path: root/print/latexmk/Makefile
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2019-03-25latexmk: update to 463b.wiz1-2/+2
From v. 4.61 to 4.63b Update example_rcfiles/glossary_latexmkrc Fix problem that in -cd mode, an error is raised when the path part of the tex filename contains a character prohibited by *tex. Implement changing of rule network when output of *latex is not what is expected, e.g., because \pdfoutput is used in document. Implement placeholder for true basename of main tex file, and use it in jobname. Various bug fixes.
2018-12-01latexmk: update to 461.wiz1-3/+2
From v. 4.59 to 4.61 Add -pdfxelatex and -pdflualatex options to set commands for xelatex and lualatex (in analogy with -pdflatex and -latex). Correct bug that use of -gg option with -deps-file option did not create deps file. After run of latex/pdflatex (etc), report count of warnings about missing characters (typically unavailable Unicode characters). Messages about this may appear only in the .log file and are therefore easily missed by the user. Fix problem that if biber gets a remote file, latexmk would report it incorrectly as a missing file. Provide routines for setting all of $latex, etc, with a common pattern. Variables, options, placeholders for executing code in *latex before inputting source file. The new variable is $pre_tex_code, the options are -pretex, -usepretex, and the new placeholders are %P and %U. Improved definitions provided for the configuration of latexmk to use pythontex; see the file pythontex-latexmkrc in the directory example_rcfiles. Correction to use of specifications in $clean_ext and $clean_full_ext so that %R can appear in the interior of a string as in 'pythontex-files-%R/*'. Updates of documentation.
2018-08-22Recursive bump for perl5-5.28.0wiz1-1/+2
2018-08-16latexmk: update to 459.wiz1-2/+2
From v. 4.56 to 4.57 Correct problem that in calculation of md5 checksum, an error sometimes occurs about malformed utf8 characters. This can happen if the environment variable PERL_UNICODE is set. Add configuration variable $bibtex_fudge to allow to choose whether to use the fudge that made bibtex run correctly when an output directory (or aux directory) is specified. (A planned future version of bibtex in TeXLive will not need the fudge.) From v. 4.57 to 4.59 Deal with double quote ('"') characters in files on command line to correspond to behavior of tex programs. Remove balanced pairs, and give fatal error for unbalanced double quotes. (Note MiKTeX's tex programs simply remove unbalanced quotes.) In all cases, the '"' character is not allowed in a filename read by tex and friends. Give fatal error when name of tex file on command line is either not allowed by tex and friends are gives problematic behavior. Use TEXINPUTS as search path for source files for custom dependency. Only give warning about differing expected and output filenames when the extensions differ. All other cases gave only false positives. Do better to ensure xelatex gets its -no-pdf option.
2018-05-27latexmk: update to 456.wiz1-2/+2
From v. 4.55 to 4.55a Add option that latexmk returns a non-zero status code when the final run of (pdf)latex gives warnings about undefined references or citations or about multiply defined references. Implement $warning_cmd to allow a visual cue for these situations in pvc mode (in addition to the current possibilities for $compiling_cmd, $success_cmd and $failure_cmd). From v. 4.55a to 4.56 Correct parsing of biber's log file. Implement $warning_cmd. Deal correctly with situation that files reported in the .fls file as INPUT or OUTPUT files no longer exist at end of run. These files aren't true source files or generated files from latexmk's point of view. Such cases can arise from a bug in the TeX engine (as with lualatex in TeXLive 2016/2017). They can also arise when temporary files are created, read and deleted during a run (as with the minted package). Update example latexmrc file for pythontex. Better error message when .bib file(s) not found. Better handling and diagnostics when names of expected and actual names of .log disagree. In particular, there is some automatic reconfiguration when .log file is not in expected place (e.g., because $aux_dir is different to $out_dir, but TeXLive is used, so -aux-directory option for TeX engines isn't supported). Fix problem of .bib files sometimes not being found by bibtex when latexmk runs under msys and -outputdirectory is specified. Add use of environment variable LATEXMKRCSYS to specify system rc file.
2018-01-28latexmk: update to 455.wiz1-2/+2
From v. 4.54c to 4.55 Correct bug that $search_path_separator wasn't defined under msys. Ensure that all configuration variables do have sensible default definitions (which wasn't always the case previously). Allow optional timeout in pvc mode after a period of inactivity. (See documentation for -pvctimeout option.) Compensate for problems caused by time offset between system time on system running latexmk and file times on remote file system. (It caused wrong behavior when a document uses biber, MiKTeX is used, the aux_dir is on a remote file system, and the system time on the host of the file system differs from the system time on the system running latexmk.)
