Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author | Files | Lines |
* This is a bug-fix release.
Sorry no change log.
On January 27, ragge bumped the version with commit message:
"Pcc now supports all C99 language constructs (I hope), so wrap to 0.9.9."
This also includes the new manpages. (These are a work in progress --
please send me your improvements.)
For pkgsrc:
- changed download sites
- changed homepage
outsmart us and call the tool by name in some parts of the build.
eg just "nbsed" instead of "/usr/pkg/bin/nbsed". This can only have
worked before as long as ${PREFIX}/bin was in the user's path.
Fix this by TOOLS_ALIASES.sed+=${TOOLS_SED:T} so that an "nbsed"
is available in the PATH.
Move the PLIST entry for the NetBSD sound a support to a new PLIST.NetBSD
And add a PLIST.Linux file.
a build. Bump rev.
Mozilla's SpiderMonkey. I wish I knew about this sooner! I've tried
this out with elinks, and the javsascript support seems more reliable.
Thanks, OSSP! I vote for killing spidermonkey once we verify all packages
using it build with this.
Local modifications:
--Only build fdlibm into libjs if necessary. This follows
in the spirit of lang/spidermonkey, though someone with more
knowledge of this probably will want to change the list of
platforms in the Makefile.
--Following the aforementioned change, link the library against
-lm (and list -lm in js-config, etc.) only if required.
--Use pkgsrc-provided installation tools instead of shtool.
--Apply fix for __VA_COPY_USE_CPP.
Blurb (DESCR):
OSSP js is a stand-alone distribution of the JavaScript (JS)
programming language reference implementation from Mozilla -- aka
"JSRef" or "SpiderMonkey". This distribution provides a smart,
stand-alone and portable distribution of Mozilla JavaScript through a
GNU autotools-based build environment. Additionally,
the C API in "libjs" contains both the JavaScript engine and the
required Sun math library ("fdlibm") and with all internal symbols
carefully protected under the "js" namespace. Finally, a js-config(1)
utility and a pkg-config(1) specification is provided to allow
applications to easily build with the JavaScript C API.
OSSP js was created because for OSSP and similar pedantic C coding
projects a smart, stand-alone, portable, clean, powerful and
robust scripting language engine is required. JavaScript is a
great programming language and Mozilla JavaScript "SpiderMonkey"
definitely is an acceptable clean, powerful and robust implementation.
Unfortunately there is just a stand-alone distribution released from
time to time by Mozilla and it is far away from really being smart,
stand-alone and portable. OSSP js combines the best from two worlds:
the 1:1 repackaged JavaScript code base from Mozilla with the GNU
autotools-based build environment as always used by OSSP. Additionally,
this package provides stdio-based file object support and does not depend
upon the Mozilla NSPR library.
bulk builds is inacceptable.
make it understand wip/python25 and PYTHON_VERSION_DEFAULT=25.
Change the wip path iff python25 is imported.
should be used instead of PYTHON_VERSIONS_ACCEPTED.
PYTHON_VERSIONS_INCOMPATIBLE should be used instead.
per value to fetch.
PR 37890.
* Bug fixes
* New features:
- made configure script work on PlayStation 3
- ARM port: brought up-to-date for Debian 4.0 (Etch)
- many other small changes and bugfixes in camlp4, ocamlbuild, labltk,
emacs files
unreliable, so re-enable it.
Update 16 adds a GlobalSign root certificate.
Update 15 is a bugfix release, see
- Add the appropriate license files.
Problem reported in PR 37725.
Please see the release notes online[1] for the list of fixed bugs.
Also, the license was wrong. There are several differences in all clauses
between the 1.3 and 6 licenses, so add the proper license files.
override actually works.
hosts the required files and nobody stepped up to solve this. See:
Also see the wip/jdk15 package for the continued java on BSD efforts.
on packages that are affected by the switch from the openssl 0.9.7
branch to the 0.9.8 branch. ok jlam@
patch-ag: #ifdef __sun__ is enough, as per PR pkg/37522.
Now ruby18-base really support DESTDIR.
Based on patches by Brian de Alwis in PR pkg/37522.
