path: root/misc/todoman
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2019-11-03misc: align variable assignmentsrillig1-7/+7
pkglint -Wall -F --only aligned --only indent -r No manual corrections.
2019-10-10todoman: update to 3.7.0.wiz2-10/+10
Changes not found.
2019-10-10todoman: update to 3.6.0.wiz2-10/+11
v3.6.0 ------ * Allow passing a custom configuration file with the ``--config/-c`` option. * Cached list metadata is now invalidated when it has changed on-disk. * Support for click < 6.0 has been dropped (it wasn't actually working perfectly any more anyway). Click 7.x is the only currently supported version. * ``click-repl`` is now listed as an optional dependency. It is required for the ``todo repl`` command. * Add the ``default_priority`` config setting.
2019-04-25PKGREVISION bump for anything using python without a PYPKGPREFIX.maya1-1/+2
This is a semi-manual PKGREVISION bump.
2018-12-01todoman: update to 3.5.0.wiz2-8/+8
v3.5.0 ------ * Fix crashes due to API changes in icalendar 4.0.3. * Dropped compatibility for icalendar < 4.0.3.
2018-05-26todoman: update to 3.4.0.wiz2-7/+7
v3.4.0 ------ * Add ``-r`` option to ``new`` to read description from ``stdin``. * Add a dedicated zsh completion function. * Lists matching is now case insensitive, unless there are multiple lists with colliding names, in which case those will be treated case-sensitive. * Fix some tests that failed due to test dependency changes.
2018-01-28todoman: update to 3.3.0.wiz2-7/+8
v3.3.0 ------ * New runtime dependency: ``click-log``. * Drop support for Python 3.3, which has reached its end of life cycle. * Add `--raw` flag to `edit`. This allows editing the raw icalendar file, but **only use this if you really know what you're doing**. There's a big risk of data loss, and this is considered a developer / expert feature!
2017-09-13todoman: update to 3.2.4.wiz2-7/+7
v3.2.4 Deploy new versions to PyPI using twine. Travis doesn’t seem to be working. v3.2.3 Tests should no longer fail with pyicu installed. Improved documentation regarding how to test locally. v3.2.2 Initial support for (bash) autocompletion. The location field is not printed as part of --porcelain.
2017-09-04Updated todoman to 3.2.1.wiz2-8/+8
v3.2.1 ------ * Fix start-up crash caused by click_log interface change. * Dropped runtime dependency: ``click_log``.
2017-05-17Updated todoman to 3.2.0.wiz2-9/+9
v3.2.0 ------ * Completing recurring todos now works as expected and does not make if disappear forever.
2017-05-04Add missing BUILD_DEPENDS.wiz1-1/+2
2017-04-27Updated todoman to 3.1.0.wiz3-8/+11
v3.1.0 ------ * Last-modified fields of todos are now updated upon edition. * Sequence numbers are now properly increased upon edition. * Add new command ``todo cancel`` to cancel an existing todo without deleting it. * Add a new setting ``default_command``. * Replace ``--all`` and ``--done-only`` with ``--status``, which allows fine-grained status filtering. Use ``--status ANY`` or ``--status COMPLETED`` to obtain the same results as the previous flags. * Rename ``--today`` flag to ``--startable``. * Illegal start dates (eg: start dates that are not before the due date) are ignored and are removed when saving an edited todo.
2017-04-23Revert previous now that py-setuptools is fixed.wiz1-1/+2
2017-04-22Fix PLIST after update.wiz1-2/+1
2017-04-04Fix test dependencies and remove then unnecessary patch.wiz3-21/+7
No change to binary package.
