Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author | Files | Lines |
Problems found locating distfiles:
Package dfftpack: missing distfile dfftpack-20001209.tar.gz
Package eispack: missing distfile eispack-20001130.tar.gz
Package fftpack: missing distfile fftpack-20001130.tar.gz
Package linpack: missing distfile linpack-20010510.tar.gz
Package minpack: missing distfile minpack-20001130.tar.gz
Package odepack: missing distfile odepack-20001130.tar.gz
Package py-networkx: missing distfile networkx-1.10.tar.gz
Package py-sympy: missing distfile sympy-
Package quadpack: missing distfile quadpack-20001130.tar.gz
Otherwise, existing SHA1 digests verified and found to be the same on
the machine holding the existing distfiles (morden). All existing
SHA1 digests retained for now as an audit trail.
This release comprises some changes to the build machinery, notably
commit 49d1be0 which puts tests/ on list of files for
tarball. The Git log has the complete record.
Maxima 5.37 change log
New items in core:
* new function with_default_2d_display: ensure pretty-printing output
New items in share:
* new package cryptools: tools for cryptography
* new package elliptic_curves: elliptic curves over prime fields and binary fields
* new function cgrind: output Maxima expressions as C code
* package draw: new function vennplot (Venn diagrams)
* package stringproc: new functions flush_output, readbyte, and writebyte
Changes in core:
* function gf_symmetric renamed to gf_balanced
Changes in share:
* functions md5sum, sha1sum, sha256sum and base64_decode: accept and return numbers and octet lists as well as strings
* packages aes and aes2: provide flexible support for different data types, e.g. octet lists
Bug fixes:
* [#3005]: Manual is wrong about "sqrt" and "radexpand"
* [#2998]: extra () in display2d:false output
* [#2988]: documentation error in gf_manual.pdf
* [#2987]: Some divergent integrals give error, some don't
* [#2982]: Display of taylor series in wrong order
* [#2980]: "rectform" causes infinite recursion depending on variable name
* [#2975]: number of distinct partitions gives wroing result
* [#2972]: Wrong limits involving logs
* [#2937]: dotscrules and antisymmetric
* [#2936]: stack overflow in integrate
* [#2934]: dotscrules and antisymmetric
* [#2929]: misformatting in debugger help message
* [#2905]: Assigning variable twice yields different results
* [#2620]: atan2(y,x)+atan2(-y,x) doesnt always return 0
* [#2230]: abs(x)^(2*int) doesn't simplify
* [#2211]: rtest_sign #77
* [#2183]: eigenvectors of a 10 x 10
* [#1193]: ev doesn't bind functions safely
Unnumbered bugs:
* commit [6779ac0]: zn-nrt: root of zero should be zero
* commit [b212487]: Fix up version variables so that load(drawutils) succeeds
* mailing list 2015-08-29: [Documentation fails with error][1]
* mailing list 2015-08-27: [Warnings from loading cartan package][2]
* mailing list 2015-08-25: [Strange symmetry of acoth(x), area cotangens hyperbolicus function (#552)][3]
* mailing list 2015-08-17: [trouble with GCL build][4]
* mailing list 2015-06-11: [rationalize(0.1) and the manual][5]
* Use gmake to fix build.
Changes in Release 5.36.1
This is a bug-fix minor release. To see the changes in the major release
5.36, read the Maxima 5.36 change log
Bugs fixed
Bug 2936: Stack overflow in integrate.
Bugs in the draw package.
Problem in loading wxm files from the Explorer in Wxmaxima.
Maxima 5.36 change log
New items in core:
function parse_timedate: parse time/date string
New items in share:
function lll: Lenstra-Lenstra-Lovasz algorithm
Changes in core:
at: remove variables in simplification
Other changes:
package contrib_ode: update test suite
package ezunits: additional femto, pico, nano, and micro fractions
package ezunits: apply rules more aggressively
package maxima-odesolve: documentation
package gentran: update
package draw: geometric transformations for 2D implicit functions
package coma: new version
package maximaMathML: hook mechanism
package noninteractive: new script expand_branches.mac
Bug fixes:
[#2924]: Maxima fails to run on lisp interpreters
[#2922]: input '20log(x)' causes strange error
[#2919]: Definite integration broken: integrate(1/(x^2), x, -inf, inf) gives zero
[#2913]: trigrat crashes with variable name "e"
[#2907]: ratsubst(z, sin(x + 1), 0) crashes when radsubstflag = true
[#2898]: limit of continuous --> und
[#2892]: julia() and mandelbrot() creates maxout.gnuplot in different place than plot2d()/plot3d()
[#2883]: load (lsquares); Error
[#2881]: quad_qags recently got problems evaluating erf
[#2878]: Installing from maxima-5.35.1.tar.gz requires Makeinfo
[#2873]: implicit_plot does not accept symbolic ranges
[#2865]: Use exp as a list
[#2862]: Incorrect result for integrate(u/(u+1)^2,u,0,inf);
[#2854]: Integral hangs with domain:complex
[#2853]: abs_integrate hangs after encountering log(0)
Unnumbered bugs:
mailing list 2015-03-16: Requesting advice on simplification rules for user-defined operators
mailing list 2015-02-09: save(..) can't save syntax extensions in a readable form
mailing list 2015-02-16: expand phenomenon
mailing list 2015-02-08: Newbie lisp question
mailing list 2015-01-22: Matrix inversion with detout = true?
mailing list 2015-01-09: Problem loading package COMA
mailing list 2015-01-05: order of operands is changed due to source information
commit [b0a9ab]: Fix jacobi_sc(elliptic_kc(m)/2,m)
commit [ff92d9]: Fix make_elliptic_f for inverse_jacobi_ns and inverse_jacobi_nc
commit [b7dc04]: Added device info to paths in cl-info::*info-tables*
commit [95c186]: Fixes a bug in the style option parser
commit [bf9a67]: Correct the derivative of bessel_y wrt order: diff(bessel_y(v,z),v)
commit [0d8d8a]: Handle the (finite) geometric sums with quotient 1.
commit [b3cffd]: Fix bug controlling non numeric symbols in explicit
commit [114860]: Add device to maxima-load-pathname-directory.
commit [72d617]: Fix maxima -s PORT command.
