path: root/textproc/ruby-haml
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2013-03-12Update ruby-haml to 4.0.0.taca3-371/+79
## 4.0.0 * The Haml exectutable now accepts an `--autoclose` option. You can now specify a list of tags that should be autoclosed * The `:ruby` filter no longer redirects $stdout to the Haml document, as this is not thread safe. Instead it provides a `haml_io` local variable, which is an IO object that writes to the document. * HTML5 is now the default output format rather than XHTML. This was already the default on Rails 3+, so many users will notice no difference. * The :sass filter now wraps its output in a script tag, as do the new :less and :scss filters. The :coffee filter wraps its output in a script tag. * Haml now supports only Rails 3 and above, and Ruby 1.8.7 and above. If you still need support for Rails 2 and Ruby 1.8.6, please use Haml 3.1.x which will continue to be maintained for bug fixes. * The :javascript and :css filters no longer add CDATA tags when the format is html4 or html5. This can be overridden by setting the `cdata` option to `true`. CDATA tags are always added when the format is xhtml. * HTML2Haml has been extracted to a separate gem, creatively named "html2haml". * The `:erb` filter now uses Rails's safe output buffer to provide XSS safety. * Haml's internals have been refactored to move the parser, compiler and options handling into independent classes, rather than including them all in the Engine module. You can also specify your own custom Haml parser or compiler class in Haml::Options in order to extend or modify Haml reasonably easily. * Add an { `:hyphenate_data_attrs` option} that converts underscores to hyphens in your HTML5 data keys. This is a language change from 3.1 and is enabled by default. (thanks to [Andrew Smith]( * All Hash attribute values are now treated as HTML5 data, regardless of key. Previously only the "data" key was treated this way. Allowing arbitrary keys means you can now easily use this feauture for Aria attributes, among other uses. (thanks to [Elvin Efendi]( * Added `remove_whitespace` option to always remove all whitespace around Haml tags. (thanks to [Tim van der Horst]( * Haml now flattens deeply nested data attribute hashes. For example: `.foo{:data => {:a => "b", :c => {:d => "e", :f => "g"}}}` would render to: `<div class='foo' data-a='b' data-c-d='e' data-c-f='g'></div>` (thanks to [Péter Pál Koszta]( * Filters that rely on third-party template engines are now implemented using [Tilt]( Several new filters have been added, namely SCSS (:scss), LessCSS, (:less), and Coffeescript (:coffee/:coffeescript). Though the list of "official" filters is kept intentionally small, Haml comes with a helper method that makes adding support for other Tilt-based template engines trivial. As of 4.0, Haml will also ship with a "haml-contrib" gem that includes useful but less-frequently used filters and helpers. This includes several additional filters such as Nokogiri, Yajl, Markaby, and others. * Generate object references based on `#to_key` if it exists in preference to `#id`. * Performance improvements. (thanks to [Chris Heald]( * Helper `list_of` takes an extra argument that is rendered into list item attributes. (thanks [Iain Barnett]( * Fix parser to allow lines ending with `some_method?` to be a Ruby multinline. (thanks to [Brad Ediger]( * Always use :xhtml format when the mime_type of the rendered template is 'text/xml'. (thanks to [Stephen Bannasch]( * html2haml now includes an `--html-attributes` option. (thanks [Stefan Natchev]( * Fix for inner whitespace removal in loops. (thanks [Richard Michael]( * Use numeric character references rather than HTML entities when escaping double quotes and apostrophes in attributes. This works around some bugs in Internet Explorer earlier than version 9. (thanks [Doug Mayer]( * Fix multiline silent comments: Haml previously did not allow free indentation inside multline silent comments. * Fix ordering bug with partial layouts on Rails. (thanks [Sam Pohlenz]( * Add command-line option to suppress script evaluation. * It's now possible to use Rails's asset helpers inside the Sass and SCSS filters. Note that to do so, you must make sure sass-rails is loaded in production, usually by moving it out of the assets gem group. * The Haml project now uses [semantic versioning]( ## 3.2.0 The Haml 3.2 series was released only as far as 3.2.0.rc.4, but then was renamed to Haml 4.0 when the project adopted semantic versioning. ## 3.1.8 * Fix for line numbers reported from exceptions in nested blocks (thanks to Grant Hutchins & Sabrina Staedt).
