Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author | Files | Lines |
Viking (2013-03-16)
Bug Fix Release
* [WINDOWS] Ensure an icon is embedded in the executable.
* [WINDOWS] Fix opening URLs in Windows build only.
* Shift code around to reduce dependencies required for DEM access.
* SF Bugs#105: Fix Display of Lines (Clipping) at High Zoom Levels.
* Remove built in OpenStreetBugs datasource as this service is being phased out.
* Isolate Viking specific code in otherwise reusable code.
* Fix DEM layer URL reference output.
* Remove mistaken need to change directory.
* Remove repeating of built in types in data files.
* External tools don't use ids
* Skip etag files in mbtile converter tool
* Fix crashing when copying layers with null strings as parameters.
* Fix translatable string with variable argument
* Fix 'export_to_common' dialog
* Fix needing to calculate bounds of *both* tracks when a track is split via the marker.
* Fix vik_track_get_length_to_trackpoint() so with the first track point it returns zero, not the entire track length!
* Fix opening files on command line in different directories.
* Move man files from doc to help directory so they will be included in the output from make distcheck.
* Update spec file
* [QA] Remove build references to things that don't exist anymore.
* SF Bugs #104: Fix GStatBuf not available on Glib < 2.26
* Fix the display of speed in statusbar output.
Do it for all packages that
* mention perl, or
* have a directory name starting with p5-*, or
* depend on a package starting with p5-
like last time, for 5.18, where this didn't lead to complaints.
Let me know if you have any this time.
Fix PR pkg/48777
Viking 1.5 (2013-10-13)
New features since 1.4.2
* Startup preferences for ease of use.
* Multi layer/track statistics.
* Multi layer/track or waypoint detailed lists.
* Control sorting of layers and quick show/hide all options.
* Configurable layer defaults.
* Optimizations when loading and drawing large numbers of tracks.
* Allow higher zoom levels up to 1/32 (OSM z22 equivalent but maps only requested up to z19).
* Retain internal options across sessions.
* Selectable online router service provider (now including OSRM)
* 'Via' points online route refining.
* Download a file directly from an URL.
* Datasource acquiring files from URLs related to the current view.
* Support timestamps (read only) in waypoints.
* Support naming trackpoints.
* Request downloading a region of maps over multiple zoom levels.
* Support Compressed My OSM Traces files (requires libbz2 and libmagic).
* Support opening files drag and drop on to the viewport.
* Support relative paths in Viking files.
* Add support for OSM Humanitarian (HOT) Style Map.
* Advanced preferences.
* Optional track labelling on the viewport.
* Translations for the Basque language.
* Improved Help Manual.
* Many internal improvements.
Fixes since 1.4.2
* Fix crashing if attempting to Extend a Route via the Route Finder when the route has no points.
Bug fix release only
Bug Fixes since 1.4.1:
* Fix menu use of named own Icons since the icons were renamed some time ago.
* [QA] Fix memory leak in drawing new tracks/routes.
* [QA] Fix memory leak on deleting TrackWaypoint layers.
* [QA] Fix large memory leak on viewing Track Properties.
* [QA] Fix incorrect iterator usage.
* [QA] Fix memory leaks on reading in Viking files.
* [QA] Fix memory leak in treeview tooltips and selection.
* [QA] Fix large memory leak when removing DEM layers.
* Fix some interpolated values of a trackpoint on insertion between points.
* Fix handling failed downloads with the My OSM Traces method.
* SF Bugs#101: Fix Acquire from Google Directions.
* Fix name search using Google.
* SF Bugs#100: Fix Crash on viewing Track Properties with extreme gradients.
* SF Bugs#97: Fix missing redownload settings of some maps in the example config
* SF Bugs#99: Increase limit for Map IDs
* Automated check for the latest version. ATM only on Windows systems.
* Enable getting Viking Version as a number from a string to enable comparisons.
* SF#3613971: Remove Geofabrik's OpenStreetMap WMS, as it is not for public use.
* Don't silently fail on attempting to split to a track.
* Fix background thread statusbar update instability.
* Fix location of gdk_threads_enter() to be before first window creation.
* Allow Bing Map source URL to be set via the configuration XML file.
* SF#3610708: Fix Failing to Load DEM files on Big Endian Systems.
