Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author | Files | Lines |
Changes from 5.1 to 5.2: (
* Full S/MIME support based on GnuPG 2.
* Automatic resizing for large JPEG/PNG images.
* Hyper Estraier support.
Hyper Estraier is a full text search engine based on the N-gram
algorithm which is independent on language. You can search your target
messages from ALL folders on Windows, Mac, and UNIX.
dot co dot jp>.
Changes excerpted from 00diff:
Kazu Yamamoto
Jul 5, 2006
<Differences between Mew 5.1 and Mew 4.2>
* The ".mew" suffix is introduced for OS level search mechanisms.
* OS level search mechanisms including Spotlight, Windows Desktop
Search, Google Desktop are integrated.
* The mechanism of master password was implemented.
Set mew-use-master-passwd to t to use it.
* When sending a message, if your SMTP server requires user
authentication, Mew asks you to input your password. You don't have
to configure mew-smtp-user anymore.
* In Draft mode, addresses which are not considered safe turn red.
See mew-safe-addresses, mew-warn-addresses, mew-safe-domains, and
* You can securely save your passwords to a file with a master
* "li" copies a message to an IMAP folder.
* "I" now works in Thread mode.
* "C-cC-e" in Summary has been drastically improved.
* "C-cC-t" and "C-cC-y" in Summary were obsoleted.
* 'mew-inbox-action-alist' can be set in 'mew-config-alist'.
* "v" in Summary mode displays line numbers when off.
* "C-uj" in Summary mode jumps to the message whose message number is
* "C-uB" decomposes any attached files.
* If you want to put the 'D' mark to duplicated messages
whose boyies are identical (ie spams), set
mew-summary-form-mark-spam to t.
* All variables can be defined in ".mew.el". You don't have to
set specific variables in ".emacs".
set of emacs modules.
* List the info files directly in the PLIST.
* Sort the PLIST.
example MAKE_ENV+=FOO=${BAR} is changed to MAKE_ENV+=FOO=${BAR:Q}. Some
other changes are outlined in
1) Simplify the way how an emacs version is picked when no emacs
is installed, but a user try to install an Emacs Lisp package.
Just pick up the version set as EMACS_TYPE than searching for
versions already installed etc. If the EMACS_TYPE version is
not supported by the Emacs Lisp Package, just fail. EMACS_TYPE
be default to GNU Emacs 21.
(In other words, users should set EMACS_TYPE as they want.
Otherwise GNU Emacs 21 is used.)
2) All Emacs Lisp Packages *must* prepend EMACS_PKGNAME_PREFIX to
a) the PKGNAME itself, and b) PKGNAME in its dependency lines.
EMACS_PKGNAME_PREFIX is expanded to "xemacs-" when XEmacs is
used. This keeps dependency graph of Emacs-Lisp-packages-
installed-for-XEmacs consistent.
3) Document EMACS_* variables as much as possible.
4) Provide more cookies for PLIST. Maybe utilized later.
Note that the 2) change doesn't affect the default, GNU Emacs 21
behaviour. So no version / revision bumps in this commit.
Changes (cited from 00diff) are:
> <Differences between Mew 4.2 and Mew 4.1>
> * mew-nmz.el has been integrated. You can search messages with
> keyword DB. For more information, see info.
> * "C-uw" prepares a draft whose To: is the address on From: of the
> current message.
> * "e" in Summary can convert any mark to new one.
> * S/MIME has been supported. (alpha stage)
> * IMAP UTF-7 support. You can use non-ASCII characters for folder
> names.
> * TLS has been supported.
> * Fixing a bug of SSL.
> * Drag and Drop composing has been supported.
> * Many small bug fixes.
refers ${PREFIX} expanded.
in the process. (More information on tech-pkg.)
Bump PKGREVISION and BUILDLINK_DEPENDS of all packages using libtool and
installing .la files.
Bump PKGREVISION (only) of all packages depending directly on the above
via a buildlink3 include.
