Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author | Files | Lines |
* fixes unportable, broken socket connect/bind (patch-ae, patch-ag)
A HMM-based(Hidden Markov Model) sentence pinyin input method for Chinese.
This Project starts from my graduate life in BUPT. Evolved from a research
prototype to a real project. This input method is based on scim-pinyin, a
popular Linux input method.
Hopefully this project will help you speed up inputing Chinese characters.
scim-unikey is a scim input method engine.
It use ukengine for progress key event.
(a mod version of ukengine)
scim-uim is an SCIM IMEngine module for uim.
scim-tomoe is a SCIM IMEngine module for Tomoe.
This is SCIM IMEngine module for Thai, based on libthai library.
Currently, it supports 3 keyboard layouts:
- Ketmanee
- TIS-820.2538
- Pattachote
In addition to keyboard layout suuports, it also validate input sequences
in 3 levels of strictness:
- Passthrough (no check)
- Basic Check
- Srict Check
For applications that support surrounding text retrieval/deleting,
it also corrects the invalid input sequences.
This package includes many data files for SCIM Generic Table Input Method
module (table). They support Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), Japanese,
Korean and some other languages, such as Russian etc. The data files will be
converted to binary format and installed to ${prefix}/share/scim/tables/.
SCIM table im module will load them automatically.
scim-skk is an SCIM IMEngine module for skk.
scim-sinhala is an SCIM IMEngine module for Sinhala.
scim-prime is a SCIM IMEngine module for PRIME.
scim-pinyin is an SCIM IMEngine module for smart pinyin.
scim-m17n is an SCIM IMEngine module for m17n-lib.
SCIM Input Pad is an onscreen input pad used to input some symbols very easily.
SCIM Input Pad is an onscreen input pad used to input some symbols very easily.
Scim-hangul is a SCIM IMEngine module for inputing korean scripts. Scim-hangul
is for native speakers, not for foreigners. If you don't want to learn korean
keyboard layout, use scim-table :)
This engine supports 2 beolsik, 3 beolsik final, 3 beolsik 390, 3 beolsik
no-shift and etc. You can input chinese character (hanja) with F9 key when you
have preedit string.
Check other korean input methods here:
This is fcitx ported to SCIM by baohaojun.
scim-chewing is an SCIM IMEngine module for Chewing input method.
scim-ccinput is an SCIM IMEngine module for CCInput.
scim-canna is an SCIM IMEngine module for Canna.
Scim-bridge is wrapper library for SCIM, written in C. It is firstly written to
solve problems occured by the ABI transition of GNU libstdc++ between 3.* branch
and 4.* branch. That's not the problem in the most of cases because you usually
used the same compiler for SCIM and GUI apps.
This input method engine is developed to support the Array 30 input method in
SCIM framework. SCIM Array 30 Input Method Engine provides with all the
functions of Array 30, including 1st and 2nd level short codes, special codes,
and symbol input.
scim-anthy is a SCIM IMEngine module for anthy.
SCIM is Smart Common Input Method platform, it provides user friendly/full
featured user interface and development platform to make input method
developer's life easier.
Anthy is a system for Japanese input method.
It converts Hiragana text to Kana Kanji mixed text.
scim-anthy provides some usefull user interfaces for Anthy using SCIM.
Currently the SCIM project has a wide range of input methods (some may need
other libraries), covering more than 30 languages, including
(Simplified/Traditional) Chinese, Japanese, Korean and many European languages.
What's more, Composing/Dead key support is one of the built-in features.
In addition, several projects have been established to design IMEngines for
SCIM and others supply their own SCIM plugins.
What's New in libchewing 0.3.2
* Add gcc visibility support to hide private APIs.
* APIs and Headers refactoring.
* Doxygen-friendly API documentation.
* New binary data manipulation approach to dramatically reduce storage
usage and loading time via memory mapping. (enabled by default)
* New word segmentation method based on mmseg.
* Improved auto-learn new phrases method.
* Improved test suite and added simple benchmark program.
* Option to indicate the behavior for phrase choice to be rearward
or not.
* New APIs to enumerate supported keyboard types.
* Repair improper memory access.
* API united in Win32 and UNIX world.
* Initial Pythin binding support.
* Merged with libchewing-data project. (r342)
* Canonical debugging messages.
* Successful stories:
. OpenBSD porting
. ibus-chewing : chewing engine for ibus input method framework.
. UIM-chewing leveraging libchewing 0.3.x development branch.
What's New in libchewing 0.3.1
* New keyboard layout DACHEN_CP26.
* Add key '`' to open symbol table.
* Erase candidate and reset its length when 'Esc' key is handled.
* Closes candidate window when user pressed 'Up' key.
* Doing select at the end of edit buffer works on the
last phrase (interval).
* Improved reminding message text.
* Sync with libchewingdata project.
* A new HanYu-PinYin mapping table
* More robust behavior when IM crashes.
* Allow '#' comment and blank line in tsi.src.
* Fix chewing switch between Full/Half mode and cursor moves one space in
* Fix when list available phrases to choice, user's own phrases are
not included.
* Release PgUp/PgDn key event to running applications.
* Fix portability issues on FreeBSD.
* Fix incorrect initialization.
