Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author | Files | Lines |
Changes in 1.5.0_19
The full internal version number for this update release is 1.5.0_19-b02 (where "b" means "build"). The external version number is 5.0u19.
OlsonData 2009g
This release contains Olson time zone data version 2009g. For more information, refer to Timezone Data Versions in the JRE Software .
Security Baseline
This update release specifies the following security baseline:
JRE Family Version Java SE
Security Baseline Java SE for Business
Security Baseline 1.4.2 1.4.2_19 1.4.2_20
In December, 2008, Java SE 1.4.2 reached its end of service life with the release of 1.4.2_19. Future revisions of Java SE 1.4.2 (1.4.2_20 and above) include the Access Only option and are available to Java SE for Business subscribers.
For more information about the security baseline, see Deploying Java Applets With Family JRE Versions in Java Plug-in for Internet Explorer .
Additional Supported System Configurations
As of this update, support has been added for the following system configurations:
* Internet Explorer 8
* Windows Server 2008
* SLES 11
Refer to the Supported System Configurations page.
Service Tag Support
Service Tag support on Solaris, Linux, and Windows is add in this release. If Service Tag software has been installed on a system where JRE 1.5.0_19 is being installed, a unique service tag is automatically created for that particular JRE instance. There is no change in the JDK/JRE installation instruction, and there is no change in the Java runtime.
Service Tag software can be downloaded from Sun Inventory. JDK and JRE service tags allow installed instances of the JDK and JRE to be discovered and registered under a user's account on Sun Connection.
Known Issues
IE 8 Hangs with OBJECT Tag
When an OBJECT tag is used to specify an applet, and the browser does not receive any mouse button events or keyboard events before the browser gets to the point of interpreting (executing) the OBJECT> tag, then IE 8 hangs.
This bug is seen when an html file containing OBJECT tag is specified as a command line parameter while launching IE. For example:
iexplorer.exe file.html
In this case, there is no mouse button event between invocation of IE and OBJECT tag execution.
A workaround is to force the user to use a mouse or keyboard before IE8 reaches the tag. For example, if applet.html contains an OBJECT tag, then the following command line invocation hangs the browser:
iexplorer.exe applet.html
However, if you specify applet.html in another html file, as follows, then the user is forced to use the keyboard or mouse button, and the hang does not occur:
<HTML><BODY><A href="file:applet.html"> click </A> </BODY></HT
Refer to CR 6825659 for further information.
Bug Fixes
Bug fixes are listed in the following table.
BugId Category Subcategory Description 6260293 hotspot compiler2 fix set_ctrl() inconsistencies in loopopts
6394438 hotspot compiler2 crash in C2 compiler in MachSpillCopyNode::implementation on 5.0_U4
6435614 hotspot compiler2 code fails with impossible ArrayIndexOutOfBounds Exception
6754146 hotspot compiler2 1.5.0_15 C2 compiler crashes in PhaseChaitin::Split()
6788347 hotspot compiler2 C2Compiler crash 6u7
6798785 hotspot compiler2 Crash in OopFlow::build_oop_map: incorrect comparison of 64bit pointers
5081701 hotspot garbage_collector CMS: ATG crash with perm gen collection enabled
6415354 hotspot garbage_collector CMS: assert(thisOop->is_oop_or_null(true),"expected an oop or NULL")
6722112 hotspot garbage_collector CMS: Incorrect encoding of overflown object arrays during concurrent precleaning
6722113 hotspot garbage_collector CMS: Incorrect overflow handling during precleaning of Reference lists
6739357 hotspot garbage_collector CMS: Switch off CMSPrecleanRefLists1 until 6722113 can be fixed
6786503 hotspot garbage_collector Overflow list performance can be improved
6787254 hotspot garbage_collector Work queue capacity can be increased substantially on some platforms
6751861 hotspot jvmti Memory leak occurs in JVMTI(jdk5.0u16)
6447157 hotspot other Crashdump (hs_err_pid*.log) does not contain the crash time
6320309 hotspot runtime_system symbol resolution -- wait() vs interrupt -- can result in IE being thrown from unexpected locations
6680485 hotspot runtime_system Wrong error-handling with Solaris-specific interruptible I/O (Solaris)
6821003 hotspot runtime_system Update hotspot windows os_win32 for windows 7
6277781 idl serialization Serialization of Enums over IIOP is broke.
6614558 idl serialization jmx interop JDK5 - JDK6 issue when calling getMBeanInfo
6529796 java char_encodings Support JIS X 0213:2004 in existing JDK versions, especially for Windows Vista
6710199 java char_encodings SJIS_0213 does not handle "unmappable" encoding operation correctly
4744405 java classes_2d RFE: lookupPrintServices() to refresh the printers list dynamically
6358622 java classes_2d hotspot crash when printing to non-available network printer
6428762 java classes_2d RHEL5: Sazanami Mincho Font rendering quality is poor
6574633 java classes_2d native printDialog crashes when changing printer
6633656 java classes_2d Cross platform print dialog doesn't check for orientation being unsupported.
6524352 java classes_awt support for high-resolution mouse wheel
6668385 java classes_awt Java applet crashes IE 6 in AwtComponent::ImmAssociateContext()
6675956 java classes_awt REGRESSION : Different behavior of Container.findComponentAt in jdk5
6707023 java classes_awt Chinese Characters in JTextPane Cause Pane to Hang
6219755 java classes_io PipedOutputStream.write() remains blocked after PipedInputStream was closed
6242664 java classes_lang String.offsetByCodePoints doesn't work for Strings returned by String.substring
6819886 java classes_lang System.getProperty("") reports Vista on Windows 7
6651382 java classes_management The Java JVM SNMP provider reports incorrect stats when asked for multiple OIDs
6598160 java classes_net Windows IPv6 Socket implementation doesn't set the handle to not inherit
6648001 java classes_net Cancelling HTTP authentication causes subsequent deadlocks
6693244 java classes_net Java Web Start app fails on 6u10 beta w/ AssertionError in AuthenticationInfo.requestCompleted
5100121 java classes_nio (se) select not immune to EINTR
6497734 java classes_nio (dc) assert "JNI handle should not be null" under Java_sun_nio_ch_FileDispatcher_preClose0()
6552236 java classes_security PolicyFile not synchronized during refresh
6699856 java classes_swing Creating text in a JTextPane using Chinese text causes undesired behavior
6735259 java classes_swing NPE at WindowsComboBoxUI$XPComboBoxButton.getState(
4823811 java classes_text [Fmt-Da] SimpleDateFormat patterns don't allow embedding of some literal punctuation
6576792 java classes_util_concurrent ThreadPoolExecutor methods leak interrupts when run in pool threads
6409997 java classes_util_i18n Default locale/encoding detection for Windows Vista
6834474 java classes_util_i18n (tz) Support tzdata2009g
6740278 java dragndrop An image(256 colors) in clipboard should be displayed correctly
6404011 java imageio IllegalArgumentException: "Invalid ICC Profile Data" when reading certain JPEGs
6687968 java imageio PNGImageReader leaks native memory through an Inflater.
