path: root/graphics/rabbit
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2012-06-07Update rabbit to 1.0.7.obache3-7/+9
== 1.0.7: 2012-05-29 twitter-stream 0.1.15 support release. === Improvements ==== rabbit * Supported markdown extension as Markdown file. * Supported Markdown's link markup. [Patch by KITAITI Makoto] ==== Theme * default-preformatted: Added @preformatted_centering variable that changes alignment of preformatted text. [Patch by kimura wataru] * (({true})): Centering (default) * (({false})): Left align ==== rabbiter * Supported twitter-stream 0.1.15. === Fixes ==== rabbit * Fixed computation of spacing. ==== Theme * Fixed a bug that horizontal centering isn't reset. ==== Documentation * Fixed typos [Reported by @tmtms] === Thanks * KITAITI Makoto * kimura wataru * @tmtms
2012-03-03Update rabbit to 1.0.6.obache2-7/+7
== 1.0.6: 2012-03-03 CodeRay 1.0.x support release. === Improvements ==== rabbit * Supported CodeRay 1.0.x. [Reported by TAKATSU Tomonari]
2012-02-01Update rabbit to 1.0.5.obache3-8/+10
== 1.0.5: 2012-01-30 Markdown support release! === Improvements ==== rabbit * Added note mode. [Added by nari] ==== rabbirack * Supported wait. ==== Rendering * Improved rendering speed. (Especially CodeRay is used case) * SVG: Supported reflection. ==== Markup * Improved markup detection accuracy by using extension. * RD: Accepted "block-quote" keyword and "block_quote" keyword as block quote markup keyword. * Supported Markdown support by kramdown. ==== Theme * syntax-highlighting: Added the default foreground color. * nari: Supported headline-align. * tag: Supported tag handler customization. * slide-show: Supported wait. * slide-footer-info: Improved @slide_footer_info_line_color customizability. [Suggested by kimura wataru] === Fixes ==== rabbit * [GitHub#4]: Added missing warning method. [Patch by TAKATSU Tomonari] ==== rabbirack * [GitHub#5]: Supported Rack 1.2.1. [Reported by TAKATSU Tomonari] ==== rabbit-command * [GitHub#3]: Fixed a wrong variable name. [Patch by TAKATSU Tomonari] ==== rabbitter * Supported HTTPS. [Patch by OBATA Akio] ==== Theme * [GitHub#2]: default-slide: Fixed broken headline-align slide property. [Reported by nari] ==== Documents * Fixed wrong ML address in English.
2011-08-06Update rabbit to 1.0.4.obache3-8/+15
== 1.0.4: 2011-08-06 Theme improvements release! === Improvements ==== Theme * nari: Added. This is for nari. [Created by nari] * image-slide-number: Changed the default here to a cute here. * image-slide-number: Supported flag color customize. * image-timer: Changed the default tortoise to a cute tortoise. * rubykaigi2011: Supported the tortoise and the here. === Fixes ==== Documentation * Fixed Pango link. [Patch by Ken Muryoi] === Thanks * nari * Ken Muryoi == 1.0.3: 2011-07-17 A bug fix release of 1.0.2. === Improvements ==== Core * Supported RubyGems 1.8.5. [Reported by okkez] * rabbit command doesn't use standard input as the default source type. === Fixes ==== Core * Fixed a problem that Wiki notation support doesn't show error. [Reported by kimura wataru] * Added missing Sinatra dependency. ==== Theme * footer-comment: Fixed a problem that a comment is hidden shortly. === Thanks * okkez * kimura wataru
2011-07-15Update rabbit to 1.0.2.obache4-26/+39
== 1.0.2: 2011-07-15 RubyKaigi2011 release. === Improvements ==== Core * Re-supported GTK+ 2.20. (For Debian GNU/Linux squeeze) [Reported by akira yamada] ==== Theme * title-slide-background-image: Added. It shows background image with title slide slide. * table: Supported font color customize. * rubykaigi2011: Added. It's for RubyKaigi2011. === Fixes ==== Theme * default-item-mark-setup: Fixed duplicated font name specified error. * edge-info-toolkit: Fixed duplicated font name specified error. === Thanks * yamada akira == 1.0.1: 2011-07-15 A bug fix release of 1.0.0. === Fixes ==== Core * Removed needless albino gem dependency. == 1.0.0: 2011-07-15 The first major release! We spent seven years for it! === Improvements ==== Core * Made Twitter related gems optional not required. * Disabled Clutter by default. --use-gl is required to enable it. [Reported by OBATA Akio] * Supported ((<blockdiag|URL:>)). RD: # blockdiag # relative_width = 90 # fonts = /usr/share/fonts/opentype/ipafont/ipag.ttf, /usr/share/fonts/truetype/vlgothic/VL-Gothic-Regular.ttf { fontsize = 25; RD -> Rabbit; Hiki -> Rabbit; PDF -> Rabbit; group { Rabbit -> Display; } } Hiki: {{blockdiag(" { fontsize = 25; RD -> Rabbit; Hiki -> Rabbit; PDF -> Rabbit; group { Rabbit -> Display; } }", { :relative_width => 90, # :antialias => true, :fonts => ["/usr/share/fonts/opentype/ipafont/ipag.ttf", "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/vlgothic/VL-Gothic-Regular.ttf"], })}} * Removed Anthy support. * Supported syntax highlighting by CodeRay. * Supported syntax highlighting by Emacs. * Improved "run from console" detection. [Reported by OBATA Akio] * Supported non-blocking mode for Twitter connection. [Reported by OBATA Akio] * Improved the default logger detection. [Reported by OBATA Akio] * Supported Nokogiri and dropped HTree. * Added --allotted-time option to specify presentation allotted time. * Added --comment-theme option to specify a theme for comment. For example, use --comment-theme stream-comment to stream comment on your slide. * Removed RWiki support. ==== Rabbiter * Added --log-status option to log streamed information for debug. ==== Rabbirack * Added. It is a new Web interface for Rabbit. It will deprecate Rabrick. ==== Theme * Added shadow-color, shadow-x and shadow-y properties to text element. * syntax-highlighting: Added. It specifies colors for syntax highlighting. * footer-comment: * Improved image-timer support. * Disabled the last comment remaining by default. * rabbit-powered-by: Disabled banner. * pdf-tortoise-and-hare: Removed because it's merged to pdf theme. * pdf: * Supported hare and tortoise. * Supported comment. * base: Added foreground color, background color and shadow color configurations. * default-comment: Added. It specifies a theme for comment. === Fixes ==== Core * Fixed a problem that .mo are missing in package. [Reported by OBATA Akio] * Fixed a problem that appending comment from rabbiter crashes Rabbit. * Fixed a problem that PDF file detection is failed in Ruby 1.9. ==== Documentation * Fixed link URL. [Reported znz] === Thanks * OBATA Akio * znz
2011-07-11Update rabbit to 0.9.3.obache5-32/+38
(adjust default dependency to Gems) == 0.9.3: 2010-06-25 A comment and Twitter support improved release. === Improvements ==== Core * Supported PDF viewer on Ruby 1.9. [Reported by tmtms] * [#199] Supported "~" expansion in path specified by "-I". [Reported by kdmsnr] * Supported Twitter's OAuth. * Supported Bundler. * Added Rabbit.add_cleanup_proc that is an API to register a hook on rabbit command finished. * Added rabwii command to control Rabbit via Wii Remote. [Based on Kiwamu Okabe's code] * Changed default dRuby server bind address to localhost. * Changed default --default-public-level to "all". * rabbitter: Used OAuth. * rabrick: Changed --druby-uri option to --rabbit-uri. * rabbit-command: Changed --druby-uri option to --rabbit-uri. * Removed comment view. * rabbitter: Added --user-language option. * Used GUI logger by default when Rabbit isn't invoked by rubyw.exe. [Helped by Nobuyoshi Nakada] * Added launcher mode that show file chose dialog when Rabbit invoked without source file on no console environment. * Supported tag in Hiki notation. ({{tag('tag-name', 'value')}} ==== Theme * title-background-image: Supported image file name in slide property. [Suggested by kdmsnr] * background-image-toolkit: Used slide property rather than options in theme. * image: Made image caption's font size customizable. * color-circle: Enabled newline-in-slides and tag theme by default. * slide-number: Made slide number position customizable. [Youhei SASAKI] * debian: Updated. [Youhei SASAKI] * dark-gradation: Added. It's Keynote like dark gradation theme. [Youhei SASAKI] * twitter-comment: Added. It imports tweets from Twitter as comments. [Based on Kiwamu Okabe's code] * comment: Removed. It's for removed comment view. * footer-comment: Added. It shows comments on the footer. [Based on Kiwamu Okabe's code] * clutter-comment: Added. It streams comments on slides with rolling by Clutter API. * stream-comment: Added. It streams comments on slides. === Fixes ==== Core * Fixed Clutter backend doesn't work. [Reported by OBATA Akio] * Fixed GUI logger doesn't work.
