Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author | Files | Lines |
1.10.2 (2020-06-01)
Add: Ubuntu 20.04 packages (#8127)
Fix: [OSX] Possible crash on failure to set colourspace (#8181)
Fix #8166: Prevent crash from a NewGRF with an invalid RoadType (#8180)
Fix #8024: Make Online Content GUI more responsive while loading (#8179)
Fix #7970: Disable event loop when generating crash dump (#8176)
Fix: [Build] Compatibility with modern Visual Studio (#8170)
Fix: Trees would disappear completely after a few years if tree spread was disabled (#8160)
Fix #8155: Roadtype speed limit in scenario editor toolbar dropdown was doubled (#8156)
Fix: Desync after house replacement (#8151)
Fix #8137: New clients can't join (desync) after funding an industry (#8140)
Fix #8132: Corrupted savegame with station with multiple owners caused a crash (#8134, #8142)
Fix: Stop gamelog when recovering from a savegame load error (#8133)
Fix: Exceptionally unlikely issue when reading MIDI files (#8125)
Fix #8119: Docking areas were not properly updated when clearing, causing desyncs (#8124, #8130)
Fix #8117: Memory leak for incoming admin port packets (#8122)
Fix: Non-roadbridges potentially had roadtype information set (#8111)
Fix #8108: Possible crash on loading TTD savegames with phantom oil rigs (#8109, #8110)
Fix #8093: Build & refit test run changed game state and could cause desyncs (#8103)
Fix: [Script] AreWaterTilesConnected did not handle aqueducts properly (#8074)
1.10.1 (2020-04-13)
Fix #8081: Crash when placing a ship depot next to a dock (#8082)
Fix: [GS] A Goal's QuestionID was getting truncated (#8072)
Fix #8064: Refit capacity could be displayed incorrectly in extreme edgecases (#8065)
Fix #8060: Restore admin network API compatibility (#8061)
Fix #8055: Crash when roadtype availability changes with the road construction toolbar open (#8058)
1.10.0 (2020-04-01)
Change: Open company window when clicking on a company goal (#8033)
Change: [SDL2] Support pasting from clipboard on Linux (#8004)
Fix: [Script] Random deviation upper bound range should be inclusive (#8052)
Fix #8043: Incorrect handling of global road/tram hotkeys caused a crash (#8044)
Fix #8039: [Script] SetOrderFlags and GetOrderDestination didn't work for oil rigs (#8040)
Fix: [Script] CanBuildConnectedRoadPartsHere neighbours tiles were incorrect if you started a new game with a different world size (#8036)
Fix: Ignore clicks on non-applicable global goals (#8035)
Fix #7613: Limit News Window to 1024 messages to keep it usable and avoid overflowing scrollbars (#8026)
Fix #7644: [OSX] Hopefully improve performance by manually set colorspace to sRGB (#8023)
Fix #8020: Add missing docking tiles around industry neutral stations (#8021)
Fix: GUI tramway icon only contained a single set of tram tracks (#8015)
Fix: Station with multiple docks had the wrong tile area (#8014)
Fix #8011: Crash when loading TTD scenario containing a dock (#8012)
Fix #7998: Crash when scripts tried to access companies with invalid IDs (#8010)
Fix: Crash when attempting to draw a string containing nonprintable characters (#8005)
Fix #6399: Directory ~/.local/share not created if it didn't already exist (#8003)
Fix #7958: Custom catenary missing on road bridges (#7991)
Fix #7944: Demolishing locks built on rivers didn't always restore the river (#7946)
1.10.0-RC1 (2020-02-09)
Feature: Allow server to supply a reason to kicked/banned clients (#7859)
Feature: [NewGRF] Station variable 6A, querying GRFID of nearby station tiles (#7956)
Feature: Improved logic of sharing industry production between 3 or more stations (#7922)
Feature: Highlight the item under mouse cursor in file browser (#7900)
Feature: [GS] Methods to change town rating of companies (#7898)
Feature: [NewGRF] Callback profiling command (#7868)
Feature: Add a setting to show the name of the NewGRF of a vehicle in the build window (#7852)
Feature: Ability to filter industry directory window by cargo (#7843)
Feature: Minimap screenshot type (#7817)
Feature: [GS] Methods to control engine availability of a specific company (#7791)
Feature: Configurable game ending year (#7747)
Feature: Separate window for taking screenshots (#7550)
Change: Move autorenew setting to basic category (#7984)
Change: Improved algorithm for transfer feeder payments (#7935)
Change: Show volume sliders with wedges instead of boxy slider (#7902)
Change: Auto-restart loads the original resources (e.g. save or scenario) again (#7688)
Change: Improve readability of integer lists saved to config files (#7396)
Fix #7976: Crash when attempting to kick the host via rcon (#7985)
Fix #7592: Road vehicles no longer balanced between multiple road stop stations (#7979)
Fix: Station rating effects affecting too large area (#7977)
Fix #7974: Crash when Ctrl+click to show a collapsed vehicle group (#7975)
Fix #7969: Crash when executing a recursive console alias (#7973)
Fix #6566: Very long loading of the maximum "zoom out" level at high resolutions (#7968)
Fix #7952: Crash when switching input languages (#7953)
Fix: [OSX] Don't show a crash/assertion message box for a GUI-less video driver (#7934)
Fix #7925: Corrupt savegames could lead to corruption of the titlegame (#7932)
Fix: [Fluidsynth] Music notes from previous song were not properly reset (#7930)
Fix: Invalid string usage within music window (#7928)
Fix: Non-deterministic name sorting in industry directory window (#7915)
Fix #7899: Various issues with town list window sorting (#7906, #7916)
Fix #7587: Fix possible crashes when loading old save games with invalid waypoint positions (#7894)
Fix: Avoid a crash by properly resetting timetable duration when loading old savegames (#7894)
Fix: Possible crash when post road-works cleanup removes all road pieces (#7903)
Fix #7891: Fix crash when loading save from 1.7.2 (#7892)
Fix #7887: Missing sound effects for some main toolbar buttons (#7888)
Fix #6667: Avoid confusion by also recalculating bridge costs for 'spectated' AI companies (#7884)
Fix: Allow old NewGRF industries to hide in/out cargo slots (#7882)
Fix: [Windows] Fix bootstrap GUI with Uniscribe but no Freetype (#7878)
Fix: Missing keycodes for hotkeys.cfg (#7850)
Fix #7625: Ensure road infrastructure cost is correctly updated when upgrading your own roads (#7628)
Fix #7088: Avoid crash by closing AI/GS textfile windows when changing their in-game slot (#7094)
1.10.0-beta2 (2019-12-25)
- Feature: [Script] More error mappings (#7857)
- Feature: Ctrl+Click on a vehicle in the vehicle group window selects and scrolls to the vehicle's group (#7800)
- Feature: Ctrl+Click on the vehicle details button in the vehicle view window opens the vehicle group window focused on the vehicle (#7800)
- Feature: Add a button to the vehicle advisory news window to open the vehicle's group window (#7800)
- Feature: Ctrl+Click on a vehicle in the vehicle list window opens the vehicle group window focused on the vehicle's group (#7800)
- Fix: Custom sea level default value is now equal to minimum value (#7866)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Various tracktype fixes (#7863)
- Fix: Infrastructure total update when removing tram road stop (#7856)
- Fix #7847: Use ViewportSign coordinates for sign Kdtree coordinates (#7849)
- Fix #7836: Check coherency of NewGRF parameter min/max (#7840)
- Fix #7673: [Script] Allow removal of custom town text (#7834)
- Fix: Crash when displaying an error message at map edges (#7833)
- Fix #7783, #7816: [SDL2] Fix input handling in edit context (#7825)
- Fix #7697: Tile query on HQs did not display cargo correctly (#7824)
- Fix #7820: Possible game crash when removing oil rig (#7821)
- Fix #7606: Rare crash when trying to clean up a crashed script (#7819)
- Fix #7784: [SDL2] up/down/home/end key behaviour (#7815)
- Fix #7631: 16 out cargo support for industry directory (#7809)
- Fix #7646: Crash on random map generation failure (#7805)
- Fix #7430: Only reset time since pickup when train visits station if it has room to load (#7595)
- Fix #5405: Aircraft could route to depots outside their range (#7104)
1.10.0-beta1 (2019-10-29)
- Feature: Configurable minimum age for companies before allowing share trading (#7780)
- Feature: Filter on town list window (#7621)
- Feature: Ability to show Newspaper and Ticker messages in parallel (#7612)
- Feature: Show coverage area for stations and towns (#7446)
- Feature: Collapsible vehicle groups (#7417)
- Feature: More flexible docks - can now have multiple per station, ships can use any part of dock (#7380)
- Feature: [NewGRF] Railtype flags to allow/disallow 90 degree curves (#7352)
- Feature/Change: Non-rectangular catchment area for sparse stations (#7235)
- Feature: Improved performance for road vehicle pathfinding (#7261)
- Feature: Option to show local authority boundary of towns (#7025)
- Feature: Experimental method of town cargo generation that scales linearly with population (#6965)
- Feature: [NewGRF] RoadTypes (NRT) (#6811)
- Add: [Win32] Select MIDI device by port name (#7666)
- Add: 'getsysdate' console command (#7658)
- Add: Currencies NTD, CNY, HKD (#7596)
- Add: Icons to vehicle construction drop down lists (#7358, #7485)
- Add: Security warning to players that company passwords are not truly secure (#7351)
- Add: [Script] Various API functions for managing vehicle groups (#7225, #7336, #7716)
- Add: SDL2 video driver (#7086)
- Change: Inactive industries do not make sound effects (#7752)
- Change: [Win32] Use native GDI engine for rendering fonts (#7572)
