path: root/lang
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2019-06-17elixir: Avoid errors from after addition of interpreternia1-1/+4
2019-06-17openmp: added version 8.0.0adam1-1/+2
The OpenMP subproject of LLVM contains the components required to build an executable OpenMP program that are outside the compiler itself. Here you can find the code for the runtime library against which code compiled by clang -fopenmp must be linked before it can run.
2019-06-15Update to 0.20.0ryoon3-35/+44
Changelog: Changes affecting backwards compatibility shr is now sign preserving. Use -d:nimOldShiftRight to enable the old behavior globally. The isLower, isUpper family of procs in strutils/unicode operating on strings have been deprecated since it was unclear what these do. Note that the much more useful procs that operate on char or Rune are not affected. strutils.editDistance has been deprecated, use editdistance.editDistance or editdistance.editDistanceAscii instead. The OpenMP parallel iterator `||` now supports any #pragma omp directive and not just #pragma omp parallel for. See OpenMP documentation. The default annotation is parallel for, if you used OpenMP without annotation the change is transparent, if you used annotations you will have to prefix your previous annotations with parallel for. Furthermore, an overload with positive stepping is available. The unchecked pragma was removed, instead use system.UncheckedArray. The undocumented #? strongSpaces parsing mode has been removed. The not operator is now always a unary operator, this means that code like assert not isFalse(3) compiles. getImpl on a var or let symbol will now return the full IdentDefs tree from the symbol declaration instead of just the initializer portion. Methods are now ordinary “single” methods, only the first parameter is used to select the variant at runtime. For backwards compatibility use the new --multimethods:on switch. Generic methods are now deprecated; they never worked well. Compile time checks for integer and float conversions are now stricter. For example, const x = uint32(-1) now gives a compile time error instead of being equivalent to const x = 0xFFFFFFFF'u32. Using typed as the result type in templates/macros now means “expression with a type”. The old meaning of typed is preserved as void or no result type at all. A bug allowed macro foo(): int = 123 to compile even though a macro has to return a NimNode. This has been fixed. With the exception of uint and uint64, conversion to unsigned types are now range checked during runtime. Macro arguments of type typedesc are now passed to the macro as NimNode like every other type except static. Use typed for a behavior that is identical in new and old Nim. See the RFC Pass typedesc as NimNode to macros for more details. Breaking changes in the standard library osproc.execProcess now also takes a workingDir parameter. std/sha1.secureHash now accepts openArray[char], not string. (Former successful matches should keep working, though former failures will not.) options.UnpackError is no longer a ref type and inherits from system.Defect instead of system.ValueError. system.ValueError now inherits from system.CatchableError instead of system.Defect. The procs parseutils.parseBiggestInt, parseutils.parseInt, parseutils.parseBiggestUInt and parseutils.parseUInt now raise a ValueError when the parsed integer is outside of the valid range. Previously they sometimes raised an OverflowError and sometimes they returned 0. The procs parseutils.parseBin, parseutils.parseOct and parseutils.parseHex were not clearing their var parameter number and used to push its value to the left when storing the parsed string into it. Now they always set the value of the parameter to 0 before storing the result of the parsing, unless the string to parse is not valid (then the value of number is not changed). streams.StreamObject now restricts its fields to only raise system.Defect, system.IOError and system.OSError. This change only affects custom stream implementations. nre’s RegexMatch.{captureBounds,captures}[] no longer return Option or nil/"", respectively. Use the newly added n in p.captures method to check if a group is captured, otherwise you’ll receive an exception. nre’s RegexMatch.{captureBounds,captures}.toTable no longer accept a default parameter. Instead uncaptured entries are left empty. Use Table.getOrDefault() if you need defaults. nre’s RegexMatch.captures.{items,toSeq} now returns an Option[string] instead of a string. With the removal of nil strings, this is the only way to indicate a missing match. Inside your loops, instead of capture == "" or capture == nil, use capture.isSome to check if a capture is present, and capture.get to get its value. nre’s replace() no longer throws ValueError when the replacement string has missing captures. It instead throws KeyError for named captures, and IndexError for unnamed captures. This is consistent with RegexMatch.{captureBounds,captures}[]. splitFile now correctly handles edge cases, see #10047. isNil is no longer false for undefined in the JavaScript backend: now it’s true for both nil and undefined. Use isNull or isUndefined if you need exact equality: isNil is consistent with ===, isNull and isUndefined with ==. several deprecated modules were removed: ssl, matchers, httpserver, unsigned, actors, parseurl two poorly documented and not used modules (subexes, scgi) were moved to graveyard (they are available as Nimble packages) procs string.add(int) and string.add(float) which implicitly convert ints and floats to string have been deprecated. Use string.addInt(int) and string.addFloat(float) instead. case object branch transitions via system.reset are deprecated. Compile your code with -d:nimOldCaseObjects for a transition period. base64 module: The default parameter newLine for the encode procs was changed from "\13\10" to the empty string "". Breaking changes in the compiler The compiler now implements the “generic symbol prepass” for when statements in generics, see bug #8603. This means that code like this does not compile anymore: proc enumToString*(enums: openArray[enum]): string = # typo: 'e' instead 'enums' when e.low.ord >= 0 and e.high.ord < 256: result = newString(enums.len) else: result = newString(enums.len * 2) discard x is now illegal when x is a function symbol. Implicit imports via --import: module in a config file are now restricted to the main package. Library additions There is a new stdlib module std/editdistance as a replacement for the deprecated strutils.editDistance. There is a new stdlib module std/wordwrap as a replacement for the deprecated strutils.wordwrap. Added split, splitWhitespace, size, alignLeft, align, strip, repeat procs and iterators to unicode.nim. Added or for NimNode in macros. Added system.typeof for more control over how type expressions can be deduced. Added macros.isInstantiationOf for checking if the proc symbol is instantiation of generic proc symbol. Added the parameter isSorted for the sequtils.deduplicate proc. Added os.relativePath. Added parseopt.remainingArgs. Added os.getCurrentCompilerExe (implemented as getAppFilename at CT), can be used to retrieve the currently executing compiler. Added xmltree.toXmlAttributes. Added std/sums module for fast summation functions. Added Rusage, getrusage, wait4 to the posix interface. Added the posix_utils module. Added system.default. Added sequtils.items for closure iterators, allows closure iterators to be used by the mapIt, filterIt, allIt, anyIt, etc. Library changes The string output of macros.lispRepr proc has been tweaked slightly. The dumpLisp macro in this module now outputs an indented proper Lisp, devoid of commas. Added macros.signatureHash that returns a stable identifier derived from the signature of a symbol. In strutils empty strings now no longer match as substrings. The Complex type is now a generic object and not a tuple anymore. The ospaths module is now deprecated, use os instead. Note that os is available in a NimScript environment but unsupported operations produce a compile-time error. The parseopt module now supports a new flag allowWhitespaceAfterColon (default value: true) that can be set to false for better Posix interoperability. (Bug #9619.) os.joinPath and os.normalizePath handle edge cases like "a/b/../../.." differently. securehash was moved to lib/deprecated. The switch -d:useWinAnsi is not supported anymore. In times module, procs format and parse accept a new optional DateTimeLocale argument for formatting/parsing dates in other languages. Language additions Vm support for float32<->int32 and float64<->int64 casts was added. There is a new pragma block noSideEffect that works like the gcsafe pragma block. added os.getCurrentProcessId. User defined pragmas are now allowed in the pragma blocks. Pragma blocks are no longer eliminated from the typed AST tree to preserve