+ modify sh-filt.l to recognize ksh93/bash here-strings, noting that
they are not standardized.
+ review/improve tcl syntax highlighter (report by Wayne Cuddy):
+ do not treat single-quote specially
+ allow newlines in double-quotes
+ recognize square brackets in double-quotes to denote nested
+ fix ambiguity between "-option" and "-number".
+ show sprintf-codes with string color.
+ highlight "#" prefixing hexadecimal digits as a number.
+ do not color args for unknown verbs.
+ update keywords to tcl/tk 8.6.0
+ add ".nsh" suffix to nsis mode.
+ fix for "-F" option when filtered file has no syntax highlighting;
the MK variable was not set, causing getregion() to fail.
+ update config.guess, config.sub
20130707 (k)
> Brendan O'Dea:
+ correct a couple of places in api.c which used characters rather
than bytes, which made
:%perldo s/^/X/
do the wrong thing for UTF-8 encoding.
+ change perl.xs to use bullets in a few cases to work with newer
Perl's POD parser. Also add a "back" tag (Debian #708027).
+ improve configure script for perl by locating xsubpp by the same
process as the module is loaded, e.g., using @INC (prompted by
discussion of Gentoo #380741).
> Tom Dickey:
+ add "®ex-escape" function to allow a literal string to be assigned
to "$search" without confusion (discussion with Wayne Cuddy).
+ add ".tmac" suffix to nrmode
+ modify ins_anytime() to request a screen update on completion so that
temporary changes to the screen such as empty lines for the "o"
command will be undone if needed (Savannah #37988).
+ add powershell mode
+ convert non-generated html documentation to HTML4-strict; change
font-coloring to use css.
+ amend change for Savannah #37806 to exclude buffers where the file
encoding is 8bit, fixing a mispositioning of the cursor, e.g., for
ISO-8859-2 encoding (report by Radek Liboska).
+ add json mode
20130414 (j)
> Brendan O'Dea:
+ correct warnings from pod2text
> Tom Dickey:
+ add configure options --enable-freetype and --enable-fontsets, to
support proposed refactoring of x11.c
+ modify manfilt.c to interpret ANSI erase-line, insert/delete
character and inline cursor-movement controls.
+ modify manfilt.c to improve parsing of SGR sequences, allowing for
expansion to simple cursor movement as would be used in line-editing
for bash and tcsh (prompted by discussion with Joel Winteregg).
+ improve/fix ruby syntax highlighter:
+ add missing logic needed to make binary numbers parse
+ track curly-brace level in var_embedded().
+ improve parsing/highlighting of %r{pattern}
+ handle special token :`
+ stop highlighting after __END__
+ interpret extended mode for regular expressions, showing comments
in different color.
+ corrected logic for here-document delimiter when it happens to be a
quoted string.
+ recognize ruby 1.8's ?a syntax for ASCII character.
+ accept floating point constant without decimal point.
+ handle CR/LF endings for lines with here-document tags.
+ improve parsing of embedded expressions in strings, e.g., "#{1+2}".
+ improve parsing of extended-quoting, e.g., %|foo|
+ add ruby.key as alias for rb.key, to simplify use of the filter
as a standalone program.
+ add mode for special case of embedded-ruby used in Rails, call that
"erb" mode, activated by the "-e" option of the filter.
+ apply consistent stylesheet and website links to html documentation.
+ add commands to show bound commands ordered by the key to which they
are bound:
(prompted by discussion with Chris Green).
+ modify htmlfilt.l to highlight embedded php, improve its parsing
of embedded css.
+ modify definition of istype() to ensure that it returns true only if
the character parameter is actually in the range 0..255 (Savannah
+ amend change made to alt-tabpos in 9.7u for multibyte characters to
make tab and other control characters work as they did before
(Savannah #37806).
+ fixes for issues reported by Coverity:
+ modify ctype-tables to allow for -1 as a character value, since
that may be used in CharAtDot().
+ use setjmp/longjmp for recovering from fatal errors in lexers.
+ undo change to wrap-word from 5.6t, allowing a parameter which is
interpreted as a number of spaces to append after the cursor when
the line is split.
+ various minor resource leaks.
+ start refactoring x11.c, making the current text-drawer x11plain.c
+ merge/adapt Brendan's current scripts to add perl documentation
to the vile-common Debian package for test-builds. This also makes
the ".xpm" file consistent with the desktop icons.