2018-01-10latexmk: update to 454c.wiz1-2/+2
From v. 4.54 to 4.54c Work-around for when bsd_glob is not available on old installations of Perl. (Note that with these old installations, clean-up operations may not work when file or directory names contain spaces.)
2017-11-28latexmk: update to 454.wiz1-2/+2
From v. 4.52c to 4.54 In deps_list, correct bug in identifying generated files. Otherwise, generated files could have been identified as true source files. Remove insertion of name of deps file in list of targets in deps file. Don't send to screen deps info in deps mode (unless diagnostics on). Correct ordering of list of options given by -help. Fix incorrect deletion of non-generated aux files. Optimize away current directory string in $out_dir and $aux_dir. Make compatible with future versions of Perl where File::Glob's glob function won't exist. Add extra value 1.5 for $bibtex_use, with corresponding option -bibtex-cond1; this treats bbl files as conditionally precious in cleanup operations, depending on the existence or non-exisitence of bib files. When running bibtex, ensure that the change in search paths is made to work around deficiencies in bibtex is local and does not affect other programs. Collection of timing information now works in silent mode. Set better default previewers for MSys. Restore default of $analyze_input_log_always to 1. This restores the default detection of certain constructs for dependencies for input files in the .log file. See the comments on this variable in for details. This works around a problem caused by a change in the behavior of lualatex in TeXLive 2017; it no longer lists all input files in the .fls file. Note that always examines the .log file for relevant information. The variable $analyze_input_log_always only concerns whether it looks for <...> and (...) constructs. Add item to @file_not_found for the particular format of generic package warning about "No file", that is produced by glossaries-extra, and probably other packages. Documentation improvements, especially on methods of implementing custom dependencies for multiple kinds of index. Document $kpsewhich_show variable. Add a sample latexmkrc file for use with bib2gls and glossaries-extra.
2017-02-07Updated latexmk to 452c.wiz1-2/+2
From v. 4.48 to 4.52 Optimize number of calls to kpsewhich. This often gives a considerable savings of run time when a document includes many graphics files that are in a texmf tree. Fix bug that if an .aux file is deleted and latexmk is run, the wrong number of runs of (pdf)latex was made. Fix related problem that latexmk sometimes does too few runs of (pdf)latex because of the incorrect detection that a file is only read after being written. Implement direct support for xelatex and lualatex. Previously these programs were used by configuring the $pdflatex so that the desired program is run instead of pdflatex. There are now configuration variables $xelatex and $lualatex to specify the commands used, and extra command line options -pdfxe and -pdflua. In the case of xelatex, considerable improvement in run time is given for documents containing large graphics files. This is because compilation is made first to an xdv file instead of direct to a pdf file. Only when this file is finalized is a single conversion to a pdf file made. (This last step can be especially time-consuming for documents that bring in large graphics files.) Correct detection for missing graphics files with xelatex. Work around LuaTeX line-wrapping bug. Update documentation. Minor improvements in code and diagnostics. From v. 4.52 to 4.52b Fix bug introduced in 4.52 that use of bibtex wasn't always detected when recorder mode is on. From v. 4.52b to 4.52c Document $kpsewhich_show variable. Make -jobname work with -pdfxe and -pdflua
2016-10-31Updated latexmk to 448.wiz1-2/+2
From v. 4.45 to 4.46 Correct creation of output and aux directories to correctly handle relative paths when -cd is used. Minor documentation corrections. From v. 4.46 to 4.48 Correct documention: default value of $recorder is 1 Add routines rdb_list_source, rdb_set_source for manipulating dependency lists of a rule. Add these to the documentated interface, in addition to the already documented rdb_ensure_file, rdb_remove_files. Update webpages in documentation.