2013-02-22Update homepage URLs.shattered1-2/+2
2012-09-16Update ruby-haml to 3.1.7.taca3-7/+13
Changes are unavailable.
2012-06-02Update ruby-haml to 3.1.6.taca3-7/+10
Changes are unavailable.
2011-12-15Update ruby-haml package to 3.1.4.taca3-8/+39
Changes are unknown.
2011-09-12Update ruby-haml package to 3.1.3.taca2-6/+6
3.1.3 * Stop partial layouts from being displayed twice.
2011-06-19Update ruby-haml package to 3.1.2.taca3-197/+253
3.1.1 * Update the vendored Sass to version 3.1.0. 3.1.0 * Don't add a type attribute to <script> and <style> tags generated by filters when :format is set to :html5. * Add an :escape_attrs option that allows attributes to either remain unescaped (for things like embedding PHP directives in Haml) or to be always escaped rather than #escape_onced. This can also be used from the command line via --no-escape-attrs. * Allow custom filters to be loaded from the command line. Backwards Incompatibilities - Must Read! * Get rid of the --rails flag for the haml executable. This flag hasn't been necessary since Rails 2.0. Existing Rails 2.0 installations will continue to work. * Drop support for Hpricot 0.7. 0.8 has been out for nearly two years. 3.0.25 Tagged on GitHub. * HTML-to-Haml conversion now works within Ruby even if Hpricot is loaded before haml/html.
2010-12-04Update ruby-haml package to 3.0.24.taca3-7/+16
3.0.24 Tagged on GitHub. * html2haml now properly generates Haml for silent script expressions nested within blocks. * IronRuby compatibility. This is sort of a hack: IronRuby reports its version as 1.9, but it doesn¡Çt support the encoding APIs, so we treat it as 1.8 instead. 3.0.23 Tagged on GitHub. * Fix the error message for unloadable modules when running the executables under Ruby 1.9.2. * Fix an error when combining old-style and new-style attributes. 3.0.22 Tagged on GitHub. * Allow an empty line after case but before when. * Remove vendor/sass, which snuck into the gem by mistake and was causing trouble for Heroku users (thanks to Jacques Crocker). * Support the Rails 3.1 template handler API. 3.0.21 Tagged on GitHub. * Fix the permissions errors for good. 3.0.20 Tagged on GitHub. * Fix some permissions errors. 3.0.19 Tagged on GitHub. * Fix the :encoding option under Ruby 1.9.2. * Fix interpolated if statement when HTML escaping is enabled. * Allow the --unix-newlines flag to work on Unix, where it¡Çs a no-op.
2010-09-10Update textproc/ruby-haml to 3.0.18.taca4-26/+117
* Use lang/ruby/ instead of misc/rubygems/ * Add LICENSE. * Remove default value of GEM_BUILD. * Add CONFLICTS since it will install the same name commands both ruby18 and ruby19 based packages. Changes may be too many, please refer in detail.
2010-04-15Update ruby-haml from version 2.2.13 to version 2.2.23.seb3-7/+10
Pkgsrc changes: - adjust PLIST Upstream changes: * 2.2.23 [haml/sass] Don’t crash when rake gems is run in Rails with Haml installed. Thanks to Florian Frank. [haml ]Don’t remove \n in filters with interpolation. [haml] Silence those annoying "regexp match /.../n against to UTF-8 string" warnings. [sass] When raising a file-not-found error, add a list of load paths that were checked. [sass] If an import isn’t found for a cached Sass file and the :full_exception option is enabled, print the full exception rather than raising it. [sass] Fix a bug with a weird interaction with Haml, DataMapper, and Rails 3 that caused some tag helpers to go into infinite recursion. * 2.2.22 [haml/sass] Add a railtie so Haml and Sass will be automatically loaded in Rails 3. Thanks to Daniel Neighman. [haml] Add a deprecation message for using - with methods like form_for that return strings in Rails 3. This is the same deprecation that exists in Rails 3. [haml] Make sure line numbers are reported correctly when filters are being used. [haml/sass] Make loading the gemspec not crash on read-only filesystems like Heroku’s. [haml] Don’t crash when methods like form_for return nil in, for example, Rails 3 beta. [haml] Compatibility with Rails 3 beta’s RJS facilities. * 2.2.21 [haml/sass] Fix a few bugs in the git-revision-reporting in Haml::Version#version. In particular, it will still work if git gc has been called recently, or if various files are missing. [hamll/sass] Always use __FILE__ when reading files within the Haml repo in the Rakefile. According to this bug report, this should make Haml work better with Bundler. [haml] Make the error message for - end a little more intuitive based on user feedback. [haml] Compatibility with methods like form_for that return strings rather than concatenate to the template in Rails 3. [haml] Add a with_tabs helper, which sets the indentation level for the duration of a block. * 2.2.20 [haml] The form_tag Rails helper is now properly marked as HTML-safe when using Rails’ XSS protection with Rails 2.3.5. [haml/sass] Calls to defined? shouldn’t interfere with Rails’ autoloading