Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author | Files | Lines |
Between 2.4.7 and 2.4.8, the following bugfixes were included:
* Bug #655901 - Fix build with guile 2.0
* Fix handling a directory as a dataset file.
* Bug #626970 - Crash when saving a transaction whose destination account
was deleted in the meantime
* Bug #661721 - Exposed Password
* Bug #651522 - crash in query_free_compiled, gnc_query_list_reset_query
* Use "Nimbus" gtk theme on Windows. A previous attempt failed to set this
in the installer.
* Bug #644977 - Add new Quicken Check 21 format. Thanks to Steve Holland
* Update Mac customizations for gtk-mac-integration-1.0.0. Mac integration
has had a name and api change from ige-mac-integration as part of
migration from Sourceforge to Gnome.
* Bug #553432 - Status line of edit invoice page mixes invoice currency
amount with default currency symbol
* Bug #365928 - Jobs do not stick in Expense Vouchers
* Find the python libraries and includes even if the path to them includes a
symlink. When python is installed using MacPorts there is a symlink in the
* Bug #612562 - Transfer Funds dialog - 'Show Income/Expense' checkboxes are
not working. Subaccounts of income and expense are not always shown.
* Make sure that exiting conn_test_dbi_library on a failure doesn't leave
the locale at "C".
* Bug #645216 - Fix wrong permissions on server result in bogus error
* Change default post date:
* customer invoices: post at the current date
* bills/vouchers: post at the last date on the bill/voucher
* Bug #658244 - Custom css stylesheet and logo in Tax Invoice report require
protocol in exported HTML
* Bug #655901 - Fix build with guile 2.0 Patch by Petr Gajdos
* Fix critical error regarding the color tabs when trying to display the
search results and also on the scheduled transactions template.
* Patch by Robert Fewell
In 2.4.8, the following languages had their translations updated: Japanese,
Lithuanian, Latvian, Russian, Hungarian.
Changes are unknown.
== Version 1.17.0 (August 23, 2011)
* Add Payflow Link integration [jduff]
* Add CardSave gateway [MrJaba/jduff]]
* Quickpay: Support protocal version 4 and fraud parameters [anderslemke/jduff]
* Add status_recurring [mm1/jduff]
* Paypal Express: Support specifying :items with purchase [sivabudh/jduff]
* ePay: Add Sweden and Norway to supported countries [ePay/jduff]
* Brainreee: Support passing merchant_account_id parameter [braintreeps/jduff]
* Paypal Express: Remove deprecated Address field in favor of ShipToAddress[jduff]
* Add Optimal Payments gateway [jamie/jduff]
* Documentation improvements [dasch/nhemsley/jstorimer/jduff]
* Authorize.Net: Pass through first name, last name, and zip for refunds. [ntalbott]
== Version 1.16.0 (May 12, 2011)
* Bogus: Support referenced transactions for #authorize, #purchase, #recurring and
#credit [dasch/jduff]
* Payment Express: Update gateway url [bayan/titanous]
* Moneybookers: Send country and account_name if provided [Soleone]
* Moneris: Add Diners Club and Discover [Soleone]
* Cybersource: add auth_reversal support [jeberly/titanous]
* WorldPay: Update endpoint URLs for offsite gateway [Soleone]
* Worldpay: Add JCB and add Maestro [Soleone]
* Add Diners Club and JCB [Soleone]
* Quickpay: Add testmode for subscribe and authorize [dasch/jduff]
* Orbital: fix handling of phone numbers. [ntalbott]
* Braintree: Add Diners Club [cody]
* Add ePaymentPlans offsite payment [robertomiranda/Soleone]
* Add Stripe gateway [boucher/titanous]
* Add Paystation gateway [nikz/jduff]
* Bump minimum ActiveSupport version to 2.3.11 [titanous]
* Use securerandom from stdlib not active_support [phlipper/jduff]
Changes are unknown.
Between 2.4.6 and 2.4.7, the following bugfixes were included:
[20804] Bug #653056: Fix menu accelerators not working, crash
on save-while-quitting.
[20800] Bug #646541: new invoice line items default to invoice
open date instead of current date This commit partially reverts
the changes in r19134 so that customer invoices and employee
vouchers default to the current date. Vendor bills still default
to the invoice open date.
[20798] Fix report reload and options change that got broken
by the previous commit.
[20796] Force custom url handlers to lowercase to deal with
Webkit 1.4's case sensitivity. For more details, consult this
Fedora bugreport:
[20792] Bug #652257 - Memory leak in gnc-file.c Patch by Tim
[20786] Bug #652435 - Fancy invoice export has <generic> tags
in it preventing html validation Patch by Bert Claesen
[20785] Bug #652377 - XHTML 1.0 Transitional compliance for
reports Patch by Tim M
[20784] Bug #632931 - Advanced Portfolio: new income column
shows negative amount Patch by Sebastien Alborini
[20783] Bug #651889 - Using trading accounts, new non-expanded
trading transaction shows inverted rates in exchange dialog
When using trading accounts, the exchange rate dialog has a
slightly different behavior. This patch fixes the behavior for
transactions that are created in-line and are not expanded
(single-line). It does not affect the expanded transactions or
transactions created in the new transaction dialog. Patch by
Mathieu De Zutter
[20782] Bug #651992 - Exported invoices do not render correctly
in Firefox Patch by Bert Claesen
[20760] Bug #612562 - Transfer Funds dialog - 'Show Income/Expense'
checkboxes are not working
[20750] Windows build: change default gtk theme to work around
a number of problems in the Ms-Windows theme we used before.