pragmas for further analysis by macros. Custom pragmas are now supported for var and let symbols. Tuple unpacking is now supported for constants and for loop variables. Case object branches can be initialized with a runtime discriminator if possible discriminator values are constrained within a case statement. Language changes The standard extension for SCF (source code filters) files was changed from .tmpl to .nimf, it’s more recognizable and allows tools like Github to recognize it as Nim, see #9647. The previous extension will continue to work. Pragma syntax is now consistent. Previous syntax where type pragmas did not follow the type name is now deprecated. Also pragma before generic parameter list is deprecated to be consistent with how pragmas are used with a proc. See #8514 and #1872 for further details. Hash sets and tables are initialized by default. The explicit initHashSet, initTable, etc. are not needed anymore. Tool changes jsondoc now includes a moduleDescription field with the module description. jsondoc0 shows comments as its own objects as shown in the documentation. nimpretty: –backup now defaults to off instead of on and the flag was undocumented; use git instead of relying on backup files. koch now defaults to build the latest stable Nimble version unless you explicitly ask for the latest master version via --latest. Compiler changes The deprecated fmod proc is now unavailable on the VM. A new --outdir option was added. The compiled JavaScript file for the project produced by executing nim js will no longer be placed in the nimcache directory. The --hotCodeReloading has been implemented for the native targets. The compiler also provides a new more flexible API for handling the hot code reloading events in the code. The compiler now supports a --expandMacro:macroNameHere switch for easy introspection into what a macro expands into. The -d:release switch now does not disable runtime checks anymore. For a release build that also disables runtime checks use -d:release -d:danger or simply -d:danger. Bugfixes Fixed “distinct generic typeclass not treated as distinct” (#4435) Fixed “multiple dynlib pragmas with function calls conflict with each other causing link time error” (#9222) Fixed “[RFC] extractFilename("usr/lib/") should return “lib” (not “”) and be called baseName (since works with dirs)” (#8341) Fixed “\0 in comment replaced with 0 in docs” (#8841) Fixed “round function in Math library sometimes doesn’t work” (#9082) Fixed “Async readAll in httpclient produces garbled output.” (#8994) Fixed “[regression] project config.nims not being read anymore” (#9264) Fixed “Using iterator within another iterator fails” (#3819) Fixed “nim js -o:dirname main.nim writes nothing, and no error shown” (#9154) Fixed “Wrong number of deallocations when using destructors” (#9263) Fixed “devel docs in Source links point to master instead of devel” (#9295) Fixed “compiler/nimeval can’t be used twice: fails 2nd time with: Error: internal error: n is not nil” (#9180) Fixed “Codegen bug with exportc” (#9297) Fixed “Regular Expressions: replacing empty patterns only works correctly in nre” (#9306) Fixed “Openarray: internal compiler error when accessing length if not a param” (#9281) Fixed “finish completely removing web folder” (#9304) Fixed “counting the empty substring in a string results in infinite loop” (#8919) Fixed “[Destructors] Wrong moves and copies” (#9294) Fixed “proc isNil*(x: Any): bool = should be updated with non nil string, seq” (#8916) Fixed “doAssert AST expansion excessive” (#8518) Fixed “when Foo (of type iterator) is used where an expression is expected, show useful err msg instead of confusing Error: attempting to call undeclared routine Foo” (#8671) Fixed “List comprehensions do not work with generic parameter” (#5707) Fixed “strutils/isUpperAscii and unicode/isUpper consider space, punctuations, numbers as “lowercase”” (#7963) Fixed “Regular Expressions: replacing empty patterns only works correctly in nre” (#9306) Fixed “BUG: os.isHidden doesn’t work with directories; should use just paths, not filesystem access” (#8225) Fixed “Unable to create distinct tuple in a const with a type declaration” (#2760) Fixed “[nimpretty] raw strings are transformed into normal strings” (#9236) Fixed “[nimpretty] proc is transfered to incorrect code” (#8626) Fixed “[nimpretty] Additional new line is added with each format” (#9144) Fixed ““%NIM%/config/nim.cfg” is not being read” (#9244) Fixed “Illegal capture on async proc (except when the argument is seq)” (#2361) Fixed “Jsondoc0 doesn’t output module comments.” (#9364) Fixed “NimPretty has troubles with source code filter” (#9384) Fixed “tfragment_gc test is flaky on OSX” (#9421) Fixed “ansi color code templates fail to bind symbols” (#9394) Fixed “Term write rule crash compiler.” (#7972) Fixed “SIGSEGV when converting lines to closure iterator, most likely caused by defer” (#5321) Fixed “SIGSEGV during the compile” (#5519) Fixed “Compiler crash when creating a variant type” (#6220) Fixed ““continue” inside a block without loops gives “SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access. (Attempt to read from nil?)”” (#6367) Fixed “old changelogs should be kept instead of erased” (#9376) Fixed “illegal recursion with generic typeclass” (#4674) Fixed “Crash when closing an unopened file on debian 8.” (#9456) Fixed “nimpretty joins regular and doc comment” (#9400) Fixed “nimpretty changes indentation level of trailing comment” (#9398) Fixed “Some bugs with nimpretty” (#8078) Fixed “Computed gotos: bad codegen, label collision with if/statement in the while body” (#9276) Fixed “nimpretty not idempotent: keeps adding newlines below block comment” (#9483) Fixed “nimpretty shouldn’t format differently whether there’s a top-level newline” (#9484) Fixed “Regression: 0.18 code with mapIt() fails to compile on 0.19” (#9093) Fixed “nimpretty shouldn’t change file modif time if no changes => use os.updateFile” (#9499) Fixed “Nim/compiler/pathutils.nim(226, 12) canon"/foo/../bar" == "/bar" [AssertionError]” (#9507) Fixed “nimpretty adds a space before type, ptr, ref, object in wrong places” (#9504) Fixed “nimpretty badly indents block comment” (#9500) Fixed “typeof: Error: illformed AST: typeof(myIter(), typeOfIter)” (#9498) Fixed “newAsyncSmtp() raises exception with Nim 0.19.0” (#9358) Fixed “nimpretty wrongly adds empty newlines inside proc signature” (#9506) Fixed “HttpClient: requesting URL with no scheme fails” (#7842) Fixed “Duplicate definition in cpp codegen” (#6986) Fixed “Sugar - distinctBase: undeclared identifier uncheckedArray” (#9532) Fixed “Portable fsmonitor” (#6718) Fixed “Small RFC. Minimal stacktrace for Exceptions when frames are disabled” (#9434) Fixed “nim doc strutils.nim fails on 32 bit compiler with AssertionError on a RunnableExample” (#9525) Fixed “Error: undeclared identifier: ‘|’” (#9540) Fixed “using Selectors, Error: undeclared field: ‘OSErrorCode’” (#7667) Fixed “The “–” template from module nimscript mis-translates “out” key” (#6011) Fixed “logging error should go to stderr instead of stdout” (#9547) Fixed “when in generic should fail earlier” (#8603) Fixed “C++ codegen error when iterating in finally block in topmost scope” (#5549) Fixed “document nim --nep1:on” (#9564) Fixed “C++ codegen error when iterating in finally block in topmost scope” (#5549) Fixed “strutils.multiReplace() crashes if search string is “”” (#9557) Fixed “Missing docstrings are replaced with other text” (#9169) Fixed “Type which followed by a function and generated by a template will not shown in docs generated by nim doc” (#9235) Fixed “templates expand doc comments as documentation of other procedures” (#9432) Fixed “please implement http put and delete in httpClient” (#8777) Fixed “Module docs: 2 suggestions…” (#5525) Fixed “math.hypot under/overflows” (#9585) Fixed “=sink gets called on result when not used explicitly” (#9594) Fixed “Treat compl as a c++ keyword” (#6836) Fixed “Path in error message has ..\..\..\..\..