- Change: Scale oil refinery edge distance limit by map size (#7514)
- Change: Do not display a news message about old vehicles when a replacement for it is activated (#7401)
- Change: When filtering purchase list by cargo type, buy button now performs a refit if required (#7301)
- Change: Don't apply forbid 90 deg turn settings to ships, and make penalties for turns configurable (#7289, #7372)
- Change: Make the chance of an aeroplane crashing at an airport with a short runway independent of plane crash setting (#7302)
- Change: Keep town growth rate in sync with house count (#6777)
- Fix #6219: Improve helicopter's ability to takeoff from commuter and international airports (#7710)
- Fix #6407: Show snowy ground sprites for train depots (#7671)
- Fix: Power/running cost sorting algorithm was not correct when power was higher than running cost (#7561)
- Fix: Tweaks to small-map colours to make dark blue company more visible (#7436, #7450)
- Fix: [SDL] Do not offer video smaller than 640x480 (#7442)
- Fix: Incorrect display of industry production around tiles (#7426)
- Fix: Show industry name in Land Area Information window for industries with neutral stations instead of just 'Oil Rig' (#7349)
- Fix: Remove redundant and broken file lookups when loading base sets (#7348)
- Fix: Always report error when ordering a road vehicle to wrong type of road stop (#7316)
- Fix #7043, #7274: Improve performance when creating towns during world creation (#7284)
- Fix #7062: Remove ship max order distance (#7279)
- Fix #7189: Fluidsynth volume gain too high (#7253)
- Fix: Add setting for whether industries with neutral stations (e.g. Oil rigs) accept and supply cargo to/from surrounding stations to fix exploit as old as TTO (#7234)
- Fix: Properly reset dropdown menu windows after changing AI/GS settings (#7092)
- Remove: DOS, MorphOS, AmigaOS & BeOS support (#7326, #7388)
- Remove: Original Path Finder (#7245)
1.9.3 (2019-09-16)
- Change: Use natural sort when sorting the file list (#7727)
- Fix #7479: Don't close construction windows when changing client name (#7728)
- Fix #7731: Files sorting by modification time on Windows XP (#7731)
- Fix #7644: [OSX] Better solution for colourspace/performance issues (#7741)
1.9.3-RC1 (2019-09-07)
- Add: Can now click industries to make orders to their neutral station (e.g. oil rig) (#7709)
- Fix #7644: [OSX] Poor framerate on certain systems (#7721)
- Fix #7702: Highscore screen UI scaling (#7714)
- Fix #7704: [OSX] Handle malformed UTF8 strings, leading to crashes in server browser (#7705)
- Fix #7188: [AI] Possible crash when reloading an AI in multiplayer games (#7701, #7725)
- Fix: RemoveAirport function now returns 'Aircraft in the way' error message when occupied (#7690)
- Fix: Spelling in running costs setting help text (#7686)
- Fix #7655: 'Decrease' buttons in cheat window not working properly with UI scaling (#7669)
- Fix: [GS] Could not create elements on Storybook pages with ID > 255 (#7657)
- Fix #7626: Allow building road stops over town-owned one-way roads, instead of crashing (#7627)
This version fixes several slightly obscure bugs, and hopefully makes a
few things easier to find. Those playing on high-resolution monitors
(such as 4k) and use the UI scaling options should also find that things
appear less squished than they used to.
- Fix 6564: Enforce types of arguments for station name strings
- Fix 7433: Don't use AirportSpec substitute if it's not enabled
- Fix 7447, 7466, 7476: Missing NewGRF strings due to Action 4 feature check skipping pseudo-feature 48
- Fix 6222: Advanced sprite layout sometimes showed incorrect railtype ground tile.
- Fix 7439: CompanyRemoveReason overwritten by ClientID
- Fix: [Windows] Incorrect error handling could lead to cascading error windows
- Fix 7478: Don't remove NewGRF objects on company take-over.
- Fix 7411: Use industry production callback (if used) on initial industry cargo generation
- Fix 7400: WaterClass for tree tiles was not converted for old saves preventing industry creation
- Fix: Filtered file list did not scroll properly
- Fix 7391: Don't invalidate go to depot orders of non-aircraft when invalidating hangar orders that happen to share IDs
- Fix 7386: Measurement tooltip for tunnels, aqueducts & docks did not display or flickered
- Fix: Wrong company performance rating when money exceeds INT_MAX
- Fix: Permit loading of industry production callback with invalid cargo type
- Fix: Spelling for a few real town names
- Fix: Runway too short for large aircraft message should not depend on plane crashes setting
- Fix 7334: Ship lost after crossing bridge due to path cache not being consumed while on final bridge end
- Add: Various AI/GS functions for vehicle groups
- Change: Synchronise introduction date and reliability randomness across vehicles with the same base introduction date
- Change: Allow towns to build bridges over rails and one-way roads
- Fix: Detection of coast tiles with trees on them
- Fix: Emergency netsave saved the title game instead of the broken game in question
- Fix: Company livery window showed incorrect groups when opened in multiplayer
- Fix: Unable to select last group in open livery window
- Fix: Goto hangar orders were not invalidated when rebuilding airports
- Feature: Option to adjust font size separately from GUI size
- Feature: Increase maximum number of orders from 64000 to ~16.7m
- Add: Show performance of AI and GS in framerate window
- Add: News menu entry and shortcut for deleting all messages
- Change: [OSX] Improved scrolling behaviour when using touchpads
- Change: Add scrollbar to cargo legend in cargo payment rates window
- Change: Owner of vehicle with exclusive transport rights may now load cargo from neutral stations
- Change: Improved UI behaviour when dragging sound volume sliders with the mouse
- Change: Use selected vehicle group as parent when creating a new group
- Change: Use SlErrorCorrupt() on pool index error when loading a savegame, instead of terminating
- Change: Skip reliability decay if servicing is disabled
- Fix: Remove desert around lakes upon generation
- Fix: Re-sorting file list did not update filtered rows
- Fix 7159: Waiting time at red one-way signals was too short
- Fix 7189: Fluidsynth volume gain too high
- Fix 7004: Cargo flow legend was not properly refreshed after zooming
- Fix: Possibility to modify wrong AI/GS settings when switching AI/GS scripts around
- Fix: Use more descriptive "spectator" strings for story book and goal dropdown menus
- Fix 6599: Disable build and rename button in build vehicle window when no vehicle is selected
- Fix: Do not mangle tagged revision strings for network revision strings
- Fix 7151: AI start date deviation was still applied when not set to a random AI
- Fix 7197: Invalidate depot buttons when necessary
- Doc: [AI] UnshareOrders empties the orders list of the vehicle
- Fix: Non-Windows builds did not get correct git hash
Note: OpenTTD was migrated to GitHub for 1.9, so SVN revision and FlySpray numbers have been replaced with Pull Requests and Issue numbers
- Feature: Group liveries, and livery window usability enhancements
- Feature: Overhaul of music system, support MPSMIDI music files (TTD DOS/TTO)
- Feature: [Win32] Rewritten DMusic and WinMM music drivers
- Feature: [Win32] New XAudio2 sound driver
- Feature: [Linux] New Fluidsynth music driver
- Feature: Framerate display window
- Feature: [NewGRF] Ability for industries & houses to produce and/or accept up to 16 different cargoes
- Feature 6610: Allow towns to build houses on road turns
- Feature: Replace independent map scrolling GUI settings with single option, and add choice to not lock cursor position when scrolling
- Feature 6459: API for querying network clients from GS
- Feature: New Russian Ruble & Mexican Peso as currencies
- Feature 4186: Append '(City)' after city names in the town directory
- Feature 986: Automatic save when losing connection to a network game
- Add: [NewGRF] Flag to hide rail types from construction
- Add: [NewGRF] Airport animation trigger for plane landing
- Add 4115: Default starting company colour setting
- Add: Mixer feature for streaming sampled music
- Add 6460: [AI] start_date parameter for Random AIs on new game
- Add: BACKSPACE can be mapped as a hotkey
- Add: 32bpp SSE2 blitter palette animator
- Change: Make ships turn slowly when changing direction and stop when going up or down a lock
- Change: Improve ship pathfinder performance
- Change: Decouple GUI timing from game ticks
- Change: Desert tiles are now half-desert if a neighboured tile is non-desert or sea/coast
- Change: Gradually slow down aircraft speed on breakdown
- Change: [NewGRF] Increase rail type & cargo type limits to 64
- Change: [NewGRF] Increase size of persistent storage to 256
- Change: [NewGRF] Use last OpenTTD SVN revision in NewGRF version number
- Change: Clone tool in depot window now behaves like clone button in vehicle window
- Change 6397: Keep town growth rate in sync with house count
- Change: Scale default FreeType font size selection by UI zoom level
- Change: [OSX] Reversed pinch to zoom behaviour
- Change: Switch town growth rate and counter to actual game ticks
- Change: Non-tag revisions are now named '<commitdate>-<branch>-g<shorthash><modified>'
- Change: Rewrite several bits of documentation in markdown
- Fix: Reinitialise graph GUI on game restart
- Fix: Potential crash during shutdown after unpacking downloaded content
- Fix 6584: Text layout in engine preview dialogue
