Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author | Files | Lines |
Bump PKGREVISION. Pointed out by drochner@ in private e-mail.
- Add pre-configure target.
This should fix PR pkg/37929.
- Merge Makefile.NetBSD.i386 and Makefile.NetBSD.x86_64 to
on packages that are affected by the switch from the openssl 0.9.7
branch to the 0.9.8 branch. ok jlam@
Pointing out by veego@ in private e-mail.
- Make this build with gcc4 on NetBSD/amd64 (don't link libsupc++.a
with gcc>=4). Suggested by joerg@. Tested by Paul Goyatte
<paul at whooppee dot com> and smb@.
build problem on NetBSD/amd64. Problem reported by darcy@.
(set USE_BUILTIN.freetype2 to `no').
This release fixes CVE-2007-4575 (Potential arbitrary code execution
vulnerability in 3rd party module (HSQLDB)).
Changes since 2.3.0:
canvas23101 cairo canvas fixes
os105 Fixe of issue 82625
dndthreading Fix for DND threading apartment problems on Windows
impress135 single fix cws for impress presentation
localisation26 l10n fixes for arabic
native119 New Java GUI Installer
ext002 Release CWS to provide DirectX Canvas as Extension
fwk75 Framework fixes for OOo2.3.1
native115 OOo 2.3.1 installation tasks
sw8u9bf01 Writer bug fixes for OOo2.3.1/SO8PU9
atkbridge8 Fix crash when leaving presentation mode with
accessibility enabled.
dr59 Calc issues for target OOo 2.3.1
fwk76 Framework OOo2.3.1 fixes.
hsql1808 upgrading hsqldb to latest release
jl80 Bundle new JRE with StarOffice/OpenOffice
pdffix01 Fix regressions in PDF export of OOo 2.3.0
pythonhcheck fix Python.h check
sw8u9bf02 Writer bugfixes for 2.3.1
thbpp9 Misc fixes for 2.3.1
tl48 Various fixes for OOo 2.3.1
updatedutchspellcheck Update Dutch spell checker for 2.3.1.
dba231a DBA related bug fixing towards 2.3.1
impress131 impress fixes for OOo 2.3.1
javastuffor231 fix two Java issues for 2.3.1
localizationcws20071022 L10N cws for OOo 2.3.1, do not integrate into SRC680.
mav25 Showstopper cws.
pmladek07 Do not crash when loading too big pictures.
updateptbrspellchecker Update pt-BR spellchecker.
vcl23102 Fixes for 2.3.1
i18n38_OOG680 i18n bug fix
chart16 chart bugfixes for OOo 2.3.1
swlayout01 fix for issue i79774 respectively internal issue
ause086 small build fixes to avoid bigger trouble - 2.3.1 only!
chart18 chart regressions in 2.3
jl78 new cli assemblies
sb78 ScriptFramework.jar not available to extensions
vcl23101 Issues for 2.3.1
allowcurloldies fix ucb build with system curl 7.17.0
broken on some environment (sorry, I don't know why).
Reported and tested by wiz@.
- Use external expat and jpeg. Requested by wiz@.
- Add `ooo-external-libwpd' option. It's disabled by default
bacause the converters/libwpd depends on some GNOME libraries.
can handle packages having no PLIST files.
- Correct reference of the language list in comment.
Remove ooo-without-browser option. Pointed out by wiz@.
(it's not a default).
Security fix:
- Fix CVE-2007-2834 (it has already fixed in 2.2.1nb3).
New features:
- separated UI/configuration for database forms and database reports.
- keyboard shortcuts for database record navigation.
- Show filter options dialog before file dialog in case of pdf-export.
- Selection of stylist filter now persistent.
- The title for the broken signature dialog has been changed.
- Extension Identifiers, unopkg, pkgchk.
- Export COT, ACOT, COTH, and ACOTH to MS Excel files.
- Centered document view.
- separated UI/configuration for XML Form Documents.
- New locale data:
Hausa_Ghana (ha_GH)
Ewe_Ghana (ee_GH)
Frisian_Netherlands (fy_NL)
Uzbek_Uzbekistan (uz_UZ)
Occitan_France (oc_FR)
Lingala_Congo (ln_CD)
Sango _ Central African Republic (sg_CF)
English_Ghana (en_GH),
Ganda_Uganda (lg_UG)
Armenian_Armenia (hy_AM)
- Tagalog_Philippines (tl_PH) added to language list box.
- Jewish calendar dates for en_US locale.
- Uzbek (Cyrillic) removed from language list box.
- Currency Bolivar Fuerte, VEF, for Spanish_Venezuela (es_VE) locale.
- Default currency Ghana Cedi, GHS, for *_Ghana (ak_GH, ee_GH, en_GH, ha_GH)
- service.
- Insert/Title Dialog Layout Changed.
- offer to switch to a Simple 3d look in charts.
- exploded 3D pies and donuts.
- more easy creation of charts / new wizard.
- Strings for Undo in Charts.
- enhanced logarithmic scales.
- Automatic axis scaling.
- Flexible Source-Range Selection.
- enhanced selection handling.
- Export donut charts according to spec.
