path: root/lang
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2020-06-04Pullup ticket #6214 - requested by tacabsiegert1-2/+2
www/ruby-rails60: security fix Revisions pulled up: - databases/ruby-activerecord60/PLIST 1.2 - databases/ruby-activerecord60/distinfo 1.2-1.3 - devel/ruby-activejob60/distinfo 1.2-1.3 - devel/ruby-activemodel60/distinfo 1.2-1.3 - devel/ruby-activestorage60/distinfo 1.2-1.3 - devel/ruby-activesupport60/distinfo 1.2-1.3 - devel/ruby-railties60/distinfo 1.2-1.3 - mail/ruby-actionmailbox60/distinfo 1.2-1.3 - mail/ruby-actionmailer60/distinfo 1.2-1.3 - textproc/ruby-actiontext60/distinfo 1.2-1.3 - www/ruby-actioncable60/distinfo 1.2-1.3 - www/ruby-actionpack60/distinfo 1.2-1.3 - www/ruby-actionview60/distinfo 1.2-1.3 - www/ruby-rails60/distinfo 1.2-1.3 --- Module Name: pkgsrc Committed By: taca Date: Sat May 16 14:15:25 UTC 2020 Modified Files: pkgsrc/devel/ruby-activesupport60: distinfo Log Message: devel/ruby-activesupport60: update to 6.0.3 Update ruby-activesupport60 to 6.0.3. ## Rails 6.0.3 (May 06, 2020) ## * `Array#to_sentence` no longer returns a frozen string. Before: ['one', 'two'].to_sentence.frozen? # => true After: ['one', 'two'].to_sentence.frozen? # => false *Nicolas Dular* * Update `ActiveSupport::Messages::Metadata#fresh?` to work for cookies with expiry set when `ActiveSupport.parse_json_times = true`. *Christian Gregg* --- Module Name: pkgsrc Committed By: taca Date: Sat May 16 14:16:16 UTC 2020 Modified Files: pkgsrc/devel/ruby-activemodel60: distinfo Log Message: devel/ruby-activemodel60: updat to 6.0.3 Update ruby-activemodel60 to 6.0.3. ## Rails 6.0.3 (May 06, 2020) ## * No changes. --- Module Name: pkgsrc Committed By: taca Date: Sat May 16 14:16:55 UTC 2020 Modified Files: pkgsrc/devel/ruby-activejob60: distinfo Log Message: devel/ruby-activejob60: update to 6.0.3 Update ruby-activejob60 to 6.0.3. ## Rails 6.0.3 (May 06, 2020) ## * While using `perform_enqueued_jobs` test helper enqueued jobs must be stored for the later check with `assert_enqueued_with`. *Dmitry Polushkin* * Add queue name support to Que adapter *Brad Nauta*, *Wojciech Wnętrzak* --- Module Name: pkgsrc Committed By: taca Date: Sat May 16 14:17:34 UTC 2020 Modified Files: pkgsrc/www/ruby-actionview60: distinfo Log Message: www/ruby-actionview60: update to 6.0.3 Update ruby-actionview60 to 6.0.3. ## Rails 6.0.3 (May 06, 2020) ## * annotated_source_code returns an empty array so TemplateErrors without a template in the backtrace are surfaced properly by DebugExceptions. *Guilherme Mansur*, *Kasper Timm Hansen* * Add autoload for SyntaxErrorInTemplate so syntax errors are correctly raised by DebugExceptions. *Guilherme Mansur*, *Gannon McGibbon* --- Module Name: pkgsrc Committed By: taca Date: Sat May 16 14:18:09 UTC 2020 Modified Files: pkgsrc/www/ruby-actionpack60: distinfo Log Message: www/ruby-actionpack60: update to 6.0.3 Update ruby-actionpack60 to 6.0.3. ## Rails 6.0.3 (May 06, 2020) ## * Include child session assertion count in ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest `IntegrationTest#open_session` uses `dup` to create the new session, which meant it had its own copy of `@assertions`. This prevented the assertions from being correctly counted and reported. Child sessions now have their `attr_accessor` overriden to delegate to the root session. Fixes #32142 *Sam Bostock* --- Module Name: pkgsrc Committed By: taca Date: Sat May 16 14:18:56 UTC 2020 Modified Files: pkgsrc/databases/ruby-activerecord60: PLIST distinfo Log Message: databases/ruby-activerecord60: update to 6.0.3 Update ruby-activerecord60 to 6.0.3. ## Rails 6.0.3 (May 06, 2020) ## * Recommend applications don't use the `database` kwarg in `connected_to` The database kwarg in `connected_to` was meant to be used for one-off scripts but is often used in requests. This is really dangerous because it re-establishes a connection every time. It's deprecated in 6.1 and will be removed in 6.2 without replacement. This change soft deprecates it in 6.0 by removing documentation. *Eileen M. Uchitelle* * Fix support for PostgreSQL 11+ partitioned indexes. *Sebastián Palma* * Add support for beginless ranges, introduced in Ruby 2.7. *Josh Goodall* * Fix insert_all with enum values Fixes #38716. *Joel Blum* * Regexp-escape table name for MS SQL Add `Regexp.escape` to one method in ActiveRecord, so that table names with regular expression characters in them work as expected. Since MS SQL Server uses "[" and "]" to quote table and column names, and those characters are regular expression characters, methods like `pluck` and `select` fail in certain cases when used with the MS SQL Server adapter. *Larry Reid* * Store advisory locks on their own named connection. Previously advisory locks were taken out against a connection when a migration started. This works fine in single database applications but doesn't work well when migrations need to open new connections which results in the lock getting dropped. In order to fix this we are storing the advisory lock on a new connection with the connection specification name `AdisoryLockBase`. The caveat is that we need to maintain at least 2 connections to a database while migrations are running in order to do this. *Eileen M. Uchitelle*, *John Crepezzi* * Ensure `:reading` connections always raise if a write is attempted. Now Rails will raise an `ActiveRecord::ReadOnlyError` if any connection on the reading handler attempts to make a write. If your reading role needs to write you should name the role something other than `:reading`. *Eileen M. Uchitelle* * Enforce fresh ETag header after a collection's contents change by adding ActiveRecord::Relation#cache_key_with_version. This method will be used by ActionController::ConditionalGet to ensure that when collection cache versioning is enabled, requests