path: root/math/octave
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2018-08-17math/octave: Fix CHECK_WRKREF_SKIP patternsminskim1-3/+3
2018-08-16revbump after boost-libs updateadam1-1/+2
2018-08-16octave: PRINT_PLIST_AWK to avoid a recurrence of a broken PLIST.maya1-1/+2
From wiz, thanks.
2018-08-16octave: don't make netbsd references in PLIST, accidentally went in withmaya2-33/+35
the update. skip checking for workdir references for liboctinterp which doesn't seem to actually make references (maybe it's debug info?)
2018-08-12Remove unused patches.maya3-51/+0
2018-08-12Octave: update to 4.4.1maya8-329/+368
Remove hack that had a high chance of resulting in a dysfunctional package qttools can't be a build dependency because we link against something in it. XXX pkgsrc claims this package has work directory references Summary of important user-visible changes for version 4.4 (2018-04-30): ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ** A graphical Variable Editor has been added to the GUI interface. It uses a spreadsheet-like interface for quick, intuitive editing of variables. The Variable Editor is launched by double-clicking on a variable name in the Workspace Window or by typing "openvar VARIABLE_NAME" in the Command Window. ** On systems with 64-bit pointers, --enable-64 is now the default and Octave always uses 64-bit indexing. However, if the configure script determines that the BLAS library uses 32-bit integers, then operations using the following libraries are limited to arrays with dimensions that are smaller than 2^31 elements: BLAS LAPACK QRUPDATE SuiteSparse ARPACK Additionally, the following libraries use "int" internally, so maximum problem sizes are always limited: glpk Qhull ** The octave command no longer starts the GUI by default. Most users starting Octave from a shell were expecting the command line interface, and desktop launchers already required the `--force-gui' option. With this change, desktop launchers should be modified to use the new option `--gui'. The previous `--force-gui' option will continue to work, and maps to `--gui', but it will be removed in Octave 6. ** A known bug in Qt ( is addressed by limiting GUI sub-panel relocation capabilities for Qt versions in the range >= 5.6.1 and < 5.7.1. However, this may not thoroughly avoid issues on all platforms. ** A new container data type--containers.Map--is available. Map is a key/value storage container (a.k.a, a hash) that efficiently allows storing and retrieving values by name, rather than by position which is how arrays work. ** The bareword "import" is now recognized in scripts and functions. However, the functionality to import functions and classes from other namespaces into the local scope has not yet been implemented. Attempting to use "import" will provoke an error message. ** hex2num and num2hex now work for integer and char types and num2hex may optionally return a cell array of strings instead of a character array. If given a cell array of strings, hex2num now returns a numeric array of the same size as the input cell array. Previously, hex2num would accept a cell array of strings of arbitrary dimension but would always return a column vector. ** New special functions cosint, sinint, and gammaincinv have been added. ** Special functions in Octave have been rewritten for larger input domains, better accuracy, and additional options. * gammainc now accepts negative real values for X. * improved accuracy for gammainc, betainc, betaincinv, expint. * gammainc has new options "scaledlower" and "scaledupper". * betainc, betaincinv have new option "upper". ** The "names" option used in regular expressions now returns a struct array, rather than a struct with a cell array for each field. This change was made for Matlab compatibility. ** The quadcc function now uses both absolute tolerance and relative tolerance to determine the stopping criteria for an integration. To be compatible with other quadXXX functions, such as quadgk, the calling syntax has changed to quadcc (f, a, b, [AbsTol, [RelTol]]) To update existing code, change instances of RelTol to [0, RelTol]. quadcc (f, a, b, tol) => quadcc (f, a, b, [0, tol]) A warning that a single tolerance input is now interpreted as an absolute tolerance will be issued in Octave versions 4.4 and 5, after which it will be removed. The warning has ID "Octave:quadcc:RelTol-conversion" and can be disabled with warning ("off", "Octave:quadcc:RelTol-conversion") ** The qr function now returns a standard factorization unless explicitly instructed to perform an economy factorization by using a final argument of 0. ** The Qt graphics toolkit now supports offscreen printing without osmesa if Octave was built with Qt >= 5.1. ** The built-in pager for display of large data is now disabled by default. To re-enable it for every Octave session add the following to your .octaverc file: more on; ** The FLTK toolkit is no longer prioritized for development. The number