Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author | Files | Lines |
changes unknown
changes unknown
CVS ----------------------------------------------------------------------
changes unknown
changes unknown
* bug fix for luaotfload-tool, luaotfload-tool --list=basename failed
* fontloader patched to resolve issue
Fix a bug where the first font argument would be mistaken for
an argument to I<-inferiors>.
changes unknown
* The \input primitive in all TeX engines, including tex, now also accepts a
group-delimited filename argument, as a system-dependent extension. The usage
with a standard space/token-delimited filename is completely unchanged. The
group-delimited argument was previously implemented in LuaTeX; now it is available
in all engines. ASCII double quote characters (") are removed from the filename,
but it is otherwise left unchanged after tokenization. This does not currently
affect LaTeX’s \input command, as that is a macro redefinition of the standard
\input primitive.
* New option –cnf-line for kpsewhich, tex, mf, and all other engines, to support
arbitrary configuration settings on the command line.
* The addition of various primitives to various engines in this and previous years
is intended to result in a common set of functionality available across
all engines.
epTeX, eupTeX: New primitives \Uchar, \Ucharcat, \current(x)spacingmode, \ifincsname;
revise \fontchar?? and \iffontchar. For eupTeX only: \currentcjktoken.
LuaTeX: Integration with HarfBuzz library, available as new engines luahbtex
(used for lualatex) and luajithbtex. New primitives: \eTeXgluestretchorder,
pdfTeX: New primitive \pdfmajorversion; this merely changes the version number
in the PDF output; it has no effect on any PDF content. \pdfximage and similar
now search for image files in the same way as \openin.
pTeX: New primitives \ifjfont, \iftfont. Also in epTeX, upTeX, eupTeX.
XeTeX: Fixes for \Umathchardef, \XeTeXinterchartoks, \pdfsavepos.
Dvips: Output encodings for bitmap fonts, for better copy/paste capabilities.
Thes are not supported by pkg_alternatives, and lead to breakage as found
in <>.
In many cases these were unnecessary anyway, as they match the corresponding
command that pkg_alternatives will have automatically detected manual page
entries for, plus many of them did not support PKGMANDIR.
In the one case (databases/py-peewee) where the manual page does not match
the command name, pkg_alternatives will need to be enhanced to support this
before it can be re-enabled.
split off modes to separate tex-modes package (version 4.1)
2020-04-25: Release 13.0.02
* Glyph blocks replaced:
- U+3040..U+309F (Hiragana) and U+30A0..U+30FF (Katakana):
glyphs in unifont_jp replaced with glyphs from the public
domain izmb16.bdf font.
- U+FF61..U+FF64 (Halfwidth CKJ Punctuation) and U+FF65..U+FF9F
(Halfwidth Katakana Variations): glyphs in unifont and unifont_jp
replaced with glyphs from the public domain single-byte FONTX2
font DFLHN16.FNT.
* Minor patches to several glyphs.
* See ChangeLog for details.
tex-adforn{,-doc} to 1.1b
tex-adfsymbols{,-doc} to 1.2b
tex-adobemapping to 2020
tex-alegreya{,-doc} to 2020
tex-baskervaldx{,-doc} to 1.073
tex-cabin{,-doc} to 2020
tex-ccfonts{,-doc} to 1.2
tex-cinzel{,-doc} to 2020
tex-clearsans{,-doc} to 2020
tex-countriesofeurope{,-doc} to 0.23
tex-ebgaramond{,-doc} to 2020
tex-ebgaramond-maths{,-doc} to 1.2
tex-erewhon{,-doc} to 1.104
tex-esint{,-doc} to 1.2d
tex-fira{,-doc} to 4.3.54512
tex-fontinst{,-doc} to 1.933.53562
tex-fontname{,-doc} to 2020
tex-fontools{,-doc} to 2020
tex-fontspec{,-doc} to 2.7i
tex-fourier{,-doc} to 2.2
tex-ipaex{,-doc} to 2020
tex-junicode{,-doc} to 1.0.2
tex-libertine{,-doc} to
tex-librecaslon{,-doc} to 2020
tex-luaotfload{,-doc} to 3.12
tex-mathalpha{,-doc} to 1.13
tex-mathpazo{,-doc} to 1.003.52663
tex-merriweather{,-doc} to 2020
tex-newpx{,-doc} to 1.410
tex-newtx{,-doc} to 1.625
tex-newtxtt{,-doc} to 1.056
tex-oldstandard{,-doc} to 2.5
tex-overlock{,-doc} to 2020
tex-playfair{,-doc} to 2020
tex-psnfss{,-doc} to 9.3
tex-pxtxalfa{,-doc} to 1.54080
tex-quattrocento{,-doc} to 2020
tex-roboto{,-doc} to 2020
tex-sansmathaccent{,-doc} to 2020
tex-skull to 0.1.51907
tex-superiors{,-doc} to 1.06
tex-txfontsb{,-doc} to 1.1.1
tex-universa{,-doc} to 2.1
tex-wasy{,-doc} to 2.5
tex-wasysym{,-doc} to 2.4
tex-xcharter{,-doc} to 1.205
tex-xits{,-doc} to 1.301
tex-wasy-type1 to 001.002
Overview of changes leading to 2.6.5
Friday, April 17, 2020
- Add experimental meson build system. Autotools is still the primary
and supported build system.
