path: root/fonts
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2019-01-16py-fonttools: updated to 3.35.2adam2-9/+12
3.35.2: - [hmtx/vmtx]: Allow to compile/decompile hmtx and vmtx tables even without the corresponding (required) metrics header tables, hhea and vhea - [varLib] Added support for localized axes' labelname and named instances' stylename. 3.35.1: - [_m_a_x_p] Include maxComponentElements in maxp table's recalculation. 3.35.0: - [psCharStrings] In encodeFloat function, use float's "general format" with 8 digits of precision (i.e. %8g) instead of str(). This works around a macOS rendering issue when real numbers in CFF table are too long, and also makes sure that floats are encoded with the same precision in python 2.7 and 3.x. - [_n_a_m_e/fontBuilder] Make _n_a_m_e_table.addMultilingualName also add Macintosh (platformID=1) names by default. Added options to FontBuilder setupNameTable method to optionally disable Macintosh or Windows names. - [varLib] Make build optionally accept a DesignSpaceDocument object, instead of a designspace file path. The caller can now set the font attribute of designspace's sources to a TTFont object, thus allowing to skip filenames manipulation altogether. - [sfnt] Allow SFNTReader objects to be deep-copied. - Require typing>=3.6.4 on py27 to fix issue with singledispatch. - [designspaceLib/t1Lib/macRes] Fixed some cases where pathlib.Path objects were not accepted. - [varLib] Fixed merging of multiple PairPosFormat2 subtables. - [varLib] The default STAT table version is now set to 1.1, to improve compatibility with legacy applications
2019-01-10added fonts/spleentnn1-1/+2
2019-01-10fonts/spleen: import spleen-1.0.3tnn4-0/+48
Spleen is a monospaced bitmap font available in 5 sizes: 5x8, 8x16, 12x24, 16x32 and 32x64. fonts/spleen provides font files in the PCF format for use with X11.
2019-01-08Update croscorefonts to 1.31.0bsiegert3-10/+9
No changelog from upstream that I could find. The Symbol font has been removed.
2018-12-27Deal with stricter C++ compliant string.h.joerg4-1/+83
2018-12-22py-fonttools: really fix ALTERNATIVES :)adam1-6/+6
2018-12-22fonts/py-fonttools: fix ALTERNATIVES filetaca1-1/+2
2018-12-22py-fonttools: updated to 3.34.2adam2-7/+7
3.34.2 - [merge] Fixed AssertionError when none of the script tables in GPOS/GSUB have a DefaultLangSys record 3.34.1 - [varLib] Work around macOS rendering issue for composites without gvar entry
2018-12-16py-fonttools: updated to 3.34.0adam3-8/+11
3.34.0: - [varLib] Support generation of CFF2 variable fonts. model.reorderMasters() now supports arbitrary mapping. Fix handling of overlapping ranges for feature variations. - [cffLib, subset] Code clean-up and fixing related to CFF2 support. - [ttLib.tables.ttProgram] Use raw strings for regex patterns. - [fontbuilder] Initial support for building CFF2 fonts. Set CFF's FontMatrix automatically from unitsPerEm. - [plistLib] Accept the more general collections.Mapping instead of the specific dict class to support custom data classes that should serialize to dictionaries.
2018-12-11awesome-otf: Update MAINTAINERship to email addresstm1-2/+2
2018-12-11awesome-ttf: Update MAINTAINERship to email addresstm1-2/+2
2018-12-11fonts: add awesome-otftm1-1/+2
2018-12-10awesome-otf: add version 5.5.0tm4-0/+41
Font Awesome gives you scalable vector icons that can instantly be customized - size, color, drop shadow, and anything that can be done with the power of CSS. Font Awesome by Dave Gandy -
2018-12-10awesome-ttf: update to 5.5.0tm3-14/+18
* Holiday category * Winter category * A nice selection of the top requested icons from the Font Awesome Leaderboard * Sponsored icon horse-head * Brand icons adobe, artstation, atlassian, centos, confluence, dhl, diaspora, fedex, fedora, figma, intercom, invision, jira, mendeley, raspberry-pi, redhat, sketch, sourcetree, suse, ubuntu, ups, usps, and yarn * The Canadian Maple Leaf (Aboot time, eh. You hosers.) * Added more icons to Buildings, Hands, Spinners, Users & People, and Vehicles categories * Added indicators whether an icon was added to Font Awesome through community voting * Missing metadata for holly-berry * Politics category * Weather category (volume 1 and 2) * Brand icon reacteurope * Sponsorship of briefcase by WorkRails * Alignment centered for larger icons when using the CSS stacks feature * Brand icon think-peaks * Updated rocketchat brand icon * Adding vr-cardboard and d-and-d-beyond to Free version * Replacing rendact with wpressr brand icon * Changing the version 4 shim for commenting icon to solid style to better match version 4 * Path issues with tombstone-alt icon in Regular and Light styles * Separate wand and wand-magic into unique icons * Corrected the alignment of linkedin-in * Renamed categories "Holiday" to "Halloween" and "Seasonal" to "Autumn" * New Tabletop Gaming, Holiday, Seasonal category * 7 tabletop gaming brands (acquisitions-incorporated, critical-role, d-and-d, d-and-d-beyond, fantasy-flight-games, penny-arcade, wizards-of-the-coast) * 25 new animals (and all of them are real you Disbelievers) * Sponsorship of volume-mute by Pulse-Eight * creative-commons-zero added to Free version * DEV brand icon * Search terms "positive" and "negative" added to applicable icons * Sponsorship of chess-knight by Inspira bvba * Sponsorship of blender-phone by Joe Emison * Icons chair, chair-office, file-csv, hammer, head-side, head-vr, house-damage, hryvnia, network-wired, running, slash, user-injured, and vr-cardboard * Using masks with SVG and JavaScript now use nanoid generated IDs instead of a simple counter * Updated speakap brand icon * Revised menorah icon and added hanukiah * Slight distortion in book-heart * Bad search terms for folder icon * Set license for @fortawesome/free-brands-svg-icons NPM package * Updating icons in the Status category * sponsors.yml listed icon prayer instead of pray * Removed Pro icons that accidentally made it into Free * New Religion, and Marketing category * New icons in the Mathematics, and Business category * New stats for signal, volume, and wifi icons * New brand icon for the-red-yeti and alipay * Adding ethereum to Currency category * Adding bitcoin and btc to Payments & Shopping * Incorrect name for layer-minus and layer-plus in sponsors.yml * Reversing route-highway and route-interstate * Correct version identifier in OTF and web font files * CSS keyframe names are not minified (and renamed) to prevent conflict with user or app specific names * Sass placeholder selector added for %fa-icon to fix CSS precendence issue with font-weight * New education and automotive categories * More icons in the medical and maps categories * Top requested brands ello, hackerrank, kaggle, markdown, neos, and zhihu * Additional search terms for various icons FortAwesome/Font-Awesome#13429 * Marked the font-awesome-logo-full as a "private" icon * Consistently named and minified CSS and JS files in the CDN, npm packages, and zip files * Removed "fa-" prefix from Less and Sass style bundles filenames * Unable to use brand icons with pseudo-elements and SVG with JS * Adding icons explicitly using the library were not available when using pseudo-elements and SVG with JS * smile-plus search terms in icons.yml incorrectly formatted * kiss and grin-wink icons having incorrect weight / style FortAwesome/Font-Awesome#13361 FortAwesome/Font-Awesome#13363 * Missing underscore in filenames in the less/v4-shims.less FortAwesome/Font-Awesome#13415 * Light style for code-commit * Including rev brand icon in the Font Awesome Free version **Minor version upgrade notice: there are some backward-incompatible changes to this release. See the [ guidefor more information.** * New Emoji, Design, and Travel category pack * Another group of requested and commissioned icons * Version 4 shim for Web Fonts with CSS * New simplified download and NPM packages * @fortawesome/fontawesome-free and @fortawesome/fontawesome-pro NPM packages that match what's available in the CDN and .ZIP files * Brand icons rev, nimblr, megaport, mailchimp, hornbill, wix, weebly, themeco, squarespace, aws, shopware * API method toHtml() for converting abstract objects to HTML * API method counter() to generate Layers Counters * API method watch() to configure MutationObserver and watch DOM for icon changes and additions * Relocating sponsor data to a separate sponsors.yml * Updated teamspeak brand icon * No more default exports in the CommonJS/ES packages (anything installed from NPM) * Greatly improved performance and rendering of CSS pseudo-elements with SVG and JavaScript * Configuration of SVG with JavaScript can now be done with attributes on the script tag * SVG with JavaScript pseudo-elements now match syntax (font-family, font-weight) of Web Fonts with CSS * Tree shaking of all NPM packages by default * Alignment of the book-open and dice-six icon * Correcting creative-commons * Incorrect license on the fontawesome-common-types package * Improve ligatures that share a base name with another ligature * Correcting solid style of the digital-tachograph icon * Prevent duplicating classes in some scenarios with SVG with JavaScript * Duplicate insertion of CSS when insertCss() method was called * Missing TypeScript definitions for the free-brands-svg-icons package * 68 icons to Free and 165 to Pro of the most requested icons in Font Awesome * A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away some icons were added * Renamed the r brand to r-project to prevent ligature collision with the "r" glyph * 16 new user icons * Full set of Creative Commons symbols * Regular style comment-dots used for v4 comment-alt in shim * Top 6 brand icons: r, ebay, mastodon, researchgate, keybase, teamspeak * Revised slider icons FortAwesome/Font-Awesome#11872 * Make desktop typeface easier to find in apps that support ligature previews * Remove errant XML entity from the lastfm-square icon FortAwesome/Font-Awesome#12847 * Correcting paths in cloud icons FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#920 * New java brand icon FortAwesome/Font-Awesome#386 * Updating depth of dna icon * Updating pied-piper, adding pied-piper-hat * Correcting path errors on readme icon FortAwesome/Font-Awesome#12754 * Light style of lamp icon FortAwesome/Font-Awesome#12725 * New Chat icon pack and category * New Charity icon pack and category * New Moving icon pack and category * New icons hands and hand-holding * Updated flipboard, readme, and houzz brand icon * Making all solid icons in the medical icon pack free * Updated hand-holding-box and hand-receiving in the Light style * Missing box-sizing CSS property for fa-layers-counter * OTF font files missing ligatures for Pro styles FortAwesome/Font-Awesome#12486 FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#1034 * New Logistics category * New Medical category * Individual SVG files available from the Font Awesome CDN * Additional search terms * Apple brand icon update FortAwesome/Font-Awesome#12337 * Disable mutation observers with fontawesome.noAuto() is called * License information now references https URL scheme * Missing TypeScript names FortAwesome/react-fontawesome#83 * Adding categories metadata FortAwesome/Font-Awesome#12034 * TypeScript improvement for