Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author | Files | Lines |
1.2.2 (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.3921997)
- obspy.core:
* Fix wrong values in Stats object after deepcopy or pickle of Stats object
for edge cases (see #2601)
- obspy.clients.fdsn:
* EIDA routing client: fix an issue that leaded to a request of *all* EIDA
data when requesting an invalid, out-of-epochs time window for a valid
station (see #2611)
* update RASPISHAKE URL mapping to use https
* fix a bug of not handling HTTPException in mass_downloader (see #2606)
* use the client's set timeout in service discovery, too (see #2656)
* add URL mapping for FDSNWS at UIB-NORSAR (see #2659)
- obspy.clients.filesystem:
* sds: continue get_all_stations() even if encountering an invalid channel
code (see #2636)
- obspy.clients.neic:
* Make client socket blocking (see #2617)
* Fixed a bug raising an exception when reading a nordic file with a non
positive-definite covariance matrix (see #2593)
* Allow 60.0 seconds in the second field of origin times, allow NaN in
the magnitude field (see #2627)
* Fixed an issue where a response has zero zeros or poles (see #2633)
1.2.1 (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.3706479)
- fix an installation issue with pip and setuptools version 46 (see #2578)
- fix response plots when providing `axes=...` with a numpy array of Axes
instances (see #2579)
1.2.0 (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.3674646)
Work on this release was in parts and among others supported by the following
institutions/companies and grants (in alphabetical order):
- Earthquake Commision of New Zealand (EQC), grant 18/753
- École et Observatoire des Sciences de la Terre - Université de Strasbourg
- ETH Zürich
- Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
- Geoscience Australia
- Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology (IRIS), NSF (SAGE) award
:: EAR-1851048
- Institut de Physique du Globe de Strasbourg
- Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris
- Institutions for Seismology (IRIS) through the PASSCAL Instrument Center at
New Mexico Tech. The facilities of the IRIS Consortium are supported by the
National Science Foundation under Cooperative Agreement EAR-1261681 and the
DOE National Nuclear Security Administration.
- Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Osservatorio Etneo (Italy),
Allegato B2 DPC-INGV 2012-2021 Task 10
- Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
- National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
- Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI)
- School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences, Victoria University of
- The European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under
the ChEESE project, grant agreement No. 823844
- The Royal Observatory of Belgium
- U.S. Geological Survey
- obspy.core:
* Inventory objects have been adapted to StationXML 1.1 for details on
changes see #2510 and
* Fixed import of custom plugins (see #2423)
* Fixed "==" comparison for Stream and Trace which was very slow in case of
traces with >1e6 samples (see #2377)
* Added almost_equal method for Stream and Trace classes (see #2286).
* Casting FDSN identifiers to strings upon setting in the stats dictionary
(see #1997).
* UTCDateTime objects will now always evaluate equal if their string
representations are equal (see #2049).
* UTCDateTime objects now issue depreciation warnings when setting any
attributes outside of init, or comparing UTCDateTime objects with
different precisions (see #2077).
* UTCDateTime objects can now accept hour, minute, second, and microsecond
values greater than their normal limits by setting the strict keyword
argument to False (see #2232).
* Fixed UTCDateTime(..., julday=366) for non-leap years. This was returning
January 1st of the next year in case of non-leap years being used. Now it
properly raises an out-of-bounds ValueError (see #2369)
* When reading StationXML/SC3ML, make sure to properly read empty string
fields as empty strings instead of "None" (see #2519 and #2527)
* Better ISO8601 detection for UTCDateTime objects and UTCDateTime(...,
iso8601=False) now completely disables ISO8601 handling (see #2447)
* Added replace method to UTCDateTime class (see #2077).
* Added remove method to Inventory class (see #2088).
* Added id property to WaveformStreamID (see #2131).
* Added __str__ and _repr_pretty_ method for Comment class (see #2115)
* Added __eq__ to QuantityError so empty instances equal None (see #2185).
* Reworked the event scoped resource identifiers for the event classes
hopefully fixing all edge-cases (see #2091).
* Added a hook to allow users to customize finding objects for
resource_ids which are not found via the normal means (see #2279).
* Calling Stream.write(...) on an empty stream will now raise an
ObsPyException consistently across all I/O plugins (see #2201)
* Stream.get_gaps() will now properly report gaps within Traces that
have masked arrays (i.e. Traces that have been merged without a fill
value, see #2299 and #2300).
* Added copy method to Inventory class (see #2322).
