path: root/editors
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2017-10-12emacs21: fix for CVE-2017-14482tez3-3/+83
adapted from upstream 9ad0fcc54442a9a01d41be19880250783426db70
2017-10-07Update to patchset 8.0.1176morr3-8/+10
Changes: 8.0.1097 background color wrong if job changes background color 8.0.1098 build failure if libvterm installed 8.0.1099 warnings for GDK calls 8.0.1100 stuck in redraw loop when 'lazyredraw' is set 8.0.1101 channel write fails if writing to log fails 8.0.1102 terminal window does not use Normal colors 8.0.1103 converting cterm color fails for grey ramp 8.0.1104 the qf_jump() function is too long 8.0.1105 match() and matchend() are not tested 8.0.1106 terminal colors wrong on an MS-Windows console 8.0.1107 terminal debugger jumps to non-existing file 8.0.1108 cannot specify mappings for the terminal window 8.0.1109 timer causes error on exit from Ex mode 8.0.1110 FORTIFY_SOURCE from Perl causes problems 8.0.1111 syntax error in configure when using Perl 8.0.1112 can't get size or current index from quickfix list 8.0.1113 can go to Insert mode from Terminal-Normal mode 8.0.1114 default for 'iminsert' is annoying 8.0.1115 crash when using foldtextresult() recursively 8.0.1116 terminal test fails on MS-Windows 8.0.1117 Test_terminal_no_cmd hangs on MS-Windows with GUI 8.0.1118 FEAT_WINDOWS adds a lot of #ifdefs 8.0.1119 quitting a split terminal window kills the job 8.0.1120 :tm means :tmap instead of :tmenu 8.0.1121 can uncheck executables in MS-Windows installer 8.0.1122 vimtutor.bat doesn't work well with vim.bat 8.0.1123 cannot define a toolbar for a window 8.0.1124 use of MZSCHEME_VER is unclear 8.0.1125 wrong window height when splitting window with window toolbar 8.0.1126 endless resize when terminal showing in two buffers 8.0.1127 Test_peek_and_get_char fails on 32 bit system 8.0.1128 old xterm sends CTRL-X in response to t_RS 8.0.1129 window toolbar missing a part of the patch 8.0.1130 the qf_jump() function is still too long 8.0.1131 not easy to trigger an autocommand for new terminal window 8.0.1132 #if condition is not portable 8.0.1133 syntax timeout not used correctly 8.0.1134 superfluous call to syn_get_final_id() 8.0.1135 W_WINCOL() is always the same 8.0.1136 W_WIDTH() is always the same 8.0.1137 (after 8.0.1136) cannot build with Ruby 8.0.1138 click in window toolbar starts Visual mode 8.0.1139 using window toolbar changes state 8.0.1140 still old style tests 8.0.1141 MS-Windows build dependencies are incomplete 8.0.1142 window toolbar menu gets a tear-off item 8.0.1143 macros always expand to the same thing 8.0.1144 using wrong #ifdef for computing length 8.0.1145 warning when compiling with Perl 8.0.1146 redraw when highlight is set with same names 8.0.1147 fail to build with tiny features 8.0.1148 gN doesn't work on last match with 'wrapscan' off 8.0.1149 libvterm colors differ from xterm 8.0.1150 MS-Windows GUI: dialog font size is incorrect 8.0.1151 "vim -c startinsert!" doesn't append 8.0.1152 encoding of error message wrong in Cygwin terminal 8.0.1153 no tests for diff_hlID() and diff_filler() 8.0.1154 'indentkeys' does not work properly 8.0.1155 Ruby command triggers a warning 8.0.1156 trouble from removing one -W argument from Perl CFLAGS 8.0.1157 compiler warning on MS-Windows 8.0.1158 still old style tests 8.0.1159 typo in #ifdef 8.0.1160 getting tab-local variable fails after closing window 8.0.1161 popup menu drawing problem when resizing terminal 8.0.1162 shared script for tests cannot be included twice 8.0.1163 popup test is flaky 8.0.1164 changing StatusLine highlight does not always work 8.0.1165 popup test is still flaky 8.0.1166 :terminal doesn't work on Mac High Sierra 8.0.1167 Motif: typing in terminal window is slow 8.0.1168 wrong highlighting with combination of match and 'cursorline' 8.0.1169 highlignting one char too many with 'list' and 'cul' 8.0.1170 using termdebug results in 100% CPU time 8.0.1171 popup test is still a bit flaky 8.0.1172 when E734 is given option is still set 8.0.1173 terminal window is not redrawn after CTRL-L 8.0.1174 Mac has wrong color for white 8.0.1175 build failure without +termresponse 8.0.1176 job_start() does not handle quote and backslash correctly
2017-10-03transfig: remove, replaced by print/fig2devwiz1-2/+2
2017-09-30editors/Makefile: remove emacs2{2,3,4}*wiz1-7/+1
CVs: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2017-09-29emacs22*, emacs23*, emacs24*: remove unmaintained emacs versionswiz91-13253/+10
As announced in This still leaves emacs20, emacs21, and the current version, emacs25.
