Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author | Files | Lines |
| to 1.4.0
INCOMPATIBLE update. If you need compatibility with 1.3.*, put
(setq howm-compatible-to-ver1dot3 t) before (require 'howm) in your
.emacs. See M-x customize-group RET howm-compatibility RET for
Though howm-1.4.0 has a new menu file, your old menu file is not
updated automatically. Copy en/0000-00-00-000000.txt into howm/
directory if you like. Alternatively, you can cut and paste some
parts of it to your howm/0000-00-00-000000.txt by hand. to
small bug fix.
* Add dependency to net/py-netifaces
Release: 0.9.7 [23 Nov, 2012]
New Features
Edit metadata dialog: Show the size of the current book cover in the edit metadata dialog.
Closes tickets: 1079781
Get Books: Allow easy searching by title and author in addition to any keyword, to prevent large numbers of spurious matches.
An option to automatically convert any added book to the current output format, found under Preferences->Adding books
E-book viewer: Allow viewing tables in a separate popup window by right clicking on the table and selecting 'View table'. Useful for reference books that have lots of large tables.
Closes tickets: 1080710
Catalogs: Add the current library name as an available field when generating catalogs in csv/xml format.
Closes tickets: 1078422
Enable colored text in the output from the command line tools on windows
E-book viewer: Add an option to hide the help message when entering full screen mode
E-book viewer: Add an option to always start the viewer in full screen mode
E-book viewer: Add many more controls to the context menu, particularly useful in full screen mode
E-book viewer: Allow easy searching of the selected word or phrase in google via the context menu
Add a new type of FileType plugin, postimport, that runs after a book has been added to the database.
Get Books: Remove Gandalf store, add Publio store. Update the Legimi store plugin for website changes
Bug Fixes
Conversion: Correctly handle values of left and right for the deprecated align attribute of images, mapping them to the CSS float property instead of to text-align.
Closes tickets: 1081094
MOBI Output: When generating joint MOBI6/KF8 files do not set incorrect display CSS values for tables in the KF8 part
Connect to iTunes: Ignore AAC audio files.
Closes tickets: 1081096
E-book viewer: Fix restoring from fullscreen not respecting maximized window state
Fix rows in the device books view sometimes being too high
Catalogs: Fixed a problem occurring when merging comments with a custom field whose type is a list.
Linux binary: Use exec in the wrapper shell scripts that are used to set env vars and launch calibre utilities.
Closes tickets: 1077884
E-book viewer: Fix blank pages after every page when viewing some comic files in paged mode
E-book viewer: When printing, respect the specified page range.
Closes tickets: 1074220
Font subsetting: Parse the GSUB table for glyph substitution rules and do not remove any glyphs that could act as substitutes. Keep zero length glyphs like the glyphs for non printable characters when subsetting TrueType outlines.
Smarten punctuation: Fix self closing script tags causing smarten punctuation to fail
New news sources
Various Czech and Hungarian news sources by bubak
Various Polish recipes by Artur Stachecki
Buchreport by a.peter
Red Voltaire by atordo
Autosport by Mr Stefan
House News by Eddie Lau
Improved news sources
Arguments and facts
Business Standard
The New Yorker
Release: 0.9.6 [10 Nov, 2012]
New Features
Experimental support for subsetting fonts
Subsetting a font means reducing the font to contain only the glyphs for the text actually present in the book. This can easily halve the size of the font. calibre can now do this for all embedded fonts during a conversion. Turn it on via the 'Subset all embedded fonts' option under the Look & Feel section of the conversion dialog. calibre can subset both TrueType and OpenType fonts. Note that this code is very new and likely has bugs, so please check the output if you turn on subsetting. The conversion log will have info about the subsetting operations.
EPUB Input: Try to workaround EPUBs that have missing or damaged ZIP central directories. calibre should now be able to read/convert such an EPUB file, provided it does not suffer from further corruption.
Allow using identifiers in save to disk templates.
Closes tickets: 1074623
calibredb: Add an option to not notify the GUI
Catalogs: Fix long tags causing catalog generation to fail on windows. Add the ability to cross-reference authors, i.e. to relist the authors for a book with multiple authors separately.
Closes tickets: 1074931
Edit metadata dialog: Add a clear tags button to remove all tags with a single click
Add search to the font family chooser dialog
Bug Fixes
Windows: Fix a long standing bug in the device eject code that for some reason only manifested in 0.9.5.