\ prefix since 0.19.0” (#9556) Fixed “nim check gives SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access ; maybe because of sizeof” (#9610) Fixed “Cannot use a typedesc variable in a template” (#9611) Fixed “=sink gets called on result when not used explicitly” (#9594) Fixed “[NimScript] Error: arguments can only be given if the ‘–run’ option is selected” (#9246) Fixed “macros.getTypeImpl regression, crash when trying to query type information from ref object” (#9600) Fixed “[Regression] and are private” (#9639) Fixed “nim check: internal error: (filename: "vmgen.nim", line: 1119, column: 19)” (#9609) Fixed “optInd missing indent specification in grammar.txt” (#9608) Fixed “not as prefix operator causes problems” (#9574) Fixed “It is not possible to specify a pragma for the proc that returns lent T” (#9633) Fixed “Compiler crash when initializing table with module name” (#9319) Fixed “compiler crash” (#8335) Fixed ““SIGSEGV” without any “undeclared identifier” error” (#8011) Fixed “Incorrect parseopt parsing ?” (#9619) Fixed “Operator or causes a future to be completed more than once” (#8982) Fixed “Nimpretty adds instead of removes incorrect spacing inside backticks” (#9673) Fixed “nimpretty should hardcode indentation amount to 2 spaces” (#9502) Fixed “callSoon() is not working prior getGlobalDispatcher().” (#7192) Fixed “use nimf as standardized extention for nim files with source code filter?” (#9647) Fixed “Banning copy for a type prevents composing” (#9692) Fixed “smtp module doesn’t support threads.” (#9728) Fixed “Compiler segfault (stack overflow) compiling code on 0.19.0 that works on 0.18.0” (#9694) Fixed “nre doesn’t document quantifiers re"foo{2,4}"” (#9470) Fixed “ospaths still referenced despite its deprecation” (#9671) Fixed “move on dereferenced pointer results in bogus value” (#9743) Fixed “regression in discard statement” (#9726) Fixed “try statements and exceptions do not cooperate well” (#96) Fixed “XDeclaredButNotUsed doesn’t work with template, let/var/const, type; works with all other routine nodes” (#9764) Fixed “ Warning: fun is deprecated doesn’t check whether deprecated overload is actually used” (#9759) Fixed “Regression: tuple sizeof is incorrect if contains imported object” (#9794) Fixed “Internal error when calling =destroy without declaration” (#9675) Fixed “Internal error if =sink is used explictly” (#7365) Fixed “unicode.strip behaving oddly” (#9800) Fixed “X_examples.nim generated by runnableExamples should show line number where they came from” (#8289) Fixed “quit() fails with “unreachable statement after ‘return’”” (#9832) Fixed “quit() fails with “unreachable statement after ‘return’”” (#9832) Fixed “Error: internal error: genLiteral: ty is nil when a var is accessed in quote do” (#9864) Fixed “Regression: sizeof Error: cannot instantiate: ‘T’” (#9868) Fixed “Using a template as a routine pragma no longer works” (#9614) Fixed “Clang error on Rosencrantz” (#9441) Fixed “Enum fields get hintXDeclaredButNotUsed hint even when marked with used pragma” (#9896) Fixed “internal error: environment misses” (#9476) Fixed “SIGSEGV: setLen on a seq doesn’t construct objects at CT” (#9872) Fixed “Latest HEAD segfaults when compiling Aporia” (#9889) Fixed “Unnecessary semicolon in error message” (#9907) Fixed “koch temp c t.nim tries to look up t.nim in nim install directory (alongside koch)” (#9913) Fixed “Regression: sizeof Error: cannot instantiate: ‘T’” (#9868) Fixed “Showstopper regression: Nimscript no longer works “ (#9965) Fixed “Global imports in cfg file broken” (#9978) Fixed “Global imports in cfg file broken” (#9978) Fixed “Regression - Nim compiler shows all gcc commands used when config.nims present” (#9982) Fixed “[regression] Nimscript makes a program slower and more bloated” (#9995) Fixed “Regression in Nimscript projectDir() behavior, returns empty string” (#9985) Fixed “Global imports don’t work for non-std modules” (#9994) Fixed “Object constructor regression in JS backend” (#10005) Fixed “Regression: nimble install fails on nim devel” (#9991) Fixed “Another config.nims regression” (#9989) Fixed “nim js -d:nodejs main.nim gives: system.nim(1443, 7) Error: cannot 'importc' variable at compile time with a config.nims” (#9153) Fixed “how to profile? using --profiler:on causes: Error: undeclared identifier: ‘framePtr’” (#8991) Fixed “nim doc fail on lib/system/profiler.nim” (#9420) Fixed “[regression] ./koch tests: Error: overloaded ‘readFile’ leads to ambiguous calls (with ~/.config/nim/config.nims)” (#9120) Fixed “regression: normalizePath(“foo/..”) now incorrectly returns "", should be "." like before + in almost all other languages” (#10017) Fixed “Incorrect ‘not all cases are covered’ when using enums with nonconsecutive items” (#3060) Fixed “[ospaths] BUG: splitFile(“/a.txt”).dir = “” ; + other bugs with splitFile” (#8255) Fixed “GC bug: seems very slow where it shouldn’t; maybe it leaks?” (#10040) Fixed “Closure bug with the JS backend” (#7048) Fixed “Error: unhandled exception: sym is not accessible [FieldError]” (#10058) Fixed “with --errorMax:100 ; link step should not be attempted if previous step failed” (#9933) Fixed “import os or ospaths compilation error in js” (#10066) Fixed “Example for system.$[T: tuple | object] is misleading” (#7898) Fixed “Combining object variants and inheritance leads to SIGSEGV during compilation” (#10033) Fixed “Regression in distros.nim (foreignDep fails to compile)” (#10024) Fixed “Testament megatest fails with Nim not found” (#10049) Fixed “XDeclaredButNotUsed shows redundant info: declaration location shown twice” (#10101) Fixed “Nim beginner’s feedback: “echo type(1)” does not work” (#5827) Fixed “sizeof still broken with regard to bitsize/packed bitfields” (#10082) Fixed “Codegen init regression” (#10148) Fixed “toInt doesn’t raise an exception” (#2764) Fixed “allow import inside block: makes N runnableExamples run N x faster, minimizes scope pollution” (#9300) Fixed “Extra procs & docs for the unicode module” (#2353) Fixed “regression: CI failing Error: unhandled exception: cannot open: /Users/travis/.cache/nim/docgen_sample_d/runnableExamples/docgen_sample_examples.nim [IOError]” (#10188) Fixed “getAddrInfo index out of bounds error” (#10198) Fixed “can’t build a tuple with static int element” (#10073) Fixed “nimpretty creates foo.nim.backup for foo.nims” (#10211) Fixed “regression caused by WEXITSTATUS: nim cpp compiler/nim.nim fails on OSX” (#10231) Fixed “travis and appveyor should move the bulk of its logic to running a nim file” (#10041) Fixed “Error: undeclared field: 'foo' should show type (+ where type is defined) (hard to guess in generic code)” (#8794) Fixed “Discrepancy in Documentation About ‘f128 Type-Suffix” (#10213) Fixed “Incorrect error message” (#10251) Fixed “CI should call ./koch tools ; right now nimfind isn’t even being compiled” (#10039) Fixed “Building koch from nim devel fails when config.nims importing os present” (#10030) Fixed “unittest module uses programResult to report number of failures which can wrap” (#10261) Fixed “Nimscript doesn’t raise any exceptions” (#10240) Fixed “{.push raises: [].} breaks when combined with certain symbols” (#10216) Fixed “Support “#.” for auto-enumerated lists in RST docs” (#8158) Fixed “OpenSSL error breaking nimble and every package” (#10281) Fixed “execShellCmd returns 0 instead of nonzero when child process exits with signal (eg SIGSEGV)” (#10273) Fixed “nim check (and nim c –errorMax:0) SIGSEGV on first index out of bounds error” (#10104) Fixed “Module db_sqlite doesn’t finalize statements with db_sqlite.rows after breaking the iterator’s loop” (#7241) Fixed “Performance regression with –gc:markandsweep” (#10271) Fixed “internal error when using typedesc is comparison in a macro” (#10136) Fixed “cannot call template/macros with varargs[typed] to varargs[untyped]” (#10075) Fixed “nim v0.13.0 breaks symbol lookup in quote block” (#3744) Fixed “Some nimgrep issues” (#989) Fixed “Safecall problem?” (#9218) Fixed “Nim script is not supporting reading from stdin.” (#3983) Fixed “Parameter constraints: undeclared identifier ‘{}’ within a template scope” (#7524) Fixed “repr does not work with ‘var openarray’ parameter in function” (#7878) Fixed “CountTable raisen error instead of returning a count of 0” (#10065) Fixed “nim c -r main.nim foo1 "" foo3 doesn’t handle empty params or params w quotes” (#9842) Fixed “refs #10249 ; more debug info to diagnose failures” (#10266) Fixed “ObjectAssignmentError for aliased types” (#10203) Fixed “nim cpp treats Nan as 0.0 (during compile time)” (#10305) Fixed “terminal.nim colored output is not GCSAFE.” (#8294) Fixed “Building koch from nim devel fails when config.nims importing os present” (#10030) Fixed “every binary cmd line option should allow on/off switch” (#9629) Fixed “Wrong bounds check using template [] to access array in a const object” (#3899) Fixed “tdont_be_stupid.nim flaky test” (#10386) Fixed “Separate nim install guide for users and packagers” (#5182) Fixed “–embedsrc does not work on macos” (#10263) Fixed “Devel regression on static semcheck” (#10339) Fixed “vccexe.exe does not work without VS2015 x64 Native Tools command prompt.” (#10358) Fixed “ospaths still referenced despite its deprecation” (#9671) Fixed “Regression in sequtils” (#10433) Fixed “Path in error message has ..\..\..\..\..