Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author | Files | Lines |
BitVector is a fairly extensive and fast BitVector class for Ruby.
Handles sequences of up to 2**32-1 bits (about 500 Mb). Implemented
as a wrapper around Bit::Vector version 6.0 by Steffen Beyer.
BigFloat is an extension library for Ruby. Using BigFloat class, you
can obtain any number of significant digits in computation.
libraries actually works. Bump version number to 0.35.5nb1.
Plot program with integrated statistics capabilities
shared libraries.
Changes between NTL 5.0c and 5.1a
Some minor fixes and additions.
Completely backward compatible.
* Added a routine LatticeSolve() for finding integer solutions to
linear systems of integer equations.
* Modified the stragey used by the LLL() and image() routines in the
LLL package to deal with linear dependencies. The new strategy
guarantees better worst-case bounds on the sizes of intermediate
values. I'm not sure if it will have any serious practical impact,
* Added some "partial ISO modes" so that one can use some of the
features of Standard C++, even if ones compiler does not yet
support all of the features.
* Bug fix: routine determnant() in mat_GF2.h was not visible to the
linker because of a typo in mat_GF2.c.
* Made a "smarter" script for selecting the GetTime() function. This
fixes an installation problem on Cygwin/Windows 95 platforms. I
hope it doesn't create more problems than it solves, though.
* Added some extra documentation for installation under Windows/MS
Visual C++.
* Changed some names like c_lip.c to c_lip_impl.h. This should avoid
some potential installation problems.
* Throw away first 256-bytes of arc4 streams to improve quality of
the pseudo-random number generator. This may change the precise
behavior of some programs.
* Other minor, internal modifications.
GNU_CONFIGURE is defined, so simply set LIBS to the appropriate value.
adapt by moving CPPFLAGS settings to top-level, and removing explicit
inclusion of CPPFLAGS into MAKE_ENV and CONFIGURE_ENV.
CXXFLAGS, and LDFLAGS by the files so remove the extra
definitions to add them from the package Makefiles. As advised by the file, also ensure that the files are
included prior to defining any package-specific CFLAGS/LDFLAGS to ensure
that the buildlink directories are at the head of the compiler search
targets as the files now add the dependency automatically.
Remove any NO_CONFIGURE definitions as they seem to be useless.
Via patch from Masao Uebayashi <>
Use BUILDLINK_INCDIR, BUILDLINK_LIBDIR for locations of linked headers
and libraries. Create a variable BUILDLINK_TARGETS whose value is the
list of build-link targets to execute.
* What is new in gsl-0.8:
** The build process now uses the latest libtool and automake
** The library should now compile with Microsoft Visual C++
** Portable versions of the isinf, isnan and finite functions are
available as gsl_isinf(x), gsl_isnan(x) and gsl_finite(x).
** The definitions of GSL_POSINF, GSL_NEGINF and GSL_NAN no longer
cause divisions by zero during compilation.
** The gsl_interp_obj has been renamed to gsl_interp
** The poly_eval and pow_int functions have been moved from the
specfunc directory to the poly and sys directories.
** The Chebyshev functions are now available as an independent module
in their own directory.
** The error handling conventions have been unified across the
library. This simplifies the use of the special functions.
** A full CBLAS implementation is now included for systems where ATLAS
has not been installed. The CBLAS library can also be used
independently of GSL. The organisation of the BLAS directories has been
** IEEE support for HPUX-11, NetBSD, Apple Darwin and OS/2 are now
** The library now includes implementations of log1p, expm1, hypot,
acosh, asinh, atanh for platforms which do not provide them.
** The convention for alloc and set functions has changed so that they
are orthogonal. After allocating an object it is now necessary to
initialize it.
** There is a new module for estimating numerical derivatives of functions
** There is a new module for handling data with ntuples
** The histogram lookup functions are now optimized for the case of
uniform bins, and include an inline binary search for speed.
** The Chebyschev coefficients for the QAWO algorithm are now
precomputed in a table for efficiency, rather than being computed on
the fly.
** There are several new sorting functions for selecting the k-th
smallest or largest elements of a dataset.
** Iterator functions are now available for permutations,
gsl_permutation_next and gsl_permutation_prev.