+ add "divert" to m4 preamble to work with sendmail's ".mc" files.
+ use shape-mask and correct visual depth for window-decoration icon
in xvile.
+ the "-i" option is available in most filters now. Ignore it when
checking for unknown options in the wrapper for external filters
(report by Wayne Cuddy).
+ updates for configure script macros:
+ add 3rd parameter to AC_DEFINE's to allow autoheader to run
+ remove unused macros
+ update config.guess, config.sub
20120923 (i)
> Tom Dickey:
+ fix build for minvile, whose icon path was broken in 9.8h
+ amend fix for Savannah #36801 to make a special case for the calls
via "execute-named-command" which limits the quoting to search
commands and shell-commands by testing the first character of the
command-line (report by Wayne Cuddy).
+ update configure script to support --datarootdir option.
+ improve dependencies for rpm package by adding extra patterns for
vile's mime.pl and plugins.pl scripts.
+ improve ToggleMode macro, making it set the local value as ToggleList
does (report by Wayne Cuddy).
20120807 (h)
> Tom Dickey:
+ document icon options in config.doc
NOTE: the meaning of the --with-icondir option changes with this
version; --with-pixmapdir replaces that usage, while --with-icondir
is used to support icon themes.
+ update vile.mini.xpm to add 32x32 and 48x48 sizes.
+ add configure --with-icon-name option.
+ add iconName resource, which can override the compiled-in pixmap.
+ revise xvile configure options with improved versions from xterm.
+ add .png and .svg icons, for use in icon-themes.
+ add fences to rpmmode.
+ restore highlighting of xpmmode, lost in 9.8g changes.
+ modify vile.spec to conditionally incorporate the perl features.
NOTE: this omits dict.pm due to limitations of the rpm program.
+ improve pattern used for regular expressions in awk-filt.l
+ improve check in c-filt.c for quoted strings to ensure that a
backslash is given for continuation-lines.
+ modify ecrypt.c to reset seed/salt before each file, so that a set
of files can be decrypted with a wildcard.
+ improved lex-filt.l:
+ do not treat a line consisting only of whitespace as indented-code.
+ amend CODE1 state to handle indented comments between patterns.
+ modify initialization of [vileinit] to quote parameters passed from
the command-line, e.g., for the "-s" option so that embedded blanks
are retained (report by Greg McFarlane, Savannah #36801).
+ modify hist_show() to return correct index for "#" buffer when
autobuffer mode is turned off (Savannah #36739).
+ correct logic in special_formatter() for L_CURL case so that
expressions such as
setv $modeline-format "%{&cat 'ignorecase is ' $ignorecase}"
work (patch by Adam Denton, Savannah #35288).
+ corrected highlighting of continuation-lines for double-quoted
strings in awk, tcl filters (prompted by report by Wayne Cuddy).
+ reduce sh.key to POSIX shell keywords and utilities.
+ add zshmode and bashmode, for consistency.
+ add kshmode, to address slight syntax differences between Korn
(ksh93) and Bourne shell scripts.
+ add new command "derive-majormode", which is used to make a new
mode initially copying another mode's settings.
+ improved sh-filt.l:
+ "<<<" short-form here-document.
+ add "-K" option to support Korn shell's "vnames", which allows one
to define a variable containing "." if there already exists a
variable consisting of the part before the ".".
+ exclude backtic from a pattern in here-documents, which prevented
embedded backtic's from being recognized.
+ extend the list of operators for brace substitution.
+ use autoconf 2.52.20120310, to work around Intel 12.x compiler.
+ add configure check for clang, to improve compiler warnings.
+ build-fix for HP-UX 10.20 lex, which prototyped main() without params
20120309 (g)
> Tom Dickey:
+ relax conditions for displaying saved message just before starting
full screen mode, to allow the default help-summary to show (report
by Paul Fox).
+ modify logic for [vileinit] and [vileopts] buffers which are used
during startup, to first close their window if possible, eliminating
a message that interfered with other startup messages (report by
Paul Fox).
+ improve insert-exec mode by filtering out characters which have
special meaning in insert-mode.
+ add ToggleMode macro (prompted by question by Wayne).
+ add complete.rc GetCompletion macro as an example of how to do
+ add "show-user-variables" command.