Don't include aio.h in patch-ak, it is not needed.
Don't require bash for npsqueakrun yet. There is more work to do to
make the nsqueak plugin work.
Changes since 3.6-3:
*2006-10-10* 3.9-8 released. <release/RELEASE_NOTES_3.9-8> ALSA support
for Linux. Problems with iconv() fixed on Solaris.
*2006-04-24* 3.9-7 released. <release/RELEASE_NOTES_3.9-7>
Modifications to the mechanism the VM uses to relinquish the processor
for very short intervals to avoid high CPU loads while idling.
UUIDPlugin is now external to prevent the VM failing to run when libuuid
is missing or uncooperative. AioPlugin is bundled. Aliases are resolved
in path names on OS X.
*2006-04-19* 3.9-4 released. <release/RELEASE_NOTES_3.9-4> KeyUp events
are no longer reported for autorepeats under X11. Improvements to socket
latency. Security plugin now obeys SQUEAK_USERDIR if set. OSProcess and
XDisplayControl plugins updated from current distributions and bundled.
The 3.9 Unix VMs are now fully compatible with Croquet and will run both
Squeak and Croquet images. Additional plugins required for Croquet are
now supported and bundled in both source and binary releases:
CroquetPlugin, FloatMathPlugin and UUIDPlugin.
*2004-04-06* 3.7-7 released. <release/RELEASE_NOTES_3.7-7>
Documentation updated to reflect recent organisational changes. 'gnuify'
no longer requires gawk. Obscure bug in socket option lookup fixed.
NPSqueak changes from Bert (SQUEAK_USERDIR environment variable
overrides 'My Squeak', plus several bug fixes). Event code updated for
recent changes to event structures. README, manual page, and how-to
documentation updated and revised. Instructions for SVN checkout added.
'Easy build' route for checked-out SVN repository sources added. Browser
plugin now supports imageName and failureUrl attributes within <embed
...> tag. Preliminary support for XDND-based drag-and-drop (Gnome, KDE,
etc.) in the X11 display driver. New flag '-glxdebug <n>' prints OpenGL
diagnostics in X11 display driver. Interpreter should no longer crash
when loading image segments into memory above the 2GB boundary (thanks
to Ned Konz). Additional checks for bad external data in SocketPlugin.
Less inappropriate noise when probing for external plugins. Problems
preventing more than one external plugin from loading in Mac OS X fixed.
hanges from V8.1pl2 to V8.1pl3
Bug fixes
- A critical bug and a few other bugs have been fixed.
evidently not.
actual program name, so Perl's $^X or $EXECUTABLE_NAME variable was wrong.
Change a test to detect this case, and fall back to using argv[0].
Changes since version 5.0.12:
6457444 doclet stddoclet javadoc does not create html file correctly in 5.0u6
6519085 hotspot compiler2 JVM crashes executing test suite of JavaDB (derby)
6321689 hotspot compiler2 Ideal_DU_postCCP not conservative enough
6565138 hotspot compiler2 1.5.0_10 64-Bit SIGBUS with ParallelGC in MarkSweep::MarkAndPushClosure::do_oop
6545719 hotspot garbage_collector Regression : Infinite GC occurs after fix in CR 6370163
6558100 hotspot garbage_collector CMS crash following parallel work queue overflow
6515362 hotspot runtime_system fix for 6374419 suppresses real error message from the linker
6528763 hotspot runtime_system VM crashes because of something related to LoaderConstraintEntry in 6.0
6546278 hotspot runtime_system Synchronization problem in the pseudo memory barrier code
6553303 idl orb Corba application fails w/ org.omg.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE: vmcid: SUN minor code: 203 completed: No
6543815 java classes_2d Imageable area of PageFormat is ignored if values of imageable X/Y are negative.
6480378 java classes_awt Backport 5065001, 6259348 and others to 5.0 update release
6577717 java classes_awt Textboxes don't work in applets under windows and linux
6562716 java classes_awt focus request queue is not updated when rejecting focus on EmbeddedFrame (win32)
6542420 java classes_awt A cross-platform ModalityListener interface should be provided in 1.5.0
6593729 java classes_io After failed file close, do not repeat the close operation.