** The function gsl_complex_xy has been renamed gsl_complex_rect
** The API for simulated annealing has been changed to support search
spaces in which the points cannot be represented as contiguous-memory
data structures. gsl_siman_solve() now takes three extra arguments: a
copy constructor, a copy function and a destructor, allowing
gsl_siman_solve() to do its work with linked data structures. If all
three of these function pointers are NULL, then the traditioanl
approach of using malloc(), memcpy(), and free() with the element size
is used.
Noted by Frederick Bruckman.
1- return() could forget objects on heap [F2]
2- polhensellift(x^3+x^2+2,[x^2,x+1],2) --> pols not coprime [F3]
3- Configure missed some shared libraries [e.g RedHat 7.0] [F4]
4- requests for precision of bnfinit(x) [ = Q ] could yield SEGV [F6]
5- compatible = 3 not taken into account when reading a file [F7]
6- lines > 0: output driver didn't reset properly after user output [F9]
7- nfdisc(x^5+2*x^4+3*x^3-3*x^2+122*x-1) --> impossible inverse [F10]
8- bug in gcc-2.95: SEGV on Linux (quicksqri) [F11]
9- addrfrac: could return a t_RFRAC whose denominator wasn't a t_POL[F12]
10- bnfcertify (zimmertbound): off by two error when reading bound [F13]
BA 11- pbs in Fp_factor_irred (factoring over Fq a pol. defined over Fp)[F25]
12- typo in quadhilbertimag (SEGV for very large discriminants) [F28]
BA 13- isprime(n < 2, 2 or 3) gave wrong result [F31]
BA 14- nfgaloisconj(polcyclo(11)+1)--> oo loop [F35]
nfgaloisconj(polcyclo(40))-->incorrect result
IS 15- typo in squfof tuning on 64bit machines [F36]
16- van Hoeij's algorithm (factor(Z[X])): wrong bound in LLL_cmbf [F41]
17- rare SEGV in nfdisc [F44]
18- rare problem in isprincipal (large non Galois base field) [F56]
--> wrong result (generators not required) or infinite loop.
19- build failed with readline-4.2 [F57]
1- DOS distribution archives (GPM removed) [C1]
XR 2- try more prime ideals in nfsqff [nffactor, modular part] [C4]
3- renamed library function gsize() to sizedigit() [pb with gtk] [C10]
IK 4- let lisGEN() return NULL when EOF is met (was oo loop) [C12]
5- install the whole distribution (see ?12) + improved Configure [C17]
1- README.WIN, config/[arch-osname|locatesymbol], doc/tex2mail.1 [A1]
regenerated and work properly with the info program in NetBSD.
Fixes PR pkg/12962 by Jim Bernard <>.
This is an implementation of a VSIP Library (Vector/Signal/Image
Processing Library) as defined by the VSIPL Forum for a CORE profile.
The TASP_VSIPL library is an effort to produce a VSIPL library
suitable for demonstration and early development and testing of VSIPL
code and ideas.
The Tactical Advanced Signal Processing Common Operating Environment
(TASP COE) effort is striving to produce a common operating
environment for signal processing throughout the Navy and DOD for the
COTS environment. VSIPL is thought by TASP to have a good chance of
becoming a standard signal processing library for many vendors who
supply DOD high performance computing products. For this reason TASP
is supporting the VSIPL effort.
This is the TASP VSIPL Core Plus implementation of VSIPL. Core Plus
includes all the functionality of the core profile plus most floating
point Vector and Elementwise Operations not required by the VSIPL Core
profile. The additional functions include such things as matrix
elementwise add and multiply.
The TASP VSIPL code is required to be freely available for any
emulation or depending on the readline package.
use version numbers the file changes very seldom and it's better than
cluttering up LOCAL_PORTS.
tk-8.3.2 -> tk>=8.3.2
tk-[0-9]* -> tk>=8.0
tk-8.* -> tk>=8.0
* Install library as libpari.a. (Previously the package installed
libpari.a.2.1 and created a symbolic link libpari.a).
* Fix warning about O_RDONLY being redefined.
when f2c-f77 is used.