6541870 java serialization NullPointerException in ObjectInputStream with Externalizables
6608975 java serviceability HeapDumpPath option is ignored for dumps written by HeapDumpOnCtrlBreak functionality
6745217 java serviceability jmap throws sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.AssertionFailure: BitMap index out of bounds (1.5.0_15-b04)
6754987 java serviceability Crash triggering Heapdump via -XX:+HeapDumpOnCtrlBreak AND -XX:+UseParallelOldGC
6803304 java sunservicetags Service Tag support for JRE for solaris/linux/windows
6680432 java_deployment security Display only Digital Signature key usage certificate in client authentication dialog box.
6567254 java_plugin ns6 Stack stomp in CSecureJNIEnv
6603064 java_plugin other Legacy_lifecycle:Exception getting thrown on while making LiveConnect calls once applet is refreshed
6595618 java_plugin plugin Intermittent problems with signed applet certificate verification
6618901 java_plugin plugin 6.0 JRE applet running on Vista limits heap to 64 MB
6696175 javawebstart jnlp_file javaws not recognizing properties which contains % character
6809409 jaxp sax jaxp Issue 56 SAXException doesn't do the exception chaining properly
6809019 jaxp xslt Performance degradation for fix to: 6537909 in 1.5.0_14
6796140 jets other Further ORB changes after 6725987
6176036 jndi ldap Require a way to specify read timeout for LDAP operations
Changes in 1.5.0_18
The full internal version number for this update release is 1.5.0_18-b02 (where "b" means "build"). The external version number is 5.0u18.
Security Baseline
This update release specifies the following security baseline:
JRE Family Version Security Baseline 1.4.2 1.4.2_20
For more information about the security baseline, see Deploying Java Applets With Family JRE Versions in Java Plug-in for Internet Explorer .
OlsonData 2009a
This release contains Olson time zone data version 2009a. For more information, refer to Timezone Data Versions in the JRE Software .
Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) API Change
The behavior of the JNDI feature to store and retrieve Java objects in an LDAP directory has been slightly modified.
When storing a Java object in an LDAP directory, the location of the object's class file (its codebase) may be specified. Later, when restoring the original object, its codebase along with additional object data is retrieved from the directory and used by the class loader.
An object's codebase is no longer implicitly trusted. Instead, a new system property called com.sun.jndi.ldap.object.trustURLCodebase must explicitly be set to the string value true in order for a codebase to be used. Otherwise, the codebase will be ignored by the class loader when restoring a Java object, and only those class files that appear on the classpath will be recognized.
Java Management Extensions(JMX) Change
In a JMX access property file, the readwrite access no longer allows the remote createMBean and unregisterMBean operations. These must now be provided explicitly via new clauses.
The default jmxremote.access file of the JRE ($JRE_HOME/lib/management/jmxremote.access) shows what this looks like:
monitorRole readonly
controlRole readwrite \
create*,* \
CORBA Memory Leak Fix - Special Note
This update release and revision 5.0u16-rev-b12 and subsequent updates and revisions contain a fix for 6725987. When using updates and revisions prior to these, an ORB may contain valid references (that is, a memory leak) even after calling its shutdown() and destroy() methods, and it may respond to some method calls.
With this fix, the ORB correctly cleans up and the Garbage Collector can free up the memory held by such references. Incorrect accesses to such references or methods are likely to result in a NullPointerException to the application.
Root Certificates Included
Root Certificates are included in this release. The following root certificates have been added:
* VeriSign TSA Root Cert to the JDK (Refer to 6732157.)
* Two additional T-systems root CA certs (Refer to 6803022.)
* Two Unizeto root certs (Refer to 6803036.)
Bug Fixes
This release contains fixes for one or more security vulnerabilities. For more information, please see Sun Alerts 254569, 254570, 254571, 254608, and 254611.
Other bug fixes are listed in the following table.
BugId Category Subcategory Description 6676016 hotspot garbage_collector ParallelOldGC leaks memory
6461933 java classes_awt To adjust system boot time in nowMillisUTC() frequently
6637607 java classes_awt 1st char. is discarded after a modal dialogue shows up and disappears
6677578 java classes_awt Print dialog doesn't come up when brower window is maximized
6571589 java classes_lang (thread) Thread.getStackTrace() returns null
6446855 java classes_net https connections failing when connecting through a proxy
6687282 java classes_net URLConnection for HTTPS connection through Proxy w/ Digest Authentication gives 400 Bad Request
6720866 java classes_net Slow performance using HttpURLConnection for upload
6732157 java classes_security Add VeriSign TSA Root Cert to the JDK
6803022 java classes_security Add T-systems root CA certs to the JRE
6803036 java classes_security Add Unizeto root certs to the JRE
6639183 java classes_util_concurrent Scheduling large negative delay hangs entire ScheduledExecutor
6725789 java classes_util_concurrent ScheduledExecutorService does not work as expected in jdk7/6/5
6598520 java classes_util_i18n (tz) Windows time zone mapping table needs to be updated for KB933360
6650748 java classes_util_i18n (tz) Java runtime doesn't detect VET time zone correctly on Windows
6743394 java classes_util_i18n (tz) tzmappings must be updated for Windows
6783139 java classes_util_i18n (tz) Windows time zone mapping table needs to be updated for KB955839
6796489 java classes_util_i18n (tz) Support tzdata2009a
6487638 java classes_util_logging Calling LogManager.addLogger() and Logger.getLogger() cause deadlock
6719011 java_plugin ocx Applet isn't started when it's outside of the visible area of a browser window
6643769 java_plugin other Applet main windows steals focus on Popup windows which is running Applet.
6784894 java_plugin other Regression: applets loaded from local disk can not access co-located resources
6591117 jce pkcs11_csp Poor preformance of PKCS#11 security provider compared to Sun default provider
6725987 jets other ORB.destroy() does not cleanup correctly and ORB object instances are not garbage collected.
Changes in 1.5.0_17
The full internal version number for this update release is 1.5.0_17-b04 (where "b" means "build"). The external version number is 5.0u17.
Security Baseline
This update release specifies the following security baseline:
JRE Family Version Security Baseline 1.4.2 1.4.2_19
For more information about the security baseline, see Deploying Java Applets With Family JRE Versions in Java Plug-in for Internet Explorer .
OlsonData 2008i
This release contains Olson time zone data version 2008i. For more information, refer to Timezone Data Versions in the JRE Software .
