path: root/lang
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2009-07-24gdbm is in disabled_module_list, yet if it's found on the systemschmonz2-5/+18
the module gets built anyway. Don't do that.
2009-07-24Patch (from latest PathTools) to fix build failure on systems whereschmonz2-1/+17
$HOME's parent directory isn't readable by an unprivileged user. Tested on Linux with unprivileged pkgsrc (DreamHost, where the problem was encountered) and on Mac OS X with a more typical setup.
2009-07-24Fixes jce optional entries.obache1-3/+3
2009-07-23Updated lang/sun-jdk15 to 5.0.19abs2-10/+11
Changes in 1.5.0_19 The full internal version number for this update release is 1.5.0_19-b02 (where "b" means "build"). The external version number is 5.0u19. OlsonData 2009g This release contains Olson time zone data version 2009g. For more information, refer to Timezone Data Versions in the JRE Software . Security Baseline This update release specifies the following security baseline: JRE Family Version Java SE Security Baseline Java SE for Business Security Baseline 1.4.2 1.4.2_19 1.4.2_20 In December, 2008, Java SE 1.4.2 reached its end of service life with the release of 1.4.2_19. Future revisions of Java SE 1.4.2 (1.4.2_20 and above) include the Access Only option and are available to Java SE for Business subscribers. For more information about the security baseline, see Deploying Java Applets With Family JRE Versions in Java Plug-in for Internet Explorer . Additional Supported System Configurations As of this update, support has been added for the following system configurations: * Internet Explorer 8 * Windows Server 2008 * SLES 11 Refer to the Supported System Configurations page. Service Tag Support Service Tag support on Solaris, Linux, and Windows is add in this release. If Service Tag software has been installed on a system where JRE 1.5.0_19 is being installed, a unique service tag is automatically created for that particular JRE instance. There is no change in the JDK/JRE installation instruction, and there is no change in the Java runtime. Service Tag software can be downloaded from Sun Inventory. JDK and JRE service tags allow installed instances of the JDK and JRE to be discovered and registered under a user's account on Sun Connection. Known Issues IE 8 Hangs with OBJECT Tag When an OBJECT tag is used to specify an applet, and the browser does not receive any mouse button events or keyboard events before the browser gets to the point of interpreting (executing) the OBJECT> tag, then IE 8 hangs. This bug is seen when an html file containing OBJECT tag is specified as a command line parameter while launching IE. For example: iexplorer.exe file.html In this case, there is no mouse button event between invocation of IE and OBJECT tag execution. A workaround is to force the user to use a mouse or keyboard before IE8 reaches the tag. For example, if applet.html contains an OBJECT tag, then the following command line invocation hangs the browser: iexplorer.exe applet.html However, if you specify applet.html in another html file, as follows, then the user is forced to use the keyboard or mouse button, and the hang does not occur: <HTML><BODY><A href="file:applet.html"> click </A> </BODY></HT ML> Refer to CR 6825659 for further information. Bug Fixes Bug fixes are listed in the following table. BugId Category Subcategory Description 6260293 hotspot compiler2 fix set_ctrl() inconsistencies in loopopts 6394438 hotspot compiler2 crash in C2 compiler in MachSpillCopyNode::implementation on 5.0_U4 6435614 hotspot compiler2 code fails with impossible ArrayIndexOutOfBounds Exception 6754146 hotspot compiler2 1.5.0_15 C2 compiler crashes in PhaseChaitin::Split() 6788347 hotspot compiler2 C2Compiler crash 6u7 6798785 hotspot compiler2 Crash in OopFlow::build_oop_map: incorrect comparison of 64bit pointers 5081701 hotspot garbage_collector CMS: ATG crash with perm gen collection enabled 6415354 hotspot garbage_collector CMS: assert(thisOop->is_oop_or_null(true),"expected an oop or NULL") 6722112 hotspot garbage_collector CMS: Incorrect encoding of overflown object arrays during concurrent precleaning 6722113 hotspot garbage_collector CMS: Incorrect overflow handling during precleaning of Reference lists 6739357 hotspot garbage_collector CMS: Switch off CMSPrecleanRefLists1 until 6722113 can be fixed 6786503 hotspot garbage_collector Overflow list performance can be improved 6787254 hotspot garbage_collector Work queue capacity can be increased substantially on some platforms 6751861 hotspot jvmti Memory leak occurs in JVMTI(jdk5.0u16) 6447157 hotspot other Crashdump (hs_err_pid*.log) does not contain the crash time 6320309 hotspot runtime_system symbol resolution -- wait() vs interrupt -- can result in IE being thrown from unexpected locations 6680485 hotspot runtime_system Wrong error-handling with Solaris-specific interruptible I/O (Solaris) 6821003 hotspot runtime_system Update hotspot windows os_win32 for windows 7 6277781 idl serialization Serialization of Enums over IIOP is broke. 6614558 idl serialization jmx interop JDK5 - JDK6 issue when calling getMBeanInfo 6529796 java char_encodings Support JIS X 0213:2004 in existing JDK versions, especially for Windows Vista 6710199 java char_encodings SJIS_0213 does not handle "unmappable" encoding operation correctly 4744405 java classes_2d RFE: lookupPrintServices() to refresh the printers list dynamically 6358622 java classes_2d hotspot crash when printing to non-available network printer 6428762 java classes_2d RHEL5: Sazanami Mincho Font rendering quality is poor 6574633 java classes_2d native printDialog crashes when changing printer 6633656 java classes_2d Cross platform print dialog doesn't check for orientation being unsupported. 