Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author | Files | Lines |
Google searches now utilize HTTPS
Full screen support for Mac OS X Lion implemented
Plugins can now be configured to only load on click (requires an about:config change)
The Awesome Bar now auto-completes typed URLs
Improved site identity manager, to prevent spoofing of an SSL connection with favicons
Pointer Lock API implemented
New API to prevent your display from sleeping
New text-transform and font-variant CSS improvements for Turkic languages and Greek
Various security fixes
GIF animation can gets stuck when src and image size are changed (743598)
OS X: nsCocoaWindow::ConstrainPosition uses wrong screen in multi-display setup (752149)
CSS :hover regression when an element's class name is set by Javascript (758885
* Page Source now has line numbers
* Line breaks are now supported in the title attribute
* Improvements to "Find in Page" to center search result
* URLs pasted into the download manager window are now automatically downloaded
* Support for the text-align-last CSS property has been added
* Various security fixes
* Some TinyMCE-based editors failed to load (739141)
* Follow devel/xulrunner update.
* Restore --disable-official-branding.
* Improve sparc64 support.
Thank you, martin@
* Fix security bugs
* Other improvements and bugfixes
XXX Set MAKE_JOBS_SAFE=no for now. Should investigate why it fails
without it as it prolongs build time significantly.
Upstream changes:
Add-ons installed by third party programs are now disabled by default
Added a one-time add-on selection dialog to manage previously installed add-ons
Added Twitter to the search bar for select locales. Additional locale support
will be added in the future
Added a preference to load tabs on demand, improving start-up time when
windows are restored
Improved performance and memory handling when using <audio> and <video>
Added CORS support for cross-domain textures in WebGL
Added support for HTML5 context menus
Added support for insertAdjacentHTML
Improved CSS hyphen support for many languages
Improved WebSocket support
Fixed several stability issues
Fixed several security issues
Drastically improved memory handling for certain use cases
Added a new rendering backend to speed up Canvas operations on Windows systems
Bookmark and password changes now sync almost instantly when using Firefox Sync
The 'http://' URL prefix is now hidden by default
Added support for text-overflow: ellipsis
Added support for the Web Timing specification
Enhanced support for MathML
The WebSocket protocol has been updated from version 7 to version 8
Added an opt-in system for users to send performance data back to Mozilla
to improve future versions of Firefox
Fixed several stability issues
Fixed several security issues
Major changes include:
The address bar now highlights the domain of the website you're visiting
Streamlined the look of the site identity block
Added support for the latest draft version of WebSockets with a prefixed API
Added support for EventSource / server-sent events
Added support for window.matchMedia
Added Scratchpad, an interactive JavaScript prototyping environment
Added a new Web Developer menu item and moved development-related items into it
Improved usability of the Web Console
Improved the discoverability of Firefox Sync
Reduced browser startup time when using Panorama
Fixed several stability issues
Fixed several security issues
Firefox 4 is based on the Gecko 2.0 Web platform. This release features
JavaScript execution speeds up to six times faster than the previous
version, new capabilities for Web Developers and Add-on Developers such as
hardware accelerated graphics and HTML5 technologies, and a completely
revised user interface.
.2 is not formally released yet, but is release tagged in the scm and I
want to get this update in before we freeze the tree.
"Firefox 3.6 is built on Mozilla's Gecko 1.9.2 web rendering platform,
which has been under development since early 2009 and contains many
improvements for web developers, add-on developers, and users."
- Improved JavaScript performance, overall browser responsiveness,
and startup time.
- The ability for web developers to indicate that scripts should run
asynchronously to speed up page load times.
- Continued support for downloadable web fonts using the new WOFF font format.
- Support for new CSS attributes such as gradients, background sizing,
and pointer events.
- Support for new DOM and HTML5 specifications including the Drag & Drop API
and the File API, which allow for more interactive web pages.
Also fix broken DESTDIR support.