Maxima 5.35 change log
New items in core:
* in evaluation, allow general expressions as operators
New items in share:
* package Eulix: numerical solution of ordinary differential equations
* script hermite_reduce.mac: implement Rothstein-Trager algorithm
Changes in core:
* function supcontext: evaluate argument(s)
* functions supcontext, newcontext: return made-up name if none supplied
* function powerseries: bug fixes
Other changes:
* many updates to documentation
Bug fixes:
#2847: limits of powers of constants
#2845: Avoid initialization-time compile in commac.lisp
#2818: Problem with trigreduce
#2816: Significant reduction in processing LaTeX output in imaxima in new version
#2815: abs_integrate leads to infinite recursion
#2814: abs_integrate: integration of x*ceiling(x)
#2800: a typo in mode_identity documentation
#2774: desolve doesn't know how to interpret temporary variables
#2623: shortest_path
#2575: Integration error: integrate(sqrt(k-k*cos(2*x)), x)
#2371: limit((exp(a*x)-1)/(exp(a*x)+1),x,inf) fails
unnumbered bugs:
mailing list 2014-11-26: Error in histogram and continuous_freq
mailing list 2014-09-01: SIGN1 strangeness, was: Problem with bfloat
Maxima 5.34 change log
New items in core:
* function invert_by_gausselim: invert by Gaussian elimination (used to be function invertmx)
* function invert_by_adjoint: invert by adjoint method (used to be function invert)
* functions push, pop: now implemented in core
New items in share:
* package coma: functions for control engineering
* function sha1sum (package stringproc): compute SHA1 hash
* engineering-format.lisp: change default float display format
Changes in core:
* function invert: use adjoint method or Gaussian elimination depending on size of matrix
* function tex: Define TeX properties for gamma_incomplete and friends
Bug fixes:
#2785: dynamics package: plotting fails on evolution() and other functions
#2784: Ceiling gives error, without even an error message
#2782: realroots(x*y) internal error
#2776: Error when integrate sqrt
#2775: powerseries of some log expressions
#2772: powerseries of some trig expressions
#2768: "notequal" tries to put multiprecision rational numbers into floats
#2765: powerseries of a derivative
#2764: power series of 1 + x^n and regression tests in rtest16.mac
#2763: symmetricp(matrix) DOEs not work
#2760: powerseries at infinty broken
#2755: powerseries of natural exponential
#2751: powerseries of bessel functions needlessly fail
#2750: powerseries(x^x,x,0) gives Lisp error
#2749: Float evaluation of sinh causes Lisp error instead of overflowing to bigfloat
#2746: scifac / gcfac crash
#2745: limit with numer:true
#2741: imaxima preamble broken for display in emacs
#2738: Integrate encountered a Lisp error: The value 2 is not of type LIST
#2732: wrong answer for similar to gaussian integral
#2726: integrate produces wrong answer for Gaussian Moments
#2725: pochhammer(n,x) documentation
#2721: maxima can't refresh plots in gnuplot_pipes format
#2719: Matrix invert() behaviour
#2718: imaxima LaTeX definitions conflict with amsmath
#2717: plot2d treats linear and log plots inconsistently
#2716: is allows more than one argument
#2711: `i' is not local in `geosum'
#2710: `rempart' from package `functs' fails
#2707: `rowp' fails if `p' function is defined
#2697: Inconsistent handling of Greek symbols
#2683: Plot2d default terminal broken
#2678: transform_xy rejects argument constructed with make_transform
#2677: [gnuplot_pm3d,false] does not disable pm3d
#2621: "gamma limit error"
#2526: abs_integrate fails on integrate(sqrt(x + sqrt(x)), x)
unnumbered bugs:
mailing list 2014-08-16: bind stack overflow in loop
mailing list 2014-07-01: "rtest8.mac test failure"
mailing list 2014-06-29: "rule issue"
ezgcd(p1,p2,...) => true when ratp returns true for any argument
Maxima 5.33 change log
New items in share:
* package alt-display: hook for nonstandard display functions
* package kovacicODE: Kovacic method for ordinary differential equations
* package odes: several methods for ordinary differential equations
* package trigtools: manipulating trigonometric function expressions
* package sound: functions for audio synthesis
Changes in core:
* promote result to bigfloat on floating point overflow
* variables declared to be irrational are considered real
* display floats with leading "0." instead of "." only
* function tex: accepts Lisp objects now
* functions expintegral_shi, expintegral_chi: limits
* functions hankel_1, hankel_2: numerically evaluate when the order is complex
* function declare: rational and irrational properties mutually exclusive
* functions get, put: when first argument is a string, assume it is the name of an operator
* functions round, truncate: handle arguments of zeroa and zerob
* functions for Galois fields: improve power tables and introduce nth root
* operator @: TeX property
Other changes:
* package ezunits: TeX property for units conversion operator
* package maximaMathML: some updates
* package draw: support for gnuplot terminal canvas
* documentation: updating Brazilian Portuguese translation of user manual
Bug fixes:
* 2703: plotting option legend causes an error
* 2702: plotting option adapt_depth causes an error
* 2701: plotting option logy causes an error
* 2700: plot option psfile causes an error
* 2699: nticks seems ignored
* 2696: *prompt-prefix* and *prompt-suffix* not inserted for askinteger / asksign
* 2695: kill kills built-in properties of operator after user-defined property
* 2687: call-arguments-limit easily exhaustable in tex1
* 2682: Function zeta fails numerically for large numbers that aren't even integers
* 2681: solve_rec wrong result
* 2676: integral incorrect when variable is subscripted
* 2675: maxima will not do the simplest of definite integrals and will not factor otherwise
* 2671: Since 4833b5 Maxima (with ECL at least) outputs palette numbers gnuplot
unnumbered bugs:
* bug in gnuplot_term option
* bug in starplot
* bug in ratinterpol
* %e^^A should not simplify to %e^A
* %pi is now correctly rounded with high probability
* embedded plotting bug in XMaxima
* bug in single-label case for plotting option 'label'
* bug in comment indentation in Emacs
* $CONS and friends should treat lists the same as other expressions
* mailing list 2014-02-27: "assigning to a list of structure fields does not work"
having a PKGNAME of p5-*, or depending such a package,
for perl-5.22.0.
Do it for all packages that
* mention perl, or
* have a directory name starting with p5-*, or
* depend on a package starting with p5-
like last time, for 5.18, where this didn't lead to complaints.
Let me know if you have any this time.
the safe side.
