path: root/print
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2015-12-25Don't pick up cups2 accidently resulting in conflicts.joerg1-2/+2
2015-12-19Restrict PHP_VERSIONS_ACCEPTED to 55 and 56.taca1-1/+3
2015-12-15Update cups-filters to 1.4.0:wiz2-7/+7
CHANGES IN V1.4.0 - foomatic-rip: SECURITY FIX: Also consider the semicolon (';') as an illegal shell escape character. Thanks to Adam Chester (adam dot chester at pentest dot co dot uk) for the hint (CVE-2015-8560). - brftoembosser, imagetobrf, imagetoubrl, imageubrltoindexv3, imageubrltoindexv4, textbrftoindexv3, textbrftoindexv4, texttobrf, braille.convs, braille.types, generic-brf.drv, indexv3.drv, indexv4.drv: Added support for Braille embossing via CUPS. Text and even images can now be sent to a Braille embosser like to a printer. Thanks to Samuel Thibault (samuel dot thibault at ens-lyon dot org) for this contribution.
2015-12-13Update cups-filters to 1.3.0:wiz2-7/+7
CHANGES IN V1.3.0 - cups-browsed: Added new BrowseFilter directive in cups-browsed.conf. This directive allows filtering of the remote printers to be accepted on most properties/metadata supplied with the DNS-SD broadcasts. This allows, in addition to BrowseAllow/BrowseDeny/BrowseOrder, to reduce the amount of printers listed in print dialogs to a more useful amount. - cups-browsed: Added support for BrowseDeny and BrowseOrder directives in cups-browsed.conf. - cups-browsed: Let the BrowseAllow lines in cups-browsed.conf also apply to remote printers discovered via DNS-SD. - cups-browsed: Auto-create queues for PCL-5c/e printers but not for HP inkjet printers (which also advertise themselves as PCL printers). - cups-browsed, sys5ippprinter: Recognize PCL-5c/e printers not only by the application/vnd.hp-pcl MIME type but also by application/pcl and application/x-pcl.
2015-12-13Update ruby-gnome2 to 3.0.7.tsutsui1-2/+1
Upstream changes: --- Ruby-GNOME2 3.0.7 It is a bug fix release of 3.0.6. Changes Ruby/GLib2 * Fixes + Fixed a bug that `xxx_yyy` enum name isn't accepted. [ruby-gnome2-devel-en][Reported by Detlef Reichl] + Fixed a bug that internal Ruby API is used. [ruby-gnome2-devel-en] [Reported by Detlef Reichl] Ruby/GTK3 * Improvements + Added backward compatibility API to Gtk::TreeView#insert_column. [ruby-gnome2-devel-en][Reported by Detlef Reichl] Thanks * Detlef Reichl --- Ruby-GNOME2 3.0.6 It is a bug fix release of 3.0.5. Changes Ruby/GLib2 * Improvements + Supported GLib.format_size on 32bit. [GitHub#565][Reported by Mamoru TASAKA] + Supported GLib.format_size_for_display on 32bit. [GitHub#565][Reported by Mamoru TASAKA] + Added GLib::Version.or_later??. [GitHub#570][Patch by cedlemo] Ruby/GObjectIntrospection * Improvements + Added GObjectIntrospection::Version.or_later?. [GitHub#572][Patch by cedlemo] + Supported GSList for filename. [ruby-gnome2-devel-en][Reported by Stefan Salewski] Ruby/GIO2 * Improvements + Added Gio::Version.or_later?. [GitHub#571][Patch by cedlemo] + Made Gio::APplicationCommandLine#attributes Rubyish. Ruby/Pango * Improvements + Added Pango::Version.or_later??. [GitHub#576][Patch by cedlemo] Ruby/GTK2 * Improvements + Added Gtk::Version.or_later??. [GitHub#574][Patch by cedlemo] Ruby/GTK3 * Improvements + Supported Gtk::CellLayout#set_cell_data_func. [ruby-gnome2-devel-en] [Reported