path: root/math/R/patches
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2015-01-23Rename local strtoi function.joerg1-0/+22
2014-11-29Don't pass -I without argument to the compiler.joerg1-0/+14
2014-06-26FreeBSD 10 is not FreeBSD 1.asau1-1/+11
2014-05-03Update to R 3.1.0markd1-4/+4
NEW FEATURES: * type.convert() (and hence by default read.table()) returns a character vector or factor when representing a numeric input as a double would lose accuracy. Similarly for complex inputs. If a file contains numeric data with unrepresentable numbers of decimal places that are intended to be read as numeric, specify colClasses in read.table() to be "numeric". * tools::Rdiff(useDiff = FALSE) is closer to the POSIX definition of diff -b (as distinct from the description in the man pages of most systems). * New function anyNA(), a version of any( which is fast for atomic vectors, based on a proposal by Tim Hesterberg. * arrayInd(*, useNames = TRUE) and, analogously, which(*, arr.ind = TRUE) now make use of names(.dimnames) when available. * is.unsorted() now also works for raw vectors. * The "table" method for (also useful as now passes sep and base arguments to provideDimnames(). * uniroot() gets new optional arguments, notably extendInt, allowing to auto-extend the search interval when needed. The return value has an extra component, * switch(f, ...) now warns when f is a factor, as this typically happens accidentally where the useR meant to pass a character string, but f is treated as integer (as always documented). * The parser has been modified to use less memory. * The way the unary operators (+ - !) handle attributes is now more consistent. If there is no coercion, all attributes (including class) are copied from the input to the result: otherwise only names, dims and dimnames are. * colorRamp() and colorRampPalette() now allow non-opaque colours and a ramp in opacity via the new argument alpha = TRUE. (Suggested by Alberto Krone-Martins, but optionally as there are existing uses which expect only RGB values.) * and get an optional vp.ex argument. * There is a new function find_gs_cmd() in the tools package to locate a GhostScript executable. (This is an enhanced version of a previously internal function there.) * object.size() gains a format() method. * There is a new family, "ArialMT", for the pdf() and postscript() devices. This will only be rendered correctly on viewers which have access to Monotype TrueType fonts (which are sometimes requested by journals). * The text and PDF news files, including NEWS and NEWS.2, have been moved to the doc directory. * combn(x, simplify = TRUE) now gives a factor result for factor input x (previously user error). * Added utils::fileSnapshot() and utils::changedFiles() functions to allow snapshots and comparison of directories of files. * make.names(names, unique=TRUE) now tries to preserve existing names. * New functions cospi(x), sinpi(x), and tanpi(x), for more accurate computation of cos(pi*x), etc, both in R and the C API. Using these gains accuracy in some cases, e.g., inside lgamma() or besselI(). * print.table(x, zero.print = ".") now also has an effect when x is not integer-valued. * There is more support to explore the system's idea of time-zone names. Sys.timezone() tries to give the current system setting by name (and succeeds at least on Linux, OS X, Solaris and Windows), and OlsonNames() lists the names in the system's Olson database. Sys.timezone(location = FALSE) gives the previous behaviour. * Platforms with a 64-bit time_t type are allowed to handle conversions between the "POSIXct" and "POSIXlt" classes for date-times outside the 32-bit range (before 1902 or after 2037): the existing workarounds are used on other platforms. (Note that time-zone information for post-2037 is speculative at best, and the OS services are tested for known errors and so not used on OS X.) Currently time_t is usually long and hence 64-bit on Unix-alike 64-bit platforms: however it several cases the time-zone database is 32-bit. On R for Windows it is 64-bit (for both architectures as from this version). * The "save.defaults" option can include a value for compression_level. * colSums() and friends now have support for arrays and data-frame columns with 2^31 or more elements. * as.factor() is faster when f is an unclassed integer vector (for example, when called from tapply()). * fft() now works with longer inputs, from the 12 million previously supported up to 2 billion. * Complex svd() now uses LAPACK subroutine ZGESDD, the complex analogue of the routine used for the real case. * Sweave now outputs .tex files in UTF-8 if the input encoding is declared to be UTF-8, regardless of the local encoding. The UTF-8 encoding may now be declared using a LaTeX comment containing the string %\SweaveUTF8 on a line by itself. * file.copy() gains a argument. * Printing of date-times will make use of the time-zone abbreviation in use at the time, if known. For example, for Paris pre-1940 this could be LMT, PMT, WET or WEST. To enable this, the "POSIXlt" class has an optional component "zone" recording the abbreviation for each element. For platforms which support it, there is also a component "gmtoff" recording the offset from GMT where known. * (On Windows, by default on OS X and optionally elsewhere.) The system C function strftime has been replaced by a more comprehensive version with closer conformance to the POSIX 2008 standard. * dnorm(x, log = FALSE) is more accurate (but somewhat slower) for |x| > 5. * Some versions of the tiff() device have further compression options. * read.table(), readLines() and scan() have a new argument to influence the treatment of embedded nuls. * Avoid duplicating the right hand side values in complex assignments when possible. This reduces copying of replacement values in expressions such as Z$a <- a0 and ans[[i]] <- tmp: some package code has relied on there being copies. Also, a number of other changes to reduce copying of objects; all contributed by or based on suggestions by Michael Lawrence. * The fast argument of KalmanLike(), KalmanRun() and KalmanForecast() has been replaced by update, which instead of updating mod in place, optionally returns the updated model in an attribute "mod" of the return value. * arima() and makeARIMA() get a new optional argument SSinit, allowing the choice of a different *s*tate *s*pace initialization which has been observed to be more reliable close to non-stationarity. * warning() has a new argument noBreaks., to simplify post-processing of output with options(warn = 1). * pushBack() gains an argument encoding, to support reading of UTF-8 characters using scan(), read.table() and related functions in a non-UTF-8 locale. * all.equal.list() gets a new argument use.names which by default labels differing components by names (if they match) rather than by integer index. Saved R output in packages may need to be updated. * The methods for all.equal() and attr.all.equal() now have argument check.attributes after ... so it cannot be partially nor positionally matched (as it has been, unintentionally). A side effect is that some previously undetected errors of passing empty arguments (no object between commas) to all.equal() are detected and reported. There are explicit checks that check.attributes is logical, tolerance is numeric and scale is NULL or numeric. This catches some unintended positional matching. The message for all.equal.numeric() reports a "scaled difference" only for scale != 1. * all.equal() now has a "POSIXt" method replacing the "POSIXct" method. * The "Date" and "POSIXt" methods of seq() allows by = "quarter" for completeness (by = "3 months" always worked). * file.path() removes any trailing separator on Windows, where they are invalid (although sometimes accepted). This is intended to enhance the portability of code written by those using POSIX file systems (where a trailing / can be used to confine path matching to directories). * New function agrepl() which like grepl() returns a logical vector. * fifo() is now supported on Windows. * sort.list(method = "radix") now allows negative integers * Some functionality of print.ts() is now available in .preformat.ts() for more modularity. * mcparallel() gains an option detach = TRUE which allows execution of code independently of the current session. It is based on a new estranged = TRUE argument to mcfork() which forks child processes such that they become independent of the parent process. * The pdf() device omits circles and text at extremely small sizes, since some viewers were failing on such files. * The rightmost break for the "months", "quarters" and "years" cases of hist.POSIXlt() has been increased by a day. * The handling of DF[i,] <- a where i is of length 0 is improved. * hclust() gains a new method "ward.D2" which implements Ward's method correctly. The previous "ward" method is "ward.D" now, with the old name still working. Thanks to research and proposals by Pierre Legendre. * The sunspot.month dataset has been amended and updated from the official source, whereas the sunspots and sunspot.year datasets will remain immutable. The documentation and source links have been updated correspondingly. * The summary() method for "lm" fits warns if the fit is essentially perfect, as most of the summary may be computed inaccurately (and with platform-dependent values). Programmers who use summary() in order to extract just a component which will be reliable (e.g. $cov.unscaled) should wrap their calls in suppressWarnings().