* The Response.recalculate_overall_sensitivity() method now accepts integers
(see #2338, #2343).
* Added wildcard and url support to read_inventory (see #2326).
* Modified stream.get_gaps() to deal with overlaps correctly (see #1403)
* Added option "label_epoch_dates" to Inventory/Network.plot_response() to
optionally add channel epoch start/end dates to legend labels (see #2309)
* Deprecated the convert_id_to_quakeml_uri, regenerate_uuid, and
get_quakeml_uri methods of the ResourceIdentifier class (see #2303).
* Added get_quakeml_uri_str and get_quakeml_id methods to the
ResourceIdentifier class (see #2303).
* New method to create response objects directly from poles and zeros (see
* Added Stream.stack method (see #2440).
* Added a component field to the Stats object which allows to get and set
the last character of the SEED channel (see #2484).
* Fixed a bug in Stream.plot(type='section', reftime=..., ...) that caused
wrong relative start times of traces relative to given reftime (see #2493)
* Fixed a Windows-specific path case issue in a helper function that returns
a list of untracked files in the git repository (see #2296)
* Fix a bug that was causing an exception being raised in `Response.plot()`
because a float was being passed down to numpy.linspace as length of array
(see #2533)
* Geographic select of inventory/network/station (see #2515)
* Select traces in Stream based on an Inventory (see #2531)
- obspy.clients.fdsn:
* Add new `_discover_services` boolean flag to the Client, which allows the
Client to skip the initial services query at instantiation. This can
reduce the load on service providers, but skips checks against unsupported
query parameters.
* Adding more location codes to the default priority list in the mass
downloader (see #2155, #2159).
* The mass downloader now raises a warning if all channels from a station
have been deselected due to the default location priorities setting. This
is a pure usability improvement as it has been confusing users
(see #2159).
* Make sure that streams fetched via FDSN are properly trimmed to user
requested times if data center serves additional data around the start/end
(see #1887, #2298)
* Fix a problem that could spam subprocesses that were not closed in routed
clients (see #2342 and #2344)
* Make it possible to use signed EIDA tokens and also skip token validation
completely (see #2297)
* Adding a mapping for RASPISHAKE
- obspy.clients.filesystem.tsindex:
* Add new Client & Indexer modules based on IRIS time series index (see
- obspy.clients.iris:
* Results of distaz method are now returned as native floats (see #2499)
- obspy.clients.neic:
* Properly use specified timeout value (see #2450)
- obspy.clients.seedlink:
* Add method "get_info()" to fetch information on what
networks/stations/locations/channels are served by the seedlink server
(see #2405)
* "get_waveforms()" can now be used with '*' and '?' wildcards in any part
of requested SEED ID, i.e. network, station, location and channel (see
- obspy.clients.seishub:
* Properly handle fetching poles and zeros in presence of multiple metadata
files for a given station (see #2411)
- obspy.geodetics:
* New utility function `inside_geobounds()` to check whether an object is
inside a geographic bound (see #2515)
- obspy.imaging:
* obspy-scan can now be used with wildcarded SEED IDs when specifying what
to plot after scanning data (see #2227)
* Fix a problem in Scanner when loading npz on Python3 that was written on
Python2 (see #2413)
* Fix an issue that could make small landmasses not get plotted in basemap
plots (see #2471, #2477)
* Fixed a bug in Stream.plot(type='section', reftime=..., ...) that caused
wrong relative start times of traces relative to given reftime (see #2493)
* Added read support for receiver gather format v. 1.6 (see #2070)
* Added read support for FOCMEC 'out' and 'lst' files (see #2156)
* Added read support for HypoDD 'pha' files (see #2378)
* Accommodate change in SeisComP3 publicID delimiter from '#' to '/' in
ArclinkXML (see #2552)
* Add read support for INGV's DMX format (see #2452)
* Fixes Python 3.8 compatibility of GCF reader. (see #2505)
* Fix a bug resulting in an infinite loop when trying to read a FullSEED
file without any data records (see #2534 and #2535)
* Add ability to write int64 data to mseed if it can safely be downcast
to int32 data, otherwise raises ObsPyMSEEDError. (see #2356)
* The recordanalyzer can now detect calibration blockettes 300, 310,
and 320 (see #2370).
* Can now write zero sampling-rate traces. (see #2488, 2509)
* Add ability to read and write focal mechanisms and moment tensor
information. (see #1924)
* Add explicit warnings regarding unsupported sections of Nordic files.
* Fix mapping of magnitude-types between MS to S and Ms to s.