fontawesome.layer() * Correcting a melting, wobbling, weird-looking whistle * @fortawesome/fontawesome-pro-light missing submodules * New Sports category * New Chess category * Added brand icons for flipboard, php, quinscape, and hips * Sass and Less mixin fa-icon() now uses ems instead of percentage * Corrected misspelling of "Alternate" in category labels * Improved TypeScript definitions for @fortawesome/fontawesome * Server-side rendering was failing due to DOM-specific object access * SVG attributes "data-fa-processed" renamed to "data-fa-i2svg", only applies if rendered with i2svg() method * Updating all NPM package READMEs * Improving TypeScript exports and fixing some incorrect definitions * TypeScript error when importing entire style Fort-Awesome/Font-Awesome#12072 * Pseudo-elements erasing text contents in parent container Fort-Awesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#11995 * fa-layers-text misalignment when using Bootstrap Fort-Awesome/Font-Awesome#11871 * Adding elementor, youtube-square brand icons * Adding window-minimize to the Free subset * TypeScript support for all NPM packages * Corrected uneven spacing in university, address-book, address-card, id-badge, id-card, mouse-pointer, phone-volume, portrait, user-alt, user-circle, user-md, user-plus, user-times, user , users * Corrected uneven spacing in brand icons behance-square, dashcube, discourse, ember, erlang, fort-awesome, js-square, laravel, mix, patreon, palfed, phoenix-framework, node-js, skyatlas, stack-exchange, stripe, viber, weixin, yahoo , yoast * Adding amazon-pay, cc-amazon-pay, korvue, ethereum brand icons * Adding stopwatch to Free version * Ligatures now support capital case, all caps, and title case * NPM packages now behave the same way as CDN and browser-specific packages FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#727 FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#896 FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#891 * Icon doesn't change when pseudo-element content changes FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#839 * Invalid XML in sprites FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro#927 * Incorrect version in Sass and Less variable files * Adding font-awesome-flag, lock-open, redo-alt, sync-alt, undo-alt to the Free version * New NPM packages `fontawesome-free-webfonts` and `fontawesome-pro-webfonts` * Adding old icon names to search terms for renamed icons * Extensive metadata added to the `advanced-options` directory * Adding stripe-s brand icon * Adding typo3 brand icon * Updated dropbox brand icon to match new branding guidelines * Updated firefox brand icon * Updated strava brand icon * OTF font file now include a space character * OTF font file now supports different styles in Windows * OTF font file "j" character now has correct space on the right * Modifying the `class` attribute on an existing `<svg>` allows you to change the icon * License information * CSS vertical-align now "em"-based instead of percentage making it more consistent * fa-ul width now closer to default browser size
2018-12-09unifont: Update fonts/unifont to 11.0.03leot2-8/+7
Changes: 11.0.03 ------- This release contains two significant contributions in the Unicode Supplementary Multilingual Plane (Plane 1): - Nushu glyphs (U+16FE1 and U+1B170..U+1B2FB) from David Corbett. - Kana Supplement glyphs (U+1B000..U+1B0FF) and Kana Extended-A glyphs (U+1B100..U+1B12F) from Johnnie Weaver.
2018-12-09revbump after updating textproc/icuadam1-1/+2
2018-12-08fonts/arphic-ttf: Switch to a non-dead MASTER_SITES.nia3-33/+28
2018-12-05py-fonttools: updated to 3.33.0adam3-8/+17
3.33.0: - [subset] subsetter bug fix with variable fonts. - [varLib.featureVar] Improve FeatureVariations generation with many rules. - [varLib] Enable sparse masters when buildirg variable fonts. - [varLib.mutator] Add IDEF for GETVARIATION opcode, for handling hints in an instance. - [ttLib] Ignore the length of kern table subtable format 0
2018-12-03harfbuzz: update to 2.2.0.wiz3-8/+10
Overview of changes leading to 2.2.0 Thursday, November 29, 2018 ==================================== - Misc shaping bug fixes. - Add font variations named-instance API. - Deprecate font variations axis enumeration API and add replacement. - AAT shaping improvements: o Fixed 'kern' table Format 2 implementation. o Implement 'feat' table API for feature detection. o Blacklist 'GSUB' table of fonts from 'MUTF' foundry that also have 'morx'. New API: +hb_aat_layout_feature_type_t +hb_aat_layout_feature_selector_t +hb_aat_layout_get_feature_types() +hb_aat_layout_feature_type_get_name_id +hb_aat_layout_feature_selector_info_t +HB_AAT_LAYOUT_NO_SELECTOR_INDEX +hb_aat_layout_feature_type_get_selector_infos() +hb_ot_var_axis_flags_t +hb_ot_var_axis_info_t +hb_ot_var_get_axis_infos() +hb_ot_var_find_axis_info() +hb_ot_var_get_named_instance_count() +hb_ot_var_named_instance_get_subfamily_name_id() +hb_ot_var_named_instance_get_postscript_name_id() +hb_ot_var_named_instance_get_design_coords() Deprecated API: +HB_OT_VAR_NO_AXIS_INDEX +hb_ot_var_axis_t +hb_ot_var_get_axes() +hb_ot_var_find_axis()
2018-11-30twemoji-color-font-ttf: Import version 11.2.0nia5-1/+42
A color and B&W emoji SVGinOT font built from the Twitter Emoji for Everyone artwork with support for ZWJ, skin tone diversity and country flags. The font works in all operating systems, but will currently only show color emoji in Firefox and Thunderbird. This is not a limitation of the font, but of the operating systems and applications. Regular B&W outline emoji are included for backwards/fallback compatibility.