2014-03-14Update to R 3.0.3. update from wen heping.markd5-136/+0
CHANGES IN R 3.0.3: NEW FEATURES: * On Windows there is support for making .texi manuals using texinfo 5.0 or later: the setting is in file src/gnuwin32/MkRules.dist. A packaging of the Perl script and modules for texinfo 5.2 has been made available at <URL:>. * write.table() now handles matrices of 2^31 or more elements, for those with large amounts of patience and disc space. * There is a new function, La_version(), to report the version of LAPACK in use. * The HTML version of 'An Introduction to R' now has links to PNG versions of the figures. * There is some support to produce manuals in ebook formats. (See doc/manual/Makefile. Suggested by Mauro Cavalcanti.) * On a Unix-alike Sys.timezone() returns NA if the environment variable TZ is unset, to distinguish it from an empty string which on some OSes means the UTC time zone. * The backtick may now be escaped in strings, to allow names containing them to be constructed, e.g. `\``. * read.table(), readLines() and scan() now warn when an embedded nul is found in the input. * KalmanForecast(fast = FALSE) is now the default, and the help contains an example of how fast = TRUE can be used in this version. (The usage will change in 3.1.0.) * strptime() now checks the locale only when locale-specific formats are used and caches the locale in use: this can halve the time taken on OSes with slow system functions (e.g. OS X). * strptime() and the format() methods for classes "POSIXct", "POSIXlt" and "Date" recognize strings with marked encodings: this allows, for example, UTF-8 French month names to be read on (French) Windows. * iconv(to = "utf8") is now accepted on all platforms (some implementations did already, but GNU libiconv did not: however converted strings were not marked as being in UTF-8). The official name, "UTF-8" is still preferred. * available.packages() is better protected against corrupt metadata files. * Finalizers are marked to be run at garbage collection, but run only at a somewhat safer later time (when interrupts are checked). This circumvents some problems with finalizers running arbitrary code during garbage collection (the known instances being running options() and (C-level) path.expand() re-entrantly).
2014-02-06Update to R 3.0.2markd2-79/+0
* The NEWS files have been re-organized. This file contains news for R >= 3.0.0: news for the 0.x.y, 1.x.y and 2.x.y releases is in files NEWS.0, NEWS.1 and NEWS.2. The latter files are now installed when R is installed. An HTML version of news from 2.10.0 to 2.15.3 is available as doc/html/NEWS.2.html. * sum() for integer arguments now uses an integer accumulator of at least 64 bits and so will be more accurate in the very rare case that a cumulative sum exceeds 2^53 (necessarily summing more than 4 million elements). * The example() and tools::Rd2ex() functions now have parameters to allow them to ignore \dontrun markup in examples. (Suggested by Peter Solymos.) * str(x) is considerably faster for very large lists, or factors with 100,000 levels, the latter as in PR#15337. * col2rgb() now converts factors to character strings not integer codes (suggested by Bryan Hanson). * tail(warnings()) now works, via the new `[` method. * There is now support for the LaTeX style file zi4.sty which has in some distributions replaced inconsolata.sty. * unlist(x) now typically returns all non-list xs unchanged, not just the "vector" ones. Consequently, format(lst) now also works when the list lst has non-vector elements. * The tools::getVignetteInfo() function has been added to give information about installed vignettes. * New assertCondition(), etc. utilities in tools, useful for testing. * Profiling now records non-inlined calls from byte-compiled code to BUILTIN functions. * Various functions in stats and elsewhere that use non-standard evaluation are now more careful to follow the namespace scoping rules. E.g. stats::lm() can now find stats::model.frame() even if stats is not on the search path or if some package defines a function of that name. * If an invalid/corrupt .Random.seed object is encountered in the workspace it is ignored with a warning rather than giving an error. (This allows R itself to rely on a working RNG, e.g. to choose a random port.) * seq() and give more explicit error messages if called with invalid (e.g. NaN) inputs. * When parse() finds a syntax error, it now makes partial parse information available up to the location of the error. (Request of Reijo Sund.) * Methods invoked by NextMethod() had a different dynamic parent to the generic. This was causing trouble where S3 methods invoked via lazy evaluation could lose track of their generic. (PR#15267) * Code for the negative binomial distribution now treats the case size == 0 as a one-point distribution at zero. * abbreviate() handles without warning non-ASCII input strings which require no abbreviation. * read.dcf() no longer has a limit of 8191 bytes per line. (Wish of PR#15250.) * formatC(x) no longer copies the class of x to the result, to avoid misuse creating invalid objects as in PR#15303. A warning is given if a class is discarded. * Dataset npk has been copied from MASS to allow more tests to be run without recommended packages being installed. * The initialization of the regression coefficients for non-degenerate differenced models in arima() has been changed and in some examples avoids a local maximum. (PR#15396) * termplot() now has an argument transform.x to control the display of individual terms in the plot. (PR#15329) * format() now supports digits = 0, to display nsmall decimal places. * There is a new read-only par() parameter called "page", which returns a logical value indicating whether the next call will start a new page. * Processing Sweave and Rd documents to PDF now renders backticks * utils::modifyList() gets a new argument keep.null allowing NULL components in the replacement to be retained, instead of causing corresponding components to be deleted. * tools::pkgVignettes() gains argument check; if set to TRUE, it will warn when it appears a vignette requests a non-existent vignette engine.
2014-01-13Exclude 64-bit system library paths on SunOS.jperkin1-1/+10
2014-01-09Do not include system library paths in R_LD_LIBRARY_PATH, picking up systemjperkin1-1/+12
libraries when previously preferring libraries from pkgsrc causes conflicts. Fixes build on SmartOS where the platform /usr/lib/ for legacy applications conflicts with GCC libraries from pkgsrc.
2013-12-15FreeBSD 9 lacks the same set of functions as NetBSD 6.asau3-9/+9
2013-08-19Texinfo 5.1 fixes.jperkin2-0/+79
2013-08-13Update to R 3.0.1markd7-28/+93
Changes: many new features and bug fixes. See NEWS file for details.
2013-05-05Use -Wl,-export-dynamic, not plain -export-dynamic. Fix powl and relatedjoerg1-8/+60
autoconf test.