2011-03-26Welcome back!obache1-2/+2
2011-03-11service suspended. fetch from backup. prevent timeout.zafer1-2/+2
2011-02-27Update HOMEPAGE.obache1-2/+2
2010-12-31Update rabbit to 0.9.2.obache3-7/+29
== 0.9.2: 2010-12-31 A release for Matz. === Improvements ==== Theme * Added Debian theme. [Added by Youhei SASAKI] * cairo backend: * Supported line_cap. * Supported line_join. * Supported Pixbuf as pattern source. * Supported matrix transformation of pattern. * default-slide: Supported line width customization. * @default_headline_line_width * @default_headline_line_params * @default_headline_line_expand * tag: * Added margin-top tag. * Added margin-bottom tag. * slide-logo: Supported slide logo width/height/position customization. * @slide_logo_width * @slide_logo_height * @slide_logo_position * Added ranguba theme. ==== Information Window * Showed rest time before timer start. [Suggested by Yukihiro Matsumoto] * Showed the current slide. [Suggested by Yukihiro Matsumoto] * Supported keyboard/mouse operations from information window. [Suggested by Yukihiro Matsumoto] === Thanks * Youhei SASAKI * Yukihiro Matsumoto
2010-10-26Update rabbit to 0.9.1.obache2-7/+7
== Changes 0.9.1 from 0.9.0: 2010-10-25 Changed license: Ruby's -> GPLv2 or later === Improvements * Removed rabbit.bat from gem. [U.Nakamura] * Added documentation for Homebrew. [kdmsnr] * Changed license to GPLv2 or later from Ruby's. (It assumed that Kouhei Sutou can change contributed codes and so on. If contributes can't accept the rule, those codes and so on aren't included in Rabbit.) === Thanks * U.Nakamura * kdmsnr
2010-09-26Update rabbit to 0.9.0.obache4-22/+11
== Changes 0.9.0 from 0.6.5: 2010-09-26 Applied defalut custom tag styles. === Improvements ==== Theme * background-image-toolkit: Added vertical-align paramteter that specifies vertical position. Example: # image # src = lavie.png # relative-width = 30 # align = right # vertical-align = top # relative-margin-right = -5 * tag: New theme. It provides default style for some custome tags. The following custom tags are supports. It is enabled by default. * tag:x-large: Made specified text large. * tag:center: Placed specified text in center If no text is specified, block that has center tag is placed in center. * tag:right: Placed specified text in right If no text is specified, block that has right tag is placed in right. Example: (('tag:x-large:Large Text')) (('tag:center'))Centerized Text (('tag:right'))Right-Justified Text ==== RD * Supported recursive markup in (('('))('XXX:')((')')) markup. * Supported markup in cells in table. === Fix * Fixed missing require. [Reported by OBATA Akio] * Fixed aafigure's site URL. [Reported by kdmsnr] * Changed default align to center of background-image-toolkit theme for backward compatibility. [Suggested by nari] * Renamed Rabbitter to Rabbiter.
2010-09-10Remove default value's PKGNAME.taca1-2/+1
2010-08-01Update rabbit to 0.6.5.obache7-46/+31
== Changes 0.6.4 from 0.6.5: 2010-07-31 * Added Rabbiter that collects comments from Twitter. [OBATA Akio] * Supported ((<aafigure|URL:>)). [Suggested by kdmsnr] === Improvements * Removed needless newlines from default PDF filename. * Worked with \r\n newline. [Reported by zunda] * Rabbitter: Added. It collects comments from Twitter. [OBATA Akio] * Supported aafigure. [suggested by kdmsnr] ==== Theme * clear-blue: Removed needless newlines from footer text. * per-slide-background-iamge: Supported "background-image-align: right" slide property. [Suggested by kdmsnr] = slide ... == properties : background-image lavie.png : background-image-relative-width 30 : background-image-align right : background-image-relative-margin-right 3 * Supported width parameter 'relative_width' as well as 'relative-width'. * body-background-image: Added. It enables "align = right" image property: = title # image # src = lavie.png # relative-width = 30 # align = right # relative-margin-right = -5 * Enabled body-background-image and per-slide-background-image by default. * background-image-tookit: Added. It is a toolkit for shareing common processes in body-background-image and per-slide-background-image themes. * title-background-image: Supported customize by @title_background_image_properties. The same options for image element can be used. [Suggested by kdmsnr] @title_background_image_properties = { :align => :right, :as_large_as_possible => false, :relative_height => 75, } This shows image with the following layout: +-----------+ | +---+| | title <- background image | +---+| +-----------+ A background image is showed in center and it is resized to as large as possible by default. === Fixes * Fixed comment view doesn't work. === Thanks * kdmsnr * zunda * OBATA Akio
2010-07-12fix a typo.obache1-2/+2
2010-06-30enable keybord interface on Clutter render.obache3-3/+23
taken form upstream r1380. Bump PKGREVISION.