using ConditionalGet don't return the same ETag header after a collection is modified. Fixes #38078. *Aaron Lipman* * A database URL can now contain a querystring value that contains an equal sign. This is needed to support passing PostgresSQL `options`. *Joshua Flanagan* * Retain explicit selections on the base model after applying `includes` and `joins`. Resolves #34889. *Patrick Rebsch* --- Module Name: pkgsrc Committed By: taca Date: Sat May 16 14:20:09 UTC 2020 Modified Files: pkgsrc/mail/ruby-actionmailer60: distinfo Log Message: mail/ruby-actionmailer60: update to 6.0.3 Update ruby-actionmailer60 to 6.0.3. ## Rails 6.0.3 (May 06, 2020) ## * No changes. --- Module Name: pkgsrc Committed By: taca Date: Sat May 16 14:20:46 UTC 2020 Modified Files: pkgsrc/mail/ruby-actionmailbox60: distinfo Log Message: mail/ruby-actionmailbox60: update to 6.0.3 Update ruby-actionmailbox60 to 6.0.3. ## Rails 6.0.3 (May 06, 2020) ## * Update Mandrill inbound email route to respond appropriately to HEAD requests for URL health checks from Mandrill. *Bill Cromie* --- Module Name: pkgsrc Committed By: taca Date: Sat May 16 14:21:24 UTC 2020 Modified Files: pkgsrc/www/ruby-actioncable60: distinfo Log Message: www/ruby-actioncable60: update to 6.0.3 Update to ruby-actioncable60 to 6.0.3. ## Rails 6.0.3 (May 06, 2020) ## * No changes. --- Module Name: pkgsrc Committed By: taca Date: Sat May 16 14:22:16 UTC 2020 Modified Files: pkgsrc/devel/ruby-railties60: distinfo Log Message: devel/ruby-railties60: update to 6.0.3 Update ruby-railties60 to 6.0.3. ## Rails 6.0.3 (May 06, 2020) ## * Cache compiled view templates when running tests by default When generating a new app without `--skip-spring`, caching classes is disabled in `environments/test.rb`. This implicitly disables caching view templates too. This change will enable view template caching by adding this to the generated `environments/test.rb`: ````ruby config.action_view.cache_template_loading = true ```` *Jorge Manrubia* * `Rails::Application#eager_load!` is available again to load application code manually as it was possible in previous versions. Please, note this is not integrated with the whole eager loading logic that runs when Rails boots with eager loading enabled, you can think of this method as a vanilla recursive code loader. This ability has been restored because there are some use cases for it, such as indexers that need to have all application classes and modules in memory. *Xavier Noria* * Generators that inherit from NamedBase respect `--force` option *Josh Brody* * Regression fix: The Rake task `zeitwerk:check` supports eager loaded namespaces which do not have eager load paths, like the recently added `i18n`. These namespaces are only required to respond to `eager_load!`. *Xavier Noria* --- Module Name: pkgsrc Committed By: taca Date: Sat May 16 14:22:55 UTC 2020 Modified Files: pkgsrc/devel/ruby-activestorage60: distinfo Log Message: devel/ruby-activestorage60: update to 6.0.3 Update ruby-activestorage60 to 6.0.3. ## Rails 6.0.3 (May 06, 2020) ## * No changes. --- Module Name: pkgsrc Committed By: taca Date: Sat May 16 14:23:36 UTC 2020 Modified Files: pkgsrc/textproc/ruby-actiontext60: distinfo Log Message: textproc/ruby-actiontext60: update to 6.0.3 Update ruby-actiontext60 to 6.0.3. ## Rails 6.0.3 (May 06, 2020) ## * No changes. --- Module Name: pkgsrc Committed By: taca Date: Sat May 16 14:24:28 UTC 2020 Modified Files: pkgsrc/www/ruby-rails60: distinfo Log Message: www/ruby-rails60: update to 6.0.3 Finally, update ruby-rails60 to 6.0.3. --- Module Name: pkgsrc Committed By: taca Date: Tue May 19 17:10:27 UTC 2020 Modified Files: pkgsrc/devel/ruby-activesupport60: distinfo Log Message: devel/ruby-activesupport60: update to Update ruby-activesupport60 to ## Rails (May 18, 2020) ## * [CVE-2020-8165] Deprecate Marshal.load on raw cache read in RedisCacheStore * [CVE-2020-8165] Avoid Marshal.load on raw cache value in MemCacheStore --- Module Name: pkgsrc Committed By: taca Date: Tue May 19 17:11:10 UTC 2020 Modified Files: pkgsrc/devel/ruby-activemodel60: distinfo Log Message: devel/ruby-activemodel60: update to Update ruby-activemodel60 to ## Rails (May 18, 2020) ## * No changes. --- Module Name: pkgsrc Committed By: taca Date: Tue May 19 17:11:43 UTC 2020 Modified Files: pkgsrc/devel/ruby-activejob60: distinfo Log Message: devel/ruby-activejob60: update to Update ruby-activejob60 to ## Rails (May 18, 2020) ## * No changes. --- Module Name: pkgsrc Committed By: taca Date: Tue May 19 17:12:16 UTC 2020 Modified Files: pkgsrc/www/ruby-actionview60: distinfo Log Message: www/ruby-actionview60: update to Update ruby-actionview60 to ## Rails (May 18, 2020) ## * [CVE-2020-8167] Check that request is same-origin prior to including CSRF token in XHRs --- Module Name: pkgsrc Committed By: taca Date: Tue May 19 17:12:50 UTC 2020 Modified Files: pkgsrc/www/ruby-actionpack60: distinfo Log Message: www/ruby-actionpack60: update to Update ruby-actionpack60 to ## Rails (May 18, 2020) ## * [CVE-2020-8166] HMAC raw CSRF token before masking it, so it cannot be used to reconstruct a per-form token * [CVE-2020-8164] Return self when calling #each, #each_pair, and #each_value instead of the raw @parameters hash --- Module Name: pkgsrc Committed By: taca Date: Tue May 19 17:13:24 UTC 2020 Modified Files: pkgsrc/databases/ruby-activerecord60: distinfo Log Message: databases/ruby-activerecord60: update to Update ruby-activerecord60 to ## Rails (May 18, 2020) ## * No changes. --- Module Name: pkgsrc Committed By: taca Date: Tue May 19 17:14:04 UTC 2020 Modified Files: pkgsrc/mail/ruby-actionmailer60: distinfo Log Message: mail/ruby-actionmailer60: update to Update ruby-actionmailer60 to ## Rails (May 18, 2020) ## * No changes. --- Module Name: pkgsrc Committed By: taca Date: Tue