2012-12-17Update to 2.15.1wen3-48/+55
Approved by wiz@ Upstream changes: CHANGES IN R VERSION 2.15.1: NEW FEATURES: o source() now uses withVisible() rather than .Internal(eval.with.vis). This sometimes alters tracebacks slightly. o install.packages("pkg_version.tgz") on Mac OS X now has sanity checks that this is actually a binary package (as people have tried it with incorrectly named source packages). o splineDesign() and spline.des() in package splines have a new option sparse which can be used for efficient construction of a sparse B-spline design matrix (_via_ Matrix). o norm() now allows type = "2" (the 'spectral' or 2-norm) as well, mainly for didactical completeness. o pmin() and pmax()) now also work when one of the inputs is of length zero and others are not, returning a zero-length vector, analogously to, say, +. o colorRamp() (and hence colorRampPalette()) now also works for the boundary case of just one color when the ramp is flat. o qqline() has new optional arguments distribution, probs and qtype, following the example of lattice's panel.qqmathline(). o .C() gains some protection against the misuse of character vector arguments. (An all too common error is to pass character(N), which initializes the elements to "", and then attempt to edit the strings in-place, sometimes forgetting to terminate them.) o Calls to the new function globalVariables() in package utils declare that functions and other objects in a package should be treated as globally defined, so that CMD check will not note them. o print(packageDescription(*)) trims the Collate field by default. o The included copy of zlib has been updated to version 1.2.7. o A new option "show.error.locations" has been added. When set to TRUE, error messages will contain the location of the most recent call containing source reference information. (Other values are supported as well; see ?options.) o The NA warning messages from e.g. pchisq() now report the call to the closure and not that of the .Internal. o Added Polish translations by <c5><81>ukasz Daniel. PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENTS: o In package parallel, makeForkCluster() and the multicore-based functions use native byte-order for serialization (deferred from 2.15.0). o, lm.wfit(), and lsfit() do less copying of objects, mainly by using .Call() rather than .Fortran(). o .C() and .Fortran() do less copying: arguments which are raw, logical, integer, real or complex vectors and are unnamed are not copied before the call, and (named or not) are not copied after the call. Lists are no longer copied (they are supposed to be used read-only in the C code). o tabulate() makes use of .C(DUP = FALSE) and hence does not copy bin. (Suggested by Tim Hesterberg.) It also avoids making a copy of a factor argument bin. o Other functions (often or always) doing less copying include cut(), dist(), the complex case of eigen(), hclust(), image(), kmeans(), loess(), stl() and svd(LINPACK = TRUE). o There is less copying when using primitive replacement functions such as names(), attr() and attributes(). DEPRECATED AND DEFUNCT: o The converters for use with .C() (see ?getCConverterDescriptions) are deprecated: use the .Call() interface instead. There are no known examples (they were never fully documented). UTILITIES: o For R CMD check, a few people have reported problems with junctions on Windows (although they were tested on Windows 7, XP and Server 2008 machines and it is unknown under what circumstances the problems occur). Setting the environment variable R_WIN_NO_JUNCTIONS to a non-empty value (e.g. in ~/.R/check.Renviron) will force copies to be used instead. INSTALLATION: o R CMD INSTALL with _R_CHECK_INSTALL_DEPENDS_ set to a true value (as done by R CMD check --as-cran) now restricts the packages available when lazy-loading as well as when test-loading (since packages such as ETLUtils and agsemisc had top-level calls to library() for undeclared packages). This check is now also available on Windows. C-LEVEL FACILITIES: o C entry points mkChar and mkCharCE now check that the length of the string they are passed does not exceed 2^31-1 bytes: they used to overflow with unpredictable consequences. o C entry points R_GetCurrentSrcref and R_GetSrcFilename have been added to the API to allow debuggers access to the source references on the stack. WINDOWS-SPECIFIC CHANGES: o Windows-specific changes will now be announced in this file (NEWS). Changes up and including R 2.15.0 remain in the CHANGES file. o There are two new environment variables which control the defaults for command-line options. If R_WIN_INTERNET2 is set to a non-empty value, it is as if --internet2 was used. If R_MAX_MEM_SIZE is set, it gives the default memory limit if --max-mem-size is not specified: invalid values being ignored. BUG FIXES: o lsfit() lost the names from the residuals. o More cases in which merge() could create a data frame with duplicate column names now give warnings. Cases where names specified in by match multiple columns are errors. o Nonsense uses such as seq(1:50, by = 5) (from package plotrix) and, by = 5) are now errors. o The residuals in the 5-number summary printed by summary() on an "lm" object are now explicitly labelled as weighted residuals when non-constant weights are present. (Wish of PR#14840.) o tracemem() reported that all objects were copied by .C() or .Fortran() whereas only some object types were ever copied. It also reported and marked as copies _some_ transformations such as rexp(n, x): it no longer does so. o The plot() method for class "stepfun" only used the optional xval argument to compute xlim and not the points at which to plot (as documented). (PR#14864) o Names containing characters which need to be escaped were not deparsed properly. (PR#14846) o Trying to update (recommended) packages in R_HOME/library without write access is now dealt with more gracefully. Further, such package updates may be skipped (with a warning), when a newer installed version is already going to be used from .libPaths(). (PR#14866) o hclust() is now fast again (as up to end of 2003), with a different fix for the "median"/"centroid" problem. (PR#4195). o get_all_vars() failed when the data came entirely from vectors in the global environment. (PR#14847) o R CMD check with _R_CHECK_NO_RECOMMENDED_ set to a true value (as done by the --as-cran option) could issue false errors if there was an indirect dependency on a recommended package. o formatC() uses the C entry point str_signif which could write beyond the length allocated for the output string. o Missing default argument added to implicit S4 generic for backsolve(). (PR#14883) o Some bugs have been fixed in handling load actions that could fail to export assigned items or generate spurious warnings in CMD check on loading. o For tiff(type = "windows"), the numbering of per-page files except the last was off by one. o On Windows, loading package stats (which is done for a default session) would switch line endings on stdout and stderr from CRLF to LF. This affected Rterm and R CMD BATCH. o On Windows, the compatibility function x11() had not kept up with changes to windows(), and issued warnings about bad parameters. (PR#14880) o On Windows, the Sys.glob() function did not handle UNC paths as it was designed to try to do. (PR#14884) o In package parallel, clusterApply() and similar failed to handle a (pretty pointless) length-1 argument. (PR#14898) o Quartz Cocoa display reacted asynchronously to dev.flush() which means that the redraw could be performed after the plot has been already modified by subsequent code. The redraw is now done synchronously in dev.flush() to allow animations without sleep cycles. o Source locations reported in traceback() were incorrect when byte-compiled code was on the stack. o plogis(x, lower = FALSE, log.p = TRUE) no longer underflows early for large x (e.g. 800). o ?Arithmetic's "1 ^ y and y ^ 0 are 1, _always_" now also applies for integer vectors y. o X11-based pixmap devices like png(type = "Xlib") were trying to set the cursor style, which triggered some warnings and hangs. o Code executed by the built-in HTTP server no longer allows other HTTP clients to re-enter R until the current worker evaluation finishes, to prevent cascades. o The plot() and Axis() methods