2018-11-30harfbuzz: update to 2.1.3.wiz3-12/+47
Overview of changes leading to 2.1.3 Friday, November 16, 2018 ==================================== - Fix AAT 'mort' shaping, which was broken in 2.1.2 Overview of changes leading to 2.1.2 Friday, November 16, 2018 ==================================== - Various internal changes. - AAT shaping improvements: o Implement kern table Format 1 state-machine-based kerning. o Implement cross-stream kerning (cursive positioning, etc). o Ignore emptyish GSUB tables (zero scripts) if morx present. o Don't apply GPOS if morx is being applied. Matches Apple.
2018-11-23Do not play _POSIX_C_SOURCE games on NetBSD - causes issues with some pkgsrc ↵abs4-4/+21
gcc versions Bump PKGREVISION
2018-11-14Revbump after cairo 1.16.0 update.kleink7-14/+14
2018-11-12Recursive revbump from hardbuzz-2.1.1ryoon7-13/+14
2018-11-12Update to 1.8.8ryoon5-72/+30
Changelog: Overview of changes leading to 2.1.1 Monday, November 5, 2018 ==================================== - AAT improvements: o Implement 'mort' table. o Implement 'kern' subtables Format 1 and Format 3. Overview of changes leading to 2.1.0 Tuesday, October 30, 2018 ==================================== - AAT shaping improvements: o Allow user controlling AAT features, for whole buffer only currently. o Several 'morx' fixes. o Implement tuple-kerns in 'kerx'; Fixes kerning with Apple default San Francisco fonts. - Support for color fonts: o COLR/CPAL API to fetch color layers. o SVG table to fetch SVG documents. o CBDT/sbix API to fetch PNG images. - New 'name' table API. - hb-ot-font now uses 'VORG' table to correctly position CFF glyphs in vertical layout. - Various fuzzer-found bug fixes. Changed API: A type and a macro added in 2.0.0 were renamed: hb_name_id_t -> hb_ot_name_id_t HB_NAME_ID_INVALID -> HB_OT_NAME_ID_INVALID New API: +hb_color_t +HB_COLOR +hb_color_get_alpha() +hb_color_get_red() +hb_color_get_green() +hb_color_get_blue() +hb_ot_color_has_palettes() +hb_ot_color_palette_get_count() +hb_ot_color_palette_get_name_id() +hb_ot_color_palette_color_get_name_id() +hb_ot_color_palette_flags_t +hb_ot_color_palette_get_flags() +hb_ot_color_palette_get_colors() +hb_ot_color_has_layers() +hb_ot_color_layer_t +hb_ot_color_glyph_get_layers() +hb_ot_color_has_svg() +hb_ot_color_glyph_reference_svg() +hb_ot_color_has_png() +hb_ot_color_glyph_reference_png() +hb_ot_name_id_t +HB_OT_NAME_ID_INVALID +HB_OT_NAME_ID_COPYRIGHT +HB_OT_NAME_ID_FONT_FAMILY +HB_OT_NAME_ID_FONT_SUBFAMILY +HB_OT_NAME_ID_UNIQUE_ID +HB_OT_NAME_ID_FULL_NAME +HB_OT_NAME_ID_VERSION_STRING +HB_OT_NAME_ID_POSTSCRIPT_NAME +HB_OT_NAME_ID_TRADEMARK +HB_OT_NAME_ID_MANUFACTURER +HB_OT_NAME_ID_DESIGNER +HB_OT_NAME_ID_DESCRIPTION +HB_OT_NAME_ID_VENDOR_URL +HB_OT_NAME_ID_DESIGNER_URL +HB_OT_NAME_ID_LICENSE +HB_OT_NAME_ID_LICENSE_URL +HB_OT_NAME_ID_TYPOGRAPHIC_FAMILY +HB_OT_NAME_ID_TYPOGRAPHIC_SUBFAMILY +HB_OT_NAME_ID_MAC_FULL_NAME +HB_OT_NAME_ID_SAMPLE_TEXT +HB_OT_NAME_ID_CID_FINDFONT_NAME +HB_OT_NAME_ID_WWS_FAMILY +HB_OT_NAME_ID_WWS_SUBFAMILY +HB_OT_NAME_ID_LIGHT_BACKGROUND +HB_OT_NAME_ID_DARK_BACKGROUND +HB_OT_NAME_ID_VARIATIONS_PS_PREFIX +hb_ot_name_entry_t +hb_ot_name_list_names() +hb_ot_name_get_utf8() +hb_ot_name_get_utf16() +hb_ot_name_get_utf32() Overview of changes leading to 2.0.2 Saturday, October 20, 2018 ==================================== - Fix two minor memory access issues in AAT tables. Overview of changes leading to 2.0.1 Friday, October 19, 2018 ==================================== - Fix hb-version.h reported release version that went wrong (1.8.0) with previous release. - Fix extrapolation in 'trak' table. - Fix hb-font infinite-recursion issue with some font funcs and subclassed fonts. - Implement variation-kerning format in kerx table, although without variation. - Fix return value of hb_map_is_empty(). Overview of changes leading to 2.0.0 Thursday, October 18, 2018 ==================================== - Added AAT shaping support (morx/kerx/trak). Automatically used if GSUB/GPOS are not available respectively. Set HB_OPTIONS=aat env var to have morx/kerx preferred over GSUB/GPOS. - Apply TrueType kern table internally, instead of relying on hb_font_t callbacks. - Khmer shaper significantly rewritten to better match Uniscribe. - Indic3 tags ('dev3', etc) are passed to USE shaper. - .dfont Mac font containers implemented. - Script- and language-mapping revamped to better use BCP 47. - Misc USE and Indic fixes. - Misc everything fixes. - Too many things to list. Biggest release since 0.9.1, with over 500 commits in just over 5 weeks! Didn't intend it to be a big release. Just happened to become. - hb-ft now locks underlying FT_Face during use. API changes: - Newly-created hb_font_t's now have our internal "hb-ot-font" callbacks set on them, so they should work out of the box without any callbacks set. If callbacks are set, everything is back to what it was before, the fallback callbacks are null. If you to get the internal implementation modified, sub_font it. - New hb_font_funcs_set_nominal_glyphs_func() allows speeding up character to glyph mapping. New API: +HB_FEATURE_GLOBAL_START +HB_FEATURE_GLOBAL_END +hb_buffer_set_invisible_glyph() +hb_buffer_get_invisible_glyph() +hb_font_funcs_set_nominal_glyphs_func() +hb_ot_layout_table_select_script() +hb_ot_layout_script_select_language() +hb_ot_layout_feature_get_name_ids() +hb_ot_layout_feature_get_characters() +hb_name_id_t +HB_NAME_ID_INVALID +HB_OT_MAX_TAGS_PER_SCRIPT +hb_ot_tags_from_script_and_language() +hb_ot_tags_to_script_and_language() Deprecated API: -hb_font_funcs_set_glyph_func() -hb_unicode_eastasian_width_func_t -hb_unicode_funcs_set_eastasian_width_func() -hb_unicode_eastasian_width() -hb_unicode_decompose_compatibility_func_t -HB_UNICODE_MAX_DECOMPOSITION_LEN -hb_unicode_funcs_set_decompose_compatibility_func() -hb_unicode_decompose_compatibility() -hb_font_funcs_set_glyph_h_kerning_func() -hb_font_funcs_set_glyph_v_kerning_func() -hb_font_get_glyph_h_kerning() -hb_font_get_glyph_v_kerning() -hb_font_get_glyph_kerning_for_direction() -hb_ot_layout_table_choose_script() -hb_ot_layout_script_find_language() -hb_ot_tags_from_script() -hb_ot_tag_from_language() Overview of changes leading to 1.9.0 Monday, September 10, 2018 ==================================== - Added 'cmap' API to hb_face_t. - Face-builder API. - hb-ot-font re-creation should be much leaner now, as the font tables it uses are cached on hb_face_t now. - Internal source header file name changes: hb-*-private.hh is renamed to hb-*.hh. New API: +HB_UNICODE_MAX +hb_face_collect_unicodes() +hb_face_collect_variation_selectors() +hb_face_collect_variation_unicodes() +hb_face_builder_create() +hb_face_builder_add_table()
2018-11-07Use ofl-v1.0 for LICENSEryoon1-2/+2
2018-11-02py-fonttools: updated to 3.32.0adam4-25/+68
3.32.0: - [ufoLib] Make UFOWriter a subclass of UFOReader, and use mixins for shared methods - [featureVars] Fixed normalization error when a condition's minimum/maximum attributes are missing in designspace <rule> - [] Added [plot] to extras, to optionally install matplotlib, needed to use the fonTools.varLib.plot module. - [varLib] Take total bounding box into account when resolving model. If multiple axes have the same range ratio, cut across both. - [subset] Don't error if STAT has no AxisValue tables. - [fontBuilder] Added a new submodule which contains a FontBuilder wrapper class around TTFont that makes it easier to create a working TTF or OTF font from scratch with code. NOTE: the API is still experimental and may change in future versions. 