- Fix 6636: Airplanes could be sent to helicopter station depots
- Fix: Deadlock when launched with -n switch
- Fix: Various corrections to town names in non-English languages
- Fix: Only consider airport tiles when placing (for non-rectangular airports)
- Fix: Spelling fixes on some Latin American town names
- Fix 7001: Pathfinders should see standard road stations as tiles where to reverse
- Fix 6676: Prevent helicopters from stopping in midair during some kinds of landing
- Fix: Remove need to use Ctrl+Click when building stations next to competitors
- Fix: [NewGRF] Make VA2 operator 11 (ror) behave well-defined when rotating by 0 bits
- Fix 4109: Add more water checks to the Oil Rig layout
- Fix 6938: Incorrect value for "Cost to Clear" was displayed for Company Headquarters in tile inspector
- Fix 6920: Make 9.8m/s^2 a common constant for TE-calculation
- Fix 6892: [Script] CONFIG_RANDOM did not use the full parameter range
- Fix 6622: News message when GS constructs a town had empty company name
- Fix: [NewGRF] Action7 variable 0x85 had no bounds checks
- Fix 6875: Depot building cost did not include foundation build cost
- Fix: Some pixels in ship autoreplace icon (sprite 106) were transparent
- Fix: Poor contrast in cargo dest flow legend window cargo labels
- Fix 6553: Make viewport button text unambiguous
- Fix: [OSX] Setting mouse-wheel to scroll the map does not disable pinch to zoom
- Fix 6969: Account for BOM when reading script files
- Fix 6898: Ability to use seeds above INT_MAX
- Fix 6659: Bus stations could be demolished when not in demolish mode
- Fix: One-way roads could be over-built by road stops regardless of road owner
- Fix: Use name of cargo instead of Passengers/Mail in town statistics
- Fix: Prevent ships moving into docks after finishing (un)loading
- Fix: Tractive effort was slightly too high as per NewGRF spec
- Fix 6465: Add {NORMAL_FONT} and {MONO_FONT} control codes to GS strings
- Fix: Four group action icons were misplaced and cropped
- Remove: PSP, WinCE support
- Feature: [GFX] Climate-specific Action5 extra airport sprites
- Feature: Draw vertical separators at tile distance in the train depot GUI
- Feature: [Build] MSVC 2017 project file generator. Most noticeable, std:c++latest is enabled
- Feature: [Build] Project file generator for kdevelop 4/5
- Feature: Add option to close windows with right click
- Feature: Vehicle Group Info: Add profits and occupancy display to group vehicle list
- Feature: Display aircraft type in vehicle preview/purchase/detail windows
- Change: [NewGRF] Various performance improvements to resolving VA2
- Change: [NewGRF] Increase maximum allowed vehicle sprite size to reduce clipping of ships
- Change: Check companies for bankruptcy before subtracting reoccuring monthly costs
- Change: [GFX] Replace the office building sprite on various toyland airports with a better fitting sprite
- Change: [GFX] The switch-toolbar icon contained pixels from the fire cycle. Replace the whole icon with a new version
- Change: Reword texts in industry view, when stockpiling is used
- Change: Remove the gap between windows when positioning them after opening
- Change: [Build] Enable usage of static_assert for MSVC
- Change: [Build] Preserve PKG_CONFIG_PATH and PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR environment variables in config.cache file
- Change: Do not cancel headquarter construction and engine-preview-query when shift-clicking
- Change: Parse extmidi command string for parameters to pass on
- Change: Draw images in centre of buttons
- Fix: Store the map variety setting in the savegame like the other mapgen settings, so restarting maps considers it
- Fix: Hair selection was missing one option
- Fix: Avoid tile operations outside map border when building lock
- Fix: Catenary sprites got mixed up for depots
- Fix: Make automatic window-positioning RTL-aware
- Fix: Automatic window-positioning now uses GUI-scale/style dependent sizes/distances instead of fixed pixel values
- Fix: [NewGRF] While executing random triggers, var 5F should include the new triggers
- Fix: [NewGRF] Reset used random triggers only after all A123 chains have been resolved, so that all RA2 in all chains can test the shared triggers
- Fix: [NewGRF] Industry random triggers are stored per tile, even when randomising the shared random bits of the parent industry
- Fix: [NPF] Reserved track bits were not accounted for when trying to find any safe position
- Fix: Do not modify argv[0]
- Fix: Do not search directories when opening ini files as we already have their full path
- Fix: Road tunnel/bridge heads have no trackbits wrt. catenary drawing
answers and then plotzes in the build)
- Fix: Add missing game script event for ships arriving at a station [FS-6560] (r27859, r27858)
- Fix: StringID truncation to 16 bits broke string remapping test [FS-6555] (r27851)
- Fix: Infinite loop in pathfinder when checking safe waiting position from a waypoint [FS-5926] (r27846)
- Fix: [YAPF] Consider depot as destination before reversing path and applying penalty (r27843)
- Fix: Don't consider locks or ship depots as clear water when placing industries (r27841)
- Fix: Small news window's fake caption was not sized to fit its text (r27838)
- Fix: Black remap did nothing in 8bpp-simple blitter (r27837)
- Fix: Misaligned resize icon due to widget bounds being inclusive (r27831)
- Fix: Update viewport sign dimensions when changing GUI zoom level (r27827, r27819)
- Fix: Vehicle viewport is not user scrollable so flag window as such (r27823)
- Fix: Allow dropdown to be drawn above origin widget even with scrollbar (r27820)
- Fix: 32bpp-anim blitters assumed that pitch and width of the screen were equal [FS-6545] (r27796)
- Fix: Chat text background overflowed due to missing padding [FS-6526] (r27794)
- Fix: Failed to load lzo compressed savegames sometimes [FS-6450] (r27793)
- Fix: [Win32] Mark OpenTTD as DPI-aware to avoid OS window scaling that breaks mouse input [FS-6366] (r27791, r27790)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Get vehicle load amount after executing new cargo trigger [FS-6536] (r27788)
- Fix: AI configuration changed incorrect parameter when some parameters are hidden [FS-6479] (r27787, r27786)
- Fix: Buoys not always drawn after being placed depending on zoom level [FS-6508] (r27785)
- Fix: Allow rail conversion even if ship is on tile [FS-6505] (r27784)
Changes: build fixes, NewGRF tweaks and GUI tweaks.
1.5.3 (2015-12-01)
1.5.3-RC1 (2015-11-01)
- Fix: When selecting a refit cargo for orders, do not check whether the vehicle
is in a depot or station, and do not ask whether the vehicle currently allows
station-refitting. Also hide the refit cost for orders, it is not predictable
- Fix: Use the NewGRF railtype sorting order in the infrastructure window
- Fix: Crash when switching to or taking over companies, when an order window of
a vehicle of the new company was opened. Now close those windows [FS#5842]
- Fix: Towns did not connect roads to existing roads, unless they had only a
single roadbit. Otoh, towns also tried to connect to single roadbit tiles
such as tunnels and depots, even though they were not connectable in the
direction of interest [FS#6374] (r27424)
- Fix: When towns expanded single-bit roadtiles using a grid-layout, they used
the layout position of the neighbouring tile (r27423)
- Fix: Aircraft picked the wrong airport entry point, if airports were rotated
by 180 degree [FS#6341] (r27422)
- Fix: Consider text and icon sizes when drawing the client list [FS#6265]
- Fix: GrowTownAtRoad sometimes returned false, even when a house was built
[FS#6362] (r27420)
- Fix: CmdSellRailWagon did not revert all actions properly when no orderlist
could be allocated [FS#6369] (r27419)
- Fix: Desync due to incorrect storage of segments with different railtype in
the YAPF cache [FS#6329] [FS#6379] (r27418)
- Fix: When a dedicated server was paused with no clients, the master server
advertisement interval was slowed, causing deadvertisement of the server
[FS#6368] (r27400)
- Fix: [Makefile] Game script directory and compat*.nut were never installed
on *nix (r27399)
- Fix: There are two different availability conditions for fdatasync in the
manpage. Use them both, since at least on some MinGW versions one is not
enough (r27389)
- Fix: win32 sound driver failed to report errors (r27383)
- Fix: Clickareas in settings tree were misaligned when the filter warning was
displayed, if the setting height was defined by the icons instead of the font
[FS#6358] (r27366)
- Fix: Center settings filter warning also vertically, and also in case of
multiple lines (r27365)
Problems found locating distfiles:
Package blokus: missing distfile blokus-1.1.tar.gz
Package crossfire-client: missing distfile crossfire-client-images-1.11.0.tar.gz
Package dungeon: missing distfile dungeon-gdt-glk.tar.gz
Package gate88: missing distfile Gate88_Mar19_05.tar.gz
Package gnuchess4: missing distfile gnuchess-4.0.pl80.tar.gz
Package ioquake3-pk3: missing distfile
Package rollemup: missing distfile Rollemup.tar.gz
Package tscp: missing distfile
Package xbat: missing distfile xev111.tar.gz
Package xgalaga: missing distfile xgalaga-2.0.34.tar.gz
Package xrick: missing distfile xrick-021212.tgz
Package xskat: missing distfile xskat-cards.tar.gz
Otherwise, existing SHA1 digests verified and found to be the same on
the machine holding the existing distfiles (morden). All existing
SHA1 digests retained for now as an audit trail.