It will close PR pkg/25913 by Kouichirou Hiratsuka.
PR pkg/25826.
Fix build on non-NetBSD. Reported by A. L. Meyers.
Changes since 2.2 are:
* A bug fix for S/MIME's temporary file again.
* info updates.
* Catching up new warning messages of GnuPG 1.2.0.
KOIE Hidetaka <>
* A bug fix for S/MIME's temporary file.
* A bug fix for PGP's marks in the attachment region.
Contributed by Dawid SzymaƱski <> in PR 16185
Mew 2.2 (2002/02/25)
Mew 2.2rc4 (2002/02/21)
* Defining mew-syntax-treat-filename-default-function.
* Binding auto-image-file-mode to nil in mew-flet and mew-frwlet.
* Defining mew-use-other-frame.
* Yet another bug fix for "t*".
* A bug fix for mew-summary-join.
* Seeing if incm exists or not.
Mew 2.2rc3 (2002/02/04)
* Fixing the "foo: ;" problem.
* m17n hack for Summary mode of +draft.
* Window-config hack for composing mails.
* A bug fix for "t*".
* Prefix for mew-draft-insert-signature.
* Patches for incm.
* A bug fix of mew-summary-save for the NAME parameter.
* Creating folders specified by Fcc: when composing.
* Debug hack.
* sleep-for 1 for mew-touch-folder-check.
* LANG: "en" -> "C"
* A bug fix for mew-buffer-message.
* Defining mew-encode-singlepart-hook.
* Null body hack for incm.
* A bug fix for mew-insert-message.
Mew 2.2rc2 (2002/01/17)
* Workaround for messages whose size is 0.
* TIS 620 hack.
* GCC hack for
* A patch for
* Displaying the number of marked messages.
* make clean hack.
* Digit-argument for "0"-"9". mew-summary-toggle-8bit -> "z8".
* Supporting ".tif".
* "nntp" service entry.
* incm hack.
* A patch for incm.
* incm is merged.
* A bug fix for mew-delete-file.
* no-fold option for mew-header-insert.
* Case-sensitive search for marks.
Mew 2.2rc1 (2001/12/20)
* A bug fix of C-cC-z for multple PGP data.
* A bug fix for w3m.
Mew 2.1.52 (2001/12/11)
* Sort key hack: "ml2" -> "mlnum"
* Copying minibuffer-local-map to mew-input-map.
* A bug fix for mew-input-file-name.
* wvHtml hack.
* Defining mew-broken-parameter-list.
* m17n hack.
* Defining mew-prog-audio{,2} for Win32.
Summary of changes:
- removal of USE_GTEXINFO
- addition of mk/
- inclusion of this file in package Makefiles requiring it
- `install-info' substituted by `${INSTALL_INFO}' in PLISTs
- tuning of mk/
removal of USE_GTEXINFO
`${INSTALL_INFO}' replace `install-info' in target rules
print-PLIST target now generate `${INSTALL_INFO}' instead of `install-info'
- a couple of new patch files added for a handful of packages
- setting of the TEXINFO_OVERRIDE "switch" in packages Makefiles requiring it
- devel/cssc marked requiring texinfo 4.0
- a couple of packages Makefiles were tuned with respect of INFO_FILES and
makeinfo command usage
See -newly added by this commit- section 10.24 of Packages.txt for
further information.
Mew 2.1.51 (2001/12/07)
* A bug fix for mew-encode-remove-illegal-fields.
Mew 2.1.50 (2001/12/07)
* A bug fix for null line in a header.
* A workaround for reediting ctext.
* Defining mew-use-nfs-hack.
* A bug fix for mewls's null pattern.
* Removing ".CRLF" instead of "CRLF.CRLF" in a POP session.
* s/str/mystr/ for the C commands.
* A bug fix for md5 on XEmacs.
* 'no-line-break for base64-encode-string.
* A bug fix for mew-start-process-disp.
* iso-8859-15.