Particularly, this prevents the crash caused by bug #614636
and fixes the black notebook tabs that appeared after Phil
upgraded webkit and many related gnome dependencies. The new
default theme is "Nimbus" following a suggestion by Kim Wood
on the mailing list.
[20746] Bug #652193 - Upcoming Scheduled Transactions Calendar
Starting Month Error. Patch by Rich
[20745] Replace deprecated xml tag in chart of accounts templates
Between 2.4.5 and 2.4.6, the following bugfixes were included:
Preserve selection around the call to gtk_editable_set_position.
This lets us drop the racy gnucash_sheet_select_data_cb, which
fixes problems with lost input.
Add a gnc_quartz_set_menu call to main_window_new() so that
newly created windows get their menus on the mac menu.
Fix up the Mac shutdown process to give Gnucash a chance to
clean up without spewing critical errors about the main loop
already running (because of calling gnc_shutdown in an event
Bug #650241: Fix style for aging table in owner reports that
has changed (after defining doctype) Prevent inheriting the
parent tablestyle for aging table in owner-report.
Bug #650757: Fix Easy & footer styles output wrong tags </btd>
iso </b></td> preventing HTML 4.01 Transitional validation This
patch removes the wrong </btd> tags and closes the center tag
in the footer and easy stylesheets.
Bug #645221: Patch to show the headline as an h3 across all
stylesheets The attached patch makes sure that the title fonts
set through the options menu behaves consistently across all
style sheets.
Bug #620123: Patch to make account name a header cell, iso td
in trial-balance
Bug #648554: SQL backend doesn't correctly save taxable flag
on bills.
Bug #650163: Fix Technicolor style that outputs wrong tags
<btd> instead of <b><td>
Bug #650139: Fix missing doctype preventing HTML 4.01 transitional
validation Exported reports lack a document type, preventing
HTML validation. When exporting this may lead browsers to
incorrectly read the reports generated by GnuCash.
Bug #650138: Style plain: Fix incorrect <p> tag around <h3>
preventing HTML 4.01 transitional validation
Bug #649992: Let owner-report aging table include due date /
post date options in aging. The attached patch patches the
owner report to: *Allow a choice between the use of Due Date
and Date Posted *Report with the current bucket
Bug #649608: Skip non-enabled Scheduled Transactions for Future
Txn report
Update Slovak translation, copied from the Translation Project.
Bug #646729: Create the lockfile with at least read write user
Bug #647945: Add sanity check to hopefully fix crash when
running custom reports
Bug #644897: Correctly link in to
avoid linking against an installed version.
Bug #646268: Fix missing GWEN_SYNCIO initialization.
Bug #644762: Deprecated __new__() call in
Bug #647360: Invoice entries in expense voucher are created in
old voucher, not in new one. It worked fine for customer
invoices, and vendor bills, but not expense vouchers, where
the feature was broken all along.
Bug #647242: Fix broken averaging for quarter or half-year step
Bug #647316: Fix crash when deleting custom report if no backup
file existed. Before deleting the backup file by (delete-file),
it must be checked whether the to-be-deleted file exists,
otherwise the guile procedure will crash.
Fix warning about NULL guid_list in xaccQueryAddAccountGUIDMatch,
which caused some total amounts in reports to disappear.
Apparently gnc:account-get-trans-type-splits-interval didn't
watch out for empty lists of accounts, and the resulting split
list somehow was bogus. Now that we check for empty account
list, all is fine again. This was broken for some months by
now, maybe since r20404?
Bug #628342 - Quick open on File menu deleted if failed
Bug #629156 Recently Used Filenames incorrectly displayed
In 2.4.6, translations for Japanese language were updated.
