path: root/misc
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2015-12-18Update to
Changelog: Bugs fixed compared to 5.0.4 RC1: tdf#94138 Form Control Text Boxes Print And Export To PDF Incorrectly [Tomaž Vajngerl] tdf#96072 General format lost on export to XLSX with locale using "Standard" as name for General format (FR, DE, SP...) [Eike Rathke] Bugs fixed compared to 5.0.3 final (RC2): bnc#881024 take the world scaling factor for fonts, but not the rotation [Caolán McNamara] coverity#1338592 explicit null dereferenced [Caolán McNamara] i#121382 take the world scaling factor for fonts, but not the rotation [Caolán McNamara] i#43771 sw: looping layout in SwHeadFootFrm::FormatSize() [Miklos Vajna] rhbz#1278885 black/absent widgetry only with libreoffice-gtk3 installed [Caolán McNamara] rhbz#988516 DOCX import: header/footer paragraph properties applied to body paragraph [Miklos Vajna] tdf#32082 [EDITING] Table Number Format not modified for empty table cells [Niklas Johansson] tdf#32834 bad result using mdeterm [Dennis Francis] tdf#39056 Image in wrong place, table display wrong in docx file [Miklos Vajna] tdf#45775 PgSQL new DB allow empty Datasource [Julien Nabet] tdf#59454 FILEOPEN: in particular .RTF page break after page 1 is ignored and page orientation from page 2 is wrong [Miklos Vajna] tdf#61228 TABLE: Function summe() does not sum up but returns last item [Julien Nabet] tdf#64027 Add ability to set highlight color for text in drawing objects (Writer) [Maxim Monastirsky] tdf#66141 CRASH (OOM) while scrolling through a specific document [Caolán McNamara] tdf#72205 LibreOffice Database - LONGVARCHAR anomaly when trying to dismiss a window without first saving [Lionel Elie Mamane] tdf#75256 Meta: incomplete Sifr icon theme [Matthias Freund] tdf#75431 FILESAVE : DOCX : Page Orientation is not preserved when mixed orientation is present [Miklos Vajna] tdf#75637 LOCALHELP: Images not displayed with newer icon themes [Stephan Bergmann] tdf#76239 OpenSymbol font is not retained after an upgrade (work around in comment 16, 32, .. install log in comment 50 ) [Andras Timar] tdf#76964 Automatic capitalization of "i" in a non-english language [Caolán McNamara] tdf#77014 Words in input fields are broken between lines at the end of line [Tomaž Vajngerl] tdf#77881 FILESAVE: Bullets are lost when saving in OOxml (.pptx or .ppsx) [Mark Hung] tdf#78902 FileSave: File Hangs at Save [Miklos Vajna] tdf#80224 FILESAVE: Custom text color changed to black on .PPTX export [Mark Hung] tdf#80520 FILESAVE: Format of bullets destroyed when saving as .pptx [Mark Hung] tdf#81144 Chinese full-width punctuation does not align properly [Mark Hung] tdf#83300 FILEOPEN: DOCX - Image anchored as 'As Character' positioned on wrong page [Miklos Vajna] tdf#85232 FORMATTING: (Grouped) drawing objects are rendered in a wrong way (.docx file) [Miklos Vajna] tdf#85767 SIDEBAR: Left and right alignment buttons need to be swapped in RTL [Katarina Behrens] tdf#87313 WIKIHELP: Update docs on certificates + Firefox [Adolfo Jayme Barrientos] tdf#88548 Line Style drop down missing background colour [Aybuke Ozdemir] tdf#89088 FILEOPEN: Section with shape and text in specific DOCX lost [Miklos Vajna] tdf#89165 FILEOPEN: Hang loading .docx with frame/textboxes [Miklos Vajna] tdf#89525 Impress does not export slides bullets to PPTX correctly [Mark Hung] tdf#89852 Non-ASCII characters in file name become question marks in Subject in email when a document sent by email [Andras Timar] tdf#89907 Text to columns only affects first line when width is auto set [Eike Rathke] tdf#90153 A frame is not saved correctly if the document is saved as a docx file [Miklos Vajna] tdf#90372 ACCESSIBILITY List Fields in dialog Text Import (Insert > Sheet from file) not accessible by key board [Katarina Behrens] tdf#90504 0x7 chars in .doc are not always cell/row ends [Caolán McNamara] tdf#90987 Pages/Slides pane does not remember its state on reopen [Katarina Behrens] tdf#91097 EDITING & FORMATTING: Disparity between inserting shapes from menu and toolbar [Yousuf Philips] tdf#91199 i18n: add locale data or Venetian language [Eike Rathke] tdf#91260 DOCX frames can extend beyond the page bottom, but not in Writer [László Németh] tdf#91270 UI: Crash on exit after Manage Changes [Andras Timar] tdf#91288 Does not display traditional Chinese variant of Noto fonts correctly [Mark Hung] tdf#91453 Use configuration of text to number conversion also in arithmetic matrix operations (was: SUMPRODUCT() doesn't work well with 4.4.3) [Eike Rathke] tdf#92207 EDITING Setting text background colour doesn't work in Calc [Maxim Monastirsky] tdf#92217 UI Grey text background in read-only document infobar [Jan Holesovsky] tdf#92256 INDIRECT function lost interoperabilty with calc documents migrated by OOo3.2.1 [Katarina Behrens] tdf#92272 SLIDESHOW: slide color inversion during transitions [Tor Lillqvist] tdf#92527 docx export: File with shape can not be opened in word 2010 (diamond shape) [Andras Timar] tdf#92648 FILEOPEN / IMPORT specific DOCX (letter head) with various objects: line-picture (graphic) in footer too low [László Németh] tdf#92687 Rendering: Rotated text blurry and unreadable with GTK3 [Caolán McNamara] tdf#92702 Unable to select menu items that were initially off-screen [László Németh] tdf#92934 Web Wizard: Cannot Export Zip archive. [Julien Nabet] tdf#92993 FILEOPEN: access violation on particular .docx [Caolán McNamara] tdf#93296 When opening spreadseet, Currency cells formatting is changed. [Laurent Balland-Poirier] tdf#93317 "Document has been modified" Dialog does not have the focus on GTK3. [Caolán McNamara] tdf#93390 View of cell data gone in Table Data View [Lionel Elie Mamane] tdf#93438 Impress generate abnormal style when copy-pasting from Writer with Chinese UI [Mark Hung] tdf#93461 Caption of images are hidden behind the image [Caolán McNamara] tdf#93487 FORMATTING: Using Borders & Border Style button on toolbar crashes Calc [Michael Meeks] tdf#93509 Crash when close a LibODev if enable a While Typing/Autocorrect [Stephan Bergmann] tdf#93587 insert table in draw ole object [Julien Nabet] tdf#93618 cell value in table grid a date/time control incorrectly displayed [Lionel Elie Mamane] tdf#93662 white-list only the latest GL hardware and drivers [Caolán McNamara] tdf#93688 String ref syntax incorrect for new documents and in UI [Katarina Behrens] tdf#93720 Crash "Assertion failed" with Draw Frame on table. [Oliver Specht] tdf#93724 BASE: Insert Row in Filtered Form with Date/Time Fields results in Phantom zero date displayed instead of null, not saved [Lionel Elie Mamane] tdf#93733 Assertion failed when clear font size field in paragraph style [Julien Nabet] tdf#93818 Cannot open most lwp docs (booklets) [Caolán McNamara] tdf#93847 Repaint problems with LibreOffice on Gtk3 [Caolán McNamara] tdf#94008 FILEOPEN: Crash opening password protected file - CJK UI [Takeshi Abe] tdf#94022 Hide "Installable Options" in Linux print dialog [Michael Weghorn] tdf#94049 RTF IMPORT: rtf file with OLE object crashes libreoffice every time [Miklos Vajna] tdf#94069 EDITING: Moving a tablecontrol while editing a form leads to a hang [Caolán McNamara] tdf#94138 Form Control Text Boxes Print And Export To PDF Incorrectly [Tomaž Vajngerl] tdf#94214 Function FINV exported as "COM.MICROSOFT.F.INV" although it is spec'ed in OpenFormula [Winfried Donkers] tdf#94227 FILEOPEN: XLSX - Pattern/hatching fill no longer imported into charts [Markus Mohrhard] tdf#94374 Insert -> Document: "Read-Error. Error reading file." for DOCX files [Miklos Vajna] tdf#94384 Icons appearing with black backgrounds when "use OpenGL for Rendering" is enabled [Tomaž Vajngerl] tdf#94421 Web Wizard: option shift when loading saved session [Julien Nabet] tdf#94435 FILEOPEN: RTF - Text alignment not retained [Miklos Vajna] tdf#94456 FILEOPEN: RTF - Heading position incorrect [Miklos Vajna] tdf#94473 Properties Help buttons direct to broken weblink [Andras Timar] tdf#94477 missing "Format > Character" item in the customize keyboard command menu [Yousuf Philips] tdf#94485 VIEWING: broken UI and spreadsheet display issue after opening specific .xlsm [Jan-Marek Glogowski] tdf#94624 Cell formula =<A1>^2 result is different from =(<A1>)^2 if <A1> is negative [Oliver Specht] tdf#94679 EDITING: Text selection with Shift+PageDown broken part2 [Justin Luth] tdf#94743 Web Wizard: Cannot export in ftp [Julien Nabet] tdf#94796 LINEST and LOGEST should have ForceArray parameter types (was: LINEST and INDEX problem) [Eike Rathke] tdf#94804 Cross references break on reload. [Michael Stahl] tdf#94810 "Replace All" using regex gives wrong results [Mike Kaganski, Eike Rathke] tdf#94818 FILEOPEN Table layout jumbled for .doc [Caolán McNamara] tdf#94829 LibreOffice splash screen sets invalid WM_SIZE_HINTS [Julien Nabet] tdf#94869 Calculations involving an array and a position dependent intersection do not propagate an error if