* Fix incorrect setting to lowest zoom value when clicking away from
the statusbar zoom menu.
* [QA] Improve create zoom menu to use G_N_ELEMENTS to know array bounds.
* Rob Norris
* Michael Klein
NetBSD 6, requested by tron.
Recursively bump package revisions again after the "freetype2" and
"fontconfig" handling was fixed.
to address issues with NetBSD-6(and earlier)'s fontconfig not being
new enough for pango.
While doing that, also bump freetype2 dependency to current pkgsrc
Suggested by tron in PR 47882
a) refer 'perl' in their Makefile, or
b) have a directory name of p5-*, or
c) have any dependency on any p5-* package
Like last time, where this caused no complaints.
pkgsrc changes: improve patch comment and explain why it is not
filed/applied upstream.
Viking (2013-04-08)
Bug Fix Release + updated translations
* Import Launchpad translation updates [Mainly for large Czech update]
* Fix using .vik files with 'unusual' track or waypoint names
* Fix waypoint selection when the waypoint has an image but the images are not being displayed.
* Fix showing map timestamps on Windows on the map tile info dialog.
* SF#3608411: Part 2 - Avoid creating command window on Viking start-up.
* SF#3608411: Part 1 - Avoid warning about unbuffer on Windows Systems.
* SF#3608264: Improve Statusbar Location Info Maybe Truncated
* Prevent inputting empty names for layers and sublayers via the layers panel.
* SF#3608311: Fix crash caused by renaming blank sublayer names
* Be less strigent in loading Geotagged images without optional GPS tags
* Fix use of scaled tile image when tile image not present.
* Enable updating the treeview to allow setting a blank waypoint symbol.
* Improve the Waypoint tooltip to display the description if there is no comment.
* Fix datasource acquiring waypoints from geotag images.
* Updated geo-* scripts to version released on 2013/02/18
* Fix compilation with --enable-geocaches option.
* help/ explicitly list figures.
Viking 1.4 (2013-02-11)
New features since 1.3.2
* Support for GPX Route type including transfer to/from GPS Devices.
** Replaced 'Add Track' tool with 'Create Route' tool. (NB There still is the Create Track tool)
* Support for GPX 'Description' for tracks, waypoints and routes.
* Add ability to Acquire My OSM Traces and ability to choose any subset of the available traces.
* GPS Upload from a track.
* Enable giving a track a specific colour (drawn in default draw by track mode).
* Enable drawing all tracks in a specific colour (no longer is Black the only option).
* Allow option of drawing a direction arrow when drawing a track.
* Allow configuration of trackpoint size and direction arrow size.
* Display Waypoint Icons in the layers panel treeview.
* Restored Route Finding via Google Services. [Was disabled in 1.3.2 due to change in formats supported]
* Only display sublayer container when there are sublayers.
* Display map tile source and cached file information in a dialog for a position.
* Quick zoom level change from the statusbar by clicking on the zoom level to select another level.
* In the Zoom Tool mode: can select an area to zoom in on (via holding shift key + drag mouse).
* Mouse Zooming in/out maintains the position focus on the mouse pointer location.
** (Use the keys Ctrl+Shift and mouse zoom to maintain the centered map location).
* Improvements in Acquiring Wikipedia Points (allow more points, sortable columns, URL and feature type).
* Allow opening a URL on a waypoint which has a URL for a comment or description.
* Re-organized TrackWaypoint Layer menus to group functionality together better with New, View, Combine, Split, Delete, Acquire and Upload submenus.
* Gradient Graph view on the Track Properties.
* Allow same named TrackWaypoint sublayer items. i.e. can now have 2 (or more) waypoints with the same name.
* Add support of a Map type for a local On Disk OSM Tile Format.
* Revised Draw Track by Speed mode with a simple traffic light colouring scheme to represent slow/average/fast speeds.
* Enable deletion of track points with the same timestamp.
* Ability to merge segments of a track.
* Allow generation of large pixel sized images.
* Rework image generation to ask for file name first and then only allow supported map zoom levels.
* Allow control of waypoint text size on the viewport display.
* Allow control of GPX file saving track order (either Alphabetical or By Time via global preference).
* Keyboard shortcuts to create layers and enable some tools.
