shared libraries.
Changes between NTL 5.0c and 5.1a
Some minor fixes and additions.
Completely backward compatible.
* Added a routine LatticeSolve() for finding integer solutions to
linear systems of integer equations.
* Modified the stragey used by the LLL() and image() routines in the
LLL package to deal with linear dependencies. The new strategy
guarantees better worst-case bounds on the sizes of intermediate
values. I'm not sure if it will have any serious practical impact,
* Added some "partial ISO modes" so that one can use some of the
features of Standard C++, even if ones compiler does not yet
support all of the features.
* Bug fix: routine determnant() in mat_GF2.h was not visible to the
linker because of a typo in mat_GF2.c.
* Made a "smarter" script for selecting the GetTime() function. This
fixes an installation problem on Cygwin/Windows 95 platforms. I
hope it doesn't create more problems than it solves, though.
* Added some extra documentation for installation under Windows/MS
Visual C++.
* Changed some names like c_lip.c to c_lip_impl.h. This should avoid
some potential installation problems.
* Throw away first 256-bytes of arc4 streams to improve quality of
the pseudo-random number generator. This may change the precise
behavior of some programs.
* Other minor, internal modifications.