2010-06-18* No need to require rubygems anymore.obache6-56/+20
* Work comment view again, taken form upstream. Bump PKGREVISION.
2010-05-15Note commented out LICENSE (Ruby's).obache1-1/+2
2010-01-30Update rabbit to 0.6.4.obache3-7/+11
== Changes 0.6.4 from 0.6.3: 2010-01-29 Rabbit had been included in Debian official packages! [Youhei SASAKI] === Improvements * Added --keep-above option: Rabbit is always shown top of windows. * Added --source-filename option that adds source link to output HTML. * Added a directory in source file into theme load path. * Supported a single theme file in the same directory of source file. [zunda] * Improved PDF file detection. ==== Theme * Added: * per-slide-background-image: Uses background image per slide. A background image is specified by slide property: = target slide ... == properties : background-image my-picture.png : background-image-ralative-height 95 Supported options are same as image options in slide. Options name should be started with "background-image-". e.g.: "background-image-relative-height" for "relative-height" option. * per-slide-background-color: Uses background color per slide. A background color is specified by slide property: = target slide ... == properties : background-color black Color can be specified as color name, "black", or RGB values "#RRGGBBAA". * Changed: * default-slide: Supports title foreground color and shadow color change per slide. They are specified by slide property: = target slide ... == properties : headline-color red : headline-shadow-color gray === Fixes * Fixed a bug that empty title with @lightning_talk_as_large_as_possible = true crashes. [kdmsnr] * Added workaround for Ruby 1.8.7 p249. === Thanks * zunda * kdmsnr * Youhei SASAKI
2009-12-17Update rabbit to 0.6.3.obache3-7/+10
== Changes 0.6.3 from 0.6.2: 2009-12-16 === Improvements * [#180] Supported inline markup in DL with Wiki format. [kdmsnr] * Added butler rabbit to the standard theme. * Changed to use scaled images by default even when printing mode. * Supported pixbuf rendering with alpha channel. (when cairo is used as rendering engine) ==== Theme * Added: * lightning-monochrome: Takahashi method slide + monochrome normal slide * Changed: * default-block-quote: Added @block_quote_image_background_alpha parameter that specifies alpha channel of background images. * default-preformatted: Made auto text size adjustment optional. It is customized by @preformatted_keep_in_size parameter. * clear-blue: Displayed title in the left bottom by default. It can be disabled by the following theme: include_theme("clear-blue") @slide_footer_info_left_text = "" * Supported nest of "itemize > enum" and "itemize > itemize > enum". ==== Experimental ((*This maybe changed in the feature.*)) * Supported tag: syntax: (('tag:name:content')) or (('tag:name'))content e.g.: slide.rab: (('tag:center'))Hi, look it! theme.rb: match("**", CustomTag) do |tags| tags.each do |tag| case when "center" tag.parent.horizontal_centering = true end end end output(before): +-------------------+ | Hi, look it! | +-------------------+ output(after): +-------------------+ | Hi, look it! | +-------------------+ === Fixes * Fixed a problem that fullscreen doesn't work on Ruby 1.9 [Masaki Suketa] * [#179] Fixed a problem that Rabbit sometimes crashes with mouse clicks. [kdmsnr] * newline-in-slides theme: Disabled newline substitution in preformatted text. * Fixed a problem that cursor isn't displayed after unfullscreen. === Thanks * Masaki Suketa * kdmsnr
2009-10-12Upate rabbit to 0.6.2.obache2-6/+6
== Changes 0.6.2 from 0.6.1: 2009-10-03 === Improvements * Rabbit became an official MacPorts package! [kimura wataru] * Supported '''strong''' Wiki markup [kdmsnr] * Ignored level 2 or larger section in Wiki markup [kdmsnr] * Theme * pdf-tortoise-and-hare: Added margin between slide edge, tortoise and hare. * clear-blue: Supported changing images of tortoise and hare. * Added set_font_resolution_ratio that can change character size in a lump. * rabbit-mode: Supported rabbit-command. * Updated prototype.js: 1.4.0 -> 1.6.0 * Supported justify. * Added a command that gets the current slide content as RD format. * Added --geometry option. * Supported RubyGems. === Fixes * Fixed a problem that allotted-time is ignored in lightning-simple theme. [Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA] * Removed system DPI dependency. [Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA] * Fixed a problem that displayed slide and PDF slide is different. [Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA] * Fixed a problem that images aren't resized with GDK backend.