Maxima 5.32 change log
Changes not backward compatible:
* share function graph2d: removed in favor of plot2d
New items in core:
* function limit: limits for fresnel_c and fresnel_s
* function plot2d: adaptive plotting for parametric plots
* functions round, truncate: distribute over lists and other aggregate types
* function zn_characteristic_factors: Shanks characteristic factors
New items in share:
* new package smath: glue code for SMath Studio (notebook interface)
* new package logic: some functions for Boolean expressions
* package lapack: new function zheev (eigenvalues of Hermitian matrix)
Changes in core:
* function labels: make 'labels' an ordinary function (not argument-quoting)
* plotting: more general color specification
* plotting: rework plot options machinery
* plotting: introduce some new options
Other changes:
* Build and install mgnuplot.exe under windows
Bug fixes:
2668 Bigfloat Gamma Inaccurate for Small Inputs
2666 plotdf ignores first of [x, ...] or [y, ...] if there are no other options
2662 Maxima manual adjust
2660 lapack puts binary files in binary/binary-$foo/share/lapack/binary-$foo/lapack
2659 bug_report() directions for creating ticket need updating
2649 Correction for $matrix evaluation
2639 limit asks about internal variable
2634 zgeev does not operate on real matrices
2633 ev(integrate,numer) gives strange result
2630 inverse_jacobi_cn(-2.0, 3.0) generates an error
2629 elliptic_kc(3.0) not accurate
2628 fourier elimination on equality
2624 Erroneous limit result
2615 Numeric evaluation of inverse Jacobi elliptic functions is wrong for some inputs
2282 Problem in LISP with times function in sym
unnumbered bugs:
mailing list 2013-09-26: transcendental functions and compilation
mailing list 2007-04-02: fixes a bug in plot2d-discrete
GCL bug #40646 fixed (problem actually in Maxima)
workaround GCL bug #40154 (some float literals parsed incorrectly)
ensure that 'sign' does not make any changes to assume database.
fix Postscript plotting on windows
fix limit(-(3*n^2 + 1)*(-1)^n/sqrt(n^5 + 8*n^3 + 8),n,inf);
fix bug in ldisplay and ldisp: need to display %t label
fix: inv_mod(0,1) should return false
fix cyclic-p, gf-eval, gf-irr-p
fix gf-cminus-b, gf-prim-p
fix bug in computing (.75b0+%i*1.5b0)^(%i/4)
fix "describe" returning wrong entry with texinfo version 5
plots using the dumb gnuplot terminal were not being displayed in the terminal when the gnuplot_pipes is used
Maxima 5.31 change log
Changes in core:
* Galois fields: revision, introduction of extension fields
* inverse_jacobi_sn: improve accuracy
* Bessel functions: integral of bessel_i, bessel_j of arbitrary order
* matrix functions: revise ModeMatrix, mat_function, dispJordan, diag, JF
* signum: do not declare signum real- or integer-valued
* carg: declare carg real-valued
* parser: add L, l, W, and w to list of exponent marker characters
Changes in share:
* package stringproc: new functions readchar, md5sum, base64
Other changes:
* documentation: minor changes to make Texinfo 5 happy
* build system: changes to make Maxima build correctly on Windows
Bug fixes:
* 2622 base64 type warnings
* 2619 Function inverse_erf - error in numerical evaluation
* 2612 known_units() broken
* 2608 quad_qags(x,x) generates a lisp error
* 2607 lbfgs documentation is incomplete
* 2604 fft.dem is out of date
* 2603 fft documentation
* 2602 lu_factor regression
* 2599 cl-info error handling
* 2597 logcontract and subscripted log
* 2594 Incorrect integration of product of cosines
* 2591 risch gives Lisp error for sinh expression
* 2583 sign error for integrate(x^(8*%i-1),x);
* 2570 Make acos(cos(x)) simplify to x when on correct interval
* 2569 translate rat(1,x) and rat([1]) incorrect
* 2536 Lisp error in limit: \
* 2501 %pi/8 is definitely not an integer
* 2475 limit(x^(mu/x^g),x,inf) --> error
unnumbered bugs:
* mailing list 2013-05-22: "array-lambda error with 5.30.0"
* mailing list 2013-05-07: "defrule regression compare to version 5.29.1"
* fix rk() when the independent variable's initial value is nonzero
* fix bug in asksign
* fix wrong noun form returned for jacobi_nc(elliptic_kc(m)/n,m)
Maxima 5.30 change log
Changes not backward compatible:
* function gf_set: renamed to gf_set_data
Other changes:
* function bfzeta: extend to complex plane
* function gf_set: return a structure
* function gf_exp: allow negative exponents
* functions plot2d, plot3d: accept subscripted variables as independent variables
* package dynamics: revise function rk
* package ezunits: new functions expand_dimensional, solve_dimensional, other changes
* package linearalgebra(??): revise mat_function
* ??: revise functions jordan, JF, diag
Bug fixes:
??: limit((log(y+h)-log(y))/h,h,0,plus)
2561: limit(log(x^2),x,-20) gives 2*log(-20)
2557: abs_integrate leaks assumptions into enclosing context
2541: (FIXED??)
2531: Integration with inf
2529: limit(x^n,x,minf) gives minf for n positive
2528: imagpart etc. wrong when var declared real and complex
2527: exponent too big in limit
2509: fresnel_s incorrect for small values
2458: to_poly_solve gives a wrong solution for cos(x)=sin(3x)
2449: cabs(expr) fails when expr is 0
2442: arrayinfo gives a Lisp error
2412: Problems with integral (x/(exp(x)+1),x,0,inf)
2219: tex2ooo literals format
472: ctrl-D causes Maxima debugger to loop endlessly (clisp only)
unnumbered bugs:
mailing list circa 2013-03-30: load_pathname unset with maxima -b
mailing list 2013-02-21: gamma_incomplete_regularized(a,0) returning the wrong noun form
mailing list 2012-12-23: "let(simp) behaves different when loaded from batch file"
mailing list 2012-12-14: "Maxima won,t pull out a constant from a linear function"
bern() with zerobern:false
clean up facts introduced by sign functions
a) refer 'perl' in their Makefile, or
b) have a directory name of p5-*, or
c) have any dependency on any p5-* package
Like last time, where this caused no complaints.
Changes are unknown, but there's a usual batch of bug fixes.
are called p5-*.
I hope that's all of them.
(additionaly, reset PKGREVISION of qt4-* sub packages from base qt4 update)
Maxima 5.28 change log
Backwards-incompatible changes:
* package stats: removed function simple_linear_regression (superseded by
New items in core:
* new function generalized_lambert_w
* new functions zn_mult_table, zn_power_table
* new functions for Galois fields: gf_set, gf_char, gf_prim, etc.