- Change: Auto-complete partial roads when building level-crossings [FS#6283] (r27309)
- Fix: Do not rerandomise the town name when only cost-estimating the founding [FS#6332] (r27341)
- Fix: Make variety distribution not assume that sea level is at height 0.2 / 3 * TGPGetMaxHeight() [FS#6335] (r27331, r27330, r27329, r27328)
- Fix: Remove corner-case optimisation for line drawing, which failed for dashed lines (r27324)
- Fix: Clipping of inclined lines did not account for the 'horizontal width' being bigger than the 'real width' (r27323, r27322)
- Fix: Incorrect owner assignment when adding/removing road/tram to/from bridges [FS#6317] (r27313, r27312)
- Fix: Mark infrastructure window dirty in more cases (r27311)
- Fix: Prevent breaking of tram-reversal points by adding more road pieces [FS#6283] (r27308)
- Fix: Error message window with manager face failed with GUI zoom [FS#6259] (r27307)
- Fix: Account for road-bridges and drive-through-stops in CanFollowRoad [FS#6320] (r27306, r27305)
- Fix: Password window layout with GUI zoom [FS#6321] (r27304, r27303)
- Fix: Speed-only timetables got assigned times in stations [FS#6313] (r27302, r27301)
- Fix: Enforce the company's default service intervals when purchasing another company [FS#6254] (r27282, r27281)
- Fix: Cloning/autoreplace/autorenew did not copy custom service intervals (r27280)
1.5.1 (2015-06-01)
1.5.1-RC1 (2015-05-08)
- Fix: Do not consider road junctions with trivial dead ends as branch points during town growth [FS#6245] (r27260, r27259, r27244)
- Fix: ScriptList::RemoveList failed to remove a list from itself [FS#6287] (r27258)
- Fix: Combined button+dropdown widgets in order and autoreplace GUI had incorrect hitbox when using GUI zoom [FS#6270] (r27255)
- Fix: When building a lock on DC_AUTO-removable water-based objects, the water class was always set to canal [FS#6264] (r27254)
- Fix: When crossing tram tracks with railroads, cost of extra roads was not being counted [FS#6282] (r27253)
- Fix: Invalid infrastructure counting when crossing tram tracks with railroads [FS#6281] (r27252)
- Fix: Broken error message in configure [FS#6286] (r27250)
- Fix: In some cases town growth failure was considered as success [FS#6240] (r27249, r27247)
- Fix: Town labels on smallmap and zoomed-out viewports were not centered [FS#6257] (r27248)
- Fix: Removing a rail waypoint used the remove-rail-station cost [FS#6251] (r27245)
- Fix: Duplicate frees due to pool item classes not having copy constructors [FS#6285] (r27243)
- Fix: Crash when no AIs were installed due to improper handling of non-ASCII characters by the string pointer lexer [FS#6272] (r27233)
- Fix: Compilation on DragonflyBSD [FS#6274] (r27224, r27223)
- Fix: Use the current maximum speed as limited by bridges, orders etc. for all vehicle types alike when considering increased smoke emissions of vehicles [FS#6278] (r27222)
- Fix: Multi-value keys in the desktop entry shall end with a trailing separator (r27221)
- Fix: Draw path reservation on the whole bridge, not only on the bridge heads (r27209)
- Fix: Draw correct overlay sprites for path reservations on bridges and tunnels (r27208)
1.5.0 (2015-04-01)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Add Misc. GRF Feature Flag 6 to enable the second rocky tile set [FS#6260] (r27200)
1.5.0-RC1 (2015-03-18)
- Feature: [NewGRF] Display relative offset changes in the sprite aligner [FS#6236] (r27174)
- Fix: Original road vehicle acceleration crashed for vehicles taking over [FS#6255] (r27190)
- Fix: GCC 5 compilation (r27185, r27183)
- Fix: Data race due to lazy initialisation of objects [FS#5969] (r27178)
- Fix: Compilation with MinGW64 (r27176)
- Fix: Use the regular clipping functions in the sprite aligner instead of some magic [FS#6237] (r27173)
- Fix: Windows randomly drops SetCursorPos calls, breaking the RMB-scrolling [FS#6238] (r27172)
1.5.0-beta2 (2015-02-24)
- Feature: [NoGo] Game scripts can point to a location, station, industry, or town when publishing news (r27164)
- Feature: Allow changing max heightlevel in scenario editor (r27151)
- Feature: Make use of both rocky tile sets from the base graphics (r27117)
- Change: Scale (non-custom) default window sizes according to GUI zoom (r27147)
- Change: Make statusbar and chat-entry window use the same width as the toolbar (r27146)
- Change: The chatbox-width setting now uses percent of screen width instead of pixels (r27144)
- Change: [NewGRF] Interpret negative positions in industry layouts depending on GRF version (r27138)
- Fix: [SDL, Windows] Right-mouse-button scrolling scrolled/jumped too far, when OpenTTD lagged during mouse event processing (r27167)
- Fix: Toolbars were not invalidated when changing max-vehicles settings [FS#6204] (r27163)
- Fix: Tile selection was drawn outside of map in some cases [FS#6208] (r27162)
- Fix: Reimplement the viewport drawing algorithm [FS#6156] [FS#6206] (r27161)
- Fix: Issues with smallmap and viewport coordinates and transformations (r27160, r27159, r27158)
- Fix: Mark bridge middle tiles dirty when building/removing/changing bridges (r27157)
- Fix: Rounding and unit-conversion inconsistencies in calls to MarkAllViewportsDirty (r27148)
- Fix: Oilrig empty-tile checks were incorrect due to wrong TileIndexDiff->TileIndexDiffC conversion (r27137)
- Fix: Misalignment in generate world window in case of small fonts (r27135)
- Fix: Dragging of free wagons in depot failed with GUI zoom (r27133)
- Fix: Reduce memory footprint of map array by shuffling its members [FS#6218] (r27132, r27126)
- Fix: Dropdown- and tooltip-windows should not steal the focus (r27131)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Action 7/9 condition 0A failed for present, but disabled, NewGRF (r27119)
- Fix: Road vehicles could not reverse to be sent to depots when the following tile has the right type to run on, but could not be entered [FS#6183] (r27107)
- Fix: Use the actual max speed of the vehicle in front when determining if a RV can overtake [FS#6176] (r27106)
- Fix: grow_counter was not properly bounded by growth_rate, but by some other value used to calculate growth_rate [FS#6195] (r27105)
- Fix: [Script] Support 64 bits integers in ScriptLists [FS#6194] (r27104)
- Fix: [Script] Money values would end up wrong in strings when outside the bounds of a 32 bits integer [FS#6194] (r27102)
1.5.0-beta1 (2014-12-24)
- Feature: Support .txt.gz and -txt.xz changelog, readme and license files in basesets, NewGRFs, etc (r27035, r27034)
- Feature: More height levels [FS#4126] (r27010)
- Feature: Latin translation (r26993)
- Feature: Add option to choose normal, double or quad-size interface (r26990)
- Feature: [Script] Swap method for script lists (r26894)
- Feature: [Script] ScriptStationList_Cargo for sorting cargo by from and via (r26893)
- Feature: [Script] API for retrieving planned flow (r26892)
- Feature: [CargoDist] Predict links for station-autorefitting vehicles (r26889)
- Feature: Setting for limiting the height of bridges (r26882)
- Feature: Make aircraft ascend/descend when they are too close to the ground or too far away (r26866)
- Feature: Allow hiding of non-interesting engines in the GUI (r26805, r26804)
- Feature: Vehicle sorting in autoreplace GUI [FS#1640] (r26800)
- Feature: [NewGRF] Advanced visual effects with multiple effect sprites independent of spawning model (r26988, r26747)
- Feature: Warn about missing industries after generating a map (r26729)
- Feature: Upgrade currently active NewGRFs to newest installed version (r26613)
- Feature: Save and load grfid and md5sum of NewGRFs in config file (r26611)
- Feature: Select an editable preset name for saving (r26610)
- Feature: Cancel cargo delivery from industries/houses to stations after about 21 months of not having picked up any of the cargo (r26582)
- Feature: Give a warning when a plane's orders tell it to use a runway which is too short for it [FS#6009] (r26566)
- Feature: [Script] Extended API for CargoDist (r26557)
- Feature: Show measured order times in timetable GUI also when not timetabled (r26550)
- Feature: Prompt for confirmation when deleting a vehicle group (r26455)
- Feature: Hierarchical vehicle subgroups (r26450)
- Feature: Allow more sound sleep for dedicated servers when there's nothing to do and nobody paying attention (r26449)
- Feature: [NewGRF] Add vehicle modflag 1 (unloading in progress) (r26430)
- Change: Improvements to the man page (r27091, r27012)