\ prefix since 0.19.0” (#9556) Fixed ““contributing” is listed as a module on theindex” (#10287) Fixed “const Foo=int compiles; is that legal? what does it mean?” (#8610) Fixed “parsecsv can’t handle empty lines at the beginning of the file” (#8365) Fixed “Generated c code is not compile with the vcc cl.exe before 2012 after v0.19” (#10352) Fixed “[Regression] converter to string leads fail to compile on 0.19” (#9149) Fixed “regression: memory leak with default GC” (#10488) Fixed “oids counter starts at zero; spec says it should be random” (#2796) Fixed “re quantifier{ under-documented” (#9471) Fixed “Minor issues in docs regarding keywords” (#9725) Fixed “Explained the proc "pretty" in detail, file: json.nim with comments and sample program” (#10466) Fixed “net.recvFrom address is always “” for ipv6” (#7634) Fixed “import “path with space/bar.nim” gives error msg with wrong file name” (#10042) Fixed “Deprecation warnings for enum values print twice” (#8063) Fixed “Undefined behaviour in the usage of incrSeqV3” (#10568) Fixed “SetMaxPoolSize not heeded” (#10584) Fixed “CI broken: tests/macros/t8997.nim fails” (#10591) Fixed “prevent common user config to interfere with testament” (#10573) Fixed “static: writeFile doesn’t work anymore since system refactorings” (#10585) Fixed “export statement doesn’t support directories” (#6227) Fixed “ gives 404” (#10586) Fixed “Choosenim fails with “ambiguous call” in rst.nim” (#10602) Fixed “Enable experimental feature with command line argument has no effect.” (#10606) Fixed “Comparing function pointer with nil marks the proc as not gcsafe” (#6955) Fixed “httpclient.timeout not exported” (#10357) Fixed “nim check SIGSEGV (causing nimsuggest to fail too)” (#10547) Fixed “index out of bounds errors should show index and bound” (#9880) Fixed “Enable experimental feature with command line argument has no effect.” (#10606) Fixed “Comparing function pointer with nil marks the proc as not gcsafe” (#6955) Fixed “httpclient.timeout not exported” (#10357) Fixed “nim check SIGSEGV (causing nimsuggest to fail too)” (#10547) Fixed “certain seq manipulations fail when compiled to JS” (#10651) Fixed “system.insert does not work with strings in VM” (#10561) Fixed “Doc suggestion: include a link to theindex.html on …” (#5515) Fixed “koch boot fails on windows with choosenim-installed nim: proxyexe.nim error” (#10659) Fixed “getImpl on type symbol hides implementation” (#10702) Fixed “Missing stdlib modules” (#8164) Fixed “No “correct” way to declare inheritable ref object” (#10195) Fixed “Line number missing in stdlib trace” (#6832) Fixed “Better support for modifying XmlNodes” (#3797) Fixed “No documentation of AsyncStreams” (#6383) Fixed “set[ in proc definition crashes compiler” (#10678) Fixed “net.bindAddr fails binding to all interfaces if address == "" for ipv6” (#7633) Fixed “Tuple unpacking of for vars fails inside generic proc” (#10727) Fixed “initSet should be called initHashSet” (#10730) Fixed “inheritable placement not symmetric between object and ref object” (#3012) Fixed “Alloc functions have side effects, makes it hard to use side effect tracking with destructors” (#9746) Fixed “hashes:hash returns different values on Windows/Linux” (#10771) Fixed “switch(“cpu”, “i386”) with –cc:vcc doesn’t work when it is written on *.nims” (#10387) Fixed “async call now treated as non-gc safed call?” (#10795) Fixed “{.borrow.} hangs compiler on non-distinct type (should produce an error or warning)” (#10791) Fixed “DCE regression: modules can’t be eliminated” (#10703) Fixed “Unsafeaddr rendered as addr in typed AST “ (#10807) Fixed “Rendering of return statements in typed AST” (#10805) Fixed “Assigning shallow string to a field makes a copy” (#10845) Fixed “func keyword for proc types doesn’t imply noSideEffect” (#10838) Fixed “SPAN.attachedType in toc should have no width” (#10857) Fixed “[docgen] Generic type pragmas in wrong place” (#10792) Fixed “os.joinPaths documentation is inaccurate; should reference uri.combine” (#10836) Fixed ““invalid indentation” when assigning macro with code block to const” (#10861) Fixed “Nim crashes with SIGABRT after getting into a replaceTypeVars infinite loop.” (#10884) Fixed “Booleans Work Wrong in Compile-time” (#10886) Fixed “C / CPP backends differ in argument evaluation order” (#8202) Fixed “Change in syntax breaks valid code” (#10896) Fixed “auto return type in macros causes internal error” (#10904) Fixed “Nim string definition conflicts with other C/C++ instances” (#10907) Fixed “nim check crash with invalid code, lowest priority” (#10930) Fixed “nim check crash due to typing error, lowest priority” (#10934) Fixed “Stacktrace displayed two times” (#10922) Fixed “Cpp codegen regression. Showstopper” (#10948) Fixed “lent T can return garbage” (#10942) Fixed “Regression. atomicInc doesn’t compile with vcc and i386” (#10953) Fixed “{.pure.} has no effect on objects” (#10721) Fixed “nimpretty doesn’t put space around operators like a<b => a < b” (#10200) Fixed “nimpretty messes alignment, after import statement” (#9811) Fixed “Destructor regression for tuples unpacking” (#10940) Fixed “Link error when a module defines a global variable and has no stacktrace” (#10943) Fixed “std/json fails to escape most non-printables, breaking generation and parsing” (#10541) Fixed “rst/markdown parser can’t handle extra parentheses after link” (#10475) Fixed “Random: proc rand(x: HSlice) requires substraction” (#7698) Fixed “Bug in setTerminate()” (#10765) Fixed “ICE when using –newruntime with proc returning tuple” (#11004) Fixed “terminal.nim does not compile using –newruntime” (#11005) Fixed “Casting a seq to another seq generates invalid code with –newruntime” (#11018) Fixed “strformat/fmt doesn’t work for custom types [regression]” (#11012) Fixed “Casting a seq to another seq generates invalid code with –newruntime” (#11018) Fixed “newruntime - t.destructor != nil [AssertionError] with toTable()” (#11014) Fixed “templates (e.g. sequtils.toSeq) often shadow result” (#10732) Fixed “newruntime: Error: system module needs: NimStringDesc when calling $ inside method on an object variant” (#11048) Fixed “newruntime: internal error when iterating over seq (which is a field of an object) inside methods” (#11050) Fixed “Error: internal error: ‘=destroy’ operator not found for type owned Node” (#11053) Fixed “new output can be assigned to an unowned ref” (#11073) Fixed “Illegal storage access when adding to a ref seq” (#11065) Fixed “strformat float printing doesn’t print “.0” portion [regression]” (#11089) Fixed “nim doc2 ignores –docSeeSrcUrl parameter” (#6071) Fixed “runnableExamples + forLoop = segfault” (#11078) Fixed “destructible context without ‘result’ or ‘return’ should also be supported” (#1192) Fixed “new Obj crashes at the end of the program on newruntime” (#11082) Fixed “Documentation of the modules broken out of system.nim are missing “ (#10972) Fixed “DFA regression. Branches of AST trees are missed in control flow graph.” (#11095) Fixed “[Regression] nkIdentDefs can be left in vmgen” (#11111) Fixed “JS target does not prevent calling compileTime procs” (#11133) Fixed “rand can return invalid values of a range type” (#11015) Fixed “compiler crash on discard void” (#7470) Fixed “Unowned ref can trivially escape without causing any crashes” (#11114) Fixed “Destructor lifting regression” (#11149) Fixed “const alias to compile time function fails.” (#11045) Fixed “Using type instead of typedesc in template signature fails compilation” (#11058) Fixed “Compiler error caused by quote do: else” (#11175) Fixed “cast to non ptr UncheckedArray does not produce an error or warning” (#9403) Fixed “openArray generates incorrect C code with “incomplete type”” (#9578) Fixed “os:standalone Error: system module needs: appendString” (#10978) Fixed “gensym regression” (#10192) Fixed “new: module names need to be unique per Nimble broken on Windows” (#11196) Fixed “Compiler crash on cfsml bindings” (#11200) Fixed “Newruntime: compileTime variables can cause compilation to fail due to destructor injections” (#11204) Fixed “object self-assignment order-of-evaluation broken” (#9844) Fixed “seq self-assignment order-of-evaluation broken” (#9684) Fixed “Compiler crash with generic types and static generic parameters” (#7569) Fixed “C macro identifiers (e.g. errno) are not properly avoided in code generation” (#11153) Fixed “SIGSEGV in asgnRefNoCycle with const sequence” (#9825) Fixed “asyncdispatch could not be linked to nimrtl” (#6855) Fixed “Newruntime: Bad C++ codegen for ref types with destructors” (#11215) Fixed “Better error message for object variant with enum that is below it” (#4140) Fixed “Can’t declare a mixin.” (#11237) Fixed “Nim doc mangles signed octal literals” (#11131) Fixed “Selectors, Error: undeclared field: ‘OSErrorCode’ on macOS” (#11124) Fixed “--cppCompileToNamespace:foo fails compilation with import os” (#11194) Fixed “[OpenMP] Nim symbol interpolation support” (#9365) Fixed “Inconsistent typing error with gensymed var” (#7937) Fixed “New module names break file-specific flags” (#11202) Fixed “inheritance for generics does not work” (#88) Fixed “Possible bug related to generics type resolution/matched” (#6732) Fixed “static range type bounds not checked when conversion from intLit” (#3766) Fixed “threadpool: sync() deadlocks in high-CPU-usage scenarios” (#11250) Fixed “var result array - bad codegen (null pointer dereference)” (#8053) Fixed “future/sugar => syntax breaks with generics” (#7816) Fixed “os.joinPath removes the leading backslash from UNC paths (regression)” (#10952) Fixed “re: memory leak when calling re proc repeatedly” (#11139) Fixed “threadpool: tests/parallel/tconvexhull.nim segfaults intermittently on systems with more than 4 cores” (#11275) Fixed “Not equal when streams.readBool and peekBool compare true” (#11049) Fixed “os.tailDir fails on some paths” (#8395) Fixed “Power op ^ is not optimized for a: int; echo a ^ 2 case (minor bug)” (#10910) Fixed “str &= data doesn’t behave as str = str & data.” (#10963) Fixed “Unable to make a const instance of an inherited, generic object.” (#11268) Fixed “Overload precedence for non-builtin types” (#11239) Fixed “Error when trying to iterate a distinct type based array” (#7167) Fixed “Objects marked with {.exportc.