Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author | Files | Lines |
- EmThreats_link opens now in separate browser window -- Juergen Leising for Micah Gersten
- A new reference "[rule]" points now to base_local_rules.php,
which displays a particular rule for a given rules id (sid).
Prerequisite for this is that "local_rules_dir" in base_conf.php
points to an actually existing and readable/searchable directory which
contains the snort rules. Please note, that a web server
is usually NOT allowed to access any files outside of its
document root. Feature request by Chris Ryan, cf.
-- Juergen Leising
- Update of base.spec; works with fedora 10 -- Juergen Leising
- I have applied two patches submitted by asavenkov
with regard to the oci8 driver (oracle 10), cf.
-- Juergen Leising
- The "email-the-alerts"-variables were defined twice at different
locations in base_conf.php. Fixed this. -- Juergen Leising
- Emails from BASE containing one or more alerts include now a
"To:"-header, as well. Bug report no. 2234733 -- Juergen Leising
- $sort_order, once it has been chosen, survives now a possible "action",
even in base_stat_uaddr.php, base_stat_ports.php, base_stat_iplink.php,
base_stat_class.php and base_stat_sensor.php.
Bug no. 2234745. -- Juergen Leising
- The refresh-problem, when an "action" has been taken, is now fixed in
base_stat_uaddr.php, base_stat_ports.php, base_stat_iplink.php,
base_stat_class.php and base_stat_sensor.php, as well.
Bug no. 1681012. -- Juergen Leising
- I have corrected the way ICMP redirect messages are displayed
by BASE, inspired by Bruno G. San Alejo. -- Juergen Leising
- Several preprocessor events that did not get stored in the acid_event
table, so far, are now processed and displayed by BASE. This affects
all those preprocessors which have sig names that do NOT start with
a "spp_" prefix. -- Juergen Leising
- Fixed bug with archiving IP options. -- Juergen Leising
5/14/09 1.4.3 (gabi)
- XSS Flaws fixed in alert groups -- Kevin Johnson
- Possible SQL injection flaw fixed in AG -- Kevin Johnson
- XSS Flaws fixed in base_qry files -- Kevin Johnson
- Multiple XSS flaws fixed in citems -- Kevin Johnson
5/30/09 (zig)
- Multiple XSS flaws fixed in User and Role management -- Kevin Johnson
Some highlights:
Bug #1680965 sans lookup fails -- Jordan Wiens
Fixed index.php redirect -- Kevin Johnson for Terry Burton
Added Worldmap feature -- Juergen Leising
Added Vendor MAC Map -- Juergen Leising
Increased memory limit from 50 to 128 MB in base_graph_common.php
Fixed "Select Signature from List" in the query form -- Juergen Leising
Newly generated coordinates file world_map6.txt. -- Juergen Leising
See docs/CHANGELOG for all the details
many packages used to use ${PAX}. Use the common way of directly calling
pax, it is created as tool after all.
- Update to Spanish -- David Gil
- Bug 1750697 base_header() is undefined fixed -- Juergen and Kevin Johnson
- Bug 1680965 sans lookup fails -- Jordan Wiens
- Updated Chinese language file -- Randy
- Added Sean Muller as the Project Manager -- Kevin Johnson
- Fixed error in contrib/base-rss.php -- Dan
- Added INSTALL and INSTALL.rtf files to docs directory -- Sean Muller
- Bug 1801192 XSS bug in BASE fixed -- Kevin Johnson and Sean Muller
- Bug 1760615 Sort order ignored -- Kevin Johnson and Jordan Weins
- Fixed base_conf_contents.php to include colored alerts -- Jonathan W Miner
- Fixed base_main.php to remove an extra table and repair two column display -- Jonathan W Miner
- Added exit() to the redirect to fix security hole -- Jon Hart
- removed fpdf file to save room since we are not using them. -- Kevin Johnson
- Fixed bug #1723928 Top Right, Database and User not shown -- Kevin Johnson
- Added base_header wrapper, please use it instead of header if you're not sure -- GaRaGeD
- Fixed Bug #1675094 snort signature information links broken (really a hack!) -- Kevin Johnson
- Fixed Bug #1689885 Maybe need count(DISTINCT ip_src) to sort by IP correctly -- Kevin Johnson
- Fixed Bug #1649659 Use of archive DB seems broken in "karen" release -- Kevin Johnson
- Cleaned a warning -- Marek Cruz
- Spanish install guide -- Daniel Medianero
the owner of all installed files is a non-root user. This change
affects most packages that require special users or groups by making
them use the specified unprivileged user and group instead.
(1) Add two new variables PKG_GROUPS_VARS and PKG_USERS_VARS to These two variables are lists of other bmake
variables that define package-specific users and groups. Packages
that have user-settable variables for users and groups, e.g. apache
and APACHE_{USER,GROUP}, courier-mta and COURIER_{USER,GROUP},
etc., should list these variables in PKG_USERS_VARS and PKG_GROUPS_VARS
so that can know to set them to ${UNPRIVILEGED_USER}
(2) Modify packages to use PKG_GROUPS_VARS and PKG_USERS_VARS.