May 19 17:14:41 UTC 2020 Modified Files: pkgsrc/mail/ruby-actionmailbox60: distinfo Log Message: mail/ruby-actionmailbox60: update to Update ruby-actionmailbox60 to ## Rails (May 18, 2020) ## * No changes. --- Module Name: pkgsrc Committed By: taca Date: Tue May 19 17:15:14 UTC 2020 Modified Files: pkgsrc/www/ruby-actioncable60: distinfo Log Message: www/ruby-actioncable60: update to Update ruby-actioncable60 to ## Rails (May 18, 2020) ## * No changes. --- Module Name: pkgsrc Committed By: taca Date: Tue May 19 17:15:47 UTC 2020 Modified Files: pkgsrc/devel/ruby-railties60: distinfo Log Message: devel/ruby-railties60: update to Update ruby-railties60 to ## Rails (May 18, 2020) ## * No changes. --- Module Name: pkgsrc Committed By: taca Date: Tue May 19 17:16:26 UTC 2020 Modified Files: pkgsrc/devel/ruby-activestorage60: distinfo Log Message: devel/ruby-activestorage60: update to Update ruby-activestorage60 to ## Rails (May 18, 2020) ## * [CVE-2020-8162] Include Content-Length in signature for ActiveStorage direct upload --- Module Name: pkgsrc Committed By: taca Date: Tue May 19 17:17:01 UTC 2020 Modified Files: pkgsrc/textproc/ruby-actiontext60: distinfo Log Message: textproc/ruby-actiontext60: update to Update ruby-actiontext60 to ## Rails (May 18, 2020) ## * No changes. --- Module Name: pkgsrc Committed By: taca Date: Tue May 19 17:17:45 UTC 2020 Modified Files: pkgsrc/www/ruby-rails60: distinfo Log Message: www/ruby-rails60: update to Finally, update ruby-rails60 to
2020-06-01Pullup ticket #6213 - requested by tacabsiegert1-2/+2
www/ruby-rails52: security fix Revisions pulled up: - lang/ruby/ patch - databases/ruby-activerecord52/distinfo 1.4 - devel/ruby-activejob52/distinfo 1.4 - devel/ruby-activemodel52/distinfo 1.4 - devel/ruby-activestorage52/distinfo 1.4 - devel/ruby-activesupport52/distinfo 1.4 - devel/ruby-railties52/distinfo 1.4 - mail/ruby-actionmailer52/distinfo 1.4 - www/ruby-actioncable52/distinfo 1.4 - www/ruby-actionpack52/distinfo 1.4 - www/ruby-actionview52/distinfo 1.4 - www/ruby-rails52/distinfo 1.4 --- Module Name: pkgsrc Committed By: taca Date: Tue May 19 15:33:41 UTC 2020 Modified Files: pkgsrc/devel/ruby-activesupport52: distinfo Log Message: devel/ruby-activesupport52: update to Update ruby-activesupport52 to ## Rails (May 18, 2020) ## * [CVE-2020-8165] Deprecate Marshal.load on raw cache read in RedisCacheStore * [CVE-2020-8165] Avoid Marshal.load on raw cache value in MemCacheStore --- Module Name: pkgsrc Committed By: taca Date: Tue May 19 15:34:47 UTC 2020 Modified Files: pkgsrc/devel/ruby-activemodel52: distinfo Log Message: devel/ruby-activemodel52: update to Update ruby-activemodel52 to ## Rails (May 18, 2020) ## * No changes. --- Module Name: pkgsrc Committed By: taca Date: Tue May 19 15:35:30 UTC 2020 Modified Files: pkgsrc/devel/ruby-activejob52: distinfo Log Message: devel/ruby-activejob52: update to Update ruby-activejob52 to ## Rails (May 18, 2020) ## * No changes. --- Module Name: pkgsrc Committed By: taca Date: Tue May 19 15:36:18 UTC 2020 Modified Files: pkgsrc/www/ruby-actionview52: distinfo Log Message: www/ruby-actionview52: update to Update ruby-actionview52 to ## Rails (May 18, 2020) ## * [CVE-2020-8167] Check that request is same-origin prior to including CSRF token in XHRs --- Module Name: pkgsrc Committed By: taca Date: Tue May 19 15:36:58 UTC 2020 Modified Files: pkgsrc/www/ruby-actionpack52: distinfo Log Message: www/ruby-actionpack52: update to Update ruby-actionpack52 to ## Rails (May 18, 2020) ## * [CVE-2020-8166] HMAC raw CSRF token before masking it, so it cannot be used to reconstruct a per-form token * [CVE-2020-8164] Return self when calling #each, #each_pair, and #each_value instead of the raw @parameters hash --- Module Name: pkgsrc Committed By: taca Date: Tue May 19 15:37:46 UTC 2020 Modified Files: pkgsrc/www/ruby-actioncable52: distinfo Log Message: www/ruby-actioncable52: update to Update ruby-actioncable52 to ## Rails (May 18, 2020) ## * No changes. --- Module Name: pkgsrc Committed By: taca Date: Tue May 19 15:38:35 UTC 2020 Modified Files: pkgsrc/databases/ruby-activerecord52: distinfo Log Message: databases/ruby-activerecord52: update to Update ruby-activerecord52 to ## Rails (May 18, 2020) ## * No changes. --- Module Name: pkgsrc Committed By: taca Date: Tue May 19 15:39:12 UTC 2020 Modified Files: pkgsrc/devel/ruby-activestorage52: distinfo Log Message: devel/ruby-activestorage52: update to Update ruby-activestorage52 to ## Rails (May 18, 2020) ## * [CVE-2020-8162] Include Content-Length in signature for ActiveStorage direct upload --- Module Name: pkgsrc Committed By: taca Date: Tue May 19 15:39:54 UTC 2020 Modified Files: pkgsrc/mail/ruby-actionmailer52: distinfo Log Message: mail/ruby-actionmailer52: update to Update ruby-actionmailer52 to ## Rails (May 18, 2020) ## * No changes. --- Module Name: pkgsrc Committed By: taca Date: Tue May 19 15:40:32 UTC 2020 Modified Files: pkgsrc/devel/ruby-railties52: distinfo Log Message: devel/ruby-railties52: update to Update ruby-railties52 to ## Rails (May 18, 2020) ## * No changes. --- Module Name: pkgsrc Committed By: taca Date: Tue May 19 15:41:07 UTC 2020 Modified Files: pkgsrc/www/ruby-rails52: distinfo Log Message: www/ruby-rails52: update to Finally, update ruby-rails52 to
2020-05-15Pullup ticket #6200 - requested by tacabsiegert2-7/+7
lang/php72: security fix Revisions pulled up: - lang/php/ 1.298 - lang/php72/distinfo 1.55 --- Module Name: pkgsrc Committed By: taca Date: Thu May 14 14:26:59 UTC 2020 Modified Files: pkgsrc/lang/php: pkgsrc/lang/php72: distinfo Log Message: lang/php72: update to 7.2.31 Update php72 to 7.2.31 (PHP 7.2.31). 14 May 2020, PHP 7.2.31 - Core: . Fixed bug #78875 (Long filenames cause OOM and temp files are not cleaned). (CVE-2019-11048) (cmb) . Fixed bug #78876 (Long variables in multipart/form-data cause OOM and temp files are not cleaned). (CVE-2019-11048) (cmb)