6525425 java classes_lang (ref) heavy lock contention during object serialization on Solaris10/T2000
6206527 java classes_net "cannot assign address" when binding ServerSocket on Suse 9
6601686 java classes_net InetAddress.isReachable(timeout) may not return after timout milliseconds
6599750 java classes_net InetAddress.isReachable implementation not completely thread safe
6518816 java classes_net Reduce the memory foot print for HttpURLConnection
6520665 java classes_net NTLM Authentication not requested, throws null exception
6587875 java classes_net InetAddress.isReachable() will not work for super users with "large" process ids
6314370 java classes_net Nightly: Jaws hang on "Starting application..." window
6469580 java classes_security 1.5.0_08 JVM crashes in SignatureHandlerLibrary::add on Fujitsu Primepower platform
6418433 java classes_security org.ietf.jgss.Oid constructor accepts invalid values (and rejects valid values)
6570062 java classes_security Kerberos authentication regression
6543940 java classes_security Exception thrown when signing a jarfile in java 1.5
6520101 java classes_swing FileChooser will cause OutOfMemory when application will run long time
4743558 java classes_text [BI] test/java/text/BreakIterator/ fails in th locale.
6483402 java classes_util_i18n (date) calling java.util.Date.toString() slows down subsequent calls to the class
6531591 java classes_util_i18n Currency update for Sudan
6538601 java classes_util_i18n Periodical timezone display name revision
6554586 java classes_util_i18n (tz) Support tzdata2007f
6611886 java classes_util_i18n (tz) support tzdata2007h
6571205 java classes_util_i18n Currency data changes for ISO 4217 Amendment 139
6570259 java classes_util_i18n Currency data changes for ISO 4217 Amendment 138
6531593 java classes_util_i18n Currency update for Iceland
5088563 java classes_util_regex Matcher.find throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException if pattern is missing ']'
6464451 java compiler javac in 5.0ux can not compile try-catch block which has a lot of "return"
6557713 java imageio Java unable to convert from gif to png format
6579208 java install FamilyVersionSupport removed when installing jre-6u2-windows-i586-p.exe
6476329 java localization PIT: additional sentence needs to be translated for 6267625
6531255 java localization Need to update timezone display names for en_CA locale
6534678 java localization l10n of 6525138
6547501 java localization There should be a space before % sign in French locale
6454676 java serviceability Need -XX:+HeapDumpOnCtrlBreak to trigger heap dump on ctrl-break or ctrl-\
6494472 java serviceability jmap -permstat fails with Out of swap because uses too much memory
6494722 java serviceability SA: jstack throws get_thread_regs failed for lwp debugger exception.
6431847 java tools Memory overflow in java launcher for Linux
6502051 java_deployment update jusched crash: buffer overrun
6503510 java_plugin iexplorer Crash occurs during verification of 5.0u10b02
6555628 java_plugin iexplorer Repeatedly open and close an applet freezes IE
6572147 java_plugin iexplorer Browser hang as an applet open and close repeatedly in 0.5-sec interval
6578895 java_plugin iexplorer NPE null pData general exeception occured as applet reloading repeatedly
6579743 java_plugin iexplorer Regression : Java Console pops up unexpectedly in 5.0u13-b01
6576321 java_plugin iexplorer Browser hang by a deadlock with open and close applet repeatedly
6522028 java_plugin iexplorer The print dialog moves the current IE frame to background
6530198 java_plugin misc 1.5.0_10 focus is not correctly returned to a JFrame
6586045 java_plugin misc browser crashes on an XP japanese machine with 6u5 deploy nightly build
6502568 java_plugin other request header has garbage characters when size of cookie is greater than 4k
6556044 java_plugin other JRE SSL Handshake error in jdk1.5.0
6373274 javawebstart download_engine Jar resources nested in JRE resources block are broken.
