path: root/wm/fvwm-devel/distinfo
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2008-05-09Updated wm/fvwm-devel to 2.5.26martti1-4/+4
New features: - New MenuStyle option VerticalMargins. * New module features: - FvwmButtons: New button alignment option: top. * Bug fixes: - Fixed crash in ARGB visual detection code. - Fixed compilation without XRender support. - Fixed drawing of background pictures in menu items and titles. - Fixed hadling of shaped windows. - Fixed a 64-bit bug in the EWMH code.
2008-02-27Updated wm/fvwm-devel to 2.5.25martti1-6/+6
* New features: - Handle the STATE_ADD command of the EWMH _NET_WM_STATE message from version 1.3 of the EWMH spec. - Support transparency in ARGB windows * Bug Fixes: - Fixed problem with windows disappearing when created unless the style Unmanaged was used. - Edge move delay was used as resistance for the top edge. - Fixed a parsing problem of the screen argument of the SnapAttraction style. - Some html documentation files were not installed. - Fixed a memory leak in internationalized font handling. - Fixed a bug in MinOverlap placement. - Fixed the StickyAcrossPages style in the FvwmPager. - Fixed the determination of the X charset on UTF-8 systems. - Fixed a crash when certain EWMH messages were sent to unmanaged windows. - Fixed a memory leak in multibyte codepage code. - Ignore the EWMH staysontop and staysonbottom hints if the EWMHIgnoreStackingOrderHints style is used. - Fixed a sporadic crash when the root background set by gnome, fvwm-root, esetroot etc. changes and a root transparent colour set is used. - Fixed spradic crash in modules with root transparent background from colour sets. - Fixed a possible crash if the last active module fails.
2007-11-26Updated wm/fvwm-devel to 2.5.24martti1-4/+4
* New features: - Disabled paging during interactive resize operations by default (see 2.5.20) as it is annoying to many people. - New style command options: EdgeMoveResistance EdgeMoveDelay EdgeResizeDelay SnapGrid SnapAttraction that replace the now obsolete commands EdgeResistance, SnapGrid and SnapAttraction. The EdgeResistance command has a new syntax with only one argument. - New command MenuCloseAndExec for menu bindinngs that can be used to trigger certain commands from a menu without an associated item. For example, with Key F1 MTI[]-_ A MenuCloseAndExec Menu RootMenu the RootMenu can be opened from any other menu by pressing F1. * Bug Fixes: - Sometimes a window jumped by half the screen's size when moving with the mouse and hitting the border of the desktop. - Fixed the "screen w" argument of the Move and other commands. - Clicking on a menu title did not close the menu by default. - Temporary files in FvwmPerl overwrote each other.
2007-11-09Updated wm/fvwm-devel to 2.5.23martti1-6/+6
* Lots of bug fixes * Fixed perl path in the installed package (detected with PKG_DEVELOPER=yes and CHECK_PORTABILITY=yes in /etc/mk.conf)
2007-01-22Updated wm/fvwm-devel to 2.5.21martti1-5/+5
* New features: - The command Scroll can now be used for interactive scrolling. - New Style options: StippledIconTitle, !StickyStippledTitle, and !StickyStippledIconTitle. - Full support for menu context (M) key and mouse bindings. See the section Menu Bindings in the man page for details. - Hilighted menu backgrounds now use pixmaps gradients and transparency from their related colorset. - New window conditions: StickyIcon, StickyAcrossPagesIcon and StickyAcrossDesksIcon. * Changed features: - "Mouse n M N" is no longer used to disable or remap the builtin tear off menu button. See the section Tear Off Menus for details on replacement commands. * Bug Fixes
2006-12-12Updated wm/fvwm-devel to 2.5.19martti1-6/+5