Lots of updates but some highlights in brief:
- Added base64 encoding support for ICMP payload additional table in base_qr
y_alert.php -- Juergen Leising
- Changed input type of the password field to actually be password in setup3
.php -- Nikns
- Fixed Time error in searches -- Jeff Kell
- Added FQDN to display -- Jonathan W Miner
- Fixed issues with graphing -- Kevin J
- Updated tons of HTML for complience -- Marek Cruz
- 8/5/2006 1.2.7 (karen)
- Improved HTML <table> output in "base_qry_alert.php" -- Jonathan W Miner
- Remove message when 0 alerts -- Jonathan W Miner
- PrintBase64PacketPayload fix for payload lenght modulo = 0 -- Juergen Leising
- Added empty function to ProtocolFieldCriteria -- Kevin Johnson
- Fixed issue if sig_gid was empty -- Valter Santos
- Added SnortUnified, a perl replacement for Barnyard -- Jason Brvenik
- Updated base-rss.php -- Dan Michitsch
- Added check for base_users and base_roles tables in base_main.php -
Kevin Johnson
- Added . to VAR_PUNC to fix query issue - Kevin johnson
- Fixed issue with base_users table being required - Kevin Johnson
- Added search punctuation fix - Bruce Briggs
- Added FQDN to display -- Jonathan W Miner
- PrintForm() fixes - Bruce Briggs
- Settings for automatic expansion of the IP and Payload Criteria
on Search screen - Bruce Briggs
- Save the fields entered on the Search screen for Back button proper
refilling - Bruce Briggs
- RFE 1520185 Add support for managing last_cid - Eric Jacobsen
- Changed show_rows to 49 in base_conf.php.dist to fix IE 6/7 bug -
Bruce Briggs
- Fixed link to FAQ - Juergen Leising
- Fixed VAR_BOOLEAN error and some typos in the footer - Eric Jacobsen
- Trivial patch to make base_stat_time.php use GET insted of POST to
avoid the 'resend data' warning on refresh - GaRaGeD
- Added base-rss.php to the contrib section - Dan Michitsch
> - 6/4/2006 1.2.5 (sarah)
> - Added base64 encoding support for MAC addresses presented on the screen for FLoP extended database -- Juergen Leising
> - Added base64 encoding support for rebuild of packet in pcap format for FLoP extended database -- Juergen Leising
> - Fixed issue with Oracle and schema version in -- Nikns
> - Fixed bug when alerts with sig references would fail to archive causing duplicates error -- Nikns
> - Added base64 encoding support for ICMP payload additional table in base_qry_alert.php -- Juergen Leising
> - Added check for PHP Logging Level against E_NOTICES in setup/index.php -- Nikns
> - Fixed bug when certain preprocessor alerts would not be cached (for example arpspoof) -- Nikns
> - Added setup/ with CreateBASEAG() to resolve redundancy in setup and base_db_setup.php -- Nikns
> - Removed unnecessary and broken search index stuff from Create BASE AG, since schemas are already with them -- Nikns
> - Added XSSPrintSafe() (array safe htmlspecilchars() function) and made filterSql() use ADOdb qmagic() -- Nikns
> - Changed input type of the password field to actually be password in setup3.php -- Nikns
> - Filtered all unfiltred (mainly auth system stuff) $_POST and $_GET variables using filterSql() -- Nikns
> - Santized all $_SERVER variables to be protected against XSS attacks -- Nikns
> - Added "Clear Data Tables" option in base_maintenance.php and "Repair Tables" option to execute CreateBASEAG() -- Nikns
> - Make use of FLoP's event reference. Signature name of alert which trigered "Tagged Packet" alert is shown too -- Nikns
> - Updated chinese.lang.php -- Johnson Chiang
> - Fixed Time error in searches -- Jeff Kell
> - Fixed refresh issue with ~ directories -- Kevin Johnson
> - Fixed cookie stored data and authentication scheme to correct Nikns' report on session forge issue -- GaRaGeD
> - Updated link to the Nessus plug in DB -- Jonathan W Miner
> - Fixed display after deleting alerts -- Bruce Briggs
> - Fixed Bug #1466392 - Back button doesn't work after refresh. -- Juergen Leising
> - Patches from to add missing ICMP and TCP type and codes - GaRaGeD
> - add support for ICMP redirect decoding. - Jon Hart
> - add decoding support for ICMP source quench and ICMP parameter problem - Jon Hart
> - split up "flags" into DF and MF, much like tcp flags are currently handled - Jon Hart
all PEAR packages to php?-pear-* and all Apache packages to ap13-* or
ap2-* respectively. Add new variables to simplify the Makefile
handling. Add CONFLICTS on the old names. Reset revisions of bumped
packages. ap-php will now depend on the default Apache and PHP version.
All programs using it have an implicit option of the Apache version
as well.
OK from jlam@ and adrianp@.