= ActiveMerchant CHANGELOG
== Version 1.15.0 (May 12, 2011)
* DirecPay: Fix address to not include address2 twice in some cases [Soleone]
* DirecPay: Send company if available [Soleone]
* Realex: Fix hash signature [ntalbott/Soleone]
* SecurePay AU: Update remote tests [ntalbott]
* SecurePay AU: Fix method arity for #capture, #refund, #credit and #void [Soleone]
* Barclays ePDQ: Make response parsing more robust [Soleone]
* Payflow Express: Add line item support [wolframarnold]
* Payflow Express: Add comment field support [wolframarnold]
* Payflow: Add more optional fields [wolframarnold]
* Beanstream/Paypal: Fix CREDIT_DEPRECATION_MESSAGE errors [Jonathan Rudenberg]
* BraintreeBlue: Return a hash instead of a transaction object [braintreeps]
* BraintreeBlue: Return proper AVS/CVV values [braintreeps]
* Bogus: Add #recurring [trwomey]
* Make Validateable compatible with ActiveModel [CodeMonkeySteve]
* Add DirectEBanking offsite gateway [Gerwin Brunner/Soleone]
* ActiveSupport 3.1 beta support [cgriego]
== Version 1.14.0 (Apr 29, 2011)
* SagePayForm: Implement #cancelled? for Return. [wisq]
* Add #cancelled? to Integrations::Return [wisq]
* Bogus gateway: Add refund support and better tests [wisq]
* Beanstream: Add support for storing cards [duffomelia]
* eWay: Add support for storing cards [duffomelia]
* Add validation mode to update profile request [Ken Miller]
* CIM: Add oldLiveMode [ntalbott]
* CIM: Add extra transaction types [Ken Miller]
* JetPay: gateway tweaks [ntalbott]
* Deprecate a bunch more #credit methods [ntalbott]
* RealEx: Add authorize/capture/credit/void [ntalbott]
* SecurePay AU: Add authorize/capture/credit/void [ntalbott]
* PayPal Express: Make response parsing more robust [ntalbott]
* Test deprecation warnings; add deprecation line numbers [ntabott]
* Add Orbital direct gateway [ntalbott]
* Add WorldPay direct gateway [ntalbott]
== Version 1.13.0 (Apr 19, 2011)
* Add a Gemfile for optional bundler support [ssoroka]
* Stop using has_rdoc= when rubygems version is 1.7.0 or greater, since it's deprecated [ssoroka]
* Add tax field to braintree [wisq]
* Quickpay: Also add Sweden as supported country [Soleone]
* Adding refund method for gateways that are using the credit method for referenced based refunds, added deprecation worning to the credit method [John Duff]
* Return the Braintree transaction id in the response for void and refund transaction calls [John Duff]
* PayPal Express: Extract phone number from address if no contact phone was sent [Soleone]
* Unify all offsite gateways that verify the signature of Returns or Notifications by always using the #acknowledge method and calling the secret :credential2 [Soleone]
* Valitor: Change name of credential for Return and Notification from :password to :credential2 in symmetry with the other Integrations [Soleone]
* Moneybookers: Add support for tracking token [Soleone]
* Moneybookers: Require credential when creating Notifications instead of adding an argument to #acknowledge [Soleone]
* Moneybookers: Fix Notification to return correct status [Soleone]
* Support default Return class for all Integrations that don't use returns [Soleone]
* Add support for passing additional options when creating a Notification to all Integrations [Soleone]
* Update BraintreeBlue#refund to have consistent method signature [Jonathan Rudenberg]
* Add rails/init.rb for gem campatability in Rails [Rūdolfs Ošiņš]
* Fix Paypal Express response parser [Jonathan Rudenberg]
* Braintree/Transax: Add tax field [wisq]
== Version 1.12.1 (Mar 21, 2011)
* Ogone: Make sure response.params is a real Hash [Soleone]
* WorldPay: Fix service_url in production mode [Soleone]
== Version 1.12.0 (Mar 1, 2011)
* DirecPay: Send phone number as mobile phone by default [Soleone]
* Support sending line items for PayPal Express transactions [Jonathan Rudenberg]
* Update PayPal Express XML format to latest version [Jonathan Rudenberg]
* Fix custom image header for PayPal Express [mwagg]
* Add InvoiceID and OrderDescription to PayPal Express Authorize and Capture [cody]
* Add Moneybookers integration [Alex Diakov]
* Add QBMS (Quickbooks Merchant Services) gateway [ntalbott]
* Add NMI gateway [ntalbott]
* Make fully compatible with Rails 2 & 3, and Ruby 1.8 & 1.9 [ntalbott]
* Authorize.Net: Only return AVS message for AVS-related reason codes. [ntalbott]
* Add Federated Canada gateway [ntalbott]
* Garanti: Fix text normalization for nil values [Selem Delul]
* Valitor: Always send amount without any decimal places [Soleone]
* Add WorldPay integration [Soleone]
== Version 1.11.0 (Feb 11, 2011)
* Bump dependency for activesupport from 2.3.2 to 2.3.8 [Soleone]
* Garanti: Normalize text in xml fields for non-standard characters [Selem Delul]
* Garanti: Make sure order number does not contain illegal characters [Soleone]
* Fix ActionView tests for ActiveSupport 3.0.4 [Soleone]
* DirecPay: Make address information editable by default [Soleone]
* Fix ePDQ credit to expect and handle full authorization [Nathaniel Talbott]
* Add Barclays ePDQ Gateway [Nathaniel Talbott]
* Add default fixture for Garanti and don't use fixture for Garanti [cody]
* Add cms param for ePay [ePay]
* Add Valitor Integration [Nathaniel Talbott]
== Version 1.10.0 (Jan 20, 2011)
* PayPal Express: Support returning payer phone number [Soleone]
* Fix ePay to correctly send order number [Soleone]
* Add BluePay Gateway [Nathaniel Talbott]
* Add Quantum Gateway [Joshua Lippiner]
* Add iDEAL/Rabobank gateway [Jonathan Rudenberg]
* SagePayForm: Added send_email_confirmation (default false) to enable confirmation emails [wisq]
== Version 1.9.4 (Jan 5, 2011)
* Update Garanti gateway to integrate with new API [Selem Delul]