Mew 2.1 (2001/11/01)
* XML is well supported.
* +mdrop is implemented. You can remove messages on your POP server
* Sort (s) and pack (O) became much faster.
* Some workaround for broken POP servers.
* Many other small bug fixes.
- nit PLIST
- modify the DEPENDS for Emacs >=20.7
Mew 2.1 release candidate 3 (2001/10/30)
* Setting 0.05 instead of 0.01 for mew-smtp-command-content.
This maybe rescue XEmacs.
* Biding buffer-file-coding-system to prevent the side effect.
* Adding the "-l" option for mew-prog-vgrep.
* Ensuring that richtech-mode is disabled.
* Setting max-mini-window-height to 1 in mew-summary-pipe-message.
* Taking care of EXPIRED PGP keys.
* Using mew-mule3.el even if Emacs is executed with the --unibyte
Mew 2.1 release candidate 2 (2001/10/26)
* gifsicle support to prevent XEmacs from dying.
* Text/Xml support for mew-summary-execute-base.
* Handling 'quit in sort and pack.
* A patch for refile learning.
Yoshinari Nomura <>
* Fixing a bug that XEmacs dies when encoding GIF.
* Edit again for qmail.
* Bug fixes for privacy services in drafts.
* Limit for re-search-foward in mew-text/xml-detect-cs etc.
Mew 2.1 release candidate 1 (2001/10/24)
* mew-auto-flush-queue works for mbox.
* Workaround for mew-image-inline-p on Emacs 21.1.
* Implementing mew-text/html-detect-cs and mew-text/xml-detect-cs.
* Process status is well displayed on the mode line.
* A bug fix for mew-demo-picture.
* Defining mew-use-charset-sanity-check.
* A patch for refile.
* mew-input-folders hack.
* Defining mew-syntax-treat-filename-function.
* Defining mew-input-draft-buffer.
* No sanity check if charset is specified.
* C-cC-i for mew-summary-find-file.
Mew 2.0.60 (2001/10/15) mew-dist release
* Enhancing mew-param-analyze-broken to remove white spaces between
* recenter for mew-summary-down.
* "c" for mew-summary-copy.
* Allowing the 'X' mark for +mdrop.
* A bug fix for 'invisible.
* "?" for mew-input-map.
* Allowing multiple SPCs on POP sessions.
Mew 2.0.59 (2001/10/12) mew-dist release
* A bug fix for Multipart/Alternative.
* Removing mew-summary-display-raw-header.
* Use the "--decrypt" option instead of "--verify" for GnuPG.
* Some "mew-pop-to-buffer" patches.
* Defining mew-regex-ignore-folders.
* A bug fix for PGP encryption.
* Integrating "," and "C-cC-u". Use "," only.
* Removing mew-pop-to-buffer.
* Using mew-current-get-* as little as possible.
- Update Mew to 2.0.58
Mew 2.0.58 (2001/10/10) mew-dist release
* The "Type 'T'" message displayed only when the top level is
* ".txt" suffix for dummy file names.
* 't' in attach to toggle text/binary.
* Defining mew-ask-fcc.
* "Y" for mew-summary-cite.
Mew 2.0.57 (2001/10/04) mew-dist release
* XML support.
* mew-mime-content-type hack.
* A patch for contrib/mew-caesar.el.
* mew-summary-kill-subprocess() now calls mew-pop-tear-down().
* Supporting .htm as well as .html.
Mew 2.0.56 (2001/10/03) mew-dist release
* mew-summary-folder-cache-save() now includes mew-touch-folder().
* A bug fix for non-UIDL POP servers.
* Unlimiting mew-header-max-depth for mew-scan-form-mark().
* Touching folders when 'mdrop.
* mew-set-environment() moved after loading mew-rc-file.
Mew 2.0.55 (2001/10/01) mew-dist release
* A bug fix for file mode of manuals.
* Code clean up for refile.
* A bug fix for mew-regex-id.
* Removing mew-folder-remotep.
