Release 0.2.8
* Fix bug where every other goto does not exit in nonzoomed views
* Removed KDE 2.x check in configure
* Added --justswitch flag that switches desktops without graphics
Release 0.2.7
* Fix a compilation issue about "two_face_gap" variable.
* Fix the resolution picking logic (removed it) so no more monitor
* Fix startup bug where 3ddesk was not finding the server it just
* Apply endianness patch [Colin Leroy]
* Options to reverse mousewheel, swap mousebuttons and change
mousebuttons [Eric Shattow]
* Don't acquire desktop when activated if recently autoacquired
Release 0.2.6
* Add 'f' as toggle for 'random fun mode' and --noautofun [Phil]
* Avoid 3 sec delay when starting 3ddeskd from 3ddesk [Gregory Kovriga]
* Use a lower priority for the deamon to lessen screen cap hit (use 12)
* Add autoacquire feature to acquire current desktop every 2 seconds
* Add random view option
* Improvements to memory usage [Toph]
* Add --dontexit flag to not exit after a goto
* Flush message queue before activation
* Have goto movement start right away rather then wait for entry movement
* Show screen numbers greater then 10 correctly [Robert Wittams]