== Version 1.9.3 (December 17, 2010)
* Fix BBS Netaxept to change transaction type from C (for MOTO: mail order telephone order) to M (for credit card orders) [Soleone]
* Fix Iridium and ePay to work with any object that responds to credit card methods not only ActiveMerchant::CreditCard objects
== Version 1.9.2 (December 9, 2010)
* Add support for PayPal mobile payments [wisq]
* Add ePay gateway [ePay, Jonathan Rudenberg]
* Allow access to the raw HTTP response [Jonathan Rudenberg]
== Version 1.9.1 (November 24, 2010)
* PayPal Express and PayPal Pro: Send JPY currency correctly without decimals [Soleone]
* Netaxept: Make sure password (token) is URL escaped and update remote tests for updated server behavior [Soleone]
* DirecPay: Add support for additional options in Return class and add convenience method to get transaction status update [Soleone]
* Add new alias credit_card.brand for credit_card.type and handle the brand correctly in Netaxept [Soleone]
* Iridium: Do not depend on ExpiryDate class for credit_card [Soleone]
* PayFlow: Use same timeout of 60 seconds in HTTP header and XML for all requests [Soleone]
* PayPal Website Payments Pro CA no longer supports American Express cards [Soleone]
* Updated BIN ranges for Discover to match recent documents [kaunartist]
== Version 1.9.0 (October 14, 2010)
* Add support for DirecPay gateway [Soleone]
* Add SagePay Form integration gateway [wisq]
* Allow Return class to include a Notification for gateways that treat the direct response as a notification [wisq]
* Add support for PayboxDirect gateway [Donald Piret]
* Add support for SecureNet gateway [Kal]
* Add support for the Inspire gateway [ryan r. smith]
== Version 1.8.0 (September 24, 2010)
* PayPal Express: Add support for billing agreements [Nathaniel Talbott]
* Allow comparing countries [Nathaniel Talbott]
* Iridium: Fix country handling [Nathaniel Talbott]
* Iridium: Fix missing billing address [Nathaniel Talbott]
* Iridium: Do not pass CV2 if not present [Nathaniel Talbott]
* Add Iridium support [Phil Smy]
* Add Netaxept support [Nathaniel Talbott]
* PaymentExpress: Use Card Holder Help Text for the response message [Nathaniel Talbott]
* Sort the country name list [Duff OMelia]
== Version 1.7.3 (September 14, 2010)
* Fix SagePay special handling for Japanese YEN currency to not send fractional amounts [Soleone]
Ruby library for integrating with the Braintree Gateway.
* Fixed the way to calculate balance variation for the linear regression
forecast method (backported from KDE4)
* Fixed a crash when a budget selected for a report is no longer present
* Don't allow import of investment transactions that don't have a share
amount. This used to end in a div by zero when calculating the price.
* Add all overdue schedules when calculating forecast
* Backported fix from Ian Neal to solve problems when opening the ledger
with specific scheduled transactions
* Fixed loop in payments of the home page when a schedule is set to
end by date
* Improved anonymizer
* Fixed transaction loader for XML file
* Don't preset date in currency calculator to today in all cases
Shorten DESCR.
Fix warning in
Install config files properly.
Bump PKGREVISION for last.
Changes between 2.4.4 and 2.4.5 include:
* User-visible changes
* [20457] Improve message printed on screen
* Note last stable version number
* Updated translations or translation-related changes
* [20507] Various spelling fixes in comments and
translatable strings.
* Updated Dutch translation, copied from the translation
* Updated Italian translation.
* Bugs fixed
* [20496] Bug #645518: Partly revert r20378, "Correct
memory leaks found with valgrind" The original author
(Alex) asked to have this part reverted as it seems to
cause the crash explained in the bugreport, but he
doesn't have time to investigate this in detail right
* [20481] Bug #645640: Online transfer must not allow to
change amount in second window
* Bug #642176: Add four decimals to CLF (Chilean Unidades
de fomento) Oops, I forgot 1 digit
* Bug #642176: Add four decimals to CLF (Chilean Unidades
de fomento) While we could not find a document, which
defines the decimals, they are indispensable for the
conversion of payments in "real" CLP.
* Bug #645173 - [PATCH] Configure check uses hardcoded
webkit library name Patch by Andy Clayton.
* Bug #641645 - Support ActivePerl 5.12 for Finance:Quote
on Windows
* Bug #644688: Account edit fails to detect that no
changes have been made and marks the account 'dirty'.
* Other code/build changes
* [20501] During win32 build, if a component is already
installed, print the installation path Original patch by
* [20491] Fix glade message with unintended whitespaces.
* [20487]Windows nightly build: fix webserver directory
creation hack
* [20475] Windows build: fix weekly 2.4 build and move log
files into separate directory
* [20461] Windows build: allow to remove mingw
* [20460] Windows build: fix upload code
* [20456] Some additional Windows nightly build fixes: -
restore the original mingw/msys link, even when the
build script abort (due to a die command) - only restore
the mingw/msys link if it was saved before - weekly
builds should be on Monday, not Tuesday - upload tag
rebuilds to a directory named 'releases' instead of
* [20455] Build server: automatically create directories
on webserver for new branches
* [20454] Rework the Windows weekly 2.4 build to avoid
parallel builds (which would fail)
* [20452] Adapt the windows build system to deal with
swapping mingw installations on one build machine
* Start the 2.4 stable branch so that trunk is now
experimental again
* Add some convenience getter functions to gncOwner.