* Output preferred origin when writing to Nordic format instead of using
the first origin (see #2195)
* Include high-accuracy phase-pick reading and writing - high-accuracy is
now the default phase-writing format, a boolean flag `high_accuracy`
has been added to turn this off. (see #2351 and #2348)
* Allow long-phase names (both reading and writing) - longer than 4 char.
(see #2351)
* Include AIN as takeoff-angle when reading and writing nordic files
(see #2404).
* Add error ellipses and read high-accuracy hypocenter lines (see #2451)
* Fix the incorrect handling of events missing pick evaluation information
(see #2520)
* Implement reading reftek encodings '16' and '32' (uncompressed data,
16/32bit integers, see #2058 and #2059)
* Implement module to read waveforms and headers from fcnt format (see #2265).
* Fix reading when start+endtime are inside one data packet (see #2485).
* Fix bug writing inventory with SOH channels to SACPZ (see #2200).
* Blank-pad character header variables, as opposed to NUL-padding them, to
comply with SAC behavior (see #2543).
* Raise nicer error messages when header packing fails (see #2194, #2196).
* Show nice error message when trying to write a trace with too many samples
in it (see #2358, #1393)
* Handle data format code 3 trace data (#2022, #2385).
* Improve parsing of free-form entries (#2385).
* Fix non-native endian data loading (#2385).
* Adding support for SC3ML 0.10 (see #2024).
* Update xsl to allow conversion of amplitude picks not associated with
origins (see #2273).
* Very large performance improvement reading large sc3ml inventory files by
pre-indexing sensors, dataloggers and responses and reducing lxml calls
(see #2296).
* When reading StationXML/SC3ML, make sure to properly read empty string
fields as empty strings instead of "None" (see #2519 and #2527)
* Add read support for SeismicHandler EVT event files (see #2109)
* Add possibility to add custom database columns when writing catalog or
inventory objects to shapefile (see #2012 and #2305)
* When reading StationXML/SC3ML, make sure to properly read empty string
fields as empty strings instead of "None" (see #2519 and #2527)
* Inventory objects have been adapted to StationXML 1.1 for details on
changes see #2510 and
* Allow writing invalid ids but raise a warning
(see #2104, #2090, #2093, #1872).
* Skip invalid enumeration values during reading but raise a warning.
(see #2106, #2098, #2095)
* Catalogs with empty event description objects can be round-tripped (see
#2339, #2340).
* Correctly handle QuakeML native namespaces (if they are not matching the
document root's namespace) as custom namespaces and parse them into
`.extra` (see #2466)
* Ability to parse SEED files with extra newlines between blockettes
(see #2383)
- obspy.signal.cross_correlation:
* Add new `correlate_template()` function with 'full' normalization option,
required for correlations in template-matching
(see #2035 and #2042).
* 'domain' parameter in correlate function is deprecated in favour of new
'method' parameter to be consistent with recent SciPy versions
(see #2042).
* Add `correlate_stream_template()` and `correlation_detector()`
functions to detect events based on template matching (see #2315)
- obspy.signal.PPSD:
* Changed numpy-based serialization as to not require pickling (see #2424).
* Fixed exact trace cutting for PSD segments (see #2040).
* Timestamp representations internally and in npz I/O were changed to use
integer nanosecond POSIX timestamps to avoid any potential floating point
inaccuracies and since this is also what UTCDateTime is based on nowadays
(see #2045).
* Fixed the check for new PSD slices whether they should be added or whether
they would add unwanted duplicated data (see #2229).
* Fix `period_lim` option when `xaxis_frequency=True` (see #2246).
* Added `allow_pickle` parameter to `PPSD.add_npz` and `PPSD.load_npz` and
set its default to `False` (see #2457).
* Added representation of earthquake models from Clinton & Heaton (2002) in
'plot()' method using option 'show_earthquakes' (see #2455).
- obspy.signal.polarization:
* Fix an issue with covariance matrix in vidale algorithm and make adaptive
windowing opt-out (see #2565)
* Fix an issue in selecting Z/N/E traces from given stream (see #2365)
- obspy.signal.trigger:
* Fix a bug in AR picker (see #2157)
* Option to return Baer-Kradolfer characteristic function from pk_mbaer
function added (see #2341)
- obspy.taup:
* Fix cycling through colors in ray path plots (see #2470, #2478)
* Fix a floating point issue on IBM machines (see #2559, #2560)
This is a micro release; upstream changes are minor improvements and
Packaging changes is one new translation file.
For the Python 3.8 default switch.
