Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author | Files | Lines |
1.23 Sun Feb 19 22:07:57 CET 2017
- Fix $YAML::Numify (empty values were converted to 0)
1.22 Tue Feb 14 23:23:08 CET 2017
- Add $YAML::Numify @perlpunk++
1.21 Fri Dec 23 21:19:15 CET 2016
- Apply PR/171 (fixes issue/109) @perlpunk++
- No more "used only once" warnings for $YAML::Indent etc.
- Apply PR/170 (fixes issue/131)
- Empty mapping value at the end resolves to null (was becoming empty
- Apply PR/169 (PR/119)
- Output key in warning when duplicate key was found
- Apply PR/157 and PR/168 (@lameventanas++ @perlpunk++)
- Allow reading and writing to IO::Handle
Upstream changes:
1.20 Fri Dec 2 13:20:33 PST 2016
- Apply and amend PR/146 (quoted map keys) @preaction++
- B::Deparse is loaded at runtime now
- New Feature $YAML::Preserve (Apply PR/9 @fmenabe++)
1.19 Fri Nov 18 19:46:44 CET 2016
- Apply PR/164 pod (link to YAML::Shell)
- Apply PR/151 Fix infinite loop for aliases without a name @bubaflub++
- Apply PR/142 Improve error messages @werekraken++
- Apply PR/162 Improve error messages
- Apply PR/163 Trailing spaces after inline seq/map work now
- Apply PR/154 Add test case for trailing comments @Varadinsky++
Upstream changes:
1.18 Fri Jul 8 14:52:26 UTC 2016
- Apply PR/161 @perlpunk++
1.17 Tue Jul 5 20:20:55 UTC 2016
- Use Mo 0.40
1.16 Sun Jul 3 10:53:06 PDT 2016
- Apply PR/158 by @bgruening++
- Fix VERSION issue
Upstream changes:
1.15 Sat Apr 18 17:03:09 CEST 2015
- Fix Issue
- Don't require newlines at end of YAML.
Problems found locating distfiles:
Package cabocha: missing distfile cabocha-0.68.tar.bz2
Package convertlit: missing distfile
Package php-enchant: missing distfile php-enchant/enchant-1.1.0.tgz
Otherwise, existing SHA1 digests verified and found to be the same on
the machine holding the existing distfiles (morden). All existing
SHA1 digests retained for now as an audit trail.
having a PKGNAME of p5-*, or depending such a package,
for perl-5.22.0.
1.14 Sat Jan 17 15:32:18 PST 2015
- Apply pull request 145 from @kentnl++
- Support for QuoteNumericStrings Global Setting
1.13 Sat Oct 11 18:05:45 CEST 2014
- Apply pull request 140 from @nfg++
- Disable some warnings in YAML::Any
1.12 Mon Sep 22 08:24:43 PDT 2014
- Fix
1.11 Fri Aug 29 20:08:20 PDT 2014
- Apply 139. @ehuelsmann++
1.10 Thu Aug 28 22:53:26 PDT 2014
- Apply 138. @ehuelsmann++
1.09 Tue Aug 19 16:41:13 PDT 2014
- Replace tabs with spaces
1.08 Mon Aug 18 10:21:48 PDT 2014
- Dep on Test::YAML 1.05
1.07 Mon Aug 18 08:40:01 PDT 2014
- Apply 8 from shlomif++. Add doc examples for YAML::Any.
1.06 Sat Aug 16 16:51:08 PDT 2014
- Change testdir to t
1.05 Sat Aug 16 13:03:28 PDT 2014
- Meta 0.0.2
1.04 Sat Aug 16 04:28:10 PDT 2014
- Eliminate spurious trailing whitespace
1.03 Sat Aug 16 03:32:35 PDT 2014
- Eliminate File::Basename from test/
1.02 Fri Aug 15 21:09:54 PDT 2014
- Add t/000-compile-modules.t
1.01 Thu Aug 7 14:48:24 PDT 2014
- Dep on patched Test::YAML
1.00 Thu Aug 7 00:35:21 PDT 2014
- Fix bad encoding in Pod
0.99 Wed Aug 6 17:55:42 PDT 2014
- Switch to external Test::Base
0.98 Wed Jul 30 12:32:25 PDT 2014
- Fix indexing of YAML::Any
- Change IRC to
0.97 Wed Jul 16 23:37:04 PDT 2014
- Move remaining docs to Swim
0.96 Sun Jul 13 22:54:08 PDT 2014
- Fix Metadata and add Contributing file
- Change Kwim to Swim
0.95 Sat Jun 14 10:32:08 PDT 2014
- Fix dumping blessed globs.