3.31.0: - [ufoLib] Merged the ufoLib <>__ master branch into a new fontTools.ufoLib package Moved ufoLib.pointPen module to fontTools.pens.pointPen. Moved ufoLib.etree module to fontTools.misc.etree. Moved ufoLib.plistlib module to fontTools.misc.plistlib. To use the new fontTools.ufoLib module you need to install fonttools with the [ufo] extra, or you can manually install the required additional dependencies (cf. README.rst). - [morx] Support AAT action type to insert glyphs and clean up compilation of AAT action tables. - [subset] The --no-hinting on a CFF font now also drops the optional hinting keys in Private dict: ForceBold, LanguageGroup, and ExpansionFactor - [subset] Include nameIDs referenced by STAT table - [loggingTools] Added msg=None argument to CapturingLogHandler.assertRegex. - [varLib.mutator] Implemented FeatureVariations instantiation - [g_l_y_f] Added PointPen support to _TTGlyph objects
2018-10-30Drop USE_GCC_RUNTIME. Problem was unrelated gcc8/gcc8-libs issueabs1-2/+1
2018-10-29Fix _POSIX_C_SOURCE abuse for at least NetBSD to fix gcc6/7/8 buildabs3-2/+32
2018-09-24py-fonttools: updated to 3.30.0adam3-8/+11
3.30.0: - Skip building noop class PairPos subtables when Coverage is NULL - Expose the previously reserved bit flag OVERLAP_SIMPLE of glyf table's contour points in the TTX dump. This is used in some implementations to specify a non-zero fill with overlapping contours. - Added support for decompiling/compiling TS1C tables containing VTT sources for cvar variation table. - Use fontTools.designspaceLib to read DesignSpaceDocument. The fontTools.varLib.designspace module is now deprecated and will be removed in future versions. The presence of an explicit axes element is now required in order to build a variable font. - Implemented building GSUB FeatureVariations table from the rules element of DesignSpace document - Added --no-layout-closure option to not expand the subset with the glyphs produced by OpenType layout features. Instead, OpenType features will be subset to only rules that are relevant to the otherwise-specified glyph setpy-fonttools: updated to 3.30.0
2018-09-17fontconfig: ignore errors from this command.maya1-2/+2
Besides native xorg+xorg sets, modular xorg, there is also native xorg+no xorg sets, and apparently the build doesn't fail in this case. Reported by John D. Baker in pkgsrc-users.
2018-09-14Remove fontconfig files from x11-links, they can confuse ld later on.joerg1-1/+4
2018-09-10fonts/fntsample: Update to 5.2.fhajny2-16/+20
Changes in version 5.2 - Fix handling of non-ASCII characters in pdfoutline Changes in version 5.1 - Make writing outlines with Cairo actually work - Fix typos Changes in version 5.0 - Add command line flag that allows to use pango for text layout - Add possiblility to create PDF outline directly using cairo - Switch to CMake as build system - Add command line flag for loading Unicode blocks file during runtime.
2018-09-06Repeat after me: I have never ever used .../.libs directly.joerg1-5/+1
2018-09-02fontconfig: update to 2.13.1.wiz4-21/+40
Changes not found.
2018-08-31fontconfig: needs libbz2tnn2-3/+5
2018-08-22Recursive bump for perl5-5.28.0wiz16-26/+32
2018-08-20Update to 0.12wen2-7/+7
Upstream changes: 0.12 2018-08-12 - Fix MANIFEST 0.11 2018-08-11 - Added FT_LOAD_COMPUTE_METRICS load flag (HinTak) - Added face->foreach_glyph method for iterating over all glyphs (some of them don't necessarily have a unicode point) (HinTak)
2018-08-19harfbuzz: update to 1.8.8.wiz2-7/+7
Overview of changes leading to 1.8.8 Tuesday, August 14, 2018 ==================================== - Fix hb-icu crash on architectures where compare_exchange_weak() can fail falsely. This bug was introduced in 1.8.4. - More internal refactoring of atomic operations and singletons. - API changes: The following functions do NOT reference their return value before returning: * hb_unicode_funcs_get_default() * hb_glib_get_unicode_funcs() * hb_icu_get_unicode_funcs() This is consistent with their naming ("get", instead of "reference") as well as how they are used in the wild (ie. no one calls destroy() on their return value.)