for class "table" now respect graphical parameters such as cex.axis. (Reported by Martin Becker.) o Under some circumstances package.skeleton() would give out progress reports that could not be translated and so were displayed by question marks. Now they are always in English. (This was seen for CJK locales on Windows, but may have occurred elsewhere.) o The evaluator now keeps track of source references outside of functions, e.g. when source() executes a script. o The replacement method for window() now works correctly for multiple time series of class "mts". (PR#14925) o is.unsorted() gave incorrect results on non-atomic objects such as data frames. (Reported by Matthew Dowle.) o The value returned by tools::psnice() for invalid pid values was not always NA as documented. o Closing an X11() window while locator() was active could abort the R process. o getMethod(f, sig) produced an incorrect error message in some cases when f was not a string). o Using a string as a "call" in an error condition with options(showErrorCalls=TRUE) could cause a segfault. (PR#14931) o The string "infinity" allowed by C99 was not accepted as a numerical string value by e.g. scan() and as.character(). (PR#14933) o In legend(), setting some entries of lwd to NA was inconsistent (depending on the graphics device) in whether it would suppress those lines; now it consistently does so. (PR#14926) o by() failed for a zero-row data frame. (Reported by Weiqiang Qian) o Yates correction in chisq.test() could be bigger than the terms it corrected, previously leading to an infinite test statistic in some corner cases which are now reported as NaN. o xgettext() and related functions sometimes returned items that were not strings for translation. (PR#14935) o plot(<lm>, which=5) now correctly labels the factor level combinations for the special case where all h[i,i] are the same. (PR#14837) CHANGES IN R VERSION 2.15.0: SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES: o The behaviour of unlink(recursive = TRUE) for a symbolic link to a directory has changed: it now removes the link rather than the directory contents (just as rm -r does). On Windows it no longer follows reparse points (including junctions and symbolic links). NEW FEATURES: o Environment variable RD2DVI_INPUTENC has been renamed to RD2PDF_INPUTENC. o .Deprecated() becomes a bit more flexible, getting an old argument. o Even data-only packages without R code need a namespace and so may need to be installed under R 2.14.0 or later. o assignInNamespace() has further restrictions on use apart from at top-level, as its help page has warned. Expect it to be disabled from programmatic use in the future. o system() and system2() when capturing output report a non-zero status in the new "status" attribute. o kronecker() now has an S4 generic in package methods on which packages can set methods. It will be invoked by X %x% Y if either X or Y is an S4 object. o pdf() accepts forms like file = "|lpr" in the same way as postscript(). o pdf() accepts file = NULL. This means that the device does NOT create a PDF file (but it can still be queried, e.g., for font metric info). o format() (and hence print()) on "bibentry" objects now uses options("width") to set the output width. o legend() gains a text.font argument. (Suggested by Tim Paine, PR#14719.) o nchar() and nzchar() no longer accept factors (as integer vectors). (Wish of PR#6899.) o summary() behaves slightly differently (or more precisely, its print() method does). For numeric inputs, the number of NAs is printed as an integer and not a real. For dates and datetimes, the number of NAs is included in the printed output (the latter being the wish of PR#14720). The "data.frame" method is more consistent with the default method: in particular it now applies zapsmall() to numeric/complex summaries. o The number of items retained with options(warn = 0) can be set by options(nwarnings=). o There is a new function assignInMyNamespace() which uses the namespace of the function it is called from. o attach() allows the default name for an attached file to be overridden. o bxp(), the work horse of boxplot(), now uses a more sensible default xlim in the case where at is specified differently from 1:n, see the discussion on R-devel, <URL:>. o New function paste0(), an efficient version of paste(*, sep=""), to be used in many places for more concise (and slightly more efficient) code. o Function setClass() in package methods now returns, invisibly, a generator function for the new class, slightly preferred to calling new(), as explained on the setClass help page. o The "dendrogram" method of str() now takes its default for last.str from option str.dendrogram.last. o New simple fitted() method for "kmeans" objects. o The traceback() function can now be called with an integer argument, to display a current stack trace. (Wish of PR#14770.) o setGeneric() calls can be simplified when creating a new generic function by supplying the default method as the def argument. See ?setGeneric. o serialize() has a new option xdr = FALSE which will use the native byte-order for binary serializations. In scenarios where only little-endian machines are involved (these days, close to universal) and (un)serialization takes an appreciable amount of time this may speed up noticeably transferring data between systems. o The internal (un)serialization code is faster for long vectors, particularly with XDR on some platforms. (Based on a suggested patch by Michael Spiegel.) o For consistency, circles with zero radius are omitted by points() and Previously this was device-dependent, but they were usually invisible. o NROW(x) and NCOL(x) now work whenever dim(x) looks appropriate, e.g., also for more generalized matrices. o PCRE has been updated to version 8.30. o The internal R_Srcref variable is now updated before the browser stops on entering a function. (Suggestion of PR#14818.) o There are 'bare-bones' functions .colSums(), .rowSums(), .colMeans() and .rowMeans() for use in programming where ultimate speed is required. o The formerly internal function .package_dependencies() from package tools for calculating (recursive) (reverse) dependencies on package databases has been renamed to package_dependencies() and is now exported. o There is a new function optimHess() to compute the (approximate) Hessian for an optim() solution if hessian = TRUE was forgotten. o .filled.contour() is a 'bare-bones' function to add a filled-contour rectangular plot to an already prepared plot region. o The stepping in debugging and single-step browsing modes has changed slightly: now left braces at the start of the body are stepped over for if statements as well as for for and while statements. (Wish of PR#14814.) o library() no longer warns about a conflict with a function from package:base if the function has the same code as the base one but with a different environment. (An example is Matrix::det().) o When deparsing very large language objects, as.character() now inserts newlines after each line of approximately 500 bytes, rather than truncating to the first line. o New function rWishart() generates Wishart-distributed random matrices. o Packages may now specify actions to be taken when the package is loaded (setLoadActions()). o options(max.print = Inf) and similar now give an error (instead of warnings later). o The "difftime" replacement method of units tries harder to preserve other attributes of the argument. (Wish of PR#14839.) o poly(raw = TRUE) no longer requires more unique points than the degree. (Requested by John Fox.) PACKAGE parallel: o There is a new function mcmapply(), a parallel version of mapply(), and a wrapper mcMap(), a parallel version of Map(). o A default cluster can be registered by the new function setDefaultCluster(): this will be used by default in functions such as parLapply(). o clusterMap() has a new argument .scheduling to allow the use of load-balancing. o There are new load-balancing functions parLapplyLB() and parSapplyLB(). o makePSOCKCluster() has a new option useXDR = FALSE which can be used to avoid byte-shuffling for serialization when all the nodes are known to be little-endian (or all big-endian). PACKAGE INSTALLATION: o Non-ASCII vignettes without a declared encoding are no longer accepted. o C/C++ code