2020-05-15Pullup ticket #6199 - requested by tacabsiegert2-7/+7
lang/php74: security fix Revisions pulled up: - lang/php/ 1.297 - lang/php74/distinfo 1.8 --- Module Name: pkgsrc Committed By: taca Date: Thu May 14 14:24:53 UTC 2020 Modified Files: pkgsrc/lang/php: pkgsrc/lang/php74: distinfo Log Message: lang/php74: update to 7.4.6 Update php74 to 7.4.6 (PHP 7.4.6). 14 May 2020, PHP 7.4.6 - Core: . Fixed bug #78434 (Generator yields no items after valid() call). (Nikita) . Fixed bug #79477 (casting object into array creates references). (Nikita) . Fixed bug #79514 (Memory leaks while including unexistent file). (cmb, Nikita) . Fixed bug #79470 (PHP incompatible with 3rd party file system on demand). (cmb) . Fixed bug #78784 (Unable to interact with files inside a VFS for Git repository). (cmb) . Fixed bug #78875 (Long variables cause OOM and temp files are not cleaned). (cmb) (CVE-2019-11048) . Fixed bug #78876 (Long variables cause OOM and temp files are not cleaned). (cmb) (CVE-2019-11048) - DOM: . Fixed bug #78221 (DOMNode::normalize() doesn't remove empty text nodes). (cmb) - EXIF: . Fixed bug #79336 (ext/exif/tests/bug79046.phpt fails on Big endian arch). (Nikita) - FCGI: . Fixed bug #79491 (Search for .user.ini extends up to root dir). (cmb) - MBString: . Fixed bug #79441 (Segfault in mb_chr() if internal encoding is unsupported). (Girgias) - OpenSSL: . Fixed bug #79497 (stream_socket_client() throws an unknown error sometimes with <1s timeout). (Joe Cai) - PCRE: . Upgraded to PCRE2 10.34. (cmb) - Phar: . Fixed bug #79503 (Memory leak on duplicate metadata). (cmb) - SimpleXML: . Fixed bug #79528 (Different object of the same xml between 7.4.5 and 7.4.4). (cmb) - SPL: . Fixed bug #69264 (__debugInfo() ignored while extending SPL classes). (cmb) . Fixed bug #67369 (ArrayObject serialization drops the iterator class). (Alex Dowad) - Standard: . Fixed bug #79468 (SIGSEGV when closing stream handle with a stream filter appended). (dinosaur) . Fixed bug #79447 (Serializing uninitialized typed properties with __sleep should not throw). (nicolas-grekas)
2020-05-15Pullup ticket #6198 - requested by tacabsiegert2-7/+7
lang/php73: security fix Revisions pulled up: - lang/php/ 1.296 - lang/php73/distinfo 1.22 --- Module Name: pkgsrc Committed By: taca Date: Thu May 14 14:23:08 UTC 2020 Modified Files: pkgsrc/lang/php: pkgsrc/lang/php73: distinfo Log Message: lang/php73: update to 7.3.18 Update php73 to 7.3.18 (PHP 7.3.18). 14 May 2020, PHP 7.3.18 - Core: . Fixed bug #78875 (Long filenames cause OOM and temp files are not cleaned). (CVE-2019-11048) (cmb) . Fixed bug #78876 (Long variables in multipart/form-data cause OOM and temp files are not cleaned). (CVE-2019-11048) (cmb) . Fixed bug #79434 (PHP 7.3 and PHP-7.4 crash with NULL-pointer dereference on !CS constant). (Nikita) . Fixed bug #79477 (casting object into array creates references). (Nikita) . Fixed bug #79470 (PHP incompatible with 3rd party file system on demand). (cmb) . Fixed bug #78784 (Unable to interact with files inside a VFS for Git repository). (cmb) - DOM: . Fixed bug #78221 (DOMNode::normalize() doesn't remove empty text nodes). (cmb) - FCGI: . Fixed bug #79491 (Search for .user.ini extends up to root dir). (cmb) - MBString: . Fixed bug #79441 (Segfault in mb_chr() if internal encoding is unsupported). (Girgias) - OpenSSL: . Fixed bug #79497 (stream_socket_client() throws an unknown error sometimes with <1s timeout). (Joe Cai) - Phar: . Fix bug #79503 (Memory leak on duplicate metadata). (cmb) - SimpleXML: . Fixed bug #79528 (Different object of the same xml between 7.4.5 and 7.4.4). (cmb) - Standard: . Fixed bug #79468 (SIGSEGV when closing stream handle with a stream filter appended). (dinosaur)
2020-04-30Pullup ticket #6175 - requested by tacabsiegert2-7/+7
lang/php72: security fix Revisions pulled up: - lang/php/ 1.295 - lang/php72/distinfo 1.54 --- Module Name: pkgsrc Committed By: taca Date: Sun Apr 19 02:34:58 UTC 2020 Modified Files: pkgsrc/lang/php: pkgsrc/lang/php72: distinfo Log Message: lang/php72: update to 7.2.30 Update php72 to 7.2.30. 16 Apr 2020, PHP 7.2.30 - Standard: . Fixed bug #79468 (SIGSEGV when closing stream handle with a stream filter appended). (dinosaur) . Fixed bug #79330 (shell_exec() silently truncates after a null byte). (stas) . Fixed bug #79465 (OOB Read in urldecode()). (stas)
2020-04-30Pullup ticket #6174 - requested by tacabsiegert2-7/+7
lang/php74: security fix Revisions pulled up: - lang/php/ 1.294 - lang/php74/distinfo 1.7 --- Module Name: pkgsrc Committed By: taca Date: Sat Apr 18 05:01:45 UTC 2020 Modified Files: pkgsrc/lang/php: pkgsrc/lang/php74: distinfo Log Message: lang/php74: update to 7.4.5 Update php74 to 7.4.5. 16 Apr 2020, PHP 7.4.5 - Core: . Fixed bug #79364 (When copy empty array, next key is unspecified). (cmb) . Fixed bug #78210 (Invalid pointer address). (cmb, Nikita) - CURL: . Fixed bug #79199 (curl_copy_handle() memory leak). (cmb) - Date: . Fixed bug #79396 (DateTime hour incorrect during DST jump forward). (Nate Brunette) . Fixed bug #74940 (DateTimeZone loose comparison always true). (cmb) - FPM: . Implement request #77062 (Allow numeric [UG]ID in FPM listen.{owner,group}) (Andre Nathan) - Iconv: . Fixed bug #79200 (Some iconv functions cut Windows-1258). (cmb) - OPcache: . Fixed bug #79412 (Opcache chokes and uses 100% CPU on specific script). (Dmitry) - Session: . Fixed bug #79413 (session_create_id() fails for active sessions). (cmb) - Shmop: . Fixed bug #79427 (Integer Overflow in shmop_open()). (cmb) - SimpleXML: . Fixed bug #61597 (SXE properties may lack attributes and content). (cmb) - SOAP: . Fixed bug #79357 (SOAP request segfaults when any request parameter is missing). (Nikita) - Spl: . Fixed bug #75673 (SplStack::unserialize() behavior). (cmb) . Fixed bug #79393 (Null coalescing operator failing with SplFixedArray). (cmb) - Standard: . Fixed bug #79330 (shell_exec() silently truncates after a null byte). (stas) . Fixed bug #79410 (system() swallows last chunk if it is exactly 4095 bytes without newline). (Christian Schneider) . Fixed bug #79465 (OOB Read in urldecode()). (stas) - Zip: . Fixed Bug #79296 (ZipArchive::open fails on empty file). (Remi) . Fixed bug #79424 (php_zip_glob uses gl_pathc after call to globfree). (Max Rees)