of Octave Maintainers is too small to support three different graphic toolkits. New development will target the Qt toolkit. While no longer prioritized, the FLTK toolkit is not deprecated and there is no schedule for its removal. ** The graphic object property "PickableParts" has been implemented which controls whether an object can accept mouse clicks. ** The graphic object property "Interruptible" has been fully implemented which controls whether a running callback function can be interrupted by another callback function. ** The graphic object property "HitTest" has been updated to be fully compatible with Matlab. ** Text objects now implement the properties "BackgroundColor", "EdgeColor", "LineStyle", "LineWidth", and "Margin". ** An initial implementation of alpha transparency has been made for patch and surface objects. Printing to svg and pdf is supported. ** ishandle now returns true for both graphics handle objects and Java objects. The latter change was made for Matlab compatibility. Use ishghandle or isgraphics if it is important not to include Java objects. ** The pkg command now accepts a URL as an argument, allowing a valid Octave package to be installed from any remote host with one command, for example pkg install ** The following statistical functions have been moved from core Octave to the statistics package available from Octave Forge. BASE cloglog logit prctile probit qqplot table (renamed to crosstab) DISTRIBUTIONS betacdf betainv betapdf betarnd binocdf binoinv binopdf binornd cauchy_cdf cauchy_inv cauchy_pdf cauchy_rnd chi2cdf chi2inv chi2pdf chi2rnd expcdf expinv exppdf exprnd fcdf finv fpdf frnd gamcdf gaminv gampdf gamrnd geocdf geoinv geopdf geornd hygecdf hygeinv hygepdf hygernd kolmogorov_smirnov_cdf laplace_cdf laplace_inv laplace_pdf laplace_rnd logistic_cdf logistic_inv logistic_pdf logistic_rnd logncdf logninv lognpdf lognrnd nbincdf nbininv nbinpdf nbinrnd normcdf norminv normpdf normrnd poisscdf poissinv poisspdf poissrnd stdnormal_cdf stdnormal_inv stdnormal_pdf stdnormal_rnd tcdf tinv tpdf trnd unidcdf unidinv unidpdf unidrnd unifcdf unifinv unifpdf unifrnd wblcdf wblinv wblpdf wblrnd wienrnd MODELS logistic_regression TESTS anova bartlett_test chisquare_test_homogeneity chisquare_test_independence cor_test f_test_regression hotelling_test hotelling_test_2 kolmogorov_smirnov_test kolmogorov_smirnov_test_2 kruskal_wallis_test manova mcnemar_test prop_test_2 run_test sign_test t_test t_test_2 t_test_regression u_test var_test welch_test wilcoxon_test z_test z_test_2 ** The following image functions have been moved from core Octave to the image package available from Octave Forge. ntsc2rgb rgb2ntsc ** Other new functions added in 4.4: bounds camlookat camorbit campos camroll camtarget camup camva camzoom corrcoef cosint decic erase gammaincinv getframe groot gsvd hgtransform humps integral integral2 integral3 isgraphics isstring mad ode15i ode15s openvar quad2d repelem rgb2gray rticks sinint tfqmr thetaticks vecnorm winqueryreg xticklabels xticks yticklabels yticks zticklabels zticks ** Deprecated functions. The following functions have been deprecated in Octave 4.4 and will be removed from Octave 6 (or whatever version is the second major release after 4.4): Function | Replacement ---------------------|------------------ chop | sprintf for visual results desktop | isguirunning tmpnam | tempname toascii | double java2mat | __java2mat__ ** The following functions were deprecated in Octave 4.0 and have been removed from Octave 4.4. allow_noninteger_range_as_index bicubic delaunay3 do_braindead_shortcircuit_evaluation dump_prefs find_dir_in_path finite fmod fnmatch gmap40 loadaudio luinc mouse_wheel_zoom nfields octave_tmp_file_name playaudio saveaudio setaudio syl usage ** The "Octave:undefined-return-values" warning ID is obsolete. Octave now throws an error for any attempts to assign undefined values that might be returned from functions. ** Deprecated graphics properties. The following properties or allowed corresponding values have been deprecated in Octave 4.4 and will be removed from Octave 6 (or whatever version is the second major release after 4.4): Object | Property | Value ---------------------|-------------------------|------------------- figure | doublebuffer | | mincolormap | | wvisual | | wvisualmode | | xdisplay | | xvisual | | xvisualmode | axes | drawmode | annotation | edgecolor ("rectangle") | text | fontweight | "demi" and "light" uicontrol | fontweight | "demi" and "light" uipanel | fontweight | "demi" and "light" uibuttongroup | fontweight | "demi" and "light" ** The rectangle and ellipse annotation property "edgecolor" has been deprecated and will be removed from Octave 6 (or whatever version is the second major release after 4.4). Use the property "color" instead. ** The header file oct-alloc.h has been removed along with the macros that it defined (DECLARE_OCTAVE_ALLOCATOR, DEFINE_OCTAVE_ALLOCATOR, and DEFINE_OCTAVE_ALLOCATOR2).