> Changes:
> - Fixed issue with PostGRES and schema in -- Kevin J and Nikns
> - Fixed bug 1284695 Error in SQL with PostgreSQL -- Kevin J and Nikns
> - Fixed issues displaying PortScans -- Nikns
> - Fixed sig_class (bug 1407325) and sig_priority filter bug -- Nikns and Max Valdez (garaged)
> - Fixed bug 1408387 Archive move and Email summary issues -- Nikns
> - Fixed bug when, after setup, archive database wasn't used -- Nikns
> - Fixed PostgreSQL archive database support -- Nikns
> - Fixed bug 1313261 Unable to use actions in base_stat_sensor.php -- Nikns
> - Fixed bug 1371532 First of month timestamp issue -- Nikns
> - Fixed bug 1406945 Lost alert order when switching between payload display -- Nikns
> - Fixed bug 1413712 base_conf.php file path issue under MS Windows -- garaged
> - Fixed search by signature name -- Nikns
> - Converted sql/create_base_tbls_mssql_extra.sql to CRLF line terminators -- Nikns
> - Fixed broken auth system for MSSQL -- Nikns
> - Changed MSSQL schema for table acid_event, sig_name now has type VARCHAR instead of TEXT -- Nikns
> - Fixed bug 1307250 broken base_stat_alerts.php with MSSQL -- Nikns
> - Fixed bug 1413594 Force to use alert database for auth system stuff -- Nikns
> - Setup fix, on error form values are remembered, default language is English -- garaged
> - Uppercased name 'Archive' in base_main.php (in sync with base_hdr1.php) -- Nikns
> - Fixed support for actions in base_stat_class.php -- Nikns
> - Fixed bug 1418660 Broken search by IP criteria -- Nikns
> - Added checkboxes and fixed support for actions in base_stat_iplink.php -- Nikns
> - Implemented RFE 1123382 support for actions in base_stat_uaddr.php -- Nikns
> - Implemented support for actions in base_stat_ports.php -- Nikns
> - Fixed bug 1422575 when empty email sent even if action unsuccessful -- Nikns
> - Fixed bug 1424033 Unable to Graph Alert Detection Time -- Nikns
> - Fixed bug 1426089 Score removed from email address -- Nikns
> - Fixed bug 1210542 and 1288402 Packet display mode issues -- Nikns
> - Detect archiving duplicates with select queries instead of catching db conflict error -- Nikns
> - Fixed bug 1430686 Update alert cache for archived alert right after it is coppied to archive db -- Nikns
> - Implemented archiving support for schema 107 -- Nikns
> - Added sig_gid (signature generator id) to snort signature reference url for schema 107 -- Nikns
> - session_start() on base_conf.php avoiding repetition, easier to handle with debug output -- garaged
> - debug_mode needs to be off on login (index.php:45 ) -- garaged
> - Fixed bug 1275536 Unable to download binary payload in Internet Explorer when using SSL -- Nikns
> - Implemented archiving support for FLoP extended database schema -- Nikns
> - Implemented rebuild of packet in pcap format for FLoP extended database -- Nikns
> - Added display of MAC addresses in base_query_alert.php for FLoP extended database -- Nikns
> - Fixed BASE authentication bypass in standalone mode for base_maintenance.php -- Nikns
> - Added HTTP response codes on authentication failure in base_maintenance.php for standalone mode -- Nikns
> - Fixed bug 1341286 Show IP header length in bytes, not words -- Juergen Leising
> - In plain display mode several sequential non-ASCII payload characters join together displaying their count -- Nikns
> - Changed input type of the password field in useradmin -- Kevin Johnson
pkginstall framework. In the case of libtool-base, avoid using
FILES_SUBST_SED where it isn't needed.
> - Added Turkish -- Umut Nacak
> - Changed login button to actually say login -- Jonathan W Minor
> - Fixed issue with signature names and MySQL 5.0 -- Kade P. Cole
> - Fixed Bug# 1347623 auto-refresh ignored for stat pages -- Shane Castle
> - Fixed Sort order issues -- Timothy Doty
> - Applied patch from Debian maintainer for final SQL injection fix -- Kevin
> - Updated project lead comments -- Kevin
> - Added Portscan Information -- Kevin for Nikns
Pattern fix for pear-Image_Graph
of the shlib major bump.
PKGREVISION++ for the dependencies.
pkg has been changed to 5.x). Reminded by wiz... thanks.
engine to search and process a database of security events generated by
various IDSes, firewalls, and network monitoring tools. The features currently
o Query-builder and search interface for finding alerts matching
on alert meta information (e.g. signature, detection time) as well as
the underlying network evidence (e.g. source/destination address, ports,
payload, or flags).
o Packet viewer (decoder) will graphically display the layer-3 and
layer-4 packet information of logged alerts
o Alert management by providing constructs to logically group alerts
to create incidents (alert groups), deleting the handled alerts or
false positives, exporting to email for collaboration, or archiving of
alerts to transfer them between alert databases.
o Chart and statistic generation based on time, sensor, signature, protocol,
IP address, TCP/UDP ports, or classification