- AAT is now always preferred for horizontal scripts when both AAT and OT
layout tables exist at the same time.
- Subsetter improvements.
- New API:
4.8.1 (released 2020-04-17)
- [feaLib] Fixed ``AttributeError: 'NoneType' has no attribute 'getAlternateGlyphs'``
when ``aalt`` feature references a chain contextual substitution lookup
4.8.0 (released 2020-04-16)
- [feaLib] If Parser is initialized without a ``glyphNames`` parameter, it cannot
distinguish between a glyph name containing an hyphen, or a range of glyph names;
instead of raising an error, it now interprets them as literal glyph names, while
also outputting a logging warning to alert user about the ambiguity
- [feaLib] When serializing AST to string, emit spaces around hyphens that denote
ranges. Also, fixed an issue with CID ranges when round-tripping AST->string->AST
- [Snippets/otf2ttf] In script update LSB in hmtx to match xMin
- [colorLib] Added experimental support for building ``COLR`` v1 tables as per
the `colr-gradients-spec <>`__
draft proposal. **NOTE**: both the API and the XML dump of ``COLR`` v1 are
susceptible to change while the proposal is being discussed and formalized
- Added Cadson Demak Sarabun font family (different from TH Sarabun New under DIP SIPA). Adding 16 typefaces for the font family.
- Refreshed NECTEC-TLWG fonts, expanding them to match what is available in the 2020-01-04 Debian distribution. Total of 58 typefaces in 13 font families.
- Expanded the Google Noto-Thai fonts to match what is available in the 2020-01-04 Debian distribution. Total of 74 typefaces.
Also, appease pkglint by sorting a few Makefile variables
- [cu2qu] Added ``fontTools.cu2qu`` package, imported from the original
`cu2qu <>`__ project. The ``cu2qu.pens`` module
was moved to ``fontTools.pens.cu2quPen``. The optional cu2qu extension module
can be compiled by installing `Cython <>` before installing
fonttools from source (i.e. git repo or sdist tarball). The wheel package that
is published on PyPI (i.e. the one ``pip`` downloads, unless ``--no-binary``
option is used), will continue to be pure-Python for now
- [varLib] Added support for building variable ``BASE`` table version 1.1
- [CPAL] Added ``fromRGBA`` method to ``Color`` class
- [designspaceLib] Added ``add{Axis,Source,Instance,Rule}Descriptor`` methods to
``DesignSpaceDocument`` class, to initialize new descriptor objects using keyword
arguments, and at the same time append them to the current document
- [unicodedata] Update to Unicode 13.0
- [varLib] Always build ``gvar`` table for TrueType-flavored Variable Fonts,
even if it contains no variation data. The table is required according to
the OpenType spec
- [ttx] Annotate ``LookupFlag`` in XML dump with comment explaining what bits
are set and what they mean
- [feaLib] Added more descriptive message to ``IncludedFeaNotFound`` error
- [woff2] Skip normalizing ``glyf`` and ``loca`` tables if these are missing from
a font (e.g. in NotoColorEmoji using ``CBDT/CBLC`` tables).