+ implement "describe-$variables" command.
+ add alias "describe-user-functions" for "describe-&functions"
+ add alias "describe-state-variables" for "describe-$variables"
+ add variables $get-at-dot, $get-it-all, $get-length and $get-offset
to simplify scripting of &get-completion and similar features.
+ modify vilefilt.l to highlight functions using "-" character.
+ add aliases &get-key, &get-motion, &get-sequence as more readable
names for >key, >motion and >sequence.
+ add &get-completion function to support macros that can handle
name-completion in insert mode (prompted by mailing list discussion).
+ reset video-attributes for linebreak when computing the left/right
scrolling offset, fixing a case from 9.8f which left stray highlights
+ updated nsis.key
+ modify conffilt.l to match leading keywords that may begin with a
leading punctuation mark, other than the existing comment markers or
+ modify nsis mode to ignore case of keywords.
+ add -i option to most syntax filters to control whether keyword
matching is done ignoring case. The exceptions are html, imake and
make, which use special logic for deciding which to use.
NOTE: this is an incompatible change which can affect user-defined
majormodes that use the affected filters. However, presetting the
-i option on about a third of the syntax filters would be more
confusing than making this explicit in filters.rc
+ modify configure script to support cross-compiling, tested with
cross-compiler to mingw using convile and minvile targets.
+ add null-pointer checks for "nohl" fix in 9.8f, needed for the case
when no majormode is in effect.
+ modify vile-manfilt to accept 0xb7 bullet character used in some
+ updates for configure macros CF_NCURSES_CONFIG, CF_XOPEN_SOURCE
20111127 (f)
> Tom Dickey:
+ trim unneeded loader flags added in Mandriva 2010.2's rpmbuild, since
those prevent the loadable filters from linking.
+ modify symlinking of manpages in vile.spec to avoid using absolute
links, since those may be removed in rpmbuild.
+ change makefile.wnt to add WIDE knob to define UNICODE, and also for
the OLE configuration to use comsuppw.lib rather than comsupp.lib
+ drop -G4 option from makefile.wnt, which was an optmization to favor
486 processors phased out in Visual C++ 5.0, and with 9.0 produces
a warning.
+ change return type of TERM.setpal from void to int, since the return
value is used with the win32 platform.
+ modify special case for "dos" setting in a submode introduced in
8.3q, recognizing "nodos" also. This allows overriding a submode
that is previously defined, e.g., in modes.rc, by a user's .vilerc
(report by Wayne).
+ correct "nohl" when used in a submode. As a side-effect, vile frees
video attributes for the buffers, but in this special case it did not
limit the freeing to buffers using the majormode whose highlight
submode was turned off (report by Wayne).
+ add force-empty-lines operator.
+ add delete-empty-lines operator (request by Wayne).
+ change tabstop within [Printable Chars] to keep the result within
80 columns.
+ improved rpm syntax highlighter:
+ modify number pattern to add dots and dashes for version numbers.
+ match keywords in more places by checking for the name in %name and
%{name} patterns when the first match fails.
+ add keywords %exclude, %makeinstall and %run_ldconfig
+ add vile-pager to dpkg package script for vile.
+ add ".pod" files to perlmode.
+ change default in basic.key to Keyword for consistency.
+ modify xresfilt.l to check for continuation-lines of comments.
+ add "YI" capability to tc.key, per ncurses fix.
+ add extra-colors settings for linenumber and linebreak, as well
as the normal "<" and ">" markers.
+ modify makemode to use tabinsert, allowing notabinsert to be a
default in other mode (patch by Anthony Shipman).
+ add erlang syntax highlighter and majormode (patch by Anthony
+ add linebreak mode, like vim (request by Paul Van Tilburg).
This does NOT yet work with color highlighting, but does work with
+ fill in a missing chunk of logic for wrapping double-width characters
(report by Sukegawa Shigeyuki).
+ modify debian/rules to work around a quoting problem in Brendan
O'Dea's build environment.
+ fix a typo in help-file description of modeline (report by Wayne).
+ adapt/use multi-package feature of Fedora rpm script.
+ modify dpkg and rpm scripts to install lxvile.