by Stefan Salewski] + Supported Gtk::Container#add with child properties. [ruby-gnome2-devel-en][Reported by Stefan Salewski] + Added Gtk::StockItem#[]? for backward compatibility. [ruby-gnome2-devel-en][Reported by Stefan Salewski] + Added Gtk::IconSize::IconSize for backward compatibility. [ruby-gnome2-devel-en][Reported by Stefan Salewski] + Supported marking cell renderers in Gtk::CellLayout for GC. [ruby-gnome2-devel-en][Reported by Stefan Salewski] + Supported nil for Gtk::TreeIter#set_value. + Supported marking columns in Gtk::TreeView for GC. [ruby-gnome2-devel-en][Reported by Stefan Salewski] + Updated tutorial samples. [GitHub#567][GitHub#568][GitHub#587][Patch by cedlemo] + Supported marking records in Gtk::TreeModel for GC. [ruby-gnome2-devel-en][Reported by Stefan Salewski] + Started updating gtk-demo with Gtk::Application?. [GitHub#583][GitHub# 586][GitHub#588][Patch by cedlemo] + Supported option style API by Gtk::Builder#add. + Supported :object_ids by Gtk::Builder#add. [GitHub#585][Patch by cedlemo] + Added backward compatible API to Gtk.show_uri. Ruby/GStreamer * Improvements + Added Gst::Version.or_later??. [GitHub#573][Patch by cedlemo] Ruby/Poppler * Improvements + Added Poppler::Version.or_later??. [GitHub#577][Patch by cedlemo] Ruby/RSVG2 * Improvements + Added RSVG::Version.or_later??. [GitHub#578][Patch by cedlemo] Ruby/VTE3 * Improvements + Stopped to run tests for old VTE with new VTE. [GitHub#566][Reported by Mamoru TASAKA] Ruby/WebKitGTK * Improvements + Added WebKitGtk::Version.or_later??. Thanks * Stefan Salewski * Mamoru TASAKA * cedlemo --- Ruby-GNOME2 3.0.5 It is a bug fix release for mikutter. Changes Ruby/GTK2 * Fixes + Fixed a bug that g_object_ref_sink() isn't called for instance of type_registered class. [] [Reported by toshi_a] Thanks * toshi_a --- Ruby-GNOME2 3.0.4 Posted by kou on 2015-09-22 (Tue) 05:40:57 It is a build fix release for 32bit Windows. Changes All * Improvements + Supported auto native package installation on Arch Linux. [GitHub#553] [GitHub#563] [Patch by lilole] Ruby/GObjctIntrospection * Fixes + 32bit Windows: Fixed strut field accessors access wrong address. Ruby/ATK * Improvements + Added Atk::Version.or_later? [GitHub#552] [Patch by cedlemo] Ruby/GdkPixbuf2 * Improvements + Added Gdk::Pixbuf::Version.or_later??. [GitHub#561] [Patch by cedlemo] Ruby/GDK3 * Improvements + Supported GTK+ 3.17.9. [GitHub#558] [Reported by Mamoru TASAKA] Ruby/GTK3 * Improvements + Updated examples. [GitHub#550] [Patch by cedlemo] Ruby/ClutterGstreamer * Improvements + Added ClutterGst.load_version. + Added ClutterGst.load_version=. + Added ClutterGst::Version.or_later??. [GitHub#556] [Patch by cedlemo] Thanks * cedlemo * lilole * Mamoru TASAKA --- Ruby-GNOME2 3.0.3 It is a compatibility improvement release of 3.0.2. Changes All * Improvements + Removed test-unit-notify gem from development dependencies. [GitHub# 547] [Patch by cedlemo] Ruby/GObjectIntrospection * Improvements + Supported GObjectIntrospection::Repository.prepend_search_path. + Supported GObjectIntrospection::Repository.search_path. + Windows: Supported requiring library after one GObjectIntrospection::Loader#load. [GitHub#546] [Reported by Abby Archer] Ruby/GTK3 * Improvements + Supported Gtk::IconSize.lookup. [GitHub#544] [Reported by Masafumi Yokoyama] + Supported size name as argument of Gtk::Widget#render_icon_pixbuf. [GitHub#544] [Reported by Masafumi Yokoyama] + Supported Gio::Icon in Gtk::IconTheme#lookup_icon. [GitHub#544] [Reported by Masafumi Yokoyama] + Supported Gtk::TreeModel#iter_parent. + Supported Gtk::TreeIter#parent. + Updated examples. [GitHub#548] [Patch by cedlemo] * Fixes + Fixed a bug that Gtk::Widget.bind_template_child is required. [GitHub# 549] [Reported by cedlemo] + Fixed a bug that default x_option and y_option values of Gtk::Table# attach is wrong. [GitHub#546] [Reported by Abby Archer] + Windows: Fixed a bug that Ruby/RSVG2 isn't required automatically. [GitHub#546] [Reported by Abby Archer] Thanks * Masafumi Yokoyama * cedlemo * Abby Archer --- Ruby-GNOME2 3.0.2 It is a compatibility improvement release of 3.0.1. Changes Ruby/GObjectIntrospection * Improvements + Supported void pointer. [GitHub#540] [Reported by Abby Archer] + Added GObjectIntrospection::Loader.instantiate_gobject_pointer. Ruby/GDK3 * Improvements + Supported Gdk::Window#user_data. [GitHub#540] [Reported by Abby Archer] + compatibility: Cairo::Context#set_source_rgba accepts nil as alpha value. [GitHub#540] [Reported by Abby Archer] + compatibility: Added fallback feature for deprecated Gdk::EventScroll::Direction. + Windows: Added hicolor-icon-theme as fallback theme. Ruby/GTK3 * Improvements + compatibility: Gtk::Window#icon= accepts icon file name. [GitHub#540] [Reported by Abby Archer] + compatibility: Gtk::Dialog#add_button accepts Symbol as response ID. [GitHub#540] [Reported by Abby Archer] + Deprecated Gtk::ColorSelectionDialog. + compatibility: Added fallback feature for deprecated Gtk::TextTag::WrapMode. + compatibility: Added fallback feature for deprecated Gtk::TextBuffer# insert(iter, target, *tags) usage. + compatibility: Added fallback feature for deprecated Gtk::ButtonBox::Style. + compatibility: Added fallback feature for deprecated Gtk::MessageDialog::ButtonsType. + compatibility: Supported creating an empty image by + compatibility: Added fallback feature for deprecated usage. + Supported Gtk::TreeIter#next!. + Supported Gtk::TreeModel#get_value. + compatibility: Added fallback feature for deprecated Gtk::Alignment::Align. + compatibility: Added fallback feature for deprecated Gtk::Widget# get_size_request. + compatibility: Added fallback feature for deprecated + compatibility: Added fallback feature for deprecated Gtk::Table# column_spaces. + compatibility: Added fallback feature for deprecated Gtk::Table# column_spaces=. + compatibility: Added fallback feature for deprecated Gtk::Table#attach. + compatibility: Added fallback feature for deprecated + Windows: Added missing Ruby/RSVG2 dependency. + compatibility: Added fallback feature for deprecated Gtk::Container# each_forall. + Supported nil as size for + compatibility: Added fallback feature for deprecated (pixbuf). + compatibility: Added fallback feature for deprecated Gtk::Toolbar::Style. + Supported Rubyish * Fixes + Fixed samples. [GitHub#536][GitHub#541] [Patch by cedlemo] [GitHub#540] [Reported by Abby Archer] + Fixed a bug that Gtk::Calendar#date returns 0-11 range month value. Ruby/RSVG2 * Improvements + Windows: Added missing Ruby/Pango dependency. + Windows: Updated loaders.cache for gdk-pixbuf automatically. Ruby/GStreamer * Improvements + compatibility: Gst::TypeFindFactory#extensions always returns Array. Thanks * cedlemo * Abby Archer --- Ruby-GNOME2 3.0.1 It is a bug fix release of 3.0.0. Changes Ruby/GLib2 * Fixes + Windows: Fixed a bug that large number flag value isn't usable. [GitHub #538] [Reported by Abby Archer] Ruby/GTK3 * Improvements + Updated tutorials. [GitHub#534][GitHub#537] [Patch by cedlemo] Ruby/VTE3 * Improvements + Added Vte::Version.or_later??. [GitHub#535] [Patch by cedlemo] Thanks * cedlemo * Abby Archer --- Ruby-GNOME2 3.0.0 It is a GTK+ 3.16 support release. To GTK+ 3.16 support, many people helped us. Especially, cedlemo did great works. Very thanks all!!! Changes All * Improvements + Added install instruction for GitHub master branch. [GitHub#425][Patch by Hiroyuki Sato] Ruby/GLib2 * Improvements + Added new APIs: o RVAL2GOBJGLIST o RVAL2GOBJGSLIST o rbg_rval2glist o rbg_rval2gslist o RVAL2CSTR_PTR o rbg_name_to_nick o rbgobj_class_init_func o rbgobj_register_type + Changed RVAL2CSTR to return NULL terminated string. If you want to get raw string that may not be terminated by NULL, use RVAL2CSTR_PTR. + Supported Symbol as flag value. + Added windows_platform? + Supported without value. + Supported array of flag value as input. + Supported name, nick and GLib::Enum as input. + Migrated to Markdown for README markup. [GitHub#484][Patch by prpr_man] + Supported GVariantType. + Supported GVariant. + Supported GBinding. [GitHub#524][Reported by cedlemo] * Fixes + Fixed a bug that GLib.format_size doesn't work 32bit over integer value. [GitHub#413][Reported by eumario] Ruby/GObjectIntrospection * Improvements + Supported non GObject struct as return value. [GitHub#286][Reported by Christopher L. Ramsey] + Supported list_XXX method name. + Supported freeing GList<GObjet *>. + Supported array of struct as input argument. + Supported auto native package install on CentOS 7. + Supported can_XXX? predicate. + Supported the number of array as input argument. [Suggested by John Cupitt] + Supported array of GValue as input argument. + Supported array as return value. + Supported GClosure as input argument. + Supported GSList<GObject *> as input argument. + Supported GSList<GObject *> as output argument. [GitHub#324][Reported by cedlemo] + Supported union as input argument. + Supported array of guint8 as input argument. + Supported array of gint32 as input argument. + Supported class methods defined in XXXClass. + Supported GList<GBoxed *> as output argument. [GitHub#389][Reported by eumario] + Supported GList<GInterface *> as return value. [GitHub#501][Reported by Christopher L. Ramsey] + Supported GVariant as return value. [GitHub#502][Reported by kitone] * Fixes + Fixed a bug that GList<GObjet *> return type method always returns nil. + Fixed a bug that not predicate is treated as predicate. + Fixed a bug that self is different. Ruby/GIO2 * Improvements + Supported GAsyncReadyCallback. [GitHub#302][Reported by Christopher L. Ramsey] + Added ActionMap#add_actions. Ruby/Pango * Improvements + Added Pango::Language#sample_string. Ruby/GDK3 * Improvements + Added backward compatibility