} should be fully defined in generated header” (#4723) Fixed “Generic function specialization regression” (#6076) Fixed “compiler should give ambiguity errors in case of multiple compatible matches” (#8568) Fixed “xmltree.findAll doesn’t work as expected with htmlparser for non-lowercase names” (#8329) Fixed “wrong stack trace information about the raised exception” (#11309) Fixed “Newruntime: owned procs don’t implicitly convert to unowned in ==” (#11257) Fixed “order of imports can cause errors” (#11187) Fixed “Passing code via stdin to Nim stopped working [regression Nim 0.19+]” (#11294) Fixed “”–out:” switch is ineffective with “nim doc” [regression]” (#11312) Fixed “VC++ broken in devel: module machine type ‘X86’ conflicts with target machine type ‘x64’” (#11306) Fixed “Code that used multi aspect of multimethod now crashes at runtime” (#10912) Fixed “symbol resolution issues when ambiguous call happens in generic proc” (#11188) Fixed “compile pragma name collision” (#10299) Fixed “Unexpected behaviour on method dispatch” (#10038) Fixed “Nim object variant issue” (#1286) Fixed “ macro cannot handle ambiguous types even in a full form (module.Type)” (#11057) Fixed “Out of bounds access in CritBitTree” (#11344) Fixed “Newruntime: assignment to discriminant field in case objects not supported” (#11205) Fixed “Dynamic dispatch broken if base method returns generic var type” (#6777) Fixed “newruntime and unused generics: compiler crash” (#6755) Fixed “Type aliases do not work with Exceptions.” (#10889) Fixed “Compiler crash when accessing constant in nested template” (#5235) Fixed “unicode.nim Error: type mismatch: got <seq[char]> but expected ‘string’” (#9762) Fixed “Internal error with auto return in closure iterator” (#5859) Fixed “[Compiler Crash] - getAST + hasCustomPragma” (#7615) Fixed “debug mode compiler crash when executing some compile time code” (#8199) Fixed “Compiler does not set .typ inside macros when creating literal NimNodes” (#7792) Fixed “Error: internal error: expr: var not init sevColor_994035” (#8573) Fixed “internal error: could not find env param for when one iterator references another” (#9827) Fixed “internal error when assigning a type to a constant of typedesc” (#9961) Fixed “Overload resolution regression” (#11375) Fixed “strutils: toBin(64) uses ‘/’ for the 63rd bit if it’s set” (#11369) Fixed “base64.encode should not “prettify” the result by default” (#11364) Fixed “Nim ships latest nimble rather than stable” (#11402) Fixed “debugger:native no longer generates pdb file with cc:vcc” (#11405)
2019-06-14(lang/prolog) remove default setting (MAKE_JOBS_SAFE)mef1-3/+3
2019-06-14(lang/gprolog) Updated to 1.4.5, thanks maya@ to fix calloc issuemef3-9/+13
Change in GNU Prolog version 1.4.5 (Feb 2018): pp* fix a bug in soft-cut (when a cut appears in the if-part) * fix bug when consulting multifile predicates with alternatives * add ?- ISO prefix operator * add gplc option --new-top-level (add top-level command-line option handling) * fix a bug on linux witg gcc 6.3.0 (or binutils): needs PIC code * fix a bug in findall/4 * fix a bug in select/5 under Windows * fix a bug in the compiler * fix a bug in read/1 * fix large address awarenes under cygwin32 ( * improve memory limitation of acyclic_term/1 * improve term output (write/1 and friends) * improve error handling for options (e.g. in write_term/3) * fix bug with cut in the if-part of if-then(-else) * fix port to x86_64/OpenBSD (machine kindly provided by Duncan Patton a Campbell) * fix a bug with Apple/Yosemite gcc = LLVM version 6.0 (clang-600.0.56) on x86_64 * allow to define more atoms with MAX_ATOM env var on 64 bits machines * fix a bug in bagof/3 when used as findall/3 * port to sparc64/OpenBSD (machine kindly provided by Duncan Patton a Campbell) * add built-in predicate findall/4 * fix a bug with linedit when environment variable LINEDIT=no * fix bugs in the FD solver * set socket option SO_REUSEADDR at socket creation * support for alternate Prolog file extension .prolog * fix a bug in atoms for 1-char atom '\0' (now acts as the empty atom) * fix problems with Apple/Mavericks gcc = LLVM version 5.0 (clang-500.2.79) on x86_64 * remove clang warnings (uninitialized variables) * fix bugs in the lexer of the form 0bop 2 when bop is an infix op * fix terminal ANSI sequence handling in linedit * increase internal compiler data sizes * fix bug in gprolog.h (invalid 64 bits PL_MAX_INTEGER)
2019-06-14gprolog: avoid GCC optimizing calloc into an infinite loop.maya2-1/+21
2019-06-14gcc7: Fix building on Darwinadam3-1/+35
2019-06-13rust: work around problem in rand vendor crate that made rustc very slowtnn3-9/+96
... on some NetBSD hosts. To be discussed with upstream.
2019-06-13py-uncompyle6: updated to 3.3.4adam2-10/+10
3.3.4: Major work was done by x0ret to correct function signatures and include annotation types Handle Python 3.6 STORE_ANNOTATION Friendlier assembly output LOAD_CONST replaced by LOAD_STR where appropriate to simplify parsing and improve clarity remove unneeded parenthesis in a generator expression when it is the single argument to the function Bug in noting an async function Handle unicode docstrings and fix docstring bugs Add uncompyle6 command-line short option -T as an alternate for --tree+ Some grammar cleanup
2019-06-07py-jsparser: updated to 2.7.1adam3-34/+10
2.7.1: Unknown changes
2019-06-06clang: bump version in bl3adam1-2/+2
2019-06-05lang/python: make built-in modules depend on distversionsjmulder1-1/+5
Built-in Python modules are built from extracted Python sources and therefere bound to that specific Python version. For example, trying to build a module from Python 2.7.16 against an installed Python 2.7.13 is likely to cause errors. This commit makes built-in Python modules depend on the full current Python version.
2019-06-05a60: HOMEPAGE and MASTER_SITES redirect to https.nia1-3/+3
2019-06-04llvm: Fix build on SunOS.jperkin3-6/+23
2019-06-02Add missing checksumsryoon1-1/+3
2019-06-02Bump the various NetBSD bootstrap kits to 1.35.0.he2-58/+56
2019-06-02zig: updated to 0.4.0adam3-32/+5759
0.4.0: LLVM 8 FreeBSD Support NetBSD Support WebAssembly Support 64-bit ARM Linux Support UEFI Support Tier System
2019-06-02llvm: add WebAssembly to LLVM_TARGETSadam2-4/+10
2019-06-02rust: use external LLVM on Darwin; change libLLVM version for SunOS after ↵adam1-3/+3
llvm update to 8.0.0
2019-06-02libcxx: updated to 8.0.0:adam7-28/+28
What’s New in Libc++ 8.0.0? API Changes Building libc++ for Mac OSX 10.6 is not supported anymore. Starting with LLVM 8.0.0, users that wish to link together translation units built with different versions of libc++’s headers into the same final linked image MUST define the _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI_PER_TU macro to 1 when building those translation units. Not defining _LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI_PER_TU to 1 and linking translation units built with different versions of libc++’s headers together may lead to ODR violations and ABI issues. On the flipside, code size improvements should be expected for everyone not defining the macro. Starting with LLVM 8.0.0, std::dynarray has been removed from the library. std::dynarray was a feature proposed for C++14 that was pulled from the Standard at the last minute and was never standardized. Since there are no plans to standardize this facility it is being removed. Starting with LLVM 8.0.0, std::bad_array_length has been removed from the library. std::bad_array_length was a feature proposed for C++14 alongside std::dynarray, but it never actually made it into the C++ Standard. There are no plans to standardize this feature at this time. Formally speaking, this removal constitutes an ABI break because the symbols were shipped in the shared library. However, on macOS systems, the feature was not usable because it was hidden behind availability annotations. We do not expect any actual breakage to happen from this change.
