Upstream changes:
2013-06-28 09:04 edzer
* man/Spatial-class.Rd, man/disaggregate.Rd: added documentation
for disaggregate and aliases for spatstat S4 classes
2013-06-28 05:46 edzer
* NAMESPACE: export method disaggregate
2013-06-27 20:51 edzer
* NAMESPACE: exporting spatstat Classes ppp, im, psp, owin
2013-06-27 20:45 edzer
* R/sp_spat1.R: removed class tess (which is used, nor exported)
2013-06-27 06:54 edzer
* R/spdists.R, R/zerodist.R, man/zerodist.Rd, src/init.c, src/sp.h,
src/zerodist.c: zerodist and zerodist2 now handle longlat data,
using sp_gcdist
tidied spdists.R
2013-06-25 19:08 edzer
* R/SpatialLines-methods.R, R/spdists.R,
man/SpatialGridDataFrame-class.Rd, man/SpatialPoints-class.Rd,
man/SpatialPointsDataFrame-class.Rd, man/spDistsN1.Rd,
src/gcdist.c, src/sp.h, tests/Examples/sp-Ex.Rout.save: tidy;
added $ method for SpatialPoints, such that meuse$x is found even
if x is a coordinate.
added methods to convert from spatstat (im, ppp) to Spatial
2013-06-25 17:13 rsbivand
* inst/doc/csdacm.Rnw, inst/doc/csdacm.pdf: adding footnote
2013-06-25 14:09 rsbivand
* DESCRIPTION: add vignette; fix line length issues
2013-06-25 14:03 rsbivand
* DESCRIPTION, inst/doc/csdacm.Rnw, inst/doc/csdacm.pdf,
inst/doc/intro_sp.pdf, inst/doc/over.pdf,
inst/external/seamap105_mod.csv, man/CRS-class.Rd,
man/as.SpatialPolygons.GridTopology.Rd, man/gridlines.Rd,
man/nowrapSpatialLines.Rd, man/polygons.Rd,
man/recenter-methods.Rd, man/spplot.Rd,
tests/Examples/sp-Ex.Rout.save: add vignette; fix line length
2013-06-24 21:09 edzer
* R/SpatialPoints-methods.R, R/disaggregate.R, R/sp_spat1.R,
R/unfold.R: added disaggregate functions (not yet exported);
added $ method for SpatialPoints that also catches coordinates,
as meuse$x
sp_spat1 has the conversion from spatstat classes ppp and im to
Spatial objects
2013-06-21 14:11 rsbivand
* R/CRS-methods.R, man/CRS-class.Rd, man/is.projected.Rd,
tests/fail1.R, tests/fail1.Rout.save: checks on latlon and lonlat
2013-05-23 19:29 edzer
* R/Spatial-methods.R, man/spTransform.Rd: added spTransform(ANY)
methods that will stop and point to rgdal.
2013-05-07 09:12 rsbivand
* R/SpatialPoints-methods.R: guard against non-finite coordinates
2013-05-07 07:54 rsbivand
* inst/include/sp_xports.c, src/sp_xports.c: guard against
non-finite polygon coordinates
2013-04-26 08:54 edzer
* DESCRIPTION, R/SpatialGridDataFrame-methods.R, R/unfold.R:
scaffold for unfold - nothing exported; improved coercion
for SpatialPixelsDataFrame to SpatialGridDataFrame, thanks to Jon
2013-04-24 07:05 rsbivand
* ChangeLog, inst/ChangeLog: closeAllConnections in readRAST6
replaced by counted closure
2013-04-22 19:48 edzer
* DESCRIPTION: version update
2013-04-22 14:49 edzer
* demo/depend.R: tidy
2013-04-22 14:24 edzer
* demo/depend.R: better depend script
2013-04-22 09:34 edzer
* demo/depend.R, man/spTransform.Rd,
tests/Examples/sp-Ex.Rout.save, tests/fail1.Rout.save: added
spTransform doc, updated checks, depend now uses two cores.
2013-04-19 15:52 edzer
* DESCRIPTION: increased the rgdal version dependency
2013-04-19 13:16 edzer
* NAMESPACE, R/Spatial-methods.R: defines generic, and exports
method spTransform.
2013-04-12 22:11 mdsumner
* R/gridlines.R: stringsAsFactors = FALSE for gridat labels,
otherwise the factors returned are unusable without conversion to
2013-03-30 13:36 edzer
* DESCRIPTION: version bump
2013-03-30 13:33 edzer
* R/spplot.R: lwd and lty now work on spplot()'ing
SpatialPolygonsDataFrame objects;
email today on r-sig-geo.
2013-03-29 10:00 rsbivand
* ChangeLog, inst/ChangeLog: tidy
2013-03-29 09:57 rsbivand
* inst/include/sp_xports.c: removing clang warnings
2013-03-29 09:56 rsbivand
* DESCRIPTION, src/Rcentroid.c, src/pip.c, src/pip2.c,
src/sp_xports.c, src/zerodist.c: removing clang warnings