2017-09-27p5-Padre-Plugin-XS: update to 0.12.wiz2-9/+13
0.12 2013-12-17 - fix mislaid README from last release (BOWTIE) 0.11 2013-12-16 - Remove MYMETA and fox a typo (BOWTIE) 0.10 2013-12-14 - Added Dutch translation (ddn123456 - Dirk De Nijs) - Added Brazilian Portuguese translation (GARU) - Tweak pp-xs so that it will load under pp api 2.2 (BOWTIE) 0.09 2010-12-06 - Restored missing POT/PO translation sources (Damyan Ivanov, AZAWAWI) 0.08 2010-10-29 - Removed Test::NeedsDisplay dependency (AZAWAWI) 0.07 2010-10-27 - [@PadrePlugin] replaced cruft in dist.ini (AZAWAWI) 0.06 2010-10-27 - t/00-load.t is magically injected by [@PadrePlugin] via [LoadTests] (AZAWAWI) 0.05 2010-10-22 - Re-uploaded 0.04 as 0.05 to satisfy the indexer (AZAWAWI) 0.04 2010-10-22 - Switched to Dist::Zilla (AZAWAWI) - Fixed 00-load.t failure when $ENV{DISPLAY} is not set (AZAWAWI) 0.03 2010-10-20 - Compatibility with the latest Padre (AZAWAWI, CHORNY) - Added i18n support (AZAWAWI) - Added Arabic translation (AZAWAWI)
2017-09-27p5-Padre-Plugin-Vi: Simplify PKGNAME.wiz1-3/+2
2017-09-27p5-Padre-Plugin-SpellCheck: update to 1.33.wiz2-13/+11
1.33 2013-09-24 - Add MYMETA to MANIFEST.SKIP (BOWTIE) 1.32 2013-05-02 - Update dependainces and bump version (BOWTIE) - Tweak tests to increase coverage (BOWTIE) 1.31_03 2013-01-14 - Tweak perl version dependancy and Makefile (BOWTIE) 1.31_02 2013-01-11 - Bumped perl dependancie to 5.12.5 as test 05-Checker.t was failing under perl 5.10.1 with Class::Accessor (BOWTIE) - Update Changes file to CPAN::Changes::Spec (BOWTIE) 1.31_01 2012-08-25 - Missing ellipsis on context menu (BOWTIE) - changed to dev version number until padre 0.98 is released (BOWTIE) 1.31 2012-08-23 - My Bad, forgot to add icon (BOWTIE) 1.30 2012-08-22 - update preferences to new Padre::Util::run_in_dir_two format (BOWTIE) - Add event_on_context_menu to enable changing preferences (BOWTIE) - Tweak tests for above (BOWTIE) 1.29 2012-06-19 - Typo in fbp (BOWTIE) - replacement text location slipping dod+ (BOWTIE) - remove unused variable (BOWTIE) - switch to Class::Accessor with 'antlers' (BOWTIE) 1.28 2012-06-15 - POD tweak for clarification dod+ (BOWTIE) - disable button when finished (BOWTIE) 1.27 2012-05-13 - fix hunspell selection, which was not and tweak POD (BOWTIE) 1.26 2012-05-13 - use v-string (BOWTIE) - update to next version number (BOWTIE) 1.25 2012-04-24 - dynamic Dialogue Titles (BOWTIE) - Update POD, remove test code (BOWTIE) - implement new plugin_disable (BOWTIE) - use Try::Tiny implement (BOWTIE) - moving to p-p-xx-yy for config, tides code and makes more consistent across plug-ins, Padre 0.96 compatible only (BOWTIE) - Tweak tests, add README (BOWTIE) 1.24 2012-02-26 - remove unwanted test for Text::Aspell installed (BOWTIE) 1.23 2012-02-26 - fix plugin_enable school boy error (BOWTIE) - fix the config DB to check on enable for past and new install (BOWTIE) - Bump version to 1.23 (BOWTIE) - added Text::Hunspell (BOWTIE) - Update Status info in Checker to show dictionary and language (ALIAS)(BOWTIE) - rename Method accessors to inc get/set (BOWTIE) - remove un-used Methods (BOWTIE) - add the standard License to the tail as and where (BOWTIE) 1.22 2012-02-22 - remove dead code in plugin_icon method (ZENOG) - Upgraded to use wxFormBuilder-based forms (BOWTIE) - revert-> Added missing Data::Printer dependency (AZAWAWI)<-(BOWTIE) - Access to Preferences is now via Plugin Manager (BOWTIE) - Preferences now displays language name rather than ISO code (BOWTIE) - use Padre Locale for dictionary names from ISO code (BOWTIE) - Start on adding some tests, as there are none (BOWTIE) - Preferences now shows and saves Aspell and Hunspell local dictionaries (BOWTIE) 1.21 2010-12-06 - Restored missing POT/PO translation sources (Damyan Ivanov, AZAWAWI) - rename method 'spell_preferences' to 'plugin_preferences', so that the dialogue can also be called from the plugin manager (ZENOG) - add support for some filters (XML, HTML, LaTeX) (ZENOG) - fix encoding information in German translation file: ASCII to UTF-8 #1070 (ZENOG) 1.2 2010-10-29 - Removed Test::NeedsDisplay dependency (AZAWAWI) 1.1.3 2010-10-27 - Compatibility with the latest Padre (ZENOG, AZAWAWI) - Added German translation (ZENOG) - Added Japanese translation (ISHIGAKI) - Fixed translations in share directory and removed old one(AZAWAWI) - Switched to Dist::Zilla (AZAWAWI) - t/00-load.t is magically injected by [@PadrePlugin] via [LoadTests] (AZAWAWI)
2017-09-27p5-Padre-Plugin-Nopaste: update to 0.08.wiz2-13/+12
0.08 2013-09-25T22:22:22Z BST - remove MYMETA from dist (BOWTIE) 0.07 2013-05-03 - Update Changes to changes-strict (BOWTIE) - Tweak plugin_enable to throw a more human readable error (BOWTIE) - Update Makefile with midgen output (BOWTIE) 0.06 2012-08-31 - remove cruff from MANIFEST, azawawi++ (BOWTIE) 0.05 2012-08-31 - remove cruff, my bad, POD tweak, azawawi++ (BOWTIE) 0.04 2012-08-31 - Update to Padre::Plugin for API 2.2 - Update to Padre::Task 3.0 - Update Makefile.PL - Added README - Tweak tests and POD - Defaults to #padre - Now with Prefs Dialog - improved Dialog with reset (BOWTIE) 0.3.1 2010-08-14 - Better pod for Padre::Plugin::Nopaste::Task 0.3.0 2010-08-13 - Support Task API 2.0 (CHORNY) - Added Padre::Plugin::Nopaste::Task (CHORNY)
2017-09-27p5-Padre-Plugin-Kate: update to 0.06.wiz2-13/+8
0.06 2010.12.06 Restored missing POT/PO translation sources (Damyan Ivanov, AZAWAWI) Added nicer 'About' text (ZENOG) 0.05 2010.10.29 Added support for C# (CHORNY) Switched to Dist::Zilla (AZAWAWI) Added compatibility with the latest Padre (AZAWAWI) Added Arabic translation (AZAWAWI)
2017-09-27p5-Padre-Plugin-HG: update to 0.17.wiz2-12/+7
0.15 2010/11/03:17:36 Update the Compatability Version to work with the latest Padre. 0.16 2010/11/07:20:38 increase Version Number to skip failed upload to cpan 0.17 2013/05/04 Fixes to work with latest version of Padre, auto refresh on file save
2017-09-26*: remove qt3 and the packages using it, including KDE3wiz21-2055/+4
Announced in
2017-09-21Support large files in sam.bsiegert11-224/+182
From trebol via pkgsrc-users. While here, regenerate patches (one per file, unified diffs). Bump PKGREVISION. (This commit message was written in sam.)