- Export manual scales for percent charts correctly.
- Menu for Charts.
- Chart Data Editor improved.
- Right-angled axes for 3D Charts.
- New Default Colors for Charts
- Chart-Specific Toolbars.
- Terms for Chart Elements.
- simplified 3D dialog for charts.
- Right-angled axes for 3D Charts.
- Show formula and R^2 for regression curves in Status Bar and Extended Tip
- keyboard shortcuts for task pane entries.
- / in database object names not allowed anymore.
- New Report Designer.
- HTML export for draw and presentation documents now supports png.
- Alternative text for non-text image map.
- Alternative text for layers in drawings.
- Alternative text for layers in drawings (now with issue number).
- Preview Document in Web Browser.
- Extension can integrate options pages in the options dialog.
- New option: Load printer settings with the document.
- Single dialog export in dialog editor.
- Link to in Extension Manager.
- Editing of path animations is possible again.
- testtool: new commands to request webpages.
- testtool: new implementation for typekeys and mouse*.
- testtool: new methods to access EditBrowseBox.
- testtool: config tabpage for Crashreport configuration.
- testtool: New option in options dialog to set OOo program path.
- testtool: method to get state of menu entry if expandable.
- testtool: add new methods for ORoadmap e.g. in wizards.
- testtool: new method to get slot execution status.
- Default print options in Calc.
- Support of inline matrix/array constants in formulas.
- Keyboard shortcut "Ctrl-1" is now "Format Cells".
- Keyboard shortcuts Ctrl-Plus and Ctrl-Minus for Insert/Delete Cells.
- GETPIVOTDATA formula function.
- Division by zero #DIV/0! error displayed for certain functions, #NUM!
displayed for illegal floating-point operation errors.
- Cell context menu entry changed.
- Renamed checkbox in Paste Special dialog.
- Checkbox in Delete Contents dialog renamed.
- Extend AutoSum Capabilities in Calc.
- Renamed "Set Input Mode" to "Toggle Edit Mode".
- Shortcut for Format->Cells menu entry changed.
- Ctrl + ~ (Ctrl + `) toggles formula view.
- Dynamic ranges as formula results in validation lists.
- Drawing objects support Basic macro calls.
- JIS and ASC Spreadsheet Functions.
- "Form Objects" toolbar removed.
- Toolbars "Insert" and "Insert Object" merged.
- Changed menu entry Data->Outline.
- Default print options in Calc.
- Intro and about bitmap location changed, configure script extended.
- Selectable FixedTexts.Changed shortcut for "Object" in the Edit menu.
- Standard Color Palette Extended by new Chart Default Colors.
- Automatic update for charts in Writer.
- Language Guessing.
- Ctrl-click to execute hyperlinks.
- New Smart Tag API and UI.
- 'Old' mail merge dialog now supports output to single file.
- Soft page break.
- Shortcut for "Repeat".
- New writer compatibility option.
- Password of a document is asked untill the correct one is entered or the
dialog is cancelled.
- Menu and toolbar merging support for extensions.
- Default Macro Security Level changed.
- First word in a Calc cell will no longer be capitalized by auto-correction.
- Customize Keyboard tabpage.
- Compatibility option "Expand word space..." added.
- New export filter: MediaWiki.
- Spell checking one letter words.
Please see the following URL for more detail of changes.
overflows and arbitrary code execution).
- Use internal libwpd (fix buildlink error of gnome-vfs).
gnome-vfs2 -> gnome-vfs.
and CVE-2007-2754).
Changes from 2.2.0:
* freetypettg: fix CVE-2007-2754 for the internal freetype copy
* autotext02: A showstopper fix for OOo2.2.1
* l10n77316fix: contains fix for i77316
* notepaint: Fix for invisible text in Calc notes while editing
* macosxpbuildrepair_OOF680:
This cws fixes broken Mac OS X 10.3 build, and does contain :
- a fix for a build breaker in slideshow ( fixed by thb ) #i74325#
- gcc-3.3 parser fixes #i75990#
- a complete fix in sal for security.c ( with sb help ) #i76159#
- a fix for broken linking ( because of extra symbols, due to bad
filtering ) #i72922#
- a fix for main.applescript ( build borken on Panther ) #i75972#
All issue targeted 2.2.1 ( supposing the changes will be integrated
in SRC680 too)
* ause078_OOF680: quick and small to get back correct dependencies
* os95_OOF680,plthes: add license-fixed polish thesaurus
* olenoserver: A fix for a regression.
* hro15: Unicode command line support fix for Windows only.
* custompropsfix: Small bug fix in Word import for import of document
* dba221b: fix issue 73722, in its incarnation as issue 76434, for 2.2.1.
* swvalgrind: Fix for i76133
* calc221: Calc fixes for OOo2.2.1
* fix75967: fix issue 75967
* c03v8,c07v012,native86,nativebroffice: New Product
* impress120: Bugfix workspace for OOo 2.2.1
sj->wg: the performance test hasn|t been finished yet, but I think
it should be no problem to hand over this issue without the test.