2009-07-18Update rabbit to 0.6.1.obache2-6/+6
== Changes 0.6.1 from 0.6.: 2009-07-17 === Improvements * Images are rendered after resized by Gdk::Pixbuf on display mode. * Theme * lightning-talk-toolkit: supported :hide-title * slide-show: timer is reset after each loop * slide-show: default slide show span is computed from allotted time and slide size. * "\n" is available by default. * Wiki format supports slide property. * RD format supports 'wait' in nested itemize. [Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA] === Fixes * Added missing GPL license file. * Fixed a problem that PDF isn't resized on display size change. * Fixed a problem that index mode doesn't work for title only slide. [rabbit-shockers:654] [OBATA Akio] * Fixed a problem that block wait doesn't work. [OBATA Akio]
2009-06-14Remove @dirrm entries from PLISTsjoerg1-130/+1
2009-05-24Update rabbit to 0.6.0.obache3-7/+9
== Changes 0.6.0 from 0.5.9: 2009-05-23 === Improvements * Supported Bonjour: [kimura wataru] * Added new mascot character "Tailavi": [MoMo] * ((<URL:>)) * Added subtitle to windows title. * Supported slide property. * Added alternative images for "rabbit and tortoise". * Original image is used for PDF embedding instead of resized image. === Fixes * Fixed a typo in sample/kof2005/gesture.rb: [#143][IWAI, Masaharu] * Fixed install document: [zunda] * Fixed English: [Eduardo Gonzalez]
2009-02-09Update rabbit to 0.5.9.obache3-7/+18
== Changes 0.5.9 from 0.5.8: 2009-02-09 * Improvements * HTML output: supported link to PDF. * added rabbit-command command line tool to control Rabbit. * supported reflected image effect (requested by kdmsnr) Example: How to write: # image # src = XXX.jpg # relative_height = 80 # reflect_ratio = 0.5 * Theme * New themes * pdf-tortoise-and-hare: uses tortoise and hare timer when PDF viewer mode. Allotted time is specified by RABBIT_ALLOTTED_TIME environment variable. Example: % RABBIT_ALLOTTED_TIME=4.5m rabbit --theme pdf-tortoise-and-hare XXX.pdf * lightning-clear-blue: uses large character slides in bluish clear-blue theme. * title-on-image-toolkit: superimposes title on image. Example: How to use: In slide: = Users Group # image # src = shocker.jpg # relative_height = 90 In theme: include_theme("title-on-image-toolkit") match(Slide) do |slides| slides.each do |slide| slide.title_on_image if slide.title_on_image? end end * Bug fixes * fixed wrong Wiki format detection.