Updated UTF-8 Charset Implementation
Due to security concerns, the UTF-8 charset implementation in the JRE has been updated to handle the non-shortest form of UTF-8 byte sequences, and this introduces an incompatibility from previous releases. For example, the byte sequence of 0xc0 0xaf for U+002f, which has the shortest form of 0x2f, is a malformed input to the decoding operation. More details regarding the Non-shortest form of UTF-8 can be found at:
* UTF8-Shortest Form
* UTF8 Specification
Root Certificates Included
Root Certificates are included in this release. The following root certificates have been added:
* Camerfirma root certificates
* T-systems root CA certificate (Deutsche Telekom Root CA 2)
* SwissSign root certificates
Bug Fixes
This release contains fixes for one or more security vulnerabilities. For more information, please see Sun Alerts 244986, 244987, 244988, 244990, 244991, 244992, 245246, 246266, 246286, 246346, 246386, and 246387.
Other bug fixes are listed in the following table.
BugId Category Subcategory Description 6403625 hotspot compiler2 crash in compiled code when using profiler agent
6519515 hotspot compiler2 Loop-opts incorrectly removed a safepoint poll from a loop with an early exit
6606675 hotspot compiler2 Crash in CodeBuffer resize in 1.4.2_15
6676462 hotspot compiler2 JVM sometimes would suddenly consume significant amount of memory
6704367 hotspot runtime_system Stack sizes error with 1.5.0_14
6372405 idl orb Server thread hangs when fragments don't complete because of connection abort
5005426 java char_encodings Buffered stream data is discarded by IllegalStateException in 1.4.2 and Tiger
6359722 java classes_2d Uncatchable recursive NullPointerException at
6448405 java classes_2d static HashMap cache in LineBreakMeasurer can grow wihout bounds
6525150 java classes_2d Printer has "paper out" status and won't print due to a PrinterException
6638533 java classes_2d Layout should not apply shaping to precomposed arabic presentation form glyphs.
6532373 java classes_awt xcb_xlib.c:50: xcb_xlib_unlock: Assertion 'c->xlib.lock' failed.
6678061 java classes_awt undefined keycodes for certain keyboard layouts
6689088 java classes_awt Focus traversal doesn't work in the reverse order / related to the SR 70175950 / CR 6684528
6446990 java classes_net HttpURLConnection#available() reads more and more data into memory
6448457 java classes_nio (ch) Channels.newOutputStream().write() does not write all data
6728890 java classes_security Add SwissSign root certificates to the JDK
6754779 java classes_security Add Camerfirma root certificates to the JDK
6768559 java classes_security Add t-systems root CA certificate (Deutsche Telekom Root CA 2) to the JRE
6438246 java classes_swing File name field is mislabeled when JFileChooser is used in DIRECTORIES_ONLY mode
6581899 java classes_swing JTextField & JTextArea - Poor performance with JRE 1.5.0_08
6648714 java classes_swing JScrollPane repaints incorrectly on larger monitor of dual monitor system (5.0)
6466476 java classes_util_i18n (tz) Introduction of tzdata2005r can introduce incompatility issues with some JDK1.1 3-letter TZ Ids
6764308 java classes_util_i18n (tz) Support tzdata2008i
6623981 java compiler javac StackOverFlowError in 1.4.1/1.4.2
6709709 java javadoctool javadoc does not get compilation errors after type erasure
6536107 java_plugin iexplorer GDI leak detected by opening the Print Dialog repeatedly
6746185 javawebstart other Malformed URL Exception: JWS regression introduced in 1.5.0_16
6578538 jce classes_crypto com.sun.crypto.provider.SunJCE instance leak using KRB5 and LoginContext
6697180 jmx classes JMX query results in Illegal state - also a deadlock can also be seen
6618387 jsse runtime SSL client sessions do not close cleanly. A TCP reset occurs instead of a close_notify alert.
6668231 jsse runtime Presence of a critical subjectAltName causes JSSE's SunX509 to fail trusted checks
block). Uncomment some commented out LICENSE lines while here.
This changes the files to use an include guard for the
recursive include. The use of BUILDLINK_DEPTH, BUILDLINK_DEPENDS,
BUILDLINK_PACKAGES and BUILDLINK_ORDER is handled by a single new
variable BUILDLINK_TREE. Each file adds a pair of
enter/exit marker, which can be used to reconstruct the tree and
to determine first level includes. Avoiding := for large variables
(BUILDLINK_ORDER) speeds up parse time as += has linear complexity.
The include guard reduces system time by avoiding reading files over and
over again. For complex packages this reduces both %user and %sys time to
half of the former time.
Also updates some root certificates and imports tzdata2008b.
Sun's release notes are at
- add PLIST.linux-x86_64
reported vulnerabilities.
Changes since version 5.0.12:
6457444 doclet stddoclet javadoc does not create html file correctly in 5.0u6
6519085 hotspot compiler2 JVM crashes executing test suite of JavaDB (derby)
6321689 hotspot compiler2 Ideal_DU_postCCP not conservative enough
6565138 hotspot compiler2 1.5.0_10 64-Bit SIGBUS with ParallelGC in MarkSweep::MarkAndPushClosure::do_oop
6545719 hotspot garbage_collector Regression : Infinite GC occurs after fix in CR 6370163
6558100 hotspot garbage_collector CMS crash following parallel work queue overflow
6515362 hotspot runtime_system fix for 6374419 suppresses real error message from the linker
6528763 hotspot runtime_system VM crashes because of something related to LoaderConstraintEntry in 6.0
6546278 hotspot runtime_system Synchronization problem in the pseudo memory barrier code
6553303 idl orb Corba application fails w/ org.omg.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE: vmcid: SUN minor code: 203 completed: No
6543815 java classes_2d Imageable area of PageFormat is ignored if values of imageable X/Y are negative.
6480378 java classes_awt Backport 5065001, 6259348 and others to 5.0 update release
6577717 java classes_awt Textboxes don't work in applets under windows and linux
6562716 java classes_awt focus request queue is not updated when rejecting focus on EmbeddedFrame (win32)
6542420 java classes_awt A cross-platform ModalityListener interface should be provided in 1.5.0
6593729 java classes_io After failed file close, do not repeat the close operation.
6525425 java classes_lang (ref) heavy lock contention during object serialization on Solaris10/T2000
6206527 java classes_net "cannot assign address" when binding ServerSocket on Suse 9
6601686 java classes_net InetAddress.isReachable(timeout) may not return after timout milliseconds
6599750 java classes_net InetAddress.isReachable implementation not completely thread safe
6518816 java classes_net Reduce the memory foot print for HttpURLConnection
6520665 java classes_net NTLM Authentication not requested, throws null exception
6587875 java classes_net InetAddress.isReachable() will not work for super users with "large" process ids
6314370 java classes_net Nightly: Jaws hang on "Starting application..." window
6469580 java classes_security 1.5.0_08 JVM crashes in SignatureHandlerLibrary::add on Fujitsu Primepower platform
6418433 java classes_security org.ietf.jgss.Oid constructor accepts invalid values (and rejects valid values)
6570062 java classes_security Kerberos authentication regression
6543940 java classes_security Exception thrown when signing a jarfile in java 1.5
6520101 java classes_swing FileChooser will cause OutOfMemory when application will run long time
4743558 java classes_text [BI] test/java/text/BreakIterator/ fails in th locale.