* Show the bearing and the step distance of the next point when creating a track or route.
* Improved feedback in reading erroneous files.
* Improved Help Manual.
* More translation texts including a Finnish version.
* Scripts to support the creation of the Windows Executable Installer.
* Add a python tool to convert the Viking tile cache into a MapBox MBTiles format file.
* Many internal improvements.
Fixes since 1.3.2
* Don't accidently overwrite GPX and KML files in the Viking file type.
* Use the default desktop font for waypoint viewport display text.
* Ensure when opening multiple .vik files they are each loaded into a new window.
* Show UTM location in statusbar when in UTM mode.
* Fix: crash when dealing with non-compressed DEM files
Bug Fix Release (of a bug fix release):
* Fix CPU usage going to 100% when statusbar items update is called.
Viking 1.3.2 (2012-09-23)
Bug Fix Release including:
* Removed Route Finder Tool as Google Direction service interface has
disalbed the method Viking interfaced with it.
* Fix for Debian#685817: Statusbar Update From Thread Instability
* Fix SF#3564795: Crashing when attempting to create waypoints from EXIF
images without enough GPS information.
* Fix drawing of next potential trackpoint on Windows Systems.
* Fix GPSBabel Dynamic Device List generation on Windows Systems.
* Fix crashing when displayed map copyright(s) is longer than the internal
* Fix crashing when deleting a GPS layer which has started a realtime tracking.
* Fix printing of DEBUG message since glib 2.32
Viking 1.3.1 (2012-06-26)
Bug Fix for Windows Systems Release:
* Fix crash in Show Picture functionality on Window's Systems.
are called p5-*.
I hope that's all of them.
requested by Thomas Klausner.
(additionaly, reset PKGREVISION of qt4-* sub packages from base qt4 update)
recent gnome-doc-utils update (reported by John Marino)
Viking 1.3 (2012-04-22)
New features since 1.2.2
* Be consistent in that track and waypoint list dialogs are always
sorted alphabetically.
* Add OSM Transport map as a built in map option.
* Add supported MIME types to the desktop file specification.
* Add example script that can be used to upload a track as a route to
a predefined GPS device.
* Display the average moving speed for a track in the track
* Add ability to open a TrackWaypoint layer with another external
program (default merkaartor).
* Add ability to open a TrackWaypoint layer with an external program
(default JOSM).
* Use map default: OSM MapQuest tileserver.
* Add and use a preference for the associated image viewer program.
* Add and use KML File Export units option.
* Add ability to geotag images interpolating times against tracks.
* Acquire Geotag Images via TRW Layer
* Ensure vtl created in acquire operation runs post read stage.
* EXIF read implementation for geotagged images (libexif).
* Add new process stage for acquire methods.
* Enable reversing a track from the track menu.
* Display compact message on the statusbar for the selected trackpoint
or waypoint. (SF#3314888)
* Enable multiple selection and deletion.
* Scale waypoint icons to give large or small icons as necessary.
* Add Yahoo! Maps webtool link.
* Extend webtools with a bounds version for the URL which takes four
string parameters.
* Add webtool for Bing maps.
* Add Acquire OSM option into the Track/Waypoint layer operations.
* Add used geo-* scripts as they are public domain.
* Continue support via third party tools.
* Show elevation gain/loss on track creation 'tooltip' (as per
SF#2838561 request), when such data is available.
* Automatically attempt to set elevation data from the DEM layer
whilst a track is being created.
* When creating a track, display the total distance of track (via a
tooltip like text) on the main display.
* Allow to import any file known by gpsbabel
* Add support for any device known by gpsbabel
* Add experimental support for GPSD_API_MAJOR_VERSION 5.
* Add ability to acquire GPS traces stored on OSM
* Enable copying layer/sublayer names as plain text, so that it can be
pasted into external text handling applications.
* Enable getting of the statusbar from the window.
* On creating a new waypoint always attempt to auto set the altitude
if DEM data is available.
* Enable the escape key to remove/reset the ruler tool.
Fixes since 1.2.2
* Remove Tiles@home support as the service has stopped.
* cleanup: Remove unused and out of date 'viking-remote' script and
related files.
* cleanup: Remove *very* old documentation and don't bother
distributing any of it which is all old.