2017-04-04Add upstream bug report URL.wiz2-3/+4
2017-04-04Updated todoman to 3.0.1.wiz4-13/+40
v3.0.0 ------ New features ~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Add a ``today`` setting and flag to exclude todos that start in the future. * Add the ``--humanize`` to show friendlier date times (eg: ``in 3 hours``). * Drop ``--urgent`` and introduced ``--priority``, which allows fine-filtering by priority. * Add support for times in due dates, new ``time_format`` setting. * Use the system's date format as a default. * Add list selector to the interactive editor. * Add ``--start=[before|after] [DATE]`` option for ``list`` to only show todos starting before/after given date. * Add flag "--done-only" to todo list. Displays only completed tasks. * Make the output of move, delete, copy and flush consistent. * Porcelain now outputs proper JSON, rather than one-JSON-per-line. * Increment sequence number upon edits. * Print a descriptive message when no lists are found. * Add full support for locations. Packaging changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * New runtime dependency: ``tabulate``. * New supported python version: ``pypy3``. * Include an alternative [much faster] entry point (aka "bin") which we recommend all downstream packagers use. Please see the :ref:`Notes for Packagers <notes-for-packagers>` documentation for further details.
2017-03-24does not support python-2.x, mark it as such.wiz1-1/+2
2017-02-27Updated todoman to 2.1.0.wiz2-7/+8
v2.1.0 ------ * The ``--no-human-time`` flag is gone. Integrations/scripts might want to look at ``--porcelain`` as an alternative. * Fix crash when running ``todo new``. * Fixes some issues when filtering todos from different timezones. * Attempt to create the cache file's directory if it does not exist. * Fix crash when running ``--porcelain show``. * Show ``id`` for todos everywhere (eg: including new, etc). * Add the ``ctrl-s`` shortcut for saving in the interactive editor.
2017-02-05PLIST update for todoman-2.0.2wiz1-4/+2
2017-02-05Updated todoman to 2.0.2.wiz2-9/+10
v2.0.2 ------ * Fix a crash after editing or completing a todo. v2.0.1 ------ * Fix a packaging error. v2.0.0 ------ New features ~~~~~~~~~~~~ * New flag ``--porcelain`` for programmatic integrations to use. See the ``integrations`` section :doc:`here </usage>` for details. * Implement a new :doc:`configuration option </configure>`: ``default_due``. * The configuration file is now pre-emptively validated. Users will be warned of any inconsistencies. * The ``list`` command has a new ``--due`` flag to filter tasks due soon. * Todo ids are now persisted in a cache. They can be manually purged using ``flush``. Packaging changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * New runtime dependency: configobj * New runtime dependency: python-dateutil * New test dependency: flake8-import-order.
2017-01-16Updated todoman to 1.8.0.wiz2-7/+7
Changes not found. Git commit list at
2016-11-07Updated todoman to 1.7.0.wiz3-8/+11
No changelog found. github changes: Merge pull request #52 from untitaker/generic-todo-prop-params Merge pull request #51 from nim65s/master Remove ansi dependency (#53) Share parameters between new and edit Add a move command Fix editor support (#47) Add a copy command (#50) Merge pull request #46 from untitaker/no-delete-button Replace cancel button with hint to hit ctrl-c Remove delete button from editor Exclude buggy setuptools-scm version Show error messages in UI (#43) delete cmd: Show tasks that will be deleted (#44) Fix tests done cmd: Show done tasks (#45) Don't strip time from datetime objects (#41) Add `default_list` in config for new todos (#40) Add shortcut to edit textfield in editor (#39) Merge pull request #6 from pimutils/widget-improvements Add basic editing shortcuts to text widgets Merge pull request #38 from untitaker/coc Add CoC Merge pull request #37 from untitaker/glob-clarify Clarify what path is supposed to match Don't require setuptool_scm at runtime Fix inconsistent minimum todo ID Merge pull request #30 from untitaker/color-option Implement color option Fix typo
2016-08-02Update some comments.wiz1-4/+2
2016-08-02Import todoman-1.6.3 as misc/todoman.wiz4-0/+75
Todoman is a simple, standards-based, CLI todo (aka: task) manager. Todos are stored into icalendar files, which means you can sync them via CalDAV using, for example, vdirsyncer.