6483402 java classes_util_i18n (date) calling java.util.Date.toString() slows down subsequent calls to the class
6531591 java classes_util_i18n Currency update for Sudan
6538601 java classes_util_i18n Periodical timezone display name revision
6554586 java classes_util_i18n (tz) Support tzdata2007f
6611886 java classes_util_i18n (tz) support tzdata2007h
6571205 java classes_util_i18n Currency data changes for ISO 4217 Amendment 139
6570259 java classes_util_i18n Currency data changes for ISO 4217 Amendment 138
6531593 java classes_util_i18n Currency update for Iceland
5088563 java classes_util_regex Matcher.find throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException if pattern is missing ']'
6464451 java compiler javac in 5.0ux can not compile try-catch block which has a lot of "return"
6557713 java imageio Java unable to convert from gif to png format
6579208 java install FamilyVersionSupport removed when installing jre-6u2-windows-i586-p.exe
6476329 java localization PIT: additional sentence needs to be translated for 6267625
6531255 java localization Need to update timezone display names for en_CA locale
6534678 java localization l10n of 6525138
6547501 java localization There should be a space before % sign in French locale
6454676 java serviceability Need -XX:+HeapDumpOnCtrlBreak to trigger heap dump on ctrl-break or ctrl-\
6494472 java serviceability jmap -permstat fails with Out of swap because uses too much memory
6494722 java serviceability SA: jstack throws get_thread_regs failed for lwp debugger exception.
6431847 java tools Memory overflow in java launcher for Linux
6502051 java_deployment update jusched crash: buffer overrun
6503510 java_plugin iexplorer Crash occurs during verification of 5.0u10b02
6555628 java_plugin iexplorer Repeatedly open and close an applet freezes IE
6572147 java_plugin iexplorer Browser hang as an applet open and close repeatedly in 0.5-sec interval
6578895 java_plugin iexplorer NPE null pData general exeception occured as applet reloading repeatedly
6579743 java_plugin iexplorer Regression : Java Console pops up unexpectedly in 5.0u13-b01
6576321 java_plugin iexplorer Browser hang by a deadlock with open and close applet repeatedly
6522028 java_plugin iexplorer The print dialog moves the current IE frame to background
6530198 java_plugin misc 1.5.0_10 focus is not correctly returned to a JFrame
6586045 java_plugin misc browser crashes on an XP japanese machine with 6u5 deploy nightly build
6502568 java_plugin other request header has garbage characters when size of cookie is greater than 4k
6556044 java_plugin other JRE SSL Handshake error in jdk1.5.0
6373274 javawebstart download_engine Jar resources nested in JRE resources block are broken.
6465756 javawebstart jnlp_file cannot use CDATA xml tag within the jnlp <argument> tag
6265713 javawebstart jnlp_file Having a query string to a jnlp file negates the SingleInstanceService
6484661 javawebstart other cannot launch application offline if https is used
6354969 jaxp other Bug in XPathFactory.newInstance() method
6219364 jaxp sax com.SAXParserImpl.setProperty("feature",null) throws NullPointerException
6594813 jaxp sax XML Parsing differences
6236727 jaxp xslt XSLTC never stops resolving imported stylesheets when outer stylesheet is a DOMSource
6536120 jaxp xslt HTML serializer puts no space between public and system doctype
6490921 jaxp xslt The transformer API sometimes ignores the property org.xml.sax.driver
6467921 jce pkcs11_csp Backport SunPKCS11 to a Tiger update on 64 bit AMD Linux platform
6560218 jgss krb5plugin Problem with credentials from non-default realm
5053708 jndi dns DNS provider does not cleanup resources properly
6585239 jndi dns Regression: 2 DNS tests fail with JDK 5.0u13 b01 and pass with 5.0u12fcs
6358629 jsse runtime SSLSocket.close() and deadlock
6447412 jsse runtime Issue with socket.close() for ssl sockets when poweroff on other system
6585736 java classes_security Add GlobalSign root certificates to JDK/JRE
6595137 java classes_util_i18n (tz) support tzdata2007g
The x86_64 changes were done by Takahiro Kambe.
depend upon to supply the Linux shared libraries already tell the user
this. The JDK packages also depend on the corresponding JRE package,
so they don't need to show the same message -- keep the message with
the JRE packages instead.
the Sun JDK/JRE packages require the "compat" Linux module, so make
that a hard requirement in EMUL_MODULES.linux.
Bump the PKGREVISION for sun-{jdk,jre}{13,14,15,6}.
Update lang/sun-jre15 from sun-jre15-5.0.11 to sun-jre15-5.0.12
i386 fully tested. amd64 by inspection
Bug fixes since 5.0.11 below
6451451 hotspot compiler2 EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION caused by -XX:+AggressiveOpts flag in Bigapps ATG test for 1.5.0_08b03
6472714 hotspot compiler2 crash compiling com.sun.jndi.ldap.sasl.LdapSasl::saslBind
6487381 hotspot compiler2 Additional path for 5.0 jvm crash on exhaustion of CodeBuffer
6502317 hotspot compiler2 Deoptimization code of Java 1.5.x looks leaking memory.
6297094 hotspot compiler2 The result type of Class.getModifiers is labeled as a "boolean" to the optimizer instead of "int"
6471004 hotspot compiler2 Incorrect displacement check for short branches.
6519527 hotspot compiler2 PartialSubtypeCheckNode without a control edge could get scheduled too high (5.0)
6518092 hotspot compiler2 1.5.0_05 crash in method::handler_for_exception_and_pc
6454444 hotspot compiler2 SEGV on solaris-i586 -server running ConcurrentQueueLoops
6461827 hotspot compiler2 Performance: java.lang.Class.isAssignable
6472335 hotspot garbage_collector Allocation of huge array which would cause OutOfMemoryError causes JVM to hang with -Xincgc
6468516 hotspot garbage_collector CMS: deal correctly with concurrently cleared or enqueued Reference objects
6487931 hotspot runtime_system JVM reports EXCEPTION_FLT_STACK_CHECK when calling a Java method through JNI
6502780 java build Adjustment jprt rules
6459676 java classes_2d JDK 1.5 should flush metrics caches when using alternate composite fonts
6353972 java classes_2d REGRESSION: GUI fails to paint text with large heap size setting
6500903 java classes_2d PrintServices are incorrectly listed as "not accepting jobs"
6542419 java classes_2d failed on 5.0u12b02 but passed on previous one
6405311 java classes_awt XtVaSetValues call does not work when running in 64-bit Java 1.5 on Linux
6473485 java classes_awt No keyboard focus in a focusable JWindow
6496958 java classes_awt incorrect backoff in the process of dispatching lw requests queue
4052517 java classes_lang (process) Runtime.exec won't execute programs belonging to other groups on Unix
6370080 java classes_lang (ann) Method.getAnnotations() sometimes throw SecurityException: doPrivileged or javadoc missing?