New items in share:
* package descriptive: new function principal_components
* package descriptive: new histogram style 'density'
* package stats: new function linear_regression
Other changes:
* revise system for building Maxima on MS Windows
* function gamma_incomplete: improve accuracy for complex bigfloats
* function expintegral_e: improved calculation for large imaginary part
Bug fixes:
3539699: limit of atan2
3538167: Wrong result for definite integral
3534858: wrong answer: limit
3533723: abs_integrate causes stack overflow
3530767: integrate changes k[0] --> k(0)
3530272: nthroot, bad error msg
3529992: Shi (sinh integral) wrong branch, integrate inconsistent
3529144: Error integrating exp(-x)*sinh(sqrt(x)) with domain: complex
3526359: gamma_incomplete(1/5,-32.0) not accurate
3526111: float erf (%i) not working
3522750: assume & integrate
3521596: atan2(sqrt(1-u)*(u-1),1); /* hangup */
3517785: Wrong sign in exponential integral
3517034: polarform error on simple case
mailing list 2012-04-09: Loading gentran
mailing list 2012-03-27: bug in net present value
unnumbered: inequality facts being forgotten
unnumbered: limit(erfc(z), z, inf)
unnumbered: bug in animated_gif
unnumbered: Lisp output not readable
unnumbered: bigfloats parsed incorrectly when ibase is not 10
Changes in Maxima 5.27:
Backwards-incompatible changes:
* remove obsolete Cray Fortran translator
* rename topoly and to_poly_solver to to_poly and to_poly_solve, respectively
New items in core:
* new functions zn_order, zn_primroot_p, zn_primroot, zn_log, chinese
New items in share:
* package rkf45: Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg 4th-5th order numerical o.d.e. solver
Other changes:
* functions bessel_i, bessel_j: results for imaginary arguments
* function build_info: return a structure instead of just printing its data
* function plot3d: allow 3-d parametric plots
* functions fortmx, f90mx: generate assignments to 1-d array when argument is a list
* package ezunits: update values for physical constants
* revise and update documentation
* reorganization of directory maxima/share
* clean up source code by cutting out unused functions
Bug fixes:
3509430: limit of tanh(x) at 0 makes no sense
3497046: Integration of products of sin(nz)/(nz) sometimes fails
3495182: hgfred([-n/2, (n-1)/2],[1],x) --> error
3484414: display places (false) before output if display2d is false
3480954: integrate(sin(x)^2/x,x,minf,inf) gives not zero
3473549: gcl bug using 1-12-2012 defint.lisp
3470668: Integration is not correct: invalid 'false' term in results
3469184: integrate(exp(-x^n),x,0,1) bug for n >2
3449369: nfloat
3397562: sin(x^2)/(x^2) improper integral incorrect?
mailing list 2012-02-27: print ( false ) bug 5.26.0
mailing list circa 2012-02-19: BIGFLOAT::%TO should pass CL complex numbers
mailing list circa 2012-01-27: nonstandard extension in category scripts
mailing list circa 2012-01-09: invert_by_lu does not work as expected
overflow in regularized incomplete gamma function
incorrect value for gamma_incomplete(0,200*%i)
No detailed list of changes since 5.24.0
Maxima 5.24 change log
New items in core:
* function defstruct: documentation
New items in share:
* package lapack: function dgemm (matrix multiplication)
* package fractals: documentation
* package finance: documentation
Other changes:
* elliptic functions: bug fixes
* integration: apply trigonometric identities for some special cases
* improve TeX output for conditional expressions
* more work on German translation of reference manual
* regularize error messages and prepare for translation
* remove unused functions and variables
* XMaxima user interface: bug fixes and improvements
* package draw: bug fixes, pngcairo output
* package noninteractive: bug fixes
* package clebsch_gordan: new version
* package graphs: updates
* package ezunits: updates
Bug fixes:
3211937 wrong sign for integral of e^(-1/x^2)
3199708 integrate(sin(2x)atan(sin(x)),x)
3198530 Apparently wrong limit with factorial
3181353 Documentation of "at" misleading
3165872 integrate(abs(sin(x)),x,0,2*%pi) wrong result
3158526 integrate(x^2*exp(x)/(1+exp(x))^2,x , minf, inf);
3154534 need local declaration in antid.mac
3154351 abs_integrate --> errors from apply
3153533 incorrect integration
3153506 typo in antid / FIX
3153170 abs_integrate + composisiton of unit step
3153169 abs_integrate of unit step
3138054 bfloat problem / FIX
3133916 scanmap(minfactorial,a!) infinite loop
3131324 simplification of sqrt
3067098 The command timer for a Lisp function
2808179 maxima.el inferior-maxima-complete on Emacs 23
1285104 trigsimp and trigreduce & square roots
917283 Comment syntax confused
unnumbered: lisp (gcl?) being unable to read 1.79769d308
unnumbered: draw2d(explicit(321.4567,x,0,1)) causing hang
unnumbered: plotting functions by name
unnumbered: asinh and atanh are increasing odd functions
unnumbered: bad interaction of rassociative and tellsimp
Maxima 5.23 change log
Backwards-incompatible changes:
* package draw: changed names of some options:
file_bgcolor --> background_color
pic_width, pic_height, eps_width, eps_height, pdf_width, pdf_height --> dimensions
rot_horizontal, rot_vertical --> view
New items in core:
* function bf_find_root: bigfloat version of find_root
* function find_root: recognize keyword arguments
New items in share:
* package cobyla: import Fortran COBYLA (constrained optimization)
* package draw: new graphic objects 'errors' and 'region'
Other revisions:
* further work on exponential integrals
* further work on abs and signum identities
* further work on special cases in integration
* translation of reference manual to German (ongoing)
* clean-up in code related to processing files
* general code clean-up
* package ezunits: additional built-in conversions
Bug fixes:
3114834 maxima-help does not find help topics
3111568 subsequent calls to gradef hide variable dependencies
3102421 noninteractive-mode and kill(all)
3101075 limit bug
3093408 Bug in simplify_sum
3085498 integration error (partial solution)
3081820 lbfgs causes error
3080397 laplace(unit_step(-t),t,s) generates an error
3079975 rectform(atan2(y,0)) -> division by zero
3073827 integrate(t*cos(a*t^2 + b*t + c), t, 0, 1) => division by 0
3072490 contrib diag.mac variable scope
3071208 rtest15--limit to inf from above
3067311 eivects doesn't load eigen automatically
3064709 domain error for tan
3062883 diff does not recognize indirect dependencies in expressions
3060669 filename_merge with more than two arguments
3060166 und documentation is incorrect
3058324 $save must bind *print-circle* to NIL
3058290 tan(%pi*integer) simplification
3055427 conjugate solver
3045559 integrate(exp(-u^2), u, minf, x) => incorrect gamma_incomple
3041267 jacobi_cs(x,1) returns a wrong expression
3041196 carg(exp(x+%i*y)) -> y not correct
3040667 logarc(acosh(z)) needlessly complicated
3039452 integrate(sqrt(t^c)/(t*(b*t^c+a)),t) hangs
3038883 In general exp(z)^a --> exp(z*a) not correct
3034415 integrate(1/abs(x),x) using abs_integrate
3024924 list_matrix_entries
3020589 xlabel and ylabel don't change plot3d axis labels
3020243 defint(exp(cos(x))*cos(sin(x)),x,0,2*%pi) wrong result 0
2997443 ic2 fails
2970792 gradef(s) together with vect package
2881021 ic2 and bc2 may return incorrect results (solution suggeste)
2796194 error doing a Fourier transform.