2018-07-20Recursive revbump from textproc/icu-62.1ryoon1-2/+2
2018-07-17Revert hard-coded PKGSRC_FORTRAN setting. g95 is perfectly fine here.joerg1-2/+1
2018-07-17octave: force gfortran, g95 is broken is most setups.maya3-3/+19
build fix for newer qt. bump PKGREVISION.
2018-07-06Recursive revbump from audio/pulseaudioryoon1-2/+2
2018-04-29revbump for boost-libs updateadam1-2/+2
2018-04-17Add p11-kit to gnutls/ and bump dependencies.wiz1-2/+2
2018-04-16Recursive bump for new fribidi dependency in pango.wiz1-2/+2
2018-04-14revbump after icu updateadam1-2/+2
2018-03-12Recursive bumps for fontconfig and libzip dependency changes.wiz1-2/+2
2018-01-28Bump PKGREVISION for gdbm shlib major bumpwiz1-2/+2
2018-01-01Revbump after boost updateadam1-2/+2
2017-11-30Revbump after textproc/icu updateadam1-2/+2
2017-11-23recursive bump for libxkbcommon removal from at-spi2-corewiz1-2/+2
2017-09-18revbump for requiring ICU 59.xmaya1-2/+2
2017-09-12recursive bump for qt5-qtwebkit dependency changewiz1-2/+2
2017-09-08Recursive revbump from audio/pulseaudio-11.0ryoon1-2/+2
2017-08-24Revbump for boost updateadam1-2/+2
2017-08-01Remove low GCC_REQD.maya1-2/+1
Good luck making it past qt5 with GCC 3.0!
2017-08-01Forgot bsdtar as a dependency.maya1-2/+2
2017-08-01Make octave-forge work (on netbsd, with gfortran)maya5-7/+88
allow overriding MKOCTFILE_* and use it to provide a full path gfortran, so the invocation doesn't fail because gfortran isn't normally in PATH Force the use of bsdtar. unpacking yielding random PaxHeaders.1234 triggers an octave package sanity check making the build of the 'signal' package fail with a cryptic error with no further diagnostics. bump PKGREVISION
2017-07-30hack: force disable a configure test.maya1-1/+4
Fixes build with PKGSRC_FORTRAN=gfortran (6.4) on netbsd. resulting binary works fine. I suspect the issue is that the wrong gcc (one without fortran support) is invoked.