there is no intersection in non-array scalar mode [Eike Rathke] tdf#94871 [HELP] note and warning paragraphs are aligned incorrectly [Michael Stahl] tdf#94888 Display "Bad parameter" when trying to access a read/only share on Sharepoint. [Giuseppe Castagno] tdf#94908 [UI] Search filter in Autofilter breaks searching by typing in the list: OK button is blocked [Dennis Francis] tdf#94924 OpenCL: strange behavior in formulas computing [Tor Lillqvist] tdf#94936 FILESAVE PDF: LibreOffice crashes when saving document (GTK3, Gnome 3.18) [Maxim Monastirsky] tdf#95021 Crash in macro dialog [Caolán McNamara] tdf#95024 Support for new Hungarian orthography [László Németh] tdf#95071 Cannot open a particular Word 2010 docx document (SAXParseException line 2) [Mike Kaganski] tdf#95091 Editable input fields in protected section: no delete or backspace possible [Oliver Specht] tdf#95096 IMDeleteSurrounding kmfl characters are not "swallowed" and writer exits with exception [Justin Luth] tdf#95188 DOCX import: picture in footnote is not imported [Oliver Specht] tdf#95220 FILEOPEN: Crash on opening attached Calc template [Mike Kaganski] tdf#95298 UI Crash on deleting part of animated gif [Armin Le Grand] tdf#95321 FILEOPEN: Tables no longer imported correctly from Word .doc files [Caolán McNamara] tdf#95352 autocorrect replacement table column misalignment after resize [Caolán McNamara] tdf#95395 EDITING: VLOOKUP fails if 1st parameter is a position dependent implicit intersection [Eike Rathke] tdf#95419 FILEOPEN: looong time loading specific .ods [Eike Rathke] tdf#95481 FILEOPEN: LibO crashes loading .odg [Armin Le Grand] tdf#95551 Crash changing icon themes when image has imagemap [Michael Meeks] tdf#95569 ODT export: conflicting style:repeat attributes on two XML elements [Michael Stahl] tdf#95670 CALCULATING: ForceArray parameters not properly propagated, e.g. for functions expecting scalar values but passed a range reference inside SUMPRODUCT [Eike Rathke] tdf#95677 Exponent must have sign when export to Excel [Laurent Balland-Poirier] tdf#95761 All Hotkeys with CTRL+ALT+ not worked [Juergen Funk] tdf#95783 VIEWING: Line breaks too early for Georgia font [Tor Lillqvist] tdf#95916 Alizarin master page formats date in Japanese [Laurent Balland-Poirier]
2015-12-13Update ruby-sprockets to 3.5.2.taca3-8/+9
**3.5.2** (December 8, 2015) * Fix JRuby bug with concurrent-ruby. * Fix disabling gzip generation in cached environments. **3.5.1** (December 5, 2015) * Fix gzip asset generation for assets already on disk. **3.5.0** (December 3, 2015) * Reintroduce Gzip file generation for non-binary assets. **3.4.1** (November 25, 2015) * PathUtils::Entries will no longer error on an empty directory. **3.4.0** (October 5, 2015) * Expose method to override the sass cache in the SassProcessor.
2015-12-13Update ruby-ohai to 8.8.1.taca3-21/+62
Release 8.8.1 This is a patch release with the following fixes: * pr#677 Removed dependency on mime-types gem. This could cause failures in some scenarios. * pr#662 Skip loading the VMWare plug-in when we don't need it (e.g. on non-VMWare systems)
2015-12-13Update to
Changelog: 4.4.7RC2: Bugs fixed compared to the 4.4.7 rc1: tdf#76239 OpenSymbol font is not retained after an upgrade (work around in comment 16, 32, .. install log in comment 50 ) [Andras Timar] tdf#77881 FILESAVE: Bullets are lost when saving in OOxml (.pptx or .ppsx) [Mark Hung] tdf#80520 FILESAVE: Format of bullets destroyed when saving as .pptx [Mark Hung] tdf#89525 Impress does not export slides bullets to PPTX correctly [Mark Hung] tdf#95670 CALCULATING: ForceArray parameters not properly propagated, e.g. for functions expecting scalar values but passed a range reference inside SUMPRODUCT [Eike Rathke] tdf#95916 Alizarin master page formats date in Japanese [Laurent Balland-Poirier] 4.4.7RC1: Bugs fixed compared to the 4.4.6 final (rc3): tdf#67990 EDITING: Combobox: upper-case character is ignored, when there is a word with same lower-case character [Lionel Elie Mamane] tdf#79409 EDITING: Impossible to make choice in Input list in a section with Protection [Andras Timar] tdf#89852 Non-ASCII characters in file name become question marks in Subject in email when a document sent by email [Andras Timar] tdf#92454 DOCX Import: Incorrect display of the headings - numbering style indents [Miklos Vajna] tdf#94557 Combo box entries are case-sensitive (sometimes) [Lionel Elie Mamane] tdf#94871 [HELP] note and warning paragraphs are aligned incorrectly [Michael Stahl] tdf#95395 EDITING: VLOOKUP fails if 1st parameter is a position dependent implicit intersection [Eike Rathke] tdf#95419 FILEOPEN: looong time loading specific .ods [Eike Rathke]
2015-12-13Update to 4.4.7ryoon3-14/+15
* Add sbase symlink, fix PR pkg/50486 Changelog: 4.4.7RC2: Bugs fixed compared to the 4.4.7 rc1: tdf#76239 OpenSymbol font is not retained after an upgrade (work around in comment 16, 32, .. install log in comment 50 ) [Andras Timar] tdf#77881 FILESAVE: Bullets are lost when saving in OOxml (.pptx or .ppsx) [Mark Hung] tdf#80520 FILESAVE: Format of bullets destroyed when saving as .pptx [Mark Hung] tdf#89525 Impress does not export slides bullets to PPTX correctly [Mark Hung] tdf#95670 CALCULATING: ForceArray parameters not properly propagated, e.g. for functions expecting scalar values but passed a range reference inside SUMPRODUCT [Eike Rathke] tdf#95916 Alizarin master page formats date in Japanese [Laurent Balland-Poirier] 4.4.7RC1: Bugs fixed compared to the 4.4.6 final (rc3): tdf#67990 EDITING: Combobox: upper-case character is ignored, when there is a word with same lower-case character [Lionel Elie Mamane] tdf#79409 EDITING: Impossible to make choice in Input list in a section with Protection [Andras Timar] tdf#89852 Non-ASCII characters in file name become question marks in Subject in email when a document sent by email [Andras Timar] tdf#92454 DOCX Import: Incorrect display of the headings - numbering style indents [Miklos Vajna] tdf#94557 Combo box entries are case-sensitive (sometimes) [Lionel Elie Mamane] tdf#94871 [HELP] note and warning paragraphs are aligned incorrectly [Michael Stahl] tdf#95395 EDITING: VLOOKUP fails if 1st parameter is a position dependent implicit intersection [Eike Rathke] tdf#95419 FILEOPEN: looong time loading specific .ods [Eike Rathke]
2015-12-12Link network libs for SunOSwiedi1-1/+3
2015-12-12Update ruby-pry to 0.10.3.taca2-7/+7
### 0.10.3 * cherry-pick 0d1d72b and e0e5c75 to fix the install of Pry on Windows.
2015-12-12Update ruby-hashie to 3.4.3.taca3-9/+12
## 3.4.3 (10/25/2015) * [#314]( Added a `StrictKeyAccess` extension that will raise an error whenever a key is accessed that does not exist in the hash - [@pboling]( * [#304]( Ensured compatibility of `Hash` extensions with singleton objects - [@regexident]( * [#306]( Added `Hashie::Extensions::Dash::Coercion` - [@marshall-lee]( * [#310]( Fixed `Hashie::Extensions::SafeAssignment` bug with private methods - [@marshall-lee]( * [#313]( Restrict pending spec to only Ruby versions 2.2.0-2.2.2 - [@pboling]( * [#315]( Default `bin/` scripts: `console` and `setup` - [@pboling](
2015-12-09Recursive revbump from boost via net/libcmisryoon3-6/+6
2015-12-06Explicitly restrict PHP_VERSIONS_ACCEPTED to 55 and 56 for packages whichtaca1-1/+3
use php-mysql package.
2015-12-05Extend PYTHON_VERSIONS_INCOMPATIBLE to 35adam17-35/+34
2015-11-27Update calibre to 2.45.0:wiz3-11/+9
New Features Cover browser: Allow customizing the text that appears under the covers with a template in Preferences->Look & Feel->Cover browser When sending books without a cover to the device, generate a cover with book metadata instead of using the blank book icon Preferenes->Add your own columns: Show more information about existing columns Bug Fixes PDF Output: Handle input documents with fonts that do not have either postscript or full name information. DOCX Input: Handle numbering styles that use non-decimal number formats and custom templates. Allow restoring of corrupted library to work even if the metadata.db file is missing from the library folder Bulk metadata dialog: Fix renaming a custom series via search and replace causing the series index to be reset to 1. Bulk metadata dialog: Fix search and replace not working for text like custom columns if the column contains only a single value. Content server: Fix next and previous links not working in the mobile view when using a search query that includes url unsafe characters. Update Amazon metadata download plugin to handle website change that was preventing any metadata from being downloaded Edit Book: Fix error when trying to add words to user dictionary for a book with a language that has no dictionary available. Tag browser: Fix various bugs in how grouped search terms are displayed. Also fix counts and average rating for items in user categories When using copy to library also create missing composite columns in the destination library.