6524352 java classes_awt support for high-resolution mouse wheel 6668385 java classes_awt Java applet crashes IE 6 in AwtComponent::ImmAssociateContext() 6675956 java classes_awt REGRESSION : Different behavior of Container.findComponentAt in jdk5 6707023 java classes_awt Chinese Characters in JTextPane Cause Pane to Hang 6219755 java classes_io PipedOutputStream.write() remains blocked after PipedInputStream was closed 6242664 java classes_lang String.offsetByCodePoints doesn't work for Strings returned by String.substring 6819886 java classes_lang System.getProperty("") reports Vista on Windows 7 6651382 java classes_management The Java JVM SNMP provider reports incorrect stats when asked for multiple OIDs 6598160 java classes_net Windows IPv6 Socket implementation doesn't set the handle to not inherit 6648001 java classes_net Cancelling HTTP authentication causes subsequent deadlocks 6693244 java classes_net Java Web Start app fails on 6u10 beta w/ AssertionError in AuthenticationInfo.requestCompleted 5100121 java classes_nio (se) select not immune to EINTR 6497734 java classes_nio (dc) assert "JNI handle should not be null" under Java_sun_nio_ch_FileDispatcher_preClose0() 6552236 java classes_security PolicyFile not synchronized during refresh 6699856 java classes_swing Creating text in a JTextPane using Chinese text causes undesired behavior 6735259 java classes_swing NPE at WindowsComboBoxUI$XPComboBoxButton.getState( 4823811 java classes_text [Fmt-Da] SimpleDateFormat patterns don't allow embedding of some literal punctuation 6576792 java classes_util_concurrent ThreadPoolExecutor methods leak interrupts when run in pool threads 6409997 java classes_util_i18n Default locale/encoding detection for Windows Vista 6834474 java classes_util_i18n (tz) Support tzdata2009g 6740278 java dragndrop An image(256 colors) in clipboard should be displayed correctly 6404011 java imageio IllegalArgumentException: "Invalid ICC Profile Data" when reading certain JPEGs 6687968 java imageio PNGImageReader leaks native memory through an Inflater. 6541870 java serialization NullPointerException in ObjectInputStream with Externalizables 6608975 java serviceability HeapDumpPath option is ignored for dumps written by HeapDumpOnCtrlBreak functionality 6745217 java serviceability jmap throws sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.AssertionFailure: BitMap index out of bounds (1.5.0_15-b04) 6754987 java serviceability Crash triggering Heapdump via -XX:+HeapDumpOnCtrlBreak AND -XX:+UseParallelOldGC 6803304 java sunservicetags Service Tag support for JRE for solaris/linux/windows 6680432 java_deployment security Display only Digital Signature key usage certificate in client authentication dialog box. 6567254 java_plugin ns6 Stack stomp in CSecureJNIEnv 6603064 java_plugin other Legacy_lifecycle:Exception getting thrown on while making LiveConnect calls once applet is refreshed 6595618 java_plugin plugin Intermittent problems with signed applet certificate verification 6618901 java_plugin plugin 6.0 JRE applet running on Vista limits heap to 64 MB 6696175 javawebstart jnlp_file javaws not recognizing properties which contains % character 6809409 jaxp sax jaxp Issue 56 SAXException doesn't do the exception chaining properly 6809019 jaxp xslt Performance degradation for fix to: 6537909 in 1.5.0_14 6796140 jets other Further ORB changes after 6725987 6176036 jndi ldap Require a way to specify read timeout for LDAP operations Changes in 1.5.0_18 The full internal version number for this update release is 1.5.0_18-b02 (where "b" means "build"). The external version number is 5.0u18. Security Baseline This update release specifies the following security baseline: JRE Family Version Security Baseline 1.4.2 1.4.2_20 For more information about the security baseline, see Deploying Java Applets With Family JRE Versions in Java Plug-in for Internet Explorer . OlsonData 2009a This release contains Olson time zone data version 2009a. For more information, refer to Timezone Data Versions in the JRE Software . Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) API Change The behavior of the JNDI feature to store and retrieve Java objects in an LDAP directory has been slightly modified. When storing a Java object in an LDAP directory, the location of the object's class file (its codebase) may be specified. Later, when restoring the original object, its codebase along with additional object data is retrieved from the directory and used by the class loader. An object's codebase is no longer implicitly trusted. Instead, a new system property called com.sun.jndi.ldap.object.trustURLCodebase must explicitly be set to the string value true in order for a codebase to be used. Otherwise, the codebase will be ignored by the class loader when restoring a Java object, and only those class files that appear on the classpath will be recognized. Java Management Extensions(JMX) Change In a JMX access property file, the readwrite access no longer allows the remote createMBean and unregisterMBean operations. These must now be provided explicitly via new clauses. The default jmxremote.access file of the JRE ($JRE_HOME/lib/management/jmxremote.access) shows what this looks like: monitorRole readonly controlRole readwrite \ create*,* \ unregister CORBA Memory Leak Fix - Special Note This update release and revision 5.0u16-rev-b12 and subsequent updates and revisions contain a fix for 6725987. When using updates and revisions prior to these, an ORB may contain valid references (that is, a memory leak) even after calling its shutdown() and destroy() methods, and it may respond to some method calls. With this fix, the ORB correctly cleans up and the Garbage Collector can free up the memory held by such references. Incorrect accesses to such references or methods are likely to result in a NullPointerException to the application. Root Certificates Included Root Certificates are included in this release. The following root certificates have been added: * VeriSign TSA Root Cert to the JDK (Refer to 6732157.) * Two additional T-systems root CA certs (Refer to 6803022.) * Two Unizeto root certs (Refer to 6803036.) Bug Fixes This release contains fixes for one or more security vulnerabilities. For more information, please see Sun Alerts 254569, 254570, 254571, 254608, and 254611. Other bug fixes are listed in the following table. BugId Category Subcategory Description 6676016 hotspot garbage_collector ParallelOldGC leaks memory 6461933 java classes_awt To adjust system boot time in nowMillisUTC() frequently 6637607 java classes_awt 1st char. is discarded after a modal dialogue shows up and disappears 6677578 java classes_awt Print dialog doesn't come up when brower window is maximized 6571589 java classes_lang (thread) Thread.getStackTrace() returns null 6446855 java classes_net https connections failing when connecting through a proxy 6687282 java classes_net URLConnection for HTTPS connection through Proxy w/ Digest Authentication gives 400 Bad Request 6720866 java classes_net Slow performance using HttpURLConnection for upload 6732157 java classes_security Add VeriSign TSA Root Cert to the JDK 6803022 java classes_security Add T-systems root CA certs to the JRE 6803036 java classes_security Add Unizeto root certs to the JRE 6639183 java classes_util_concurrent Scheduling large negative delay hangs entire ScheduledExecutor 6725789 java classes_util_concurrent ScheduledExecutorService does not work as expected in jdk7/6/5 6598520 java classes_util_i18n (tz) Windows time zone mapping table needs to be updated for KB933360 6650748 java classes_util_i18n (tz) Java runtime doesn't detect VET time zone correctly on Windows 6743394 java classes_util_i18n (tz) tzmappings must be updated for Windows 6783139 java classes_util_i18n (tz) Windows time zone mapping table needs to be updated for KB955839 6796489 java classes_util_i18n (tz) Support tzdata2009a 6487638 java classes_util_logging Calling LogManager.addLogger() and Logger.getLogger() cause deadlock 6719011 java_plugin ocx Applet isn't started when it's outside of the visible area of a browser window 6643769 java_plugin other Applet main windows steals focus on Popup windows which is running Applet. 6784894 java_plugin other Regression: applets loaded from local disk can not access co-located resources 6591117 jce pkcs11_csp Poor preformance of PKCS#11 security provider compared to Sun default provider 6725987 jets other ORB.destroy() does not cleanup correctly and ORB object instances are not garbage collected. Changes in 1.5.0_17 The full internal version number for this update release is 1.5.0_17-b04 (where "b" means "build"). The external version number is 5.0u17. Security Baseline This update release specifies the following security baseline: JRE Family Version Security Baseline 1.4.2 1.4.2_19 For more information about the security baseline, see Deploying Java Applets With Family JRE Versions in Java Plug-in for Internet Explorer . OlsonData 2008i This release contains Olson time zone data version 2008i. For more information, refer to Timezone Data Versions in the JRE Software . Updated UTF-8 Charset Implementation Due to security concerns, the UTF-8 charset implementation in the JRE has been updated to handle the non-shortest form of UTF-8 byte sequences, and this introduces an incompatibility from previous releases. For example, the byte sequence of 0xc0 0xaf for U+002f, which has the shortest form of 0x2f, is a malformed input to the decoding operation. More details regarding the Non-shortest form of UTF-8 can be found at: * UTF8-Shortest Form * UTF8 Specification Root Certificates Included Root Certificates are included in this release. The following root certificates have been added: * Camerfirma root certificates * T-systems root CA certificate (Deutsche Telekom Root CA 2) * SwissSign root certificates Bug Fixes This release contains fixes for one or more security vulnerabilities. For more information, please see Sun Alerts 244986, 244987, 244988, 244990, 244991, 244992, 245246, 246266, 246286, 246346, 246386, and 246387. Other bug fixes are listed in the following table. BugId Category Subcategory Description 6403625 hotspot compiler2 crash in compiled code when using profiler agent 6519515 hotspot compiler2 Loop-opts incorrectly removed a safepoint poll from a loop with an early exit 6606675 hotspot compiler2 Crash in CodeBuffer resize in 1.4.2_15 6676462 hotspot compiler2 JVM sometimes would suddenly consume significant amount of memory 6704367 hotspot runtime_system Stack sizes error with 1.5.0_14 6372405 idl orb Server thread hangs when fragments don't complete because of connection abort 5005426 java char_encodings Buffered stream data is discarded by IllegalStateException in 1.4.2 and Tiger 6359722 java classes_2d Uncatchable recursive NullPointerException at 6448405 java classes_2d static HashMap cache in LineBreakMeasurer can grow wihout bounds 6525150 java classes_2d Printer has "paper out" status and won't print due to a PrinterException 6638533 java classes_2d Layout should not apply shaping to precomposed arabic presentation form glyphs. 6532373 java classes_awt xcb_xlib.c:50: xcb_xlib_unlock: Assertion 'c->xlib.lock' failed. 6678061 java classes_awt undefined keycodes for certain keyboard layouts 6689088 java classes_awt Focus traversal doesn't work in the reverse order / related to the SR 70175950 / CR 6684528 6446990 java classes_net HttpURLConnection#available() reads more and more data into memory 6448457 java classes_nio (ch) Channels.newOutputStream().write() does not write all data 6728890 java classes_security Add SwissSign root certificates to the JDK 6754779 java classes_security Add Camerfirma root certificates to the JDK 6768559 java classes_security Add t-systems root CA certificate (Deutsche Telekom Root CA 2) to the JRE 6438246 java classes_swing File name field is mislabeled when JFileChooser is used in DIRECTORIES_ONLY mode 6581899 java classes_swing JTextField & JTextArea - Poor performance with JRE 1.5.0_08 6648714 java classes_swing JScrollPane repaints incorrectly on larger monitor of dual monitor system (5.0) 6466476 java classes_util_i18n (tz) Introduction of tzdata2005r can introduce incompatility issues with some JDK1.1 3-letter TZ Ids 6764308 java classes_util_i18n (tz) Support tzdata2008i 6623981 java compiler javac StackOverFlowError in 1.4.1/1.4.2 6709709 java javadoctool javadoc does not get compilation errors after type erasure 6536107 java_plugin iexplorer GDI leak detected by opening the Print Dialog repeatedly 6746185 javawebstart other Malformed URL Exception: JWS regression introduced in 1.5.0_16 6578538 jce classes_crypto com.sun.crypto.provider.SunJCE instance leak using KRB5 and LoginContext 6697180 jmx classes JMX query results in Illegal state - also a deadlock can also be seen 6618387 jsse runtime SSL client sessions do not close cleanly. A TCP reset occurs instead of a close_notify alert. 6668231 jsse runtime Presence of a critical subjectAltName causes JSSE's SunX509 to fail trusted checks