Upgrading from earlier 2.5.x versions is strongly recommended. This release is available at the home page: * Bug Fixes: - FvwmCommand now reports "end windowlist" and "end configinfo". - FvwmCommand now prints config info split on lines. - FvwmTaskBar no longer gets lost with trailing whitespace after geometry specification. - Fixed a window size problem if the aspect ratio is set (e.g. mplayer). - Decorations now update when unmanaged windows take focus, and not FlickeringQtDialogsWorkaround is enabled. - FvwmPager again allows movement of windows added before a page change. - fvwm no longer crashes on 1 and 4 bit displays. (#1677) - EWMH desktops now correctly handles FPClickToFocus. (#1492) - Security fix in fvwm-menu-directory. (CVE-2006-5969)
2006-11-26Fix for CVE-2006-5969adrianp1-1/+2
2006-09-12Updated wm/fvwm-devel to 2.5.18martti1-4/+4
Fvwm is a powerful window manager. Version 2.5.18 is a bug fixing release for 2.5.17. Please be aware that any features introduced in the 2.5.x development versions may be renamed, changed or removed without notice before 2.6.0. Upgrading from earlier 2.5.x versions is recommended. Upgrading from 2.5.17 is strongly recommended. This release is available at the home page: * Bug Fixes: - If a window started fullscreen, leaving fullscreen state now properly unmaximizes and resizes the window. - Fixed the ForeColor/HilightFore styles that were broken in 2.5.17. - FvwmPager can now move icons with the !IconTitle style. - Fixed drawing of icons that are moved to a different desk. - FvwmPager no longer tries to move non-movable windows. - FvwmPager now moves all windows as user requests. - FvwmPager no longer displaces windows with title and border sizes on moves. - TestRc now correctly matches Break, and $[cond.rc] is expanded for Break. - Fixed several 64-bit architecture problems with XGetWindowProperty(). Xine works much better on 64-bit machines. - Fixed handling of ClickToFocusPassesClick with the EWMH desktop (e.g. using nautilus). - Fixed handling of windows that are unmapped and mapped again too fast (e.g. fpga_editor).
2006-07-25Updated wm/fvwm-devel to 2.5.17martti1-5/+5
* New features: - New MenuStyle options TitleFont, TitleColorset and HilightTitleBack. - New command PressButton in module FvwmButtons for being able to emulate button press via other means than the mouse. - New wrap options to EdgeScroll command for wrapping with pixel distances. - New Style option UnderMousePlacement. - Unused arguments to Style options generate warnings. - The name style names match against can be augmented by the X-resource "fvwmstyle". - New options, Reverse and UseStack, to All command. - WindowShade can now reshade windows using the Last direction. - Positional parameters to complex functions can now be expanded using $[n], $[n-m], $[n-] and $[*] expressions. - The width and height arguments of the Resize command now accept the prefix 'w' to allow resizing relative to the current window size. - New command ModuleListenOnly. - New "Periodic" option added to Schedule command. * Bug Fixes: - Fixed detection of running non-ICCCM2 wm (bug #3151). - Fixed drawing of menus with the sidepic on the right. - EdgeScroll no longer divides pixel distances >1000 by 1000. (bug #3162). - The configure script can now cope with four-part version numbers when detecting some libraries. - The WarpToWindow command followed by Move in a complex function now uses the correct pointer position. - The menu style TitleWarp does no longer warp the pointer for root menus (as it is documented). - Fixed detection of safe system version of mkstemp. - Fixed the conditions Iconifiable, Fixed, FixedSize, Maximizable and Closable. - Fixed problem with window outline and placement position running out of sync. - FvwmConsole no longer conflicts with Cygwin stdio (bug #3772). - FvwmGtk now configures correctly on Cygwin (bug #3772). - Fixed tempfile vulnerabilities in FvwmCommand.