Closes tickets: 1075782
Get Books: Fix Amazon stores, Google Books store and
Kobo driver: More fixes for on device book matching, and list books as being on device even if the Kobo has not yet indexed them. Also some performance improvements.
Closes tickets: 1069617
EPUB Output: Remove duplicate id and name attributes to eliminate pointless noise from the various epub check utilities
Ask for confirmation before removing plugins
Fix bulk convert queueing dialog becoming very long if any of the books have a very long title.
Closes tickets: 1076191
Fix deleting custom column tags like data from the Tag browser not updating the last modified timestamp for affected books
Closes tickets: 1075476
When updating a previously broken plugin, do not show an error message because the previous version of the plugin cannot be loaded
Fix regression that broke the Template Editor
New news sources
Various Polish news sources by Artur Stachecki
Improved news sources
Various updated Polish recipes
London Review of Books
Yemen Times
Release: 0.9.5 [02 Nov, 2012]
New Features
Font embedding: Add support for the CSS 3 Fonts module, which means you can embed font families that have more that the usual four faces, with the full set of font-stretch and font-weight variations. Of course, whether the fonts actually show up on a reader will depend on the readers' support for CSS 3.
Sharing by email: Allow specifying an 'alias' or friendly name by which to identify each email recipient.
Closes tickets: 1069076
Embedding fonts: Allow adding ttf/otf font files to calibre directly to be used for embedding. That way the fonts do not have to be installed system wide. You can add a font to calibre via the 'Add fonts' button in the font chooser dialog for embedding fonts.
E-book viewer: Add the ability to rotate images to the popup image viewer.
Closes tickets: 1073513
Generate cover: Speedup searching the system for a font that can render special characters
A new custom font scanner to locate all fonts on the system. Faster and less crash prone that fontconfig/freetype
Font family chooser: Show the faces available for a family when clicking on the family
Bug Fixes
Get Books: Fix eHarlequin and Kobo stores.
Closes tickets: 1072702
Kobo driver: Fix a bug that could cause the on device book matching to fail in certain circumstances.
Closes tickets: 1072437
Kobo driver: When using a SD card do not delete shelves that contain on books on the card (there might be books in the shelf in the main memory).
Closes tickets: 1073792
Workaround for bug in the windows API CreateHardLink function that breaks using calibre libraries on some networked filesystems.
Template editor: Use dummy metadata instead of blank/unknown values
Windows: abort setting of title/author if any of the books' files are in use. Results in less surprising behavior than before, when the title/author would be changed, but the on disk location would not.
New news sources
Pravda in english, italian and portuguese by Darko Miletic
Delco Times by Krittika Goyal
Improved news sources
Financial Times UK
Science AAAS
The Atlantic
Release: 0.9.4 [26 Oct, 2012]
New Features
Conversion: Add an option to embed a font family into the book.
The embedded font is used as the base font for all text that does not specify its own font family in the input document. Works only with output formats that support font embedding, principally EPUB/AZW3. Option is found under Look & Feel in the conversion dialog. You can ensure that the font is used for all text, regardless of the input document's styles by filtering out font family styles via the Filter Style Information option in the Conversion dialog.
When changing the title/author of a book, use hard links instead of copying the books' files, for a large speedup. Only works on filesystems that support hardlinks.
Linux installer: Resume interrupted downloads and verify the SHA-512 signature of the downloaded file before installing it.
Bug Fixes
Windows: Check if any of the files of a book are in use before changing the title/author, this prevents the creation of duplicate files if one of the files is open in another program
Kobo driver: Fix the ondevice status for some books getting lost.
Closes tickets: 1069403
Catalogs: Fix regression that broke use of prefix rules.
Closes tickets: 1070086
Tag Browser: Fix sorting incorrect for accented letters
Closes tickets: 1069835
Make the bundled Liberation fonts available on all platforms for embedding
Use mimetype for fonts from the EPUB 3 specification
Get Books: Handle website change that broke the SONY Store plugin
Generate cover: If the default font cannot render characters in the metadata (for example for east asian languages) try to automatically find a font on the system that is capable of rendering the characters
Fix regression that broke certain types of CSS selectors.
Closes tickets: 1068937
Use font-weight:bold instead of font-weight:bolder for the <b> and <strong> tags as ADE cant handle bolder when embedded fonts are used
New news sources
Yazihane by A Erdogan
Improved news sources
New York Post
PC World
TIME Magazine
Associated Press
Release: 0.9.3 [19 Oct, 2012]
New Features
Conversion: Add support for CSS 3 selectors by switching to the new cssselect module
Drivers for the WayteQ xBook and the Topwise Android tablet
Closes tickets: 1066083, 1067105
Add an output profile for the Kindle PaperWhite
Kobo driver: Improve performance when a large number of shelves are created on the device.