- Change: Allow to set the granularity of the tooltip hover time in milliseconds instead of seconds. New default value is 250ms (r26815)
- Change: Follow SI recommendation about spaces between numbers and units [FS#6086] (r26733)
- Change: [CargoDist] Save locations instead of distances in link graphs to reduce size (r26646)
- Change: [Squirrel] Make the internal integer for scripts always 64 bits, so scripts behave the same on 32 and 64 bit architectures and money can be represented properly (r26585, r26584)
- Change: Reshuffle advanced settings tree (r26614, r26536)
- Change: Add backend-independent config-file setting to disable 8bpp video modes, and disable 8bpp by default (r26522)
- Fix: [OS/2] Compile again [FS#6186] (r27092)
- Fix: Compilation with freetype2 version 2.5.4 and newer [FS#6185] (r27079)
- Fix: Variable 47 used the carge translation table of the wrong GRF in case of callback 1D [FS#6182] (r27075)
- Fix: Some lists did not use natural string sorting [FS#6172] (r27063)
- Fix: Mercurial version detection failed if personal presets were configured (r27059)
- Fix: [OSX] Don't require double-press from non-dead console hotkeys [FS#5812] (r27046)
- Fix: Crash when having the vehicle list opened from a buoy or oil rig when the buoy/oil rig is removed (r27030)
- Fix: Unit number was not always fully shown in depots [FS#6102] (r27014)
- Fix: [CargoDist] Reserve cargo only after unloading finished or if the vehicle has the desired cargo already [FS#6110] (r26918)
- Fix: [Squirrel] Loading a value saved as boolean caused it to be of type integer instead of boolean (r26785)
- Fix: [Squirrel] Harden string handling (r26777)
- Fix: [OSX] Implement more of the text editing API to prevent crashes and improve IME support [FS#5972] (r26758)
- Fix: Incorrect saving of order backups [FS#6066] (r26700)
- Fix: Ordering a vehicle to a competitor's rail waypoint displayed an error message. Ignore the click as is done for the other order types to competitor's stuff [FS#6059] (r26692)
- Fix: [Script] Loading/parsing of info .nuts was done in the same VM, causing e.g. constants to break the loading of info of other scripts [FS#5973] (r26617)
- Fix: [CargoDist] Improve estimation of link capacitites (r26549)
- Remove: A bunch of archaic settings from the GUI (r26528, r26526, r26525)
1.4.4 (2014-10-21)
1.4.4-RC1 (2014-10-08)
- Fix: Image widgets stored 32bit SpriteID in uint16 (r26971)
- Fix: Owner of road depot road types were not properly changed upon bankruptcy [FS#6126] (r26955)
- Fix: Compilation on HAIKU (r26922)
- Fix: Crash when enabling 'Full animation' if multiplayer chat text is on screen [FS#6096] (r26919)
- Fix: Height computation of game script text in town GUI did not consider margins [FS#6119] (r26859)
- Fix: [Squirrel] Debian lintian issues (r26853)
- Fix: Compilation of strgen on various platforms like Solaris (r26850)
- Fix: Better display of refit information for articulated vehicles [FS#6113] (r26849, r26848)
- Fix: Do not assign a next hop when returning cargo [FS#6110] (r26847)
- Fix: The ok-button in the OSK for the signs list should just close the OSK [FS#6116] (r26827)
1.4.3 (2014-09-23)
1.4.3-RC2 (2014-09-14)
- Fix: Crashes on joining a server with pending order backups [FS#6112] (r26819)
- Fix: Crashes on start due to dereferencing the -1 index of the file names array of music files (r26809)
1.4.3-RC1 (2014-09-07)
- Fix: TC_NO_SHADE did not work for 32bpp text rendering (r26792)
- Fix: Loading a game with order backups leaked Orders and left unreachable items in the pool (r26787)
- Fix: Buffer overrun in SQCompiler::Error (r26764)
- Fix: Desync due to not always properly restoring game state from the savegame (r26753)
- Fix: [Script] Crashes and infinite loops when using lists in item-descending order [FS#6085] (r26744)
- Fix: Incorrect CFLAGS when enabling gprof profiling (r26737, r26735)
- Fix: Do not reset the last selected airport or layout, unless it is really necessary [FS#6083] (r26732)
- Fix: Use the normal search path to look for xdg-open at Unix [FS#6077] (r26724)
- Fix: Properly check for cargo acceptance of houses [FS#5997] (r26723)
1.4.2 (2014-08-16)
1.4.2-RC2 (2014-08-03)
- Change: Use awk instead of trying to convince cpp to preprocess nfo files (r26708)
- Fix: CMD_CLEAR_ORDER_BACKUP should not be suppressed by pause modes (r26716)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Parameters to SCC_NEWGRF_PUSH_WORD and SCC_NEWGRF_UNPRINT were not skipped during drawing (r26713)
- Fix: [OSX] Compilation fails with some lzo2 versions, if __LP64__ is defined to 0 instead of checking whether it is defined [FS#6069] (r26709)
- Fix: Wrong breakdown sound was played for ships [FS#6015] (r26706)
- Fix: Integer overflows in acceleration code causing either too low acceleration or too high acceleration [FS#6067] (r26702)
- Fix: Discard incorrectly saved order backups when clients join [FS#6066] (r26700)
- Fix: Do not crash when trying to show an error about vehicle in a NewGRF and the NewGRF was not loaded at all (r26699)
- Fix: Slovak uses space as group separator in numbers [FS#6064] (r26695)
- Fix: Tighten parameter bound checks on GSCargoMonitor functions, and return -1 on out-of-bound parameters (r26685)
1.4.2-RC1 (2014-07-03)
- Fix: CargoPacket::SourceStation() returns a StationID (r26660)
- Fix: Days in dates are not represented by ordinal numbers in all languages [FS#6047] (r26657)
- Fix: Production cheat cannot be allowed to be active in multiplayer for desync reasons, even when activated in singleplayer previously [FS#6044] (r26656)
- Fix: Make sure an 'abs' is used that supports int64 when using 'abs' on those variables (r26651)
- Fix: Support save/load chunk lengths of up to (1 << 32) - 1 [FS#6041] (r26650)
- Fix: Incorrect usage of string commands in the base language [FS#6037] (r26642, r26640, r26639, r26632)
- Fix: Segmentation fault when encountering a .obg/.obs/.obm with empty string/zero length MD5 checksums [FS#6038] (r26637)
- Fix: The 'Load' button was not properly enabled/disabled for old savegames without NewGRF information (r26634)
- Fix: If the video driver fails to supply a list of resolutions, display an error message [FS#6012] (r26629)
1.4.1 (2014-06-02)
- Fix: First send packages about new company, then clients joining it to admin port [FS#6025] (r26616)
1.4.1-RC2 (2014-05-18)
- Fix: Save/load issues on big endian machines (r26593, r26590, r26589)
- Fix: Consider multiheaded trains in station refits [FS#5995] (r26586)
- Fix: Game script could be changed in game by double clicking [FS#5974] (r26583)
- Fix: Transfer stations also should have a cargo rating [FS#5989] (r26581, r26580)
- Fix: [Network] AIs would not reset certain network state information upon creation of their company [FS#6003] (r26578, r26576)
- Fix: [Network] Client of non-dedicated server was not correctly put into the first company for all state variables [FS#6001] (r26577)
1.4.1-RC1 (2014-05-04)
- Change: Remove demand calculation based on tiles (r26484)
- Change: Use pkg-config for libpng as well (r26435, r26433, r26432)
- Change: Use better distance metric for link graph [FS#5941] (r26411)
- Fix: [Windows] Crash when the operating system performs the "paint" callback during window creation [FS#5994] (r26539, r26538)
- Fix: OpenBSD compilation [FS#5992] (r26523)
- Fix: prevent from ever reading huge (or negative) amounts of data in strgen (r26521)
- Fix: Severity rating of dedicated server messages during world generation (r26518)
- Fix: Buffer overruns in handling of symbolic links inside tars (r26514)
- Fix: Incorrect usage of strecpy (r26505, r26485)
- Fix: Reading console input on dedicated server relied on unspecified behaviour (r26496)
- Fix: Allow single-vehicle consists to station-refit in a meaningful way (r26483)
- Fix: Prevent comparing to NULL when strndup could not allocate memory (r26476)
- Fix: Potentially undefined shifts in NewGRF code (r26475)
- Fix: Make sure there is no uninitialised sprite data (r26473)
- Fix: Draw text shadow for ellipses (r26467)
- Fix: Add special handling for PALETTE_CRASH to work for non-8bpp-mapped sprites (r26463)
- Fix: Avoid division by 0 when scaling flow values [FS#5970] (r26448)
- Fix: Draw links to match _settings_game.vehicle.road_side [FS#5961] (r26445)
- Fix: Load button for heightmap list was missing [FS#5953] (r26428)
- Fix: Do not crash when supplying an invalid filename without extension to cmd parameter -q (r26423)
- Fix: Some road constructions used the rail sound effect [FS#5946] (r26422)
- Fix: Goal GUI failed to shade [FS#5948] (r26420)