2015-11-26Update misc/mbuffer to 20151002wiedi2-7/+7
Changes in 20151002: - fix: SegV when argument to -v is missing - fix: potential infinite loop on output error
2015-11-25Remove mk/ usage from the misc category.jperkin4-24/+12
The find-prefix infrastructure was required in a pkgviews world where packages installed from pkgsrc could have different installation prefixes, and this was a way for a dependency prefix to be determined. Now that pkgviews has been removed there is no longer any need for the overhead of this infrastructure. Instead we use BUILDLINK_PREFIX.pkg for dependencies pulled in via buildlink, or LOCALBASE/PREFIX where the dependency is coming from pkgsrc. Provides a reasonable performance win due to the reduction of `pkg_info -qp` calls, some of which were redundant anyway as they were duplicating the same information provided by BUILDLINK_PREFIX.pkg.
2015-11-24Update 4.5.1 to 4.5.3 (from ChangeLog)mef2-7/+7
------------------------------------- Author: Johan Vromans <> Date: 2015-11-23 Prepare for 4.5.3 release. README-4.5 Author: Johan Vromans <> Date: 2015-11-23 Prevent crash on using unknown cli options. src/chordii.c Author: Johan Vromans <> Date: 2015-11-23 Improve LATIN2 generation; show in version. src/chordii.c src/common.c src/iso.c Author: Johan Vromans <> Date: 2015-10-04 (a2crd) Fix crash when environment HOME is not set (Windows). (a2crd) Add -V to print version. (a2crd) Update help message. src/a2crd.c Author: Johan Vromans <> Date: 2015-05-04 Updates. TODO Author: Johan Vromans <> Date: 2014-12-04 Handle CRLF input more elegantly. src/chordii.c Author: Adam Monsen <> Date: 2015-03-21 TODO: fix filetype in vim modeline See TODO
2015-11-23Remove 193 from RUBY_VERSION_SUPPORTED.taca1-2/+2
2015-11-23Update calibre to 2.44.1.wiz4-24/+52
2.44.1 Bug Fixes Update the version of libpng bundled with calibre to fix a security vulnerability in libpng See for details on the vulnerability 2.44 New Features Allow setting the cover for a book from one of the book's formats by right clicking on the format in the Book details panel. Closes tickets: 1515411 Allow drag and drop of all file types onto the book details panel and the format list in the edit metadata dialog. Closes tickets: 1515407 Edit Book: When inserting an image into the current document, add a button to paste the image from the clipboard Edit Book: Change the suggested prefix for bulk renaming of files depending on the type of files being renamed. Closes tickets: 1514468 On Linux, use the system tray icon from the system theme, if available Bug Fixes Fix for error when connecting to some Android phones/tablets that have an SD card on OS X and Linux Linux build: Fix problem with pointing hand mouse cursor not using the system theme on some Linux systems Fix the device view state not being saved when a connected device is ejected/disconnected Edit Book: Fix saving fails if the original file is deleted during editing session Closes tickets: 1513849 E-book viewer: When doing a search do not match text in comments, attributes and inappropriate tags, such as <script> and <style> Improved news sources Gamasutra 2.43 New Features Edit Book: Add a 'Smart Comment' tool to easily comment/uncomment text Tag mapper: Add new rule types to upper-case, lower-case or capitalize tags Markdown input: Allow the 'extra' convenience extension as a shortcut for enabling multiple other extensions. Also add the Attribute List and Admonition extensions. Finally, update the markdown library used by calibre Bug Fixes Amazon metadata download: Fix for website change at that prevented ratings from being downloaded. Tag mapper: Prevent cycles in the replacement rules from causing the tag mapper to hang Do not fail on windows systems where the system function to get the users home folder fails E-book viewer: Set the foreground color as well as the background color for the reference mode popup. Makes it legible even when the user specifies a different color theme for the viewer. 2.42 New Features Driver for the new NookGlowlight Plus. This device only allows sending of files inside the NOOK folder, so calibre now follows that limitation. When converting AZW4 files to PDF, skip the conversion and simply unwrap the PDF file already embedded inside the AZW4 file. Metadata download review dialog: Add an option to mark rejected books in the main book list after the review is completed. Edit Book: Spell check dialog: Add a button to undo the last spelling change Bug Fixes Edit metadata dialog: When downloading metadata with download of authors turned off, do not regenerate the author sort field after the download. Fix a regression that broke the heuristic used to detect cover images in some EPUB files that do not specify their cover metadata. Edit Book File List: Fix pre-selection of filename when renaming a file in the root Tag mapper: Fix bug when replacement tag has comma in it and the replacement rule is not the last rule 2.41 New Features Edit Book: Allow editing an unzipped EPUB (a folder) as a book Edit Book: Allow easily removing items from the popup menu for the 'Insert tag' button Make Tag Browser more useable with keyboard shortcuts. Configure the keyboard shortcuts in Preferences->Keyboard->Tag Browser ToC editor: Add context menu item to change selected entries to upper case Bug Fixes Edit Book: Preview panel: Render in XHTML mode. Fixes svg elements using a global svg namespace not rendering. Tag Browser: Fix clicking on first-letter groups for series not working DOCX Output: Ignore corrupted images in the input instead of erroring out on them. E-book viewer: Fix keyboard shortcut to toggle table of contents not working when ToC window is made floating. Allow ebook-metadata to work with read-only files when no options are specified to change metadata. Tag mapper: When the replacement tag contains commas, create multiple tags instead of replacing the comma with a semi-colon. HTMLZ Output: Set the HTML
2015-11-23Bump PKGREVISION for poppler shlib major bump.wiz6-9/+12
2015-11-22New Tryton release 3.8richard22-105/+179 Major changes for the developer The progress bar widget works with float between 0 and 1 to ease usage as percentage. The rich text widget uses now a subset of HTML to allow its implementation in sao. The Many2One has a new option target_search which define the kind of query to use for dereferenced search. The options are subquery and the new join (which is the default). The join method generate a faster query in most cases. The SQL constraints use a similar syntax to python-sql. This gives more flexibility to implement backend for other databases. Trying to create/write/delete on a Model based on a table_query raises an exception instead of a silent error. The table name of a ModelSQL can be overridden with a configuration file. This allows to work around database limitations on the length of table names. The new StateReport has been added to wizards, to simplify the code of wizards that run a report. The style on reports has been removed, experience show that this feature was not used. The PostgreSQL backend manages now schema. This allows different instances of Tryton sharing the same database. The generic foreign key to create/write user on all ModelSQL has been replaced by a rule that prevent to delete users. This greatly improves scalability in some circumstances. The Property field supports now float and integer values. A subdirectory locale/override is supported for modules that override translations of other modules. Accounting The charts of account are no longer translatable. Instead we provide translated charts via a template using XSLT. The invoice doesn't set a unit price on the line. For this feature the purchase or sale module must be used. Some fields of the invoice like the note and the origin are editable after posting the invoice. Product Conversion between units no longer results in silent failures but an explicit error is risen. The volume property has been added to the products. Project The tree structure of the project and the time sheet have been separated, each object has its own one. The price list uses the same decimal precision as the product. The cost price of the employee is stored on the time sheet line for the date of the line. This allows to sum the costs of time sheet faster Purchase The state of the purchase request is now searchable. The purchase requests are generated even if the rounded quantity is zero to allow the user to still decide to purchase more. Stock Many unnecessary restrictions on the edition of move fields have been removed. The expected quantity of the inventory lines is always computed even if they are added manually. It is possible to create staging and draft moves using view locations. Those locations will have to be changed to really do the move. The inventory uses the grouping feature to create the moves. This allows to easily support the lot (or any other extra field).