2727846 tan(%pi/2) is not correct (or just not nice?)
2555641 no doc for subnumsimp
2541376 antidiff bug
2171237 load(basic) warnings
2123651 min and max of imaginary and real numbers
1993208 cartesian_product incorrect on empyt argument list
1990099 wrong integer_partitions(0)
1892341 taylor message about something assumed to be 0 in integral
1890128 no user doc for cauchy_matrix
1839088 ic2 fails with division by 0
1789213 ic1 for solution containing indefinite integral
1439559 function burn is broken
1213621 reveal with matrix argument
1149719 ratvarswitch not documented
1045920 a>1 and b>1, is a+b>2?
875089 defint(f(x)=g(x),x,0,1) -> false = false
767338 Evaluation of array names
703789 save() doesn't return a pathname
(unnumbered) integrate(cos(2*x)*cos(x),x) is wrong.
No changelog available, this release contains improvement in quaternions,
differential equations and minimisation (it includes COBYLA implementation).
Changes in Maxima 5.22.1
New items in core:
* function gensym: new
* function makelist: extensions
Other revisions in core:
* improvements in specint (Laplace transform)
* improvements in Xmaxima user interface
* inverse properties for erf and friends
* function transpose: faster algorithm
Other revisions in share:
* package graphs: new graph definitions, tutte and flow polynomials, bug fixes, other updates
* package draw: new object geomap, rename mesh to elevation_grid, other updates
* package descriptive: new functions smin, smax; functions mini, maxi now deprecated
* package simplify_sum: try to detect telescoping sums
* package ezunits: additional conversions, faster conversion algorithm
* package lapack: new function dgesv
* package colnew: improved interface functions
* package dynamics: bug fix
* package mnewton: bug fix
* package finance: update
Bug fixes:
3035313 - some array references translated incorrectly
3029610 - integrate and %e_to_numlog
3025038 - gruntz needs logexpand:true
3024797 - @POSIX_SHELL@ always substitued by /bin/sh in configure.lisp
3014545 - submatrix does not work as expected
3012427 - tex2ooo.lisp invalid output
3010829 - numerical evaluation of elliptic_ec fails for argument > 1
3010525 - abs documentation doesn't explain mapping behavior
3009011 - plot3d syntax
3007061 - log(x^2) simplifies to 2 log(x) for all x
3005820 - full_listify
3002971 - limit fails where rat+subst works
2999635 - trigrat(sin(1)) makes mess
2998621 - conjugate(atan(x+%i*y)) wrong
2997276 - zeta(3),numer; gives Lisp error
2996542 - log(x) integration is incorrect.
2996106 - at(diff(f(x,y),x,1,y,1),[x=a,y=b]) is wrong
2996065 - Unevaluated numerical hypergeometric() call
2992398 - sort doesn't give error for invalid comparison
2991924 - Incorrect integration of rational functions
2990307 - error for solve_rat_ineq
2988544 - integrate(signum(abs(x)),x,-2,2);
2988190 - atan2(1b20,-1b0); badly wrong
2985866 - derivatives of functions of taylor polys
2933097 - polyfactor not documented
2905526 - lcm(0,6,0) --> divide by zero
2806446 - ev_diff in vect.mac
2805600 - depends() partially prevents diff() to work
2789110 - solve, tan and atan depend on order of variables
2784283 - psi[0](negative float)
2781127 - bfpsi0 of complex
2556133 - "at" should do parallel substitutions
2036462 - Very long calculation time, normal ?
2014941 - compositions of 'at'
2011228 - vect redefines "." as commutative, was:Matrix multiplication
1994295 - errormsg
1961494 - translated functions & values list
1959214 - integrate() and array having lisp style name
1928142 - keepfloat breaks ratsubst() in some cases
1758005 - compiler warning for rat3c
1677217 - composistions of 'at'
1663385 - declare multiplicative - wrong simplification
1281740 - declare/featurep - strange behaviour
1212598 - bug in the VECT.MAK - VECTORSIMP cross product
1117533 - letsimp complains about assignment to %pi
1114128 - 2nd argument in permanent
1078046 - Alias atoms displayed after unorder()
1046653 - input prompt appearing when it should not
1003494 - scalefactors broken Maxima 5.9.0 (win)
947808 - logcontract and ratfac
838301 - vect negate cross product simplification
754220 - Featurep and Declare inconsistent /FIX
742909 - trigrat(sin(x/2)) makes a mess
unnumbered - is(f("x")>0) causes an error.
New items in core:
* plot3d: multiple surfaces; built-in spherical transformation
Other revisions:
* revision of hypergeometic functions
* extension of Bessel functions
* extension of abs_defint function
* extension of Riemann zeta function
* limits of signum functions
* package draw: new graphic object 'tube'
Bug fixes:
2979579: plot3d with format xmaxima does not work in Xmaxima
2976744: postscript terminal requires manual reset of default termina
2976657: Usage of gammagreek and %gammagreek
2974616: mat_cond
2969599: integrate bug?
2968344: gamma_incomplete(1.0, 4.368265444147715e+19) fails
2968174: Integration of hypergeometric bug
2965201: run_testsuite() causes Lisp error
2965115: 2*%e,numer -> single float precision
2962943: simplifya gives Lisp error for a cons
2961822: sinh(0.0b0) causes Maxima to abort
2957758: plotting gamma_incomplete_regularized incorrect
2954141: Kummer reflection
2953369: Definite Integration of 1/(a-b*cos(x)) wrong
2949677: hypergeometric floating point
2948800: integrate((1-cos(2*x)^2)^2/x^4,x,0,inf) wrong
2945609: incomplete/misleading documentation of coeff
2943581: Grind omits empty strings
2943400: 'linel' command can crash 'maxima'
2938716: too much evaluation in translated code
2938177: simplify_sum(sum(k^n,k,1,m)) -> stack overflow
2938078: Crash on attached input
2937837: find_root_error documentation incorrect
2935631: bfloat(log(n)) can be different from log(bfloat(n))
2933996: abs_integrate bug
2933440: sqrt(-z^2) simplifies to %i*sqrt(z^2) for z complex
2932096: allroots fails for real polynomial.