6480566 java classes_management TEST_BUG: several tests fail because TESTVMOPTS are passed to javac directly
6415062 java classes_net 30 MB memory trashed to get 30 kb string url encoded
6446855 java classes_net https connections failing when connecting through a proxy
6347873 java classes_nio (so) Ports opened with ServerSocketChannel blocks when using Runtime.exec
6321453 java classes_security Remove GTE CyberTrust root CA cert after it expires
6495567 java classes_sound CR 4964288 (sound, Unexpected IAE raised while getting TargetData) is not fixed in windows-amd64 JDK
6498661 java classes_sound api/javax_sound/sampled/TargetDataLine/index.html#TargetDataLine fails
5036146 java classes_swing REGRESSION: problems with 1.5.0 action listeners
6432667 java classes_swing Vista: Menu dropdown differs while compare with naitve in vista laf.
6491714 java classes_swing JFileChooser does not work properly with File selection when filter is changed
6432397 java classes_swing Windows l&f on Vista JComboBox does not look like native
6500302 java classes_swing GTKLAF:Check mark/bullet is not visible for selected checkbox & radio menu items in disabled state.
6542335 java classes_swing different behavior on knob of scroll bar between 1.4.2 and 5.0
6523518 java classes_swing javax/swing/AbstractButton/6298940/ failed against 1.5.0_12_01 but passed on 1.5.0_11
6396844 java classes_swing JFileChooser seems to cause OutOfMemory in 1.4.2, 5.0u4 and mustang-b75
6511568 java classes_swing JFileChooser throws OOM in 1.4.2, 5.0u4 and 1.6.0
6530336 java classes_text (tz) DST bug in latest jdk releases when using EST MST and HST abbreviations
6470111 java classes_util_concurrent Deadlock in Exchanger
6460501 java classes_util_concurrent Synchronizer timed acquire still leaks memory
6492173 java classes_util_i18n Please delete or modify test/java/util/TimeZone/4261506 test
6496224 java classes_util_i18n Slovenian currency change
6541843 java classes_util_i18n (tz) Support tzdata2007e
4879507 java classes_util_jarzip ZipInputStream does not check CRC for stored (uncompressed) files
6467152 java classes_util_logging deadlock occurs in LogManager initialization and JVM termination
6520670 java install 1.5.0_11 installer writes wrong JavaHome value in Windows registry
6525690 java install offline non -s installer pops up "internal error 2762" after clicking "finish"
6526421 java install Truncated localized texts in finish dialog
6416988 java localization [ko]Translation of 'Certificate' is inconsistent
6386647 java localization Full date format in DateFormat does not include day of the week for UK locale
6450945 java localization The week day for Saturday and the first week day in Romania locale are incorrect
6500174 java localization [ja] wrong translation in Java Update warning message
6497154 java localization getFirstDayOfWeek() not works correctly for Slovak locale
6488119 java localization en_ZA local has unusable time format
4494727 java localization [Fmt-Nu] Formatting of percents incorrect for some locales
6486607 java localization incorrect french localization for GY country code
6485516 java localization incorrect french localization for GF country code
4225362 java localization localized DateFormatSymbols for fr_FR is wrong
6379214 java localization Danish Translation of the word Danish is wrong
6481177 java localization Add Eras for Dutch LocaleElements
6414459 java localization Wrong first day of week for Croatian locale
6311411 java serviceability SA: jmap -histo reports wrong histogram with CMS
4753347 java serviceability OutOfMemoryError - Stack Trace missing
6484462 java_plugin converter Applet HTML generated by HTML converter tool crashes the new IE7
6424564 java_plugin iexplorer Browser window is not blocked by the modal dialog
6404972 java_plugin iexplorer IE Window and Dialogue are displayed in different order from the order of button click.
6523707 java_plugin iexplorer IE browser thread dead after modal dialog created from liveconnect in another window
6395737 java_plugin iexplorer IE hangs when a modal dialog is active with concurrent window re-focus activities
6502189 java_plugin iexplorer applet hang when try to reload a page with the applets in a frame
6501186 java_plugin iexplorer JVM crashes when IE windows are opened and closed so many times thru JavaScript in 5.0u10
6418035 java_plugin other Applets freeze in 5u7 on XP Japanese
6216340 java_plugin other Java to support Firefox browser
6475032 jaxp parse Regression: declaring a a duplicate Namespace mapping to an exisitng prefix:URI throws an Exception
6428590 jaxp sax does not demand namespace-prefixes
6401137 jaxp xslt Null Pointer Exception in Java 1.5
6434840 jaxp xslt Memory Leak in XSL Transform leading to OutOfMemory Exception
6475157 jmx classes RMIConnectorServer.stop: deadlock
6524112 tooldocs all sloppy developer missed testcase when fixing 6490790
binary-only packages that require binary "emulation" on the native
operating system. Please see pkgsrc/mk/emulator/README for more
* Teach the plist framework to automatically use any existing
PLIST.${EMUL_PLATFORM} as part of the default PLIST_SRC definition.
* Convert all of the binary-only packages in pkgsrc to use the
emulator framework. Most of them have been tested to install and
deinstall correctly. This involves the following cleanup actions:
* Remove use of custom PLIST code and use PLIST.${EMUL_PLATFORM}
more consistently.
* Simplify packages by using default INSTALL and DEINSTALL scripts
instead of custom INSTALL/DEINSTALL code.
* Remove "SUSE_COMPAT32" and "PKG_OPTIONS.suse" from pkgsrc.
Packages only need to state exactly which emulations they support,
and the framework handles any i386-on-x86_64 or sparc-on-sparc64
* Remove "USE_NATIVE_LINUX" from pkgsrc. The framework will
automatically detect when the package is installing on Linux.
Specific changes to packages include:
* Bump the PKGREVISIONs for all of the suse100* and suse91* packages
due to changes in the +INSTALL/+DEINSTALL scripts used in all
of the packages.
* Remove pkgsrc/emulators/suse_linux, which is unused by any
* cad/lc -- remove custom code to create the distinfo file for
all supported platforms; just use "emul-fetch" and "emul-distinfo"
* lang/Cg-compiler -- install the shared libraries under ${EMULDIR}
instead of ${PREFIX}/lib so that compiled programs will find
the shared libraries.
* mail/thunderbird-bin-nightly -- update to latest binary
distributions for supported platforms.