2016-09-01Updated latexmk to 445.wiz1-9/+8
From v. 4.39 to 4.39 documentation update of 2 Dec 2013 Correct two errors in documentation and in the file COPYING. From v. 4.39 to 4.40 Fix failure to clean up correctly when root filename contains [, which is a glob metacharacter. From v. 4.40 to 4.41 -c also deletes $deps_file if it is used Quote jobname when needed. Change maintainer's preferred e-mail Attempt to improve handling of errors from (pdf)latex. Fix up for the making of -eps-converted-to.pdf Improve listing of warning lines from log file. Fix failure when using both -cd and -output-directory If user's home directory can't be determined, then don't read ~/.latexmkrc Introduce configuration variable $silence_logfile_warnings In setting $pscmd, allow for non-existent environment variable USER Correct subroutine Run for internal cmd w/o arguments Experimental: Add analysis hook for aux file. System initialization files: allow them to be named latexmkrc as well as LatexMk, for more consistency with user directory names. Keep both cases, to preserve backward compatibility. Change sign-on message. Bug report info with help. From v. 4.41 to 4.42 Fix bugs associated with the -cd option Add missfont.log and the generated synctex.gz to standard cleaned-up files From v. 4.42 to 4.43a Fix problem that source files are not correctly detected under MiKTeX when name of current working directory contains non-ASCII characters. On cleanup, synctex.gz files are deleted only by -C, not by -c. From v. 4.43a to 4.43c Correct normalization of filenames, so that initial "./" is always removed. This prevents custom dependencies being run twice on the same file. Documentation correction on use of @BIBINPUTS. Diagnostic correction. Example rc file for using texinfo (thanks to Vincent Bela\"iche). Additions to documentation concerning advanced configuration. From v. 4.43c to 4.44 Correct bug in use of %hash_calc_ignore_pattern (Previously it only had its documented effect when a targetted file hadn't changed in size.) Correct error handling when biber finds a malformed .bcf file. From v. 4.44 to 4.45 Fix problem of -C not always working correctly when compilation was with -pdf and clear was default. Fix bug in limiting number of passes when $max_repeat >= 10 Fix bug in finding id of viewer process id under OS-X
2016-07-09Bump PKGREVISION for perl-5.24.0 for everything mentioning perl.wiz1-2/+2
2015-06-12Recursive PKGREVISION bump for all packages mentioning 'perl',wiz1-1/+2
having a PKGNAME of p5-*, or depending such a package, for perl-5.22.0.
2014-06-05Update to 439:wiz1-4/+2
From v. 4.35 to 4.37 Correct failure that happens when name of current directory contains characters with special meaning in regular expression. -rules option now works with -pvc Add -lualatex option, like -xelatex. File specifications in $clean_ext and $clean_full_ext are allowed to contain wildcards. Warnings are given when rc file is a directory instead of a file. Correct bug that if revtex4-1.cls is used, footnotes are set to be in the bibliography, and latexmk's aux_dir or out_dir is set, then latexmk fails to run bibtex when needed, because the relevant bib file is not found. Other minor corrections and code improvements. Documentation updates and corrections. From v. 4.37 to 4.39 Automatic creation of necessary subdirectories of auxdir when needed for writing aux files. Add error diagnostics to if_source Allow $print_type = 'auto', and make this the default, so that when the -p option to latexmk is used to print the file, the default is to determine the type of file to be printed, rather than always requiring postscript. Fix the failures when dealing with directories whose names contained certain special characters in them (notably '[', ']' and space). [Technical issue: these characters had special meaning when previously interpreted as metacharacters in a glob operation.] This gives dependency on Perl's File::Glob module, which is a standard module in normal installations of Perl. When an output directory is a subdirectory of a directory, ensure that it is correctly created, if it has to be created. Previously, the creation of the output directory when it does not exist only worked for one level. This gives dependency on Perl's File::Path module with v. >= 2.08, which is a standard module in normal installations of Perl. In output of dependencies, include pathname of target file(s) in the rule. In -pvc mode, writing of deps file (caused by the -M and related options) is per make not per overall run. From v. 4.39 to 4.39 documentation update of 2 Dec 2013 Correct two errors in documentation and in the file COPYING.
2014-05-29Bump for perl-5.20.0.wiz1-1/+2
Do it for all packages that * mention perl, or * have a directory name starting with p5-*, or * depend on a package starting with p5- like last time, for 5.18, where this didn't lead to complaints. Let me know if you have any this time.
2014-05-21Add latexmk-435:joerg1-0/+31
LatexMk completely automates the process of generating a LaTeX document. Essentially, it is a highly specialized relative of the general make utility. Given the source files for a document, latexmk issues the appropriate sequence of commands to generate a .dvi, .ps, .pdf or hardcopy version of the document. It will run LaTeX the correct number of times to resolve cross references, and run auxiliary programs (bibtex, makeindex) if necessary. It can also be set to run continuously with a previewer, in which case the needed commands are re-run whenever one of the source files is modified.