2020-04-28Pullup ticket #6171 - requested by tacabsiegert2-7/+7
lang/php73: security fix Revisions pulled up: - lang/php/ 1.293 - lang/php73/distinfo 1.21 --- Module Name: pkgsrc Committed By: taca Date: Sat Apr 18 04:59:41 UTC 2020 Modified Files: pkgsrc/lang/php: pkgsrc/lang/php73: distinfo Log Message: lang/php73: update to 7.3.17. Update php73 to 7.3.17. 16 Apr 2020, PHP 7.3.17 - Core: . Fixed bug #79364 (When copy empty array, next key is unspecified). (cmb) . Fixed bug #78210 (Invalid pointer address). (cmb, Nikita) - CURL: . Fixed bug #79199 (curl_copy_handle() memory leak). (cmb) - Date: . Fixed bug #79396 (DateTime hour incorrect during DST jump forward). (Nate Brunette) - Iconv: . Fixed bug #79200 (Some iconv functions cut Windows-1258). (cmb) - OPcache: . Fixed bug #79412 (Opcache chokes and uses 100% CPU on specific script). (Dmitry) - Session: . Fixed bug #79413 (session_create_id() fails for active sessions). (cmb) - Shmop: . Fixed bug #79427 (Integer Overflow in shmop_open()). (cmb) - SimpleXML: . Fixed bug #61597 (SXE properties may lack attributes and content). (cmb) - Spl: . Fixed bug #75673 (SplStack::unserialize() behavior). (cmb) . Fixed bug #79393 (Null coalescing operator failing with SplFixedArray). (cmb) - Standard: . Fixed bug #79330 (shell_exec() silently truncates after a null byte). (stas) . Fixed bug #79465 (OOB Read in urldecode()). (stas) . Fixed bug #79410 (system() swallows last chunk if it is exactly 4095 bytes without newline). (Christian Schneider) - Zip: . Fixed Bug #79296 (ZipArchive::open fails on empty file). (Remi) . Fixed bug #79424 (php_zip_glob uses gl_pathc after call to globfree). (Max Rees)
2020-04-28Pullup ticket #6166 - requested by tacabsiegert4-11/+14
lang/ruby25-base: security fix Revisions pulled up: - lang/ruby/ 1.220 - lang/ruby25-base/Makefile 1.16 - lang/ruby25-base/PLIST 1.4 - lang/ruby25-base/distinfo 1.13 --- Module Name: pkgsrc Committed By: taca Date: Wed Apr 1 15:25:26 UTC 2020 Modified Files: pkgsrc/lang/ruby: pkgsrc/lang/ruby25-base: Makefile PLIST distinfo Log Message: lang/ruby25-base: update to 2.5.8 Update ruby25-base (and ruby25) to 2.5.8. 2.5.8 (2020-03-31) This release includes security fixes. Please check the topics below for details. * CVE-2020-16255: Unsafe Object Creation Vulnerability in JSON (Additional fix) * CVE-2020-10933: Heap exposure vulnerability in the socket library
2020-04-28Pullup ticket #6167 - requested by tacabsiegert2-8/+8
lang/ruby24-base: security fix Revisions pulled up: - lang/ruby/ 1.221 - lang/ruby24-base/distinfo 1.16 --- Module Name: pkgsrc Committed By: taca Date: Wed Apr 1 15:27:40 UTC 2020 Modified Files: pkgsrc/lang/ruby: Log Message: lang/ruby24-base: update to 2.4.10 Update ruby24-base (and ruby24) to 2.4.10. This release includes a security fix. Please check the topics below for details. * CVE-2020-16255: Unsafe Object Creation Vulnerability in JSON (Additional fix) Ruby 2.4 is now under the state of the security maintenance phase, until the end of March of 2020. After that date, maintenance of Ruby 2.4 will be ended. Thus, this release would be the last of Ruby 2.4 series. We recommend you immediately upgrade Ruby to newer versions, such as 2.7 or 2.6 or 2.5. --- Module Name: pkgsrc Committed By: wiz Date: Thu Apr 2 12:20:51 UTC 2020 Modified Files: pkgsrc/lang/ruby24-base: distinfo Log Message: ruby24-base: update distinfo for 2.4.10 release
2020-04-22Pullup ticket #6165 - requested by tacabsiegert3-13/+14
lang/ruby27-base: security fix Revisions pulled up: - lang/ruby/ 1.219 - lang/ruby27-base/PLIST 1.2 - lang/ruby27-base/distinfo 1.2 --- Module Name: pkgsrc Committed By: taca Date: Wed Apr 1 15:23:15 UTC 2020 Modified Files: pkgsrc/lang/ruby: pkgsrc/lang/ruby27-base: PLIST distinfo Log Message: lang/ruby27-base: update to 2.7.1 Update ruby27-base (and ruby27) to 2.7.1. 2.7.1 (2020-03-31) This release includes security fixes. Please check the topics below for details. * CVE-2020-16255: Unsafe Object Creation Vulnerability in JSON (Additional fix) * CVE-2020-10933: Heap exposure vulnerability in the socket library
2020-04-22Pullup ticket #6164 - requested by tacabsiegert4-12/+11
lang/ruby26-base: security fix Revisions pulled up: - lang/ruby/ 1.218 - lang/ruby26-base/Makefile 1.10 - lang/ruby26-base/PLIST 1.4 - lang/ruby26-base/distinfo 1.8 --- Module Name: pkgsrc Committed By: taca Date: Wed Apr 1 15:21:57 UTC 2020 Modified Files: pkgsrc/lang/ruby: pkgsrc/lang/ruby26-base: Makefile PLIST distinfo Log Message: lang/ruby26-base: update to 2.6.6 Update ruby26-base (and ruby26 related packages) to 2.6.6. 2.6.6 (2020-03-31) This release includes security fixes. Please check the topics below for details. * CVE-2020-16255: Unsafe Object Creation Vulnerability in JSON (Additional fix) * CVE-2020-10933: Heap exposure vulnerability in the socket library
2020-04-12Pullup ticket #6158 - requested by leotbsiegert1-2/+2
lang/scala: build fix Revisions pulled up: - lang/scala/Makefile 1.17 --- Module Name: pkgsrc Committed By: mef Date: Sat Apr 4 04:19:36 UTC 2020 Modified Files: pkgsrc/lang/scala: Makefile Log Message: (lang/scala) Fix install stage, ${TAR} was not defined
2020-03-29lang/ruby26-base/Makefile: add missing inclusiontaca1-1/+2
Add misssing including "".