- [timeTools] Use non-localized date parsing in ``timestampFromString``, to fix
error when non-English ``LC_TIME`` locale is set
- [fontBuilder] Make sure the CFF table generated by fontBuilder can be used by varLib
without having to compile and decompile the table first. This was breaking in
converting the CFF table to CFF2 due to some unset attributes
- [colorLib] Added ``fontTools.colorLib.builder`` module, initially with ``buildCOLR``
and ``buildCPAL`` public functions. More color font formats will follow
- [fontBuilder] Added ``setupCOLR`` and ``setupCPAL`` methods
- [ttGlyphPen] Quantize ``GlyphComponent.transform`` floats to ``F2Dot14`` to fix
round-trip issue when computing bounding boxes of transformed components
- [glyf] If a component uses reference points (``firstPt`` and ``secondPt``) for
alignment (instead of X and Y offsets), compute the effective translation offset
*after* having applied any transform
- [glyf] When all glyphs have zero contours, compile ``glyf`` table data as a single
null byte in order to pass validation by OTS and Windows
- [feaLib] Parsing feature code now ensures that referenced glyph names are part of
the known glyph set, unless a glyph set was not provided.
- [varLib] When filling in the default axis value for a missing location of a source or
instance, correctly map the value forward.
- [varLib] The avar table can now contain mapping output values that are greater than
OR EQUAL to the preceeding value, as the avar specification allows this.
- [varLib] The errors of the module are now ordered hierarchically below VarLibError.
- [EBLC/CBLC] Fixed incorrect padding length calculation for Format 3 IndexSubTable
- [varLib] Fixed error when merging OTL tables and TTFonts were loaded as ``lazy=True``
- [varLib] Allow to use master fonts containing ``CFF2`` table when building VF
- [ttLib] Make ``recalcBBoxes`` option work also with ``CFF2`` table
- [feaLib] Don't reset ``lookupflag`` in lookups defined inside feature blocks.
They will now inherit the current ``lookupflag`` of the feature. This is what
Adobe ``makeotf`` also does in this case
- [feaLib] Fixed bug with mixed single/multiple substitutions. If a single substitution
involved a glyph class, we were incorrectly using only the first glyph in the class
- [feaLib] Do not fail on duplicate multiple substitutions, only warn
- [subset] Optimize SinglePos subtables to Format 1 if all ValueRecords are the same
2020-03-28: Release 13.0.01
* Adds all new Unicode 13.0.0 glyphs for scripts previously covered.
* Adds several new scripts:
- U+10E80..U+10EBF Yezidi (Johnnie Weaver)
- U+10FB0..U+10FDF Chorasmian (Johnnie Weaver)
- U+11900..U+1195F Dives Akuru (David Corbett)
- U+11FB0 Lisu Supplement (Paul Hardy)
- U+18B00..U+18CFF Khitan Small Script (Johnnie Weaver)
- U+1FB00..U+1FBFF Symbols for Legacy Computing (Rebecca Bettencourt).
* Minor patches to several glyphs.
* See ChangeLog for details.
Changes to version 5.2.8 (2012-04-21)
- Libertine Regular:
did ticket 3522377 »Right curly bracket pieces«
- Biolinum Bold:
FIXED 3521717 "NT" combination in Biolinum is too wide open
-Libertine (all styles):
- Kerning is now devided by glyph sets (latin, cyrrilic, greek and small caps).
By this means the list of kernpairs becomes much shorter, thus TTFs tend to load much
faster and a problem with papyrus text editor is being fixed.
Changes to version 5.2.0 (2011-06-23)
- Small Caps updated for Libertine Semibold and Semibold italic. For SemiboldItalic: Added small caps to GSUB-Table.
- Libertine Bold: Added real bold minuscles to the cyrrilic pane
Unknown changes
Minor release that fixes line height issues in Firefox
27-Sep-2018: version 0.133
New and updated symbols in Caladings.
1. Improved Hamsa shape in Caladings - contributed by Aharon Varady.
2. New Synagogue glyph inspired by the Grand Choral Synagogue of
St. Petersburg.
3. Flag of Israel, moon phases and minor fixes.
4. Fixed varika in David CLM - an issue detected by Hebrew Font Visualizer
(, again, courtesy of Aharon Varady).