2019-06-02clang-tools-extra: updated to 8.0.0adam4-16/+20
Clang Tools 8.0.0: Improvements to clangd clangd now adds namespace qualifiers in code completion, for example, if you type “vec”, the list of completions will include “std::vector”. When a global index is available, clangd will use it to augment the results of “go to definition” and “find references” queries. Global index also enables global code completion, which suggests symbols that are not imported in the current file and automatically inserts the missing #include directives. clangd stores the symbol index on disk in a new compact binary serialization format. It is 10x more compact than YAML and 40% more compact than gzipped YAML. clangd has a new efficient symbol index suitable for complex and fuzzy queries and large code bases (e.g., LLVM, Chromium). This index is used for code completion, go to definition, and cross-references. The architecture of the index allows for complex and fuzzy retrieval criteria and sophisticated scoring. clangd has a new LSP extension that communicates information about activity on clangd’s per-file worker thread. This information can be displayed to users to let them know that the language server is busy with something. For example, in clangd, building the AST blocks many other operations. clangd has a new LSP extension that allows the client to supply the compilation commands over LSP, instead of finding compile_commands.json on disk. clangd has a new LSP extension that allows the client to request fixes to be sent together with diagnostics, instead of asynchronously. clangd has a new LSP extension that allows the client to resolve a symbol in a light-weight manner, without retrieving further information (like definition location, which may require consulting an index). Improvements to clang-query A new command line parameter --preload was added to run commands from a file and then start the interactive interpreter. The command q can was added as an alias for quit to exit the clang-query interpreter. It is now possible to bind to named values (the result of let expressions). It is now possible to write comments in clang-query code. This is primarily useful when using script-mode. Comments are all content following the # character on a line. The new set print-matcher true command now causes clang-query to print the evaluated matcher together with the resulting bindings. A new output mode detailed-ast was added to clang-query. The existing dump output mode is now a deprecated alias for detailed-ast Output modes can now be enabled or disabled non-exclusively. Improvements to clang-tidy New abseil-duration-comparison check. Checks for comparisons which should be done in the absl::Duration domain instead of the float of integer domains. New abseil-duration-division check. Checks for uses of absl::Duration division that is done in a floating-point context, and recommends the use of a function that returns a floating-point value. New abseil-duration-factory-float check. Checks for cases where the floating-point overloads of various absl::Duration factory functions are called when the more-efficient integer versions could be used instead. New abseil-duration-factory-scale check. Checks for cases where arguments to absl::Duration factory functions are scaled internally and could be changed to a different factory function. New abseil-duration-subtraction check. Checks for cases where subtraction should be performed in the absl::Duration domain. New abseil-faster-strsplit-delimiter check. Finds instances of absl::StrSplit() or absl::MaxSplits() where the delimiter is a single character string literal and replaces with a character. New abseil-no-internal-dependencies check. Gives a warning if code using Abseil depends on internal details. New abseil-no-namespace check. Ensures code does not open namespace absl as that violates Abseil’s compatibility guidelines. New abseil-redundant-strcat-calls check. Suggests removal of unnecessary calls to absl::StrCat when the result is being passed to another absl::StrCat or absl::StrAppend. New abseil-str-cat-append check. Flags uses of absl::StrCat() to append to a std::string. Suggests absl::StrAppend() should be used instead. New abseil-upgrade-duration-conversions check. Finds calls to absl::Duration arithmetic operators and factories whose argument needs an explicit cast to continue compiling after upcoming API changes. New bugprone-too-small-loop-variable check. Detects those for loops that have a loop variable with a “too small” type which means this type can’t represent all values which are part of the iteration range. New cppcoreguidelines-macro-usage check. Finds macro usage that is considered problematic because better language constructs exist for the task. New google-objc-function-naming check. Checks that function names in function declarations comply with the naming conventions described in the Google Objective-C Style Guide. New misc-non-private-member-variables-in-classes check. Finds classes that not only contain the data (non-static member variables), but also have logic (non-static member functions), and diagnoses all member variables that have any other scope other than private. New modernize-avoid-c-arrays check. Finds C-style array types and recommend to use std::array<> / std::vector<>. New modernize-concat-nested-namespaces check. Checks for uses of nested namespaces in the form of namespace a { namespace b { ... }} and offers change to syntax introduced in C++17 standard: namespace a::b { ... }. New modernize-deprecated-ios-base-aliases check. Detects usage of the deprecated member types of std::ios_base and replaces those that have a non-deprecated equivalent. New modernize-use-nodiscard check. Adds [[nodiscard]] attributes (introduced in C++17) to member functions to highlight at compile time which return values should not be ignored. New readability-const-return-type check. Checks for functions with a const-qualified return type and recommends removal of the const keyword. New readability-isolate-decl check. Detects local variable declarations declaring more than one variable and tries to refactor the code to one statement per declaration. New readability-magic-numbers check. Detects usage of magic numbers, numbers that are used as literals instead of introduced via constants or symbols. New readability-redundant-preprocessor check. Finds potentially redundant preprocessor directives. New readability-uppercase-literal-suffix check. Detects when the integral literal or floating point literal has non-uppercase suffix, and suggests to make the suffix uppercase. The list of destination suffixes can be optionally provided. New alias cert-dcl16-c to readability-uppercase-literal-suffix added. New alias cppcoreguidelines-avoid-c-arrays to modernize-avoid-c-arrays added. New alias cppcoreguidelines-non-private-member-variables-in-classes to misc-non-private-member-variables-in-classes added. New alias hicpp-avoid-c-arrays to modernize-avoid-c-arrays added. New alias hicpp-uppercase-literal-suffix to readability-uppercase-literal-suffix added. The cppcoreguidelines-narrowing-conversions check now detects more narrowing conversions: - integer to narrower signed integer (this is compiler implementation defined), - integer - floating point narrowing conversions, - floating point - integer narrowing conversions, - constants with narrowing conversions (even in ternary operator). The objc-property-declaration check now ignores the Acronyms and IncludeDefaultAcronyms options. The readability-redundant-smartptr-get check does not warn about calls inside macros anymore by default. The readability-uppercase-literal-suffix check does not warn about literal suffixes inside macros anymore by default.
2019-06-02clang: updated to 8.0.0adam5-33/+52
Clang 8.0.0: Major New Features * Clang supports use of a profile remapping file, which permits profile data captured for one version of a program to be applied when building another version where symbols have changed (for example, due to renaming a class or namespace). See the UsersManual for details. * Clang has new options to initialize automatic variables with a pattern. The default is still that automatic variables are uninitialized. This isn’t meant to change the semantics of C and C++. Rather, it’s meant to be a last resort when programmers inadvertently have some undefined behavior in their code. These options aim to make undefined behavior hurt less, which security-minded people will be very happy about. * Improvements to Clang’s diagnostics Non-comprehensive list of changes in this release * The experimental feature Pretokenized Headers (PTH) was removed in its entirely from Clang. The feature did not properly work with about 1/3 of the possible tokens available and was unmaintained. * The internals of libc++ include directory detection on MacOS have changed. Instead of running a search based on the -resource-dir flag, the search is now based on the path of the compiler in the filesystem. The default behaviour should not change. However, if you override -resource-dir manually and rely on the old behaviour you will need to add appropriate compiler flags for finding the corresponding libc++ include directory. * The integrated assembler is used now by default for all MIPS targets. * Improved support for MIPS N32 ABI and MIPS R6 target triples. * Clang now includes builtin functions for bitwise rotation of common value sizes, such as: __builtin_rotateleft32 * Improved optimization for the corresponding MSVC compatibility builtins such as _rotl().
2019-06-02llvm: updated to 8.0.0adam18-226/+247
8.0.0: Non-comprehensive list of changes in this release * The llvm-cov tool can now export lcov trace files using the -format=lcov option of the export command. * The add_llvm_loadable_module CMake macro has been removed. The add_llvm_library macro with the MODULE argument now provides the same functionality. See Writing an LLVM Pass. * For MinGW, references to data variables that might need to be imported from a dll are accessed via a stub, to allow the linker to convert it to a dllimport if needed. * Added support for labels as offsets in .reloc directive. * Support for precise identification of X86 instructions with memory operands, by using debug information. This supports profile-driven cache prefetching. It is enabled with the -x86-discriminate-memops LLVM Flag. * Support for profile-driven software cache prefetching on X86. This is part of a larger system, consisting of: an offline cache prefetches recommender, AutoFDO tooling, and LLVM. In this system, a binary compiled with -x86-discriminate-memops is run under the observation of the recommender. The recommender identifies certain memory access instructions by their binary file address, and recommends a prefetch of a specific type (NTA, T0, etc) be performed at a specified fixed offset from such an instruction’s memory operand. Next, this information needs to be converted to the AutoFDO syntax and the resulting profile may be passed back to the compiler with the LLVM flag -prefetch-hints-file, together with the exact same set of compilation parameters used for the original binary. More information is available in the RFC. * Windows support for libFuzzer (x86_64).
