path: root/geography/gdal-lib/PLIST
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2017-01-13Update to 2.0.3gdt1-1/+6
Upstream changes for 2.0.0 follow. (2.0.[123] are bugfixes) * New GDAL drivers: - BPG: read-only driver for Better Portable Graphics format (experimental, no build support) - GPKG: read/write/update capabilities in the unified raster/vector driver - KEA: read/write driver for KEA format - PLMosaic: read-only driver for Planet Labs Mosaics API - ROI_PAC: read/write driver for image formats of JPL's ROI_PAC project (#5776) - VICAR: read-only driver for VICAR format * New OGR drivers: - Cloudant: read/write driver for Cloudant service - CSW: read-only driver for OGC CSW (Catalog Service for the Web) protocol - JML: read/write driver for OpenJUMP .jml format - PLScenes: read-only driver for Planet Labs Scenes API - Selaphin: read/write driver for the Selaphin/Seraphin format (#5442) * Significantly improved drivers: CSV, GPKG, GTiff, JP2OpenJPEG, MapInfo file, PG, SQLite * RFC 31: OGR 64bit Integer Fields and FIDs ( In OGR core, OGR SQL, Shapefile, PG, PGDump, GeoJSON, CSV, GPKG, SQLite, MySQL, OCI, MEM, VRT, JML, GML, WFS, CartoDB, XLSX, ODS, MSSQLSpatial, OSM, LIBKML, MITAB * RFC 46: GDAL/OGR unification ( - GDAL and OGR PDF drivers are unified into a single one - GDAL and OGR PCIDSK drivers are unified into a single one * RFC 49: Add support for curve geometries ( In OGR core, and GML, NAS, PostgreSQL, PGDUMP, GPKG, SQLite, VFK, VRT, Interlis drivers * RFC 50: Add support for OGR field subtypes ( In OGR core, OGR SQL, swig bindings, CSV, FileGDB, GeoJSON, GML, GPKG, OpenFileGDB, PG, PGDump, SQLite, VRT * RFC 51: RasterIO() improvements : resampling and progress callback ( * RFC 52: Stricter SQL quoting ( * RFC 53: OGR not-null constraints and default values ( In OGR core, OGR SQL, PG, PGDump, CartoDB, GPKG, SQLite, MySQL, OCI, VRT, GML, WFS, FileGDB, OpenFileGDB and MSSQLSpatial * RFC 54: Dataset transactions ( In PG, GPKG, SQLite, FileGDB and MSSQLSpatial * RFC 55: refined SetFeature() and DeleteFeature() semantics. In GPKG, Shape, MySQL, OCI, SQLite, FileGDB, PG, CartoDB, MITAB and MSSQL * RFC 56: OFTTime/OFTDateTime millisecond accuracy ( ) * RFC 57: 64bit histogram bucket count ( ) * Upgrade to EPSG v8.5 database * Fix locale related issues when formatting or reading floating point numbers (#5731)
2015-11-26The 1.11.3 release is a bug fix release.adam1-1/+2
== Build (Unix) == * Support custom buildflags in GRASS plugin (5850) * GRASS 7.0.0 support (5852) * fix detection of ECW SDK 5.1 on Mac (5867, 5390) * Add support for Poppler >= 0.31.0 (6118) == Port == * /vsitar/: remove useless validation test that prevents from opening valid .tar files (5864) == Algorithms == * gdal_grid: fix crash in optimized mode with GCC 4.4 on 64bit (5987) * Fix failure in GDALSuggestedWarpOut2() when computing output image size in case the top-left and bottom-right corners tranform to the same point (5980) * Rasterize: add check to avoid burning negative x values (5641) == GDAL core == * GMLJP2 reader: add compatibility with OGC CRS URL as found in GMLJP2v2 (5940) * GMLJP2: on reading, don't do axis inversation if there's an explicit axisName requesting easting, northing order (5960) * GMLJP2: add missing rangeParameters element to validate against GMLJP2 schema (5707) == Utilities == * gdalbuildvrt: fix potential crash when using -b switch (6095) * gdalserver: fix compilation with recent GNU libc (such as in Arch Linux) (6073) * gdalwarp: emit error message if file specified with -cutline cannot be opened (5921) * gdalwarp: fix 1.11.2 regression when invoking several times gdalwarp with several input files on the same target file, and when the input files have a nodata setting: only the last input file was warped onto the target dataset (5909) * ogr2ogr: fix crash with -clipdst when a reprojection fails before (5973) * for Update, Clip and Erase, only creates attribute of input layer by default