- Oopsie-release: The last one was missing pre-built binaries in the release
- Use AFDKO's `tx` to compress the variable font in roughly half.
- Addendum: For 0.200 and 0.201, the following appstream translations were added
or updated:
- Basque by Asier Sarasua Garmendia
- Brazilian Portuguese by Rafael Fontenelle
- British English by Zander Brown
- Esperanto by Carmen Bianca Bakker
- French by Charles Monzat
- Karbi by Jor Teron
- Kazakh by Baurzhan Muftakhidinov
- Lao by Saikeo Kavhanxay
- Malay by Umarzuki Bin Mochlis Moktar
- Malayalam by Anish Sheela
- Nepali by Pawan Chitrakar
- Persian by Danial Behzadi
- Scottish Gaelic by Gun Chleoc
- Ukrainian by Daniel Korostil
- (The design points below are mostly the result of design reviews by Alexei
Vanyashin, Jacques Le Bailly and Stephen Nixon, in no particular order).
- Respacing of uppercase letters in the regular master and complete thin and
extra bold masters. Uppercase letters space better next to lowercase letters
now. Cyrillics are more consistently spaced.
- Tweak numerals some. Especially the "one" and fractions.
- Various tweaks to various shapes across the board, especially symbols. Braces
are curlier now. Detail tweaks to Cyrillics.
- Basic mathy symbols and currency symbols now have tabular number width. I found
no advantage to having proportional variants.
- Removed .tosf numerals. Fiddly work without clear purpose.
- Experimental alternative form of "l" without the tail, contributed by Jacques
Le Bailly. Accessible via the ss01 feature.
- Added variable font, CFF2 flavor. postscriptBlueFuzz is set to 1 explicitly
to avoid rounding issues with blue zone coverage in FreeType.
- Removed f-ligatures without their own Unicode code points, as the design doesn't
currently need them. They were mainly added to fill up the Google glyph set.
- The following glyphs now represent more than one Unicode code point to keep the
glyph view tidier:
emdash: U+2014, U+2015
emspace: U+2001, U+2003
enspace: U+2000, U+2002
hyphen: U+002D, U+00AD, U+2010, U+2011
space: U+0020, U+00A0
In PDFs where the generator removed the text stream, copy-paste may lead to the
others turning into the first. Meh.
- Filled in hryvnia (U+20B4), tugrik (U+20AE) and tenge (U+20B8).
- Static fonts use same rounding method as varLib uses for the variable font.
- Fixed Ustraight-cy (U+04AE), ustraight-cy (U+04AF), Ustraightstroke-cy
(U+04B0), ustraightstroke-cy (U+04B1), they didn't have a proper production
name before and may not have been properly accessible.
- Removed some building components that made it into the final font.
- Limited anchor propagation to letters, excluding ligatures. Generate GDEF
table properly.
- Set one simple `gasp` table for hinted display for e.g. Windows.
- Removed `ccmp` from the `aalt` lookup.
- The OS/2 table fsType now says that no Digital Rights Management is applied
to the fonts, the name table now says the fonts are OFL 1.1 licensed.
- Internal housekeeping: Sources are stored in the open UFO and Designspace format
now, with various cleanups like removed unused layers.
- Internal housekeeping: Removed composite diacritics that served no design purpose.
recursive bump for the dependency change
Update to ruby-ttfunk to
## []
### Fixed
* 1.6.2 gem conains local debuging code. This is the same commit but without
local changes.
Alexander Mankuta
## [1.6.2]
### Fixed
* Reverted to pre 1.6 maxp table serialization.
Cameron Dutro
pkgsrc changes:
- Upstream moved to GitHub
- Add missing LICENSE marker
- Stop patching Makefile.gcc and use a do-build target instead
- Fixed: too-long-path-to-input.pcf.gz causes stack-based buffer overflow.
- The size should come from POINT_SIZE instead of PIXEL_SIZE.
- Internal quotation characters in a string property should be indicated
(or "quoted") by using two quotation characters in a row.
- Fix avoid crash with large compressed metrics tables. (Colin Watson)
- Fix support gzipped source. (Colin Watson)
- Fix use C++ compiler and simplify using GNU extensions. (Jonas Smedegaard)
- Other fixes.