APIs. [GitHub#284][Reported by Christopher L. Ramsey] + Added constants in Gdk::Selection. [GitHub#254][Patch by Masafumi Yokoyama] + Added missing deprecations. [GitHub#291][Reported by Michel Boaventura] + Added RGBA.parse. [GitHub#295][Reported by carlosjhr64] + Supported Gdk::Rectangle. [GitHub#319][Reported by cedlemo] + Supported Gdk::Screen#get_setting. [GitHub#376][Reported by cedlemo] + Added Gdk::Screen#get_monitor. * Fixes + Fixed a bug that GDK_KEY_XXX raises an error. [ruby-gnome2-devel-en] [Reported by Detlef Reichl] Ruby/GTK3 * Improvements + Migrated to GObject Introspection based bindings from hand writing bindings. Now, all the latest API in GTK+ are supported. [Hiroshi Hatake][Detlef Reichl][cedlemo][John Cupitt] [Masafumi Yokoyama] [eumario][PeterWAWood][Daiki Ueno] + Updated samples. [Patch by cedlemo] Ruby/GtkSourceView3 * Improvements + Migrated to GObject Introspection based bindings from hand writing bindings. Now, all the latest API in GtkSourceView are supported. Ruby/VTE3 * Improvements + Migrated to GObject Introspection based bindings from hand writing bindings. Now, all the latest API in VTE are supported. [cedlemo] Ruby/GStreamer * Fixes + Fixed native package name on CentOS and Fedora. + Fixed shebang. [GitHub#507][Patch by Dmitry Marakasov] Ruby/RSVG2 * Improvements + Added :file_name, :data and :flags option to + Updated a sample. [GitHub#518][Patch by Robert A. Heiler]. * Fixes + Fixed a memory leak of RSVG::Handle.new_from_data and RSVG::Handle.new_from_file. [GitHub#318][Reported by Kagetsuki] Ruby/Clutter * Improvements + Added Clutter::Version.or_later?. Ruby/WebKit2GTK * Improvements + Added. Thanks * Hiroshi Hatake * Christopher L. Ramsey * Masafumi Yokoyama * cedlemo * Detlef Reichl * Kagetsuki * eumario * PeterWAWood * Hiroyuki Sato * Daiki Ueno * prpr_mann * Dmitry Marakasov ---
2015-12-12fix TEX_FORMATS creation. Bump PKGREVISIONmarkd1-2/+3
2015-12-12Add tex-mathdots{,-doc}markd1-1/+3
2015-12-12Add tex-mathdots{,-doc} 0.9markd8-0/+53
Redefines \ddots and \vdots, and defines \iddots. The dots produced by \iddots slant in the opposite direction to \ddots. All the commands are designed to change size appropriately in scripts, as well as in response to LaTeX size changing commands. The commands may also be used in plain TeX.
2015-12-12Update to 0.86markd3-17/+17
version from texlive 2015 minir changes.
2015-12-12Update luatex to 0.80.0markd7-286/+58
version from texlive 2015. two years worth of bug fixes and other changes.
2015-12-10gs 9.18 renamed error namespace, but provides no good way of testing themarkd3-3/+25
version number so allow for both old and new names by testing the guard define of the gserrors.h that appeared at the same point.
2015-12-10Add gserrors.h to the installed files (upstream Bug 696301)markd4-5/+17
2015-12-10Fix dependenciesmarkd1-1/+4
2015-12-10Add dependencies.markd2-2/+7
2015-12-10Add tex-babel dependencymarkd1-2/+3
2015-12-07Changes 3.15.11:adam6-43/+80
Bug fixes.
2015-12-05Extend PYTHON_VERSIONS_INCOMPATIBLE to 35adam8-18/+18
2015-12-03Fix build for XAW_TYPE xpm and bump PKGREVISION.leot3-3/+24
Despite the upstream commit message in patch-src_Scrollbar.c the change not only fix the build for older libXaw3d versions but also for Xaw-Xpm.