2018-08-16unifont: update to 11.0.02.wiz3-18/+14
2018-08-10: Release 11.0.02 Adds Sutton SignWriting glyphs. Miscellaneous patches to other glyphs. 2018-06-05: Release 11.0.01 Update for Unicode 11.0.0 release. Modifications maintain complete coverage of the Unicode Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP). Also includes many Supplemental Multilingual Plane (SMP) scripts added in Unicode 11.0. Notable in this release is the Unicode 11.0 addition of the Copyleft symbol at code point U+01F12F. Because of its significance, this is the only SMP glyph added to the Unicode TrueType BMP font. This glyph also appears in the Unicode Upper TrueType font. BDF and PCF fonts do not contain this symbol, as they only allow code points below U+10000. 2017-12-27: Release 10.0.07 Changes to allow cross-building from source. Now the top-level Makefile and src/Makefile define INSTALL=install, rather than install C programs with the "-s" (strip) option. This is part of a change requested by Helmut Grohne to allow cross-architecture building without invoking an architecture-specific "install -s". However, INSTALL still can be defined on the top-level command line when make is invoked as INSTALL="install -s" to allow stripping C binaries during installation if desired. This definition from the top-level Makefile is passed down to src/Makefile, which uses any command line definition when installing C programs. Plain "install" is still used when installing Perl programs. Minor adjustments to glyphs as noted in the ChangeLog file. 2017-08-27: Release 10.0.06 Added numerous improvements to Unicode Plane 0 and Plane 1 scripts, almost all of which were contributed by David Corbett; see the ChangeLog file for details. Made changes to make files contributed by Mike Gilbert to support parallel make. Fixed a corrupted ASCII hexadecimal string array in unifontpic.h. 2017-07-12: Release 10.0.05 This release positions Unicode double diacritic marks correctly in the TrueType fonts. The previous release did not multiply their offsets by the correct scale factor in FontForge. The unifontpic chart title is also centered along the top row legend, which looks better visually. The Phonetic Extensions block has gone through major revision, with minor adjustments in other Unicode scripts as described in the ChangeLog file. 2017-07-08: Release 10.0.04 Added "-P" flag to the unifontpic utility to specify the Unicode plane. This allows creating code charts for glyphs above Plane 0. The Unicode plane is now added to the chart title. This works properly for the wide and the long chart versions, with the letters in the long version's chart title now single-spaced. Received double-width Chinese ideographs to replace the quadruple- width glyphs for Church Slavonic transliteration that were released in Unifont 10.0.01. This allows a return to PNG charts of Unifont glyphs. PNG files are smaller than the BMP version but the PNG Unifont utilities have not been modified to handle quadruple-width glyphs, whereas the BMP utilities have been. The 18 quadruple-width Chinese glyphs are preserved in font/plane00/alt/quad-width.hex to allow future experimentation. The PNG charts of Unicode Plane 1 (Supplemental Multilingual Plane) glyphs now use the Unifont "sample" version of Unifont ".hex" files, so that combining circles appear. This was already being done for Unicode Plane 0 and will look better in font sample pages. Added new x-offset field to all *-combining.txt files to provide proper rendering of Unicode double diacritic marks; they should span across the preceding character and the following character. Added support for this in hex2sfd for FontForge generation of TrueType fonts. Also added support for this to the unigencircles utility, so the combining circle of a double diacritic is printed correctly in the left half of the glyph as in the Unicode Consortium's code charts, rather than being centered. Several applications are not rendering these double diacritic marks correctly; releasing this version of Unifont will allow validation of the new Unifont TrueType build, and could serve as a test font for implementing these specialty Unicode characters in other applications. Redrew Musical Symbols Ornaments (U+01D194..U+01D1A5) so they join together when used as a consecutive string of characters. Adjusted the Byzantine Musical Symbols "ano", "meso", and "kato" glyph versions for high, middle, and low vertical placement, respectively. Made numerous adjustments to many glyphs as noted in the ChangeLog file, including re-coding some "subjoiner" glyphs as combining characters instead of as non-printing. Those glyphs now render a virama (halant) sign if a script contains such a sign, or a "+" subscript sign otherwise. 2017-06-30: Release 10.0.03 Modified font/hex2sfd to reposition combining characters. If you experience problems with the TrueType font in this release, revert to 10.0.02. 2017-06-30: Release 10.0.02 Touched up glyphs in the block U+03xx, which includes modern Greek. Fixed an Aiha glyph in the Private Use Area in the Unifont CSUR font. 2017-06-20: Release 10.0.01 Updated for Unicode 10.0 release. New scripts added (introduced in Unicode 10.0): - U+0860..U+086F Syriac Supplement - U+011A00..U+011A4F Zanabazar Square - U+011A50..U+011AAF Soyombo - U+011D00..U+011D5F Masaram Gondi Added quadruple-width glyphs U+9FD8..U+9FE9, updating some utility programs and documentation to allow this change. The Perl scripts unihex2png, unipng2hex, and unifont-viewer do not support this new 16-by-32 glyph size. Corrected several glyphs and made numerous changes in others, described in detail in the ChangeLog file.