* multimedia/ns-flash -- update Linux version to 9.0.48 as the
older version is no longer available for interactive fetch.
* security/uvscan -- set LD_LIBRARY_PATH explicitly so that
it's not necessary to install library symlinks into
* www/firefox-bin-flash -- update Linux version to 9.0.48 as the
older version is no longer available for interactive fetch.
- Update lang/sun-jre15 to 5.0.11 from 5.0.10
Changes since 5.0.10:
hotspot terminates at assert during GC in java_g
Unexpected async exception in jvmti_GetLoadedClasses()
icache invalidation code can segv
Need a way to determine if java process was started from sun launchers
unmarshal error on CORBA alias type in CORBA any
Regression: UnicodeLittle broken on 1.4.2_12
PrinterJob.printDialog() crashes JVM when called from subthread
Few Hindi glyph formations are failing on Win-Vista only
StackOverflowError due to recursion at sun.font.TrueTypeFont.getTableBuffer
Need to make Java process High-DPI-aware on Windows Vista
sun/java2d/DirectX/ test needs to be backported from Mustang to Tiger workspace
java/awt/font/StyledMetrics/ fails on Vista
deriveFont is not working on FontUIResource with a dynamically loaded TTF
Unable to retrieve printer list on system with unconnected printers
RI crashes on Windows when executing
Pressing 'copy' on a TextField with echo char set copies the actual text to the clipboard, XToolkit
Regression in backport of flickering-related bug fix
Vista: The right mark of the CheckboxMenu item is broken when compared with winXP
Uncanonicalized absolute filepath with length 248-260 no longer works (win)
(process) subprocess environment sort order differs from Windows native sort order
(process) Process.destroy() can kill wrong process (Unix)
VISTA: api/java_net/NetworkInterface/index.html#static fails.
SocketTimeoutException : Timing out early
Socket creation on Windows takes a long time if web proxy does not have a DNS entry
HTTP Request-URI contains fragment when connecting through proxy
javax/sound/sampled/Clip/JavaSoundAudioClip/ test appeared as unstable on tiger
Regression: com/sun/java/swing/plaf/gtk/5048769/ fails
OceanTheme causes swing components to serialize with sun.* classes
Vista:FileChooserDemo throws an exception when trying to open it in Windows L&F
JFileChooser throws exception when trying to access a CD drive on Vista.
REGRESSION: AWT-EventQueue Deadlock AWTTreeLock/MetalUtils$GradientPainter
REGRESSION: JCheckBox doesn't show on JToolBar under Windows L&F
(fmt) java/util/Formatter/ fails in hi_IN locale
(tz) Support tzdata2006n
(tz) Support tzdata2006p
(tz) Support tzdata2006o
"com.sun.jdi.InternalException: Inconsistent suspend policy" in internal event handler
Vista: JRE 5.0u8 installation failed with 1722 MSI error
Vista: Add manifest to installers to run with elevated privileges
Vista: Use registry key to pre-approve Active-X controls
1.5.0_u7 has "shielded" exe in Windows Vista
[l10n] l10n meeesage update after deployment bug 6458761 is fixed
rmic does not use manifest classpath
Vista: disable change dialog for cache location ?
Vista: Implement work around for Runtime.exec() problem in deployment
InstallStats2 not sending full version for offline installers with 'failure' status
IS2 : InstallComplete ping 'ic' with status 'success' is not posted in silent mode
Vista: Java auto-update is not enabled on Windows Vista
Vista: jusched.exe requires user approval with every login
jusched.exe needs to be signed
dead lock occurs by pressing "refresh" many times in 5.0u10b02
REGRESSION: JFrame goes to back after toFront() is called when Applet starts
vista: changes made by java control panel has no effect
browser become non-responsive if we switch page during applet JAR initial download
TCK-jnlp 1.5: jnlp_file/resources/j2se/index.html#vmArgs hang in some cases.
Update includes amd64 update as well for sun-jre15 (amd64 is not yet
supported in sun-jdk15).
Bug Fixes
- WinLAF:Text appears enabled in disabled toggle button.
- REGRESSION: XP L&F: on jdk 1.6, preferred size of JToggleButton
in JToolbar on winxp is wrong.
- REGRESSION: Background of JToolBar can't be modified under XP
look and feel
ok <tv>
more information on the release:
In particular, this release fixes a couple long-standing bugs related to
JIT and LinuxThreads (clone(2)-based).
and add a new helper target and script, "show-buildlink3", that outputs
a listing of the files included as well as the depth at
which they are included.
For example, "make show-buildlink3" in fonts/Xft2 displays:
of the order in which files are (recursively) included
by a package Makefile.
shared library for one of the included demos is missing.
that they look nicer.
RECOMMENDED is removed. It becomes ABI_DEPENDS. becomes becomes
BUILDLINK_DEPENDS does not change.
IGNORE_RECOMMENDED (which defaulted to "no") becomes USE_ABI_DEPENDS
which defaults to "yes".
Added to checking for IGNORE_RECOMMENDED.
I did not manually go through and fix any aesthetic tab/spacing issues.
I have tested the above patch on DragonFly building and packaging
subversion and pkglint and their many dependencies.
I have also tested USE_ABI_DEPENDS=no on my NetBSD workstation (where I
have used IGNORE_RECOMMENDED for a long time). I have been an active user
of IGNORE_RECOMMENDED since it was available.
As suggested, I removed the documentation sentences suggesting bumping for
"security" issues.
As discussed on tech-pkg.
I will commit to revbump, pkglint, pkg_install, createbuildlink separately.
Note that if you use wip, it will fail! I will commit to pkgsrc-wip
later (within day).
example MAKE_ENV+=FOO=${BAR} is changed to MAKE_ENV+=FOO=${BAR:Q}. Some
other changes are outlined in
Change list available by WWW only:
the product name and version on their download pages. Bump PKGREVISION.
Release notes are available at:
that these directories will be conditionally removed (based on reference
counts), regardless of the value of PKG_CONFIG. Bump the PKGREVISION
for packages that were modified as a result.
Change list is long; summary:
* regression fixes for SSL as well as some crypto/digest algorithms
* 1.4<->1.5 RMI interoperability issue
* plugin speed improvements
Changes since 5.0.2:
Hotspot client compiler overfills CodeBuffer: crashes when deoptimizing.
JCK: /api/java_net/URI/[Ctor, Components,Create] Tests failing with [-server -Xcomp] in Linux
The popup menu displays the graphical box but there is no menu items inside the box.
REGRESSION:Compilation error "local schedule failed (not retryable)" with simple loop
JCK1.5: JNI call made with exception when -Xcheck:jni is used.