+ add build-dependency for dpkg test-script against libperl-dev
+ several configure macro updates, from lynx/ncurses/tctest/xterm:
+ CF_ANSI_CC_CHECK - do a sanity check on $CC; occasional users add
options directly to it rather than follow the standards by setting
+ CF_CURSES_CPPFLAGS - make checks for special libraries on hpux10
and sunos4 optional
+ CF_CURSES_FUNCS - workaround for bug in gcc 4.2.1 (FreeBSD 8.1)
which caused part of test program to be omitted, i.e., when it saw
two return-statements in a row it omitted the _first_ one. Also
add expression to pointer check to help FreeBSD's linker decide it
should be validated. Just an assignment was not enough.
+ CF_CURSES_LIBS - add check for NetBSD's otermcap
+ CF_CURSES_HEADER - change order for curses.h / ncurses.h pairs to
put ncurses.h first, which will tend to provide the same #define's
as in CF_NCURSES_HEADER (report by Dennis Preiser).
+ CF_CURSES_LIBS - make checks for special libraries on hpux10 and
sunos4 optional
+ CF_CURSES_TERM_H - modify to avoid spurious check for
<curses.hterm.h> if there is no ncurses version. Look for
ncurses's term.h anyway, to work around breakage by packagers who
separate ncurses' header files.
+ CF_DISABLE_RPATH_HACK - fix garbled message
+ CF_LD_RPATH_OPT - add cases for DragonFlyBSD and MirBSD
+ CF_MAKEFLAGS - filter out GNU make's entering/leaving messages.
This only appeared when using the macro in a dpkg script, though it
should have in other cases.
+ CF_PKG_CONFIG - modify to allow autoconf-2.13 or autoconf-2.52
+ CF_RPATH_HACK - add a check for libraries not found, e.g., from
suppressed functionality of gcc in linking from /usr/local/lib, and
add a -L option to help work around this.
+ CF_STRUCT_TERMIOS - relax ncurses-oriented change to make this work
as fixup after CF_XOPEN_SOURCE
+ CF_TERMCAP_LIBS - modify the workaround for old AIX system (e.g.,
from 1997 or before) to not set $cf_cv_termlib if it succeeds in
finding initscr in libcurses. Doing that confused a check in tin's
configure.in which looks at that variable to decide if
termcap/terminfo library was found. The check for tgoto in
libtermcap on the next line is the actual check which is needed,
and should fail if there is no termcap library installed.
+ CF_XOPEN_CURSES - fix typo in the workaround for
+ CF_XOPEN_SOURCE - extend aix case to aix 7.x, modify checks to
+ CF_X_ATHENA_LIBS - DragonFlyBSD's pkgsrc combines Xaw6 and Xaw7
into a single package, and doesn't provide a plain "libXaw.so"
symlink. Work around by testing for the 6/7 versions.
+ restore delphi keyword file.
+ amend change from 9.7w to install rule for vileget, making it use
the normal INSTALL_SCRIPT symbol. Some platforms' "strip" utility
do not error if the file happens to be a shell script.
+ amend build-fix for cygwin to fix winvile OLE.
20110411 (e)
> Tom Dickey:
+ improve ada syntax highlighter by parsing attributes, adding a list
of the predefined attributes to its keyword file.
+ fix character-type initialization to allow built-in locales in 9.7d
to work (report by Ramil Farkhshatov).
+ amend a change from 9.7zd which lost the repeat-count for single-byte
characters in "r" and other uses of lins_chars() (report by Hymie on
mailing list).
+ build-fixes for --disable-extensions
+ add tables, modify functions, to support name-completion for the
":g" global commands. Previously, name-completion used the entire
table, which is about 7 times longer.
+ add "describe-globals" command.
+ add the "pp" operator to documentation of :g in help-file (report by
Wayne on mailing list)
+ change backup-style from universal to buffer-mode (request by Wayne
on mailing list).
+ add a check in bytes_at0() to ensure that the offset is positive.
+ modify logic used when cursor-tokens is set, to extract the token
from the screen. It was only searching for the first token which
began on or after the current position. Now it searches for tokens
which may begin before the current position (report by Ian Watson).
+ build-fix for xvile with cygwin, broken in 9.8a changes to
consolidate w32vile.h includes.
20101228 (d)
> Tom Dickey:
+ modify expression used for "path" type in regexp.c to avoid matching
non-ASCII punctuation characters.