2017-07-03Get rid of charset.alias. it creates conflicts with other packages (gdbmaya2-4/+4
being one example), and the logic for building it is conditional, causing PLIST mismatches for GLIBC users. Reported by Jason Bacon in pkgsrc-users. Bump PKGREVISION
2017-04-30Recursive revbump from boost updateryoon1-2/+2
2017-04-22Revbump after icu updateadam1-2/+2
2017-03-15octave: amend wrapper patches to be netbsd-specific. fix sunOS buildmaya3-11/+19
octave is using gnulib for portability, but has an additional wrapper around it. unfortunately that means that this type signature is no longer portable. netbsd doesn't have struct tm_zone, others do. I failed to use gnulib to provide struct tm_zone, using an OS-specific macro as an ugly hack. reported by hans
2017-02-28Recursive revbump from graphics/libwebpryoon1-2/+2
2017-02-12Recursive revbump from fonts/harfbuzzryoon1-2/+2
2017-02-09Correct the default value of BUILDLINK_DEPMETHOD.arpackminskim1-2/+2
Since arpack installs a dynamic library, its BUILDLINK_DEPMETHOD shouldn't be set to "build" by default. Bump PKGREVISION of octave for its runtime dependency change.
2017-02-06Recursive bump for harfbuzz's new graphite2 dependency.wiz1-2/+2
2017-01-24Mention you can use ~/.octaverc to make the change more permanent, it'smaya1-3/+4
more convenient.
2017-01-21Recursive revbump from audio/pulseaudio-10.0ryoon1-2/+2
2017-01-01Revbump after boost updateadam1-2/+2
2016-12-31Use standard way to test for build options.wiz1-3/+6
2016-12-04Recursive revbump from textproc/icu 58.1ryoon1-1/+2
2016-11-19Octave: update to 4.2.0maya30-847/+258
pkgsrc changes: removed all patches to do with qt5 support, upstream code does it now. blindly moved some patches that were replacing INSTALL_PROGRAM to INSTALL_LIB as the build changed. added patch replacing struct tm_zone with timezone_t to accommodate for missing type in NetBSD - same as libgnu does. ok adam Summary of important user-visible changes for version 4.2: --------------------------------------------------------- ** The parser has been extended to accept, but ignore, underscore characters in numbers. This facilitates writing more legible code by using '_' as a thousands separator or to group nibbles into bytes in hex constants. Examples: 1_000_000 == 1e6 or 0xDE_AD_BE_EF ** The parser has been extended to understand binary numbers which begin with the prefix '0b' or '0B'. The value returned is Octave's default numeric class of double, not at unsigned integer class. Therefore numbers greater than flintmax, i.e., 2^53, will lose some precision. Examples: 0b101 == 5 or 0B1100_0001 == 0xC1 ** gnuplot 4.4 is now the minimum version supported by Octave. ** The default set of colors used to plot lines has been updated to be compatible with Matlab's new default color scheme. The line plot color scheme can be set with the axes property "ColorOrder". ** The default colormap is now set to "viridis" which is also the default colormap in matplotlib. This new colormap fixes some of the main issues with the old default colormap "jet" such as its bad "luminance profile" and is also more similar to Matlab's new default colormap "parula". ** The colormap function no longer supports the input argument "list" to show built-in colormaps. Use "help colormap" to find the built-in colormaps. ** The graphics command "hold on" now ensures that each new plot added to an existing plot has a different color or linestyle according to the "ColorOrder" and/or "LineStyleOrder" properties. This is equivalent to the old command "hold all" and was made for Matlab compatibility. Existing code *may* produce differently colored plots if it did not specify the color for a plot and relied on each new plot having the default first color in the "ColorOrder" property. ** When starting, Octave now looks in the function path for a file startup.m and executes any commands found there. This change was made to accommodate Matlab users. Octave has it's own configuration system based on the file .octaverc which is preferred. ** Octal ('\NNN') and hex ('\xNN') escape sequences in single quoted strings are now interpreted by the function do_string_escapes(). The *printf family of functions now supports octal and hex escape sequences in single-quoted strings for Matlab compatibility. ** Special octal and hex escape sequences for the pattern and replacement strings in regular expressions are now interpreted for Matlab compatibility. octal: '\oNNN' or '\o{NNN}' hex : '\xNN' or '\x{NN}' ** Unknown escape sequences in the replacement string for regexprep are now substituted with their unescaped version and no warning is emitted. This change was made for Matlab compatibility. Example: regexprep ('a', 'a', 'x\yz') => 'xyz' ** mkfifo now interprets the MODE argument as an octal, not decimal, integer. This is consistent with the equivalent shell command. ** linspace now returns an empty matrix if the number of requested points is 0 or a negative number. This change was made to be compatible with Matlab releases newer than 2011. In addition, Octave no longer supports matrix inputs for A or B. ** The cov function now returns the complex conjugate of the result from previous versions of Octave. This change was made for compatibility with Matlab. ** condest now works with a normest1 compatible syntax. ** The griddata function no longer plots the interpolated mesh if no output argument is requested, instead the vector or array of interpolated values is always returned for Matlab compatibility. ** The new function "light" and the corresponding graphics object provide light and