- Fix: Shares button state was not appropriately updated when switching setting or company [FS#5947] (r26416)
1.4.0 (2014-04-01)
1.4.0-RC1 (2014-03-18)
- Feature: [Script] APIs to get cargo waiting from/via other station (r26396)
- Fix: Do not explain "symmetric" cargodist mode when the setting does not allow it [FS#5939] (r26394)
- Fix: Update distances between link graph nodes when station sign is moved (r26393)
- Fix: No need to call OnFocus twice [FS#5933] (r26392)
- Fix: Select a specific font size when freetype fails to select one automatically [FS#5885] (r26389)
- Fix: Return correct values from ICU iterators in case of leading or trailing whitespace [FS#5924] (r26384)
- Fix: All goal commands invalidated the goal list of company 0 [FS#5932] (r26382)
1.4.0-beta5 (2014-02-25)
- Feature: Warn the user about empty setting search results, and about missing setting search results due to filtering (r26322, r26321)
- Feature: [NewGRF] Extend object variable 0x60 to also return the view [FS#5696] (r26316)
- Feature: Allow map sizes up to 4096x4096 (r26319)
- Feature: [NoGo] Allow GS to hide story page date (r26307)
- Feature: [NoGo] More story APIs: RemovePageElement, GetCompany, GetDate, SetDate (r26306)
- Feature: [NoGo] ScriptStoryPageElementList() - a list of all story page elements for a given page (r26305)
- Feature: [NoGo] ScriptStoryPageList() - a list of all story pages (r26303)
- Change: improve the performance of map generation (r26313, r26312, r26311, r26310, r26309, r26308)
- Fix: Station sizes > 8 were always allowed [FS#5929] (r26375)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Mixed up callback mask flags in station inspect window [FS#5928] (r26374)
- Fix: Calling DoCommandP during the gameloop cleared pending persistent storage changes [FS#5831] (r26371)
- Fix: [Windows] Use a separate event to indicate that the drawing thread has finished initialising, preventing potential deadlocks (r26367)
- Fix: [Windows] Protect the whole video driver from concurrent access (r26366)
- Fix: [Windows] Do not draw the cursor when its sprite is not ready and set _screen.dst_ptr immediately when the buffer changes [FS#5867] (r26365)
- Fix: Writing out of the bounds of the rail type map [FS#5892] (r26364)
- Fix: Reset the default window size icon size just like all the other cached icon sizes [FS#5906] (r26362)
- Fix: ClientSizeChanged is only called via WndProcGdi which already has the mutex [FS#5922] (r26360)
- Fix: Some order options do not combine with others, e.g. go via + full load [FS#5845] (r26357)
- Fix: Protect all VideoDriver_SDL methods with the (now recursive) _draw_mutex (r26351)
- Fix: Make sure link graph jobs can delete themselves after SLA_NULL [FS#5898] (r26347)
- Fix: Call Layouter::ReduceLineCache from GenerateTownName in all cases to keep cache size in check [FS#5870] (r26346)
- Fix: Rewrite SmallStack so that it does not use a pool and is re-entrant (r26343)
- Fix: Reroute cargo when automatic distribution is switched off [FS#5902] (r26341)
- Fix: Do not redraw the link graph overlay if it is empty [FS#5908] (r26338)
- Fix: Some inconsistencies regarding link graph (job) IDs (r26331)
- Fix: The case of rerouting cargo from one VehicleCargoList to another (r26330)
- Fix: Take care of next_station when reassigning from MTA_DELIVER to MTA_TRANSFER [FS#5901] (r26327)
- Fix: when autosaving the message about a save already happening could be shown, even though the code's intention was to not show it [FS#5871] (r26326)
- Fix: Check whether NewGRF change vehicle capacity when they are not supposed to, and truncate cargo appropriately if they are allowed to [FS#5897] (r26317)
- Fix: The giant-screenshot confirmation window only triggered for ridiculously big screenshots, not for ludicrously big ones [FS#5899] (r26314)
1.4.0-beta4 (2014-02-06)
- Change: [NewGRF] Make vehicle variable 61 return 'not available' instead of zero when using it in invalid callback contexts (r26294)
- Feature: Display speed limit also for road bridges in the TileInfo window [FS#5849] (r26277)
- Fix: [NoGo] Invalid DoCommand return callback for method returning bool (r26298)
- Fix: Correctly identify opposite ends of bridges and tunnels when converting rails [FS#5866, FS#5888] (r26291)
- Fix: Prevent infinite recursion also in RefreshLinks [FS#5878] (r26283)
- Fix: [NoAI] Some RemoveRail methods required to set a valid railtype, though it was not used anyway. Remove the need to set one [FS#5853] (r26279)
- Fix: Do not spawn link graph jobs for link graphs with only one node [FS#5874] (r26276)
- Fix: [NewGRF] If NewGRF provided the same station name for different industry types, stations would end up with same name. So also consider the provided name, not only the industry type (r26275)
1.4.0-beta3 (2014-01-21)
- Feature: Several small performance improvements with the SSE blitters (r26260, r26259, r26256, r26255, r26254)
- Feature: [NewGRF] Add StringCodes 9A 1B, 9A 1C and 9A 1D to display amounts of cargo (r26244)
- Fix: Do not run into infinite recursion when getting next stopping station [FS#5865] (r26267, r26263)
- Fix: Update smallmap overlay if player joins different company and make sure company masks are valid [FS#5860] (r26266)
- Fix: Do not rebuild the link graph overlay cache twice in a row (r26265)
- Fix: Custom currency was reset on game start (r26262)
- Fix: Possible out of bounds reads with the SSE blitters [FS#5854, FS#5855] (r26247)
- Fix: Do not over reserve after autorefit, but do reserve mail for aircraft (r26236)
- Fix: Decimal and digit separators were swapped for Korean language (r26235)
1.4.0-beta2 (2014-01-07)
- Feature: Blitter autoselection is now based on full animation state, so a non-animated specialised blitter will generally be chosen when animation is turned off (r26217)
- Feature: Specialised animated SSE4 blitter, and non-animated SSE4.1, SSSE3 and SSE2 blitters, improving the blitting significantly in many situations (r26214, r26213, r26212, r26211)
- Feature: Specialised SSE 4.1 sprite sorter, improving the sorting performance significantly (r26205)
- Fix: Validate everything from ini, obg, obs, obs, ... files [FS#5829] (r26206)
- Fix: Allow refitting at station if cargo has already been reserved (r26187)
- Fix: Visual effects did not work for articulated RV parts (r26180)
1.4.0-beta1 (2013-12-24)
- Feature: [NewGRF] Vehicle variable 4D for determining the position within an articulated vehicle (r26157)
- Feature: [NewGRF] Invalidate vehicle colour palette when leaving a station [FS#5669] (r26027)
- Feature: [NoGo] New goal type that show a story page when clicked (r26012)
- Feature: Optional filter parameter to the 'content state' console command, to limit the content list to only content where the name match the filter (r26000)
- Feature: When calling the 'content select' console command without args, display all selected content (r25999)
- Feature: XDG base directory support [FS#5385] (r25975)
- Feature: [Script] ScriptTown::GetFundBuildingsDuration (r25969)
- Feature: [Script] ScriptTown::TOWN_GROWTH_NONE to indicate no town growth via ScriptTown::SetGrowthRate and GetGrowthRate (r25968)
- Feature: [NoGo] GSTown::TOWN_GROWTH_NORMAL to reset a town growth rate set previously via GSTown::SetGrowthRate (r25967)
- Feature: [NewGRF Debugging] Inspecting other vehicles in a chain (r25946)
- Feature: [NewGRF] Object property 0x18 to allow specifying the number of objects of that type being placed upon map creation (r25878)
- Feature: [NewGRF] Object property 0x10, bit 13 indicating that object amount scales with water content of map border (e.g. used for lighthouses) (r25874)
- Feature: Highlight active goto item in order list dropdown [FS#5784] (r25859)
- Feature: [Admin] Send info on bankruptcy quarters also in ADMIN_PACKET_SERVER_COMPANY_INFO [FS#5756] (r25845)
- Feature: Increase maximum number of object instances on the map from 64k to about 16M (r25844)
- Feature: Increase the total number of object types from 256 to 64000 (r25835)
- Feature: [NewGRF] Increase the object class limit from 32 to 255 (r25831)
- Feature: Toggle button for wrapping lines in the textfile GUI [FS#5748] (r25816)
- Feature: [NoGo] Game Scripts can now charge fees and give money to companies (r25788)
- Feature: [Script] Allow AIs and GS to found towns. Allow GS to rename towns (r25785)
- Feature: Add keywords to the file (r25783)
- Feature: Sticky and shade buttons for jukebox window [FS#5743] (r25776)
- Feature: Additional layered main toolbar arrangements (r25772)