2018-08-16harfbuzz: update to 1.8.7.wiz2-8/+7
Overview of changes leading to 1.8.7 Wednesday, August 8, 2018 ==================================== - Fix assertion failure with GDEF-blacklisted fonts. Overview of changes leading to 1.8.6 Tuesday, August 7, 2018 ==================================== - Internal code shuffling. - New API to speed up getting advance widths for implementations that have heavy overhead in get_h_advance callback: +hb_font_funcs_set_glyph_h_advances_func +hb_font_funcs_set_glyph_v_advances_func +hb_font_get_glyph_advances_for_direction +hb_font_get_glyph_h_advances +hb_font_get_glyph_h_advances_func_t +hb_font_get_glyph_v_advances +hb_font_get_glyph_v_advances_func_t Overview of changes leading to 1.8.5 Wednesday, August 1, 2018 ==================================== - Major Khmer shaper improvements to better match Microsoft. - Indic bug fixes. - Internal improvements to atomic operations. Overview of changes leading to 1.8.4 Tuesday, July 17, 2018 ==================================== - Fix build on non-C++11. - Use C++-style GCC atomics and C++11 atomics. Overview of changes leading to 1.8.3 Wednesday, July 11, 2018 ==================================== - A couple of Indic / USE bug fixes. - Disable vectorization, as it was causing unaligned access bus error on certain 32bit architectures. Overview of changes leading to 1.8.2 Tuesday, July 3, 2018 ==================================== - Fix infinite loop in Khmer shaper. - Improve hb_blob_create_from_file() for streams.
2018-08-05py-fonttools: updated to 3.29.0adam2-7/+7
3.29.0: - [feaLib] In the OTL table builder, when the name table is excluded from the list of tables to be build, skip compiling featureNames blocks, as the records referenced in FeatureParams table don't exist. - [otBase] Try ExtensionLookup if other offset-overflow methods fail. - [feaLib] Added support for explicit subtable; break statements in PairPos lookups; previously these were ignored. - [cffLib.specializer] Make sure the stack depth does not exceed maxstack - 1, so that a subroutinizer can insert subroutine calls. - [otTables] Added support for fixing offset overflow errors occurring inside MarkBasePos subtables. - [subset] Write the default output file extension based on --flavor option, or the value of TTFont.sfntVersion. - [unicodedata] Updated Blocks, Scripts and ScriptExtensions for Unicode 11. - [xmlWriter] Added context manager to XMLWriter class to autoclose file descriptor on exit. - [psCharStrings] Optimize the charstring's bytecode by encoding as integers all float values that have no decimal portion. - [ttFont] Fixed missing import of TTLibError exception. - [feaLib] Allow any languages other than dflt under DFLT script.
2018-07-20Recursive revbump from textproc/icu-62.1ryoon1-1/+2
2018-07-05py-fonttools: updated to 3.28.0adam3-10/+13
3.28.0: - [featureVars] Added experimental module to build FeatureVariations tables. Still needs to be hooked up to - [fixedTools] Added otRound to round floats to nearest integer towards positive Infinity. This is now used where we deal with visual data like X/Y coordinates, advance widths/heights, variation deltas, and similar - [subset] Improved GSUB closure memoize algorithm. - [varLib.models] Fixed regression in model resolution - [feaLib.ast] Fixed error when converting SubtableStatement to string - [varLib.mutator] Set OS/2.usWeightClass and usWidthClass, and post.italicAngle based on the 'wght', 'wdth' and 'slnt' axis values - [py23/loggingTools] Don't automatically set logging.lastResort handler on py27. Moved LastResortLogger to the loggingTools module
2018-07-04*: Move SUBST_STAGE from post-patch to pre-configurejperkin1-2/+2
Performing substitutions during post-patch breaks tools such as mkpatches, making it very difficult to regenerate correct patches after making changes, and often leading to substituted string replacements being committed.
2018-07-03Add culmus version 0.132maya5-1/+79
The Culmus project aims at providing the Hebrew-speaking GNU/Linux and Unix community with a basic collection of Hebrew fonts for X Windows. Presently the collection contains fifteen font families of different styles.
2018-07-03extend PYTHON_VERSIONS_ for Python 3.7adam2-4/+4
2018-06-17harfbuzz: update to 1.8.1.wiz2-7/+7
Overview of changes leading to 1.8.1 Tuesday, June 12, 2018 ==================================== - Fix hb-version.h file generation; last two releases went out with wrong ones. - Add correctness bug in hb_set_t operations, introduced in 1.7.7. - Remove HB_SUBSET_BUILTIN build option. Not necessary.
2018-06-17harfbuzz: update to 1.8.0.wiz3-9/+9
Tuesday, June 5, 2018 ==================================== - Update to Unicode 11.0.0. Overview of changes leading to 1.7.7 Tuesday, June 5, 2018 ==================================== - Lots of internal changes, but not yet exposed externally. - All HarfBuzz objects are significantly smaller in size now. - Sinhala: Position repha on top of post-consonant, not base. This better matches Windows 10 behavior, which was changed from previous Windows versions. - New build options: o New cpp macro HB_NO_ATEXIT o New cpp macro HB_SUBSET_BUILTIN - Significant libharfbuzz-subset changes. API subject to change. - New API in libharfbuzz: +hb_blob_create_from_file() +hb_face_count() A hashmap implementation: +hb-map.h +HB_MAP_VALUE_INVALID +hb_map_t +hb_map_create() +hb_map_get_empty() +hb_map_reference() +hb_map_destroy() +hb_map_set_user_data() +hb_map_get_user_data() +hb_map_allocation_successful() +hb_map_clear() +hb_map_is_empty() +hb_map_get_population() +hb_map_set() +hb_map_get() +hb_map_del() +hb_map_has()
2018-06-16fonts: add tex-mathalfa{,-doc}markd1-1/+3