in very old versions (1.2.x). [haml] Fix a bug where calls to ActionView’s render method with blocks and layouts wouldn’t work under the Rails 3.0 beta. [haml] Fix a bug where the closing tags of nested calls to Haml::Helpers#haml_concat were improperly escaped under the Rails 3.0 beta. [sass] If the cache file for a given Sass file is corrupt because it doesn’t have enough content, produce a warning and read the Sass file rather than letting the exception bubble up. This is consistent with other sorts of sassc corruption handling. * 2.2.19 [haml] Fix a bug with the integration with Rails’ XSS support. In particular, correctly override safe_concat. [sass] There were no changes made to Sass between versions 2.2.18 and 2.2.19. * 2.2.18 [haml] Support the new XSS-protection API used in Rails 3. [haml/sass] Use Rails.env rather than RAILS_ENV when running under Rails 3.0. Thanks to Duncan Grazier. [haml] Add a --unix-newlines flag to all executables for outputting Unix-style newlines on Windows. [haml] Fix a couple bugs with the :erb filter: make sure error reporting uses the correct line numbers, and allow multi-line expressions. [haml] Fix a parsing bug for HTML-style attributes including #. [sass] Support :line_numbers as an alias for :line_comments, since that’s what the docs have said forever. Similarly, support --line-numbers as a command-line option. [sass] Add a --unix-newlines flag to all executables for outputting Unix-style newlines on Windows. [sass] Add a :unix_newlines option for Sass::Plugin for outputting Unix-style newlines on Windows. [sass] Fix the --cache-location flag, which was previously throwing errors. Thanks to tav. [sass] Allow comments at the beginning of the document to have arbitrary indentation, just like comments elsewhere. Similarly, comment parsing is a little nicer than before. * 2.2.17 [haml] Fix compilation of HTML5 doctypes when using html2haml. [sass] nil values for Sass options are now ignored, rather than raising errors. [sass] When the :full_exception option is false, raise the error in Ruby code rather than swallowing it and printing something uninformative. [sass] Fixed error-reporting when something goes wrong when loading Sass using the sass executable. This used to raise a NameError because Sass::SyntaxError wasn’t defined. Now it’ll raise the correct exception instead. [sass] Report the filename in warnings about selectors without properties. [sass] Fix a bug that appears when Plugin template locations have multiple trailing slashes. Thanks to Jared Grippe. [sass] Must Read! When @import is given a filename without an extension, the behavior of rendering a CSS @import if no Sass file is found is deprecated. In future versions, @import foo will either import the template or raise an error. * 2.2.16 [haml] Abstract out references to ActionView::TemplateError, ActionView::TemplateHandler, etc. These have all been renamed to ActionView::Template::* in Rails 3.0. [sass] Fixed a bug where modules containing user-defined Sass functions weren’t made available when simply included in Sass::Script::Functions (Functions needed to be re-included in Functions::EvaluationContext). Now the module simply needs to be included in Sass::Script::Functions. * 2.2.15 [haml] Allow if statements with no content followed by else clauses. For example: - if foo - else bar [sass] Added Sass::Script::Color#with for a way of setting color channels that’s easier than manually constructing a new color and is forwards-compatible with alpha-channel colors (to be introduced in Sass 2.4). [sass] Added a missing require in Sass that caused crashes when it was being run standalone. * 2.2.14 [haml] Don’t print warnings when escaping attributes containing non-ASCII characters in Ruby 1.9. [haml] Don’t crash when parsing an XHTML Strict doctype in html2haml. [haml] Support the HTML5 doctype in an XHTML document by using !!! 5 as the doctype declaration. [sass] All Sass functions now raise explicit errors if their inputs are of the incorrect type. [sass] Allow the SassScript rgb() function to take percentages in addition to numerical values. [sass] Fixed a bug where SassScript strings with # followed by #{} interpolation didn’t evaluate the interpolation. [sass] SassScript Ruby API These changes only affect people defining their own Sass functions using Sass::Script::Functions. Sass::Script::Color#value attribute is deprecated. Use Sass::Script::Color#rgb instead. The returned array is now frozen as well. Add an assert_type function that’s available to Sass::Script::Functions. This is useful for typechecking the inputs to functions. [sass] Rack Support Sass 2.2.14 includes Rack middleware for running Sass, meaning that all Rack-enabled frameworks can now use Sass. To activate this, just add require 'sass/plugin/rack' use Sass::Plugin::Rack to your See the Sass::Plugin::Rack documentation for more details.