2017-09-18vim-share: add comment where changelog can be foundwiz1-1/+2
From morr@
2017-09-18revbump for requiring ICU 59.xmaya10-18/+20
2017-09-17p5-PPIx-EditorTools: update to 0.19.wiz2-8/+7
0.19 2014.09.03 - Update the link to the GitHub repository. 0.18 2012.10.20 - Including Module::Install 1.06 - Add test using Test::CPAN::Changes
2017-09-17p5-Padre-Plugin-Git: update to 0.12.wiz2-8/+13
0.12 2013-09-15 - various tweaks after running xt's - add typo found by perlbotics++ - remove an unwanted 0.11, that crepped in from an update-version script, this is also a test (BOWTIE) - turn off message echo to term [0e2335e] - tweak contents, remove core modules [cd5db46] - update POD - Update Version [30df3d8] 0.11 2012-11-29 - silly me forgot to add install share to Makrfile.PL (BOWTIE) 0.10 2012-11-29 - silly me left some test code visable (BOWTIE) 0.09 2012-11-29 - Oops Add Artistic accreditation (BOWTIE) - use 64x64 in About Dialogue (BOWTIE) - Add Local Stage Patch for dod++ (BOWTIE) - Add Local Commit Patch to complement the Stage Patch (BOWTIE) - Add Message Dialogue for commit messages, - also offer to load previous message from .git/COMMIT_EDITMSG (BOWTIE) 0.08 2012-11-25 - Unescaped left brace in regex is deprecated, passed through in regex (BOWTIE) - Add a plugin icon for use in Plugin Manager (BOWTIE) - Add blame for current file for dod++ (BOWTIE) - Add a git icon to About Dialog (BOWTIE) - Add Perl programming -> TIOBE (BOWTIE) 0.07 2012-11-03 - Fix-typo use of pbp return in sub cause a clocaking effect of menu (BOWTIE) 0.06 2012-11-01 - Add some Branching - Make Dialogue Bigger (BOWTIE) - Add auto update Changes on git commit if {{$NEXT}} exists (BOWTIE) - Update Makefile.PL with requirments (BOWTIE) 0.05 2012-09-26 - Add missing dependencies (BOWTIE) 0.04 2012-09-08 - Update to Padre-Plugin Api 2.2 (BOWTIE) - event_on_context_menu now works, short cut (BOWTIE) - switch to menu_plugins_simple all items work (BOWTIE) - git local functions, done (BOWTIE) - git remote functions, using padre-task (BOWTIE) - enable git-hub pull request with external credentials (BOWTIE)
2017-09-17p5-Padre-Plugin-Encrypt: update to 0.12.wiz2-9/+7
0.12 2010.12.06 Restored missing POT/PO translation sources (Damyan Ivanov, AZAWAWI) 0.11 2010.10.29 Removed Test::NeedsDisplay dependency (AZAWAWI) 0.10 2010.10.27 t/00-load.t is magically injected by [@PadrePlugin] via [LoadTests] (AZAWAWI) 0.09 2010.10.22 Added missing meta resources after switching to Dist::Zilla (AZAWAWI) 0.08 2010.10.22 Switched to Dist::Zilla (AZAWAWI) Fixed 00-load.t failure when $ENV{DISPLAY} is not set (AZAWAWI) 0.07 2010.10.19 Make sure it works on latest Padre (RT #61657, RENEEB++). (AZAWAWI) Added i18n and some error handling to prevent crashes. (AZAWAWI) Fixed some build issues. (AZAWAWI) Handled various text encodings properly while decrypting. (AZAWAWI) Encrypt/Decrypt in hexadecimal to prevent data loss. (AZAWAWI) Added Arabic translation (AZAWAWI) Translation files are now copied to share folder using Module::Build's share_dir
2017-09-17p5-Padre-Plugin-Ecliptic: update to 0.23.wiz2-8/+7
0.23 2010.12.06 Restored missing POT/PO translation sources (Damyan Ivanov, AZAWAWI) 0.22 2010.10.29 Removed Test::NeedsDisplay dependency (AZAWAWI) 0.21 2010.10.27 t/00-load.t is magically injected by [@PadrePlugin] via [LoadTests] (AZAWAWI) 0.20 2010.10.23 Switched to Dist::Zilla Fixed Compatibility with the latest Padre Share directory is now accessible via File::ShareDir
2017-09-17p5-Padre-Plugin-DataWalker: update to 0.04.wiz3-30/+8
0.04 2010.12.06 Restored missing POT/PO translation sources (Damyan Ivanov, AZAWAWI) 0.03 2010.11.01 Switched to Dist::Zilla (AZAWAWI) Compatibility with the latest Padre (CHORNY, AZAWAWI)
2017-09-17p5-Padre-Plugin-Catalyst: update to 0.13.wiz2-14/+7