2927502: abs() or cabs() are much slower than just sqrt(re^2+im^2)
2924831: file_type is wrong for ccl on mac os x
2921946: Expansion of bessel_k(1/2,x) with radexpand:false
2920190: non-integer value for maxposex
2919296: binomial sums
2914376: implicit_plot error
2914296: Limit gets Maxima stuck
2914176: Conversion of rational to bfloat is inaccurate
2913614: LAPACK: dgesvd is broken
2911891: gcfac gives Lisp error
2910437: non-repeatable beta_incomplete(1b0,1,z)
2910001: optimization of bfloat input
2909980: optimization for log of bfloats
2909917: documentation type -- jornan
2907952: diff of a taylor series
2907815: sold variable in diag(x) (package diag) should be local
2907727: Incorrect Integral with option integrate_use_rootsof
2892710: Allow easier library access
2880797: bad answer in integrate(sqrt(sin(t)^2+cos(t)^2),t,0,2*%pi)
2875784: fourier integral incorrect
2859856: csign(log(x)) --> pnz
2852992: sqrt(-1/x)-%i/sqrt(x) not zero
2843621: GosperSum error
2808861: list function arguments with mode_declare in translate
2786017: realonly in algsys.lisp
2607007: legend does not work
1869296: hgfred([1,2],[6],1) bogus
1857562: hgfred([a,b],[c], 0) -/--> 1
1633149: sum bug that never happens
1620165: assoc needs to check argument, was: Strange error
1531688: hgfred([ ], [ ], 0)
1440286: documentation for 'listofvars'
1440069: euler numbers & zerobern
1376392: limit(x/(2+sin(1/x)), x, 0); wrong result
1372264: no user doc for 'numer_pbranch'
1219846: properties of translated functions
1106912: limit(x/sin(x)^2,x,inf)
1010768: sqrt(1/z) - 1/sqrt(z) => 0
932095: ode2 redundant asksign
910270: 1/+3*x parses as 1/(+3*x)
903166: assume works for real values only
900860: Simplifications involving abs
893633: depends(a,[b,b,b])
856209: inconsistency between facts() and facts(v)
840848: trigreduce doesn't enter unknown functions
811522: redundant question in limit
781657: binomial(x,x) => 1, but binomial(-1,-1) => 0
777564: subtraction \"-\"(a,b) should work/FIX
776441: orderlessp not transitive
767556: Distributing operations over =
767528: op(box(a)) bogus
752417: KEEPFLOAT:TRUE ignored by SOLVE
719968: No SIMP function
710307: orderlessp of bfloat, %e, and inf
660876: taylor and keepfloat ERR
655270: Incomplete integration
643254: orderlessp([rat(x)], [rat(x)])
593351: limit/sin(inf)etc. should give 0, not IND
Approved by <agc>.
Backwards-incompatible changes:
* removed package jtroot3 (superseded by bfallroots)
* internal symbols of specint replaced by more descriptive names:
%f --> hypergeometric
%e --> elliptic_ec
%kelliptic --> elliptic_kc
%p[a,b,c] --> jacobi_p
%p[a,b] --> assoc_legendre_p
%p[a] --> legendre_p
%q[a,b] --> assoc_legendre_q
%q[a] --> legendre_q
hstruve --> struve_h
lstruve --> struve_l
%d --> parabolic_cylinder_d
%m --> whittaker_m
%w --> whittaker_w
%ei --> expintegral_ei
%h[n,x] --> hankel_1 and hankel_2
%he --> hermite
New items in core:
* general mechanism for functions to distribute over operators
(distribute_over declaration)
Other revisions:
* improved Laplace transforms of special functions
* assume database:
The inferences between the declarations of variables as integer,
real, complex, .. have been cut out. The constant %i is declared
to be imaginary. The constants %pi, %e, %gamma, %phi are declared
to be real.
The database handles expressions with constants more completely.
Facts like assume(x < %pi/2) are now handled correctly.
The sign of sums of constant expressions is determined more
Askinteger take into account more facts from the database.
* improvements of special functions:
More functionality for the Hankel 1 and 2 functions:
Expansion for a half integral order has been implemented.
More consistent numerical evaluation of Bessel and Hankel functions.
More general integrals for Bessel functions and implementation of
integrals for the Airy functions.
Gamma function accepts a Taylor expansion as an argument.
Implementation of Struve H and L functions:
Numerical evaluation for real and complex numbers in float and
bigfloat precision. Handling of specific values. Derivatives of the
functions and expansion for a half integral order is implemented.
Adding mirror symmetry for the Airy functions.
Improving the limits of the log and factorial functions.
* package fft: revised for greater speed
* package to_poly_solver: improvements
* regularize error and warning messages, and translate via gettext (ongoing)
* bug fixes and other improvements in plotting code
* bug fixes in translator
Bug fixes:
2906049: integration failure with option integrate_use_rootsof :true
2901855: limit(sqrt(x),x,minf) not fully evaluated
2886564: conjugate(atan2(y,x)) not simplified
2882408: solve_rat_ineq returns false answers
2876387: ode2 asks if sqrt(3) is an integer
2876284: nicedummies of subscripted
2876277: hgfred([3/2,-2],[5/2],-x) not fully simplified
2873057: incorrect version is reported in manual front page
2872605: abs_integrate bug
2872505: Assume database inconsistent after reset()
2847387: hgfred([3/2,-b],[5/2],-1) bogus
2843705: limit of psi[i]
2842198: next_prime speed improvement
2842060: unsimplified result from integrate
2841504: Limit of the factorial function - 4 problems
2840566: defint fails to determine if one of its limit is real
2836339: unsimplified negation
2835634: logcontract broken
2835098: SIGN-PREP strangeness
2834336: ratsimp vs facsum
2824360: missing bug reporting node in manual's detailed menu
2808568: Reserved words that aren't reserved
2802006: integrate(1/(sqrt(x)+1), x, 0, 1);
2770575: rtestsum test 226
2636628: solve_rat_ineq doesnt find all soloutions
2609426: integrate(cos(a)/sqrt((tan(a))^2+1), a,-%pi/2,%pi/2);
2148461: docs for factor refer to "the field of integers"
2018842: unsimplified result from jacobi_p
1977146: radexpand does not work as explained in documentation
1725951: unsimplified boolean
1646397: listofvars includes true
1551310: mod and floor should distribute over matrix and list
1038624: askinteger ignores asksign database
840360: qunit(4) internal errors
831163: part(x) should give warning
816797: limit(%i*log(a),a,0) nounform (%i*und problem)
788892: zeroa handled inconsistently
752067: Can't untrace ?meval
706455: Should powerseries do Laurent expansions?