2020-03-29lang/ruby/Makefile.common: add "used by" linestaca1-1/+3
Add "used by" lines in comment for lang/ruby27/Makefile and ruby27-base/Makefile.
2020-03-29Fix portabilityjoerg8-1/+99
2020-03-27runawk: Fix typo in DESCRryoon1-1/+1
2020-03-27ksi: Define LICENSEryoon1-1/+2
2020-03-27neko: Wants git to build for reasons I need to investigate later.nia1-1/+3
Doesn't seem to be using it to fetch anything over the network and might not actually be necessary although it seems to think it is.
2020-03-27py-hy: updated to 0.18.0adam4-34/+26
0.18.0 ============================== Removals ------------------------------ * Python 2 is no longer supported. * Support for attribute lists in `defclass` has been removed. Use `setv` and `defn` instead. * Literal keywords are no longer parsed differently in calls to functions with certain names. * `hy.contrib.multi` has been removed. Use `cond` or the PyPI package `multipledispatch` instead. Other Breaking Changes ------------------------------ * `HySequence` is now a subclass of `tuple` instead of `list`. Thus, a `HyList` will never be equal to a `list`, and you can't use `.append`, `.pop`, etc. on a `HyExpression` or `HyList`. New Features ------------------------------ * Added special forms `py` to `pys` that allow Hy programs to include inline Python code. * Added a special form `cmp` for chained comparisons. * All augmented assignment operators (except `%=` and `^=`) now allow more than two arguments. * Added support for function annotations (PEP 3107) and variable annotations (PEP 526). * Added a function `parse-args` as a wrapper for Python's `argparse`. Bug Fixes ------------------------------ * Statements in the second argument of `assert` are now executed. * Fixed a bug that caused the condition of a `while` to be compiled twice. * `in` and `not-in` now allow more than two arguments, as in Python. * `hy2py` can now handle format strings. * Fixed crashes from inaccessible history files. * Removed an accidental import from the internal Python module `test`. * Fixed a swarm of bugs in `hy.extra.anaphoric`. Misc. Improvements ------------------------------ * Replaced the dependency `clint` with `colorama`. 0.17.0 ============================== **Warning**: Hy 0.17.x will be the last Hy versions to support Python 2, and we expect 0.17.0 to be the only release in this line. By the time 0.18.0 is released (in 2020, after CPython 2 has ceased being developed), Hy will only support Python 3. Removals ------------------------------ * Python 3.4 is no longer supported. New Features ------------------------------ * Python 3.8 is now supported. * Format strings with embedded Hy code (e.g., `f"The sum is {(+ x y)}"`) are now supported, even on Pythons earlier than 3.6. * Added a special form `setx` to create Python 3.8 assignment expressions. * Added new core functions `list?` and `tuple`. * Gensyms now have a simpler format that's more concise when mangled (e.g., `_hyx_XsemicolonXfooXvertical_lineX1235` is now `_hyx_fooXUffffX1`). Bug Fixes ------------------------------ * Fixed a crash caused by errors creating temporary files during bytecode compilation. 0.16.0 ============================== Removals ------------------------------ * Empty expressions (`()`) are no longer legal at the top level. New Features ------------------------------ * `eval` / `hy_eval` and `hy_compile` now accept an optional `compiler` argument that enables the use of an existing `HyASTCompiler` instance. * Keyword objects (not just literal keywords) can be called, as shorthand for `(get obj :key)`, and they accept a default value as a second argument. * Minimal macro expansion namespacing has been implemented. As a result, external macros no longer have to `require` their own macro dependencies. * Macros and tags now reside in module-level `__macros__` and `__tags__` attributes. Bug Fixes ------------------------------ * Cleaned up syntax and compiler errors. * You can now call `defmain` with an empty lambda list. * `require` now compiles to Python AST. * Fixed circular `require`\s. * Fixed module reloading. * Fixed circular imports. * Fixed errors from `from __future__ import ...` statements and missing Hy module docstrings caused by automatic importing of Hy builtins. * Fixed `__main__` file execution. * Fixed bugs in the handling of unpacking forms in method calls and attribute access. * Fixed crashes on Windows when calling `hy-repr` on date and time objects. * Fixed a crash in `mangle` for some pathological inputs. * Fixed incorrect mangling of some characters at low code points. * Fixed a crash on certain versions of Python 2 due to changes in the standard module `tokenize`. 0.15.0 ============================== Removals ------------------------------ * Dotted lists, `HyCons`, `cons`, `cons?`, and `list*` have been removed. These were redundant with Python's built-in data structures and Hy's most common model types (`HyExpression`, `HyList`, etc.). * `&key` is no longer special in lambda lists. Use `&optional` instead. * Lambda lists can no longer unpack tuples. * `ap-pipe` and `ap-compose` have been removed. Use threading macros and `comp` instead. * `for/a` has been removed. Use `(for [:async ...] ...)` instead. * `(except)` is no longer allowed. Use `(except [])` instead. * `(import [foo])` is no longer allowed. Use `(import foo)` instead. Other Breaking Changes ------------------------------ * `HyExpression`, `HyDict`, and `HySet` no longer inherit from `HyList`. This means you can no longer use alternative punctuation in place of square brackets in special forms (e.g. `(fn (x) ...)` instead of the standard `(fn [x] ...)`). * Mangling rules have been overhauled; now, mangled names are always legal Python identifiers. * `_` and `-` are now equivalent, even as single-character names. * The REPL history variable `_` is now `*1`. * Non-shadow unary `=`, `is`, `<`, etc. now evaluate their argument instead of ignoring it. * `list-comp`, `set-comp`, `dict-comp`, and `genexpr` have been replaced by `lfor`, `sfor`, `dfor`, and `gfor`, respectively, which use a new syntax and have additional features. All Python comprehensions can now be written in Hy. * `&`-parameters in lambda lists must now appear in the same order that Python expects. * Literal keywords now evaluate to themselves, and `HyKeyword` no longer inherits from a Python string type * `HySymbol` no longer inherits from `HyString`. New Features ------------------------------ * Python 3.7 is now supported. * `while` and `for` are allowed to have empty bodies. * `for` supports the various new clause types offered by `lfor`. * `defclass` in Python 3 supports specifying metaclasses and other keyword arguments. * Added `mangle` and `unmangle` as core functions. * Added more REPL history variables: `*2` and `*3`. * Added a REPL variable holding the last exception: `*e`. * Added a command-line option `-E` per CPython. * Added a new module `hy.model_patterns`. Bug Fixes ------------------------------ * `hy2py` should now output legal Python code equivalent to the input Hy code in all cases. * Fixed `(return)` so it can exit a Python 2 generator. * Fixed a case where `->` and `->>` duplicated an argument. * Fixed bugs that caused `defclass` to drop statements or crash. * Fixed a REPL crash caused by illegal backslash escapes. * `NaN` can no longer create an infinite loop during macro-expansion. * Fixed a bug that caused `try` to drop expressions. * The compiler now properly recognizes `unquote-splice`. * Trying to import a dotted name is now a syntax error, as in Python. * `defmacro!` now allows optional arguments. * Fixed handling of variables that are bound multiple times in a single `let`. Misc. Improvements ---------------------------- * `hy-repr` uses registered functions instead of methods. * `hy-repr` supports more standard types. * `macroexpand-all` will now expand macros introduced by a `require` in the body of a macro.