0.13 2010.12.08 Fixed another test failure (AZAWAWI) 0.12 2010.12.08 Fixed a t/01-perl_interpreter.t failure when DISPLAY is not set (AZAWAWI) 0.11 2010.12.06 Restored missing POT/PO translation sources (Damyan Ivanov, AZAWAWI) Switched to Dist::Zilla (AZAWAWI) Code cleanup (AZAWAWI) Removed unused ExtUtils::Install (AZAWAWI) Fixed 'Update Application Scripts' on win32 (AZAWAWI)
2017-09-17p5-Padre-Plugin-Autoformat: update to 1.22.wiz2-12/+7
Revision history for Padre-Plugin-Autoformat 1.22 2010.12.06 - Restored missing POT/PO translation sources (Damyan Ivanov, AZAWAWI) 1.21 2010.11.01 - Switched to Dist::Zilla (AZAWAWI) - Added proper share folder support using File::ShareDir (AZAWAWI) 1.2.0 Sat Aug 14 19:41:54 CEST 2010 - Renamed to the new Padre 0.43 PO naming scheme (azawawi) - updated to make it work with padre 0.68 api - added translations: - Chinese (Traditional) (BLUET) - brazilian portuguese - french - polish - Arabic (azawawi) - Spanish (BRUNOV)
2017-09-16Update to 2.0.3ryoon4-86/+34
Changelog: Version 2.0.3 ------------- - Much faster loading and saving of large PO files. - Fixed frequent false positives in QA warnings for German, Japanese, Arabic and translations with reordered brackets. - Fixed issues with suggestions not showing up in the sidebar if the user had an unusually tall editing area set up. - Fixed assert when opening a PO file on Linux. Version 2.0.2 ------------- - Unusual whitespace (2+ spaces) in the middle of strings is now highlighted. - Strings with warnings are now put at the top together with errors. - Fixed crash when clicking on an item with plurals in a POT file. - Added --line command line argument to open a file at specified item. Version 2.0.1 ------------- - Restored compatibility with Zend Framework and its .phtml extension. - Fixed keyboard navigation between plurals. - Fixed false positives in punctuation warnings (quotes, Chinese). - [Linux] Mostly fixed compatibility with wxGTK 3.0.2. - [macOS] Fixed crash with Vietnamese input method. - [Windows] Fixed disappearing menu with HiDPI >200% zoom. - [Windows] Fixed settings-related crash. - [Windows] Fixed Ctrl+A handling. IMPORTANT NOTE TO DISTRIBUTION MAINTAINERS: Poedit is affected by a bug in wxGTK 3.0.2 that cannot be worked around in user code, requiring this patch to wxGTK to be applied: Version 2.0 ----------- - Revamped user interface. - Syntax highlighting for markup and special characters. - Warnings are now shown for common translation mistakes. - More robust pre-translation (previous "Fill missing translations from TM"). - "Fuzzy" was renamed "Needs work" thorough to be more accessible to gettext non-experts. - xgettext invocation can now be customized on per-file basis. - Files opened from Crowdin now auto-sync on save. - New Linux icon. - Many small improvements all over. Version 1.8.12 -------------- - Fixed previous msgid display. - Fixed Find to correctly highlight text with "whole words only" enabled. - [Windows] Fixed to accelerators and suggestions interaction with selection. - Poedit now passes --previous to msgmerge. Version 1.8.11 -------------- - [macOS] Fixed opening files by double-clicking them in Finder. - Fixed handling of sr_RS locale. Version 1.8.10 -------------- - Added support for X-Source-Language header. - [macOS] Improved macOS Sierra compatibility. - [Windows] Fixed Open in Editor button that didn't work in some cases. - [UNIX] Added AppData file. Version 1.8.9 ------------- - [Windows] Use IE proxy settings. - Start searches from the current position, not beginning of the file. - Updated bundled gettext to - More fixes for right-to-left languages. Version 1.8.8 ------------- - Greatly reduced UI flicker on Windows plus other visual improvements on Windows 10. - Multiple fixes to Poedit’s interface in right-to-left languages. - Don't leave directional marks in translated text if there's a LTR/RTL mismatch. - Assorted small fixes.