2009-07-23Updated lang/sun-jre15 to 5.0.19abs5-19/+33
Changes in 1.5.0_19 The full internal version number for this update release is 1.5.0_19-b02 (where "b" means "build"). The external version number is 5.0u19. OlsonData 2009g This release contains Olson time zone data version 2009g. For more information, refer to Timezone Data Versions in the JRE Software . Security Baseline This update release specifies the following security baseline: JRE Family Version Java SE Security Baseline Java SE for Business Security Baseline 1.4.2 1.4.2_19 1.4.2_20 In December, 2008, Java SE 1.4.2 reached its end of service life with the release of 1.4.2_19. Future revisions of Java SE 1.4.2 (1.4.2_20 and above) include the Access Only option and are available to Java SE for Business subscribers. For more information about the security baseline, see Deploying Java Applets With Family JRE Versions in Java Plug-in for Internet Explorer . Additional Supported System Configurations As of this update, support has been added for the following system configurations: * Internet Explorer 8 * Windows Server 2008 * SLES 11 Refer to the Supported System Configurations page. Service Tag Support Service Tag support on Solaris, Linux, and Windows is add in this release. If Service Tag software has been installed on a system where JRE 1.5.0_19 is being installed, a unique service tag is automatically created for that particular JRE instance. There is no change in the JDK/JRE installation instruction, and there is no change in the Java runtime. Service Tag software can be downloaded from Sun Inventory. JDK and JRE service tags allow installed instances of the JDK and JRE to be discovered and registered under a user's account on Sun Connection. Known Issues IE 8 Hangs with OBJECT Tag When an OBJECT tag is used to specify an applet, and the browser does not receive any mouse button events or keyboard events before the browser gets to the point of interpreting (executing) the OBJECT> tag, then IE 8 hangs. This bug is seen when an html file containing OBJECT tag is specified as a command line parameter while launching IE. For example: iexplorer.exe file.html In this case, there is no mouse button event between invocation of IE and OBJECT tag execution. A workaround is to force the user to use a mouse or keyboard before IE8 reaches the tag. For example, if applet.html contains an OBJECT tag, then the following command line invocation hangs the browser: iexplorer.exe applet.html However, if you specify applet.html in another html file, as follows, then the user is forced to use the keyboard or mouse button, and the hang does not occur: <HTML><BODY><A href="file:applet.html"> click </A> </BODY></HT ML> Refer to CR 6825659 for further information. Bug Fixes Bug fixes are listed in the following table. BugId Category Subcategory Description 6260293 hotspot compiler2 fix set_ctrl() inconsistencies in loopopts 6394438 hotspot compiler2 crash in C2 compiler in MachSpillCopyNode::implementation on 5.0_U4 6435614 hotspot compiler2 code fails with impossible ArrayIndexOutOfBounds Exception 6754146 hotspot compiler2 1.5.0_15 C2 compiler crashes in PhaseChaitin::Split() 6788347 hotspot compiler2 C2Compiler crash 6u7 6798785 hotspot compiler2 Crash in OopFlow::build_oop_map: incorrect comparison of 64bit pointers 5081701 hotspot garbage_collector CMS: ATG crash with perm gen collection enabled 6415354 hotspot garbage_collector CMS: assert(thisOop->is_oop_or_null(true),"expected an oop or NULL") 6722112 hotspot garbage_collector CMS: Incorrect encoding of overflown object arrays during concurrent precleaning 6722113 hotspot garbage_collector CMS: Incorrect overflow handling during precleaning of Reference lists 6739357 hotspot garbage_collector CMS: Switch off CMSPrecleanRefLists1 until 6722113 can be fixed 6786503 hotspot garbage_collector Overflow list performance can be improved 6787254 hotspot garbage_collector Work queue capacity can be increased substantially on some platforms 6751861 hotspot jvmti Memory leak occurs in JVMTI(jdk5.0u16) 6447157 hotspot other Crashdump (hs_err_pid*.log) does not contain the crash time 6320309 hotspot runtime_system symbol resolution -- wait() vs interrupt -- can result in IE being thrown from unexpected locations 6680485 hotspot runtime_system Wrong error-handling with Solaris-specific interruptible I/O (Solaris) 6821003 hotspot runtime_system Update hotspot windows os_win32 for windows 7 6277781 idl serialization Serialization of Enums over IIOP is broke. 6614558 idl serialization jmx interop JDK5 - JDK6 issue when calling getMBeanInfo 6529796 java char_encodings Support JIS X 0213:2004 in existing JDK versions, especially for Windows Vista 6710199 java char_encodings SJIS_0213 does not handle "unmappable" encoding operation correctly 4744405 java classes_2d RFE: lookupPrintServices() to refresh the printers list dynamically 6358622 java classes_2d hotspot crash when printing to non-available network printer 6428762 java classes_2d RHEL5: Sazanami Mincho Font rendering quality is poor 6574633 java classes_2d native printDialog crashes when changing printer 6633656 java classes_2d Cross platform print dialog doesn't check for orientation being unsupported. 6524352 java classes_awt support for high-resolution mouse wheel 6668385 java classes_awt Java applet crashes IE 6 in AwtComponent::ImmAssociateContext() 6675956 java classes_awt REGRESSION : Different behavior of Container.findComponentAt in jdk5 6707023 java classes_awt Chinese Characters in JTextPane Cause Pane to Hang 6219755 java classes_io PipedOutputStream.write() remains blocked after PipedInputStream was closed 6242664 java classes_lang String.offsetByCodePoints doesn't work for Strings returned by String.substring 6819886 java classes_lang System.getProperty("") reports Vista on Windows 7 6651382 java classes_management The Java JVM SNMP provider reports incorrect stats when asked for multiple OIDs 6598160 java classes_net Windows IPv6 Socket implementation doesn't set the handle to not inherit 6648001 java classes_net Cancelling HTTP authentication causes subsequent deadlocks 6693244 java classes_net Java Web Start app fails on 6u10 beta w/ AssertionError in AuthenticationInfo.requestCompleted 