* larsbehr01: Bugfix for i66661: Slideshow bug fixing for 2.2.1
* dba221a: ongoing DBA-related bugfixing towards OOo 2.2.1
* sch17: Fixes for sch
* tbe29: OOo 2.2.1 accessibility bug fixes
* impress119: Bug fixes for OOo 2.2.1.
* printhelpfix: Bugfix for 134037.
* autotext01: A showstopper cws related to autotext bug.
* native79: Preparing OOo 2.2.1 and SO 8 Update 7
* vcl73_OOF680: 2.2.1 issues
* cmcfixes32_OOF680: minor customized build fixes
* jl57_OOF680: Contains a patch for building with an older gcc compiler.
* fsfixes06_OOF680: Fix for a bug in WordPerfect typedetection that caused
us to crash on unsupported documents instead of refusing
them with grace
* jl62,oasisrng02: Fixes of violations of the RelaxNG schema in ODF.
* aw050: OOo 2.2.1 BugFixing
* swqbugfix01: Issues in Writer regarding saving of documents
- Disable systray quickstarter. I can't fix it now.
- Set PTHREAD_DIAGASSERT to "AEL" in startup script.
- Remove PTHREAD_DIAGASSERT from build environment.
This should fix PR pkg/36364. Bump PKGREVISION.
- Restore sensitivity of the systray menu when closing the open dialog.
- Add missing two scripts and a symbolic link.
- Set X11_LDFLAGS via configure.
- Add missing MESSAGE file (from misc/openoffice).
- Remove extra $NetBSD$ and trailing white space from patch-ch.
NOTE: Currently, you need 400MB free disk space per one lang-* option.
Release Notes:
- Fix CVE-2007-0002, CVE-2007-0238, CVE-2007-0239.
- field lengths of bibliography database changed.
- UTF-8 encoding for dBase databases.
- "Edit in SQL View..." command for database queries.
- forms: date and time fields do not default to "Today" and "Now" anymore.
- query/relation design: visual marker indicating the type of table/query.
- advanced database setting: "Use keyword AS before table alias names".
- Annoying focus behavior of OOo was fixed.
- scaling in spadmin page property page deleted.
- Additional options for pdf export.
- Desktop-Integration package for slackware.
- Show/Hide Slide menu entry split into two entries.
- Support for NetBSD, Linux 64 bit, Linux SPARC in TestTool Environment.
- New behavior of "Insert - Sheet From File".
- Import MS Excel files with PivotTables based on external data.
- Insert/Delete Note in cell context menu.
- some UNO Remote Protocol (URP) changes.
- Extension Dependency
- Export COT, ACOT, COTH, and ACOTH to MS Excel files.
- System integration for extensions.
- Online Update for Extensions.
- Localization of UNO Dialogs.
- OOo no longer generates sensitive UUIDs.
- Autokerning enabled by default.
- CVS import dialog for unformatted clipboard text.
- Ordinal suffix in AutoFill.
- simple protocolhandler add-on support in uno-skeletonmaker.
- Autokerning enabled by default.
- Create Tango icon set for OO.o.
- Add localisation support to UNO dialogs and IDE Dialog Editor.
- extend add-on support in the uno-skeletonmaker.
- Upgrade icu to latest version.
- Implement an optional help section in the ObjectInspector.
- additional PDF export features
- makes localize.sdf files optional.
- Add/update Slovenian templates for 2.1.
- update of icons.
- changes for soffice script.
- implement shaped system windows.
- Updates of OOo <-> ATK bridge.
- #139464# use #REF! errors in formulas using cells from missing
external linked sheets.
- Tooling fixes for CWS and MWS handling.
- Remove SISSL from module filter.
- make the 'automatic update check' more consistent.
- code only cws, adds infrastructure for vba interop project.
- Prepare framework code to support inplace active objects that are
not UIactive.
- Some bugs, some very minor UNO runtime features.
- Changed context menu (insert/delete note) for Calc cells.
- new buildsystem features.
- Improve line height compatibility on UNX platforms while keeping
the layout backwards compatible.
- Preparing installation of extensions in installation sets.
- osl[in|de]crementInterlockedCount(): don't use "lock" prefix on
single processor, single core, non HT machines.
- Clean up obsolete files in binfilter.
- Bug fixes.
CVE-2007-0002: Multiple Vendor libwpd Multiple Buffer Overflow Vulnerabilities
CVE-2007-0238: Manipulated StarCalc files can lead to arbitrary code execution
CVE-2007-0239: Security Vulnerability in StarOffice/StarSuite URL Handler
CVE-2007-1466: Multiple Vendor libwpd Multiple Buffer Overflow Vulnerabilities
(splitted from CVE-2007-0002)
Fixes for CVE-2007-0238 and CVE-2007-0239 from OOo 2.2.
Fixes for CVE-2007-0002 and CVE-2007-1466 by external libwpd.
these are really supported.
This fixes build with modular X.Org.
have Java. This makes the package savable with some formats.
- Change option name gnome-vfs -> gnome.
- Add ${SETENV} ${MAKE_ENV} to do-build (pointed out by joerg@).
- Add --with-system-freetype and --enable-cairo.
- Add --enable-evolution2 with gnome option.
- Fix typo in patch-aa.