6465756 javawebstart jnlp_file cannot use CDATA xml tag within the jnlp <argument> tag
6265713 javawebstart jnlp_file Having a query string to a jnlp file negates the SingleInstanceService
6484661 javawebstart other cannot launch application offline if https is used
6354969 jaxp other Bug in XPathFactory.newInstance() method
6219364 jaxp sax com.SAXParserImpl.setProperty("feature",null) throws NullPointerException
6594813 jaxp sax XML Parsing differences
6236727 jaxp xslt XSLTC never stops resolving imported stylesheets when outer stylesheet is a DOMSource
6536120 jaxp xslt HTML serializer puts no space between public and system doctype
6490921 jaxp xslt The transformer API sometimes ignores the property org.xml.sax.driver
6467921 jce pkcs11_csp Backport SunPKCS11 to a Tiger update on 64 bit AMD Linux platform
6560218 jgss krb5plugin Problem with credentials from non-default realm
5053708 jndi dns DNS provider does not cleanup resources properly
6585239 jndi dns Regression: 2 DNS tests fail with JDK 5.0u13 b01 and pass with 5.0u12fcs
6358629 jsse runtime SSLSocket.close() and deadlock
6447412 jsse runtime Issue with socket.close() for ssl sockets when poweroff on other system
6585736 java classes_security Add GlobalSign root certificates to JDK/JRE
6595137 java classes_util_i18n (tz) support tzdata2007g
The x86_64 changes were done by Takahiro Kambe.
Changes since version 5.0.12:
6457444 doclet stddoclet javadoc does not create html file correctly in 5.0u6
6519085 hotspot compiler2 JVM crashes executing test suite of JavaDB (derby)
6321689 hotspot compiler2 Ideal_DU_postCCP not conservative enough
6565138 hotspot compiler2 1.5.0_10 64-Bit SIGBUS with ParallelGC in MarkSweep::MarkAndPushClosure::do_oop
6545719 hotspot garbage_collector Regression : Infinite GC occurs after fix in CR 6370163
6558100 hotspot garbage_collector CMS crash following parallel work queue overflow
6515362 hotspot runtime_system fix for 6374419 suppresses real error message from the linker
6528763 hotspot runtime_system VM crashes because of something related to LoaderConstraintEntry in 6.0
6546278 hotspot runtime_system Synchronization problem in the pseudo memory barrier code
6553303 idl orb Corba application fails w/ org.omg.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE: vmcid: SUN minor code: 203 completed: No
6543815 java classes_2d Imageable area of PageFormat is ignored if values of imageable X/Y are negative.
6480378 java classes_awt Backport 5065001, 6259348 and others to 5.0 update release
6577717 java classes_awt Textboxes don't work in applets under windows and linux
6562716 java classes_awt focus request queue is not updated when rejecting focus on EmbeddedFrame (win32)
6542420 java classes_awt A cross-platform ModalityListener interface should be provided in 1.5.0
6593729 java classes_io After failed file close, do not repeat the close operation.
6525425 java classes_lang (ref) heavy lock contention during object serialization on Solaris10/T2000
6206527 java classes_net "cannot assign address" when binding ServerSocket on Suse 9
6601686 java classes_net InetAddress.isReachable(timeout) may not return after timout milliseconds
6599750 java classes_net InetAddress.isReachable implementation not completely thread safe
6518816 java classes_net Reduce the memory foot print for HttpURLConnection
6520665 java classes_net NTLM Authentication not requested, throws null exception
6587875 java classes_net InetAddress.isReachable() will not work for super users with "large" process ids
6314370 java classes_net Nightly: Jaws hang on "Starting application..." window
6469580 java classes_security 1.5.0_08 JVM crashes in SignatureHandlerLibrary::add on Fujitsu Primepower platform
6418433 java classes_security org.ietf.jgss.Oid constructor accepts invalid values (and rejects valid values)
6570062 java classes_security Kerberos authentication regression
6543940 java classes_security Exception thrown when signing a jarfile in java 1.5
6520101 java classes_swing FileChooser will cause OutOfMemory when application will run long time
4743558 java classes_text [BI] test/java/text/BreakIterator/ fails in th locale.