2014-10-10Update to 1.11.1wen1-1/+27
Upstream changes please visit: Reviewed by: wiz@
2012-03-07Changes 1.9.0:adam1-2/+7
* New GDAL drivers: ACE2, CTG, E00GRID, ECRGTOC, GRASSASCIIGrid, GTA, NGSGEOID, SNODAS, WebP, ZMap * New OGR drivers: ARCGEN, CouchDB, DWG, EDIGEO, FileGDB, Geomedia, GFT, IDRISI, MDB, SEGUKOOA, SEGY, SVG, XLS * Significantly improved drivers: NetCDF * Encoding support for shapefile/dbf * RFC 35: Delete, reorder and alter field definitions of OGR layers * RFC 37: Add mechanism to provide user data to CPLErrorHandler * gdalsrsinfo: new supported utility to report SRS in various form (supercedes testepsg)
2011-02-10Upgrade to gdal v1.8.0 (and bump revision of packages that depend on it).brook1-1/+12
The changes are fully described at However, the following are the highlights. In a nutshell: * New GDAL drivers : GTX, HF2, JPEGLS, JP2OpenJPEG, JPIPKAK, KMLSUPEROVERLAY, LOS/LAS, MG4Lidar, NTv2, OZI, PDF, RASDAMAN, XYZ * New OGR drivers : AeronavFAA, ArcObjects, GPSBabel, HTF, LIBKML, MSSQLSpatial, NAS, OpenAir, PDS, PGDump, SOSI, SUA, WFS * Significantly improved OGR drivers : DXF, GML * New implemented RFCs: o RFC 7: Use VSILFILE for VSI*L Functions o RFC 24: Progressive data support in GDAL o RFC 28: OGR SQL Generalized Expressions o RFC 29: OGR Set Ignored Fields o RFC 30: Unicode Filenames o RFC 33: GTIFF - Corrected !PixelIsPoint Interpretation * New utility : gdallocationinfo Backward compatibility issues: * MITAB driver: use "," for the OGR Feature Style id: parameter delimiter, not "." as per the spec. Known impacted application: MapServer? * RFC 33 changes the way PixelIsPoint? is handled for GeoTIFF * GML driver: write valid <gml:MultiGeometry> element instead of the non-conformant <gml:GeometryCollection>. For backward compatibility, recognize both syntax for the reading part
2010-03-10Changes 1.7.1:adam1-22/+7
The 1.7.1 release was prepared and issued primarily to deal with ticket 3382, relating to the fact that GDAL 1.7 has had a significant regression in that all Erdas Imagine (HFA/.img) files produced are unreadable by non-GDAL software including released versions of ArcGIS and Erdas Imagine. Following is a list of all bug fixes since the 1.7.0 release. == General == * MacOS X: Support versioning for framework builds * FreeBSD: fix --with-threads configuring == GDAL / Raster == * HFA/Imagine: Fix very serious 1.7 bug with blank layer names which was producing .img files unreadable in non-GDAL software * HFA: Ensure nodata values carried into overviews * HFA: Fix support for files with nonstandard mapunits * NITF: Improve NITF spec compliance when generating JPEG compression * NITF: Improve dateline handling for CADRG products * NITF: Return GCPPROJECTIONX metadata when we can't transform polar * GeoRaster: Avoid error messages when looking up epsg codes * DODS / GDALCopyWords(): Fix bug with negative offsets/flipping * PCIDSK: Fix new bug with UTM MGRS zone handling * PDS: Fix up offset support for detached labels * support per band init values * ECW: Fix one broken case in configure logic * RasterLite: Fix crash on 32bit platforms * NetCDF: Prevent CreateCopy() of complex bands * HDF4: Fix buffer overflow with GeodeticLatitude == OGR / Vector == * SQLite: TestCapability() returns TRUE for transation support * DXF: Support polylines in Object Coordinate System * MIF/ogr2ogr: Fix new problem translating to MIF format * GeoJSON: Support stdout output via new /vsistdout/ name * Shapefile: Fixes for winding calculations on read and write * Postgres: Get field width and precision from SQL queries
2009-06-14Remove @dirrm entries from PLISTsjoerg1-2/+1
2009-06-03Update to 1.6.1. Upstream changes are too massive to list here (it's morehasso1-4/+32
than two years of development). has full changelogs.