2015-11-21Add include(CheckIncludeFiles) to fix build with latest cmakeabs3-6/+17
2015-11-20Restore i386 distfile. Fix PR pkg/50450ryoon1-1/+5
2015-11-18Recursive revbump from multimedia/libvpxryoon2-4/+4
2015-11-17add bl3 gluejmcneill1-0/+13
2015-11-16Update HOMEPAGEryoon1-2/+2
2015-11-08union waitdholland2-1/+25
2015-11-08Update to 4.4.6ryoon2-12/+8
Changelog: Bugs fixed compared to the 4.4.6 rc1 (rc2 was not announced publicly): i#126516 # TYPE() formula help doesn't document value 64 for arrays [Damjan Jovanovic] tdf#64432 EDITING: Input fields in protected section cannot be properly edited (summary: comment 14) [Oliver Specht] tdf#64773 No help items for the new subroutines IFNA and IFERROR [Olivier Hallot] tdf#69685 UI: Category location of functions COUNTBLANK, COUNTIF and COUNTIFS [Stanislav Horacek] tdf#70733 UI: Location of ISEVEN and ISODD functions [Stanislav Horacek] tdf#77014 Words in input fields are broken between lines at the end of line [Tomaž Vajngerl] tdf#86301 Link to Help Page of Start Center Broken [Andras Timar] tdf#89294 Scanner control/access: help needs to be updated to the new menu [Stanislav Horacek] tdf#89437 Ordinal suffix should never be auto-corrected to superscript in some languages [Niklas Johansson] tdf#90264 [LOCALIZATION] Missing translation in button UI for pt_BR [Andras Timar] tdf#90782 Named formula not documented correctly [Olivier Hallot] tdf#90846 Writer-UI: 'Optimal View' mislabelled in English (GB) [Andras Timar] tdf#90929 Paper Format ERROR [Andras Timar] tdf#92825 Update help for all menu changes [Yousuf Philips] tdf#93613 References to external files with macros in formulas won't update properly [Eike Rathke] tdf#94173 Calc does not save your own created autoformat presets [Julien Nabet] tdf#94415 Please update the el_GR hunspell dictionary [Andras Timar] tdf#94679 EDITING: Text selection with Shift+PageDown broken part2 [Justin Luth] tdf#94804 Cross references break on reload. [Michael Stahl, Oliver Specht] tdf#95226 IFERROR not working correctly under array-evaluation [Eike Rathke] Bugs fixed compared to the 4.4.5 final (rc2): bnc#822625 vcl: fix substituting missing glyphs [Miklos Vajna] bnc#939996 DOCX import: fix left-from-style and first-from-direct [Miklos Vajna] coverity#1242936 better fail with E_EXIST if rename(3) fails [Stephan Bergmann] coverity#1311944 logically dead code [Caolán McNamara] coverity#1315264 DOCX import: rot=90 and vert=vert270 means no text rotation [Miklos Vajna] collabora#1000018 DOCX import: fix missing paragraph style on footnotes [Miklos Vajna] i#121407 fix mis-merge [Stephan Bergmann] i#124638 xmloff: fix Calc header background image saving [Miklos Vajna] rhbz#1134285 Open a file in a mounted WebDAV drive and LibreOffice asks for user and password [Stephan Bergmann] rhbz#1242099 [abrt] libreoffice-core: ScXMLExport::WriteAnnotation(): soffice.bin killed by SIGSEGV [Eike Rathke] rhbz#1247588 hold UNO objects by css::uno::Reference [Stephan Bergmann] rhbz#1255811 [fix available] Calc: Random Number generator can't be edited and applied for cell location [Eike Rathke] rhbz#1259746 Writer fails to open correct ODT file from WebDAV share [Stephan Bergmann] rhbz#1261421 crash on mashing hangul korean keyboard [Caolán McNamara] rhbz#1264585 check data pilot field name availability [Eike Rathke] tdf#44621 EDITING: Drag and drop images into Writer opens Draw (OS X >= 10.7) [mmeof2] tdf#58838 : =A1="" returns TRUE when A1 does not contain a blank [Eike Rathke] tdf#61908 FILESAVE: XLSX formula cell range is not exported for matrix/array formulas [Eike Rathke] tdf#63955 CRASH on FILEOPEN .odp presentation. "Bad allocation" -> Crash. 100% reproducible. [Caolán McNamara] tdf#68787 FILESAVE: DOCX export: Footnote separator line problem [Miklos Vajna] tdf#76197 Other: OfficeMenuBar no longer takes private menu's in StartModule [Maxim Monastirsky] tdf#76649 Trend line invisible if first data point is missing x value [Laurent Balland-Poirier] tdf#76845 Other: File > Wizards > Web Pages crashes LibreOffice on Windows [Michael Stahl] tdf#78111 UI: "Freakout"-behaviour and freeze during resize of docked sidebar [Maxim Monastirsky] tdf#79018 FILEOPEN: DOCX with a footnote hangs LO on open [Oliver Specht] tdf#79741 Macro with Find @ Replace crash Calc [Julien Nabet] tdf#83227 FILESAVE: SolidConverter DOCX - On resave margins and images lost and file size doubled [Miklos Vajna] tdf#83465 FILEOPEN: RTF - Numbering list number font name not retained [Miklos Vajna] tdf#85979 Crash: data text to columns [Eike Rathke] tdf#86024 FORMATTING: Erroneous formatting of certain numbers [Eike Rathke] tdf#86301 Link to Help Page of Start Center Broken [Andras Timar] tdf#86374 FILEOPEN: OOXML import in Writer very bad on attached DOCX: graphics and drawing in Word table distorted [Miklos Vajna] tdf#87500 Freeze with English/Japanese mixture undo [Mark Hung] tdf#87922 4.4.0.x Automatic font color no longer works [Miklos Vajna] tdf#87924 FILEOPEN: DOCX - text in shape is wrong direction [Miklos Vajna] tdf#88402 Sorting: setting "Range contains column labels" is forgotten if any column Label contains a numeric value or is empty (comment 38) [Eike Rathke] tdf#88831 When OpenGL is enabled, drop-down arrows, check marks, scrollbars etc. are upside down [Tomaž Vajngerl] tdf#88986 EDITING: Insert Frame dialog shows empty lists for area fill types [Miklos Vajna] tdf#89031 EDITING - Calc Function suggestion too agressive [Winfried Donkers] tdf#89245 FORMATTING, FILESAVE: Header and footer background images are not saved [Miklos Vajna] tdf#89381 ValueSet has rendering issues in RTL interface [Maxim Monastirsky] tdf#89702 DOCX: Bullet character is large [Miklos Vajna] tdf#89720 Highlighted comment text with replies have dark color [Miklos Vajna] tdf#89890 DOCX:bullets picture is big [Miklos Vajna] tdf#89954 FORMATTING: Autocapitalisation does not happen if the last word in the previous sentence has a comment in the middle of the word [Miklos Vajna] tdf#90046 RTF import: document that starts with a footnote crashes Writer (also on paste from clipboard) [Michael Stahl] tdf#90377 MAILMERGE: Option to "Exclude this Recipient" broken [Bjoern Michaelsen] tdf#90502 CRASH - failed assertion in unittest sw_globalfilter in master build OSX (ImplLogicToPixel) [Caolán McNamara] tdf#90575 DDE LINK does not work between two documents Writer [Miklos Vajna] tdf#90609 FILEOPEN XML XLSX causes Calc to terminate [Caolán McNamara] tdf#90611 Footnote font size imported incorrectly [Miklos Vajna] tdf#91060 LO impress crashes when opening pptx with comments [Caolán McNamara] tdf#91278 xlsx formula not importing correctly, with Table structured references in named expressions and MATCH lookup array creation [Eike Rathke] tdf#91293 Links in Impress Are Removed When Exported to PPTX [Katarina Behrens] tdf#91554 Calc adds empty style with new style from selection [Maxim Monastirsky] tdf#91594 FILEOPEN particular MSWORD2008 .docx: misinterprets letters from Symbol font (old bug returns with a twist) [Mark Hung] tdf#91950 Crash on saving document [Caolán McNamara] tdf#91969 FORMATTING: Parts of Paragraph Border missing when Border around more than one Paragraph [Zolnai Tamás] tdf#92379 ODF import: styles with fo:background-color wrongly imported causing wrong frame and paragraph backgrounds [Michael Stahl] tdf#92404 Web Wizard - no result / crash [Julien Nabet] tdf#92446 Crash in Windows and Runtime exception on Linux with Basic Clipboard function [Stephan Bergmann] tdf#92448 CALC: Excel A1 and R1C1 reference syntax can not reference a cell by worksheet names starting with an ASCII digit [Eike Rathke] tdf#92457 Subformat ;@ changes date input to number [Eike Rathke] tdf#92505 Unicode character rendering artifacts when substituting missing glyphs [Miklos Vajna] tdf#92521 FILESAVE: loss of page breaks after saving DOCX [Miklos Vajna] tdf#92573 Writer crash when attempting to open one file. [Caolán McNamara] tdf#92586 BASE: Bitmap background rendering problem when not tiled [Miklos Vajna] tdf#92612 Right-clicking after applying "paint buckets" leads to multiple Undo [Ashod Nakashian] tdf#92684 Calc Help Conversion document L.O. [Andras Timar] tdf#92693 EDITING: Function MINUTE() always 1 minute greater than minute in timefield/timestampfield in ReportDesigner [Julien Nabet] tdf#92749 VLOOKUP not calculated correctly in the large file from Calc 4.4 (hard recalc helps) [Eike Rathke] tdf#92767 Autofilter on date is locale dependent [Eike Rathke] tdf#92995 EDITING: Undo of Drag&Drop with annotation/comment object causes crash [Eike Rathke] tdf#92997 Chart: Data table category view format bad for table of times [Eike Rathke] tdf#93071 UI: General format: useless trailing zeroes for scientific notation [Laurent Balland-Poirier] tdf#93080 EDITING: For Spanish cell format with the first three letters of a day of week plus date, only for Tuesday (Martes) is not recognized as date. [Eike Rathke] tdf#93097 General Error. General input/output error with particular pptx file [Miklos Vajna] tdf#93098 Unexpectedly quit when use Data->Sort (crash) [Eike Rathke] tdf#93326 Calc: Alt+E,I,D to fill down now (LO 4.4+ ) toggles edit mode [Eike Rathke] tdf#93358 Copy/paste of a range of cells with IF formula and format set to General causes crash [Eike Rathke] tdf#93388 Crash when deleting cell contents [Eike Rathke] tdf#93449 Hyperlink inside .DOC not working in .HTML [Vasily Melenchuk] tdf#93514 Non free cs_CZ (Czech) thesaurus dictionary [Christian Lohmaier] tdf#93676 docx: Graph export Offset and mislabelled [Caolán McNamara] tdf#93895 Problem with AutoCalculate when pasting data from non-adjacent cells [Eike Rathke] tdf#93919 DOCX import: indent of bullet paragraph is wrong [Miklos Vajna] tdf#94214 Function FINV exported as "COM.MICROSOFT.F.INV" although it is spec'ed in OpenFormula [Winfried Donkers] tdf#94249 EDITING: Calc sort crashes [Eike Rathke] tdf#94573 invalid encoding in hyph_zu_ZA [Julien Nabet]
