path: root/filesystems/ori
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2014-02-18Use mk/fuse instead of filesytems/fuse.gdt1-2/+3
NetBSD's FUSE implementation is part of the base system, and filesytems/fuse is the user-space implementation for systems with the /dev/fuse interface. It might be possible to use filesytems/fuse and perfused, but that's much harder than librefuse. Now orifs runs on NetBSD 6.
2014-02-17Import ori-0.8.1 as filesystems/ori.wiz4-0/+57
Ori is a distributed file system built for offline operation and empowers the user with control over synchronization operations and conflict resolution. It provides history through light weight snapshots and allows users to verify the history has not been tampered with. Through the use of replication, instances can be resilient and recover damaged data from other nodes.