Closes tickets: 1066633
Catalogs: Put catalog sections at top level of ToC for EPUB/AZW3 catalogs.
Adding books: When duplicates are found, show the list of possible duplicates in calibre with title and author.
Bug Fixes
KF8 Input: Fix conversion/viewing of KF8 files generated with the unreleased? kindlegen 2.7.
Closes tickets: 1067310
Kindle driver: Increase the size of the cover thumbnails sent by calibre to the device. This fixes the problem of cover thumbnails not showing up on the PaperWhite
MTP driver: Fix sorting on the title column of the device view.
Closes tickets: 1067562
Catalogs: Fix regression that caused authors and titles to be be incorrectly listed under symbols on OSX < 10.8.
Catalogs: Fix error when generating catalog in non English locale and the user has specified a prefix rule using a Yes/no column.
Closes tickets: 1065452
E-book viewer: Remove the reload entry from the context menu as it is not supported in paged mode.
Closes tickets: 1065615
New news sources
Various Polish news sources by fenuks
Improved news sources
Richmond Times Dispatch
Various Polish news sources
Aksiyon dergisi
Spektrum der Wissenschaft
Zeit Online
Baltimore Sun
LWN Weekly
The Sun
Release: 0.9.2 [11 Oct, 2012]
New Features
Wireless driver: Speed up deleting of multiple books
E-book viewer: Add options to hide the scrollbar and show reading position in full screen mode.
Closes tickets: 1047450
News download: Add a field to allow recipe authors to tell calibre to remove duplicate articles that a re present in more than one section from the download.
Metadata download: Turn off the use of the published date for the earliest edition a book as the published date. The earliest edition was identified via, which has rather poor data, leading to the occasional incorrect result. If you want this feature back, you can turn it on again via Preferences->Metadata download.
Bug Fixes
ODT Input: More workarounds for the image positioning markup produced by newer versions of LibreOffice.
Closes tickets: 1063207
Metadata download dialog: Fix selected cover being changed when covers are re-sorted after download completes
MTP driver: Ignore errors when getting the driveinfo.calibre file from the device and simply regenerate it
E-book viewer: Use the system locale settings to display the 24/12 hour clock in full screen mode
Closes tickets: 1063209
Content Server: Make OPDS initial page respect the fields to display tweak
Fix regression that caused calibre to not use OPF files when adding books recursively from directories with multiple books per directory
KF8 Output: Fix handling of input documents that have URL unsafe characters in the file names of their images.
Closes tickets: 1062477
Fix enumeration type custom column not being merged.
Closes tickets: 1061602
New news sources
PVP Online, Mobile Nations, The Verge and Television Without Pity by Krittika Goyal
Improved news sources
Pubblico Giornale
Der Spiegel
Cosmo UK
The Sun UK
Release: 0.9.1 [05 Oct, 2012]
New Features
New driver for the Kobo Touch version 2.0+ firmware and Kobo Glo and Mini. See for details
Closes tickets: 1024983, 1059585
Driver for Motorola Defy XT
Closes tickets: 1061903
Wireless driver: Always use automatic metadata management, regardless of the setting in Preferences->Devices
Sending books by email: Allow sending to multiple email addresses at once separated by commas.
Closes tickets: 1052332
KF8 Output: Add the css passed in through the extra css conversion option to the generated inline ToC.
Closes tickets: 1052343
Windows: No longer use fontconfig to scan the system for available fonts. Instead use the Windows API. Should fix crashes/instability caused by fonts that fontconfig cannot handle
When editing a blank (undefined) published date in the edit metadata dialog, have the calendar popup jump to the current date instead of the date 1-1-101
Closes tickets: 1058531
FB2 Input: Add support for th, code and strikethrough tags and also rowspan, colspan and align attributes.
Closes tickets: 1059351, 1058591
Bug Fixes
Get Books: Update Woblink
Position the next selected book better after deleting multiple books from the library view
Closes tickets: 1051135
Allow using the Enter key to select the cover in the metadata download dialog
Closes tickets: 1060472
PDF Output: Handle embedded fonts better on linux
HTML Input: Guess mimetype correctly for references to image files without file extensions.