5100121 java classes_nio (se) select not immune to EINTR 6497734 java classes_nio (dc) assert "JNI handle should not be null" under Java_sun_nio_ch_FileDispatcher_preClose0() 6552236 java classes_security PolicyFile not synchronized during refresh 6699856 java classes_swing Creating text in a JTextPane using Chinese text causes undesired behavior 6735259 java classes_swing NPE at WindowsComboBoxUI$XPComboBoxButton.getState( 4823811 java classes_text [Fmt-Da] SimpleDateFormat patterns don't allow embedding of some literal punctuation 6576792 java classes_util_concurrent ThreadPoolExecutor methods leak interrupts when run in pool threads 6409997 java classes_util_i18n Default locale/encoding detection for Windows Vista 6834474 java classes_util_i18n (tz) Support tzdata2009g 6740278 java dragndrop An image(256 colors) in clipboard should be displayed correctly 6404011 java imageio IllegalArgumentException: "Invalid ICC Profile Data" when reading certain JPEGs 6687968 java imageio PNGImageReader leaks native memory through an Inflater. 6541870 java serialization NullPointerException in ObjectInputStream with Externalizables 6608975 java serviceability HeapDumpPath option is ignored for dumps written by HeapDumpOnCtrlBreak functionality 6745217 java serviceability jmap throws sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.AssertionFailure: BitMap index out of bounds (1.5.0_15-b04) 6754987 java serviceability Crash triggering Heapdump via -XX:+HeapDumpOnCtrlBreak AND -XX:+UseParallelOldGC 6803304 java sunservicetags Service Tag support for JRE for solaris/linux/windows 6680432 java_deployment security Display only Digital Signature key usage certificate in client authentication dialog box. 6567254 java_plugin ns6 Stack stomp in CSecureJNIEnv 6603064 java_plugin other Legacy_lifecycle:Exception getting thrown on while making LiveConnect calls once applet is refreshed 6595618 java_plugin plugin Intermittent problems with signed applet certificate verification 6618901 java_plugin plugin 6.0 JRE applet running on Vista limits heap to 64 MB 6696175 javawebstart jnlp_file javaws not recognizing properties which contains % character 6809409 jaxp sax jaxp Issue 56 SAXException doesn't do the exception chaining properly 6809019 jaxp xslt Performance degradation for fix to: 6537909 in 1.5.0_14 6796140 jets other Further ORB changes after 6725987 6176036 jndi ldap Require a way to specify read timeout for LDAP operations Changes in 1.5.0_18 The full internal version number for this update release is 1.5.0_18-b02 (where "b" means "build"). The external version number is 5.0u18. Security Baseline This update release specifies the following security baseline: JRE Family Version Security Baseline 1.4.2 1.4.2_20 For more information about the security baseline, see Deploying Java Applets With Family JRE Versions in Java Plug-in for Internet Explorer . OlsonData 2009a This release contains Olson time zone data version 2009a. For more information, refer to Timezone Data Versions in the JRE Software . Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) API Change The behavior of the JNDI feature to store and retrieve Java objects in an LDAP directory has been slightly modified. When storing a Java object in an LDAP directory, the location of the object's class file (its codebase) may be specified. Later, when restoring the original object, its codebase along with additional object data is retrieved from the directory and used by the class loader. An object's codebase is no longer implicitly trusted. Instead, a new system property called com.sun.jndi.ldap.object.trustURLCodebase must explicitly be set to the string value true in order for a codebase to be used. Otherwise, the codebase will be ignored by the class loader when restoring a Java object, and only those class files that appear on the classpath will be recognized. Java Management Extensions(JMX) Change In a JMX access property file, the readwrite access no longer allows the remote createMBean and unregisterMBean operations. These must now be provided explicitly via new clauses. The default jmxremote.access file of the JRE ($JRE_HOME/lib/management/jmxremote.access) shows what this looks like: monitorRole readonly controlRole readwrite \ create*,* \ unregister CORBA Memory Leak Fix - Special Note This update release and revision 5.0u16-rev-b12 and subsequent updates and revisions contain a fix for 6725987. When using updates and revisions prior to these, an ORB may contain valid references (that is, a memory leak) even after calling its shutdown() and destroy() methods, and it may respond to some method calls. With this fix, the ORB correctly cleans up and the Garbage Collector can free up the memory held by such references. Incorrect accesses to such references or methods are likely to result in a NullPointerException to the application. Root Certificates Included Root Certificates are included in this release. The following root certificates have been added: * VeriSign TSA Root Cert to the JDK (Refer to 6732157.) * Two additional T-systems root CA certs (Refer to 6803022.) * Two Unizeto root certs (Refer to 6803036.) Bug Fixes This release contains fixes for one or more security vulnerabilities. For more information, please see Sun Alerts 254569, 254570, 254571, 254608, and 254611. Other bug fixes are listed in the following table. BugId Category Subcategory Description 6676016 hotspot garbage_collector ParallelOldGC leaks memory 6461933 java classes_awt To adjust system boot time in nowMillisUTC() frequently 6637607 java classes_awt 1st char. is discarded after a modal dialogue shows up and disappears 6677578 java classes_awt Print dialog doesn't come up when brower window is maximized 6571589 java classes_lang (thread) Thread.getStackTrace() returns null 6446855 java classes_net https connections failing when connecting through a proxy 6687282 java classes_net URLConnection for HTTPS connection through Proxy w/ Digest Authentication gives 400 Bad Request 6720866 java classes_net Slow performance using HttpURLConnection for upload 6732157 java classes_security Add VeriSign TSA Root Cert to the JDK 6803022 java classes_security Add T-systems root CA certs to the JRE 6803036 java classes_security Add Unizeto