Packaging changes: Add yaml-cpp dependency
Upstream changes: Add support for yaml input format
Changes many.
geocode-glib is a convenience library for the geocoding (finding longitude,
and latitude from an address) and reverse geocoding (finding an address from
coordinates). It uses Nominatim service to achieve that. It also caches
(reverse-)geocoding requests for faster results and to avoid unnecessary server
This release basically reorganizes tests and makes no user-visible changes.
Install the new interchangeable BLAS system created by Thomas Orgis,
currently supporting Netlib BLAS/LAPACK, OpenBLAS, cblas, lapacke, and
Apple's Accelerate.framework. This system allows the user to select any
BLAS implementation without modifying packages or using package options, by
setting PKGSRC_BLAS_TYPES in mk.conf. See mk/ for details.
This commit should not alter behavior of existing packages as the system
defaults to Netlib BLAS/LAPACK, which until now has been the only supported
Add new mk/ for inclusion in dependent packages
Install compatible Netlib math/blas and math/lapack packages
Update math/blas and math/lapack MAINTAINER approved by adam@
OpenBLAS, cblas, and lapacke will follow in separate commits
Update direct dependents to use mk/
Perform recursive revbump
Upstream NEWS:
We are pleased to announce the release of GNU Gama 2.10!
One major update that is visible to the end users is the change in the
'update_constrained_coordinates' parameter. This parameter was
deprecated in 2.09 and has now been completely removed.
Another big change is the addition of output in GNU Octave format.
The GNU Octave *.m output file contains adjustment results from
gama-local, in matrix format that includes the following sections:
* General adjustment parameters - number of squares, observations,
sum of squares, etc.
* IDs and coordinates of fixed points
* Information about the adjustment - adjusted and constrained
coordinates, their indexes and covariances. Observation
covariances and weight matrix and equation system matrices.
The main motivation for introducing GNU Octave output was to have an
experimental tool for computation of statistical parameters that are not
directly available in gama-local (e.g. reliability matrix).
GNU Octave output defines an explicit set of conditions to calculate the
adjustment of free networks (networks with a singular project equation
system). The differences between coordinates are tested with a tolerance
of 1e-3 millimeters.
This criterion may fail for poorly conditioned systems (typically
networks with a "bad"configuration).
Syntax of the GNU Octave .m output was tested for compatibility with
MATLAB R2013b (
This is three micro updates along a LTS branch, and is therefore
presumed to contain bugfixes.
(Builds with cmake 3.17; cmake 3.18 stability issues seem orthogonal
to the 3.10.10 update.)
3.00 2019-05-11
- Release version handles unicode file names on Windows
2.99_002 2019-05-10
- Add missing test dependency on Test::Exception,
thanks SREZIC for reporting
2.99_001 2019-05-10
- Handle unicode file names on Windows
0.24 2019-03-10T06:48:33Z
- Once again support the alt formula (now with a PP variant!).
0.23 2019-03-09T13:15:58Z
- Require GIS::Distance 0.13 so that tests pass.
- Fixed a coordinate ordering bug in distance().
- Added the null formula.
0.22 2019-03-08T18:36:39Z
- Made the distance() method faster.
0.21 2019-03-07T23:08:39Z
- Officially set the x_deprecated META flag.
- Use GIS::Distance 0.11+ for all distance calculations.
- Lots and lots of documentation edits for the above.
- Migrate build tooling from Dist::Zilla to Minilla.
This module calculates distances between geographic points on, at
the moment, planet Earth. Various formulas are available that
provide different levels of accuracy versus speed.
This is a base class that is inherited by the Class::Measure classes.
This distribution comes with the class Class::Measure::Length.
No changelog provided; doc & ci fixes.
Update originally by Ben Gergely, with modifications by gdt, from PR
pkgsrc changes:
- Adjust dependencies to qt5
- Require gcc6, due to gcc5 lossage with -Wno-registers
Upstream NEWS:
- Support for qt5
- Lots of bugfixes and minor improvements
This is not locally maintained; merely cached, so use
MASTER_SITE_BACKUP, which is where 1.6.0 actually is.
Upstream's scons builds and links during the install phase, and
previously we did not pass MAKE_ENV in the install phase.
The other bug is that pkgsrc doesn't have scons support, so this is
all ad hoc.
The final bug is scons, which has not yet risen to reinvent autoconf.
(Probably this fixes RELRO.)
Failure of RELRO seems to be an upstream problem; buck passed!
This logically belongs with the update to 3.21, but the Makefile part
ended up on the branch.