Closes tickets: 1059349
Catalog generation: Workaround for bug in the ICU library on older OS X systems that caused catalog generation to fail when certain non-ascii characters are present in the metadata.
Closes tickets: 1057862
Wireless driver: Do not abort if BonJour registration fails, as we can still use broadcast to connect
KF8 Output: Fix invalid output being generated for some files with very large blocks of contiguous non-ascii text
New news sources
IOL News and The New Age by Darko Miletic
Improved news sources
FC Knudde
Foreign Policy
Washington Post
Twitch Films
Nature News
Release: 0.9.0 [28 Sep, 2012]
New Features
For a summary of the major changes in calibre between 0.8 and 0.9, see
Bug Fixes
KF8 Output: Fix handling of & < and > entities in the text. They were sometimes being incorrectly unescaped.
Calibre portable: Add a manifest to the portable installer exe to prevent the application compatibility wizard from warning about a possible failed installation on windows 7. Also fixes installer requiring admin privileges on some computers
Closes tickets: 1057042
EPUB metadata: Fix book producer not being set when updating EPUB metadata
EPUB metadata: Fix incorrect namespace on the role attribute of <dc:creator> tags when updating the metadata in EPUB
Get Books: Fix incorrect price retrieval from
Closes tickets: 1055785
MTP windows driver: Fix main memory and storage card sometimes swapped
Closes tickets: 1055129
PDF Output: On windows, remove any embedded fonts before generating the PDF as on windows, Qt generates image based PDFs when embedded fonts are present.
Closes tickets: 1053906
MTP windows driver: Do not try to connect to unsuitable devices such as the iPhone.
Closes tickets: 1054562
KF8 Input: Handle files that use non ascii paths/anchor names in the guide entries.
Closes tickets: 1053751
New news sources
Pubblico Giornale by iusvar
Improved news sources
Monitor Online
El Pais
Chronicle of Higher Education
Baltimore Sun
Mac World
Maximum PC
Financial Times UK
Release: 0.8.70 [21 Sep, 2012]
New Features
Support for connecting MTP (non disk based) devices via USB, such as the Nexus 7 and the Kindle Fire HD (Windows Vista and newer and Linux only)
calibre can now detect and connect to devices that do not present themselves as USB disks to the operating system. Newer Android devices all use the 'MTP' protocol when connected via USB. calibre now supports devices using this protocol on both Windows (Vista and newer) and Linux.
Calibre Portable: Create a new installer that does not require manually unzipping the Calibre Portable folder. Instead just run the installer and point it to the location you want to install to.
Calibre Portable: Add support for multiple libraries created inside the 'Calibre Portable' folder.
In the main book list when editing a blank published date, use a default value of Jan 2000 so that changing the date it easier
Template language: Add function approximate_formats() to get list of formats saved in the db for a book as opposed to the formats that actually exist on disk
Template language: Add a couple of new functions to get the path to individual book formats and the calibre library as a whole
Drivers for HTC Flyer and Trekstor 4ink
Bug Fixes
Conversion: Do not error out when tags have unparseable color attributes.
Closes tickets: 1053583
AZW3 Output: Do not error out if the input document contains embedded fonts of less than 1040 bytes.
Closes tickets: 1052892
Catalogs: Fix AZW3 output not properly indexed
Get Books: Remove Beam Books due to lack of response to issues with the store.
Windows: Ignore drives A: and B: when scanning for the drives belonging to a device
Kindle driver: Fix generation of apnx files for newer kindle firmware.
News download: If the output format is set to azw3, generate periodicals in mobi format as amazon does not support azw3 periodicals.
New news sources
Various Hungarian recipes by laca
NSFW Corp by Darko Miletic.
FC Knudde and Stamgasten by drMerry
Improved news sources
Indian Express
London Review of Books (subscrption version)
Doghouse Diaries
simply not correct to pass references to variadic functions.
simply not correct to pass references to variadic functions.
strict template checks.