RedefineClasses causes VerifyError
Verifier must treat all versions of class being redefined as equal types
CompiledMethodLoad reports incorrect addresses in the location map
Solaris-amd64: nsk/regression/b4660518 test exceeds the default 18-page shadow zone size
apt should return members in source order
REGRESSION: apt slower in Tiger update train than FCS due to name lookup
String.getBytes() does not work on some strings larger than 16MB
(cs) CoderResult.isOverflow() returns false when UTF-16 overflows
Drawing GeneralPath crashes JVM if antialias is on
Invisible applet steals focus from HTML form field (MSIE, Sun plug-in only)
REGRESSION: JComboBox don't respond to arrow keys on linux (has focus listener)
[Cinnabar17] On X86, suntea login page can't be input
backspace, arrow keys, and return key not working in java applications
[Cinnabar25 Linux]SunTea hangs the system
[Cinnabar25 Linux]SunTea hangs the system
(ref) test/java/lang/ref/SoftReference/ fails
REGRESSION: Socket.getLocalAddress() returns address of on outbound TCP
String constructor with "KSC5601" encoding throws AccessControlException
Kerberos module cannot authentiate with different KDCs/principal names
CertStore.getInstance(String,CertStoreParameters,String) throws NoSuchAlgorithmE
JTree should toggle for all even-numbered clicks
Cannot Ctrl-Shift-Click to create disjoint selection interval in list
XP L&F: JComboBox has wrong rollover effect under Windows XP LookAndFeel
1.4 REGRESSION: In Motif L&F JComboBox doesn't react when spacebar is pressed
GTK: JColorChooser hue spinner doesn't update the selected color
REGRESSION: JTabbedPane setFocusable(false) and removing tabs
REGRESSION: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in BasicTabbedPaneUI.getTabBounds()
Changing system preferences after switching from GTK L&F causes L&F mixup
Lead Selection index is not shown in JFileChooser on GTK LAF
Make the demo code more friendly to build
test/java/text/Format/ failed for tr_TR
142_xx: Missing exception/error messages while using unsynchronized Collection objects concurrently
New Romanian currency
New Currency for Madagascar
Regtest java/util/Currency/ fails after 2005-01-01 due to new Turkish lire
Step requests ignored after an exception in debugee
Error 1722 coming during jre1.5.0 installation by Windows user with limited (+elevated) priviledges
Package based installation of tiger update 1 shows J2SDK
REGRESSION: wrong time stamp for plugin dll files on Win98(2nd)
Tiger Update 2 JRE patch bundle creates msvcrt.dll under jre1.5.0_02/bin
REGRESSION: uninstall JDK 5.0u3 does not remove demo dir on windows
incorrect "group (thousands) separator" in 5.0 sun.text.resources.LocaleElements_sv
S. Chinese translation for Twi language is wrong
S.Chinese localization for JDK software
some of jdk man pages show unnecessary lines in ja locale
S.Chinese localization for JDK software - part II
REGRESSION: JNI Performance Regression in 1.5.0 -server
HPROF: broken when used with HAT, starting with 1.5.0_01, Missing thread dump
remove memory barrier on native transitions
Disable META-INF/* lookup from codebase in applet/plugin classloader
Do not set initial focus on an applet during startup if applet is targeted for JDK 1.1/1.2
Problem with embedded Internet Explorer using Sun Java
Applets hang when using plugin 1.5 in Linux with Mozilla 1.7.x
"javaplugin.classloader.cache.enabled=false" does not work
REGRESSION: isActive call from Javascript no longer works in IE
Applet will not reauthenticate user when returning from another applet
REGRESSION: Loading applet fails if URL contains %7E
Java Webstart application startup is too slow
Regression: updating title or icon in jnlp file will not update shortcuts.
can't remove old app if vendor change title attribute in jnlp file on windows platform
javaws apps are put in Add/Remove progrgrams entries for all users
Java Web Start jnlp file caching problem.
TCK-jnlp 1.5: jnlp_file/resources/j2se/index.html#vmArgs hang in some cases.
Support wrapping of software keys using RSA-PKCS1
addition of new CAs. For a full (and huge) bug list, see:
this, we only need some simple logic in to automatically
generate an ALTERNATIVES file for us.
There are two exceptions, though: fastjar and jikes (pointed out by tv@),
which do not use this file; they have to be handled manually.
Bump PKGREVISION for all affected packages.
While doing this, remove the java-wrapper package, obsoleted by the new
functionality provided by pkg_alternatives.
by version 5.0.1).
List of bugs fixed in this release:
5087041 - hotspot - compiler1 - Tiger b62 vm crashes in client compiler
5026838 - hotspot - compiler2 - 1.4.2_04 Server JVM crashes on Linux
5033614 - hotspot - compiler2 - ClassLoaders do not get released by GC,
causing OutOfMemory in Perm Space
5071820 - hotspot - compiler2 - server VM crashes with -Xcomp in 1.4.2_05
5090967 - hotspot - garbage_collector - SIGSEGV in
5096167 - hotspot - jvmti - null class name crashes VM if ClassFileLoadHook
is enabled
6195632 - hotspot - other - jhelper must be recompiled with the beta version
of dtrace
5095421 - hotspot - runtime_system - amd64 vm should not crash on em64t
5101288 - hotspot - runtime_system - async exception can be delivered on entry
from native to vm
4993280 - java - apt - apt should favor source files over class files for
type information
4996963 - java - apt - apt could accept class files and java files on the
command line
5095716 - java - apt - RoundState.finalRound computed improperly
5096931 - java - apt - TypeDeclaration.getMethods needs to screen out static
5096932 - java - apt - Bad comparator in SourceOrderDeclScanner
6174696 - java - apt - apt getTypeDeclaration(Strings) cannot find classes
that are not already loaded
5079070 - java - build - metadata incorrect for 1.5.0_01
5099622 - java - build - Don't use javah_g in j2se build
5106516 - java - build - Please define JDK update version in makefile
5108366 - java - build - invalid characters in English LICENSE file in tiger
b64 solaris/linux bundles
6174598 - java - build - Need to backout fix for 5106516
6201982 - java - build - Solaris 8 Build patch requirement change, need
109147-32/109148-32 (ld/dtrace issue)
4806753 - java - char_encodings - Using alternating charsets with
String(byte[]) and String.getBytes is very slow
5002890 - java - char_encodings - (cs) Charset.isSupported is slow when
invoked for different charsets
5066464 - java - classes_2d - JDK 1.5 should not include
abolute path to physical font
6173770 - java - classes_2d - JCK-5.0 test
api/java_awt/Graphics/index.html#CopyArea[Graphics0018_14] fails
4972534 - java - classes_awt - [Tiger]Can't input anything into textfields on
solaris10 by JRE1.5-B32
5076963 - java - classes_awt - JNI bugs in
5085626 - java - classes_awt - Exponential performance regression in AWT
components (multiple monitors)
5088782 - java - classes_awt - AWT application does not load : throws NPE
5093198 - java - classes_awt - XAWT: Java crashes on window
6178323 - java - classes_awt - REGRRESSION:
throws exception "couldn't create component peer"
5097856 - java - classes_lang - (reflect) hashCode of TypeVariable causes
5101311 - java - classes_lang - NullPointerException thrown when environment
contains strings without `='
5101626 - java - classes_lang - Unexpected NPE from toLowerCase
5082105 - java - classes_net - InetAddress.isReachable() leaves open handles
after execution
5086348 - java - classes_net - URL.openConnection(Proxy.NO_PROXY) throws
5087907 - java - classes_net - InetAddress.getAllByName does not obey setting
6197569 - java - classes_net - VM crash if java application tries to use
system proxy (Solaris10 build 71 CDE only)
5100121 - java - classes_nio - (se) select not immune to EINTR (linux)
5072953 - java - classes_security - AuthorityInfoAccess certificate extension
is being ignored.
