path: root/filesystems/tahoe-lafs/distinfo
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2013-05-01Update to:gdt1-5/+4
Release 1.10.0 (2013-05-01) ''''''''''''''''''''''''''' New Features ------------ - The Welcome page has been redesigned. This is a preview of the design style that is likely to be used in other parts of the WUI in future Tahoe-LAFS versions. (`#1713`_, `#1457`_, `#1735`_) - A new extensible Introducer protocol has been added, as the basis for future improvements such as accounting. Compatibility with older nodes is not affected. When server, introducer, and client are all upgraded, the welcome page will show node IDs that start with "v0-" instead of the old tubid. See `<docs/nodekeys.rst>`__ for details. (`#466`_) - The web-API has a new ``relink`` operation that supports directly moving files between directories. (`#1579`_) Security Improvements --------------------- - The ``introducer.furl`` for new Introducers is now unguessable. In previous releases, this FURL used a predictable swissnum, allowing a network eavesdropper who observes any node connecting to the Introducer to access the Introducer themselves, and thus use servers or offer storage service to clients (i.e. "join the grid"). In the new code, the only way to join a grid is to be told the ``introducer.furl`` by someone who already knew it. Note that pre-existing introducers are not changed. To force an introducer to generate a new FURL, delete the existing ``introducer.furl`` file and restart it. After doing this, the ``[client]introducer.furl`` setting of every client and server that should connect to that introducer must be updated. Note that other users of a shared machine may be able to read ``introducer.furl`` from your ``tahoe.cfg`` file unless you configure the file permissions to prevent them. (`#1802`_) - Both ``introducer.furl`` and ``helper.furl`` are now censored from the Welcome page, to prevent users of your gateway from learning enough to create gateway nodes of their own. For existing guessable introducer FURLs, the ``introducer`` swissnum is still displayed to show that a guessable FURL is in use. (`#860`_) Command-line Syntax Changes --------------------------- - Global options to ``tahoe``, such as ``-d``/``--node-directory``, must now come before rather than after the command name (for example, ``tahoe -d BASEDIR cp -r foo: bar:`` ). (`#166`_) Notable Bugfixes ---------------- - In earlier versions, if a connection problem caused a download failure for an immutable file, subsequent attempts to download the same file could also fail. This is now fixed. (`#1679`_) - Filenames in WUI directory pages are now displayed correctly when they contain characters that require HTML escaping. (`#1143`_) - Non-ASCII node nicknames no longer cause WUI errors. (`#1298`_) - Checking a LIT file using ``tahoe check`` no longer results in an exception. (`#1758`_) - The SFTP frontend now works with recent versions of Twisted, rather than giving errors or warnings about use of ``IFinishableConsumer``. (`#1926`_, `#1564`_, `#1525`_) - ``tahoe cp --verbose`` now counts the files being processed correctly. (`#1805`_, `#1783`_) - Exceptions no longer trigger an unhelpful crash reporter on Ubuntu 12.04 ("Precise") or later. (`#1746`_) - The error message displayed when a CLI tool cannot connect to a gateway has been improved. (`#974`_) - Other minor fixes: `#1781`_, `#1812`_, `#1915`_, `#1484`_, `#1525`_ Other Changes ------------- - The provisioning/reliability pages were removed from the main client's web interface, and moved into a standalone web-based tool. Use the ```` script in ``misc/operations_helpers/provisioning/`` to access them. - Web clients can now cache (ETag) immutable directory pages. (`#443`_) - `<docs/convergence_secret.rst>`__ was added to document the adminstration of convergence secrets. (`#1761`_)
2012-07-07Update to 1.9.2.gdt1-5/+5