* Fixed gettext warnings for man and info
* Allow dots in man page names, #676482 (Matthias Clasen)
* Fixed new-style Mallard conditional processing
* Updated translations
Notable changes include:
Since 0.4.8:
o relative link during framework installing, helps building in a separate
root, like when building RPMs
o fixed some portability issues of the Framework to solaris and windows
o handle also PNG images
o fixed a link in the framework from absolute to relative, for FHS
(fix by Richard Stonehouse)
o Many fixes in VCFviewer GWorkspace inspector, thanks also to
Philippe Roussel
o use GSMimeDocument to decode base64 instead of custom code
o Makefiles work on windows
o Birthday support (for SimpleAgenda)
o fixes in VCF import (encoding, CR-LF)
o fixed deleting of a person
Since 0.4.7:
o Updated Makefiles to GNUstep Make 2.0
o Fixed text editing to work with current GNUstep gui
o Improved import of VCF files: tries to interpret HEX (by Guenther
Noack) and the escape \, from Apple cards
20120719 - Mon Jul 23 18:02:31 2012
* Support data from RangeMessage.xml. You can use the latest
data from ISBN without updating this module.
20120719.01 - Thu Jul 26 08:57:14 2012
Specify the Test::More version so I cna use subtest.
No code or feature changes
20120718 - Mon Jul 23 12:59:52 2012
* Daniel Jakubik updated the data for July 18, 2012
Upstream changes:
CHANGES FROM 1.6 to 1.7, 13 October 2012
* tmux configuration files now support line-continuation with a "\" at the
end of a line.
* New option status-position to move the status line to the top or bottom of
the screen.
* Enforce history-limit option when clearing the screen.
* Give each window a unique id, like panes but prefixed with @.
* Add pane id to each pane in layout description (while still accepting
the old form).
* Provide defined ways to set the various default-path possibilities: ~
for home directory, . for server start directory, - for session start
directory and empty for the pane's working directory (the default). All
can also be used as part of a relative path (eg -/foo). Also provide -c
flags to neww and splitw to override default-path setting.
* Add -l flag to send-keys to send input literally (without translating
key names).
* Allow a single option to be specified to show-options to show just that
* New command "move-pane" (like join-pane but allows the same window).
* join-pane and move-pane commands learn "-b" option to place the pane to
the left or above.
* Support for bracketed-paste mode.
* Allow send-keys command to accept hex values.
* Add locking around "start-server" to avoid race-conditions.
* break-pane learns -P/-F arguments for display formatting.
* set-option learns "-q" to make it quiet, and not print out anything.
* copy mode learns "wrap-search" option.
* Add a simple form of output rate limiting by counting the number of
certain C0 sequences (linefeeds, backspaces, carriage returns) and if it
exceeds a threshold (current default 250/millisecond), start to redraw
the pane every 100 milliseconds instead of making each change as it
comes. Two configuration options - c0-change-trigger and
* find-window learns new flags: "-C", "-N", "-T" to match against either or
all of a window's content, name, or title. Defaults to all three options
if none specified.
* find-window automatically selects the appropriate pane for the found
* show-environment can now accept one option to show that environment value.
* Exit mouse mode when end-of-screen reached when scrolling with the mouse
* select-layout learns -u and -U for layout history stacks.
* kill-window, detach-client, kill-session all learn "-a" option for
killing all but the current thing specified.
* move-window learns "-r" option to renumber window sequentially in a
* New session option "renumber-windows" to automatically renumber windows in
a session when a window is closed. (see "move-window -r").
* Only enter copy-mode on scroll up.
* choose-* and list-* commands all use "-F" for format specifiers.
* When spawning external commands, the value from the "default-shell" option
is now used, rather than assuming /bin/sh.
* New choose-tree command to render window/sessions as a tree for selection.
* display-message learns new format options.
* For linked-windows across sessions, all flags for that window are now
cleared across sessions.
* Lots and lots of bug fixes, fixing memory-leaks, etc.
* Various manpage improvements.
* Many important bugfixes
are called p5-*.
I hope that's all of them.
requested by Thomas Klausner.
The "xl" Xen interface can now be selected with "--vmm xl".
Increase the default memory size for amd64 to 128M.
Improve progress messages when creating the disk image.
When execing /bin/sh, wait for its prompt before sending
it a command.
* Remove obsolete deoendency to binpatch
* Many bugfixes
* By default, use Qt4 instead of gtk2, gtk2 support is broken in this version
===== 0.99.2 (September 7, 2012) =====
* Has been added "My Books" (purchased books) section for LitRes catalog
* Hebrew localization (by David Kachan)
* Updated Finnish localization (by Marko Vertainen)
===== 0.99.1 (July 26, 2012) =====
* Fixed bug with freezing at start
* List of network libraries is updated now from
* Fixed working with secured connections (now authentification and books buying on catalog works)
* Image support for Ms-Word doc format
===== 0.99.0 (July 5, 2012) =====
* Esperanto interface localization has been added (by KatarÃna Nosková)
* Hyphenation patterns for Polish (by Tomasz DÅugosz)
* Polish interface localization (by Tomasz DÅugosz)
* Speed of library scanning has been increased
* Plugin for reading MsWord (*.doc) books
* Fixed zip reading for several ePub books (e.g. for âäie Zeitâ ePubs)
* Support for book series in ePubs with point format (e.g. "2.5") has been added
* Fixed image support in RTF books
* Encoding & language recognizing has been improved
* As from version 0.99.0 FBReader for Linux supports qt4 interface only
===== 0.14.20100422 (April 22, 2010) =====
* Chinese text drawing optimization (thanks to You Sheng (SmartDevices) for
* Mobipocket image processing has been fixed
* Standard file open dialog is now used instead of the old specially written
for FBReader
* CSS processing for multi-xhtml epubs has been fixed (in 0.12.* the CSS
loaded for the first xhtml was also applied for all other xhtmls)
* Chinese encodings detection has been improved
* Language/encoding detection for small files has been improved
* A problem with TOC in newest O'Reilly ePubs has been fixed
* A detection of book format by mime-type (not by file extension) has been
partially implemented (in Gtk+ version only)
* Polish interface localization has been added (by RafaÅ BakuÅa)
===== 0.12.10 (April 1, 2010) =====
* Processing of external hyperlinks in epubs has been fixed
===== 0.12.9 (March 25, 2010) =====
* Processing of epub local hyperlinks of form "../dir/file.html" has been
* Code is now compilable with gcc 4.4.* (missing include directives have been
===== 0.12.8 (March 22, 2010) =====
* Smashwords library support has been improved: purchase links have been added
* LitRes library support has been updated: since this version FBReader uses an
OPDS proxy located at for most operations with the
LitRes catalog
* Processing of the xhtml hyperlinks in html encoded form (like
'/files/This%20is%20a%20link') has been fixed
* A seg.fault during scanning several archives has been fixed
* Lithuanian localization has been updated
* Vietnamese language/encoding detection patterns have been added
* Parsing of decimal point in CSS files has been fixed (it doesn't depend on
the current locale now)
===== 0.12.7 (March 5, 2010) =====
* Vietnamese localization has been added
* LitRes catalog browsing broken in 0.12.6 has been fixed
===== 0.12.6 (March 3, 2010) =====
* A processing of ePub files with incorrect CRC/entry size information
has been fixed. Such files are available e.g. from the FictionWise site.
Now depends on perl.
0.37 Commands that emit "status lines" using backspaces and carriage
returns could confuse rlwrap
rlwrap uses C strings internally, and thus cannot cope with
command output that contains zero bytes (padding). It used to
replace these with spaces, now the zero bytes are removed.
if the RLWRAP_HOME is set, but $RLWRAP_HOME doesn't exist, rlwrap
will create it
typo: SIGERR instead of SIG_ERR in signals.c
0.36 Entering a line from vi command mode would echo the input twice
Output from very busy commands would not always be printed on time
When rlwrap kills itself after a command crash it will not dump
core, in order to avoid clobbering command's much more interesting
core dump.
Premature filter death is now reported properly (it used to only
say: "EOF reading from filter" or "Broken pipe writing to filter")
0.35 config.{guess,sub} have been updated to version 2009-12-13
Corrected array bounds error in my_putstr("") (which could make
rlwrap write an extra newline when exiting, but might even crash
on some systems)
Many small improvements and fixes for multi-line input:
Multi-line inputs are now written to the inferior command one
line at a time, so that command's response (e.g. a continuation
prompt) can be interleaved with the echo'ed (multi-line) input.
Calling an external editor will no longer obliterate the prompt,
and line/column positions are now correct.
After a multi-line edit in vi-mode, the cursor will no longer
end up one line too high.
CTRL-D on an empty line was handed directly to command, but also
(erroneously) put in readline's input buffer
Many small fixes and improvements in signal handling:
SIGSEGV, and other "error" signals like SIGFPE, are now unblocked
all of the time, so that rlwrap can always clean up after a crash.
Since version 0.25 rlrwap's transparency extends to signals: if
the inferior command segfaults, rlwrap will kill itself with a
SIGSEGV. In order to get the bug reports where they belong,
rlwrap now reports explicitly that it has not crashed itself.
rlwrap's call to sigaction forgot to set the signal mask (!)
Continuing after CTRL-Z on QNX now wakes up command
Added --one-shot (-o) and --only-cook (-O) options
debug log is now in a format that works well with emacs' grep-mode
rlwrap's bindable readline function names (like rlwrap-call-editor) are
now in hyphen-style instead of underscore_style (use of the
old_style_names will now be flagged as an error)
Filters can now prevent a prompt from being cooked by "rejecting" it. would set $_ incorrectly in echo and output handlers. manpage is now created by newer (and less buggy)
version of pod2man
Added EXAMPLES section and -t option to rlwrap manpage
0.34 Binding wide (e.g. utf-8) chars in .inputrc now works
prefix arguments are now correctly reset (M-5 a b now
yields aaaaab instead of aaaaabbbbb)
0.33 rlwrap incorrectly fed terminfo-style capnames ("dl1") instead of
termcap codes ("dl") into tgetstr(). On newer Debian systems this
exposed a bug where random garbage would be printed by rlwrap
Hyphens in rlwrap manpage are now all properly escaped now only re-sets $filter->cumulative_output when an
INPUT message is received
0.32 Major new feature: filtering. Filters sit between rlwrap and the
wrapped command, re-writing command output, input, prompts,
history, and completion word lists.
System-wide filters live in DATADIR/rlwrap/filters (where DATADIR =
/usr/local/share by default, installation-dependent) Because of this,
completions now live in DATADIR/rlwrap/completions (until now:
To make filter writing easy, a perl module has
been added. It doesn't become part of your perl installation, but lives
in DATADIR/rlwrap/filters
rlwrap didn't properly check errno after reading from inferior pty.
This could lead to a spurious "read error on master pty"
Instead of using crusty old signal(), signal handlers are now set
by sigaction() without SA_RESTART (BSD semantics) Different
syscall-restarting behaviour among systems caused hard-to-trace
Now copies inferior pty's c_oflags to stdout before
output. (some editors like joe would mess up the screen)
prompt handling logic has been streamlined. Coloured prompt handling is
reliable now, even for long prompts.
At program exit, rlwrap now outputs a newline only when the client
Added -g, -I, -N, -S, -w and -z options
Removed -F option (and added a filter to replace it)
-p option now takes colour names (-pYellow)
rlwrap (and readline) uses C strings internally, which could cause problems
with commands that output '\0' bytes. In direct mode, such
characters are left untouched, but in readline mode they are
replaced by spaces.
the tools directory has been updated, so that configure will
feel at home even on newer systems
tested on SunOS, AIX, FreeBSD, HP/UX, QNX (thanks to, as
well as cygwin and linux
* Depend on qt4-qdbus
* Fix build on NetBSD at least
* Many improvements
* Many bugfixes
In detail, see
E-book viewer: Support the display of mathematics in e-books. Supports both embedded TeX and MathML [0.8.66]
The calibre ebook viewer can now display embedded mathematics (symbols, equations, fractions, matrices, etc.) in EPUB and HTML ebooks. For details, see: [External link]
A new wireless device driver. This allows connecting wirelessly to a device running a 'smart' calibre client [0.8.65]
The wireless connection functions just as if the device was plugged into the computer by USB cable. Currently, Android devices are supported. See [External link]
E-book viewer: Add a paged mode that splits up the text into pages, like in a paper book instead of presenting it as a single column. To activate click the button with the yellow scroll icon in the top right corner. [0.8.61]
In paged mode, the ebook viewer no longer cuts off the last line of text at the bottom of the screen, and it respects CSS page-break directives. You can also set page margins and control the number of pages displayed on screen by clicking the Preferences button in the viewer and going to 'Text layout in paged mode'.
When searching, allow use of un-accented characters to match accented characters in all fields and all languages (not just authors and English as before) [0.8.60]
The rules for matching un-accented characters are done in a language dependent way. So if your calibre interface language is set to English, n will match both n and ©ç, but if it is set to Spanish, it will match only n, as in Spanish ©ç is a separate alphabet in Spanish. This makes searching a little slower, so if you have a very large library you can turn it off via Preferences->Searching.
PDF Output: Full pagination support. No more cutoff bottom line. [0.8.57]
Fixes a long standing bug in calibre's PDF Output that caused the bottom line of some pages to be partially cut off and prevented top and bottom margins from working.
Make the new calibre style default on Windows and OS X. [0.8.56]
This change gives a more 'modern' feel to the calibre user interface with focus highlighting, gradients, rounded corners, etc. In case you prefer the old look, you can restore under Preferences->Look & Feel->User interface style
E-book viewer: The Table of contents panel now tracks the current position in the book. As you scroll through the book, the entry you are currently on is highlighted. [0.8.54]
To see this feature in action, open the Table of Contents panel in the viewer by clicking the button with three blue lines on it. As you page through the book, the chapter you are reading currently is highlighted in the Table of Contents Panel. Obviously, this will only work if the book you are reading has a Table of Contents. You can also use the Ctrl+PgUp and Ctrl+PgDn keys to quickly skip between chapters.
== / 2012-06-20
* Bookkeeping release that fixes install in scenarios where the RubyGem
indicated it had a runtime dependency on hoe. Thanks to Michael Grosser
( for the inspiration.
* Marked all files as UTF-8.
== / 2007-10-01
* Fixed a simple bug with the #transaction method handling.
**2.4.5** (July 10, 2012)
* Tweaked some logger levels
= Launchy Changlog
== Version 2.1.2 - 2012-08-06
* Fix where HostOS would fail to convert to string on JRuby in 1.9
mode (copiousfreetime/launchy#45)
Changes are unavailable.
## 1.2.0 (Aug 30, 2012)
- raise original error message from LoadError's
- `platform` man pages
## 1.2.0.rc.2 (Aug 8, 2012)
- `clean` doesn't remove gems that are included in the lockfile
## 1.2.0.rc (Jul 17, 2012)
- `check` now has a `--dry-run` option (@svenfuchs, #1811)
- loosen ruby directive for engines
- prune git/path directories inside vendor/cache (@josevalim, #1988)
- update vendored thor to 0.15.2 (@sferik)
- add .txt to LICENSE (@postmodern, #2001)
- add `config disable_local_branch_check` (@josevalim, #1985)
- fall back on the full index when experiencing syck errors (#1419)
- handle syntax errors in Ruby gemspecs (#1974)
- fix `pack`/`cache` with `--all` (@josevalim, #1989)
- don't display warning message when `cache_all` is set
- check for `nil` PATH (#2006)
- Always try to keep original GEM_PATH (@drogus, #1920)
## 1.2.0.pre.1 (May 27, 2012)
- Git gems import submodules of submodules recursively (@nwwatson, #1935)
- Exit from `check` with a non-zero status when frozen with no lock
- Use `latest_release` in Capistrano and Vlad integration (#1264)
- Work around a Ruby 1.9.3p194 bug in Psych when config files are empty
- Add instructions for local git repos to the `config` manpage
- Update the `Gemfile` manpage to include ruby versions (@stevenh512)
- When OpenSSL is missing, provide instructions for fixing (#1776 etc.)
- Unknown exceptions now link to ISSUES for help instead of a new ticket
- Correct inline help for `clean --force` (@dougbarth, #1911)
## 1.2.0.pre (May 4, 2012)
- bundle package now accepts --all to package git and path dependencies
- bundle config now accepts --local, --global and --delete options
- It is possible to override a git repository via configuration.
For instance, if you have a git dependency on rack, you can force
it to use a local repo with `bundle config local.rack ~/path/to/rack`
- Cache gemspec loads for performance (@dekellum, #1635)
- add --full-index flag to `bundle update` (@fluxx, #1829)
- add --quiet flag to `bundle update` (@nashby, #1654)
- Add Bundler::GemHelper.gemspec (@knu, #1637)
- Graceful handling of Gemfile syntax errors (@koraktor, #1661)
- `bundle platform` command
- add ruby to DSL, to specify version of ruby
- error out if the ruby version doesn't match
- bundle exec shouldn't run Bundler.setup just setting the right rubyopts options is enough (@spastorino, #1598)
- Avoid passing RUBYOPT changes in with_clean_env block (@eric1234, #1604)
- Use the same ruby to run subprocesses as is running rake (@brixen)
- Add :github documentation in DSL (@zofrex, #1848, #1851, #1852)
- Add docs for the --no-cache option (@fluxx, #1796)
- Add basic documentation for bin_path and bundle_path (@radar)
- Add documentation for the run method in Bundler::Installer
## 1.1.5 (Jul 17, 2012)
- Special case `ruby` directive from 1.2.0, so you can install Gemfiles that use it
== 1.4.3 | 2012-06-26
This release bring two small changes. The first improves support
for Windows by only rescuing LoadError when 'win32console' fails
to load. The second improves the heuritstics used for determining
the current terminal screen width.
* Only rescue LoadError on windows require. (#9) [bug]
* Improvements for getting proper screen width.