5100603 - java - classes_security - Need JKS KeyStore with case sensitive
alias names
4890345 - java - classes_swing - 1.4.2 REGRESSION: JComboBox has problem in
JTable in Windows L&F
4959489 - java - classes_swing - NPE in
5036904 - java - classes_swing - JFileChooser in Motif L&F does not comply
with Section 508
5059744 - java - classes_swing - [App]Press Ctl+Space, there is exception
thrown in jgraphpad
5061077 - java - classes_swing - Exception with JFileChooser in GTK LNF
5073869 - java - classes_swing - Synth does not resolve styles with name and
region matches correctly
5077647 - java - classes_swing - Under GTK L&F JFileChooser does not have
drag support at all.
5080144 - java - classes_swing - REGRESSION: XP L&F: JTextField.setEditable()
does not change background color
5082298 - java - classes_swing - REGRESSION:
com/sun/java/swing/plaf/gtk/5048769/ fails
5084107 - java - classes_swing - Regression: JTextPane doesn't wrap with RTL
5087905 - java - classes_swing - REGRESSION: CSS cause NPE for unknown colours
5088268 - java - classes_swing - REGRESSION: Suns Default CSS has bad styles
for lists
5089077 - java - classes_swing - Regression: NPE when relative font sizes used
in html
5092815 - java - classes_swing - REGRESSION: Simplified chinese file name not
displayed correctly in JFileChooser
5094122 - java - classes_swing - Applets fail w/ GTK L&F due to security
5096948 - java - classes_swing - 1.5.0 Regression: NPE when switching from
Metal L&F with JComboBox
5097973 - java - classes_swing - REGRESSION: table border nonumerical width
is broken
6175284 - java - classes_swing - REGRESSION:
javax/swing/JScrollPane/5096948/ fails to compile
5101540 - java - classes_util_i18n - New Turkish currency
4856983 - java - compiler - (crash) mutually f-bounded type vars with multiple
bounds may crash javac
5081785 - java - compiler - (enum) Empty enum declartion allowed in non-static
5090006 - java - compiler - javac fails with assertion error
5090126 - java - compiler - Clean up specification
to reflect CCC 5087488
5092545 - java - compiler - Assertion failed in javac (
5094318 - java - compiler - REGRESSION: Array cloning is not backwards
5097548 - java - compiler - (crash) Stack overflow in capture conversion
5105890 - java - compiler - (codegen) constant folding broken for conditional
4853713 - java - doc - Dummy bug report
5092670 - java - doc - tiger supported platforms - discrepancy between internal
and external matrix
5100416 - java - doc - JDK5.0 README.html references deprecated JVMPI/JVMDI,
should reference JVM TI
5104731 - java - doc - README files need info about CA certificates
5082481 - java - drag&drop - normal DnD program causes "FATAL ERROR in native
5057832 - java - install - update releases need to be resolved for namechange
5066525 - java - install - Java Control Panel desktop file needs to be fixed
(for Cinnabar)
5083395 - java - install - SUNWj5cfg missing class action script for "e" type
5084556 - java - install - Regression: Java icon isn't updated to 1.5.0_01
on Win98 only
6173968 - java - install - ALT_JRE_CAB_URL default does not need a -jre or -jdk
6175102 - java - install - xpi installer is broken as a result of 5.0 jinstall
arg changes
6175981 - java - install - Uninstallation through Add/Remove
Programs/Change/Remove fails and throws a fatal error on AMD
6177485 - java - install - jre1.5.0.10 found in Fearure Descripion of the
JDK1.5.0_01 b03 Install Wizard
6196130 - java - install - Java default selection not robust on Micro release
6176978 - java - javadoctool - current Javadoc's invocation and extension
(Doclet) mechanisms are problematic
5109805 - java - localization - l10n for 4996963: apt resource has 6 new
6174188 - java - localization - l10n for 5081785 & 5097250: compiler resource
has 2 new properties
5054778 - java - qa_web_eng - problems in
6208691 - java - qa_web_eng - 5.0u1 releasenotes has "SDK"
5093343 - java - runtime - Verifier allows hidden field initialization before
super() call
5078608 - java_deployment - compression - Digital signatures are invalid after
5062648 - java_deployment - configuration - Wrong initialization order in
6182774 - java_deployment - update - Java Update on XP causing increase in traffic
5077565 - java_plugin - iexplorer - Java Script event handlers issue.
5081700 - java_plugin - iexplorer - Java Plug-In no longer supports
'javascript:' URLs after MS Hotfix 867801
5050796 - java_plugin - misc - REGRESSION: Graybox is not resizable for
relative dimension applet
5094966 - java_plugin - misc - Mimetypes 1.5.0_01 not recognized on Mozilla
browser for Solaris and Linux
5100835 - java_plugin - misc - mime type should be updated automatically for
java update
5076437 - java_plugin - solaris - [cinnabar14] mozilla crashes when opening a
java applet - intermittent
5047548 - javawebstart - download_engine - Lazy downloading of parts with
packages is broken
5109575 - javawebstart - download_engine - Authenticating Proxy causes
NoSuchMethodError when using pre-1.4 jre's
5074087 - javawebstart - general - if title is not specified for
related-content, app cannot start on windows
5086391 - javawebstart - other - please refert back to 1.4.2 behaviour of
checking changed jar files...
5093922 - jmx - classes - NotificationBroadcasterSupport should not use
4425728 - jsse - examples - rmi server closes the connection early
5091352 - jsse - runtime - Allow null localKeyID attribute in pkcs12 with
one private key
to store (mode-0) all classes in jarfiles, which in practice does *not*
provide any measureable speedup; rather, let's get back some diskspace.
2. Enable the new Class Data Sharing feature by doing a -Xshare:dump at
extract time and installing the resultant classes.jsa.
This adds many commonly used tools to $PREFIX/bin, such as keytool,
rmiregistry, rmic, idlj, etc.