Release 1.9.2 (2012-07-03) ---------------------------- Notable Bugfixes '''''''''''''''' - Several regressions in support for reading (`#1636`_), writing/modifying (`#1670`_, `#1749`_), verifying (`#1628`_) and repairing (`#1655`_, `#1669`_, `#1676`_, `#1689`_) mutable files have been fixed. - FTP can now list directories containing mutable files, although it still does not support reading or writing mutable files. (`#680`_) - The FTP frontend would previously show Jan 1 1970 for all timestamps; now it shows the correct modification time of the directory entry. (`#1688`_) - If a node is configured to report incidents to a log gatherer, but the gatherer is offline when some incidents occur, it would previously not "catch up" with those incidents as intended. (`#1725`_) - OpenBSD 5 is now supported. (`#1584`_) - The ``count-good-share-hosts`` field of file check results is now computed correctly. (`#1115`_) Configuration/Behavior Changes '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' - The capability of the upload directory for the drop-upload frontend is now specified in the file ``private/drop_upload_dircap`` under the gateway's node directory, rather than in its ``tahoe.cfg``. (`#1593`_)
2012-01-13Update to 1.9.1 (security fix):gdt1-5/+5
Release 1.9.1 (2012-01-12) -------------------------- Security-related Bugfix ''''''''''''''''''''''' - Fix flaw that would allow servers to cause undetected corruption when retrieving the contents of mutable files (both SDMF and MDMF). (`#1654`_) .. _`#1654`:
2011-11-09Update to 1.9.0.gdt1-4/+4
- The most significant new feature in this release is MDMF: "Medium-size Distributed Mutable Files". Unlike standard SDMF files, these provide efficient partial-access (reading and modifying small portions of the file instead of the whole thing). MDMF is opt-in (it is not yet the default format for mutable files), both to ensure compatibility with previous versions, and because the algorithm does not yet meet memory-usage goals. Enable it with ``--format=MDMF`` in the CLI (``tahoe put`` and ``tahoe mkdir``), or the "format" radioboxes in the web interface. See `<docs/specifications/mutable.rst>`_ for more details (`#393`_, `#1507`_) - A "blacklist" feature allows blocking access to specific files through a particular gateway. See the "Access Blacklist" section of `<docs/configuration.rst>`_ for more details. (`#1425`_) - A "drop-upload" feature has been added, which allows you to upload files to a Tahoe-LAFS directory just by writing them to a local directory. This feature is experimental and should not be relied on to store the only copy of valuable data. It is currently available only on Linux. See `<docs/frontends/drop-upload.rst>`_ for documentation. (`#1429`_) - The timeline of immutable downloads can be viewed using a zoomable and pannable JavaScript-based visualization. This is accessed using the 'timeline' link on the File Download Status page for the download, which can be reached from the Recent Uploads and Downloads page.
2011-09-14* Release 1.8.3 (2011-09-13)gdt1-4/+4
** Security-related Bugfix - Fix flaw that would allow a person who knows a storage index of a file to delete shares of that file (#1528). - Remove corner cases in mutable file bounds management which could expose extra lease info or old share data (from prior versions of the mutable file) if someone with write authority to that mutable file exercised these corner cases in a way that no actual Tahoe-LAFS client does. (Probably not exploitable.) (#1528).
2011-02-01Update to 1.8.2.gdt1-4/+4
Packaging changes: Use gmake and test TEST_TARGET, so make test runs make check. Add dependency on py-sqlite2 for "tahoe backup". Add py-mock dependency because tests are now runnable by the user. Withdraw fixing of distfiles modes; this one is fine. * Release 1.8.2 (2011-01-30) ** Compatibility and Dependencies - Tahoe is now compatible with Twisted-10.2 (released last month), as well as with earlier versions. The previous Tahoe-1.8.1 release failed to run against Twisted-10.2, raising an AttributeError on StreamServerEndpointService (#1286) - Tahoe now depends upon the "mock" testing library, and the foolscap dependency was raised to 0.6.1 . It no longer requires pywin32 (which was used only on windows). Future developers should note that reactor.spawnProcess and derivatives may no longer be used inside Tahoe code. ** Other Changes - the default reserved_space value for new storage nodes is 1 GB (#1208) - documentation is now in reStructuredText (.rst) format - "tahoe cp" should now handle non-ASCII filenames - the unmaintained Mac/Windows GUI applications have been removed (#1282) - tahoe processes should appear in top and ps as "tahoe", not "python", on some unix platforms. (#174) - "tahoe debug trial" can be used to run the test suite (#1296) - the SFTP frontend now reports unknown sizes as "0" instead of "?", to improve compatibility with clients like FileZilla (#1337) - "tahoe --version" should now report correct values in situations where 1.8.1 might have been wrong (#1287)