Fixes the following security issues:
MFSA 2009-64 Crashes with evidence of memory corruption (rv:
MFSA 2009-63 Upgrade media libraries to fix memory safety bugs
MFSA 2009-62 Download filename spoofing with RTL override
MFSA 2009-61 Cross-origin data theft through document.getSelection()
MFSA 2009-59 Heap buffer overflow in string to number conversion
MFSA 2009-57 Chrome privilege escalation in XPCVariant::VariantDataToJS()
MFSA 2009-56 Heap buffer overflow in GIF color map parser
MFSA 2009-55 Crash in proxy auto-configuration regexp parsing
MFSA 2009-54 Crash with recursive web-worker calls
MFSA 2009-53 Local downloaded file tampering
MFSA 2009-52 Form history vulnerable to stealing
(I opted for removing and re-importing instead of a plain update due to
extensive patch rototil)
We may encounter minor turbulence as dependent packages are sorted out.
Thank you for flying pkgsrc-current.
(ok during freeze agc@)
Security fixes in this version:
MFSA 2008-45 XBM image uninitialized memory reading
MFSA 2008-44 resource: traversal vulnerabilities
MFSA 2008-43 BOM characters stripped from JavaScript before execution
MFSA 2008-42 Crashes with evidence of memory corruption (rv:
MFSA 2008-41 Privilege escalation via XPCnativeWrapper pollution
MFSA 2008-40 Forced mouse drag
MFSA 2008-39 Privilege escalation using feed preview page and XSS flaw
MFSA 2008-38 nsXMLDocument::OnChannelRedirect() same-origin violation
MFSA 2008-37 UTF-8 URL stack buffer overflow
For more info, see
Security fixes in this version:
MFSA 2008-35 Command-line URLs launch multiple tabs when Firefox not running
MFSA 2008-34 Remote code execution by overflowing CSS reference counter
For more info, see
Part of patch-af has been fixed upstream.
Security fixes in this version:
MFSA 2008-33 Crash and remote code execution in block reflow
MFSA 2008-32 Remote site run as local file via Windows URL shortcut
MFSA 2008-31 Peer-trusted certs can use alt names to spoof
MFSA 2008-30 File location URL in directory listings not escaped properly
MFSA 2008-29 Faulty .properties file results in uninitialized memory being used
MFSA 2008-28 Arbitrary socket connections with Java LiveConnect on Mac OS X
MFSA 2008-27 Arbitrary file upload via originalTarget and DOM Range
MFSA 2008-25 Arbitrary code execution in mozIJSSubScriptLoader.loadSubScript()
MFSA 2008-24 Chrome script loading from fastload file
MFSA 2008-23 Signed JAR tampering
MFSA 2008-22 XSS through JavaScript same-origin violation
MFSA 2008-21 Crashes with evidence of memory corruption (rv:
For more info, see
Security fixes in this version:
MFSA 2007-25 XPCNativeWrapper pollution
MFSA 2007-24 Unauthorized access to wyciwyg:// documents
MFSA 2007-23 Remote code execution by launching Firefox from Internet Explorer
MFSA 2007-22 File type confusion due to %00 in name
MFSA 2007-21 Privilege escalation using an event handler attached to an element not in the document
MFSA 2007-20 Frame spoofing while window is loading
MFSA 2007-19 XSS using addEventListener and setTimeout
MFSA 2007-18 Crashes with evidence of memory corruption
For more info, see
Security fixes in this version:
MFSA 2007-17 XUL Popup Spoofing
MFSA 2007-16 XSS using addEventListener
MFSA 2007-14 Path Abuse in Cookies
MFSA 2007-13 Persistent Autocomplete Denial of Service
MFSA 2007-12 Crashes with evidence of memory corruption
For more info, see
and change notes). Firefox 1.5.0.x will be maintained in www/firefox15*,
as discussed on tech-pkg.
the exact names of the freebl libraries depends on the platform and they
have a habit of changing even on minor releases. This causes these mozilla
packages to be broken quite a lot on platforms other than NetBSD/i386.