0.94 Sat Jun 14 10:32:08 PDT 2014
- Skip a failing test on 5.8 introduced in 0.93
0.93 Fri Jun 13 22:32:18 PDT 2014
- Switch to Zilla::Dist
- Add badges to doc
- @thorsteneckel++ fixed #18
- @karenetheridge++ fixed #19
- remove invalid Spiffy dependency provided by YAML (GitHub pull req 23)
- Force escaping of single '-' (GitHub pull req 22)
- Revert Mo from 0.38 to 0.31 - zefram++ reported it breaking cpan client
- Fixed tests to work under parallel testing -- kentnl
- Switched to dzil release process
- Fixed YAML loading on perl 5.8 (broken in YAML 0.85) by removing
5.10-specific regex construct. -- hobbs++
- Using latest Test::Builder tp fix
- Revert YAML::Mo for
- Fix for where synopsis
in YAML::Dumper doesn't work as exptected.
- Thorsten++
- Upgrade to latest Mo
Do it for all packages that
* mention perl, or
* have a directory name starting with p5-*, or
* depend on a package starting with p5-
like last time, for 5.18, where this didn't lead to complaints.
Let me know if you have any this time.
a) refer 'perl' in their Makefile, or
b) have a directory name of p5-*, or
c) have any dependency on any p5-* package
Like last time, where this caused no complaints.
are called p5-*.
I hope that's all of them.
upstream changes:
version: 0.84
date: Fri Jul 13 18:17:27 GMT 2012
- Resolve distribution error that caused .git to be shipped in the .tar.gz
version: 0.83
date: Fri Jul 13 15:44:03 GMT 2012
- Only call stat() and tell() on a filehandle if fileno existed
- Explicit tied() call on globs to avoid a 5.16 deprecation warning
version: 0.82
date: Thu Jul 12 18:49:45 GMT 2012
- Test scalar @array rather than deprecated defined @array (Sebastian Stumpf)
to 0.81.
Upstream changes:
version: 0.81
date: Thu Apr 19 11:03:38 PDT 2012
- Patch from
- YAML::Mo uses Safe Mo
to 0.81.
Upstream changes:
version: 0.81
date: Thu Apr 19 11:03:38 PDT 2012
- Patch from
- YAML::Mo uses Safe Mo
Upstream changes:
version: 0.80
date: Fri Feb 10 12:56:08 PST 2012
- Patch from
- Make YAML::Node subclass YAML::Mo::Object as well as Exporter (MSTROUT)
version: 0.79
date: Wed Feb 8 17:25:55 PST 2012
- Peter Scott and others noticed Mo::xxx causing problems on newer perls.
Removed xxx for now.
version: 0.78
date: Sun Jan 1 23:53:57 PST 2012
- Apply patch from ANDK++ to deal with B::Deparse changes.
0.72nb1 to 0.77.
pkgsrc changes:
- none yet, even if distribution switched from bundled Module::Install to
bundled Module::Package (seems to be derived from Module::Install), but
fails clean .packlist creation when older version is installed.
Might need some cleanup some fine day.
Upstream changes:
version: 0.77
date: Thu Sep 29 18:28:25 CEST 2011
- Add $VERSION back to all modules.