- Feature: Allow implicit orders even if no explicit ones are given (r25735)
- Feature: [OSX] Pinch gesture support for zooming [FS#4760] (r25666)
- Feature: Split unit localisation choice into a choice per type of unit, and move it to the advanced settings (r25508)
- Feature: Have tractive effort in imperial (lbf) and metric (kgf) units, have weights and volumes in imperial units (short tons, gallons) [FS#5482] (r25508)
- Feature: Differentiate between total waiting cargo count and available (not reserved) cargo count in the station list and sort based on the cargo count, not the cargo value (r25405)
- Feature: Timetable spreading of vehicles by Ctrl+Click when setting a start date (r25377)
- Feature: Allow opening a goal list and story window specific to a company (r25372, r25369)
- Feature: Show cargo by next hops and final destinations in the station GUI (r25365)
- Feature: Consider cargo waiting at other stations for rating at the origin station (r25362)
- Feature: Distribute cargo according to plan given by linkgraph (r25361)
- Feature: [NoGo] GUI for viewing story pages (r25344)
- Feature: Add industry list to scenario editor's map menu (r25335)
- Feature: [NoGo] Allow more concurrent goals in a game (r25299)
- Feature: [NoGo] Goals can now have a progress text and/or be marked as completed (r25296)
- Feature: Allow saving window sizes as default sizes (r25295)
- Feature: Add another button to window title bars to resize the window to its default size (r25294)
- Feature: Save stickyness of windows when Ctrl+Clicking the sticky button (r25292)
- Feature: When opening the object-build window, restore the object build-window to the previous state (r25284)
- Feature: Show the approximate monthly supply to a station of the different cargoes (r25272)
- Feature: [Win32] Driver param for the DirectMusic driver to specify the output port to use [FS#5552] (r25269)
- Feature: Linkgraph overlay over main viewport (r25264)
- Feature: Linkgraph overlay for smallmap (r25262)
- Feature: Display imminent closure of an industry in its view window (r25238)
- Feature: [NewGRF] Expose sprite base of foundation and shore sprites via Action D Game Variables (r25230)
- Feature: [NewGRF] Variable 0x82 for canals and rivers (dike map) (r25229)
- Feature: [Script] ScriptStation::HasRating [FS#5514] (r25150)
- Feature: Add sorting on rating for the town directory window [FS#5288] (r25097)
- Feature: Introduce dropdown for selecting the sort criterion in the town directory window (r25094)
- Feature: Georgian Lari and Iranian Rial as currencies [FS#5212] (r25076)
- Feature: Collapse subtypes in the refit GUI and only expand them after selecting the cargo type (r25044)
- Feature: Only display subtypes in the refit GUI which are available for all selected vehicles. Also add a generic list item to refit while keeping the subtypes of individual vehicles [FS#3764] (r25043)
- Feature: Show the amount of cargo that has already been reserved by full loading vehicles in the station (r25013)
- Change: [NewGRF] Reset the temporary storage registers for every sprite resolving (r26173)
- Change: Improve layout of build-airport GUI [FS#5832] (r26165)
- Change: Make it slightly more clear what ports are coming from where in the debug output when listening (r25997)
- Change: Preselect the current replacement in the right-side list of the autoreplace GUI, instead of selecting the first resp. previous item [FS#5734] (r25919)
- Change: Unify behaviour when clicking on different items in the goto dropdown list when giving orders (r25894)
- Change: Do not offer subsidies for auto-distributed cargo [FS#5766] (r25882)
- Change: Allow to remove unowned objects unless they have the 'unremovable' flag (r25879)
- Change: In scenario editor allow to build all objects which were available at any point in the past to support building scenarios with historic items (r25875)
- Change: Display the cost to upgrade a bridge at the end of bridge that was clicked and not the other end, which could be outside of the screen in some cases (r25854)
- Change: [NewGRF] Lower the limit of airport tile types, house types, industry tile types and object types per NewGRF from 256 to 255 to prevent usage of ID 0xFF in Action3, and thus allowing it to become an extended byte somewhen (r25841, r25839, r25837, r25834)
- Change: Clarify the relevance of the permissible palettes (r25792)
- Change: [NewGRF] Invalidate vehicle recolour palette during (un)loading [FS#5669] (r25648)
- Change: If an editbox is configured to be cleared with ESC, but the editbox is already empty, unselect the editbox instead (r25647)
- Change: Make the bridge and object picker not restore their previous size, but the previously saved size (r25543)
- Change: Right align the infrastructure statistics [FS#5595] (r25515)
- Change: Clarify the meaning of the server advertisement settings (r25252)
- Fix: Unify the time a RV needs to travel through a curve [FS#5831] (r26169)
- Fix: Certain hotkeys crashed the content GUI when the list was empty [FS#5834] (r26167)
- Fix: Backup data of altered persistent storage arrays was freed twice [FS#5830] (r26161)
- Fix: [Script] Various API functions did not check whether ScriptRoad::SetCurrentRoadType was called appropriately [FS#5825] (r26149)
- Fix: [Script] API failed for vehicles with only implicit orders [FS#5824] (r26148)
- Fix: Several fixes found by static code analysis (r26132, r26130-r26097, r26091-r26077, r26073-r26046)
- Fix: Invalidate vehicle colour palette again when rearranging consist, reversing, etc (r26026)
- Fix: [NoGo] Properly validate the range of the growth rate passed to GSTown::SetGrowthRate, instead of masking it to 16 bit (r25966)
- Fix: [Admin] The frame of a command packet was not set for the packets that were sent via the admin interface (r25770)
- Fix: [OSX] The new 10.7 fullscreen code can now also be compiled with older SDK versions [FS#4744] (r25657)
- Fix: Under certain circumstances a track type change would make the end-of-line-is-red setting ineffective [FS#5216] (r25609)
- Fix: Highlight the right entry in the sorting selector in station view window (r25426)
- Fix: Suppress focusing editboxes which are not visible (r25413)
- Fix: Add missing compatibility settings in afterload (r25390)
- Fix: Allow changing GS settings in-game via the AI/GS config window [FS#5507] (r25104)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Do not compare GRF local cargo subtype IDs from different GRFs (r25042)
- Remove: Ordered refit with subtypes, since the cases where it worked were corner cases rather than the general case [FS#3764] (r25041)
1.3.3 (2013-11-29)
- Fix: Aircraft crashing near the map's border due to a lack of airports could trigger a crash [CVE-2013-6411] [FS#5820] (r26134)
1.3.3-RC2 (2013-11-24)
- Fix: [Script] Prevent scripts from crashing OpenTTD when they send text with command codes to user editable texts such as sign and station names [FS#5818] (r26093, r26092)
- Fix: Occasional hanging when client joins [FS#5811] (r26043)
- Fix: Multi line text was handled incorrectly causing glitches [FS#5809] (r26037, r26036)
1.3.3-RC1 (2013-11-17)
- Fix: Crash when the ICU layouter thinks a font is corrupted [FS#5711] (r26029, r26018, r26017, r26016, r26015)
- Fix: Make the installer warning about Windows XP SP3 not trigger on the 64 bit Windows XP which is not really Windows XP to start with [FS#5773] (r26028)
- Fix: Only forward key presses to the IME system if an edit box has the input focus (r26023, r25693, r25691, r25689, r25686, r25684, r25682, r25681, r25667)
- Fix: Having trains miss a platform that is just being modified is less of a problem than having trains stop twice without moving [FS#5684] (r26013)
- Fix: --help text of ./configure for packages that require pkg-config (r26011)
- Fix: The AI/GS library name to use in Import, is not the name given by GetName but GetInstanceName [FS#5662] (r26010)
- Fix: [Windows] Conditional expression with enumeral with non-enumeral type (r26009)
- Fix: Game script showing vehicle on e.g. a goal, then the vehicle being removed and eventually being replaced by a non-user vehicle (most likely smoke) causing an assertion to trigger [FS#5804] (r26007, r26006)
- Fix: Crash when transferring savegame from server to client [FS#5478] (r26005)
- Fix: [OSX] Text input into an edit box would trigger hotkeys [FS#5705] (r26003, r25743, r25671)
- Fix: Comma key collided with F12 key for hotkeys; also remove '+' as that is generally not a key (the '+' on the numpad is a separate one) [FS#5679] (r25973)