2019-06-01lang/php73: update to 7.3.6taca2-7/+7
Update to php73 to 7.3.6. 30 May 2019, PHP 7.3.6 - cURL: . Implemented FR #72189 (Add missing CURL_VERSION_* constants). (Javier Spagnoletti) - EXIF: . Fixed bug #77988 (heap-buffer-overflow on php_jpg_get16). (CVE-2019-11040) (Stas) - FPM: . Fixed bug #77934 (php-fpm kill -USR2 not working). (Jakub Zelenka) . Fixed bug #77921 ( doesn't work anymore). (Peter Kokot) - GD: . Fixed bug #77943 (imageantialias($image, false); does not work). (cmb) . Fixed bug #77973 (Uninitialized read in gdImageCreateFromXbm). (CVE-2019-11038) (cmb) - Iconv: . Fixed bug #78069 (Out-of-bounds read in iconv.c:_php_iconv_mime_decode() due to integer overflow). (CVE-2019-11039). (maris dot adam) - JSON: . Fixed bug #77843 (Use after free with json serializer). (Nikita) - Opcache: . Fixed possible crashes, because of inconsistent PCRE cache and opcache SHM reset. (Alexey Kalinin, Dmitry) - PDO_MySQL: . Fixed bug #77944 (Wrong meta pdo_type for bigint on LLP64). (cmb) - Reflection: . Fixed bug #75186 (Inconsistent reflection of Closure:::__invoke()). (Nikita) - Session: . Fixed bug #77911 (Wrong warning for session.sid_bits_per_character). (cmb) - SOAP: . Fixed bug #77945 (Segmentation fault when constructing SoapClient with WSDL_CACHE_BOTH). (Nikita) - SPL: . Fixed bug #77024 (SplFileObject::__toString() may return array). (Craig Duncan) - SQLite: . Fixed bug #77967 (Bypassing open_basedir restrictions via file uris). (Stas) - Standard: . Fixed bug #77931 (Warning for array_map mentions wrong type). (Nikita) . Fixed bug #78003 (strip_tags output change since PHP 7.3). (cmb)
2019-06-01lang/php72: update to 7.2.19taca2-7/+7
Update php72 to 7.2.19. 30 May 2019, PHP 7.2.19 - EXIF: . Fixed bug #77988 (heap-buffer-overflow on php_jpg_get16). (CVE-2019-11040) (Stas) - FPM: . Fixed bug #77934 (php-fpm kill -USR2 not working). (Jakub Zelenka) . Fixed bug #77921 ( doesn't work anymore). (Peter Kokot) - GD: . Fixed bug #77943 (imageantialias($image, false); does not work). (cmb) . Fixed bug #77973 (Uninitialized read in gdImageCreateFromXbm). (CVE-2019-11038) (cmb) - Iconv: . Fixed bug #78069 (Out-of-bounds read in iconv.c:_php_iconv_mime_decode() due to integer overflow). (CVE-2019-11039). (maris dot adam) - JSON: . Fixed bug #77843 (Use after free with json serializer). (Nikita) - Opcache: . Fixed possible crashes, because of inconsistent PCRE cache and opcache SHM reset. (Alexey Kalinin, Dmitry) - PDO_MySQL: . Fixed bug #77944 (Wrong meta pdo_type for bigint on LLP64). (cmb) - Reflection: . Fixed bug #75186 (Inconsistent reflection of Closure:::__invoke()). (Nikita) - Session: . Fixed bug #77911 (Wrong warning for session.sid_bits_per_character). (cmb) - SPL: . Fixed bug #77024 (SplFileObject::__toString() may return array). (Craig Duncan) - SQLite: . Fixed bug #77967 (Bypassing open_basedir restrictions via file uris). (Stas)
2019-06-01lang/php71: update to 7.1.30taca2-7/+7
Update php71 to 7.1.30. 30 May 2019, PHP 7.1.30 - EXIF: . Fixed bug #77988 (heap-buffer-overflow on php_jpg_get16). (CVE-2019-11040) (Stas) - GD: . Fixed bug #77973 (Uninitialized read in gdImageCreateFromXbm). (CVE-2019-11038) (cmb) - Iconv: . Fixed bug #78069 (Out-of-bounds read in iconv.c:_php_iconv_mime_decode() due to integer overflow). (CVE-2019-11039). (maris dot adam) - SQLite: . Fixed bug #77967 (Bypassing open_basedir restrictions via file uris). (Stas)
2019-06-01rust: add to provide list of supported platformswiz1-0/+18
Based on code by dholland, pkglinted.
2019-05-31nodejs: updated to 10.16.0adam9-99/+198
Version 10.16.0 'Dubnium' (LTS) Notable Changes deps: update ICU to 64.2 upgrade npm to 6.9.0 upgrade openssl sources to 1.1.1b upgrade to libuv 1.28.0 events: add once method to use promises with EventEmitter n-api: mark thread-safe function as stable repl: support top-level for-await-of zlib: add brotli support
2019-05-31rust: Update to 1.35.0.jperkin7-120/+133
Version 1.35.0 (2019-05-23) ========================== Language -------- - [`FnOnce`, `FnMut`, and the `Fn` traits are now implemented for `Box<FnOnce>`, `Box<FnMut>`, and `Box<Fn>` respectively.][59500] - [You can now coerce closures into unsafe function pointers.][59580] e.g. ```rust unsafe fn call_unsafe(func: unsafe fn()) { func() } pub fn main() { unsafe { call_unsafe(|| {}); } } ``` Compiler -------- - [Added the `armv6-unknown-freebsd-gnueabihf` and `armv7-unknown-freebsd-gnueabihf` targets.][58080] - [Added the `wasm32-unknown-wasi` target.][59464] Libraries --------- - [`Thread` will now show its ID in `Debug` output.][59460] - [`StdinLock`, `StdoutLock`, and `StderrLock` now implement `AsRawFd`.][59512] - [`alloc::System` now implements `Default`.][59451] - [Expanded `Debug` output (`{:#?}`) for structs now has a trailing comma on the last field.][59076] - [`char::{ToLowercase, ToUppercase}` now implement `ExactSizeIterator`.][58778] - [All `NonZero` numeric types now implement `FromStr`.][58717] - [Removed the `Read` trait bounds on the `BufReader::{get_ref, get_mut, into_inner}` methods.][58423] - [You can now call the `dbg!` macro without any parameters to print the file and line where it is called.][57847] - [In place ASCII case conversions are now up to 4× faster.][59283] e.g. `str::make_ascii_lowercase` - [`hash_map::{OccupiedEntry, VacantEntry}` now implement `Sync` and `Send`.][58369] Stabilized APIs --------------- - [`f32::copysign`] - [`f64::copysign`] - [`RefCell::replace_with`] - [`RefCell::map_split`] - [`ptr::hash`] - [`Range::contains`] - [`RangeFrom::contains`] - [`RangeTo::contains`] - [`RangeInclusive::contains`] - [`RangeToInclusive::contains`] - [`Option::copied`] Cargo ----- - [You can now set `cargo:rustc-cdylib-link-arg` at build time to pass custom linker arguments when building a `cdylib`.][cargo/6298] Its usage is highly platform specific. Misc ---- - [The Rust toolchain is now available natively for musl based distros.][58575] [59460]: [59464]: [59500]: [59512]: [59580]: [59283]: [59451]: [59076]: [58778]: [58717]: [58369]: [58423]: [58080]: [57847]: [58575]: [cargo/6298]: [`f32::copysign`]: [`f64::copysign`]: [`RefCell::replace_with`]: [`RefCell::map_split`]: [`ptr::hash`]: [`Range::contains`]: [`RangeFrom::contains`]: [`RangeTo::contains`]: [`RangeInclusive::contains`]: [`RangeToInclusive::contains`]: [`Option::copied`]:
2019-05-31gcc8: gcc8-libs: Upgrade to 8.3.0kamil6-21/+21
GCC 8.3 This is the list of problem reports (PRs) from GCC's bug tracking system that are known to be fixed in the 8.3 release. This list might not be complete (that is, it is possible that some PRs that have been fixed are not listed here). Windows A C++ Microsoft ABI bitfield layout bug, PR87137 has been fixed. A non-field declaration could cause the current bitfield allocation unit to be completed, incorrectly placing a following bitfield into a new allocation unit. The Microsoft ABI is selected for: Mingw targets PowerPC, IA-32 or x86-64 targets when the -mms-bitfields option is specified, or __attribute__((ms_struct)) is used SuperH targets when the -mhitachi option is specified, or __attribute__((renesas)) is used GCC 8 introduced additional cases of this defect, but rather than resolve only those regressions, we decided to resolve all the cases of this defect in single change.
2019-05-31rust: Remove incorrect change for previous.jperkin1-5/+1
The pkgsrc llvm change should be limited to SunOS, somehow this got double patched and enabled everywhere.
2019-05-30rust: Switch to pkgsrc LLVM for SunOS temporarily.jperkin1-4/+12
2019-05-27Revbump all Go packages after go112 update.bsiegert1-2/+2
2019-05-27Update go112 to 1.12.5.bsiegert4-645/+19
This release includes fixes to the compiler, the linker, the go command, the runtime, and the os package. Same as for go111, remove the pkg/bootstrap tree from the package.
2019-05-27Update go111 to 1.11.10.bsiegert4-629/+11
This release includes fixes to the compiler, the linker, the go command, the runtime, and the os package. While here, remove pkg/bootstrap from the package, as it is only used for bootstrapping.
2019-05-24spidermonkey52: Do not build with debug symbols and stripleot3-6/+8
configure forced to pass `-g' to CFLAGS and did not strip resulting binaries and libraries. Pass `--disable-debug-symbols' and `--enable-strip' to respectively address that. Fix PR pkg/54228 reported by matt farnsworth. While here, avoid to pass `-Wl,-z,wxneeded' to LDFLAGS on NetBSD.
2019-05-23Make bin/mix works.yyamano1-2/+3
shebang doesn't work if an interpreter is a shell script. See
2019-05-23all: replace SUBST_SED with the simpler SUBST_VARSrillig17-49/+49
pkglint -Wall -r --only "substitution command" -F With manual review and indentation fixes since pkglint doesn't get that part correct in every case.
2019-05-23Updated lang/coq to version 8.9.1.jaapb2-8/+7
Main changes: * some quality-of-life bug fixes, * many improvements to the documentation, * a critical bug fix related to primitive projections and native_compute, * several additional Coq libraries shipped with the Windows installer.
2019-05-22rust: Avoid ambiguous function call.jperkin2-1/+17
2019-05-21rust: Update x86_64-sun-solaris bootstrap.jperkin1-5/+5
This was rebuilt to avoid an issue with the rand crate.