root certs to the JRE 6639183 java classes_util_concurrent Scheduling large negative delay hangs entire ScheduledExecutor 6725789 java classes_util_concurrent ScheduledExecutorService does not work as expected in jdk7/6/5 6598520 java classes_util_i18n (tz) Windows time zone mapping table needs to be updated for KB933360 6650748 java classes_util_i18n (tz) Java runtime doesn't detect VET time zone correctly on Windows 6743394 java classes_util_i18n (tz) tzmappings must be updated for Windows 6783139 java classes_util_i18n (tz) Windows time zone mapping table needs to be updated for KB955839 6796489 java classes_util_i18n (tz) Support tzdata2009a 6487638 java classes_util_logging Calling LogManager.addLogger() and Logger.getLogger() cause deadlock 6719011 java_plugin ocx Applet isn't started when it's outside of the visible area of a browser window 6643769 java_plugin other Applet main windows steals focus on Popup windows which is running Applet. 6784894 java_plugin other Regression: applets loaded from local disk can not access co-located resources 6591117 jce pkcs11_csp Poor preformance of PKCS#11 security provider compared to Sun default provider 6725987 jets other ORB.destroy() does not cleanup correctly and ORB object instances are not garbage collected. Changes in 1.5.0_17 The full internal version number for this update release is 1.5.0_17-b04 (where "b" means "build"). The external version number is 5.0u17. Security Baseline This update release specifies the following security baseline: JRE Family Version Security Baseline 1.4.2 1.4.2_19 For more information about the security baseline, see Deploying Java Applets With Family JRE Versions in Java Plug-in for Internet Explorer . OlsonData 2008i This release contains Olson time zone data version 2008i. For more information, refer to Timezone Data Versions in the JRE Software . Updated UTF-8 Charset Implementation Due to security concerns, the UTF-8 charset implementation in the JRE has been updated to handle the non-shortest form of UTF-8 byte sequences, and this introduces an incompatibility from previous releases. For example, the byte sequence of 0xc0 0xaf for U+002f, which has the shortest form of 0x2f, is a malformed input to the decoding operation. More details regarding the Non-shortest form of UTF-8 can be found at: * UTF8-Shortest Form * UTF8 Specification Root Certificates Included Root Certificates are included in this release. The following root certificates have been added: * Camerfirma root certificates * T-systems root CA certificate (Deutsche Telekom Root CA 2) * SwissSign root certificates Bug Fixes This release contains fixes for one or more security vulnerabilities. For more information, please see Sun Alerts 244986, 244987, 244988, 244990, 244991, 244992, 245246, 246266, 246286, 246346, 246386, and 246387. Other bug fixes are listed in the following table. BugId Category Subcategory Description 6403625 hotspot compiler2 crash in compiled code when using profiler agent 6519515 hotspot compiler2 Loop-opts incorrectly removed a safepoint poll from a loop with an early exit 6606675 hotspot compiler2 Crash in CodeBuffer resize in 1.4.2_15 6676462 hotspot compiler2 JVM sometimes would suddenly consume significant amount of memory 6704367 hotspot runtime_system Stack sizes error with 1.5.0_14 6372405 idl orb Server thread hangs when fragments don't complete because of connection abort 5005426 java char_encodings Buffered stream data is discarded by IllegalStateException in 1.4.2 and Tiger 6359722 java classes_2d Uncatchable recursive NullPointerException at 6448405 java classes_2d static HashMap cache in LineBreakMeasurer can grow wihout bounds 6525150 java classes_2d Printer has "paper out" status and won't print due to a PrinterException 6638533 java classes_2d Layout should not apply shaping to precomposed arabic presentation form glyphs. 6532373 java classes_awt xcb_xlib.c:50: xcb_xlib_unlock: Assertion 'c->xlib.lock' failed. 6678061 java classes_awt undefined keycodes for certain keyboard layouts 6689088 java classes_awt Focus traversal doesn't work in the reverse order / related to the SR 70175950 / CR 6684528 6446990 java classes_net HttpURLConnection#available() reads more and more data into memory 6448457 java classes_nio (ch) Channels.newOutputStream().write() does not write all data 6728890 java classes_security Add SwissSign root certificates to the JDK 6754779 java classes_security Add Camerfirma root certificates to the JDK 6768559 java classes_security Add t-systems root CA certificate (Deutsche Telekom Root CA 2) to the JRE 6438246 java classes_swing File name field is mislabeled when JFileChooser is used in DIRECTORIES_ONLY mode 6581899 java classes_swing JTextField & JTextArea - Poor performance with JRE 1.5.0_08 6648714 java classes_swing JScrollPane repaints incorrectly on larger monitor of dual monitor system (5.0) 6466476 java classes_util_i18n (tz) Introduction of tzdata2005r can introduce incompatility issues with some JDK1.1 3-letter TZ Ids 6764308 java classes_util_i18n (tz) Support tzdata2008i 6623981 java compiler javac StackOverFlowError in 1.4.1/1.4.2 6709709 java javadoctool javadoc does not get compilation errors after type erasure 6536107 java_plugin iexplorer GDI leak detected by opening the Print Dialog repeatedly 6746185 javawebstart other Malformed URL Exception: JWS regression introduced in 1.5.0_16 6578538 jce classes_crypto com.sun.crypto.provider.SunJCE instance leak using KRB5 and LoginContext 6697180 jmx classes JMX query results in Illegal state - also a deadlock can also be seen 6618387 jsse runtime SSL client sessions do not close cleanly. A TCP reset occurs instead of a close_notify alert. 6668231 jsse runtime Presence of a critical subjectAltName causes JSSE's SunX509 to fail trusted checks
2009-07-22Remove empty PLIST.pre.wiz2-3/+1
2009-07-22Remove empty PLIST.common_end.wiz6-9/+3
2009-07-22Remove empty PLIST.pre.wiz10-15/+5
2009-07-22Remove empty PLIST.common_end.wiz1-1/+0
2009-07-20Make it build on DragonFly and (probably) FreeBSD.hasso2-1/+15
2009-07-19Update to - Contains fixes for CVE-2009-0217kefren2-6/+6
2009-07-18Don't install idle, there is a separate py-idle package for it.wiz4-10/+9
Noted by Mark Davies in PR 41702. Bump PKGREVISION.