2009-11-16Update ruby-haml from version 2.2.10 to version 2.2.13.seb2-6/+6
Upstream changes: * 2.2.13 Haml Allow users to specify :encoding => "ascii-8bit" even for templates that include non-ASCII byte sequences. This makes Haml templates not crash when given non-ASCII input that’s marked as having an ASCII encoding. Fixed an incompatibility with Hpricot 0.8.2, which is used for html2haml. * 2.2.13 Sass There were no changes made to Sass between versions 2.2.12 and 2.2.13. * 2.2.12 Haml There were no changes made to Haml between versions 2.2.11 and 2.2.12. * 2.2.12 Sass Fix a stupid bug introduced in 2.2.11 that broke the Sass Rails plugin. * 2.2.11 Haml Fixed a bug with XSS protection where HTML escaping would raise an error if passed a non-string value. Note that this doesn’t affect any HTML escaping when XSS protection is disabled. Fixed a bug in outer-whitespace nuking where whitespace-only Ruby strings blocked whitespace nuking beyond them. Use ensure to protect the resetting of the Haml output buffer against exceptions that are raised within the compiled Haml code. Fix an error line-numbering bug that appeared if an error was thrown within loud script (=). This is not the best solution, as it disables a few optimizations, but it shouldn’t have too much effect and the optimizations will hopefully be re-enabled in version 2.4. Don’t crash if the plugin skeleton is installed and rake gems:install is run. Don’t use RAILS_ROOT directly. This no longer exists in Rails 3.0. Instead abstract this out as Haml::Util.rails_root. This changes makes Haml fully compatible with edge Rails as of this writing. * 2.2.11 Sass Added a note to errors on properties that could be pseudo-classes (e.g. :focus) indicating that they should be backslash-escaped. Automatically interpret properties that could be pseudo-classes as such if :property_syntax is set to :new. Fixed css2sass’s generation of pseudo-classes so that they’re backslash-escaped. Don’t crash if the Haml plugin skeleton is installed and rake gems:install is run. Don’t use RAILS_ROOT directly. This no longer exists in Rails 3.0. Instead abstract this out as Haml::Util.rails_root. This changes makes Haml fully compatible with edge Rails as of this writing. Make use of a Rails callback rather than a monkeypatch to check for stylesheet updates in Rails 3.0+.
2009-10-31Update ruby-haml from version 1.8.2 to version 2.2.10.seb3-21/+89
Pkgsrc changes: - Update HOMEPAGE - Build using gemspec Upstream changes: A lot! Please see for the list of changes since version 2.2.0. The changes from version 1.8.2 to version 2.0.10 are a little bit more difficult to get, it seems you have to explore the commit logs of haml's git repository or the haml mailing list.
2009-06-14Remove @dirrm entries from PLISTsjoerg1-25/+1
2008-04-04Initial import of ruby18-haml-1.8.2 as textproc/ruby-haml.jlam4-0/+177
Haml is a markup language that's used to cleanly and simply describe the XHTML of any web document without the use of inline code, using indentation rather than closing tags and allowing Ruby to be embedded with ease. Haml functions as a replacement for inline page templating systems such as PHP, ASP, and ERB, the templating language used in most Ruby on Rails applications. However, Haml avoids the need for explicitly coding XHTML into the template, because it itself is a description of the XHTML, with some code to generate dynamic content.