- Released from Liz++ and Wendy++ garage attic!
version: 0.76
date: Wed Sep 28 12:05:08 CEST 2011
- Removed YAML::import per mst.
version: 0.75
date: Tue Sep 27 00:46:19 CEST 2011
- Switch to Mo for OO (YAML::Mo)
- use_test_base in Makefile.PL.
version: 0.74
date: Sun Sep 25 22:05:05 CEST 2011
- Switch to Module::Package
- Removed extra $VERSION lines from submodules
- Released from Liz++ and Wendy++'s Tool Basement!
version: 0.73
date: Tue Apr 19 20:14:59 EST 2011
- Apply ANDK's patch for 5.14.0
Upstream changes:
version: 0.72
date: Wed Sep 1 11:54:00 AEST 2010
- Upgrade to Module::Install 1.00
- Upgraded author tests via new ADAMK release automation
- Normalise Ingy's name to ASCII in Makefile.PL so that we don't have
Unicode in our own META.yml
to trigger/signal a rebuild for the transition 5.10.1 -> 5.12.1.
The list of packages is computed by finding all packages which end
or PERL5_PACKLIST defined in their make setup (tested via
"make show-vars VARNAMES=..."), minus the packages updated after
the perl package update.
sno@ was right after all, obache@ kindly asked and he@ led the
way. Thanks!
Pkgsrc changes:
Set PERL5_MODULE_TYPE to Module::Install::Bundled so a circular
dependency on involving devel/p5-Module-Build, textproc/p5-YAML and
devel/p5-Module-Install is avoided.
pkgsrc changes:
- Adding module type
Upstream changes:
version: 0.71
date: Sun Jan 3 12:25:00 AEST 2010
- Set file encoding to UTF-8 in LoadFile/DumpFile (RT#25434) by Olivier Mengue
- We shouldn't have to care about 5.8.0. Since it's causing CPAN Testers
failures, bump the minimum Perl to 5.8.1
pkgsrc changes:
- Adding license (perl license)
Upstream changes:
version: 0.70
date: Tue Aug 11 02:52:10 AEST 2009
- Updated Module::Install dependency to 0.91
- Bumping dependency to 5.8.0 but I think it's only in the test suite.
However, I can't prove it. So if anyone wants 5.6 compatibility back
you need to fix or rewrite the test suite.
version: 0.69_02
date: Mon Aug 10 22:37:37 AEST 2009
- Developer $VERSION now has eval correction
version: 0.69_01
date: Sun Jul 9 02:01:12 AEST 2009
- Added $VERSION to all modules
- Removed the use of use base
- Imported into the repo
Pkgsrc changes:
o Add dependency on p5-Filter for Filter::Util::Call
Upstream changes:
version: 0.68
date: Thu Dec 4 01:00:44 PST 2008
- Used update Test::Base to ensure Filter::Util::Call
version: 0.67
date: Mon Dec 1 02:34:21 PST 2008
- Add YAML::Any
- Move ysh to YAML::Shell
- Add doc section explaining YAML::Old
to trigger/signal a rebuild for the transition 5.8.8 -> 5.10.0.
The list of packages is computed by finding all packages which end
or PERL5_PACKLIST defined in their make setup (tested via
"make show-vars VARNAMES=...").
No compiler necessary.
version: 0.66
date: Thu Sep 27 01:37:16 PDT 2007
- Blessed code refs with LoadCode=0 still get blessed. rafl++
version: 0.65
date: Thu Jun 21 17:37:32 PDT 2007
- \z is really \0
- Speed up regexp loading. audreyt++
version: 0.64
date: Thu Jun 21 14:31:20 PDT 2007
- Better support for loading regexps. audreyt++
version: 0.63
date: Wed Jun 20 16:03:22 PDT 2007
- Don't emit nodes blessed into '' in the new tag scheme, and improve semantics
of loading such nodes.
- New support for dumping/loading regexps.
can handle packages having no PLIST files.
Based on patch provided by Martin Wilke via PR 34343
(avoiding interaction in configure stage).
*** WARNING ***
This release breaks compatibility with versions earlier than version 0.60 of
YAML::Syck and when serializing blessed references.
from COMPATIBILITY: 0.60 breaks compatability with older version by changing the
tags that are output for serialized objects.