2008-10-23Update Rabbit to 0.5.8.obache3-10/+13
== Changes 0.5.8 from 0.5.7: 2008-10-18 * Improvements * supported Clutter * supported page transition * supported new comment view that flow comments on a slide. * supported IRC backend * RabbIRC (akira yamada) * Theme * added shadow to quote marks * try to use Hiragino font if available * add a new theme * newline-in-slides: supports '\n' newline notation * Bug fixes * fixed too much grabbed problem on magnifier mode * reworked Tofu backend * fixed a problem that was reported on Asakusa.rb
2008-09-16Update rabbit to 0.5.7.obache3-39/+69
== Changes 0.5.7 from 0.5.6: 2008-07-21 * Bug fixes * fixed broken PDF generation * Improvements * supported GTK+/Quartz (Mac OS X native UI) * supported context menu with Control + left click (suggested by OBATA Akio) * align = XXX accepts :right or "left" too * supported nested labels in (('note:XXX:YYY:...')) form * added "Next" and "Previous" actions that consider pause. * added "ResetTimer" action * do fullscreen as first as possible when --fullscreen command line option is specified * supported {{wait}} and {{br}} markup on Wiki format * fixed dirty sample slide * Theme * added body margin * added "dash" item mark * stopped to use vivid colors for list item mark * added properties * added new themes: * newline-in-title: supports '\n' newline notation * edge-info-toolkit: displays information at the edge of slide * slide-header-info: displays information at the header of slide * slide-footer-info: displays information at the footer of slide * footer-logo: displays logo image at the footer of slide * blue-bar: a theme that displays bars at the top and bottom of slide * clear-blue: clear blue theme == Changes 0.5.6 from 0.5.5: 2008-04-21 * removed RTtool * supported Ruby 1.9 a bit * supported pause
2008-06-19- Switch to use vendor_dir with Ruby 1.8.7.taca2-459/+462
2008-03-31Fix the optional loading of rubygems at the head of the rabbit scripts.jlam5-15/+30
If rubygems is not found, then just continue. Bump the PKGREVISION to 3.
2008-03-18Allow for loading libraries installed as gems. Bump PKGREVISION.jlam5-3/+42
2008-03-11Instead of installing some duplicated files with ruby-rttool pacakge,taca2-7/+7
depends on ruby-rttool pacakge. Bump PKGREVISION.
2008-03-01Update rabbit to 0.5.5.obache3-10/+15
While here, marked as DESTDIR ready. == Changes 0.5.5 from 0.5.4: 2008-03-01 * Bug fixes * fixed tests (reported by OBATA Akio) * fixed --margin option * supported HikiDoc installed by RubyGems * removed Tgif related files (reported by OBATA Akio) * removed needless windows-adjust theme * stopped to show progress message when index page is generating * added --log-level option * added document for MacPorts * rabbit-mode.el: * removed a needless variable.
2007-12-15Update rabbit to 0.5.4.obache4-27/+20
== Changes 0.5.4 from 0.5.3: 2007-12-15 * Documentation update * fixed's URL (kitaj) * updated document of MacPorts (kimura wataru) * Theme related * added some color configuration to night-black theme * added slide-logo theme * added slide-footer theme * Bug fixes * fixed cairo backend availability check * fixed Wiki parser loading bug (reported by OBATA Akio) * suppressed warnings on Windows * fixed "/" handling on Windows (JunichiNakai, OBATA Akio) * logged progress in background (suggested by OBATA Akio) * changed default print format to PDF * supported "check" for itemize mark * added --show-native-window-id option * supported <<< LANG\n...\n>>> with Wiki parser * added block quote sample * supported an image file as source (Rabbit can be an image viewer) * added as_large_as_possible image size option * removed config.rb on 'setup.rb clean' (Kobayashi Noritada) * removed Tgif support * added --man option (Kobayashi Noritada) * supported as source * supported DnD
2007-08-26Fixed startup error occured on some filesystem situation.obache3-2/+16
2007-08-17ruby-gnome2-gnomeprint is no longer needed.obache1-2/+1
2007-08-04Update Rabbit to 0.5.3.obache3-33/+89
Changes 0.5.3 from 0.5.2: 2006-08-04 * Theme related o added Day White/Night Black themes (TADA Tadashi) o added a slide for benchmarking theme (suggested by TADA Tadashi) o added Green Circle theme. o renamed Auto Slide to Slide Show. o clean-upped (codes of) theme. * Documentation update o INSTALL.win32 (Masao Mutoh, zunda¡Ë * Bug fixes o escaped '_' in page name for page name list in menu. (reported by Shugo Maeda) o fixed a GRClosure related problem. (akira yamada) o fixed a crash bug when reloading source. o fixed a bug that occurs with --output-html without --output-index-html. o fixed a bug that font configurations are ignored in printing. * improved GIMP support (akira yamada) * removed libgnomeprint support. * supported Wiki notation (HikiDoc). (included hikidoc.rb only in this release) * marked quality of PS/PDF output is enough. * added a toggle Magnifier action to menu. * added a toggle Spotlight action to menu. * supported partial rendering. (syntax in source is not supported yet) * {start,stop}_reload_timer -> {start,stop}_redraw_timer ({start,stop}_reload_timer are still available for backward compatibility)
2007-06-04Import rabbit version 0.5.2.obache5-0/+496
This is an application to do presentation with RD document.