2020-03-27japhar: Define LICENSEryoon1-1/+2
2020-03-27Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH for compat80 emul in configure step too.riastradh6-12/+12
2020-03-26lang/rust: remove trailing slash from dependency pathrillig1-2/+2 > This causes problems with bulk builds, at least with limited builds, as > the trailing slash in a package directory name causes pbulk-scan to > fail with "Invalid path from master" and leads to a hung scan phase.
2020-03-26clang: Bump GCC_REQDnia1-2/+2
2020-03-26Increase resource limits due to Erlang's default allocationsjoerg1-1/+3
2020-03-25zig: Update to 0.5.0. Unbreak.nia12-380/+3294
This version of zig supports the current version of llvm in pkgsrc (9). Some patches from TheLemonMan were backported by me to fix NetBSD support. Release notes:
2020-03-25openjdk11: put back missing NetBSD i386 bootstrap checksumsgutteridge1-1/+5
Issue reported by John D. Baker on pkgsrc-users. These checksums were lost during the last version update of this package.
2020-03-25erlang-doc: fix PLIST misalignment from 22.2.8 version bumpgutteridge1-21/+21
2020-03-24Loosen data/address space limits. Apply it consistently during the build.joerg1-4/+4
2020-03-24Loosen data/address space limit. Allow dropping extra libraries likejoerg2-4/+6 into files/ and use LD_LIBRARY_PATH consistently.
2020-03-24[lib]duktape: Update to 2.5.0nia4-17/+16
2.5.0 (2019-11-24) ------------------ * Rename the 'global' binding to 'globalThis' to match updated proposal-global; enable the binding by default; update polyfills/global.js (GH-2160) * Add duk_pull() API call (GH-2184) * Add experimental duk_cbor_encode() and duk_cbor_decode() API calls (GH-2163) * Move CBOR extra into an actual Duktape built-in, enabled by default (GH-2163) * Include "end of input" in error message if SyntaxError occurs at end of file (GH-2152, GH-2165) * Add missing DUK_DEFPROP_xxx convenience constants for the 'EC' combination (like DUK_DEFPROP_EC, DUK_DEFPROP_HAVE_EC, etc) which were accidentally missing from the API header (GH-2187) * Fix behavior of proxied Array objects for: Array.isArray(), duk_is_array(), Object.prototype.toString(), JSON.stringify(), Array.prototype.concat() (GH-2041, GH-2175, GH-2176) * Fix a harmless assert in Math.atan2() when compiling with gcc -m32 (GH-2164) * Fix (suppress) -Wfloat-equal warnings for GCC and Clang (GH-234, GH-2164) * Fix compile warning when base64 support disabled (GH-2159) * Fix some compile warnings (GH-2161, GH-2172) * Add RISC-V architecture detection in duk_config.h; previous versions also compiled on RISC-V but identified as "generic" (GH-2174) * Avoid ast/endian.h header on Solaris (GH-2180) * Minor performance and footprint improvements (GH-2167, GH-2177) 2.4.0 (2019-07-28) ------------------ * Add duk_to_stacktrace() and duk_safe_to_stacktrace() to make it easier to get stacktraces in C code (GH-2059, GH-2086) * Add duk_push_bare_array() to push an Array instance which doesn't inherit from anything (GH-2064) * Add duk_require_constructable() and duk_require_constructor_call() to the public API (previously they were internal helpers) (GH-2102) * Enable Symbol built-in by default (DUK_USE_SYMBOL_BUILTIN) (GH-1969) * Remove arguments.caller for strict argument objects to match revised ES2017 behavior (GH-2009) * Add DUK_USE_NATIVE_STACK_CHECK() macro config option (disabled by default) for a platform specific stack space check in recursive and stack heavy code paths; this is more accurate than the default fixed recursion limit (GH-1995) * When using Proxy wrapping in console extra, don't return a fake NOP function for console.toJSON to avoid confusing JX serialization of the console object (GH-2052, GH-2054, GH-2055) * Disable Proxy wrapper for 'duk' console binding because it is no longer the preferred console implementation method (GH-2055) * Update UnicodeData.txt and SpecialCasing.txt used for building internal Unicode control data to Unicode version 12.1.0 (GH-2085) * Use bare objects/arrays in more places internally: variable map and formals array of functions loaded from bytecode (to match behavior of compiled functions), context dump array for duk_push_context_dump(), and error tracedata (GH-2089) * Expose DUK_INTERNAL_SYMBOL() macro; while an application shouldn't normally need to use this macro at all, it may be useful in some cases to peek into Duktape internals (with no versioning guarantees) (GH-2118) * Accept non-plain buffer types in some examples/extras (cmdline, eventloop, logging, print-alert) (GH-2107) * Fix eventloop example .write() method buffer handling which relied on Duktape.Buffer, also fix a related TCP client example bug (GH-2107) * Minor changes to CBOR extra type handling: encode non-UTF-8 strings as CBOR byte strings (instead of text strings), encode Symbols as empty objects, refuse to decode Symbols, encode pointers as "(%p)" instead of "%p" to match JX, decode integers in most cases to fastints when possible (GH-2121, GH-2154) * Minor performance improvements to CBOR extra (GH-2121, GH-2154) * Add (untested) support for mixed endian targets to CBOR extra (GH-2121) * Remove support for unnecessary DUK_USE_USER_DECLARE config option, use fixup line/file instead (GH-2123) * Remove ncurses dependency from the eventloop example, add a new example for running a lot of timers, improve init error reporting (GH-2126, GH-2128) * Add --no-auto-complete option to 'duk' to disable linenoise auto completion (GH-2131) * Add support for keeping an array's internal array part in Object.defineProperty(), previously the array part was always abandoned if an array index was defined using Object.defineProperty() (even if property attributes were correct) (GH-2146) * Rework some internal property handling call sites and