2015-11-08Update to
Changelog: Bugs fixed compared to the 4.4.6 rc1 (rc2 was not announced publicly): i#126516 # TYPE() formula help doesn't document value 64 for arrays [Damjan Jovanovic] tdf#64432 EDITING: Input fields in protected section cannot be properly edited (summary: comment 14) [Oliver Specht] tdf#64773 No help items for the new subroutines IFNA and IFERROR [Olivier Hallot] tdf#69685 UI: Category location of functions COUNTBLANK, COUNTIF and COUNTIFS [Stanislav Horacek] tdf#70733 UI: Location of ISEVEN and ISODD functions [Stanislav Horacek] tdf#77014 Words in input fields are broken between lines at the end of line [Tomaž Vajngerl] tdf#86301 Link to Help Page of Start Center Broken [Andras Timar] tdf#89294 Scanner control/access: help needs to be updated to the new menu [Stanislav Horacek] tdf#89437 Ordinal suffix should never be auto-corrected to superscript in some languages [Niklas Johansson] tdf#90264 [LOCALIZATION] Missing translation in button UI for pt_BR [Andras Timar] tdf#90782 Named formula not documented correctly [Olivier Hallot] tdf#90846 Writer-UI: 'Optimal View' mislabelled in English (GB) [Andras Timar] tdf#90929 Paper Format ERROR [Andras Timar] tdf#92825 Update help for all menu changes [Yousuf Philips] tdf#93613 References to external files with macros in formulas won't update properly [Eike Rathke] tdf#94173 Calc does not save your own created autoformat presets [Julien Nabet] tdf#94415 Please update the el_GR hunspell dictionary [Andras Timar] tdf#94679 EDITING: Text selection with Shift+PageDown broken part2 [Justin Luth] tdf#94804 Cross references break on reload. [Michael Stahl, Oliver Specht] tdf#95226 IFERROR not working correctly under array-evaluation [Eike Rathke] Bugs fixed compared to the 4.4.5 final (rc2): bnc#822625 vcl: fix substituting missing glyphs [Miklos Vajna] bnc#939996 DOCX import: fix left-from-style and first-from-direct [Miklos Vajna] coverity#1242936 better fail with E_EXIST if rename(3) fails [Stephan Bergmann] coverity#1311944 logically dead code [Caolán McNamara] coverity#1315264 DOCX import: rot=90 and vert=vert270 means no text rotation [Miklos Vajna] collabora#1000018 DOCX import: fix missing paragraph style on footnotes [Miklos Vajna] i#121407 fix mis-merge [Stephan Bergmann] i#124638 xmloff: fix Calc header background image saving [Miklos Vajna] rhbz#1134285 Open a file in a mounted WebDAV drive and LibreOffice asks for user and password [Stephan Bergmann] rhbz#1242099 [abrt] libreoffice-core: ScXMLExport::WriteAnnotation(): soffice.bin killed by SIGSEGV [Eike Rathke] rhbz#1247588 hold UNO objects by css::uno::Reference [Stephan Bergmann] rhbz#1255811 [fix available] Calc: Random Number generator can't be edited and applied for cell location [Eike Rathke] rhbz#1259746 Writer fails to open correct ODT file from WebDAV share [Stephan Bergmann] rhbz#1261421 crash on mashing hangul korean keyboard [Caolán McNamara] rhbz#1264585 check data pilot field name availability [Eike Rathke] tdf#44621 EDITING: Drag and drop images into Writer opens Draw (OS X >= 10.7) [mmeof2] tdf#58838 : =A1="" returns TRUE when A1 does not contain a blank [Eike Rathke] tdf#61908 FILESAVE: XLSX formula cell range is not exported for matrix/array formulas [Eike Rathke] tdf#63955 CRASH on FILEOPEN .odp presentation. "Bad allocation" -> Crash. 100% reproducible. [Caolán McNamara] tdf#68787 FILESAVE: DOCX export: Footnote separator line problem [Miklos Vajna] tdf#76197 Other: OfficeMenuBar no longer takes private menu's in StartModule [Maxim Monastirsky] tdf#76649 Trend line invisible if first data point is missing x value [Laurent Balland-Poirier] tdf#76845 Other: File > Wizards > Web Pages crashes LibreOffice on Windows [Michael Stahl] tdf#78111 UI: "Freakout"-behaviour and freeze during resize of docked sidebar [Maxim Monastirsky] tdf#79018 FILEOPEN: DOCX with a footnote hangs LO on open [Oliver Specht] tdf#79741 Macro with Find @ Replace crash Calc [Julien Nabet] tdf#83227 FILESAVE: SolidConverter DOCX - On resave margins and images lost and file size doubled [Miklos Vajna] tdf#83465 FILEOPEN: RTF - Numbering list number font name not retained [Miklos Vajna] tdf#85979 Crash: data text to columns [Eike Rathke] tdf#86024 FORMATTING: Erroneous formatting of certain numbers [Eike Rathke] tdf#86301 Link to Help Page of Start Center Broken [Andras Timar] tdf#86374 FILEOPEN: OOXML import in Writer very bad on attached DOCX: graphics and drawing in Word table distorted [Miklos Vajna] tdf#87500 Freeze with English/Japanese mixture undo [Mark Hung] tdf#87922 4.4.0.x Automatic font color no longer works [Miklos Vajna] tdf#87924 FILEOPEN: DOCX - text in shape is wrong direction [Miklos Vajna] tdf#88402 Sorting: setting "Range contains column labels" is forgotten if any column Label contains a numeric value or is empty (comment 38) [Eike Rathke] tdf#88831 When OpenGL is enabled, drop-down arrows, check marks, scrollbars etc. are upside down [Tomaž Vajngerl] tdf#88986 EDITING: Insert Frame dialog shows empty lists for area fill types [Miklos Vajna] tdf#89031 EDITING - Calc Function suggestion too agressive [Winfried Donkers] tdf#89245 FORMATTING, FILESAVE: Header and footer background images are not saved [Miklos Vajna] tdf#89381 ValueSet has rendering issues in RTL interface [Maxim Monastirsky] tdf#89702 DOCX: Bullet character is large [Miklos Vajna] tdf#89720 Highlighted comment text with replies have dark color [Miklos Vajna] tdf#89890 DOCX:bullets picture is big [Miklos Vajna] tdf#89954 FORMATTING: Autocapitalisation does not happen if the last word in the previous sentence has a comment in the middle of the word [Miklos Vajna] tdf#90046 RTF import: document that starts with a footnote crashes Writer (also on paste from clipboard) [Michael Stahl] tdf#90377 MAILMERGE: Option to "Exclude this Recipient" broken [Bjoern Michaelsen] tdf#90502 CRASH - failed assertion in unittest sw_globalfilter in master build OSX (ImplLogicToPixel) [Caolán McNamara] tdf#90575 DDE LINK does not work between two documents Writer [Miklos Vajna] tdf#90609 FILEOPEN XML XLSX causes Calc to terminate [Caolán McNamara] tdf#90611 Footnote font size imported incorrectly [Miklos Vajna] tdf#91060 LO impress crashes when opening pptx with comments [Caolán McNamara] tdf#91278 xlsx formula not importing correctly, with Table structured references in named expressions and MATCH lookup array creation [Eike Rathke] tdf#91293 Links in Impress Are Removed When Exported to PPTX [Katarina Behrens] tdf#91554 Calc adds empty style with new style from selection [Maxim Monastirsky] tdf#91594 FILEOPEN particular MSWORD2008 .docx: misinterprets letters from Symbol font (old bug returns with a twist) [Mark Hung] tdf#91950 Crash on saving document [Caolán McNamara] tdf#91969 FORMATTING: Parts of Paragraph Border missing when Border around more than one Paragraph [Zolnai Tamás] tdf#92379 ODF import: styles with fo:background-color wrongly imported causing wrong frame and paragraph backgrounds [Michael Stahl] tdf#92404 Web Wizard - no result / crash [Julien Nabet] tdf#92446 Crash in Windows and Runtime exception on Linux with Basic Clipboard function [Stephan Bergmann] tdf#92448 CALC: Excel A1 and R1C1 reference syntax can not reference a cell by worksheet names starting with an ASCII digit [Eike Rathke] tdf#92457 Subformat ;@ changes date input to number [Eike Rathke] tdf#92505 Unicode character rendering artifacts when substituting missing glyphs [Miklos Vajna] tdf#92521 FILESAVE: loss of page breaks after saving DOCX [Miklos Vajna] tdf#92573 Writer crash when attempting to open one file. [Caolán McNamara] tdf#92586 BASE: Bitmap background rendering problem when not tiled [Miklos Vajna] tdf#92612 Right-clicking after applying "paint buckets" leads to multiple Undo [Ashod Nakashian] tdf#92684 Calc Help Conversion document L.O. [Andras Timar] tdf#92693 EDITING: Function MINUTE() always 1 minute greater than minute in timefield/timestampfield in ReportDesigner [Julien Nabet] tdf#92749 VLOOKUP not calculated correctly in the large file from Calc 4.4 (hard recalc helps) [Eike Rathke] tdf#92767 Autofilter on date is locale dependent [Eike Rathke] tdf#92995 EDITING: Undo of Drag&Drop with annotation/comment object causes crash [Eike Rathke] tdf#92997 Chart: Data table category view format bad for table of times [Eike Rathke] tdf#93071 UI: General format: useless trailing zeroes for scientific notation [Laurent Balland-Poirier] tdf#93080 EDITING: For Spanish cell format with the first three letters of a day of week plus date, only for Tuesday (Martes) is not recognized as date. [Eike Rathke] tdf#93097 General Error. General input/output error with particular pptx file [Miklos Vajna] tdf#93098 Unexpectedly quit when use Data->Sort (crash) [Eike Rathke] tdf#93326 Calc: Alt+E,I,D to fill down now (LO 4.4+ ) toggles edit mode [Eike Rathke] tdf#93358 Copy/paste of a range of cells with IF formula and format set to General causes crash [Eike Rathke] tdf#93388 Crash when deleting cell contents [Eike Rathke] tdf#93449 Hyperlink inside .DOC not working in .HTML [Vasily Melenchuk] tdf#93514 Non free cs_CZ (Czech) thesaurus dictionary [Christian Lohmaier] tdf#93676 docx: Graph export Offset and mislabelled [Caolán McNamara] tdf#93895 Problem with AutoCalculate when pasting data from non-adjacent cells [Eike Rathke] tdf#93919 DOCX import: indent of bullet paragraph is wrong [Miklos Vajna] tdf#94214 Function FINV exported as "COM.MICROSOFT.F.INV" although it is spec'ed in OpenFormula [Winfried Donkers] tdf#94249 EDITING: Calc sort crashes [Eike Rathke] tdf#94573 invalid encoding in hyph_zu_ZA [Julien Nabet]