in packages is now compiled with -NDEBUG to mitigate against the C/C++ function assert being called in production use. Developers can turn this off during package development with PKG_CPPFLAGS = -UNDEBUG. o R CMD INSTALL has a new option --dsym which on Mac OS X (Darwin) dumps the symbols alongside the .so file: this is helpful when debugging with valgrind (and especially when installing packages into R.framework). [This can also be enabled by setting the undocumented environment variable PKG_MAKE_DSYM, since R 2.12.0.] o R CMD INSTALL will test loading under all installed sub-architectures even for packages without compiled code, unless the flag --no-multiarch is used. (Pure R packages can do things which are architecture-dependent: in the case which prompted this, looking for an icon in a Windows R executable.) o There is a new option install.packages(type = "both") which tries source packages if binary packages are not available, on those platforms where the latter is the default. o The meaning of install.packages(dependencies = TRUE) has changed: it now means to install the essential dependencies of the named packages plus the Suggests, but only the essential dependencies of dependencies. To get the previous behaviour, specify dependencies as a character vector. o R CMD INSTALL --merge-multiarch is now supported on OS X and other Unix-alikes using multiple sub-architectures. o R CMD INSTALL --libs-only now by default does a test load on Unix-alikes as well as on Windows: suppress with --no-test-load. UTILITIES: o R CMD check now gives a warning rather than a note if it finds inefficiently compressed datasets. With bzip2 and xz compression having been available since R 2.10.0, it only exceptionally makes sense to not use them. The environment variable _R_CHECK_COMPACT_DATA2_ is no longer consulted: the check is always done if _R_CHECK_COMPACT_DATA_ has a true value (its default). o Where multiple sub-architectures are to be tested, R CMD check now runs the examples and tests for all the sub-architectures even if one fails. o R CMD check can optionally report timings on various parts of the check: this is controlled by environment variable _R_CHECK_TIMINGS_ documented in 'Writing R Extensions'. Timings (in the style of R CMD BATCH) are given at the foot of the output files from running each test and the R code in each vignette. o There are new options for more rigorous testing by R CMD check selected by environment variables - see the 'Writing R Extensions' manual. o R CMD check now warns (rather than notes) on undeclared use of other packages in examples and tests: increasingly people are using the metadata in the DESCRIPTION file to compute information about packages, for example reverse dependencies. o The defaults for some of the options in R CMD check (described in the 'R Internals' manual) have changed: checks for unsafe and .Internal() calls and for partial matching of arguments in R function calls are now done by default. o R CMD check has more comprehensive facilities for checking compiled code and so gives fewer reports on entry points linked into .so/.dll files from libraries (including C++ and Fortran runtimes). Checking compiled code is now done on FreeBSD (as well as the existing supported platforms of Linux, Mac OS X, Solaris and Windows). o R CMD build has more options for --compact-vignettes: see R CMD build --help. o R CMD build has a new option --md5 to add an MD5 file (as done by CRAN): this is used by R CMD INSTALL to check the integrity of the distribution. If this option is not specified, any existing (and probably stale) MD5 file is removed. DEPRECATED AND DEFUNCT: o R CMD Rd2dvi is now defunct: use R CMD Rd2pdf. o Options such --max-nsize, --max-vsize and the function mem.limits() are now defunct. (Options --min-nsize and --min-vsize remain available.) o Use of library.dynam() without specifying all the first three arguments is now disallowed. Use of an argument chname in library.dynam() including the extension .so or .dll (which was never allowed according to the help page) is defunct. This also applies to library.dynam.unload() and to useDynLib directives in NAMESPACE files. o The internal functions .readRDS() and .saveRDS() are now defunct. o The off-line help() types "postscript" and "ps" are defunct. o Sys.putenv(), replaced and deprecated in R 2.5.0, is finally removed. o Some functions/objects which have been defunct for five or more years have been removed completely. These include .Alias(), La.chol(), La.chol2inv(), La.eigen(), Machine(), Platform(), Version, codes(), delay(), format.char(), getenv(), httpclient(), loadURL(), machine(), parse.dcf(), printNoClass(), provide(), read.table.url(), restart(), scan.url(), symbol.C(), symbol.For() and unix(). o The ENCODING argument to .C() is deprecated. It was intended to smooth the transition to multi-byte character strings, but can be replaced by the use of iconv() in the rare cases where it is still needed. INSTALLATION: o Building with a positive value of --with-valgrind-instrumentation now also instruments logical, complex and raw vectors. C-LEVEL FACILITIES: o Passing R objects other than atomic vectors, functions, lists and environments to .C() is now deprecated and will give a warning. Most cases (especially NULL) are actually coding errors. NULL will be disallowed in future. .C() now passes a pairlist as a SEXP to the compiled code. This is as was documented, but pairlists were in reality handled differently as a legacy from the early days of R. o call_R and call_S are deprecated. They still exist in the headers and as entry points, but are no longer documented and should not be used for new code. BUG FIXES: o str(x, width) now obeys its width argument also for function headers and other objects x where deparse() is applied. o The convention for x %/% 0L for integer-mode x has been changed from 0L to NA_integer_. (PR#14754) o The exportMethods directive in a NAMESPACE file now exports S4 generics as necessary, as the extensions manual said it does. The manual has also been updated to be a little more informative on this point. It is now required that there is an S4 generic (imported or created in the package) when methods are to be exported. o Reference methods cannot safely use non-exported entries in the namespace. We now do not do so, and warn in the documentation. o The namespace import code was warning when identical S4 generic functions were imported more than once, but should not (reported by Brian Ripley, then Martin Morgan). o merge() is no longer allowed (in some ways) to create a data frame with duplicate column names (which confused PR#14786). o Fixes for rendering raster images on X11 and Windows devices when the x-axis or y-axis scale is reversed. o getAnywhere() found S3 methods as seen from the utils namespace and not from the environment from which it was called. o selectMethod(f, sig) would not return inherited group methods when caching was off (as it is by default). o dev.copy2pdf(out.type = "cairo") gave an error. (PR#14827) o Virtual classes (e.g., class unions) had a NULL prototype even if that was not a legal subclass. See ?setClassUnion. o The C prototypes for zdotc and zdotu in R_ext/BLAS.h have been changed to the more modern style rather than that used by f2c. (Patch by Berwin Turlach.) o isGeneric() produced an error for primitives that can not have methods. o .C() or .Fortran() had a lack-of-protection error if the registration information resulted in an argument being coerced to another type. o boxplot(x=x, at=at) with non finite elements in x and non integer at could not generate a warning but failed. o heatmap(x, symm=TRUE, RowSideColors=*) no longer draws the colors in reversed order. o predict(<ar>) was incorrect in the multivariate case, for p >= 2. o print(x, max=m) is now consistent when x is a "Date"; also the "reached ... max.print .." messages are now consistently using single brackets. o Closed the <li> tag in pages generated by Rd2HTML(). (PR#14841.) o Axis tick marks could go out of range when a log scale was used. (PR#14833.) o Signature objects in methods were not allocated as S4 objects (caused a problem with trace() reported by Martin Morgan).
2012-08-02Use the correct linker flags on Solaris/GCC.jperkin1-13/+36
Fixes Solaris 64-bit build.