2015-12-02Update print/cups to 2.1.2.leot15-83/+82
Changes: CHANGES IN CUPS V2.1.2 - Re-release of CUPS 2.1.1 as CUPS 2.1.2 due to error in tagging of the 2.1.1 release (pulled content from the 2.2.x tree instead) CHANGES IN CUPS V2.1.1 - Security hardening fixes (<rdar://problem/23131948>, <rdar://problem/23132108>, <rdar://problem/23132353>, <rdar://problem/23132803>, <rdar://problem/23133230>, <rdar://problem/23133393>, <rdar://problem/23133466>, <rdar://problem/23133833>, <rdar://problem/23133998>, <rdar://problem/23134228>, <rdar://problem/23134299>, <rdar://problem/23134356>, <rdar://problem/23134415>, <rdar://problem/23134506>, <rdar://problem/23135066>, <rdar://problem/23135122>, <rdar://problem/23135207>, <rdar://problem/23144290>, <rdar://problem/23144358>, <rdar://problem/23144461>) - The cupsGetPPD* functions did not work with IPP printers (STR #4725) - Some older HP LaserJet printers need a delayed close when printing using the libusb-based USB backend (STR #4549) - The libusb-based USB backend did not unload the kernel usblp module if it was preventing the backend from accessing the printer (STR #4707) - Current Primera printers were incorrectly reported as Fargo printers (STR #4708) - The IPP backend did not always handle jobs getting canceled at the printer (<rdar://problem/22716820>) - Scheduler logging change (STR #4728) - Added USB quirk for Canon MP530 (STR #4730) - The scheduler did not deliver job notifications for jobs submitted to classes (STR #4733) - Changing the printer-is-shared value for a remote queue did not produce an error (STR #4738) - The IPP backend incorrectly included the job-password attribute in Validate-Job requests (<rdar://problem/23531939>) - Updated localizations (STR #4709)
2015-11-29Update print/cups-filters to 1.2.0.leot2-8/+7
Changes: CHANGES IN V1.2.0 - cups-browsed: When using IP-address-based device URIs via the "IPBasedDeviceURIs" directive in cups-browsed.conf, add two additional settings to restrict the used IP addresses to either only IPv4 addresses or only IPv6 addresses. - foomatic-rip: SECURITY FIX: Also consider the back tick ('`') as an illegal shell escape character. Thanks to Michal Kowalczyk from the Google Security Team for the hint (CVE-2015-8327).
2015-11-25Fix DIST_SUBDIR. Thanks kre (PR pkg/50470)markd1-5/+5
2015-11-25Remove mk/ usage from the print category.jperkin17-69/+40
The find-prefix infrastructure was required in a pkgviews world where packages installed from pkgsrc could have different installation prefixes, and this was a way for a dependency prefix to be determined. Now that pkgviews has been removed there is no longer any need for the overhead of this infrastructure. Instead we use BUILDLINK_PREFIX.pkg for dependencies pulled in via buildlink, or LOCALBASE/PREFIX where the dependency is coming from pkgsrc. Provides a reasonable performance win due to the reduction of `pkg_info -qp` calls, some of which were redundant anyway as they were duplicating the same information provided by BUILDLINK_PREFIX.pkg.
2015-11-23Bump PKGREVISION for poppler shlib major bump.wiz23-45/+46
2015-11-23Update poppler* to 0.38.0:wiz3-9/+8
Release 0.38.0 core: * Splash: Multiply opacity in case of pattern colorspace. Bug #92592 * Small form improvements on non ascii character rendering * Clarify README build system: * Clarify internal DCT and JPX are only provided as deprecated fallbacks utils: * pdftocairo: fix fit to page transformation Release 0.37.0 core: * CairoOutputDev: Use mask for even-odd fill. Bug #84527 * SplashOuputDev: Protect calls to set/getAA with the proper #if guards. Bug #92006 * SplashOuputDev: Try to use an external font if the internal one is invalid * PageTransition D is a number not an int. Bug #92040 * Catalog::getNumPages(): validate page count * Catalog::cachePageTree(): recover from out of memory condition * Fix crashes in malformed documents build system: * configure: fix openjpeg detection
2015-11-18Add tex-blkarray{,-doc}markd1-1/+3
2015-11-18Add tex-blkarray{,-doc} 0.07markd8-0/+54
An experimental package which implements an environment, blockarray, that may be used in the same way as the array or tabular environments of standard LaTeX, or their extended versions defined in array. If used in math-mode, blockarray acts like array, otherwise it acts like tabular. The package implements a new method of defining column types, and also block and block* environments, for specifying sub-arrays of the main array. What's more, the \footnote command works inside a blockarray.
2015-11-18Add TEXLIVE_REV, fix DESCR.markd3-7/+8
2015-11-18Add TEXLIVE_REVmarkd2-6/+7
2015-11-17Added moderncv latex class as print/tex-moderncv and it's documentationnros9-1/+124
as print/tex-moderncv-doc. Moderncv provides a documentclass for typesetting curricula vitae in various styles. Moderncv aims to be both straightforward to use and customizable, providing five ready-made styles (classic, casual, banking, oldstyle and fancy) and allowing one to define his own by modifying colors, fonts, icons, etc.