2015-11-08Update to
Bugs fixed compared to 5.0.3 final (RC1): tdf#72205 LibreOffice Database - LONGVARCHAR anomaly when trying to dismiss a window without first saving [Lionel Elie Mamane] tdf#93044 Calc crashes after print preview (PRINTING) [Michael Meeks] tdf#93318 Calc sheet navigation buttons on extreme left of Tab bar [Tomaž Vajngerl] tdf#93613 References to external files with macros in formulas won't update properly [Eike Rathke] tdf#94384 Icons appearing with black backgrounds when "use OpenGL for Rendering" is enabled [Tomaž Vajngerl] tdf#94495 Crash when navigating to styles and formatting sidebar tab after properties fill type selector has focus [Michael Meeks] tdf#94514 Using cell names in functions doesn't work if name begins with 3 letters and an underscore [Eike Rathke] tdf#94709 Base Crashes when deleting a table in Relationship [Michael Meeks] tdf#94804 Cross references break on reload. [Oliver Specht] tdf#94848 Crash after changing paragraph style using mouse click (on tab Font) [Dennis Francis] tdf#94924 OpenCL: strange behavior in formulas computing [Tor Lillqvist] tdf#95226 IFERROR not working correctly under array-evaluation [Eike Rathke] fixed compared to 5.0.2 final (RC2): Bugs fixed compared to 5.0.2 final (RC2): bnc#822625 vcl: fix substituting missing glyphs [Miklos Vajna] bnc#939996 DOCX import: fix left-from-style and first-from-direct [Miklos Vajna] cid#1242936 better fail with E_EXIST if rename(3) fails [Stephan Bergmann] deb#795131 plausible fix [Caolán McNamara] i#124638 xmloff: fix import of stretched background image [Miklos Vajna] rhbz#1261421 crash on mashing hangul korean keyboard [Caolán McNamara] rhbz#1264585 check data pilot field name availability [Eike Rathke] tdf#40091 Vertical writing inferior to MS Word [Mark Hung] tdf#40335 Using Right-to-left (vertical) for text, the characters overlap each other [Mark Hung] tdf#57370 [ACCESSIBILITY] Panel 'Places' in LibreOffice file dialog is not in TAB-order - can't use it with the key board [Szymon Kłos] tdf#61908 FILESAVE: XLSX formula cell range is not exported for matrix/array formulas [Eike Rathke] tdf#66141 CRASH (OOM) while scrolling through a specific document [Caolán McNamara] tdf#75256 Meta: incomplete Sifr icon theme [Matthias Freund, Yousuf Philips] tdf#76197 Other: OfficeMenuBar no longer takes private menu's in StartModule [Maxim Monastirsky] tdf#77881 FILESAVE: Bullets are lost when saving in OOxml (.pptx or .ppsx) [Mark Hung] tdf#78897 DISPLAY: Hashmarks instead of number with * repeat format code if the same number/format was displayed left of it in a wider column [Eike Rathke] tdf#80520 FILESAVE: Format of bullets destroyed when saving as .pptx [Mark Hung] tdf#82176 CJK: Cursor position, line selection and non-printing characters do not take account of hanging punctuation [Mark Hung] tdf#83227 FILESAVE: SolidConverter DOCX - On resave margins and images lost and file size doubled [Miklos Vajna] tdf#83252 Wrong punctuation direction after Chinese characters in vertical layout [Mark Hung] tdf#83558 Shortcuts sometimes not displayed in toolbar [Samuel Mehrbrodt] tdf#85303 SLIDESHOW: cannot start show at selected slide after having changed range [Julien Nabet] tdf#85979 Crash: data text to columns [Eike Rathke] tdf#86397 Bookmark: no consecutive name numbering applied when copied [Cor Nouws] tdf#87500 Freeze with English/Japanese mixture undo [Mark Hung] tdf#88314 saving big file crashes writer (and LibreOffice) [Caolán McNamara] tdf#89525 Impress does not export slides bullets to PPTX correctly [Mark Hung] tdf#90991 style dialog or sidebar adds undo entries creating/deleting styles [Michael Stahl] tdf#91293 Links in Impress Are Removed When Exported to PPTX [Katarina Behrens] tdf#91379 UI: Breeze icons appear in Sifr theme [Yousuf Philips] tdf#91383 UI: Switching between Style and Formatting tabs changes document status to modified [Michael Stahl] tdf#91501 CONDITIONAL FORMATTING: Color not available in default palette not shown in dialog [Katarina Behrens] tdf#91554 Calc adds empty style with new style from selection [Maxim Monastirsky] tdf#92036 Writer infinite idle spelling loop ... [Michael Stahl] tdf#92124 Internal corruption prevents BS or DEL deleting final paragraph (after copy/paste or import?) [Miklos Vajna] tdf#92454 DOCX Import: Incorrect display of the headings - numbering style indents [Miklos Vajna] tdf#92505 Unicode character rendering artifacts when substituting missing glyphs [Miklos Vajna] tdf#92521 FILESAVE: loss of page breaks after saving DOCX [Miklos Vajna] tdf#92553 Web Wizard: Not open FTP Configure on Web Wizard Preview Setting. [Julien Nabet] tdf#92586 BASE: Bitmap background rendering problem when not tiled [Miklos Vajna] tdf#92732 Writer crash after editing with index entry dialog [Oliver Specht] tdf#92794 Addressbook Integration: Unevaluated variable '$filename$' displayed in error dialog [Julien Nabet] tdf#92934 Web Wizard: Cannot Export Zip archive. [Julien Nabet] tdf#93052 When save, generate unused list-styles in context.xml [Juergen Funk] tdf#93097 General Error. General input/output error with particular pptx file [Miklos Vajna] tdf#93141 last colon of emojis not correctly removed by AutoCorrect in Calc and Impress [László Németh] tdf#93187 GTK+ 3: Spin box element in navigator is cut off [Caolán McNamara] tdf#93246 Cancel in last mail merge dialog via file->print doesn't stop the printing [Juergen Funk] tdf#93261 Persistently high background CPU usage by soffice.bin with high-word-count Writer document and auto spell checking disabled [Michael Stahl] tdf#93302 Greek letter phi and varphi in formulas are swapped when saving in.doc, .docx or .rtf [Khaled Hosny] tdf#93449 Hyperlink inside .DOC not working in .HTML [Vasily Melenchuk] tdf#93461 Caption of images are hidden behind the image [Caolán McNamara] tdf#93634 getDisplayDirectory returns an empty string for Windows filepicker [Regina Henschel] tdf#93676 docx: Graph export Offset and mislabelled [Caolán McNamara] tdf#93814 cache binary compiled versions of shaders ... [Marco Cecchetti] tdf#93887 Crash when pasting with the middle mouse button (GTK3) [Caolán McNamara] tdf#93895 Problem with AutoCalculate when pasting data from non-adjacent cells [Eike Rathke] tdf#93919 DOCX import: indent of bullet paragraph is wrong [Miklos Vajna] tdf#93help tooltips don't disappear after changing sheets [Michael Meeks] tdf#93928 The tooltip hides the zoom slider [László Németh] tdf#94037 Crash when uncheck Protect this... in Protec Sheet window [Katarina Behrens] tdf#94060 Iteration steps number [Eike Rathke] tdf#94079 NETWORKDAYS gives error #VALUE! when Holidays range is empty [Winfried Donkers] tdf#94173 Calc does not save your own created autoformat presets [Julien Nabet] tdf#94198 Print Document Directly Tooltip No Longeramuel Mehrbrodt] tdf#94214 Function FINV exported as "COM.MICROSOFT.F.INV" although it is spec'ed in OpenFormula [Winfried Donkers] tdf#94275 Unguarded strlen causes core dump when XKeysymToString returns NULL [Julien Nabet] tdf#94415 Please uGR hunspell dictionary [Andras Timar] tdf#94421 Web Wizard: option shift when loading saved session [Julien Nabet] tdf#94428 Printing adds garbage to top edge of page [Michael Meeks] tdf#94450 Web Wizard: Not enough space for date in step 6 [Julien Nabet] tdf#94451 Agenda: Not enough space for date in step 5 (French UI) [Julien Nabet] tdf#94542 ScPostIt's GetText() replaces tabs with U+0001 [Markus Mohrhard] tdf#94573 invalid encoding in hyph_zu_ZA [Julien Nabet] tdf#94617 method nStart overflow in pCode [Laurent Godard] tdf#94686 LibO Windows don't work into VMware [Michael Meeks]
2015-11-07Update less to 481:wiz2-7/+7
Major changes between "less" versions 458 and 481 * Don't overwrite history file; just append to it. * New command ESC-G goes to end of currently buffered data in a pipe. * Disable history feature when compiled with LESSHISTFILE set to "-". * In more-compatible mode, make the -p option apply to every file opened, not just the first one. * In more-compatible mode, change the -e option to work like -E, not -EF. * Treat multiple CRs before LF are like one CR (all the CRs are hidden). * Allow "extra" string in lesskey file to append to a multi-char command (like a search pattern), without executing the command. * Ignore -u/-U setting while viewing help file, so that underline and bold chars are displayed correctly. * Improve detection of "binary" files in UTF-8 mode. * Fix bug with ++ commands. * Fix bug where prompt was sometimes not displayed with +G. * Fix possible memory corruption * Fix bugs and improve performance in ampersand filtering. * Automate construction of Unicode tables from Unicode database. * Allow %% escape sequence in LESSOPEN variable.