2012-04-15Update to 2.14.2markd1-26/+0
CHANGES IN R VERSION 2.14.2: NEW FEATURES: o The internal untar() (as used by default by R CMD INSTALL) now knows about some pax headers which bsdtar (e.g., the default tar for Mac OS >= 10.6) can incorrectly include in tar files, and will skip them with a warning. o Function compactPDF() in package tools now takes the default for argument gs_quality from environment variable GS_QUALITY: there is a new value "none", the ultimate default, which prevents GhostScript being used in preference to qpdf just because environment variable R_GSCMD is set. If R_GSCMD is unset or set to "", the function will try to find a suitable GhostScript executable. o For consistency with the logLik() method, nobs() for "nls" files now excludes observations with zero weight. (Reported by Berwin Turlach.) UTILITIES: o R CMD check now reports by default on licenses not according to the description in 'Writing R Extensions'. o R CMD check has a new option --as-cran to turn on most of the customizations that CRAN uses for its incoming checks. PACKAGE INSTALLATION: o R CMD INSTALL will now no longer install certain file types from inst/doc: these are almost certainly mistakes and for some packages are wasting a lot of space. + BUG FIXES CHANGES IN R VERSION 2.14.1: NEW FEATURES: o parallel::detectCores() is now able to find the number of physical cores (rather than CPUs) on Sparc Solaris. It can also do so on most versions of Windows; however the default remains detectCores(logical = TRUE) on that platform. o Reference classes now keep a record of which fields are locked. $lock() with no arguments returns the names of the locked fields. o HoltWinters() reports a warning rather than an error for some optimization failures (where the answer might be a reasonable one). o tools::dependsOnPkg() now accepts the shorthand dependencies = "all". o parallel::clusterExport() now allows specification of an environment from which to export. o The quartz() device now does tilde expansion on its file argument. o Option print in Sweave's RweaveLatex() driver now emulates auto-printing rather than printing (which can differ for an S4 object by calling show() rather than print()). o filled.contour() now accepts infinite values: previously it might have generated invalid graphics files (e.g. containing NaN values). + BUG FIXES
2012-03-06Fix build with pcre-8.30+.wiz1-0/+26
Based on patch by Petr Pisar <>
2011-12-18math/R: Expand NetBSD floorl patch to DragonFlymarino1-3/+3
DragonFly has the same math limitations as NetBSD, so it needs the same fix.
2011-11-20Update R to 2.14.0markd3-25/+95
changes to many to list - see NEWS file in distribution for details.
2010-05-06Changes 2.11.0:adam3-170/+18
* Packages must have been installed under R >= 2.10.0, as the current help system is the only one now supported. * A port to 64-bit Windows is now available as well as binary package repositiories: see the 'R Administration and Installation Manual'. * Argument matching for primitive functions is now done in the same way as for interpreted functions except for the deliberate exceptions call switch .C .Fortran .Call .External all of which use positional matching for their first argument, and also some internal-use-only primitives. * The default device for command-line R at the console on Mac OS X is now quartz() and not X11(). New features * The 'open' modes for connections are now interpreted more consistently. * R CMD INSTALL now uses the internal untar() in package utils. * help(try.all.packages = TRUE) is much faster. * R CMD check has a new option '--timings' to record per-example timings in file <pkg>.Rcheck/<pkg>-Ex.timings. * The TRE library has been updated to version 0.8.0 (minor bugfixes). More...
2009-12-24patch-ae is not needed any moreadam1-41/+0
2009-12-11Changes 2.10.0:adam3-23/+21
* Package help is now converted from Rd by the R-based converters that were first introduced in 2.9.0. * HTML help is now generated dynamically using an HTTP server running in the R process and listening on the loopback interface. * polygon(), pdf() and postscript() now have a parameter 'fillOddEven' (default FALSE), which controls the mode used for polygon fills of self-intersecting shapes. * New debugonce() function; further, getOption("deparse.max.lines") is now observed when debugging. * plot() methods for "stepfun" and hence "ecdf" no longer plot points by default for n >= 1000. * [g]sub(*, perl=TRUE) now also supports '\E' in order to *end* \U and \L case changes, thanks to a patch from Bill Dunlap. * factor(), `levels<-`(), etc, now ensure that the resulting factor levels are unique (as was always the implied intention). Factors with duplicated levels are still constructible by low-level means, but are now declared illegal. * New print() (S3) method for class "function", also used for auto-printing. Further, .Primitive functions now print and auto-print identically. * The print() and toLatex() methods for class "sessionInfo" now show the locale in a nicer format and have arguments to suppress locale information. * In addition to previously only round(), there are other 'Math' group (S3) methods for 'difftime', such as floor(), signif(), abs(), etc. * For completeness, old.packages() and available.packages() allow 'type' to be specified (you could always specify 'available' or 'contriburl'). * More...
2008-08-31Fix for from R svn.markd1-0/+41
2008-04-26Update to 2.7.0markd2-161/+39
SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o The default graphics device in non-interactive use is now pdf() rather than postscript(). [PDF viewers are now more widely available than PostScript viewers.] The default width and height for pdf() and bitmap() have been changed to 7 (inches) to match the screen devices. o Most users of the X11() device will see a new device that has different fonts, anti-aliasing of lines and fonts and supports semi-transparent colours. o Considerable efforts have been made to make the default output from graphics devices as similar as possible (and in particular close to that from postscript/pdf). Many devices were misinterpreting 'pointsize' in some way, for example as being in device units (pixels) rather than in points. o Packages which include graphics devices need to be re-installed for this version of R, with recently updated versions. + New features and bug fixes.
2008-03-15Update to R 2.6.2.markd2-58/+28
Changes are basically bugfixes. pkgsrc changes: Don't bother patching - it was only part of the changes being made to configure so don't pretend you could use it to regerate configure. Use -fPIC rather than -fpic for NetBSD powerpc. Should fix PR 38032.
2008-03-07+ Remove modifications to and configure in patch-aa andjlam2-163/+2
patch-ac that altered the order in which the terminal library for readline was detected. The file (included indirectly by readline/ will do the right thing by itself. + Modify the pkg-index.tmpl INSTALL script fragment: we can just use ${PKG_PREFIX} instead of substituting for @PREFIX@ everywhere. Also refactor the commands to rebuild the package index into a shell function and give some indication to the user what is happening. + Remove chown operation in post-install that was basically cargo-culted from the very first version of R imported into pkgsrc. It's not necessary. + Support user-destdir installation. Bump the PKGREVISION to 2.
2007-11-03Update R to version 2.6.0markd2-116/+136
Many new features, changes and bug fixes. See lib/R/doc/NEWS for details.
2007-03-20Fix configure's handling of libblas when compiling with f2c and thereforemarkd1-2/+33
remove conditional PLIST entry no longer required. Bump PKGREVISION.
2007-03-14Update R to version 2.4.1.markd3-40/+40
pkgsrc changes: no longer automatically generate the PLIST. use (de)install templates for handling updating the index files when adding/removing R packages. Changes 2.4.1 This is a maintenance release and fixes a number of mostly minor bugs. Changes 2.4.0 This release has many new features. One important aspect is that S4 classes now have their own internal type, and S4 method dispatch has been completely revised to using cached generic functions, giving substantial performance improvements. As a consequence, all packages depending on "methods" need to be reinstalled.