This was the old way:
--- !perl/Foo::Bar {}
--- !perl/@Baz []
--- !perl/$Quux ""
New way:
--- !!perl/hash:Foo::Bar {}
--- !!perl/array:Baz []
--- !!perl/scalar:Quux ""
* This change was made after discussions with the Python and Ruby
implementors to standardize on this form.
* YAML::Syck was updated at the same time as so that they
serialize objects the same way.
* roundtrips the new format and still parses the old (now
deprecated) format.
* The best strategy is to update to the latest version.
* There are potential problems if you use YAML for RPC and the server
and client versions don't match.
version: 0.62
date: Mon Jul 3 15:41:20 PDT 2006
- Patch from rgs for Catalyst users
version: 0.61
date: Sun Jul 2 15:25:08 CDT 2006
- New made test fail.
version: 0.60
date: Fri Jun 30 21:55:55 CDT 2006
- Changed object tag format in non backwards compatible way
- Removed support for folded scalar emission
- Added new tests
- Sync with YAML::Syck
version: 0.58
date: Tue Feb 14 12:42:34 PST 2006
- Fixed bug reported by Slaven Rezic on 5.8.0
- Fixed a ysh bug reported on rt. 17589
developer is officially maintaining the package.
The rationale for changing this from "tech-pkg" to "pkgsrc-users" is
that it implies that any user can try to maintain the package (by
submitting patches to the mailing list). Since the folks most likely
to care about the package are the folks that want to use it or are
already using it, this would leverage the energy of users who aren't
Changes since 0.39:
version: 0.57
date: Wed Feb 1 23:06:25 PST 2006
- Add obligatory '1;' to end of each module.
version: 0.56
date: Mon Jan 30 10:26:33 PST 2006
- Add Module::Install::TestBase support
version: 0.55
date: Sun Jan 29 19:03:35 PST 2006
- Load YAML::Node because Module::Build expects it to be loaded.
We can undo this when Module::Build starts loading it for itself.
version: 0.54
date: Sun Jan 29 17:28:46 PST 2006
- Remove dependency on Class::Spiffy (and/or Spiffy).
version: 0.53
date: Thu Jan 19 06:03:17 PST 2006
- Depend on Class::Spiffy instead of Spiffy. No source filtering.
version: 0.52
date: Wed Jan 18 14:25:24 PST 2006
- Error in Spiffy-0.26 causing problems. Require 0.27
version: 0.51
date: Sat Jan 14 17:09:09 GMT 2006
- Tests pass on win32 and cygwin
- Don't gpg sign the distribution tarball
version: 0.50
date: Sun Dec 25 11:09:18 PST 2005
- Major refactoring of
- Completely OO with same old functional UI
- Support the $YAML::Stringify option which most be on for objects to get
stringified. Otherwise dump the object.
- Can dump overloaded objects now.
- Completely refactor test suite using Test::Base
- Create Test::YAML
- Make test framework compatible with YAML::Syck - Test-Base-0.45
- Reviewed all rt bugs. fixed many
- Reviewed all emailed bugs. Fixed many.
- Helped audrey complete YAML::Syck and worked on interoperability issues
- Test well known yaml docs like svk and META.yml
- Eliminate unsafe string evals
- Can use with autouse. Spiffy-0.25
- Support YAML::Marshall to help classes that want to do their own marshalling
- Make objects tags configurable
- -M option for ysh to test other implementations like YAML::Syck
version: 0.39
date: Tue Apr 12 15:28:40 PDT 2005
- Need newer Test::More or tests hang.
of Perl files to deal with the perl-5.8.7 update that moved all
pkgsrc-installed Perl files into the "vendor" directories.
These paths are now relative to PERL5_PACKLIST_DIR, which currently
defaults to ${PERL5_SITEARCH}. There is no change to the binary
Upstream changes:
version: 0.38
date: Thu Mar 31 01:43:21 PST 2005
- Deleted Spiffy -XXX artifact :(
version: 0.37
date: Thu Mar 31 01:56:24 CST 2005
- All the edge cases with hash key dumping (commas, [], {}, etc)
should now be covered
- Slight changes to the way things are dumped.
- Fixed bugs dumping "foo\nbar" for svk acceptance