* +mdrop finally.
* mew-time-diff.
* If a number N is set to mew-pop-delete, it means to keep message
on the POP server for N days.
* A bug fix for mew-folder-check.
* A bug fix for mew-substring.
* A bug fix for mew-summary-sort.
* A bug fix for mark handling of mew-summary-refile.
* Fixing the problem of ":" vs "y" and/or "C-cC-l".
Mew 2.0.54 (2001/09/17) mew-dist release
* Defining mew-warning-field-level.
* Bug fixes for mew-pop-info-name and mew-smtp-info-name.
* completion-ignore-case hack in draft for mouse clicking.
* Highlighting a body when reediting.
* Re-writing mew-summary-sort.
* C-u# now asks a printer name.
* A bug fix for mew-header-fold-region.
* Removing the last "," of enum in pattern.c.
* The "-f" option for "test" instead of the "-e" otpion in Makefile.
Mew 2.0.53 (2001/09/10) mew-dist release
* mewls bug fix for sort.
KAMEI Ken-ichi <>
* Sort and pack doesn't call mew-scan. Just arrange Summary cache.
* Preserving all marks when scanning.
* Enhancing thread architecture.
Hideyuki SHIRAI <>
* Defining mew-input-language-name.
* A bug fix for mew-input-address.
* Removing unnecessary code from mew-summary-sort.
Tatsuya Kinoshita <>
Mew 2.0.52 (2001/09/05) mew-dist release
* "I" inserted a line in a underline overlay. So, underline was put
onto two lines. This bug has been fixed.
* A bug fix for mew-alias-expand-addrs.
* A bug fix for mew-input-address.
* Bug fixes for "(" and ")" again.
NINOMIYA Hideyuki <>
* The "-a" option for contrib/incdir.
Yasunari Momoi <>
"YAMAZAKI Noriyuki" <>
* A patch for contrib/mew-fancy-summary.el.
Hideyuki SHIRAI <>
* Some defcustom hack.
Hideyuki SHIRAI <>
Mew 2.0.51 (2001/08/31) mew-dist release
* Info updates.
* Some defcustom hack.
* Binary parts of a truncated message should not be decoded.
* Now "Too large, truncated" message is displayed in the minibuffer.
* Check the size from X-Mew-Uidl: carefully.
* Addrbook now can contain group:; notation. It can be expand unless
it recurses.
* mew-summary-ls calles mew-mark-clean only when called interactively.
* C-cC-o inserts X-Mailer: in the last.
* Ask Subject: before "Really send this message? ".
* 't' in mew-scan-form now means the position of thread indentation.
* X-Mailer: now locates just above mew-header-separator.
* insert-file-contents changes buffer-file-coding-system. ","
is sacrificed and lpr-buffer goes wrong. mew-insert-message
now preserves buffer-file-coding-system.
* Workaround for a broken POP server which doesn't display UID after
a message number.
* X-Mailer: for Bcc:.
* Bug fixes for mew-case-guess-when-composed.
* Bug fixes for "(" and ")".
Mew 2.0.50 (2001/08/14) mew-dist release
* info and doc updates.
* mew-summary-sort: some bugs related to region are fixed.
Tatsuya Kinoshita <>
* mew-substring in mew-mule3.el: length of mew-error-broken-string to
SAITO Atsunori <>
* Defining mew-ask-mark-process. The default is nil.
* Supporting sort region. (C-uS)
"Takashi P.KATOH" <>
* mew-encode-remove-illegal-fields has a bug which removes
Subject: whose first line is null and whose second one
has a value. This bug was fixed.
* Setting mode of files under ~/Mail to mew-file-mode.
* A bug fix for mew-case-guess-when-composed.
Tatsuya Kinoshita <>
* The "-l" option for "grep".
"David A. Panariti" <>
* Inserting X-Mew-UIDL: at the beginning of a mail.
* mew-multibyte-string-p and multibyte hack.
Hideyuki SHIRAI <>