Comic Neue aspires to be the casual script choice for everyone including
the typographically savvy.
Spleen 1.7.0 (2020-02-13)
- Improve generated PSF files so that box-drawing characters are correctly
- Add the FONT_VERSION XFLD property for all BDF sizes
- Generate OpenType (OTF) versions for the 8x16, 12x24, 16x32 and 32x64 sizes
- Stop generating .dfont files, OTF versions should be used instead
- Add links to Debian and Ubuntu packages
pkglint -r --network --only "migrate"
As a side-effect of migrating the homepages, pkglint also fixed a few
indentations in unrelated lines. These and the new homepages have been
checked manually.
- [unicodedata] Update RTL_SCRIPTS for Unicode 11 and 12.
- [otTables] Fixed bug when splitting `MarkBasePos` subtables as offsets overflow.
The mark class values in the split subtable were not being updated, leading to
invalid mark-base attachments.
- [feaLib] Only log a warning instead of error when features contain duplicate
- [glifLib] Strip XML comments when parsing with lxml
pkglint --only "https instead of http" -r -F
With manual adjustments afterwards since pkglint 19.4.4 fixed a few
indentations in unrelated lines.
This mainly affects projects hosted at SourceForce, as well as, CTAN and GNU.
Recursive Mono & Sans is a variable type family built for better code
& UI. It is inspired by casual script signpainting, but designed
primarily to meet the needs of programming environments and
application interfaces.
In programming, "recursion" is when a function calls itself, using its
own output as an input to yield powerful results. Recursive Mono was
used as a tool to help build itself: it was used to write Python
scripts to automate type production work and to generate specimen
images, and it was used in HTML, CSS, and JS to create web-based
proofs & prototypes. Through this active usage, Recursive Mono was
crafted to be both fun to look at as well as deeply useful for all-day
Recursive Sans borrows glyphs from its parent mono but adjusts the
widths of many key glyphs for comfortable readability. Its metrics are
superplexed - every style takes up the exact same horizontal space,
across all styles. In this 3-axis variable font, this allows for fluid
transitions between weight, slant, and "expression" (casual to strict
letterforms), all without text shifts or layout reflow. Not only does
this allow for new interactive possibilities in UI, but it also makes
for a uniquely fun typesetting experience.
Update ruby-ttfunk to 1.6.1.
pkgsrc change: add "USE_LANGUAGES= # none".
## [1.6.1]
### Fixed
* Fixed maxp table encoding
Cameron Dutro
## [1.6.0]
### Added
* OpenType fonts support
* Added support for CFF-flavored fonts (also known as CID-keyed or OpenType fonts)
* Added support for the VORG and DSIG tables
* Improved charset encoding support
* Improved font metrics calculations in the head, maxp, hhea, hmtx, and os/2 tables
* Subsetted fonts verified with Font-Validator, fontlint, and Mac OS's Font Book
Cameron Dutro
* Ruby 2.6 support
Alexander Mankuta
* JRuby 9.2 support
Alexander Mankuta
### Removed
* Dropped Ruby 2.1 & 2.2 support
Alexander Mankuta
* Removed JRuby 9.1 support
Alexander Mankuta
### Fixed
* Sort name table entries when generating subset font
Matjaz Gregoric
* Map the 0xFFFF char code to glyph 0 in cmap format 4
Matjaz Gregoric
* Order tables by tag when generating font subset
Matjaz Gregoric
* Fix typo in TTFunk::Subset::Unicode#includes?
Matjaz Gregoric
* Fixe calculation of search_range for font subsets
Matjaz Gregoric
* Fixed instance variable @offset and @length not initialized
Katsuya HIDAKA
* Code style fixes
Katsuya HIDAKA, Matjaz Gregoric, Alexander Mankuta
(From FONTLOG.txt)
January 8 2020 (USWDS) Public Sans v1.008
- Improves overall texture and spacing
- Added NPM scripts for building and testing
Kerning and spacing
- Tightened kerning around `r`, `t`, `f`, and `l`
- Loosened spacing around `o`
- Improved spacing around `n`
- Balanced `o|v|o` kerning
- Widen `space` glyph
- Balance sidebearings in capitals
- Added `division slash`