2006-07-12Make this build on a newly installed NetBSD/i386 3.99.21 with GCC 4.1.xmartti1-1/+2
2006-07-02Updated wm/fvwm-devel to 2.5.16martti1-5/+5
Changes in beta release 2.5.16 (20-Jan-2006) * New features: - If the pointer can not be grabbed in functions, a message is printed to the console instead of beeping. * Bug Fixes: - Fixed a couple of build problems introduced in 2.5.15. Changes in beta release 2.5.15 (14-Jan-2006) * New features: - Variables can be nested, like $[$[desk.n]]. - Obsolete one-letter variables work, but generate warnings now. - Windows can be placed by any button (now also >3). - It is now possible to redefine the buttons usable to finish window movement and manual placement. - New window condition PlacedByButton. - MenuStyle pairs can be negated by prefixing '!'. - New generic tabbing module - FvwmTabs. - New Style option: EWMHIgnoreWindowType. - New MenuStyle options: MouseWheel, ScrollOffPage and TrianglesUseFore. - To compile from CVS, autoconf-2.53 or above is now required. This does not affect compiling the released tarballs. - New option "screen" to Move and ResizeMove commands to allow specifying the target Xinerama screen. * Bug Fixes: - Supported a new fribidi version 0.10.5 in addition to 0.10.4. - Better look for windows with "BorderStyle TiledPixmap". - Some EWMH-related 64-bit fixes. - Fixed segmentation fault when replacing title of title only menus (Bug #1121). - Fixes for resizing of shaded windows and resizing/moving windows with complex functions.
2005-10-29Update to 2.5.14.epg1-4/+4
Changes in beta release 2.5.14 (24-Aug-2005) * New features: - Fvwm now officially supports 64-bit architertures. - New Test conditions EnvIsSet, EnvMatch, EdgeHasPointer and EdgeIsActive. - New window condition FixedPosition. * New module features: - FvwmPerl module supports window context when preprocessing. - FvwmPerl module accepts new --export option that by default defines two fvwm functions "Eval" and ".", to be used like: FvwmPerl -x Eval $a = $[desk.n] - 2; cmd("GotoDesk 0 $a") if $a >= 0 . Exec xmessage %{2 + cos(0)}% # embedded calculator - New FvwmProxy option ProxyIconified. - New FvwmTaskBar option Pad to control the gap between buttons. * Bug Fixes: - Fixed a Solaris compiler error introduced in 2.5.13. - Fixed a hang with layers set by applications (e.g. AbiWord). - GotoDesk with a relative page argument now wraps around at the end of the given range as documented. (Bug #1396). - PopupDelayed menu style option was not copied on CopyMenuStyle. - Transparent Animated menus with non-transparent popup were not animated correctly. - Supported euc-jp class of encodings. - A window's default layer is no longer set to 0 durin a restart. - Fixed an annoying MouseFocus/SloppyFocus problem in conjunction with EdgeResistance + EdgeScroll (sometimes a window did noit get the focus as it should have). This problem first occured in 2.5.11. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes in beta release 2.5.13 (16-Jul-2005) * Bug Fixes: - The MoveToPage command did not work without arguments in 2.5.11 and 2.5.12. - Mouse/Key command no args possible core dump. - Direction with no args possible core dump. - FvwmScript periodic tasks run too often. - Perl modules did not work on 64 machines. - FvwmDebug did not report any extended messages. - fvwm-menu-desktop supports mandriva. - fvwm-menu-desktop when verifying executable, allow full path. * New module features: - FvwmIconMan: MaxButtonWidth and MaxButtonWidthByColumns options. - FvwmIconMan: added tool tips with Tips, TipsDelays, TipsFont, TipsColorset, TipsFormat, TipsBorderWidth, TipsPlacement, TipsJustification and TipsOffsets options. - FvwmButtons: PressColorset & ActiveColorset options for _individual_ buttons.