2015-11-17PR pkg/50433hauke1-3/+3
dnssd is the selector for both dnssd and mdns backends.
2015-11-16Re PR pkg/50433 fix options var name.hauke1-2/+2
2015-11-16Commit dnssd related PLIST fix from PR pkg/50433hauke1-2/+2
-- coincidentally, I had just this patch in a local tree...
2015-11-12Fix various installation and build issues.leot3-8/+11
o Add a lost hunk of patches/patch-ac in order to build and install "mupdf-x11" simply as "mupdf" (like previous mupdf releases) o Threat glfw like any other thirdparty library (and avoid to accidently build "mupdf-gl") Thanks to Thomas Klausner and Yorick Hardy for noticing that.
2015-11-11Update print/mupdf to 1.8.leot7-55/+72
pkgsrc changes: * Bump BUILDLINK_API_DEPENDS (spotted and tested via the only print/mupdf consumer wip/zathura-mupdf) * OpenGL-based desktop viewer is still not enabled by default neither upstream nor in pkgsrc Changes: List of changes in MuPDF 1.8 * Headline changes: * New OpenGL-based barebones desktop viewer. * New URW fonts with greek and cyrillic. * 64-bit file support. * Ghostscript proofing mode (source only; not in shipped binaries). * EPUB improvements: * User style sheets. * GIF images (also for CBZ). * Table of contents. * CJK text. * Page margins. * Many bug fixes. * Bug fixes: * Updated FreeType to version 2.6.1. * Various font substitution bug fixes. * Fix setjmp/longjmp behaviour which could cause optimizing compilers to misbehave.
2015-11-08Honor pkgsrc LDFLAGS; should fix openbsd builddholland2-1/+17
2015-11-05Changes 0.9.3:adam11-138/+50
OSX build fixes Fixed AES decryption Improved load of (broken) PDF files Sign PDF file as an incremental update Added partial support for Type3 font encoding and metrics Drawing API improvements Unicode file names for attachments Font subset embedding
2015-11-04Add SHA512 digests for distfiles for print categoryagc1194-1194/+2411
Problems found locating distfiles: Package acroread7: missing distfile AdobeReader_enu-7.0.9-1.i386.tar.gz Package acroread8: missing distfile AdobeReader_enu-8.1.7-1.sparc.tar.gz Package cups-filters: missing distfile cups-filters-1.1.0.tar.xz Package dvidvi: missing distfile dvidvi-1.0.tar.gz Package lgrind: missing distfile lgrind.tar.bz2 Otherwise, existing SHA1 digests verified and found to be the same on the machine holding the existing distfiles (morden). All existing SHA1 digests retained for now as an audit trail.
2015-11-03A group of updates from Khorben, correcting some mangled paths.schnoebe4-6/+31
Thank you Khorben!
2015-11-01Fix dependencies.markd1-1/+8
2015-11-01Update print/cups-filters to cups-filters-1.1.0.leot2-7/+7
Changes: CHANGES IN V1.1.0 - Version numbering scheme changed: Releases with feature addition/change have the minor number increased now, pure bug fix releases get the revision number increased, to make use of the minor number which stayed zero all the time. - cups-browsed: Added "DefaultOptions" directive to cups-browsed.conf to allow defining default option settings for local queues to be generated for newly appearing remote printers. - cups-browsed: Removed assert() calls which remained from copy and paste in the very beginning of the development of cups-browsed. assert() is only for use during debugging and should not be used in production code. - cups-browsed: Let option settings of a generated print queue be saved before taking the queue down so that when the remote printer appears again all user changes get restored, making user changes permanent on generated queues. - foomatic-rip: Fixed string length for shell path constant, to work also with systems having longer paths (Bug #1325) - cups-browsed: Added a mode in which IP-based device URIs for the generation of local print queues are used, for cases with problems in local host name resolution. - foomatic-rip: Use -dFirstPage=... and -dLastPage=... only if really needed (Bug #1324). - cups-browsed, implicitclass: Make the load-balancing configurable so that one can select whether the jobs get queued up locally like in a CUPS class or whether they get immediately distributed to the remote servers letting them queue up there.