* Fix Track Properties graph blob marker drawn at wrong elevation when
elevation graphs have different min/max heights.
* Fix Track Properties graph DEM points drawn at wrong elevation when
lowest elevation is not zero.
* Use an intermediary program which will invoke the system's default
for opening images.
* Fix opening of external web sites via center method when the zoom
level is less than 1 mpp.
* Fix crashing on opening a file via recent menu after a .vik file is
* Fix too easy to accidently move a waypoint with an image with the
select tool - must use shift key.
* Fix can not immediately select another layer if currently selected
layer's visibility changes.
* Fix compilation with curl 7.21.7 (SF#3376584)
* Improve libgps test with the consistently available function:
* Fix <GTK 2.24 combo box usage.
* Fix crashing on opening multiple files after a .vik file is opened.
* Solution for SF#2766266 - Give user feedback about OSM uploads
* Fix: send VLP's update signal when adding a layer
* Fix: Don't abort program when attempting webtool center with
different x & y factors.
* Fix Join Tracks functionality.
* Fix SF#3408170: Selected Track Thickness is Always 1px
* Fix tracks not shown over map when map layer is dragged to the end
of the treeview list.
* Refuse to load unsupported file types.
* Restore broken GPS power off command.
* Fix: SF#3042692 - Tiles May Get Deleted During Offline Usage.
* Fix some tracks elevation profile may display no altitude, despite
all altitudes available in the track.
* Fix SF#3387590: Top Layer cannot be renamed
* Enable merging tracks without timestamps to other tracks that do not
have timestamps. (SF#2886231)
* Prevent track merge by time requests when there are no other
suitable tracks.
* Improve track name when split from Track Properties window.
* Replace 'Magic Scissors' by a more accurate name - 'Route Finder'.
a) tiff update to 4.0 (shlib major change)
b) glib2 update 2.30.2 (adds libffi dependency to
clause when the first is not satisfied. (Apparently &&, while not
evaluating, still has to parse.) Fixes build on OS X.
failure to keep up with gpsd's deprecation pace. PKGREVISION++.
Fixes since 1.2.1
* Increase default tile age check to 7 days.
* Fix compilation with curl 7.21.7 (SF#3376584)
Add patch to remove include of withdrawn header (already changed upstream).
Viking 1.2.1 (2011-06-16)
Fixes since 1.2
* Support proper MAC OS file locations.
* Fix incorrect track property line marker positioning when the track has gaps.
* Fix track property point marker drawing error - sometimes draws dot marker too low.
Viking 1.2 (2011-05-24)
New features since 1.1
* Remove unecessary treeview item selection.
* Add zoom level 0.5 to map layer
* [DOC] Add links to access Viking's source code
* Rename file to prevent any case-insensitive issues.
* Add getting the users confirmation when deleting (emptying) data from the GPS layer.
* Enable keypad delete to remove layers in the layers panel.
* Enable deleting multiple tracks or waypoints within a layer by selecting them from a list.
* Add getting the users confirmation when deleting an individual track or waypoint.
* Add the ability to delete all waypoints or tracks in the layer.
* Add getting the users confirmation when deleting a layer.
* Start a new 'Tracks' treeview menu, similar to the 'new' Waypoints treeview menu.
* Add operations on waypoints into the 'new' Waypoints treeview menu.
* Add new graph type Speed/Distance in the track properties window.
* Add new graph type Elevation/Time in the track properties window.
* Add new graph type Distance/Time in the track properties window.
* Improve Track Properties speed/time drawing to display in nice human friendly whole number scaled units.
* Improve Track Properties elevation drawing to display in nice human friendly whole number scaled units.
* On the Track Properties Window draw an always updating indicator of where the readings are taken from.
* Enable controls of drawing DEM data and GPS speeds on the Track Properties Window.
* Add keyboard accelerators for the Track Properties Window.
* Add ability to resize the Track Properties window.
* On the Track Properties Window, also show the elevation or speed for the current track position as indicated by the mouse pointer.
* Add support for kml files.
* Add ... where necessary to track & waypoint menu entries.
* Enable Open Waypoint Image via right click menu entry.
* Use ability to select a waypoint given the thumbnail image size.
* Add ability to open the trackpoint edit dialog via the viewport right click menu when a trackpoint is selected.