2010-12-04* Release 1.8.1 (2010-10-28)gdt1-4/+5
** Bugfixes and Improvements - Allow the repairer to improve the health of a file by uploading some shares, even if it cannot achieve the configured happiness threshold. This fixes a regression introduced between v1.7.1 and v1.8.0. (#1212) - Fix a memory leak in the ResponseCache which is used during mutable file/directory operations. (#1045) - Fix a regression and add a performance improvement in the downloader. This issue caused repair to fail in some special cases. (#1223) - Fix a bug that caused 'tahoe cp' to fail for a grid-to-grid copy involving a non-ASCII filename. (#1224) - Fix a rarely-encountered bug involving printing large strings to the console on Windows. (#1232) - Perform ~ expansion in the --exclude-from filename argument to 'tahoe backup'. (#1241) - The CLI's 'tahoe mv' and 'tahoe ln' commands previously would try to use an HTTP proxy if the HTTP_PROXY environment variable was set. These now always connect directly to the WAPI, thus avoiding giving caps to the HTTP proxy (and also avoiding failures in the case that the proxy is failing or requires authentication). (#1253) - The CLI now correctly reports failure in the case that 'tahoe mv' fails to unlink the file from its old location. (#1255) - 'tahoe start' now gives a more positive indication that the node has started. (#71) - The arguments seen by 'ps' or other tools for node processes are now more useful (in particular, they include the path of the 'tahoe' script, rather than an obscure tool named 'twistd'). (#174) ** Removed Features - The tahoe start/stop/restart and node creation commands no longer accept the -m or --multiple option, for consistency between platforms. (#1262) ** Packaging - We now host binary packages so that users on certain operating systems can install without having a compiler. <> - Use a newer version of a dependency if needed, even if an older version is installed. This would previously cause a VersionConflict error. (#1190) - Use a precompiled binary of a dependency if one with a sufficiently high version number is available, instead of attempting to compile the dependency from source, even if the source version has a higher version number. (#1233) ** Documentation - All current documentation in .txt format has been converted to .rst format. (#1225) - Added docs/backdoors.rst declaring that we won't add backdoors to Tahoe-LAFS, or add anything to facilitate government access to data. (#1216)
2010-09-24Update to 1.8.0.gdt1-4/+4
* Release 1.8.0 (2010-09-23) ** New Features - A completely new downloader which improves performance and robustness of immutable-file downloads. It uses the fastest K servers to download the data in K-way parallel. It automatically fails over to alternate servers if servers fail in mid-download. It allows seeking to arbitrary locations in the file (the previous downloader which would only read the entire file sequentially from beginning to end). It minimizes unnecessary round trips and unnecessary bytes transferred to improve performance. It sends requests to fewer servers to reduce the load on servers (the previous one would send a small request to every server for every download) (#287, #288, #448, #798, #800, #990, #1170, #1191) - Non-ASCII command-line arguments and non-ASCII outputs now work on Windows. In addition, the command-line tool now works on 64-bit Windows. (#1074) ** Bugfixes and Improvements - Document and clean up the command-line options for specifying the node's base directory. (#188, #706, #715, #772, #1108) - The default node directory for Windows is ".tahoe" in the user's home directory, the same as on other platforms. (#890) - Fix a case in which full cap URIs could be logged. (#685, #1155) - Fix bug in WUI in Python 2.5 when the system clock is set back to 1969. Now you can use Tahoe-LAFS with Python 2.5 and set your system clock to 1969 and still use the WUI. (#1055) - Many improvements in code organization, tests, logging, documentation, and packaging. (#983, #1074, #1108, #1127, #1129, #1131, #1166, #1175)
2010-07-24Import tahoe-lafs-1.7.1 as filesystems/tahoe-lafs.gdt1-0/+5
Tahoe-LAFS is a Free Software/Open Source decentralized data store. It distributes your filesystem across multiple servers, and even if some of the servers fail or are taken over by an attacker, the entire filesystem continues to work correctly and to preserve your privacy and security.