2015-11-04Remove duplicate SHA512 digests that crept in.agc3-6/+3
2015-11-04Add new Erlang module packagesfhajny1-1/+2
2015-11-04Import 20 Erlang module packages that will work as dependenciesfhajny4-0/+43
in the ejabberd 15.10 update that follows.
2015-11-03Add SHA512 digests for distfiles for misc categoryagc330-330/+835
Problems found locating distfiles: Package colorls: missing distfile ls.tar.gz Package molden: missing distfile molden-4.6/molden4.6.tar.gz Package softmaker-office-demo: missing distfile ofl06trial.tgz Otherwise, existing SHA1 digests verified and found to be the same on the machine holding the existing distfiles (morden). All existing SHA1 digests retained for now as an audit trail.
2015-11-03Update to 4.13.0 (part of digikam 4.13.0)markd6-66/+30
2015-11-01Remove qt5-dbus dependencyadam1-2/+1
2015-10-21Update py-anki2 to 2.0.33:wiz3-8/+9
Changes in 2.0.33 Fixed a bug in importing that could lead to corrupted notes if the note type of the source and destination decks didn't match Fix Anki completely breaking on recent Linux installs with pysqlite > 2.6 Fix down arrow being displayed as a box in the deck list on English Windows 10 installs Fix Anki not finding LaTeX on OS X 10.11 Fix field searches in multi line fields (thanks to Avi) Show mark star even when card is scrolled down during review Allow LaTeX commands like \includegraphics (thanks to Arne) Fixed a bug triggered by adding or removing a saved search (thanks to Houssam) Fixed a crash dialog showing up in some Linux installs when Anki is closed with the preferences window open (thanks to Christian) Updated translations, thanks to the contributors.
2015-10-20packages that use libsigc++ need -std=c++11 nowtnn3-2/+23
approved by wiz@
2015-10-15Update calibre to 2.40.0:wiz3-8/+12
New Features A new tool to apply Tag mapper rules to existing books in the library. To use it, go to Preferences->Toolbars and add the tool to the toolbar. Kindle driver: Detect books in Amazon's new KFX format present on e-ink kindles. Note that this only detects KFX books and allows you to delete them. You cannot copy them to your calibre library. Doing so would be pointless anyway, as KFX books are specialised for individual devices. Instead go to your 'Manage my content' page an and download them from there -- this will give you a regular azw3 file you can add to calibre. Bug Fixes TXT Output: Do not fail when input contains HTML comments with double hyphens in the comment text. E-book polishing: Show a confirmation if the user selects both the add and remove jacket actions. Edit Book: Fix order of checkboxes in filter style information tool is random PDB Input: Ingore malformed metadata records. Closes tickets: 1499878 Revert change in previous release to workaround broken xdg-open on linux. Apparently xdg-open is so badly broken that working around it is not possible. Closes tickets: 1500226 ZIP Output: Fix system encoding being used instead of UTF-8 for html files. Closes tickets: 1499514 Improved news sources The Philosopher's Magazine Harper's Magazine Ambito Perfil Telam La Nacion Clarin
2015-10-15Update xdg-utils to 1.1.1:wiz10-128/+12
=== xdg-utils 1.1.1 === 2015-10-05 Per Olofsson <> * xdg-screensaver: Run 'xset -dpms' and then 'xset +dpms' to reset the DPMS timer. Thanks to Stephen Thomas for the idea. (Debian bug #745340) * xdg-open: Fix regression in generic mode (wrong variable name) which prevented files from being opened using the desktop file/mimeapps.list mechanism. * xdg-open: Add proper quoting so that files with spaces in their names can be opened in generic mode and LXDE. (Debian bug #801048) === xdg-utils 1.1.0 === 2015-10-04 Per Olofsson <> * Add references to specifications to the manuals. (Debian bug #800826) * xdg-email: Remove obsolete references to from the manual. 2015-10-03 Per Olofsson <> * xdg-email: Rewrite open_kde() * xdg-open: Only strip queries (?) and fragments (#) from file URLs before decoding them, not from (decoded) paths. Otherwise we can't open files with hash or question marks in their names. (Debian bug #800355) 2015-09-27 Per Olofsson <> * xdg-settings: Detect generic DE instead of failing. (Debian bug #787791) * xdg-settings: Add a proper generic mode. 2015-09-26 Per Olofsson <> * xdg-mime: Check ~/.config/mimeapps.list instead of ~/.config/applications/mimeapps.list when looking for default application. * xdg-open: Fall back to generic mode if gvfs-open and gnome-open are missing. Don't try to use gnome-open if running under GNOME 3 or Cinnamon. (Debian bug #685304) * xdg-open, xdg-email: Add iceweasel to the list of fallback browsers. (Debian bug #788047) 2015-09-25 Per Olofsson <> * xdg-utils-common: Add support for $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP value X-Generic. When set, xdg-utils will pretend that it is running under a generic DE which can be useful for debugging purposes. 2015-09-23 Per Olofsson <> * xdg-open: Percent-decode file:// URLs in open_lxde and add testcase. (BR89654) 2015-09-22 Per Olofsson <> * Add a fully automated (non-interactive) test suite (under development). Run it using "make autotest". * xdg-screensaver: Use the DBus API from a Perl script to inhibit gnome-screensaver. This is necessary since the SimulateUserActivity call is not implemented. Calling Inhibit using dbus-send does not work either since gnome-screensaver watches the pid of the calling process and dbus-send exits immediately. Distributions are advised to make xdg-utils depend on the Perl modules Net::DBus and X11::Protocol. Thanks to Ben Hutchings for writing the Perl script. * xdg-email: Add support for the $MAILER environment variable. * xdg-open: Add support for running without X. * xdg-open: Try www-browser first of the non-X browsers. (www-browser is a symlink to the preferred non-X browser in Debian.) * xdg-icon-resource: Don't try to install anything into empty $icon_dir's. 2015-09-20 Per Olofsson <> * xdg-open: Try $BROWSER first in generic mode if it is set by the user. 2015-09-18 Rex Dieter <> * xdg-email: Recipients passed to Thunderbird are incorrectly quoted (BR91996) 2015-09-16 Rex Dieter <> * xdg-screensaver support for xautolock (BR89655) * xdg-icon-resource: does not support filenames with spaces (BR91758) * xdg-open: Add support for multi-word $BROWSER commands (BR91989) * xdg-open shell script contains bash code (BR86028) * xdg-email: bashism: relies on bash's echo in run_thunderbird() (BR91990) * xdg-email: Icedove support (BR91997) * xdg-email: generic mode does nothing (BR92008) 2015-07-15 Rex Dieter <> * better for other (non-gnome) GVfs-based desktops, from Yaakov Selkowitz <> 2015-07-01 Rex Dieter <> * xdg-email: generic check for assigned mailto (BR79929) 2015-04-13 Rex Dieter <> * xdg-mime: search mimeinfo.cache in $xdg_user_dir too (BR31629) 2015-04-06 Rex Dieter <> * xdg-open: does not exit if it does not recognize the mimetype (BR89902) 2015-04-04 Rex Dieter <> * xdg-desktop-menu: does not support filenames with spaces (BR66605) 2015-03-23 Rex Dieter <> * xdg-open: fix regression where & gets replaced with \\& in URLs 2015-03-02 Rex Dieter <> * xdg-email: thunderbird launch in xdg-email in gnome3 fails (BR61475) 2015-02-24 Lionel Orry <> * xdg-mime: do not report multiple desktop files (BR60329) 2015-02-20 Rex Dieter <> * xdg-open: safer xdg-open (BR89130), inspired by patch from Vincent Bernat <> 2015-01-19 Rex Dieter <> * xdg-open: better fix for command injection vulnerability (BR66670) * xdg-open is extremely slow because get_key executes grep unnecessarily (BR88524) 2015-01-15 Reuben Thomas <> * xdg-mime: dereference symlinks when using mimetype or file (BR39923) * xdg-screensaver: Change screensaver_freedesktop's interpretation of GetActive (BR29859) 2015-01-05 Rex Dieter <> * xdg-open: command injection vulnerability (BR66670) 2015-01-04 Rex Dieter <> * xdg-screensaver should control X11's screensaver in xfce as fallback (BR80089) 2014-10-09 Rex Dieter <> * xdg-screensaver plasma5 support 2014-09-22 Rex Dieter <> * Initial support for Plasma5 (largely thanks to Karol Herbst) 2014-09-19 Rex Dieter <> * XFCE .desktop file created for browser selection is broken (BR56092) * Unnecessary filtering file:// for pcmanfm (BR63153) * fails if user sets a custom IFS environment variable (BR81386) 2014-09-17 Rex Dieter <> * xdg-utils-common is broken, xdg-open uses bashism (BR83979) 2014-08-25 Rex Dieter <> * xdg-email: do not encode - character 2014-04-26 Rex Dieter <> * xdg-open fails to open web browser urls with a query string (BR45857) 2014-02-07 Rex Dieter <> * Improvement of detecting KDE session (BR63157) 2013-10-24 Rex Dieter <> * xdg-desktop-menu: improperly check for vendor prefix on Estonian locale (BR70742) 2013-09-16 Rex Dieter <> * xdg-desktop-menu: Unquoted file name (BR69399) 2013-07-13 Igor Murzov <> * xdg-open: detect Enlightenment and make use of it (BR66944) 2012-10-08 Rex Dieter <> * xdg-mime does not search mimeinfo.cache (BR31629) 2012-09-16 Rex Dieter <> * recognize XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP/DESKTOP_SESSION=MATE (BR54941) * xdg-su: use gnomesu for mate (BR54941) 2012-08-20 Rex Dieter <> * xdg-su: stop checking xsu (thanks to Jiri Slaby) * xdg-su: use gnomesu for xfce if available (thanks to Jiri Slaby) 2012-08-09 Rex Dieter <> * xdg-open fails to open a url in a "generic" environment (BR45859) * xdg-screensaver syntax error if DISPLAY isn't set (BR41144) * do not check for /etc/debian_version before using xdg-open (BR46814) * Setting $BROWSER=xdg-open can cause infinite loop (BR44047) 2012-03-10 Rex Dieter <> * allow DESKTOP_SESSION='Xfce Session' to match xfce 2012-03-02 Rex Dieter <> * "unknown DE" improvements (BR45295) * xdg-terminal incompatible with TERM=screen and TERM=rxvt-unicode (BR44357) * xdg-terminal doesn't handle TERM values like TERM=linux (BR44358) * add lubuntu support (BR44775) * xdg-open replaces "&" with "%U" in URLs (BR46002) 2011-12-09 Rex Dieter <> * initial DE=mate support (mostly just xdg-open so far) 2011-12-07 Rex Dieter <> * xdg-screensaver: gnome-screensaver detection broken (BR43575) * xdg-open: fix spurious 'x-www-browser: command not found' (RH755553) 2011-09-30 Rex Dieter <> * xdg-open: use x-scheme-handler/ instead of uri/ (BR35700) 2011-09-28 Rex Dieter <> * Documentation spelling fixes (BR41193). Thanks to Ville Skyttä * Fix external links in docs, use <ulink> for them (BR41194). Thanks to Ville Skyttä * Avoid some unnecessary stat calls (BR41195). Thanks to Ville Skyttä * xdg-open: improve debugging output (BR40959) * xdg-open: look up default applications by URI scheme (BR35700) * xdg-settings: support registering default scheme handler (merge from chromium folks) 2011-08-29 Rex Dieter <> * xdg-open cant open some valid urls if URL doesnt match existing filename (BR34915). Thanks to Leho Kraav. 2011-08-27 Rex Dieter <> * xdg-terminal fails to open terminal on generic desktop (BR40418) 2011-08-12 Rex Dieter <> * xdg-email fails with unicode strings if using gawk (BR13139) * xdg-email: Thunderbird 5 needs unescaped addresses (BR40041) 2011-08-11 Rex Dieter <> * xdg-terminal : remove remaining '==' bash'isms (BR38959) 2011-07-19 Rex Dieter <> * support $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP 2011-07-13 Rex Dieter <> * xdg-mime : use 'file --mime-type' instead of 'file -i' (BR39166) 2011-05-10 Rex Dieter <> * xdg-mime : handle home dirs with spaces, mimeapps.list not existing. Thanks to Mike Mammarella. 2011-05-05 Rex Dieter <> * : add missing ;; 2011-05-04 Rex Dieter <> * : move a couple of utility functions here (from xdg-settings), needed for xdg-email * : binary_to_desktop_file, handle vendor dirs 2011-04-20 Rex Dieter <> * xdg-desktop-icon does not work when user desktop dir has spaces (BR36417) 2011-04-14 Rex Dieter <> * xdg-open does not detect xfce (BR25941) * xdg-open's list of fallback browsers excludes seamonkey (BR33699) * text BROWSER=+elinks * xdg-open is sensitive to default grep options (BR34164) * xdg-{open,email} should try x-www-browser (BR33095) * xdg-email outputs errors with localized KDE4 (BR32924) * xdg-email runs kmailservice with incorrect locale (BR33106) * spurious capture of which in KMIMETYPEFINDER (BR31444) 2011-04-12 Rex Dieter <> * suppress 'which gnome-default-applications-properties' output. Thanks to Mike Mammarella. 2011-04-08 Rex Dieter <> * xdg-mime: add mimeapps.list support. Thanks to Chris Coulson. 2011-03-31 Rex Dieter <> * Don't overwrite a /usr/share/applications/defaults.list symlink (BR35794) * Use D-Bus API for GNOME screensaver (BR29860) * Initial support for DE=Darwin, Default for $BROWSER under Mac OS (BR35500) 2011-03-28 Rex Dieter <> * xdg-open cannot detect xfce 4.8 correctly (BR33321) * xdg-mime's info_generic doesn't normalize symlinks (BR33097) * mimetype support for xdg-mime (generic) (BR33094) * open_generic_xdg_mime is broken when a .desktop file Exec has arguments (BR30453) 2011-02-01 Rex Dieter <> * add support for GNOME 3.x 2011-01-09 Fathi Boudra <> * xdg-email: call kfmclient_fix_exit_code() under KDE 3 only. Thanks to Luc Menut. (BR32924) * xdg-utils-common: set C.UTF-8 locale to make sure the version parsing is done as expected. Under some locales the KDE version string doesn't start with "KDE". * xdg-terminal: Fix failure because the which std output is wrongly redirected to /dev/null in terminal_kde(). Thanks to Luc Menut. (BR32927)
2015-10-14Switch from x11/Xaw3d to newer x11/libXaw3d.wiz1-2/+2
Adapt some packages so they build with that. Bump their PKGREVISIONs.
2015-10-10Recursive revbump from textproc/icuryoon18-36/+36
2015-10-05Revert ruby-ohay package to 8.4.0 since 8.6.0 was not ready to commit.taca2-15/+7
2015-10-05Mark as broken due to missing dependency: ruby-chef-configsevan1-2/+4
Unbreak scan stage on bulkbuilds Reviewed by: wiz@
2015-10-05Don't use master site with dynamically generated file. We have it on nbftp.tnn1-2/+2
PR pkg/50297
2015-10-04Update ruby-sprockets to 3.3.5taca2-7/+7
**3.3.5** (September 25, 2015) * Fix bug related to absolute path being reintroduced into history cache #141.
2015-10-04Update ruby-pry to 0.10.2.taca2-6/+6
### 0.10.2 * cherry-pick c2ed9ec135bd791a32c70fbe05cc0508ea17c4040e from master (fix inf. loop with prepended methods source retrieval) * Update some specs for recent ruby versions (2.2+)
2015-10-04Update ruby-ohai to 8.6.0.taca2-7/+13
Release 8.6.0 Phil Dibowitz: * Provide a new and improved filesystem plugin for Linux & Mac (filesystem2), to support CentOS7, multiple virtual filesystems, etc. * Fix Darwin filesystem plugin on newer MacOSX Jonathan Amiez: * Linux filesystems plugin report wrong fs-type for logical volumes involucelate * Fix Windows 2008 hostname truncation #554 Pavel Yudin: * Detect Parallels host and guest virtualization Claire McQuin: * Deprecate Ohai::Config in favor of Ohai::Config.ohai. * Load a configuration file while running as an application. PR #597: * Correct platform, platform_family and version detection on Cisco's Nexus platforms. cmluciano: * add vmware plugin Jean Baptiste Favre: * Detect updated docker cgroup format Shahul Khajamohideen: * Fix memory plugin output on Solaris * Add swap space attributes for Solaris memory plugin * Add swap space attributes for AIX * Add support for SPARC based processors in Solaris cpu plugin * Make AIX cpu plugin's output consistent with Solaris cpu plugin * Make AIX, Solaris memory output consistent to Linux Sean Horn: * ec2 plugin should handle binary userdata too Alexey Karpik: * Add support for SoftLayer cloud MichaelSp: * return correct ipaddress for openvz guests Anthony Caiafa: * Only run ifconfig against active interfaces Shahul Khajamohideen and Sean Escriva: * Windows Memory plugin Chris Chambers: * Convert Solaris OHAI CPU detection to kstat from psrinfo Release 8.5.0 * PR #548: Coerce non-UTF8 strings to UTF8 in output to suppress UTF8 encoding exceptions * PR #544 add support for Wind River Linux and Cisco's Nexus platforms
2015-10-04Update ruby-naught to 1.1.0.taca2-6/+6
## 1.1.0 - [Make it possible to supply an example object to mimic, with no class.]( - [Define implicit conversion for to_hash]( - [Define implicit conversion for to_int](
2015-10-01Recursive revbump for poppler-0.36.0 shlib bump.wiz8-13/+16
2015-09-30Update to 1.2.20150920:wiz2-7/+6
2015/09/20 + decrease table value for minimum number of arguments for the widgets which use --no-items option (report by Raven Singularity). + update configure macros: + use $SHELL consistently, deprecate non-POSIX shell + PKG_CONFIG may simply be unset - fix + add option to allow changing ABI version, from ncurses6.