652470: Pickapart error (due to MEMSIMILAR)
640332: Need to specdisrep more systematically
627759: Ratdisrep of aggregates
Changes since 5.19.1:
* bug fix in defint
* bug fix in csign
* bug fix in "not"
* bug fix in implicit3d
* bug fix in sublist
* bug fix in share/matrix/eigen.mac
* bug fix in share/contrib/stats/stats.mac
Changes since 5.18.1:
Backwards-incompatible changes:
* eigenvector: greater detail in return value
* package fft:
renamed ift to inverse_fft
fft and inverse_fft do not modify their arguments
fft and inverse_fft take 1 argument (complex), not 2
New items in core:
* new functions inverse_erf, inverse_erfc
New items in share:
* package hyperint: integration of some algebraic functions
* package hypergeometric: hypergeometric functions
* package linearalgebra: new function determinate_by_lu
* package abs_integrate: new functions floor_int, if_int
* package simplify_sum: extended Gosper algorithm
Other revisions:
* exp: rework implementation
* realpart, imagpart, cabs, carg: rework implementation
* revise exponential integral functions
* apropos: argument is a string, return Maxima user symbols only
* regularize implmentation of constant declaration
* pass options from Maxima command line to Lisp
* regularize use of some special variables
* package dynamics: revisions
* package fft: accept list as argument, other revisions
* package ezunits: revise code, revise and expand documentation
* package stats: test for the difference of two proportions
* package sarag: algorithm for the multivariate certificate
* package descriptive: more options for barsplot
* package draw: new object "mesh", new options
Bug fixes:
2805251: Absence of and others
2825092: %pi^2.0b0 does not evaluate numerically
2825082: %pi^1.0b0 --> floating point value
2824928: limit(sqrt(z)/b^z,z,inf)
2824909: exp(%i*%pi/4) not simplified
2801821: limit(x*expintegral_ei(x),x,0)
2797885: problem with integration
2795534: integrate(expintegral_ei(x),x,0,1) gives result with TRUE
2794173: Manpage gives incorrect website
2793827: internal error in integrate
2793294: derivative of gamma_incomplete
2792493: hgfred([1],[-5.2],x);
2787047: Assume has problems after a reset()
2779385: gudermannian function wrong
2727078: wrong limit(log(gamma(x+1))/x,x,0)
2721670: mattrace / FIX
2699862: derivative of polylogarithm
2298099: atan2 & logarc
2029041: a*sqrt(2)/2 unsimplified
2003386: float(elliptic_kc(1)) causes Lisp error
1986726: Integrating f(x) with limits after resetting throws an error
1927178: integrate(sin(t),t,%pi/4,3*%pi/4)
1923119: 1/sqrt(8)-sqrt(8)/8
1996354: unsimplifed result from expand
1899352: integrate asks about (y-1)(y+1) after assume(y^2>1)
1853191: rat(2/sqrt(2)),algebraic doesn't cancel
1731624: asked about sign of yx in integral containing only z
1480562: 2*a*2^k isn't simplified to a*2^(k+1)
1315837: limit(?foo)
1310619: example(do) and example(if) not working
1119228: limit(1/zeroa)
1053056: TIME(%) always yields 0.0
1041570: assume(abs(x)<1) should imply x<1 and x>-1
1023931: logabs not a defmvar
938134: diff(realpart) bogus
924868: defint log(sqrt(q^2-1)+1) asks about YX
826623: simplifer returns %i*%i
751934: Inconsistent simplification of 1.0*x etc
721575: 2/sqrt(2) doesn\'t simplify
660948: simplification of exp(%i*...)
631216: horner([...],x)/FIX
619927: (-1.0b0)^(1/3) vs (-1.0d0)^(1/3)
609464: 1+%e,numer and %e^%e,numer
unnumbered: 1 was mistakenly considered greater than 1.0
unnumbered: plot2d(x^(1/3), ...) fails
unnumbered: unexpected behavior in for loop with variable step
unnumbered: infinite loop for integrate(1/(x^5-1),x,1,inf)
unnumbered: integrate(1/(sin(x/3)^2+1),x,0,24)
unnumbered: integrate(1/(sin(x-3)^2+1),x,3,11)
unnumbered: ensure foo is a reset-able variable in reset(foo)
unnumbered: abs((sqrt(3)*%i/2-1/2)/(3*(%i/(6*sqrt(3))-1/6)^(1/3))
unnumbered: makelist(): argument size appears restricted to integer
unnumbered: multiple batch calls in a batch file
unnumbered: integrate(f2(a*x-b)*x^3,x,minf,inf)
where f2(x):=(2*sigma^(3/2))/(%pi*x^4+2*%pi*sigma*x^2+%pi*sigma^2)
ChangeLog is empty, the package contains various bug fixes.
Backwards-incompatible changes:
* cut out broken code intended to support xgraph
New items in core:
* function bfallroots to compute polynomial roots with bigfloats
* general scheme for integrals of special functions
* exponential integrals
* incomplete beta function
* Fresnel integrals
* Lambert W function
New items in share:
* package minpack
* package colnew
* package z_transform
* package finance
Other revisions:
* additional special cases of integrals of power functions
* bigfloat arithmetic
* special functions (beta, gamma, error, Bessel, elliptic and inverse
elliptic, hypergeometric, Laplace functions and friends)
* new version of Imaxima user interface
* recognize integers in base greater than 10
* tex function can assign user function as TeX property
* revision and translation of message strings (incomplete)
* documentation revisions throughout
* patches for Clozure CL throughout
* build Maxima with ECL via build system used for other Lisps
* minor code clean-up throughout
* other improvements and bug fixes
and tested by Aleksej Saushev and Stathis Kamperis.
Major changes:
- Expand code for special functions
- quad_qagi accepts upper and lower limits instead of flags for limits
- Cut out solve_inconsistent_error
- new, alternate implementation of vector operations
- colorterm: simple output color-coding
Submitted by Aleksej Saushev in PR pkg/39404.
Changes since Maxima 5.15
Major changes:
* ECL can build Maxima via autoconf machinery
Other revisions:
* Revision and extension of code for exponential integral functions
* Revision and extension of code for hypergeometric functions
* share/contrib/amatrix: revisions
* share/contrib/gf: bug fixes
* share/contrib/sarag: revisions
* share/contrib/zeilberger: revisions
* share/contrib/graphs: revisions
* share/contrib/distrib: revisions and new test script
* share/contrib/maximaMathML: revisions
* share/tensor: additional demonstrations
* Patches for Lispworks and MCL
* Revisions and extensions of reference manual and its translations
Plus various bug fixes.