* Whitespace and spelling corrections
* Make error message on missing <dbi/dbi.h> more verbose.
Also mention the infamous dbi database drivers here,
Changes between 2.4.3 and 2.4.4 include:
* User-visible changes
* Update rev to 2.4.4
* Implement automatic creation of stock account for newly
imported OFX stocks. Only active if "auto-create
commodity" is switched on in the preferences from
* When setting the report print name, check whether this
exact name has been used before. Append an increasing
number if that was the case.
* When setting a printer job name, remove slashes because
they are not allowes in filenames.
* Add the invoice number in the output printer job name,
if an invoice report is printed.
* Add option in OFX import to have newly encountered
commodities automatically created.
* Modify Tax Info on Account Page to display or not
display sub-account info based on whether row is
expanded. Re-apply changes reverted in r20251. The only
difference between this commit and r20207 is that,
contrary to the recommendation given in gnc-tree-view.h,
"Use GNC_TREE_VIEW_COLUMN_DATA_NONE if you plan on using
a non-model data source for this column", it cobtinues
"GNC_TREE_VIEW_COLUMN_DATA_NONE" generates problems
later in the "gnc_tree_view_add_text_column" routine
when it tries to set up sorting for the column ("CRIT
<Gtk> gtk_tree_sortable_set_sort_func: assertion
`sort_column_id >= 0' failed"). Define a new column,
gnc-tree-model-account.c filled with
gnc_ui_account_get_tax_info_sub_acct_string. Modify
gnc-tree-view-account.c to define a tax_info_data_func
that displays only the the data in the
row is expanded; otherwise it combines it with the data
model column. Modily the view creation function to use
the new tax_info_data_func for the text after having
prevent the problem mentioned above, thereby overriding
* Update page name if invoice/bill is renamed.
* Present already open budget page if the user tries to
open a budget more than once
* Update page name if budget is renamed.
* Updated translations or translation-related changes
* Bugs fixed
* Bug #570042: Better default for book-closing entries in
Income Statement Report Options Patch by Tristan
Faujour: Proposed patch: make reports ignore
book-closing entries I chose to: - Change the reports'
default behavior to have them ignore the book-closing
entries. - Do not change anything in reports that deal
explicitly with them. Here is the content of this patch
(everything is under gnucash/src/report): - In function
gnc:account-get-trans-type-balance-interval, depending
on an argument, closing entries can be ignored (they are
identified by xaccTransGetIsClosingTxn). - Some report
utility functions are duplicated (with a "-with closing"
suffix) to provide the legacy feature. - Equity
statement and Profit & Loss reports are modified to call
the *-with-closing functions.
* Bug #644556: Running the test as root happened to
remove /dev/null. Check for this and also fix the
respective test. Additionally, it turned out the log
system never gave notice about a log output file that
was unwritable. Added an appropriate CRITICAL error
* Bug #644557 - gnucash-2.4.3: downstream patches to fix
tests linking Patches kindly provided by Gilles
Dartiguelongue <> of the Gentoo project.
* Bug #642739 - Translog files being created in Gnucash
program installation directory Translog files for
databases are now created in a directory "translog"
inside the .gnucash dir. The files will be named
following this scheme:
* Bug #644036: Counter format validation fails on Windows
because the number format is I64i there. Note: Users
will run into a problem when copying a windows file to
linux and vice versa because the counter format will
have to be changed on the other operating system each
* Bug #521817 - Guid_init causes very long startup delay
if Novell Network active P_tmpdir is set to "\" by
mingw. The way P_tmpdir is used by GnuCash, this seems
to trigger unwanted network activity. So on Windows, I'm
replacing it with "C:/temp" for now, based on
suggestions found on the internet regarding this issue.
* Bug #347265 - budget column resizing/options applies to
all budget windows
* Other code/build changes
* Tag 2.4.4
* Add some more sanity checking in common importer module.
* Refactor KVP-related functions of OFX into separate
* Revert r20405, "Correct memory leaks..." - does not
compile with guile-1.6 The patch will be re-applied once
trunk requires guile-1.8, which will be done right after
the oncoming branching.
* Code cleanup in ofx importer; refactoring to get away
from the single giant long function.
* Add some more const-correctness.
* Configure simplification: Use pkg-config for libofx.
Remove obsolete external qof detection. (Somehow the
argument --with-qt3-wizard-package was writting right
inside the qof code stuff. This has been moved to the
aqbanking section now.)
* Win32: Tweak cross compiling script for webkit so that
is seems to almost compile.
* Correct memory leaks found with valgrind
* Remove unused functions for wall clock timing.
Facilities such as this should be used from external
expert libraries. Also, this is in the way when cleaning
up some log system problems in subsequent commits.
* Fix r20394: Output string clean-up was missing the date
* Move business-options.[hc] from business-utils to
app-utils. As "business-core" has been dissolved, the
"business-utils" code has no more requirements than
app-utils and can be moved there because of this.
* Add ChangeLog.2010.
* Fix missing timestamp in trace files on Windows
* Additional svn:ignore settings
* Add yet more gitignores.
* Add more gitignore entries.
* Add comments to warn about lack of Windows support in
the guid_init function.