2009-07-17Give up MAINTAINERadrianp1-2/+2
2009-07-17adjust PERL5_LICENSE - enable both valid licensessno1-2/+2
2009-07-17allow dependent modules check build options of perl5sno1-1/+4
2009-07-17Added php5-perl.rillig1-1/+2
2009-07-17Make it build again on DragonFly.hasso2-1/+18
2009-07-16remove mirror tuwien. tcl has been removed from there a month ago.zafer1-4/+3
2009-07-15Update to mono 2.4.2kefren2-6/+6
2009-07-15Update to
This version is the first version to integrate Microsoft's open source ASP.NET MVC stack. More than 140 bug fixed. Check for more changes.
2009-07-14Update to June snapshot of E17. No detailed changes.joerg2-8/+8
2009-07-14Update to librep-0.90.0. Changes:tnn5-42/+33
* Added UTF-8 Support! [Wang Diancheng] * Remove scheme and unscheme modules * Going on with code-cleanup
2009-07-10Set LICENSE for lua.minskim1-1/+2
2009-07-10Set user-destdir, add (unfortunately) partial patch for NetBSD/m68kabs4-4/+91
2009-07-08Provide PY_COMPILE_ALL and PY_COMPILE_O_ALL to compile all Pythonjoerg2-6/+8
sources in a directory (tree) in Adjust the various places that called it locally.
2009-07-07Update lang/php5 to version 5.2.10 - according to the release annoucement:jdolecek4-29/+12
Security Enhancements and Fixes in PHP 5.2.10: * Fixed bug #48378 (exif_read_data() segfaults on certain corrupted .jpeg files). (Pierre) Key enhancements in PHP 5.2.10 include: * Added "ignore_errors" option to http fopen wrapper. (David Zulke, Sara) * Fixed memory corruptions while reading properties of zip files. (Ilia) * Fixed memory leak in ob_get_clean/ob_get_flush. (Christian) * Fixed segfault on invalid session.save_path. (Hannes) * Fixed leaks in imap when a mail_criteria is used. (Pierre) * Changed default value of array_unique()'s optional sorting type parameter back to SORT_STRING to fix backwards compatibility breakage introduced in PHP 5.2.9. (Moriyoshi) * Fixed bug #47940 (memory leaks in imap_body). (Pierre, Jake Levitt) * Fixed bug #47903 ("@" operator does not work with string offsets). (Felipe) * Fixed bug #47644 (Valid integers are truncated with json_decode()). (Scott) * Fixed bug #47564 (unpacking unsigned long 32bit big endian returns wrong result). (Ilia) * Fixed bug #47365 (ip2long() may allow some invalid values on certain 64bit systems). * Over 100 bug fixes.
2009-07-07Update for ${DESTDIR} support, and add an explicit license statement to theagc3-11/+13
2009-07-06NetBSD/amd64 is not supported by the internal libffi, so mark itjoerg1-1/+4
explicitly as disabled.
2009-07-03This extension embeds Perl Interpreter into PHP.manu3-0/+23
2009-07-02fix copy&paste botch which made that unusable pkgconfig filesdrochner1-6/+6
were installed, bump PKGREVISION
2009-07-02Restore PRINT_PLIST_AWK logic in so far they don't create @dirrmjoerg1-1/+11
entries. I pruned them too aggressively as the @dirrm matching here was conditional. OK wiz
2009-06-30Mark packages as MAKE_JOBS_SAFE=no that failed in a bulk build withjoerg10-10/+30
MAKE_JOBS=2 and worked without.
2009-06-26add checksum for new patch-asjdolecek1-1/+2
2009-06-26resurrect patch originally from databases/php-pdo/patches/patch-aa, sojdolecek1-0/+25
that databases/php-pdo compiles and works as shared module on Mac OS X after the package has been modified to use modules shipped with PHP instead of (obsolete) PCRE versions
2009-06-25Add the correct header entry for sparcv8. Addresses PR pkg/33997.dmcmahill2-5/+5
2009-06-25Update sun-{jre,jdk}14 to 2.19, a.k.a. 1.4.2_19.obache5-20/+23
Changes in 1.4.2_19 The full internal version number for this update release is 1.4.2_19-b04 (where "b" means "build"). The external version number is 1.4.2_19. OlsonData 2008i This release contains Olson time zone data version 2008i. For more information, refer to Timezone Data Versions in the JRE Software . Root Certificates Included Root Certificates are included in this release. The following root certificates have been added: * Camerfirma root certificates * T-systems root CA certificate (Deutsche Telekom Root CA 2) Bug Fixes This release contains fixes for one or more security vulnerabilities. For more information, please see Sun Alerts 244986, 244987, 244988, 244990, 244991, 245246, 246266, 246346, 246386, and 246387. Other bug fixes are listed in the following URL: Changes in 1.4.2_18 The full internal version number for this update release is 1.4.2_18-b06 (where "b" means "build"). The external version number is 1.4.2_18. OlsonData 2008b This release contains Olson time zone data version 2008b. For more information, refer to 6679340 or to US DST Timezone Updater. Bug Fixes This release contains fixes for one or more security vulnerabilities. For more information, please see Sun Alerts 238666, 238905, 238967, and 238968. Other bug fixes are listed in the following URL:
2009-06-21Fix a problem, when applications using winforms can't find withahoka3-5/+20
native NetBSD Xorg by giving them full path to the shared library.