* Fix pinyin key order, put "shun" before "shuo".
* Fix various potenital boffer overflow bugs.
* Fix various memory leaks.
* chewing_set_PinYinMethod to support multiple PinYin methods.
* chewing_handle_CtrlOption was removed.
* New structure SymbolEntry.
* Rename selectAreaLen to candPerPage.
* Added bEasySymbolInput.
What's New in libchewing 0.3.0
* This is a new development branch differing a lot from
0.2.x series, and breaks API/ABI for new features.
* UTF-8 based language engine core for common Unicode
* Porting layer for POSIX/Unix-like and Win32 to reduce the
redundant porting process.
* New API design for better consistency.
* Merge the efforts from libchewing-data subproject, which
means various phrases have been reviewed and corrected.
* Zuin fixes and symbol improvements.
* Support key 'j' / 'k' for paging in selection mode.
* Fix some internal memory management bugs and leaks.
* Improved internal test suite.
* New binary-form of user hash data to speed up loading and
solve hash data corruption.
* Better calculating of internal tree and phone constants.
* Revised tsi.src for richer phrases and avoiding crashes.
* Merge phone and phrase from CNS11643.
* Reduce the amount for the expose for internal symbols.
* Improved Han-Yu PinYin to use table-lookup implementation.
* Experimental frequency-evaluation. (re-compute chewing
* Implement the choice mechanism for pair symbols.
* Improved Tab handling to allow the switching over different
frequency orders of candidated phrases.
* New auxiliary module for simpler API uses.
* Experimental memory-mapping based binary data handling to
speed up data loading.
* Successful stories:
. Sun Solaris 10 U2 and 11 will provide built-in Chewing
IM support.
. OXIM input method suite from OpenDesktop/OSSI provides
Chewing support as its default input method.
. New Win32-Chewing subproject to provide efficient input
mthod solution on Microsoft Windows platforms.
* relax build dependency from db3 to db2-4.
* add DESTDIR support
for xcin, it is not support libchewing-0.3 API.
While here, add DESTDIR support and relax bdb dependency from db3 to db2-4.
0.2.6: 2004/09/20
1. Remove the "-release" flag from libtool, such that the naming convention
of libtabe/libbims is changed to be:
Add release number information into utilities.
Thanks to Roger So <>.
2. Porting to DB3-3.3.11: DB->stat() only takes 3 arguements.
Thanks to Pofeng Lee <>
Rui-Xiang Guo <>
3. Change the "rm $(PACKDB)" from "make clean" to "make distclean".
Thanks to Kuang-che Wu <>.
4. Fix several memory leakage problem.
Thanks to Kuang-che Wu <>.
5. Add util/tsiguess.c.
Add API: tabeChunkInfoFree(), tabeChunkInfoNew(), tabeTsiInfoNew(),
Thanks to Pofeng Lee <>.
6. Add bims facility: user add Tsi by hand and store to user DB files.
Thanks to Eric Cheng <>.
7. Add bims facility: simple algorithm to learn new phrase input by user.
Thanks to Pofeng Lee <>.
8. A quick fix for segfault when there is no ~/.xcin/*.db
Fixed by Geoffrey Lee <>
9. Fixed the bug of signed/unsigned TsiInfo->refcount ( µüÀW 0 bug )
Found by FixeShao-yu Cheng <>
Fixed by Kuang-che Wu <>
10. By <>
Fix a bug in libtabe/util/tsiguess: Do not always try to open
$HOME/.xcin/newdb. But one can use the flag "-u" to specify the
path of user defined DB file.
11. Fix bug in tabe_tsi.c: tabeChunkSegmentationComplex():
the same floating point number precision problem found in bims.c.
Speed up and clean up tsiguess.c and tabe_tsi.c
By Kuang-che Wu <>
tsidump, tsiguess, tsiyincheck, tsiyindump utilities when necessary.
By Kuang-che Wu <>
13. Support Berkeley DB 4.
Thansks to Cheng-Lung Sung <>.
14. Builds without libbims if configure --without-x
Builds with specific BerkeleyDB lib name if configure --with-db-name try all db*_dump, don't check db version anymore
15. Add bimsToggleTsiGuess() and bimsToggleNoTsiGuess() functions.
Update autotools files.
* implemented new logic romaja method
* updated to support the new Unicode standard 5.2
* updated API document
* fixed small bugs
* Add dependency m17n-contrib for m17nlib option.
It is required for icons.
* Remove m17-*.png icon files from PLIST and generate/delete symbolic links at
XXX: symbolic links may be broken/missing when update m17n-contrib.
XXX: There is no chance to invoke relink at the time.
in emacs23.
Patch provided by YAMASHIRO Jun in PR 41805.
Changelog for Anthy:
* Update kana-kanji dictionary(9100b, 9100d, 9100e, 9100g).
* Improbed for stability(9100g).
* Bugfixes
Changelog for pkgsrc
* Update optional dictionary: okinawa-20090801.t
Shared directories can now be created independently by the pacakges
needing them and will be removed automatically by pkg_delete when empty.
Packages needing empty directories can use the @pkgdir command in PLIST.
Discussed and ok'd in thread starting at
by joerg.
MAKE_JOBS=2 and worked without.