* Fix an accelerator.
* Correct memory leaks found with valgrind
* Add more debug logging.
* Minor code cleanup: Move gconf section name into header;
clarify argument name.
* Minor code cleanup in ofx importer; improve
* Use qualified include path for cmake/automake
* Add additional debug markers
* Correct memory leak found with valgrind
* Remove some obsolete files These files were once copied
from gtk 2.8 to work around pre-2.8 gtk bugs when that
was still our baseline. Our baseline is currently 2.10,
so these files are no longer needed/used.
* Fix Gtk CRIT warnings introduced in r20351
* Small spelling corrections in comments and some
whitespace adjustments
Changes between 2.4.2 and 2.4.3 include:
* User-visible changes
o Only show the Save As dialog at the end of the Hierarchy
druid if it was called at the beginning of a new book,
not when a hierarchy is added to from the actions menu.
o Set a printer job name when printing reports and cheques
o Update revision to 2.4.3
o Fix invoice line ordering mismatch between register
window and reports. The new code was missing the call to
o Add extra toolbar buttons as shortcuts for some business
functions, "New Invoice" for now. The extra toolbar
buttons are disabled until the user enables them manually
in Preferences -> Business -> Extra buttons.
o Implement command for changing the ordering of invoice
entries by moving them up or down one row. Turned out
this is rather easy: Just swap the "date-entered" of both
o Fix r20272: The text selection after auto-completion
should work correctly now.
o Extend the addr2/addr3 auto-completion also to the
shipping addr2/addr3 lines.
o Implement auto-completion on the addr2/addr3 lines of
the "New Customer" dialog box.
o Fix missing copying of invoice currency on "Copy
Invoice". Unfortunately this feature has been creating
invoices with no currency set. This leads to weird amounts
that have more digits than expected and don't sum up
correctly, and it also triggers the warning dialog "One
or more of the entries are for accounts different from
the invoice/bill currency. (...)"
o Minor tweaking of icon for duplicate invoice so that
it doesn't look grayed out
* Translation updates
* Bugs fixed
o Bug #635552: Rename "Financial Calculator" into "Loan
Repayment Calculator" I've been told (by users who know
the subject well enough) the "Financial Calculator" should
rather be called a "Loan Repayment Calculator" or a
"Mortgage Payment Calculator", as this is what is being
offered there. So I finally made this renaming.
o Bug #640357: Adding very limited Perl-Support for
doxygen Adding Doxygen commands to the Perl-scripts in
the sources I searched for every *.pl file in the GnuCash
source and added Doxygen commands like @file, @brief,
@author to better include them in doxygen. Patch by
Christoph Holtermann.
o Bug #640357: Adding very limited Perl-Support for
doxygen There are a few Perl-scripts scattered through
the GnuCash sources. This patch enables doxygen to
interpret them so that they can be provided with information
about author, date and so on. This is done by telling
doxygen that their python-files. So python-comments can
be used. The actual Perl-source is commented out by using
@cond Perl ...PERL-CODE... @endcond Perl Patch by Christoph
o Bug #640347: Adding Example Skripts for historic Stock
Quotes This patch adds the example skripts from to the
directory python-bindings/example_scripts. Patch by
Christoph Holtermann.
o Bug #640328: This patch makes Transaction.GetSplitList
and Account.GetSplitList return Split instances I changed so that GetSplitList methods of Transaction
and Account return Split-instances so that the user
doesn't need to call Split(instance=GetSplitList()[n]).
I checked the examples and changed one either. Patch by
Christoph Holtermann
o Bug #639906: Changing the way __format__ works for
Split and Transaction Patch by Christoph Holtermann
o Bug #641832: Workaround to avoid the current crashes
on windows. On win32 the queryf() calls below seem to
crash. On the other hand, we know the used libdbi on
windows is fine, so as a first workaround, we assume
libdbi is safe.
o Bug #642445 [PATCH] Segfault when tip_of_the_day.list
is empty
o Bug #642284: Fails to build on Ubuntu Natty Patch by
Ahmed El-Mahmoudy.
o Bug #641832: Use g_strdup_printf() instead of
dbi_conn_queryf() to format the query; the latter crashed
msvcrt. Also reverts r20287 because the root bug is fixed.
o Bug #641909: Fix broken price scatter plot The report
was unknowingly broken by the move of one function in
r20209 namely gnc-locale-default-iso-currency-code from
app-utils to core-utils, and somehow this needs a re-export
in the core-utils.scm declaration. (I don't know why.
For me, this confirms again this whole scheme plugin
stuff sucks, royally.)