2005-05-25Add RMD160 checksum.wiz1-1/+2
2004-11-26Update to 2.5.12.epg1-3/+3
pkgsrc changes: - Support pkgviews - Disable ancient GTK+ module Changes in alpha release 2.5.12 (6-Oct-2004) * New commands: - EdgeLeaveCommand * New module features: - FvwmIconMan: ShowOnlyFocused option. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes in alpha release 2.5.11 (30-Sep-2004) * Multiple window names can be specified in conditions. * Window-specific key/mouse bindings. (Bindings no longer have to be global.) * The default fvwm configuration files are now: ~/.fvwm/config and $FVWM_DATADIR/config. Five previously used config file locations are still searched as usual for backward compatibility. * New extended variables $[w.desk] and $[w.layer]. * New options GrowOnWindowLayer and GrowOnlayers to the Maximize command. * New Style option "State". * New Style option "CenterPlacement". * New option to FvwmIconMan: ShowNoIcons. * New WindowList tracker and other enhancements in Perl library. * New option to fvwm-menu-directory: --func-name. * Improved FvwmWindowMenu module. * Fluxbox-like Alt-Button3 resizing with the new Resize options Direction, WarpToBorder and FixedDirection * Enhanced "Test (Version >= x.y.z)" option to allow version comparisons. * New FvwmButtons options: ActiveColorset, ActiveIcon, ActiveTitle, PressColorset, PressIcon and PressTitle. * New FvwmButtons swallow option: SwallowNew. * The option CurrentGlobalPageAnyDesk was accidentally named CurrentGlobbalPageAnyDesk before. * New conditions AnyScreen and Overlapped. * The Read and PipeRead commands return 1 if the file or command could be read or executed and -1 otherwise. * New menu option TearOffImmediately. * Added support for Solaris' Xinerama. * New option MailDir in FvwmTaskBar. * MoveToPage command: New options wrapx, wrapy, nodesklimitx and nodesklimity. New suffix 'w' to allow for window relative movement.
2004-06-27Update to 2.5.10.epg1-4/+4
Changes in alpha release 2.5.10 (19-Mar-2004) * New command FakeKeyPress. * New BugOpts option ExplainWindowPlacement. * Inverted button reliefs in FvwmIconMan. * Security patch in fvwm-bug. See * Security fixes in fvwm-menu-directory (BugTraq id 9161) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes in alpha release 2.5.9 (2-Mar-2004) * New MenuStyle options PopupIgnore and PopupClose. * New configure option --disable-iconv to disable iconv support. * New extended variables $[w.iconfile] and $[w.miniiconfile]. * New Style option Unmanaged. Such windows are not managed by fvwm. * New binding context 'U' for unmanaged windows, similar to 'R'oot. * New option DisplayNewWindowNames to the BugOpts command. * Security fix for fvwm-menu-directory. Se BugTraq id 9161. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes in development release 2.5.8 (31-Oct-2003) * New prefix command KeepRc. * Renamed the Cond command to TestRc, and the On command to Test. Removed the CondCase command. Use "KeepRc TestRc" instead. * The Break command can be told the number of nested function levels to break out of. Break now has a return code of -2 ("Break"). * Directions can be abbreviated with -, _, [, ], <, >, v or ^ like in key or mouse bindings. * New extended variable $[func.context]. * New Style option MoveByProgramMethod. Tries to autodetect whether application windows are moved honouring the ICCCM or not (default). The method can be overridden manually if the detection does not work. * fvwm supports tear off menus. See the "Tear Off Menus" section in the man page or press Backspace on any menu to try them out. * fvwm now handles what Unicode calls "combining characters" (i.e. marks drawn on top of other characters). * New commands WindowStyle and DestroyWindowStyle for individual (per window) styles. * The conditions !Current... and !Layer now work as expected. * Added a nice autohide script to the FAQ. * FvwmAnimate now supports dynamical commands "pause", "play", "push", "pop" and "reset" to manipulate the playing state.
2003-08-10Import fvwm-devel-2.5.7.epg1-0/+5
This package is based on the unstable 2.5.x series of fvwm. Do not use it unless comfortable running beta software. Thanks to Stoned Elipot, Martti Kuparinen, and Curt Sampson for review.