- Fix: Rail laying sounds of others could be heard in multiplayer [FS#5665] (r25972)
- Fix: [SDL] Recursive mutex locking when changing blitter [FS#5787] (r25970)
- Fix: The wrong vehicle would be taken in a shared order vehicle list window when the ID >= 65536, causing assertions triggering later on [FS#5800] (r25965)
- Fix: [OSX] Compilation under OSX 10.9 [FS#5797] (r25962, r25951, r25950, r25913)
- Fix: [NewGRF] A powered rail type implies it is compatible as well, but some NewGRF did not state that causing the path reservation code to bail out in some cases because there was no compatible path [FS#5779] (r25961)
- Fix: Temporary persistent storage modifications, e.g. command tests or those from GUI, were not properly reset, creating the possibility of desyncs [FS#5772] (r25956)
- Fix: Train's 'force proceed' status gets reset when the track on the other side of the tile has a signal [FS#5723] (r25955)
- Fix: Wrong signal conversions for savegames from before 0.4.5 [FS#5731, FS#5732] (r25954, r25953)
- Fix: Do not skip numbers when skipping spaces and other sorting 'improving' characters [FS#5719] (r25952)
- Fix: Text direction forcing characters were not filtered out, but shown as ? when ICU was not used for layouting. These are included in chat and console messages to force them to be displayed right [FS#5683] (r25949)
- Fix: NewGRF inspect window in RTL mode (r25943)
- Fix: [NoGo] Preserve the relative town growth progress when changing the town growth rate [FS#5786] (r25931)
- Fix: Several drawing overflows in the signal GUI [FS#5733] (r25929, r25928, r25927)
- Fix: Centre the edit sign window like all query windows (r25918)
- Fix: Initialisation of default objects swapped cost and dates (r25868)
- Fix: Use the actual sprite dimensions for sizing the dropdown arrow of dropdown widgets (r25864)
- Fix: If the child widgets of a NWidgetHorizontal container do not fill the complete container, align them according to text direction [FS#5686] (r25862, r25729)
- Fix: When clearing font cache, also clear layout cache [FS#5737] (r25860)
- Fix: Goto button in order window was not always lowered when it should [FS#5783] (r25858, 25857)
- Fix: Searching for a suitable font failed, if one of the fonts had no '?' glyph, and no baseset is installed [FS#5704] (r25822, r25820)
- Fix: Sprite 0 was considered available, even if no baseset was loaded (r25821)
- Fix: [GS] Language file scanner considered filenames starting with '.' as valid translations, resulting in languages with empty name, which causes trouble [FS#5750] (r25818)
- Fix: [GS] Handle savegames which contain GS translations for languages with empty name more gently [FS#5750] (r25817)
- Fix: [Script] ScriptTile::IsBuildableRectangle could report true for tiles outside of the map, if they happened to wrap around into a valid area [FS#5754] (r25815)
- Fix: [Script] Decoding JSON data with an empty array from Admin port failed (r25809)
- Fix: Ensure the vehicle bar is high enough for the start/stop vehicle graphics [FS#5740] (r25805)
- Fix: Lower sprite and text at the vehicle bar if it is pressed [FS#5739] (r25804)
- Fix: Draw start/stop graphics of the vehicle bar at the right place in RTL mode [FS#5738] (r25803)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Do not allow changing palette when it is set by the NewGRF (r25794, r25793, r25972)
- Fix: Some spelling corrections to Catalan and Latin American town names [FS#5746] (r25775, r25774)
- Fix: If old savegames contain bridges over owned land, keep on drawing the bridges nevertheless [FS#5725] (r25753)
- Fix: Several RTL alignment issues [FS#5692] (r25733, r25732, r25731)
- Fix: NWidgetMatrix used pip_pre and pip_post inconsistently and incorrectly, causing misalignment for RTL [FS#5686] (r25727)
- Fix: Right side of object class string was misaligned (r25726)
- Fix: [OSX] Do not pass -mmacosx-version-min to compilers that do not support it (r25706)
- Fix: Autoreplace/renew also refits free wagons [FS#5700] (r25698)
- Fix: Textbuf caret rendering for complex scripts (e.g. Tamil) (r25696, r25694, r25652, r25651, r25092, r25091)
- Fix: Vehicle::MarkDirty must be called for the front engine [FS#5700] (r25695)
- Fix: [Win32] Several issues regarding conversion of characters (r25677, r25676, r25675, r25674, r25673)
- Fix: [Win32] Handle Unicode characters from outside the BMP correctly (r25672, r25670, r25669, r25668)
- Fix: [OSX] Crash when unhiding the main window [FS#4689] (r25665)
- Fix: [OSX] Bootstrap downloading of a baseset did not work [FS#4847] (r25664)
- Fix: [OSX] Monospace font detection [FS#4857] (r25663, r25662)
- Fix: [OSX] Rework font detection to work even if no default font sprites are present [FS#4847] (r25661)
- Fix: [OSX] The name is OpenTTD, not OTTD (r25660)
- Fix: [OSX] System mouse cursor could become visible during dragging [FS#4420] (r25659)
- Fix: [OSX] The mouse cursor would sometimes jump near the window borders [FS#4392] (r25658)
- Fix: [OSX] The new 10.7 fullscreen code can now also be compiled with older SDK versions [FS#4744] (r25656)
- Fix: [OSX] Mouse cursor was not displayed properly after switching to fullscreen on 10.7+ (r25655)
- Fix: Improve character and word deletion for CJK languages and complex scripts (r25654, r25653)
- Fix: [OSX] Define version constants before they are used (r25643)
- Fix: Some icu_config scripts are too stupid to separate two ldflags by spaces, thus only call it with one (r25642, r25638)
- Fix: Do not suggest a start date for the game when there will be no vehicles available at all (r25640, r25639)
- Fix: City list sort of population and rating are reversed compared to the icon [FS#5666] (r25630)
- Fix: [Script] Give a slightly less generic error when removing nonexistent rail [FS#5651] (r25614)
- Fix: [Script] Do not return ERR_UNKNOWN when trying to move an order to its current location [FS#5648] (r25612)
- Fix: Various misreferences in AI and GS changelog [FS#5649] (r25607)
- Fix: [Script] If a NewGRF returned station type that could not be built by an AI via callback 18, an unknown error would be thrown instead of falling back to the default station [FS#5641] (r25605)
- Fix: Only the front engine's date of last service was updated [FS#5550] (r25604)
- Fix: [Admin] End-of-rcon data could not be determined reliably for any rcon command
- Fix: [Content] When the server closed the connection, the client would for eternity try to read a packet and never timeout making it impossible to reconnect
- Fix: [Script] Changing the script difficulty level in-game would also change the settings using the default even though they were not allowed to change in-game
- Fix: [Admin] Ensure that sent and received length of json strings are the same
- Fix: [Squirrel] Stack overflow did not show an error, due to the stack to throw the error already being full
- Fix: [Script] Documentation implied that XXList::AddItem has a default for value if it isn't filled in
- Fix: Layouter caused significant slowdown with text heavy windows, cache it to make it manageable
- Fix: Make content list appear faster
- Fix: Non-ICU layouter started new lines with the space which triggered the linebreak
- Fix: If the next order cannot be resolved, reset the current order property instead of leaving it in an intermediate state
- Fix: [Squirrel] Infinite recursion loop in freeing data via a looping set of references
- Fix: One could build bridges over owned land of another company
- Fix: [Script] Texts from scripts were not validated before they were shown, causing an assertion to trigger
- Fix: Provide a warning when no vehicles are available, and tell what to do in that case
- Fix: Possible reading of uninitialised memory due to undefined execution order
- Fix: [Windows] Race condition between two drawing threads could crash OpenTTD
- Fix: ICU returns the width of the visual run as if the trailing space was added (in case a newline was added). This caused the width to be more than the requested width, but it would still be drawn correctly
- Fix: Small memory leaks
- Fix: [GS] The checks and validations for setting the extra text in the town window became too stringent
Recursively bump package revisions again after the "freetype2" and
"fontconfig" handling was fixed.
to address issues with NetBSD-6(and earlier)'s fontconfig not being
new enough for pango.
While doing that, also bump freetype2 dependency to current pkgsrc
Suggested by tron in PR 47882