2006-06-13Update to R 2.3.1markd5-97/+71
This version contains several minor fixups and removes a couple of bad bugs such as NA-handling of mean() for integer vectors. Changes 2.3.0 This version contains several changes and additions, mostly incremental.
2006-02-26Patch from R's svn trunk. Should fix build on NetBSD 1.6.2.markd1-0/+24
2006-02-04test -z $foo -> test -z "$foo"markd1-23/+44
fixes build on Solaris.
2005-12-29Update R to 2.2.1markd1-25/+0
USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o options("expressions") has been reduced to 1000: the limit of 5000 introduced in 2.1.0 was liable to give crashes from C stack overflow. NEW FEATURES o Use of 'pch' (e.g. in points) in the symbol font 5 is now interpreted in the single-byte encoding used by that font. Similarly, strwidth now recognizes that font 5 has a different encoding from that of the locale. (These are likely to affect the answer only in MBCS locales such as UTF-8.) o The URW font metrics have been updated to versions from late 2002 which cover more glyphs, including Cyrillic. o New postscript encodings for CP1250 (Windows East European), ISO Latin-7 (8859-13, Latvian, Lithuanian and Maori), Cyrillic (8859-5), KOI8-R, KOI8-U and CP1251. o configure has more support for the Intel and Portland Group compilers on ix86 and x86_64 Linux. o R CMD INSTALL will clean up if interrupted (e.g. by ctrl-C from the keyboard). o There is now a comprehensive French translation of the messages, thanks to Philippe Grosjean. DEPRECATED & DEFUNCT o The undocumented use of atan() with two arguments is deprecated: instead use atan2() (as documented). o The 'vfont' argument of axis() and mtext() is deprecated (it currently warns and does nothing). o The function mauchley.test() is deprecated (was a misspelling) and replaced by mauchly.test() Many BUG FIXES
2005-12-19avoid computed static constant (which was in any case the wrong value)markd1-0/+25
in log1p(). From R svn. Should fix build on NetBSD-1.6.2.
2005-12-11Update R to 2.2.0markd6-75/+10
Changes: This version contains several changes and additions, mostly incremental.
2005-12-01- correctly depend on devel/gettext-lib, bump revision for thisjoerg7-12/+189
- this uses libtool, tell the framework so - don't declare alloca on DragonFly, it conflicts with system headers - patch libtool.m4 fragment for DrgaonFly
2005-05-02update to 2.1.0drochner3-37/+37
too many changes to list here ...still doesn't work within TEXmacs
2004-11-24Make bulk build happy by fixing up the rpath. Not actually an issue inmarkd1-0/+13
normal operation as the binary is always called from a wrapper script that sets LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
2004-11-18Update R to 2.0.1markd3-55/+25
Changes 2.0.1: This is a maintenance version mainly to fix a number of minor bugs and issues. Some rather nasty bugs were Windows-specific. Changes 2.0.0: Many things have changed since 1.0. The R language has acquired namespaces, exception handling constructs, formal methods and classes, much improved garbage collection, generalized I/O via connection objects, and considerable improvements in the graphics area. The user workspace has been reorganized, and so has the set of packages that ship with R. Several "recommended packages" deemed indispensable in a statistical system are bundled. In addition, there has been a large number of more specific new functions, tweaks, and bugfixes.
2004-05-07R assumes it can append to the DESCRIPTION files of each R package whilemarkd15-315/+0
building even though it uses INSTALL_DATA on them so set SHAREMODE=644 rather than have to patch an ever increasing number of files. Idea from Julio M. Merino Vidal.
2004-04-27Update R to 1.9.0 and buildlink3ifymarkd12-108/+118
USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o Underscore '_' is now allowed in syntactically valid names, and make.names() no longer changes underscores. Very old code that makes use of underscore for assignment may now give confusing error messages. o Package 'base' has been split into packages 'base', 'graphics', 'stats' and 'utils'. All four are loaded in a default installation, but the separation allows a 'lean and mean' version of R to be used for tasks such as building indices. Packages ctest, eda, modreg, mva, nls, stepfun and ts have been merged into stats, and lqs has been returned to MASS. In all cases a stub has been left that will issue a warning and ensure that the appropriate new home is loaded. All the time series datasets have been moved to package stats. Sweave has been moved to utils. Package mle has been moved to stats4 which will become the central place for statistical S4 classes and methods distributed with base R. Package mle remains as a stub. Users may notice that code in .Rprofile is run with only the new base loaded and so functions may now not be found. For example, ps.options(horizontal = TRUE) should be preceded by library(graphics) or called as graphics::ps.options or, better, set as a hook -- see ?setHook. o There has been a concerted effort to speed up the startup of an R session: it now takes about 2/3rds of the time of 1.8.1. o A warning is issued at startup in a UTF-8 locale, as currently R only supports single-byte encodings. plus many new features and bug fixes.
2004-03-30Fix build against newest X11. for some obscure reason, ↵jwise1-0/+8
src/modules/x11/dataentry.c explicitly unset NeedFunctionPrototypes, which can no longer safely be done in recent X11 sources (as _Xconst is only defined if this is set, yet is used everywhere).
2004-01-05Reintroduce reordering tests for termcap vs termlib vs ncurses andmarkd2-3/+158
make dependency on libbz2 explicit Fixes build on Solaris 8.
2003-12-19Fix building when non-root.markd1-0/+21
Closes PR pkg/23760
2003-12-03Update R to 1.8.1.markd18-343/+289
Changes since 1.6.2 Many new features. Language changes. Additional standard package 'mle'. Some old features deprecated or defunct. Many many bug fixes. Update to 1.8.0 from Ray Brownrigg in private communication, cleaned up and updated to 1.8.1 by me.
2003-01-23Update to R-1.6.2markd1-19/+24
CHANGES IN R VERSION 1.6.2 BUG FIXES o plot.stepfun() now obeys a `ylim=.' specification. o removeClass() does a better job of removing inheritance information. o setIs() will not allow mismatched representations between two classes (without an explicit coerce method). o The code underlying polygon drawing contained a memory leak. This showed up in persp, but did not affect other graphics functions. It is now possible to draw big DEMs. o logLik.nls() gave wrong df. o rbind() with a mixture of data frames and matrices treated the matrices as vectors. o stripchart(method="stack") was not handling missing values. o Arithmetic functions such as log() lost the object bit from classed objects if coercion was needed. o exp_rand would go into an infinite loop if unif_rand returned 0. o formatC(x, format="fg") could return exponential format if rounding pushed x over a positive power of 10. o attr(x, foo) used partial matching for `foo' (even though not documented to do so), and failed to find `foo' if there were two or more partial matches before the exact match in the list of attributes. o Rdconv now creates direct HTML hyperlinks when linking to documentation in the same package. The code now ensures that links which can be resolved within the package are so resolved, even when there are possible resolutions in other packages. o If readBin(what=character()) is used incorrectly on a file which does not contain C-style character strings, warnings (usually many) are now given. o Building with the zlib in the R sources was not finding the local zlib headers. o system(intern=TRUE) has an undocumented line length limit of 119 chars both on Unix and Windows. The limit is now 8096 and documented. On Unix (only) every 120th character used to be discarded. o plot.POSIX[cl]t were not passing graphics parameters on to axis.POSIXct. o On some HP-UX systems, installed scripts were not executable when using the BSD-compatible install system program found by configure. We now always use install-sh on HP-UX. o c() was converting NA names to "NA": now proper NA strings are used wherever possible. o A typo was causing segfaults when using data.entry under SuSE.