6483402 java classes_util_i18n (date) calling java.util.Date.toString() slows down subsequent calls to the class
6531591 java classes_util_i18n Currency update for Sudan
6538601 java classes_util_i18n Periodical timezone display name revision
6554586 java classes_util_i18n (tz) Support tzdata2007f
6611886 java classes_util_i18n (tz) support tzdata2007h
6571205 java classes_util_i18n Currency data changes for ISO 4217 Amendment 139
6570259 java classes_util_i18n Currency data changes for ISO 4217 Amendment 138
6531593 java classes_util_i18n Currency update for Iceland
5088563 java classes_util_regex Matcher.find throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException if pattern is missing ']'
6464451 java compiler javac in 5.0ux can not compile try-catch block which has a lot of "return"
6557713 java imageio Java unable to convert from gif to png format
6579208 java install FamilyVersionSupport removed when installing jre-6u2-windows-i586-p.exe
6476329 java localization PIT: additional sentence needs to be translated for 6267625
6531255 java localization Need to update timezone display names for en_CA locale
6534678 java localization l10n of 6525138
6547501 java localization There should be a space before % sign in French locale
6454676 java serviceability Need -XX:+HeapDumpOnCtrlBreak to trigger heap dump on ctrl-break or ctrl-\
6494472 java serviceability jmap -permstat fails with Out of swap because uses too much memory
6494722 java serviceability SA: jstack throws get_thread_regs failed for lwp debugger exception.
6431847 java tools Memory overflow in java launcher for Linux
6502051 java_deployment update jusched crash: buffer overrun
6503510 java_plugin iexplorer Crash occurs during verification of 5.0u10b02
6555628 java_plugin iexplorer Repeatedly open and close an applet freezes IE
6572147 java_plugin iexplorer Browser hang as an applet open and close repeatedly in 0.5-sec interval
6578895 java_plugin iexplorer NPE null pData general exeception occured as applet reloading repeatedly
6579743 java_plugin iexplorer Regression : Java Console pops up unexpectedly in 5.0u13-b01
6576321 java_plugin iexplorer Browser hang by a deadlock with open and close applet repeatedly
6522028 java_plugin iexplorer The print dialog moves the current IE frame to background
6530198 java_plugin misc 1.5.0_10 focus is not correctly returned to a JFrame
6586045 java_plugin misc browser crashes on an XP japanese machine with 6u5 deploy nightly build
6502568 java_plugin other request header has garbage characters when size of cookie is greater than 4k
6556044 java_plugin other JRE SSL Handshake error in jdk1.5.0
6373274 javawebstart download_engine Jar resources nested in JRE resources block are broken.
6465756 javawebstart jnlp_file cannot use CDATA xml tag within the jnlp <argument> tag
6265713 javawebstart jnlp_file Having a query string to a jnlp file negates the SingleInstanceService
6484661 javawebstart other cannot launch application offline if https is used
6354969 jaxp other Bug in XPathFactory.newInstance() method
6219364 jaxp sax com.SAXParserImpl.setProperty("feature",null) throws NullPointerException
6594813 jaxp sax XML Parsing differences
6236727 jaxp xslt XSLTC never stops resolving imported stylesheets when outer stylesheet is a DOMSource
6536120 jaxp xslt HTML serializer puts no space between public and system doctype
6490921 jaxp xslt The transformer API sometimes ignores the property org.xml.sax.driver
6467921 jce pkcs11_csp Backport SunPKCS11 to a Tiger update on 64 bit AMD Linux platform
6560218 jgss krb5plugin Problem with credentials from non-default realm
5053708 jndi dns DNS provider does not cleanup resources properly
6585239 jndi dns Regression: 2 DNS tests fail with JDK 5.0u13 b01 and pass with 5.0u12fcs
6358629 jsse runtime SSLSocket.close() and deadlock
6447412 jsse runtime Issue with socket.close() for ssl sockets when poweroff on other system
6585736 java classes_security Add GlobalSign root certificates to JDK/JRE
6595137 java classes_util_i18n (tz) support tzdata2007g
The x86_64 changes were done by Takahiro Kambe.