* Add ability to move selected trackpoint or waypoint by the mouse within the select tool.
* Add a new select tool at the window level to enable/disbale item selection of the a track or a waypoint.
* Enable to unselect treeview item
* Add Select Request layer interface and use within the track/waypoint layer to select an item.
* Add internal track right click menu variable.
* Tidy up track/waypoint sublayer callbacks to only use the layers panel if it available.
* Add viewport to sublayer add menu items callback.
* Make the highlight colour configurable and use as appropriate for the selected track/waypoint drawing.
* Add track and waypoint highlight for the selected layer or individual item.
* Add the storage and retrieval of any kind of track or waypoint selected item (either an individual item, list (i.e. a sublayer) or layer) at the window level.
* Add viewport property to control the display of the track / waypoint item highlight.
* Add backup support for launching URLs with Mac OS based browsers.
* Add backup support for launching URLs with Google Chrome based browsers.
* Add support for Bing maps
* Add support for dynamic copyright
* Add map's logo support
* Add support for reference documentation
* Generate a trackwaypoint layer update on the finish creatiing of the thumbnails so the images are shown.
* Enable the tree view panel to be more usefully resized smaller than the text names.
* Windows: Open help pdf file when when clicked on Help->help
* [DOC] Split By Number of Points
* Add Track->Split by Number of Points (as per SF#2847587 request).
* Add a new dialog to return positive number.
* SF#2844872: Suggest name for the new track when splitting the track via the trackpoint edit dialog.
Fixes since 1.1
* Better safety checking to prevent crash due to null variable reference in use of the current trackpoint.
* Fix: Reduce GObject cast
* Fix etag handling
* Fix: generate doc/reference/Makefile when needed
* Fix Track -> Split by Timestamp such that newly created tracks are ordered correctly.
* Fix sensitivity of the track properties window split marker to be disabled when the track marker is not drawn.
* Fix crashing due to incorrect usage of libcurl - SF#3206628.
* Fix non-void function should return a value.
* Fix reference documentation generation - some systems need explicit mention of libz.
* Fix displaying of 'Waypoints' treeview menu.
* Fix vik_aggregate_layer_get_all_layers_of_type for track/waypoint layer types, since these may also be stored under GPS layers.
* Improve previous fix: background calling code should control return value
* Fix: background calling code should control return value
* Fix: enforce background feature
* Fix compiler warnings from gcc 4.5.4
* SF#3178554: Fix Sun Studio build
* gtk_object_sink has been deprecated since gtk version 2.10, use g_object_ref_sink() instead.
* When getting data via the GPS layer automatically set the view to see it, unless the realtime tracking mode is on.
* On opening GPX files automatically view all the data.
* Add copyright and license properties for NASA BlueMarble data.
* Add background thread loading of DEM files.
* Add support for the TMS interface provided by SPOTMaps
* Add license related properties
* Add copyright property
* Improve key binding for Mercator Mode -> ctrl+m
* Add OSM WMS Server
* Add support for WMS-C
* Add support for more standard TMS
* Add LatLon projection
* Add a perl script to auto generate basic Viking .vik files for directories containing images.
withdrawawl of gps_poll.
Viking 1.0.2 (2010-12-14)
Fixes since 1.0.1
* Add undeclared translations
Viking 1.0.1 (2010-12-04)
Fixes since 1.0
* Fix Waypoint & Track visibility issues.
* Fix SF#3104028: Default Color Background is incorrectly saved as black into a
new .vik file.
* Fix some translated strings
New features since 0.9.96
* Add minimal translator-credits in About dialog
* Add documenters to About dialog
Fixes since 0.9.96
* Improve copyright holders
* Prevent crashes when downloading Expedia Maps.
* Fix extend track using magic scissors.
* Fix autodownloading while panning
* Fix Debian #599048: Segmentation fault when using gpsbabel
* Fix dem_gradient_colors allocation.
* Fix compiler warnings in preferences.c
Viking 0.9.96 (2010-10-11)
New features since 0.9.95
* Use ETag to detect fresh tiles on servers
* Add new menu entry in GPS Layer to delete the realtime information.
* Ensure GPS realtime information deleted when GPS Layer -->Empty All is called.
* Prevent zoom factor string displaying unnecessary .0s when it's a whole number.