shadow effects for patch and surface objects. ** The surfnorm function now returns unnormalized (magnitude != 1) normal vectors for compatibility with Matlab. ** The normal vectors returned from isonormals have been reversed to point towards smaller values for compatibility with Matlab. ** The quadl function now uses an absolute, rather than relative, tolerance for Matlab compatibility. The default tolerance is 1e-6 which may result in lower precision results than previous versions of Octave which used eps as the relative tolerance. The quadl function has also been extended to return a second output with the total number of function evaluations. ** The textscan function is now built-in and is much faster and much more Matlab-compatible than the previous m-file version. ** Dialog boxes--errordlg, helpdlg, inputdlg, listdlg, msgbox, questdlg, and warndlg--now exclusively use Qt for rendering. Java based versions have been removed. ** The axes properties "TitleFontSizeMultiplier" and "TitleFontWeight" are now implemented which control the default appearance of text created with title(). The axes property "LabelFontSizeMultiplier" is now implemented which controls the default appearance of text created with xlabel(), ylabel(), or zlabel(). ** The graphics property "box" for axes now defaults to "off". To obtain equivalent plots to previous versions of Octave use set (0, "DefaultAxesBox", "on"); in your .octaverc file. ** The graphics property "boxstyle" has been implemented. The default is "back" which draws only the back planes in a 3-D view. If the option is "full" then all planes are drawn. ** The graphics property "erasemode" has been hidden, and will eventually be removed. This property has also been removed from Matlab, and was never implemented in Octave. ** The graphics property "graphicssmoothing" for figures now controls whether anti-aliasing will be used for lines. The default is "on". ** The value "zero" for the axes properties "xaxislocation" and "yaxislocation" has been deprecated and will be removed from Octave 4.6. Use "origin" instead. ** The publish function allows easy publication of Octave script files in HTML or other formats, including figures and output created by this script. It comes with its counterpart grabcode, which lets one literally grab the HTML published code from a remote website, for example. ** The value of the MEX variable TrapFlag now defaults to 0, which will cause Octave to abort execution of a MEX file and return to the prompt if an error is encountered in mexCallMATLAB. ** The MEX API now includes the function mexCallMATLABWithTrap. This function will not abort if an error occurs during mexCallMATLAB, but instead will return execution to the MEX function for error handling. ** The MEX API functions for input validation that begin with "mxIs" (e.g., mxIsDouble, mxIsEmpty, etc.) now return type bool rather than type int. ** The functions mxAssert and mxAssertS for checking assertions have been added. In order to avoid a performance penalty they are only compiled in to debug versions of a MEX file, i.e., that are produced when the '-g' option is given to mex or mkoctfile. ** Other new MEX API functions include mexEvalStringWithTrap, mxIsScalar, mxCreateUninitNumericArray, mxCreateUninitNumericMatrix. ** Other new functions added in 4.2: audioformats camlight condeig deg2rad dialog evalc hash im2double isocaps lighting localfunctions material normest1 ode23 ode45 odeget odeplot odeset padecoef profexport psi rad2deg reducepatch reducevolume smooth3 uibuttongroup ** Deprecated functions. The following functions have been deprecated in Octave 4.2 and will be removed from Octave 4.6 (or whatever version is the second major release after 4.2): Function | Replacement ---------------------|------------------ bitmax | flintmax mahalanobis | mahal in Octave-Forge statistics pkg md5sum | hash octve_config_info | __octave_config_info__ onenormest | normest1 sleep | pause usleep | pause wavread | audioread wavwrite | audiowrite ** The following functions were deprecated in Octave 3.8 and have been removed from Octave 4.2. default_save_options java_new gen_doc_cache java_unsigned_conversion interp1q javafields isequalwithequalnans javamethods java_convert_matrix re_read_readline_init_file java_debug read_readline_init_file java_invoke saving_history ** The global error_state variable in Octave's C++ API has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Now the error and print_usage functions throw an exception (octave::execution_exception) after displaying the error message. This makes the error and print_usage functions in C++ work more like the corresponding functions in the scripting language. ** The default error handlers in liboctave have been updated to use exceptions. After displaying an error message they no longer return control to the calling program. The error handler function can be customized through the global variables "current_liboctave_error_handler" and "current_liboctave_error_with_id_handler". If a programmer has installed their own custom error handling routines when directly linking with liboctave then these must be updated to throw an exception and not return to the calling program. ** The system for common errors and warnings has been renamed from gripe_XXX to either err_XXX if error is called or warn_XXX if warning is called. The gripe_XXX functions are deprecated and will be removed in version 4.6. ** New configure option, --enable-address-sanitizer-flags, to build Octave with memory allocator checks (similar to those in valgrind) built in.