Backwards-incompatible changes:
* Disable verb => numerical evaluation scheme for math functions
Major changes:
* User interface Imaxima now packaged with Maxima
New items in share:
* share/contrib/bitwise: Bitwise operations on integers
* share/contrib/noninteractive: Catch asksign and askprop questions
and turn them into conditional expressions
* share/contrib/namespaces: A namespace implementation for Maxima
* share/contrib/amatrix: Matrix with underlying Lisp array
Other revisions:
* gf package: New version of gf package (Galois fields)
* tex function: Enable TeX output to output stream
* stringproc package: Revised printf; regex functions
* ezunits package: Dimensional analysis; physical constants
* quadpack functions: Return partially-evaluated expressions
* plot functions: New options; bug fixes
* tensor functions: Many improvements
* graphs package: Improvements
through PLIST_SUBST to the plist module.
version has been bumped as its default has not changed and sbcl is only
working in pkgsrc-wip.
as suggested by Antoine Reilles
Backwards-incompatible changes:
* unstore, fassave, restore: cut out undocumented functions
New items in core:
* unique: function to return unique elements of a list
* New function float_approx_equal w/ associated global
variable float_approx_equal_tolerance (for test suite cases)
* Interface to Lisp string streams: make_string_input_stream,
make_string_output_stream, get_output_stream_string
New items in share:
* vector3d package (thanks to Walter Eastes)
* Script share/share_testsuite.mac to run tests in share
* share/contrib/topoly.lisp: new functions elim and elim_allbut
New items in tests:
* Commit test scripts written by Michael Wester
Other revisions:
* run_testsuite: only simplify expected results, do not evaluate, and
do not call ratsimp; now tests are more stringent than before
* equal: recognize Maxima and Lisp arrays and Maxima and Lisp strings
* find_root: evaluate arguments in an ordinary way
* apply, outermap: evaluate arguments in an ordinary way
* save, loadfile, tex, stringout, compfile: evaluate filename argument
* display code: output space characters (no tabs)
* share/linearalgebra: improved jacobian and hessian functions
* share/contrib/lsquares.mac: replaced with a new version
* share/draw: include geographical data from World Boundaries Database;
other modifications
* with_stdout: accepts an output stream as well as a filename
* share/contrib/topoly.lisp: many improvements in to_poly
* share/contrib/numericalio: accept stream as well as a filename
* many other minor improvements
* New lapack package (BLAS and LAPACK functions)
* Bug fixes and enhancements to plotting code
* Bug fixes and enhancements to Xmaxima user interface
* Revise Maxima reference manual (all languages)
* Some new add-on packages
* Several minor improvements
* Many bug fixes
-documentation improvements
-UI fixes
-bug fixes to definite integral functions
-some new addon pkgs
-misc fixes
* Expand and revise Maxima reference manual
* Fast integer factorization
* Improvements to plotting functions
* Improvements to Xmaxima user interface
* Several bug fixes to definite integral functions
* Several new add-on packages
* Many minor improvements
* Many bug fixes
major changes:
-Revision and expansion of linear algebra functions
-Revisions of floating-point function evaluation (sqrt, trigonometric)
-Replace existing definition of "conjugate" with a much more extensive
-Revision of evaluation and simplification of sum and product
-doc improvements, spanish/portuguese support
Significant changes from Maxima 5.9.1 to 5.9.2, in no particular order.
Magnitude of changes varies widely.
* Parser is now entirely case sensitive, built-in keywords and
variables are all lowercase only
* Regularize case in printed messages
* Improved TeXmacs interface, 2-d input
* Moved nset (finite set functions) into Maxima core
* Ported Mersenne twister rng to Maxima core
* English reference manual revised (form and content)
* Reference manual translated to Spanish and Portuguese
* Additional tutorial documents
* Discrete plots (for plot2d)
* Enhancements to tensor packages (Atensor, Ctensor, Itensor)
* Replaced Airy functions with much more extensive implementation
* Revisions to Bessel functions
o Bessel functions with real order and complex argument can be
evaluated numerically.
o bessel_j can be computed for negative real order.
* Revisions to gamma function
o Gamma function can be numerically evaluated for complex arguments.
* Revisions to elliptic functions
o Bugs 1165488 and 908185 fixed.
o Fixed issue where many of the routines were returning single-float
results instead of double-float when given rational args.
o elliptic_f with complex args can be numerically evaluated.
o Other inverse Jacobi routines can be evaluated at complex points.
* Extensive revisions to hypergeometric functions
o Adjusted routines to return the new names for the Bessel functions
(like bessel_j instead of %j).
o Similarly, any orthogonal polynomials now use the naming
conventions used by the specfun orthogonal polynomial package.
o Corrected many errors in implementation.
o Some missing internal functionality added.
o Bug 1155241 fixed.
o Bug 1097915 fixed.
o Branch cuts for various relationships between hypergeometric
functions and Legendre functions were implemented or corrected.
* Revised kill function (fixed several bugs, helps test suite run correctly)
* Revised code to run test suite
* Display noun forms 'for and 'if correctly
* Display if -- then -- elseif correctly
* Adjust placement of newlines between output lines
* Establish configuration variable *MAXIMA-TEMPDIR*, make use in plotting
* Cleaned up autoload declarations
* Source code lowercase
* Regularize use of packages in Maxima core
* Misc code cleanups incl. sloop -> ANSI loop, rename private let and let*
* New share files:
share/defstruct.lisp: define structured objects, also multiple assignment
share/contrib/descriptive/: descriptive statistics
share/contrib/diffequations/tests/: several new tests
share/contrib/distrib/: probability distributions
share/contrib/plotdf.lisp: direction field plotting
share/contrib/sarag/: real algebraic geometry
share/contrib/state/: state variable equations
share/contrib/unit/: units of measurement
share/contrib/Zeilberger/: hypergeometric summation
share/linearalgebra/: linear algebra
share/numeric/interpol.mac: Lagrange polynomial interpolation
share/tensor/: many new examples
* Other bug fixes:
590222 (power series)
853830 (sum)
1045821 (describe)
618280 (entier)
512736 (alphalessp)
620928 (cfratsimp)
626728 (scanmap/bottomup)
904504 (sign1)
617021 (bfloat(%gamma))
1052308, 1036900 (limit)
1038584 (integrate)
1169996 (example)
1274656 (dribble)
1179646, 1110733, 1070509 (tex)
1234221 (ev)
1216157 (kill-operator)
797401 (infix)
1173788 (prefix, postfix, nary, matchfix, nofix, and infix)
1290386, 1156759, 1107784 (plot2d)
1179660 (bfloat)
904295 (ratweight)
808772, 808772 (realpart)
783051 (expand)
1178648 (setup_autoload)
1175992 (playback)
1103687 (compile_file, translate_file)
developer is officially maintaining the package.
The rationale for changing this from "tech-pkg" to "pkgsrc-users" is
that it implies that any user can try to maintain the package (by
submitting patches to the mailing list). Since the folks most likely
to care about the package are the folks that want to use it or are
already using it, this would leverage the energy of users who aren't
around at either build-time or at run-time is:
USE_TOOLS+= perl # build-time
USE_TOOLS+= perl:run # run-time
Also remove some places where perl5/ was being included
by a package Makefile, but all that the package wanted was the Perl