2007-03-24Fix PLIST. Revision++joerg1-1/+2
2007-03-07Use external libtiff (which fixes the build on DragonFly).joerg1-1/+4
Fix PLIST. Bump revision.
2007-02-23Update to 1.4.0, supplied by Brook Milligan in PR 35752.gdt1-4/+8
The package now has a mysql option in addition to the default pgsql. GDAL/OGR 1.4.0 - General Changes -------------------------------- Perl Bindings: - Added doxygen based documentation. NG Python Bindings: - Implemented numpy support. CSharp Bindings: - Now mostly operational. WinCE Porting: - CPL - base OGR, OSR and mitab and shape drivers. - GDAL, including GeoTIFF, DTED, AAIGrid drivers - Added test suite (gdalautotest/cpp) Mac OSX Port: - Added framework support (--with-macosx-framework) GDAL 1.4.0 - Overview Of Changes -------------------------------- WCS Driver: - New PDS (Planetary Data Set) Driver: - New ISIS (Mars Qubes) Driver: - New HFA (.img) Driver: - Support reading ProjectionX PE strings. - Support producing .aux files with statistics. - Fix serious bugs with u1, u2 and u4 compressed data. NITF Driver: - Added BLOCKA reading support. - Added ICORDS='D' - Added jpeg compression support (readonly) - Support multiple images as subdatasets. - Support CGM data (as metadata) AIGrid Driver: - Use VSI*L API (large files, in memory, etc) - Support upper case filenames. - Support .clr file above coverage. HDF4 Driver: - Added support for access to geolocation arrays (see RFC 4). - External raw raster bands supported. PCIDSK (.pix) Driver: - Support METER/FEET as LOCAL_CS. - Fix serious byte swapping error on creation. BMP Driver: - Various fixes, including 16bit combinations, and non-intel byte swapping. GeoTIFF Driver: - Fixed in place update for LZW and Deflated compressed images. JP2KAK (JPEG2000) Driver: - Added support for reading and writing gmljp2 headers. - Read xml boxes as metadata. - Accelerate YCbCr handling. JP2MrSID (JPEG2000) Driver: - Added support for reading gmljp2 headers. EHDR (ESRI BIL) Driver: - Support 1-7 bit data. - Added statistics support. OGR 1.4.0 - Overview of Changes ------------------------------- OGR SQL: - RFC 6: Added support for SQL/attribute filter access to geometry, and style strings. OGRSpatialReference: - Support for OGC SRS URNs. - Support for +wktext/EXTENSION stuff for preserving PROJ.4 string in WKT. - Added Two Point Equidistant projection. - Added Krovak projection. - Updated support files to EPSG 6.11. OGRCoordinateTransformation: - Support source and destination longitude wrapping control. OGRFeatureStyle: - Various extensions and improvements. INFORMIX Driver: - New KML Driver: - New (write only) E00 Driver: - New (read only) - Polygon (PAL) likely not working properly. Postgres/PostGIS Driver: - Updated to support new EWKB results (PostGIS 1.1?) - Fixed serious bug with writing SRSes. - Added schema support. GML Driver: - Strip namespaces off field names. - Handle very large geometries gracefully. ODBC Driver: - Added support for spatial_ref_sys table. SDE Driver: - Added logic to speed things up while actually detecting layer geometry types PGeo Driver: - Added support for MDB Tools ODBC driver on linux/unix. VRT Driver: - Added useSpatialSubquery support.
2006-09-06Removed the unnecessary .gz extension from the manual pages.rillig1-16/+16
2006-05-02Initial import of gdal-lib-1.3.1, packaged by David A Price,wiz1-0/+85
Mahesh Chittur, and Brook Milligan in pkgsrc-wip. GDAL is a translator library for raster geospatial data formats that is released under an X/MIT style Open Source license. As a library, it presents a single abstract data model to the calling application for all supported formats. The related OGR library (which lives within the GDAL source tree) provides a similar capability for simple features vector data. It includes roughly 60 format drivers. Current translators include: * GeoTIFF (read/write) * Erdas Imagine (read/write) * ESRI .BIL (read) * .aux labelled raw (read/write) * DTED (read) * SDTS DEM (read) * CEOS (read) * JPEG (read/write) * PNG (read/write) * Geosoft GXF (read) * Arc/Info Binary Grid (read) A full list is available at