helpers to e.g. avoid inheriting internal properties when not intended (GH-2149) * Improve assertion coverage for internal structures during mark-and-sweep (GH-2092) * Fix incorrect parsing of post-increment/post-decrement followed by division (e.g. "z++ / 20"), the slash was interpreted as beginning a regexp (GH-2140) * Fix incorrect handling of zero-length dynamic buffer in base-64 fast path decoder (GH-2027, GH-2088) * Fix Object.getOwnPropertySymbols() behavior for the virtual properties of arrays, Strings, and buffer objects: string keys were incorrectly included in the result (GH-1978, GH-1979) * Fix Date .setTime(), setYear(), etc behavior for a frozen Date instance; they should be allowed, but were rejected with a TypeError (GH-2149) * Fix compile error (missing DUK_DCERROR_UNSUPPORTED macro) when compiling with RegExp support disabled (GH-1990, GH-1991) * Fix -D option to accept parenthesized macros, e.g. '-DFOO(bar)=quux', which were used in some examples but were not actually functional (GH-2013, GH-2014) * Fix error handling corner case when a property-based call ( caused an error and Duktape.errCreate returned a callable value (such as Float64Array); this caused an assertion failure (GH-2061, GH-2087) * Fix coercion of +'+' and +'-' to NaN instead of 0 (GH-2019, GH-2134) * Fix possible out-of-memory in call stack unwind by preallocating the environment property table on creation (GH-476, GH-2021, GH-2106) * Fix possibility for unbounded native recursion without call stack limit backstop when call handling triggers a Proxy trap (GH-2032, GH-2108) * Fix several assertion failures with possible memory unsafe behavior (GH-2022, GH-2023, GH-2024, GH-2025, GH-2026, GH-2031, GH-2033, GH-2035, GH-2036, GH-2065, GH-2115, GH-2138, GH-2146) * Fix incorrect assertion with no underlying bug for resolving bound function chains with a Proxy object (rather than a plain function) as the final non-bound function (GH-2049, GH-2103) * Fix incorrect assertion with no underlying bug for "thr == heap_thread" during heap destruction finalizer runs; the assert is untrue when a finalizer (executed during heap destruction) resumes a coroutine (GH-2030, GH-2132, GH-2133) * Fix compile error for extras/eventloop due to missing a header file (c_eventloop.h) in the dist package (GH-2090) * Fix CBOR decoding of text strings and byte strings with a lot of concatenated pieces in the CBOR extra (GH-2093) * Fix CBOR decoding of (ignored) 64-bit tags in the CBOR extra (GH-2095) * Fix a CBOR encoding wrap check in the CBOR extra (GH-2121) * Trivial fixes and cleanups: Windows Date provider return code check consistency (GH-1956) * Fix MSVC ARM64 detection (GH-2078) * Use GCC (>= 5.0) and Clang builtin bswap macros, add internal DUK_BSWAP64() macro (GH-2122) * Short term workaround for a noreturn-related issue with GCC 5+ (GH-2155) where some internal duk_require_constructor_call() calls are entirely missing in compiler output in certain circumstances (GCC 5+, noreturn attributes enabled, debugger support enabled); the workaround is to disable noreturn macros for GCC 5+ for now (GH-2156) * Various portability fixes (GH-1931, GH-1976)
2020-03-24lang: Add neko. Based on work by cfkoch in wip.nia9-1/+166
Neko is a high-level dynamically typed programming language. It can be used as an embedded scripting language. It has been designed to provide a common runtime for several different languages. Learning and using Neko is very easy. You can easily extend the language with C libraries. You can also write generators from your own language to Neko and then use the Neko Runtime to compile, run, and access existing libraries.
2020-03-24lang/clang: fix nonexistent SUBST_FILESrillig1-4/+3
This restores the intended behavior of patching the NetBSD toolchain.
2020-03-24replace-interpreter: make documentation more preciserillig1-2/+3
There are several places in pkgsrc where the files to be patched are listed individually instead of just saying util/*/*.sh. This is unnecessarily detailed. Encourage package authors to use filename patterns more often. An example is REPLACE_PYTHON in lang/clang, which currently fails because some of the listed files don't exist anymore.
2020-03-23gcc8: surround use of zlib/ with CHECK_BUILTINtnn1-1/+3
2020-03-23spidermonkey52: distinfo forgotten in previsous committriaxx1-1/+2
2020-03-23spidermonkey52: fix PR pkg/54878triaxx1-0/+21
This patch hacks the virtualenv configuration process that finds invalid modification times in some very rare configurations.
2020-03-22openjdk8: remove va-hack now that we have UNLIMIT_RESOURCES+=virtualsizetnn2-34/+3
2020-03-22lang/pear: fix typo in shell program filenamerillig1-3/+3
2020-03-22Unlimit virtual address space use. Apply higher limits during initialjoerg1-3/+3
certificate processing as well.
2020-03-22Disable some more warnings for clang. Make sure to use visibilityjoerg3-5/+21
attributes like with gcc.
2020-03-22lang/nodejs: allow no-op SUBSTrillig1-1/+2
2020-03-22lang/llvm: fix typo in REPLACE_PYTHON filenamerillig1-2/+2
2020-03-22gcc8: only use the system zlib if it is really the system's and not pkgsrctnn1-2/+7
GCC doesn't provide any flags for linking with zlib in non-standard locations. Also, doing so could plausibly lead to cyclic dependencies.
2020-03-22lang/py-asttokens: fix build dependencies for Python 2.7rillig1-1/+7
2020-03-22lang/php73: remove phar.php from the files to be patchedrillig1-3/+2
That file contains neither the word PREFIX nor CGIDIR.
2020-03-22lang/gcc7: fix typo in portability checkrillig1-2/+2
2020-03-22lang/gcc6: fix typo in portability checkrillig1-2/+2
2020-03-22lang/gcc5-aux: skip portability check for unused filesrillig1-1/+3
2020-03-22lang/gauche: skip check for unknown configure optionsrillig1-1/+2