2019-05-20py-uncompyle6: updated to 3.3.3adam2-7/+7
3.3.3: As before, decomplation bugs fixed. The focus has primarily been on Python 3.7. But with this release, releases will be put on hold,as a better control-flow detection is worked on . Tis has been needed for a while, and is long overdue. It will probably also take a while to get done as good as what we have now. However this work will be done in a new project decompyle3. In contrast to uncompyle6 the code wil be written assuming a modern Python 3, e.g. 3.7. It is originally intended to decompile Python version 3.7 and greater. A number of Python 3.7+ chained comparisons were fixed Revise Python 3.6ish format string handling Go over operator precedence, e.g. for AST IfExp
2019-05-16Update to 0.19.6ryoon2-7/+7
Changelog: Bugfixes Fixed “32 bit signed xor broken on VM” (#10482) Fixed “SetMaxPoolSize not heeded” (#10584) Fixed “uint inplace add in if branch is omitted when compiled to JS” (#10697) Fixed “Booleans Work Wrong in Compile-time” (#10886) Fixed “Bug in setTerminate()” (#10765) Fixed “Cannot raise generic exception” (#7845) Fixed “Nim string definition conflicts with other C/C++ instances” (#10907) Fixed “std/json fails to escape most non-printables, breaking generation and parsing” (#10541) Fixed “object self-assignment order-of-evaluation broken” (#9844) Fixed “Compiler crash with generic types and static generic parameters” (#7569)
2019-05-15go: Introduce support for GO_DEPS.jperkin2-1/+133
This supports packages that require a large number of go-based dependencies, treating them as additional distfiles and built inline as part of the package build. The print-go-deps target is helpful to generate the list of GO_DEPS required for each package by parsing the Gopkg.lock file in the extracted sources. Thanks to rillig@ for various suggestions and comments.
2019-05-15Added natdynlink support to lang/ocaml on arm32 platformsjaapb4-24/+25
2019-05-14Update rust to version 1.34.2.he2-7/+7
Pkgsrc changes: basically none. Upstream changes: Version 1.34.2 (2019-05-14) =========================== * [Destabilize the `Error::type_id` function due to a security vulnerability][60785] [60785]:
2019-05-14Updated lang/ocaml for non-opt architectures. Revbumpjaapb3-500/+504
2019-05-11Update to 0.19.4ryoon3-8/+10
Changelog: 0.19.4 Bugfixes Fixed “Latest HEAD segfaults when compiling Aporia” (#9889) Fixed “smtp module doesn’t support threads.” (#9728) Fixed “toInt doesn’t raise an exception” (#2764) Fixed “allow import inside block: makes N runnableExamples run N x faster, minimizes scope pollution” (#9300) Fixed “regression: CI failing Error: unhandled exception: cannot open: /Users/travis/.cache/nim/docgen_sample_d/runnableExamples/docgen_sample_examples.nim [IOError]” (#10188) Fixed “Discrepancy in Documentation About ‘f128 Type-Suffix” (#10213) Fixed “Performance regression with –gc:markandsweep” (#10271) Fixed “cannot call template/macros with varargs[typed] to varargs[untyped]” (#10075) Fixed “–embedsrc does not work on macos” (#10263) Fixed “terminal.nim colored output is not GCSAFE.” (#8294) Fixed “Path in error message has ..\..\..\..\..\ prefix since 0.19.0” (#9556) Fixed ““contributing” is listed as a module on theindex” (#10287) Fixed “[Regression] converter to string leads fail to compile on 0.19” (#9149) Fixed “oids counter starts at zero; spec says it should be random” (#2796) 0.19.2 Compiler changes Added support for the RISC-V 64 bit architecture named riscv64 (e.g. HiFive) Bugfixes Fixed “Nim 0.19.0 docs have incorrect Source/Edit links” (#9083) Fixed “Json: compilation fails with aliased type” (#9111) Fixed “ gives 404 error” (#9119) Fixed “Leaving \\ at the end of a path in copyDir removes every file’s first char” (#9126) Fixed “nim doc SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access.” (#9140) Fixed “[doc] List of broken links in the doc site” (#9109) Fixed “Fix incorrect examples in nre docs” (#9053) Fixed “Clean up root of repo and release archives” (#4934) Fixed “Concept/converter/generics-related compiler crash” (#7351) Fixed “converter + concept causes compiler to quit without error” (#6249) Fixed “Error: internal error” (#6533) Fixed “Methods break static[T] (internal error: nesting too deep)” (#5479) Fixed “Memory error when checking if a variable is a string in concept” (#7092) Fixed “Internal error when using array of procs” (#5015) Fixed “[Regression] Compiler crash on proc with static, used to compile in nim 0.16” (#5868) Fixed “fixes/8099” (#8451) Fixed “distinct generic typeclass not treated as distinct” (#4435) Fixed “multiple dynlib pragmas with function calls conflict with each other causing link time error” (#9222) Fixed “\0 in comment replaced with 0 in docs” (#8841) Fixed “Async readAll in httpclient produces garbled output.” (#8994) Fixed “runnableExamples should be run by nim doc even if symbol is not public” (#9216) Fixed “[regression] project config.nims not being read anymore” (#9264) Fixed “Using iterator within another iterator fails” (#3819) Fixed “nim js -o:dirname main.nim writes nothing, and no error shown” (#9154) Fixed “devel docs in Source links point to master instead of devel” (#9295) Fixed “Regular Expressions: replacing empty patterns only works correctly in nre” (#9306) Fixed “counting the empty substring in a string results in infinite loop” (#8919) Fixed “[nimpretty] raw strings are transformed into normal strings” (#9236) Fixed “[nimpretty] proc is transfered to incorrect code” (#8626) Fixed “[nimpretty] Additional new line is added with each format” (#9144) Fixed ““%NIM%/config/nim.cfg” is not being read” (#9244) Fixed “Illegal capture on async proc (except when the argument is seq)” (#2361) Fixed “Jsondoc0 doesn’t output module comments.” (#9364) Fixed “NimPretty has troubles with source code filter” (#9384) Fixed “tfragment_gc test is flaky on OSX” (#9421) Fixed “ansi color code templates fail to bind symbols” (#9394) Fixed “SIGSEGV when converting lines to closure iterator, most likely caused by defer” (#5321) Fixed “Compiler crash when creating a variant type” (#6220) Fixed “old changelogs should be kept instead of erased” (#9376) Fixed “Crash when closing an unopened file on debian 8.” (#9456) Fixed “nimpretty joins regular and doc comment” (#9400) Fixed “nimpretty changes indentation level of trailing comment” (#9398) Fixed “Some bugs with nimpretty” (#8078) Fixed “nimpretty not idempotent: keeps adding newlines below block comment” (#9483) Fixed “nimpretty shouldn’t format differently whether there’s a top-level newline” (#9484) Fixed “nimpretty shouldn’t change file modif time if no changes => use os.updateFile” (#9499) Fixed “nimpretty adds a space before type, ptr, ref, object in wrong places” (#9504) Fixed “nimpretty badly indents block comment” (#9500) Fixed “nimpretty wrongly adds empty newlines inside proc signature” (#9506) Fixed “Duplicate definition in cpp codegen” (#6986) Fixed “nim doc strutils.nim fails on 32 bit compiler with AssertionError on a RunnableExample” (#9525) Fixed “using Selectors, Error: undeclared field: ‘OSErrorCode’” (#7667) Fixed “strutils.multiReplace() crashes if search string is “”” (#9557) Fixed “Type which followed by a function and generated by a template will not shown in docs generated by nim doc” (#9235) Fixed “Module docs: 2 suggestions…” (#5525) Fixed “Missing docstrings are replaced with other text” (#9169) Fixed “templates expand doc comments as documentation of other procedures” (#9432) Fixed “Path in error message has ..\..\..\..\..\ prefix since 0.19.0” (#9556) Fixed “Nim/compiler/pathutils.nim(226, 12) canon"/foo/../bar" == "/bar" [AssertionError]” (#9507) Fixed “[Regression] Borrow stringify operator no longer works as expected” (#9322) Fixed “[NimScript] Error: arguments can only be given if the ‘–run’ option is selected” (#9246) Fixed “nim check: internal error: (filename: "vmgen.nim", line: 1119, column: 19)” (#9609) Fixed “optInd missing indent specification in grammar.txt” (#9608) Fixed “nimpretty should hardcode indentation amount to 2 spaces” (#9502) Fixed “Nimpretty adds instead of removes incorrect spacing inside backticks” (#9673) Fixed “Compiler segfault (stack overflow) compiling code on 0.19.0 that works on 0.18.0” (#9694)
2019-05-09Update rust to version 1.34.1.he2-8/+7
Pkgsrc changes: basically none. Build verified on NetBSD 8.0/i386. Upstream changes: Version 1.34.1 (2019-04-25) =========================== * [Fix false positives for the `redundant_closure` Clippy lint][clippy/3821] * [Fix false positives for the `missing_const_for_fn` Clippy lint][clippy/3844] * [Fix Clippy panic when checking some macros][clippy/3805] [clippy/3821]: [clippy/3844]: [clippy/3805]: