Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author | Files | Lines |
pkglint -r --network --only "migrate"
As a side-effect of migrating the homepages, pkglint also fixed a few
indentations in unrelated lines. These and the new homepages have been
checked manually.
joyent/pkgsrc#2. Changes since 3.6.1:
Fix etc/Makefile for rancid.types.conf handling.
Bump the PKGREVISION where the package install script has changed
due to changes in MAKE_DIRS or OWN_DIRS.
| filter license registration timestamp
fnrancid: filter oscillating md5-keys
par.c: fix misplaced pointer deref
3.6 ipaddrval() if IPv6 prefix length is missing, simply set 128.
*login: in_proc must be global in expect_after. had trouble reproducing
the original error, but this should be the correct fix.
xlogin: escape the * in lastprompt - Mattieu Beretti
*login: change handling of ssh key-related prompts to one line at a time
to eliminate timing-related problem.
alogin: login() eat one line at a time
a10login: remove the aflex-specific stuff. This is the wrong way to
do this and it doesn't work properly anyway.
control_rancid: create <group>/configs if it does not exist
hrancid: use (removes code duplication) check for existence of functions for given device type after
loading the modules for the type. return failure if any are missing.
par: add -FH options
rancid.types.conf, Add device type ciscoshtech for
example purposes filter trailing WS & recognize incomplete/invalid command
error in basicFilter() filter trailing WS in ShowAflex() 'show vlan' is 'show vlans' in ACOS 4.x. Add cmd 'show partition-config all' for ACOS 4.x, where
'show running-config all-partitions' does not work. recognize invalid cmd error in ShowRunningConfig() and filter
the config size comment
fnlogin: missing "end" to exit global mode for -[csx] - Richard Goode
plogin: add -m & -M missing variable initialization fix bug in recognizing the end of an access-list
hlogin: set tty init options when there is no controlling tty and set
set the term width to 132 when there is no controlling tty and for -[sc]
so that the hp device does not wrap lines. also filter IPv6 PDP addresses - Reuben Farrelly evaluation license periods are displayed differently
lg: Add show interface optics More useless FPD messages handle a transient cmd protocol failure seen in show version
control_rancid: use git ls-files instead of git status for .gitignore
and <group>/rancid.conf
fnrancid: fix formatting around removal of private-keys filter snmpv3 oscillating auth-password-encrypted filter useless FPD upgrade message
hlogin: missed an ssh -c option among the clean-up
| handle returning from a function with a prompt in $_
rancid-cvs, rancid-run, rancid.conf: use LOGDIR from rancid.conf, set a
default, and makes manpage notes
complogin: correct ssh/telnet port variable check
control_rancid: if the router list is empty, commit everything, not
just router.db. .cvsignore, rancid.conf, etc.
*login: do not default to ssh -c 3des; as openssh removes more legacy
algorithms. note work-arounds in the FAQ S3 & adjust manpages. filter OUI classification failures filter rogue client config that are added/removed
fnlogin: fix pager disabling for newer o/s - Romanens Xavier, Michael
Newton confirms working for older 4.x o/s filter passwords, snmp community, keys, GC some unused
code, & fix comment character. some older code fails to echo <CR> after logout initial module for Ubiquity Edgerouter, WiP
hlogin: when refactoring prompt, eat full lines before looking for the
hpuifilter: only turn off echo on the tty, not also the slave pty,
which fixes the echoing problem with Ubiquity Edgerouters
a10login: fix cut-n-paste bug
flogin: eat spaces followed by ^H
login_top: move variable initialization so it doesnt override env()s ignore invalid command errors in inloop found on Ironware
5.5 for MLX
srancid: filter oscillating file aaafile.prv reverse VTP test for nexus without vtp filter ios-xe requested time from show inventory feature differences in NCS6k show inventory show env temp does not exist on 1000v
lg.cgi: add show interfaces wanphy for cisco-xr & juniper
cisco: Change command show flash to show flash:. The first has been
dropped from the 15.5M and the latter seems to be supported back as I
can check.
mrvlogin, fixes for MRV Optiswitch devices fix handling of comments in access-lists sort ip{v6} access-lists & filter sequence numbers summarize flash free space
xrancid,, xlogin: convert extreme to a module and hack clogin
into xlogin to deal some weird terminal handling in EXOS >11.0 that
uses terminal manipulation to reprint the login prompt (telnet) or
the first cli prompt (ssh). fix PS wattage filtering filter benign subsystem warnings filter license broker BS
FAQ: add notes about openssh client changes for logjam
hpuifilter: fix handling of buffer when it drains
rancid.conf: change NOCOMMSTR to require "YES", not just defined
arrancid, convert Arista to a module add show license summary for older XE images, such as C4500e
3.04/15.1 module for F5 BIG-IP >=v11
rancid.conf: add variable FILTER_OSC to control filtering oscillating
data. See rancid.conf(5). This may not yet be applied in all places.
rancid: change logging of missed commands to preserve order to make it
easier for us to parse when providing support. also, only log to stderr
and not just with -d.
fnrancid: filter new private key format and fix filtering of encryptd
passwords filter/sort new ipv4/6 access-list format where list names are
omitted from rule lines. correct debug log msg ShowInstallSummary() return error if active install operation filter perpetually changing file aaa
srancid: Add 'terminal dump' cmd for Dell PowerConnect 3524/3548 fail on temp error in admin show install
configure: fix mktemp variable inconsistency
flogin: merge ssh key code from jlogin chassis command error changed/differs in vMX:
error: the chassis subsystem is not running
error: the chassis-control subsystem is not responding to ...
jlogin: missing catch for wait in login()
rancid-cvs: initialize .git/description ASR show version chassis line changed - tip top work cisco strip license period from 2900 show license is an incomplete cmd on older XE images trim trailing WS is show activation key, formatting problem on
old ASAs
plogin: wrong variable used in error msg
control_rancid: test -e -> -f for old shells
hpuifilter: missing include for solaris recognize aironet in ShowVersion & filter counters in ShowVlan
rancid-cvs: do not set git config --global, local only
flogin: build with login_top add 'show media' and 'show media validation', tested on
Brocade ICX 6650 and Brocade CER 2024, but not available on pre-8
for all pkgsrc dir/file ownership rules. Fixes unprivileged
user/group names from leaking into binary packages, manifest as
non-fatal chown/chgrp failure messages at pkg_add time.
Bump respective packages' PKGREVISION.
Problems found with existing digests:
Package haproxy distfile haproxy-1.5.14.tar.gz
159f5beb8fdc6b8059ae51b53dc935d91c0fb51f [recorded]
da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709 [calculated]
Problems found locating distfiles:
Package bsddip: missing distfile bsddip-1.02.tar.Z
Package citrix_ica: missing distfile citrix_ica-10.6.115659/en.linuxx86.tar.gz
Package djbdns: missing distfile djbdns-1.05-test25.diff.bz2
Package djbdns: missing distfile djbdns-cachestats.patch
Package djbdns: missing distfile 0002-dnscache-cache-soa-records.patch
Package gated: missing distfile gated-3-5-11.tar.gz
Package owncloudclient: missing distfile owncloudclient-2.0.2.tar.xz
Package poink: missing distfile poink-1.6.tar.gz
Package ra-rtsp-proxy: missing distfile rtspd-src-
Package ucspi-ssl: missing distfile ucspi-ssl-0.70-ucspitls-0.1.patch
Package waste: missing distfile waste-source.tar.gz
Otherwise, existing SHA1 digests verified and found to be the same on
the machine holding the existing distfiles (morden). All existing
SHA1 digests retained for now as an audit trail.
having a PKGNAME of p5-*, or depending such a package,
for perl-5.22.0.
- mtlogin: support cloginrc passphrase and identity
- add ios::ShowCellular() and cmd show cellular 0 profile
- control_rancid: fix mail rcpt bug in error path
- rancid-cvs: change git push.default to current
- add .old to configs/{.cvsignore,.gitignore}; see control_rancid.1
- rework IP address sorting
- filter some config junk that wont import
- not all nexus have show process log vdc-all
- f5rancid: filter fluctuating monitor state in config
- FAQ: updates
- drop the fabricated portion of the "Chassis type:" line; its
too much to try to track it accurately and doesnt seem to provide any
- filter altitude and pressure in ShowChassis
- cellular modem speeds not filtered on C819G
- 3560X w/ XE has different show sdm prefer and show system mtu
- update lg for router.db delimeter change
- rename slogin to plogin (poly-login), as slogin collides with ssh pkg
- jlogin, mtlogin: set tty init options when there is no controlling tty,
and update jlogin to match this method to an error from stty on the O/S
used by the user, Linux, I believe.
- flogin: send term length 0 for MLX & other cases.
- flogin: remove sleeps, send -h should work, and lower send_human timers
- *login: set base send_human values and lower (faster) values where it
was already set (clogin, complogin, etc), except flogin.
- rancid.conf: add DIFFSCRIPT knob
- dllogin, wlogin: handle -t option
- control_rancid: read rancid.conf sooner & fix handling group/ranicd.conf
- rancid-run: pass -f to control_rancid
- Fix the commit command used for -r
- Updates to default mail headers for RFC3834 & MS
- rancid.types: fix show config commands for cisco-wlc*
- filter line password on c2800s & c2900s
- add support for git. See the UPGRADING file.
- rancid-cvs: add -f option
- filter up time from show switch
- control_rancid: svn cleanup after collection commits
- access-list/prefix-list sorting regex fixes
- access-list/prefix-list sorting regex fixes
- filter ASIC/INTAKE cycling temps
- convert panrancid to a module
- panlogin, panrancid: import palo alto network script
- jlogin: set tty width to 132 to avoid problems with cli
complete-on-space, which fixes problems occuring when hostnames are
- access-list regex truncating lines
- improve IP sorting, esp for IPv6
- filter show flash & dir bytes free better
- ciscowlc: add filters for oscillating config & env o/p
- ciscowlc: convert Cisco WLC scripts to library
- import Cisco WLC scripts from
- *; fix handling of empty lines in -x input
- recognize invalid command in ShowFex
- does not set $proc
- nxrancid: convert nexus to module
- save "next reload" template
- tntlogin, tntrancid: remove TNT support
- par, hpuifilter: type fixes for Raspian compatibility
- slogin: add switching login
- filter timestamp and size from filename "syslog"
- configure: complain if sendmail is not found
- control_rancid: DIR set too early
- clogin,, escape plus (+) regex atom in prompt handling
- remove rogue newline in regex
- Note Allied Telesis AW+ devices support, works as type 'cisco'
according to Allied Telesis Employees
- fix handling of absent sendmail in configure script
- Change rancid script exec(); move cmd-line options to rancid.types.*
files. This allows older scripts to function without change, ie:
needing to support -t.
- clogin: missing variable initialization
- filter fan speed setting on 2900, etc.
- fnrancid: fix filter match for encrypted pwd
- filter vlan traffic counters on gsr, 6400 & switches
- srancid: fix up time filter for dell 3448
- some ASAs do not support show vlan
- bgp password filtering removing neighbor address
- rancid.types.base: dell definition missing inloop configuration
- rancid: display useful error if inloop is not configured
- missing variable declarations
- nxrancid: filter INTAKE temps and cycling file BufferMonitor-1HourData
Do it for all packages that
* mention perl, or
* have a directory name starting with p5-*, or
* depend on a package starting with p5-
like last time, for 5.18, where this didn't lead to complaints.
Let me know if you have any this time.
future releases, the most prominent of which is removal of rancid-fe and
several device-specific script in exchange for device-specific and generic
libraries and a generic script. The generic script, which assumed the
name rancid, loads the relevant library and runs commands as defined by a
configuration file, which means less code duplication, users can more
easily adjust the commands that are run and create their own "device_types"
or filters without altering the base code, and hopefully this means it is
easier for users to upgrade to future versions.
See rancid.types.conf(5). Please, for your benefit and ours, do not alter
the rancid.types.base configuration file; new versions of RANCiD purposely
overwrite this file at installation time.
Not all of the device types have been converted to libraries yet, just
the prominent ones or those prominent to us: Cisco, Juniper, Compass,
Arbor, MRV. We also still have suggestions from users about this new
process to consider and/or implement.
3.0 also includes a new version of par(1) implemented in C. It fixes a
few bugs in the perl version and hopefully does not introduce any new ones.
NOTE WELL: The router.db field separator has been changed to ';' from ':'
to avoid conflict with IPv6 addresses and etc.
sysutils/user_* packages.
a) refer 'perl' in their Makefile, or
b) have a directory name of p5-*, or
c) have any dependency on any p5-* package
Like last time, where this caused no complaints.
are called p5-*.
I hope that's all of them.
- rancid: filter sup-bootflash if sup-bootdisk worked
- *login: fix match of (yes/no) prompts from ssh
- rancid: carry-over additional inventory filtering from XR
- xrrancid: change some "admin show" sorting to reflect previous code
- xrrancid: filter useless junk from show inventory
- mrvrancid: update ShowChassis() for temp filtering in new s/w
- nrancid: installed memory on Juniper SSG series
- rancid: missing CR after s/n
- xrrancid: admin show variables boot clean-up
- xrrancid: add admin show install summary, license
- xrrancid: fix access-list formatting & sorting
- rancid: collect show capture & shun for ASA
- xrancid: misc patches for XOS
- rancid-cvs: svn repository handling improvement
- rancid: filter WPA passwd
- rancid: add 'show running-config view full' for role cli
- rancid: filter ppp hostnames (aka usernames) - Pavel Korovin
- *login: update host key change match for newer ssh
- clogin: disable pager for XOS-12.3
- rancid.conf & control_rancid: support arbitrary subversion URLs as
(pre-provisioned) repositories and do not overwrite an existing local
- rancid.conf: add LC_COLLATE
- nlogin: add identfile support
- hrancid: match 'logout' in new procurve versions for end of run
- hrancid: include comment line for procurve parser
- hrancid: collect show config status
- nxrancid: add show environment fex all fan cmd - Deny IP Any Any
- *login: dont split $sshcmd
- nxrancid: Nexus 4000s don't support 'show environment power'
- xrrancid: add admin show running
- arancid: /info/sys -> /info/sys/dump
- rancid: correct isakmp key filter
- clogin; set terminal width to 132 for both -s and -c
- clogin: respond to ASA's pager in long login banners
- clogin: set terminal width to 132
- rancid: match flash memory on likes of Cisco 2811 and 2621XM
- import share/rancid-cvspurge
- rancid: add 'dir /all sup-bootdisk:' for 6500 sup32
- rancid: adjust regex for tacacs key match
- *login: join sshcmd clogin directive to handle spaces properly
- mt{login,rancid}: import Microtik module
- rancid: ppp password missed on dialer interfaces
- arancid: filter "esecret" lines which change with each config display
- hlogin: logout from enabled mode instead of exit for -S
- hrancid: collect show config files and show tech transceivers
- rancid: filter config timestamp on MDS/NX-OS
- avorancid: collect power management file
- fnrancid: correct comment character
- fnrancid: update system time and conf_file_ver filters
- nxrancid: do not require 'show system redundancy status', apparently
unsupported on some nexus models.
- clogin: set terminal width for -c and -s
- hlogin: stacks prompt for switch number or CR at login, send CR
* rancid: fail on error opening nvram:
* rancid: skip ASA 5520 configuration author line
* control_rancid: for svn stupidity, run update (yes update) and commit
after setting svn:ignore, else . is out of date.
* rancid: filter auto "rogue ap" configuration
* alogin: adjust match of active alarms msg at login
* jrancid: patch for master/backup matching on EX series
* rancid: update cisco WAE identity string match
* {xr}rancid: summarize DirSlotN() bytes free as GB, else MB.
* rancid: filter sflog from DirSlotN() for IOS on cisco 10k
* fnrancid: update recent fortinet software
* rancid: ignore show flash on IOS XE
* rancid: copy the dhcp database filter to ShowFlash()
* clogin: Fix pasto in IOS terminal width command.
* hlogin: -r missing from usage o/p
* clogin: add -r and passphrase/identfile from cloginrc
* francid: remove system uptime line on CER 3000
* alogin: respond to active alarms msg at login
* *rancid: update for grammar deprecated in perl 5.12
* *login: handle noenable value consistently, '1' to turn it on
* configure: look for -n <count> option to ping, for Windows ping (over
* rancid: missed case fpr accepting '>' prompt, rather than just '#'
* xrrancid: filter sequences from ipv4/6 access-lists
* zrancid: force terminal type vt100 so as not to confuse Linux
* francid: filter system uptime on new Brocades
* rancid: filter ASA time-based license noise
* rancid: filter command in WriteTerm if echoed
* configure: specifically look for ping in /sbin & /usr/sbin & fix typo
in test operator
* rancid: handle a few IOS serial number formatting variants
* hpuifilter: change filtering to avoid use of string functions due to a
Debian bug. Should be faster too.
* rancid: adjust show inventory matches for variables WS
* nxrancid: show environment clock and show core vdc-all are not valid
commands on all platforms
* rancid: remove sequences from IPv6 prefix-lists
* clogin: adjust default ssh password prompt for ExtremeOS
* rancid: Accept '>' prompt, rather than just '#'
* avologin: fix ssh command substitution
* fnrancid: filter application signature, System Time & conf_file_ver=
from GetSystem/GetConf
* mrvrancid: filter other oscillating info from show version
* xrrancid: disable timestamps
* hlogin: implement -autoenable for newer hp procurve releases
* cat5rancid: snmp community may have multiple spaces b/t community name
and permissions
* cat5rancid: filter local user password
* f5rancid: filter Failover time stamps
* hlogin: Add support for ssh identity file & passphrase for newer boxes
* rancid: split IOS-XR into its own device type: cisco-xr
* clogin: set term width for catos like for ios.
* rancid: parse admin show diag for XR better with a separate function
* hlogin: hpuifilter got omitted from the ssh spawn; replace it.
* nxrancid: match unknown command errors appropriately & GC some junk
carried-over from IOS-rancid.
* rancid: check for device busy when opening flash fails, which seems to
occur on 6500s when some other command is run.
* *login: support :port method syntax for ssh and adjust to allow spaces
in sshcmd
* jrancid: fix return values of formatting functions
* clogin: set terminal width so that o/p is consistent
* rancid: filter some crud resulting from the change in handling non-empty
comment lines. fail if the configuration buffer fills. filter
dhcp_[^[:space:].].txt from flash directories, so it does not create
constant changes resulting from the ip dhcp database saves. filter ldap host
password on PIX. when compressing consecutive comment lines, only consider
empty lines.
* arancid: handle password filter for HP 1:10Gb Ethernet Blade Switch
5.0.4-Base, running AOS
* *login: add cloginrc timeout directive
* nrancid: fix control number match
* rancid: remove ASA coredump* filter - Cisco Bug CSCsz85597, fixed in
8.2(1.2), 8.3(0.0), 100.3(0.3)M
* f5rancid: adjust fan rpm and config sync time filters for new f5 code
* rancid: ACE/SANOS report invalid input differently. skip leading blank lines
in config.remove ASA keys such as tacacs and radius. match non-space for
usernames in "Written by" line.
* *rancid: quote meta characters
* rancid: Fail on error msg "% Configuration buffer full" seen on 6500. Dont
filter 'show vlan' on Catalyst 3550/4500s
* import Arista script
* jerancid: fix for 'show environment all' for filtering with auto-sync
on BRASes
* francid,flogin: edgeiron can not disable the pager and does not offer
some commands found on the bigirons
* rancid: filter coredumpinfo/coredump.cfg found on ASA - rancid-discuss@
* f5rancid: fileter HA peer status
* WTI scripts from Geert Jan de Groot with a few tweaks
* jerancid: include standby slots in showversion o/p
* lg: add code for LG_SINGLE config knob
* clogin: run_commands() needs do_saveconfig
* f10rancid: change fan status parsing to handle c300
* nxrancid: collect license info; fix 'show env temp' & 'show
env power' parsing; drop unused code.
* change zero-config check to avoid broken awks
the default user PATH.
including software and hardware (cards, serial numbers, etc) and uses CVS
(Concurrent Version System) or Subversion to maintain history of changes.
CVE-2008-4979 (getipacctg) is still not fixed by upstream, however,
that script is not part of the core fuction (rather a contrib)
and probably not going to be used by the normal users of this package.