+ merge changes from Debian package script for 9.8c
+ add preamble patterns for Emacs "text" and "Autotest" modes.
+ minor improvements to performance by inlining as macros some
frequently used functions.
+ apply the same improvement for line-deletion to these functions:
attributereqion(), find_release_attr(), update_window_attrs().
+ improve performance of line-deletion by eliminating a search for
region-pointer, using data already collected (report by Gary
+ modify CAPNAME expression in tc-filt.l to accept "#2", etc.
+ extend generate set of single-byte encodings to include those listed
by iconv for which there is no predefined locale, e.g., the Windows
+ modify several places which check for special characters, e.g., when
parsing repeat-counts in normal mode, to also exclude multibyte
characters (report by Ramil Farkhshatov).
+ use the generated single-byte encodings from 9.8c to improve UTF-8
support for platforms without iconv, i.e., by relating the narrow
and wide encodings.
+ add $kbd-encoding variable, to control whether the keyboard uses the
same encoding as the display and/or locale.
20101206 (c)
> Rick Sladkey
+ add Unicode support to the vile Win32 console driver.
> Tom Dickey:
+ add generated set of single-byte encodings, to replace the ASCII and
ISO-8859-1 fallbacks used when no suitable 8-bit "narrow" locale can
be setup. The tables also have the corresponding set of locale names,
which provides a fallback for cases when the locale support is
incomplete (prompted by report by Ramil Farkhshatov).
+ modify CF_WITH_CURSES_DIR and related macros so the --with-curses-dir
option applies to both ncurses and curses.
+ modify CF_X_ATHENA and CF_X_TOOLKIT autoconf macros to accomodate
changes in xorg package scripts.
+ modify several autoconf macros to lessen use of legacy
"${name-value}" feature in favor of standard "${name:-value}", since
it is broken in recent version of bash.
+ remove a spurious '\' in backreference for sed in CF_LEX_VERSION
macro (report by Mark McKinstry)
+ add ".yy" suffix to yaccmode.
+ add ".gperf" and ".ll" suffixes to lexmode.
+ ncu-indent is now provided by "cindent" at
+ set pointsize in output from atr2html.
+ use cindent to format the ".c"-files.
+ use cindent to format the lex-files.
+ correct description of "copy-to-clipboard" in cmdtbl.
+ update config.guess, config.sub
20100915 (b)
> Tom Dickey:
+ correct a check in the combination of showchar mode with the
:show-printable command when the global file-encoding mode is set to
locale. Also make this combination apply whether or not the ruler
mode is set.
+ correct setting of reg_utf8flag when the global file-encoding mode is
set to locale, e.g., for UTF-8 encoding.
+ add "%" to syntax highlighting of makefile target patterns.
+ add configure --enable-link-prefix, which is used to trim unneeded
libraries from link-commands, to reduce package dependencies.
+ build-fix for Ubuntu package, which must ensure that -lcrypt is
added when building vile-crypt due to weak-linkage issues.
20100908 (a)
> Tom Dickey:
+ modify configure check for gcc's -r dynamic option to include the
message from QNX's gcc 2.95.2, which simply ignores the "dynamic".
+ modify RPM spec-file to remove the doc-directories' scripts at build
time, since rpmbuild on Centos 5.5 automatically adds unwanted
dependencies on the Perl scripts found there as part of the package's
requirements for installing.
+ fix many strict gcc compiler warnings.
+ remove support for OpenLook.
+ add configure --enable-colored-menus option (discussion with Chris
+ modify makefiles for winvile so that it supports unix-style
+ modify vile-crypt to accept a "-u" option for unix-style encryption.
+ add Jochen Obalek's unix-style crypt function for platforms without
that, e.g., win32 and OS/2.
+ modify perl.xs to build/work with perl 5.004 (cf: 9.7e).
+ add configure workaround for perl 5.004's prototype for main().
+ drop two symbols from embedded-Perl configure check, since they did
not appear in 5.004, and are not used by perl.xs
+ build-fix for OS/2 EMX:
+ remove a '/' after $(DESTDIR), to work with DOS devices.
+ suppress unsupported "inline" definition for icc compiler.
+ build/runtime fixes for DJGPP:
+ provide fallback for intptr_t type.
+ amend a change from 9.7h which assigned a non-malloc'd pointer to
context where it was later freed.