* Improve Track Properties speed profile display for low speed difference (e.g. walking) tracks.
* Use speed units in display of Track/Waypoint layer draw by velocity config values, but maintain units as metres per second when read from/saved to files.
* Add keyboard accelerators for as many as possible View Menu entries.
* Simplify zoom status when xmpp and ympp are equal
* Use height units in the altitude readout for the cursor position on the status bar.
* Use height units in display of DEM min / max elevation values, but maintain units as metres when read from/saved to files.
Fixes since 0.9.95
* Fix many memory leaks
* DEM layer properties tidy up.
* Prevent getting stuck in a near infinite loop when using Coord layer, UTM mode and zoomed out to see the whole world.
* Prevent lock up in attempt to download maps along a track in UTM mode.
* Launchpad Bug #445374: Prevent crash when downloading maps along a track, with Terraserver maps when in Mercator mode.
* Add explicit linking against libz and libm
* Fix SF#3009431: Prevent Crash in Real Time Tracking GPS Mode & Autodownload Maps.
* Fix display of rounded speed units scale markers in the speed profile.
* Fix cycle map URL
* Fix compiler warnings
* Fix Track Draw by Velocity mode, so that individual track points are coloured (as was the intention).
* Fix bug where older file was removed when network not present
* Fix: warning 'draw-mode' message does not display
* Fix incorrect limitation on source map id
Viking 0.9.95 (2010-09-07)
New features since 0.9.94
* Add some function short cut key definitions to control showing of the center mark and scale viewport features.
* [DOC] Replace Google with OSM capability in man pages.
* When manually creating a track, automatically give it a default name.
* [DOC] Add contributors from the Wiki(s) history.
* Better dialog name when searching for a waypoint.
* Change max cache time to 1 week.
version, and bump all depends.
Per discussion on pkgsrc-changes.
to trigger/signal a rebuild for the transition 5.10.1 -> 5.12.1.
The list of packages is computed by finding all packages which end
or PERL5_PACKLIST defined in their make setup (tested via
"make show-vars VARNAMES=..."), minus the packages updated after
the perl package update.
sno@ was right after all, obache@ kindly asked and he@ led the
way. Thanks!
New features since 0.9.93
* Add knots as a speed unit option.
* Detect USB Garmin eTrex HCx Legend devices (and maybe others).
* Auto use of /dev/ttyUSB type device if available on Unix systems.
* Add ability to turn off Garmin GPS after transfer.
* Add a 'home' default location preference.
* Add ability to changes preferences outside of the preferences.c file.
* NLS Maps API: Historic map of Great Britain
* Change GUI related command line parameter for Waypoint symbol size into run time preference.
* Support All Zoom Levels in Zoom Menu
* [DOC] Import User Manual from wiki
* Add menu item for help contents
(Update started before freeze, ok wiz@ to commit now.)
Also add some patches to remove use of deprecated symbols and fix other
problems when looking for or compiling against libpng-1.4.x.
Viking 0.9.93 (2010-04-11)
New features since 0.9.92
* Allow overriding map source
* Make GPS layer cut/copy available from popup menu.
* [DOC] Document new files in viking's manpage
* Increase possible smaller zoom
* Add negative scales so that we can have bigger zoom on maps
* Allow images from bigger and smaller zoom to be selected if current zoom has n
o image
Fixes since 0.9.92
* Fix: set a default filename while exporting
* [DOC] Fix: Viking's sources are hosted by Git now
* Further variable type corrections.
* Fix GPS layer copy.
* Fix Track/Waypoint Layer Paste on 64bit systems.
* [DOC] Fix FILES section of manpage.
* Fix: First Track not Black in Draw All Tracks Black Mode.
New features since 0.9.91:
* Memorize previously selected go-to service.
* Better scale when zoomed close in and in miles distance mode.
* Add and use preference for height units.
* Add and use preference for speed units.
* Add and use preference for distance units.
* Use a preference to set the tiles age.
* New preference for default maplayer cache.
* Improve DEM-Layer.
* Remove OpenAerial support.
Fixes since 0.9.91:
* Fix: Correctly rotate thumbnail images
* Fix #2958601: Support for non ascii characters in "Go-to" search
* Fix error handling in go-to feature