2016-11-19octave: reference llvm & octave bug reports for ambiguous floatmaya2-3/+6
precision patch.
2016-10-07Revbump post boost updateadam1-2/+2
2016-09-28octave: fix linux installmaya3-6/+41
we pass and assume a given MACHINE_GNU_PLATFORM, but this package did not use this value due to an error. the guess it had for linux (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu) is different, and this seems to trample over our own tools, see: add this patch to the original m4 script too, not just the resulting configure file, so it won't be accidentially forgotten (and can be upstreamed). patch originally by Iain Morgan reminded by Dr. Thomas Orgis
2016-09-20octave: suggest workaround for crashes in MESSAGEmaya1-0/+7
the default uses OpenGL and depending on the setup, it may lack certain features. see GNU Octave bug #44823:
2016-08-08Don't install lib/charset.aliasprlw12-3/+3
2016-08-06Update octave to 4.0.3prlw110-115/+59
XXX installs lib/charset.alias - is this a problem? Bugs Fixed in GNU Octave 4.0.3 * doc: clarify differences between atan and atan2 (bug #48178) * doc: delete mention of unsupported syntax for looping over structs (bug #48064) * ver.m: return empty struct for unknown package (bug #48235). * Update gnulib subrepo for texinfo formatting fixes (bug #48001) * Fix typos in Java conversion of 32 and 64 bit integers (bug #48107) * Create valid gnuplot commands even for single-entry colormaps (bug #48083). * orderfields.m: Remove trailing bracket in docstring (bug #48063). * Don't overly restrict options passed to Java jvm (bug #39063). * Write integers with correct byte order on big-endian systems (bug #47434) * doc: Document syntax for specifying color when using Tex interpreter (bug #47907). * Round quantized pixel values before writing uintN images (bug #47746) * Fix popen2 error on Windows when child writes to stderr (bug #43036) * it_IT.ts: Correct Italian translation of "col:" (bug #47857). * avoid crash in audiowrite argument processing (bug #47875) * make __magick_read__ a built-in function (bug #41699) * sortrows.m: Improve docstring (bug #47844). * doc: Fix typo in exec docstring. * Use correct URL for Online Documentation (bug #47835). * Fix autoscale affecting legend axes objects (bug #47765). * Remove AC_CHECK_FUNC for pipe now that gnulib::pipe used. * doc: fix on manual the syntax to empty elements from cell array. * octave.texi: Set document encoding to UTF-8. * Enable the pipe function on Windows (bug #47614) * avoid mulitple definitions of static function-scope vars (bug #47372) * Delete obsolete file. * Initialize variable to stop unstable results for lgamma (bug #47524). * call openmp function at initialization (bug #47372) * macros.texi: Colorized links for PDF files with Texinfo 6.x.
2016-08-04Recursive revbump from audio/pulseaudioryoon1-2/+2
2016-07-09Bump PKGREVISION for perl-5.24.0 for everything mentioning perl.wiz1-2/+2
2016-04-11Recursive revbump from textproc/icu 57.1ryoon1-2/+2