2009-06-18Remove @unexec ${RMDIR} generating code that is now unnecessary with latestwiz1-9/+2
2009-06-17Update from version 1.1.0 to 1.3.0.he2-6/+6
OK'ed by agc@ Upstream changes: Parrot 1.3.0 News: - Core + Optimized parts of the IO system + Fixed inheritance hierarchy of FileHandle and Socket PMC types + Fixed leaks involving subroutines and Parrot_Context + Cleaned up and refactored GC internals, including fixes and optimizations + Optimized PMC class manipulations to use type numbers instead of string names + Fixed problems involving hashval calculations in strings + Removed unnecessary MULTI dispatches in built-in PMCs + Fixed memory leaks involving PMCs that were not properly destroyed + Fixed creation of PMCProxy PMCs in correct namespaces + Added preliminary Pipe support + Fixed cloning of Object PMCs + Added root_new opcode + Added initial versions of Packfile PMCs with read/write capabilities - Compilers + Fixed several memory leaks in IMCC + Updated PCT to use root_new opcode + Added support for keyword "self" in NQP - Documentation + Improved and expanded /docs/book + Updated project documentation + Defined 'experimental' status and procedures in DEPRECATED.pod - Miscellaneous + Cleaned code and improved code-level documentation + Various bugfixes, code cleanups, and coding standard fixes + Added an experimental compiler library to help use PIR libraries from HLLs + Updated OpenGL library and examples to support experimental HLL import Parrot 1.2.0 News: - Core + Fixes for pir classes inheriting from core pmcs. + Cleaned up headers and reorganized some sources into subsystem directories. + Clean up PMCs so exports far fewer vtable/method symbols. + Clean up the GC API. + Several unicode identifier improvements in IMCC. - Deprecations + Protoobject stringification is gone. - Documentation + Rewrite several core documents. + Many reworks, improvements & additions to the Parrot Book. + Installation PDD is launched out of draft. - Tools + Fixes for running the language shell generator outside the parrot tree. + Several fixes for developing and building HLLs from an installed parrot. + now has a --no-line-directives option to ease source level debugging. - Miscellaneous + Portability updates for macports, netbsd, mingw32, hpux. + Several (build time, runtime) performance improvements. + Lots of updates to examples and tests. + Various bugfixes, code cleanups, and coding standard fixes.
2009-06-16Fix a number of GENERATE_PLIST entries to always have a terminating ;joerg2-4/+4
2009-06-16Update Ruby packages to (1.8.7-p174).taca2-6/+6
* Fix critical problem of BigDecimal class in 1.8.7-p173. Fri Jun 12 16:36:44 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <> * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (VpToString): fixed a bug introduced in r23613. [ruby-talk:338957]
2009-06-14Remove @dirrm related logic.joerg25-164/+40
2009-06-14Replace @exec/@unexec with @pkgdir or drop it.joerg29-117/+88
2009-06-14Remove @dirrm entries from PLISTsjoerg167-5674/+167
2009-06-13Dont explicitly look for, but (why was thisahoka3-10/+24
hardcoded I wonder?). Fixes System.DllNotFoundException on NetBSD.
2009-06-12Removed redundant .gz suffix for man pages.rillig1-8/+8
2009-06-11Adding patch to allow nearly all CPAN modules can use the license ofsno2-2/+16
installed perl
2009-06-11- enabling some tuning options to control 64-bit usage of built perlsno2-27/+93
- add support for Module::Install Oked by joerg@
2009-06-10Change to gnu-gpl-v2 now.taca1-2/+2
2009-06-10Update ruby18-base package to (Ruby 1.8.7-p173).taca3-49/+30
Mon Jun 8 10:58:41 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <> * eval.c (rb_thread_schedule): mswin32 doesn't have F_GETFD, so check with another method. Mon Jun 8 08:15:36 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <> * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (VpAlloc): avoid ALLOCA_N() to avoid segmentation fault caused by (insanely) long decimal values. backported from 1.9. CVE-2009-1904 * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_dump, BigDecimal_to_i, BigDecimal_to_f, BigDecimal_to_s, BigDecimal_split, BigDecimal_inspect): ditto. Mon Jun 8 08:15:36 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <> * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_to_f): returns Inf if exp is bigger than DBL_MANT_DIG. Wed Jun 3 21:16:30 2009 Tanaka Akira <> * file.c: include fcntl.h for O_RDONLY on Solaris. Wed Jun 3 21:09:56 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <> * util.c (rv_strdup): macro to duplicate nul-terminated string. [ruby-core:22852] * util.c (ruby_dtoa): allocates one more byte to get rid of buffer overrun. a patch from Charlie Savage at [ruby-core:22604]. Wed Jun 3 21:09:56 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <> * util.c (ruby_dtoa): allocates one more byte to get rid of buffer overrun. a patch from Charlie Savage at [ruby-core:22604]. Wed Jun 3 21:05:44 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <> * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (gfDebug): uncommented out. [ruby-core:22600] Wed Jun 3 20:54:23 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <> * eval.c (rb_eval): needs to guard intermediate string objects. based on a patch from Brent Roman <brent AT> a [ruby-core:22584]. Tue May 26 21:24:01 2009 URABE Shyouhei <> * (update-rubyspec, test-rubyspec): Catch up to rubyspec merge. A patch by Brian Ford at [ruby-core:21032] Tue May 26 21:21:49 2009 Akinori MUSHA <> * lib/soap/mimemessage.rb (MIMEMessage#to_s): Fix a fatal method name typo. [Bug #1173] Tue May 26 21:16:55 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <> * file.c (rb_file_s_extname): fix for spaces before extention. [ruby-dev:38044] Tue May 26 21:09:21 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <> * win32/win32.c (_CrtDbgReportW): prevent from false positive assertions in msvcrtd. [ruby-core:22116] Tue May 26 21:02:13 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <> * lib/ostruct.rb (OpenStruct#new_ostruct_member): checks if frozen. [ruby-talk:328195], [ruby-core:22142] Tue May 26 21:00:08 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <> * lib/ostruct.rb (OpenStruct#inspect): fixed the recursion check. Patch by Kornelius Kalnbach. [ruby-core:20992]. * test/ostruct/test_ostruct.rb: test for inspect. Patch by Kornelius Kalnbach. [ruby-core:20992]. Tue May 26 20:50:32 2009 Tanaka Akira <> * eval.c (rb_thread_schedule): handle EBADF of select as well. [ruby-core:21264]