2002-12-10Update R to version 1.6.1.markd17-37/+277
Pkgsrc changes: Now builds the and provides a for packages that want to use it. From suggestions from Kent Polk. Recommended library set is now included in the base package. Changes: CHANGES IN R VERSION 1.6.1 NEW FEATURES o Added a few "trivial and obviously missing" functions to tcltk: tkchooseDirectory, tkpopup, tkdialog, tkread o barplot() has a new argument `axis.lty', which if set to 1 allows the pre-1.6.0 behaviour of plotting the axis and tick marks for the categorical axis. (This was apparently not intentional, but axis() used to ignore lty=0.) The argument `border' is no longer ".NotYetUsed". CHANGES IN R VERSION 1.6.0 USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o The default colour palette now has "grey" instead of "white" in location 8. See palette(). o grid(nx) behaves differently (but the same as in R versions <= 0.64). NEW FEATURES o Preparations for name space support: o The objects created in the methods package to represent classes, generic functions, method definitions, and inheritance relations now themselves belong to true classes. In particular, the "classRepresentation" objects follow the description in "Programming with Data" (section 7.6). o Other additions and changes to the methods package: o New methods ([[, print, str) and extended plot() method (incl. logical `horiz') for "dendrogram" class. o sprintf() now checks the agreement between formats and object types, and handles special values (NA, Inf, ...) correctly. o chol() now uses a tolerance for non-positive-definiteness and so should give more consistent results across platforms. o New function agrep() for approximate (fuzzy) string matching. o can now use both approximate (fuzzy) and regular expression matching. By default, if the pattern to be matched consists of only alphanumeric characters, whitespace or a dash, approximate matching is used. o axis() has three new optional arguments `col', `lty', and `lwd' all for drawing the axis line and tick marks. o Function vcov() (formerly in MASS), a generic function to return the variance-covariance matrix of the parameter estimates of a fitted model. o duplicated() and unique() have methods for matrices and arrays (based on ideas from Jens Oehlschl<E4>gel). o Internally memory sizes and counts of cons cells are now stored in unsigned longs. This allows memory limits to be set and objects created in the range 2-4Gb on 32-bit platforms, and allows 64-bit platforms to use much larger amounts of memory. o Command-line flags to set memory can now use the suffix `G' for gigabytes. The setting of maximum vsize is now only limited by the platform's address space. o All warning and error messages are truncated to a length set by options(warning.length=), defaulting to 1000. (Previously most (but not quite all) were truncated at 8192 characters.) o [dpqr]gamma() check for shape parameter > 0. o as.POSIX[cl]t can now convert logical NAs. o All installed packages (even those shipped with R) are given a `Built' field in the DESCRIPTION file. o now coerces logical matrices into logical columns (rather than factors). o [[< no longer coerces character replacement values to factor. This is consistent with using $ to replace and with S4. o library() attempts to detect improperly installed packages, so as from this version an installed package must have a DESCRIPTION file and that file must have been stamped with a `Built:' line (which was introduced in 1.2.0). Under Unix-alikes, the platform is checked against that used for installation. o print.factor() has new arguments `max.levels' (with a smart default) and `width'. print.ordered() is no longer needed. o RNGkind() has an additional option for normal random generators: "Inversion". o data.frame() recycles factors and "AsIs" objects as well as atomic vectors. o rect() accepts additional graphics parameters through a ... argument (in the same way as polygon). o strwidth/strheight() now coerce their first argument in exactly the same way text() does, so a wider range of inputs is allowed. o prompt()'s default and data.frame methods have a new 3rd argument `name' allowing them to used more easily in scripts and loops. o rgb() has a new `maxColorValue' argument, allowing r,g,b in [0,M], particularly in {0:255}, efficiently and non-error-prone. o summaryRprof() provides the functionality of R CMD Rprof in R code, though more slowly. o pdf() now uses PDF not R code for clipping, which ensures that partially visible text strings are (partially) shown. o Each R session uses a per-session temporary directory which is removed at normal termination. The directory name is given by the tempdir() function, and filenames returned by tempfile() will be within that directory. o help.start() on Unix now uses a .R subdirectory of the per-session temporary directory and not ~/.R. A side effect is that ~/.R is now never deleted by R. o cbind/rbind() used to ignore all zero-length vectors, an undocumented quirk for S-compatibility. This caused problems when combining zero-extent matrices and zero-length vectors, and now zero-length vectors are ignored unless the result would have zero rows/columns. o plot.spec(x) now also works for other x than AR and Pgram results. o New functions La.chol() and La.chol2inv() for Cholesky decomposition and inverse of positive definite matrices using Lapack. o Changes to the tcltk package o New function axTicks() returning tick mark locations like axis(). o grid() has a more sensible default behavior. Tick axis alignment only happens when no numbers of grid cells are specified. New arguments lwd and equilogs; nx/ny = NA for not drawing, see ?grid. o installed.packages() has a new argument `priority'. o termplot() uses factor levels rather than 1,2,3... for x-axis. o The trace() function has been robustified and a new function tracingState() added to turn tracing temporarily on and off. o New cophenetic() in "mva" as utility for hierarchical clustering. o p.adjust() has two new methods, 'Hommel' and 'FDR', contributed by Gordon Smyth <>. o stars() now has add and plot arguments. and lots of bug fixes.
2002-09-09Update R to 1.5.1, switch to buildlink2, change maintainer.markd3-2644/+279
User-Visible Changes o XDR support is now guaranteed to be available, so the default save format will always be XDR binary files, and it is safe to distribute data in that format. (We are unaware of any platform that did not support XDR in recent versions of R.) gzfile() is guaranteed to be available, so the preferred method to distribute sizeable data objects is now via save(compress = TRUE). o pie() replaces piechart() and defaults to using pastel colours. o formatC has new arguments (see below) and formatC(*, d = <dig>) is no longer valid and must be written as formatC(*, digits = <dig>). o Missingness of character strings is treated much more consistently, and the character string "NA" can be used as a non-missing value. o summary.factor() now uses a stable sort, so the output will change where there are ties in the frequencies. Plus lots of new features and many bug fixes.
2002-06-16don't key off of `alpha' to decide to do OSF specific things (-fpe3 flagdmcmahill3-60/+2555
to the fortran compiler). Also mark as not for older netbsd-alpha systems as this is an IEEE-754 infected program (hi ross!).
2002-05-20Add NetBSD tag. Fix NetBSD tag in patch-ad.cjep2-1/+2
2002-03-01Make local copy of R's package list writable before trying to appendmarkd1-0/+12
to it. From PR# pkg/15773 from Ray Brownrigg.