Upstream NEWS:
3.21: 2020-08-04
Create python programs from .in files to allow macro substitution.
Finally clean .sconsign*.dblite with "scons -c"
Remove revision.h. Move REVISION into gpsd_config.h
Change asciidoc to asciidoctor, and revise documents to match.
library version bumped to 27
Add leap_seconds to gps_data_t
Add/change many rtcm2 structs in gps.h
Add/change many rtcm3 structs in gps.h
Maindenhead now 8 chars.
Add icondir and sharedir install options
Install basic doc in sharedir
Move gps_data_t->status to gps_fix_t.status for better fix merging
The gps python module is now Pure Python + FFI. FFI only for
User should manually delete any old packet*so.
Add wspeedt, wspeedr, wanglem, wanglet, wangler to gps_fix_t
Add "-p CONFIG", "-p STATUS", "-t" and "-tt" options to ubxtool.
Add python_shebang option to scons config.
gpsrinex has long options and many new options.
Added long options to gpsd.
Remove config option reconfigure, replace with -p, --passive runtime option.
Remove config option controlsend (RECONFIGURE_ENABLE)
Add config option rundir=XX. Default set to /run, or /var/run as required.
Fixes for Python 2.6 up to 3.9.
## 1.4.3 - 2020-08-06
* On Windows, always call `CreateFileW` instead of `CreateFile`.
`CreateFile` could be mapped to `CreateFileA` and not work as expected.
Pull request by Sandu Liviu Catalin. GitHub #228.
* Fixed use of uninitialized memory in `dump_entry_data_list()` that could
cause a heap buffer flow in `mmdblookup`. As part of this fix, most uses
of `malloc` were replaced with `calloc`. Reported by azhou. GitHub #236.
## 1.4.2 - 2019-11-02
* The 1.4.0 release introduced a change that increased the size of `MMDB_s`,
unintentionally causing an ABI break. This release reverts the relevant
## 1.4.1 - 2019-11-01
* The man page links for function calls were not generated correctly in
1.4.0. This has been corrected.
## 1.4.0 - 2019-11-01
* A negative array index may now be used with `MMDB_get_value`,
`MMDB_vget_value`, and `MMDB_aget_value`. This specifies the element
from the end of the array. For instance, `-1` would refer to the
last element of the array. PR by Kyle Box. GitHub #205.
* On Windows, the file name passed to `MMDB_open` is now expected to be
UTF-8 encoded. This allows Unicode characters to be used in file names.
As part of this change, `mmdblookup` on Windows now converts its
arguments to UTF-8. PR by Gerald Combs. GitHub #189 & #191.
* Fix a memory leak that occurred when freeing an `MMDB_s` where the
database had no languages defined in the metadata. If you are using an
official MaxMind database, this leak does not affect you. Pull request
by Kókai Péter. GitHub #180.
* Add `--disable-binaries` option to `configure`. Pull request by Fabrice
Fontaine. GitHub #166.
* Previous releases incorrectly included `*.Po` files in the `t` directory.
This has been corrected. Reported by Daniel Macks. GitHub #168.
* The internal use of the `MMDB_s` now has the `const` modifier. Public
functions that accepted an `MMDB_s` as an argument now also declare it as
`const`. Pull request by Kurt Johnson. GitHub #199.
* `mmdblookup` now displays the prefix length for the record when using
the verbose flag. GitHub #172.
Version 0.1-28
Removed a browser() call that I'd left lying around in deldir().
MASTER_SITES is defined in math/R/Makefile.extension, which should be
included by all R packages. Therefore, MASTER_SITES should not normally
be defined in the Makefile for an R package.
MASTER_SITES is defined in math/R/Makefile.extension, which should be
included by all R packages. Therefore, MASTER_SITES should not normally
be defined in the Makefile for an R package.
MASTER_SITES is defined in math/R/Makefile.extension, which should be
included by all R packages. Therefore, MASTER_SITES should not normally
be defined in the Makefile for an R package.
MASTER_SITES is defined in math/R/Makefile.extension, which should be
included by all R packages. Therefore, MASTER_SITES should not normally
be defined in the Makefile for an R package.
High Resolution World Vector Map Data from Natural Earth used in rnaturalearth.
Facilitates mapping by making natural earth map data from more easily available to R
users. Focuses on vector data.
Facilitates mapping by making natural earth map data from
<> more easily available to R users.
Vector map data from <>. Access
functions are provided in the accompanying package 'rnaturalearth'.