2015-10-14Switch from x11/Xaw3d to newer x11/libXaw3d.wiz2-4/+4
Adapt some packages so they build with that. Bump their PKGREVISIONs.
2015-10-11Reset maintainertron1-2/+2
2015-10-11Checksum updateadam1-2/+2
2015-10-10revert accidental ssp fix waiting on joerg@richard1-3/+3
2015-10-10SunOS doesn't have arc4random_stir eitherrichard3-7/+8
2015-10-10Changes 9.18:adam6-24/+32
A substantial revision of the build system and GhostPDL directory structure, meaning the GhostPCL and GhostXPS "products" are now built by the Ghostscript build system "proper" rather than having their own builds which called the Ghostscript build system for certain parts of the builds. Ghostscript-only users should not be affected by this change. For users of the PCL and XPS interpreters (collectively downloaded as "GhostPDL") there is a new, "flatter" directory structure and only one configure and one make invocation to build all the products. There are also some executable default name changes to bring the PCL and XPS binaries in line with the Ghostscript ones. All executables now end up in the "bin" directory (or build specific variant thereof, e.g. "debugbin"). The PCL executable, by default, is now "gpcl6" on Unix like systems and "gpcl6win??.exe" (where "??" is either "32" or "64"). The XPS executable remains "gxps" on Unix-like systems, but similarly becomes "gxpswin??.exe" on Windows. Those using scripts or other automated processes will need to take steps to cope with these changes. A new method of internally inserting devices into the device chain has been developed, named "device subclassing". This allows suitably written devices to be more easily and consistently as "filter" devices. The first fruit of this is a new implementation of the "-dFirstPage"/"-dLastPage" feature which functions a device filter in the Ghostscript graphics library, meaning it works consistently with all input languages. The "ghostpdl.inf" file, provided to simplify installing a Postscript printer configure to produce output to suit Ghostscript's "pdfwrite" device is now available as a digitally signed version: "". Plus the usual round of bug fixes, compatibility changes, and incremental improvements.
2015-10-10Recursive revbump from textproc/icuryoon5-9/+10
2015-10-01Recursive revbump for poppler-0.36.0 shlib bump.wiz17-33/+34
2015-10-01Update poppler* to 0.36.0:wiz10-29/+29
Release 0.36.0 core: * Patch to support RichMedia annotations * Splash: Fix wrong memory access. Bug #91686 * Cairo: fix size of transparency group surface. Bug #66229 * Fix bounds check in Linearization::getPageFirst. Bug #91200 * File Saving improvements * Add premultiplied alpha channel to SplashBitmap * Fix for xref table creation. Bug #90790 * Fix JBIG2Decode infinite loop and stack overflow. Bug #91186 * Minor optimization in text extraction qt4: * Basic support for RichMedia annotations * Change default image format * Minor optimizations qt5: * Basic support for RichMedia annotations * Change default image format * Minor optimizationsHEADmaster cpp: * Fix utf8/utf16 conversion. Bug #91644 build system: * Do not hardcode -fPIC in * cmake: Allow configuring SHARE_INSTALL_DIR. Bug #90293 glib: * utils: * pdfunite: Insert embedded files in result pdf. Bug #90066 * pdftotext: Add -bbox-layout option. Bug #89941 Release 0.35.0 core: * Fix assert in broken file. Bug #91344 * Adjust memory layout computation of GooString * Make SplashBitmap XBGR transfer alpha channel * Splash: Fix wrong writes on non rgb outputs. Bug #90570 * Splash: remove ifndef in Windows code * GlobalParamsWin bugfixes. Bug #91053 qt4: * Switch default image format * Add IgnorePaperColor render flag qt5: * Improve efficiency of Poppler::Page::renderToImage * Switch default image format * Add IgnorePaperColor render flag build system: * Allow configuring SPLASH_CMYK support * Add configure --enable-build-type. Bug #90796 glib: * Explicitly link against pthread * Deprecation fixes utils: * pdftocairo: Fix cast to pointer from integer of different size on win64