* Other code/build changes
o Tag 2.4.3
o Re-indentation of source code.
o Really fix conditional configure test for gtkmm.
o Add optional module that compiles with gtkmm, i.e. in
C++. This was just a crazy idea, but it turns out to be
extremely easy. This can be used as a place for new GUI
elements which people prefer to write in gtkmm/C++ instead
of C. It's disabled by default. Use configure --enable-gtkmm
to enable it.
o Fix const-correctness of gnc-module interface.
o Add missing run-time typechecks in new code.
o Fix CRIT gtk warning if the old_page_long_name was NULL
but still passed to g_strrstr.
o Add accessor of GtkUIManager in GncMainWindow.
o QofSession: Don't push a new generic error if there's
already one available that might be more descriptive.
o Remove no-longer-correct warning about the aqbanking5
setup wizard not being implemented: It is.
o Add a Timespec constructor for the current clock time.
o Fix potential parsing of NULL strings by correctly use
an empty non-NULL string instead.
o Another error message somewhat more verbose.
o Make log warning about bad gnc_numeric print the actual
error code.
o Add address auto-completion of r20272 also for address
line 4.
o Add a common shared quickfill object for the addr2/addr3
lines of a GncAddress.
o Minor code cleanup - remove includes from header if
not necessary.
o Fix CRIT error message on program quit in the aqbanking
This is documentation for tex-euro.
Converts arbitrary national currency amounts using the Euro as base
unit, and typesets monetary amounts in almost any desired way. Write,
e.g., \ATS{17.6} to get something like '17,60 oS (1,28 Euro)'
automatically. Conversion rates for the initial Euro-zone countries are
already built-in. Further rates can be added easily. The package uses
the fp package to do its sums.
PR#44623 by Marko Schuetz Schmuck.
While here, set LICENSE=gnu-gpl-v2 (or later).
Changes between 2.4.0 and 2.4.2 include:
* User-visible changes
* Partly revert r20207, "Modify Tax Info on Account
Page..." The changes in the tree-model-account caused
CRITICAL gtk warnings, so we revert that part for now.
The changes in gnc-ui-utils.[hc] have been kept.
* Do not modify the entry's DateEntered when duplicating
invoice to keep the entry ordering. Follow-up to r20115.
* Modify Tax Info on Account Page to display or not
display sub-account info based on whether row is
expanded. Revert changes made in gnc-ui-util.c in rev
20039 and instead put those changes in new function:
gnc_ui_account_get_tax_info_sub_acct_string. Define a
new column,
gnc-tree-model-account.c filled with
gnc_ui_account_get_tax_info_sub_acct_string. Modify
gnc-tree-view-account.c to define a tax_info_data_func
that displays only the the data in the
row is expanded; otherwise it combines it with the data
model column. Modily the view creation function to use
the new tax_info_data_func.
* Open the newly created invoices for editing after
* Make the splash screen stack as a regular window instead
of stacking in front of everything else.
* SQL Backend Version Control: The final part. New error
dialog boxes for ERR_SQL_DB_TOO_OLD and
ERR_SQL_DB_TOO_NEW Marks the book read-only if the user
doesn't upgrade a too-old db and when the user tries to
load a too-new db.
* Provide more detail in commit error when it's caused by
a read-only book. Mark error message for translation.
* Throw an error and return if if the book is marked
* Add icons for Duplicate Invoice functionality
* This patch adds a new option under Edit -> Preferences
-> Date/Time that looks like this: Date Completion When
a date is entered without year, it should be taken: (*)
In the current calendar year ( ) In a sliding 12-month
window starting this many months before the current
month: [ 6 ] Patch by Peter Selinger with minor
* Fix a bug introduced in 20042 which caused lists of
Scheme strings passed to C code to be garbage. This
caused online price quotes to fail for anything other
than a currency.
* Make it possible to include trading accounts in the
Income Statement and Profit and Loss reports.
* Additionally, make the "Duplicate Invoice" feature
available as menu item and toolbar button when viewing
an invoice.
* Implement "Duplicate Invoice" feature, where a new
invoice is created as a copy of an old one with new date
and new ID. This patch makes this feature available as
button "Duplicate" in the search window.
* Make reconcile+update import action of r20021 bug#373415
enabled by default because it's so useful.
* Fix version number in welcome report.
* Set sort order for GncEntry quickfill to LIFO by-date.
Previously, the insertion order was random instead of
* Activate balance averaging in account piechart report,
introduced in r19253.
* Add budget name to budget tab
* Add info about sub-accounts to Tax Info column on
Accounts page.
* A plugin to import CSV data as a new invoice or bill.
Based on code written by Sebastian Held. Also includes a
python script to massage a downloaded order form into
the correct format for import. See
contrib/ This works with Rapid
Electronics (UK) and can be used as a basis for other
vendors. Users need to add a line in their
~/.gnucash/config.user for the module to be loaded:
(gnc:module-load "gnucash/plugins/bi_import" 0) See bug
#624911 for more details.
* Add "copy budget" command to menu. Works like "open
budget" except that a copy of the budget is made with
the name "Copy of "+name of old budget. This command
will allow you to easily create a copy of your 2010
budget and change its name to "2011". I also plan to add
UI capabilities to more easily manipulate budget
* Fully implement auto-completion in the invoice entries
on the description field, separately for bills or
invoices. The quickfill is obtained from the global
cache of the GncEntry's descriptions, one for invoices,
one for the rest. The auto-completion is a simple query
to get the newest entry with the same description, but
limited to invoices or bills, respectively.
* Add a new report: Customer Summary. This report shows a
table of all customers and the sales, profit, and markup
in that table.
* Add a new report: Future Scheduled Transaction Summary.
* Improve GncEntry quickfill to create separate quickfills
for invoices and bills
As well as lots of bug and translation fixes.