2017-09-13editors/Makefile: Add py-editorminskim1-1/+2
2017-09-13Import py-editor-1.0.3 as wip/py-editorminskim4-0/+30
editor is a Python module that opens an editor programmatically and captures the result.
2017-09-13Fix distinfo inconsistenciesryoon1-7/+5
2017-09-12recursive bump for qt5-qtwebkit dependency changewiz2-4/+4
2017-09-12Update emacs25 and emacs25-nox11 to 25.3ryoon6-104/+9
Changelog: This is an emergency release to fix a security vulnerability in Emacs. Enriched Text mode has its support for decoding 'x-display' disabled. This feature allows saving 'display' properties as part of text. Emacs 'display' properties support evaluation of arbitrary Lisp forms as part of instantiating the property, so decoding 'x-display' is vulnerable to executing arbitrary malicious Lisp code included in the text (e.g., sent as part of an email message). This vulnerability was introduced in Emacs 19.29.
2017-09-11Bump vim{,-share} to 8.0.1096.wiz3-8/+10
Changes not found.
2017-09-11emacs25-nox11: bump PKGREVISION for security fix.wiz1-2/+2
2017-09-11emacs25: fix security issuewiz4-3/+98
GNU Emacs is an extensible, customizable, free/libre text editor and software environment. When Emacs renders MIME text/enriched data (Internet RFC 1896), it is vulnerable to arbitrary code execution. Since Emacs-based mail clients decode "Content-Type: text/enriched", this code is exploitable remotely. This bug affects GNU Emacs versions 19.29 through 25.2. Although we know no efforts to exploit this in the wild, exploitation is easy.
2017-09-09Depend on bash properly, noted by wiz. Ride previous bump.dholland1-2/+2
2017-09-09Installs a bash script. PKGREVISION=1.dholland1-1/+4
2017-09-08Follow redirect.wiz1-3/+2
2017-09-08Recursive revbump from audio/pulseaudio-11.0ryoon2-4/+4
2017-09-06Remove teTeX* packages and references to them.wiz1-3/+2
teTeX was desupported in 2006, and we have texlive in pkgsrc since 2009.
2017-09-06Comment out dead sites.wiz1-2/+2
2017-09-06Follow some redirects.wiz1-3/+3
2017-09-04Recursive revbump from poppler updateryoon5-10/+10
2017-09-04Remove qgoogletranslator.wiz9-122/+1
This project was stopped upstream because google closed the free usage of the API this program was using.
2017-09-04Follow some redirects.wiz1-2/+2
2017-09-04Recursive bump for poppler 0.58 shlib bump.wiz5-10/+10
2017-09-03Follow some redirects.wiz2-6/+6
2017-09-03Comment out dead MASTER_SITES/HOMEPAGEs.wiz3-6/+6
2017-08-30Update nano to 2.8.7wiedi2-7/+7
2017.08.27 - GNU nano 2.8.7 "Fragrance" fixes a lockup when tabs are wider than the screen, makes indenting + unindenting more predictable by retaining relative indentations, allows pasting (^U) at a prompt, allows triple quotes in Python to not be followed by a character, does not scroll three pages on a roll of the mouse wheel, binds Alt+Up and Alt+Down to findprevious and findnext, and fixes some hard-to-describe issues with softwrapping and boundary-crossing tabs. Enjoy.
2017-08-29Simplify, to make life easier for lintpkgsrc.wiz1-3/+3
2017-08-27Update gedit3 to 3.22.0prlw12-8/+7
============ gedit 3.22.1 ============ - Misc bugfixes - Translation updates
2017-08-25Missing system header.joerg2-1/+14
2017-08-24Revbump for boost updateadam6-12/+12
2017-08-24Revbump for boost updateadam2-4/+4