The GnuCash development team proudly announces GnuCash 2.4.0, the
latest stable release of the GnuCash Free Accounting Software. With
this new release series, GnuCash can use an SQL database using
SQLite3, MySQL or PostgreSQL. It runs on GNU/Linux, *BSD, Solaris,
Microsoft Windows and Mac OSX.
WARNING: You should uninstall any earlier GnuCash version from your
system prior to installing 2.4.0.
Failing to do so may result in startup errors. In particular on
Windows this may cause "Parse error: entry point not found" errors.
Major changes in the 2.4.0 release include;
* In addition to the XML backend, Gnucash can now use a SQLite3,
MySQL or PostgreSQL database to store the data. This is a new
implementation using libdbi. It supports all features including
the business features. In order to build with this, add
--enable-dbi to the configure command. In addition to the
libdbi-dev package for your distribution, you will also need
the appropriate DBD (libdbi driver) package for sqlite3, mysql
or postgresql.
(not enabled in pkgsrc due to lack of recent libdbi)
* As a replacement for the current GtkHTML HTML engine used to
display reports and graphs, Gnucash can use WebKit. WebKit is
the engine used by Google Chrome on Windows and Safari on Apple.
(enabled in pkgsrc)
and it's not needed except for testing. Bump PKGREVISION.
While here, include
version, and bump all depends.
Per discussion on pkgsrc-changes.
* Use lang/ruby/ instead of misc/rubygems/
* Update HOMEPAGE.
* Ajust new ruby package's framework.
Changes are over 100 lines, please refer HOMEPAGE for detail.
to trigger/signal a rebuild for the transition 5.10.1 -> 5.12.1.
The list of packages is computed by finding all packages which end
or PERL5_PACKLIST defined in their make setup (tested via
"make show-vars VARNAMES=..."), minus the packages updated after
the perl package update.
sno@ was right after all, obache@ kindly asked and he@ led the
way. Thanks!
Also add some patches to remove use of deprecated symbols and fix other
problems when looking for or compiling against libpng-1.4.x.
LibOFX 0.9.0:
- this release now exports version information thus allowing depending applications
to determine the version of LibOFX to compile against
- some fields have been added to OfxFiLogin to allow for modification of some
OFX header fields in outgoing requests. Together with the latest AqBanking3 this
should fix the problem with servers suddenly rejecting connections from LibOFX
- the calling application can now tell libofx where the data files reside. This allows
for relocatable binaries (most importantly on Windows)
- some warnings from recent versions of GCC have been fixed
- libOFX can now easily be cross-compiled for Windows on Linux
- the OFX header is now scanned for a hint regarding the encoding of the document and
convert the data to UTF8 if iconv is available at compile time.
- the API for online requests has been cleaned up
What's new in KMyMoney 1.0.3:
. The KMyMoney development team is pleased to
announce a major step forward for what has been
described as
. "the easiest personal money tool out there",
with the availability of a new stable release,
version 1.0.3.
. This is a maintenance release which fixes a few
bugs that have been reported and has some updated
What's new in KMyMoney 1.0.2:
. This is a maintenance release which fixes a few
bugs that have been reported and has some updated
What's new in KMyMoney 1.0.1:
. This is a maintenance release which fixes a
crash when creating credit card and loan accounts.
* Lots of tests added
* IndiaMutual.t tests added
* Yahoo_europe: Bug 44245 solved. Wrong fields returned.
* Documentation: Bug 48818 corrected.
* yahoo_europe.t tests corrected
* Bourso.t tests corrected
* removed code for options and futures. (didn't work)
* Bug in Yahoo::Base corrected. Sometimes year range is wrongly returned.
* Bug in Yahoo::Base corrected. GBp wrongly interpreted.
* patched. support for platinum added.
* New module (Hungarian stocks)
* Bug RT 46155 solved by modifying link in
* Cominvest URL modified
* currencies adapted to yahoo denomination
* currency retrieval updated (yahoo website changed)
* updated due to website change
Since our latest stable release, 0.8.9, a lot of effort has been
put by the developers and the community to add new features and
test them to make this a rock-solid release. Over 2 years of
development have seen the addition of budgets, a forecast feature,
many new reports, report charts, a complete redesign of the import
feature, which allows for a much easier migration from other
application and a swifter synchronization with online banking. The
support of PGP encryption for the KMyMoney files has been improved
too, including the option to have multiple keys for a single file,
so no one can access your financial your financial records. The
summary view has been revamped to show more and more useful
information, allowing you to have an overview of your finance at
a glance. Also, there are now translations for 22 languages, though
not all of them are as complete as we would like, and we have users
wherever KDE3 is installed. That results not only in a greater
quality application, but also in one that can be customized to fit
the needs of a wide range of users. Additionally, if you use either
Oxygen or Tango icons, you can enjoy the exclusive sets of icons
we have prepared for this release, because finance can be good
looking too! In between all that work, we have fixed a lot of bugs
and little annoyances to make this the best KMyMoney release ever!
Into the future, the effort to port the application to KDE4 is
already underway. Following our usual conservative approach, the
first release for KDE4 will be very similar to this one, featurewise.
Subsequent releases will take full advantage of the new platform.
Also, the coordination work with other KDE4 financial applications
under the umbrella of the nascient KDE Finance group opens the door
to other exciting possibilities.