Hopefully this fix will last longer than previous ones. pkgrevision bumps
all around.
Fixed in Firefox
MFSA 2007-07 Embedded nulls in location.hostname confuse same-domain checks
MFSA 2007-06 Mozilla Network Security Services (NSS) SSLv2 buffer overflow
MFSA 2007-05 XSS and local file access by opening blocked popups
MFSA 2007-04 Spoofing using custom cursor and CSS3 hotspot
MFSA 2007-03 Information disclosure through cache collisions
MFSA 2007-02 Improvements to help protect against Cross-Site Scripting attacks
MFSA 2007-01 Crashes with evidence of memory corruption (rv:
For more info, see
two issues. The PLIST was incorrect and since the PLIST is used by
the "moz-install" script, anything missing from the PLIST is never
installed even when building from source. When libfreebl* were not
installed it caused the clients to fail to load the security component
and fail with "The browser failed to load its security component".
The second issue is that many installations of solaris-2.9 include
various glib/gtk/gnome libraries in /usr/lib. This causes failures
because the pkgsrc ones were used at link time and the /usr/lib ones
at run time. Work around this by setting a LD_LIBRARY_PATH that includes
the pkgsrc lib directory first.
pkgrevision bumps all around.
bumping PKGREVISION for.
What's new:
* Improved stability.
* Improved support for Mac OS X.
* International Domain Name support for Iceland (.is) is now enabled.
* Fixes for several memory leaks.
* Several security enhancements.
For a more detailed list changes, see
Ok with wiz.
packages needing them, e.g., epiphany). Bump PKGREVISION to 2.
Including fix for long title & history file problem.
What's New in Firefox 1.5
Firefox 1.5 is the next version of our award-winning Web browser.
Here's what's new in Firefox 1.5:
* Automated update to streamline product upgrades. Notification of an
update is more prominent, and updates to Firefox may now be half a
megabyte or smaller. Updating extensions has also improved.
* Faster browser navigation with improvements to back and forward
button performance.
* Drag and drop reordering for browser tabs.
* Improvements to popup blocking.
* Clear Private Data feature provides an easy way to quickly remove
personal data through a menu item or keyboard shortcut.
* is added to the search engine list.
* Improvements to product usability including descriptive error pages,
redesigned options menu, RSS discovery, and "Safe Mode" experience.
* Better accessibility including support for DHTML accessibility and
assistive technologies such as the Window-Eyes 5.5 beta screen reader
for Microsoft Windows. Screen readers read aloud all available
information in applications and documents or show the information on a
Braille display, enabling blind and visually impaired users to use
equivalent software functionality as their sighted peers.
* Report a broken Web site wizard to report Web sites that are not
working in Firefox.
* Better support for Mac OS X (10.2 and greater) including profile
migration from Safari and Mac Internet Explorer.
* New support for Web Standards including SVG, CSS 2 and CSS 3, and
JavaScript 1.6.
* Many security enhancements.
The Burning Edge has more detailed lists of new features and notable bug fixes.
version 1.0.6 include:
* Fix for a potential buffer overflow vulnerability when loading a
hostname with all soft-hyphens
* Fix to prevent URLs passed from external programs from being
parsed by the shell (Linux only)
* Fix to prevent a crash when loading a Proxy Auto-Config (PAC)
script that uses an "eval" statement
* Fix to restore InstallTrigger.getVersion() for Extension authors
* Other stability and security fixes
Approved by taya.
registration out of the installation step and into the INSTALL script.
Also, remove the registration commands from the PLIST as well. Putting
them into the INSTALL script allows for the same commands to be run
in the same way, so that there are fewer differences between installing
from source and installing from a binary package. Also, this makes
these packages pass CHECK_FILES=yes. Bump the PKGREVISION of firefox,
firefox-gtk1, mozilla, and mozilla-gtk2.
Also, include from the package Makefiles, not from within
Makefile.common. This is a style issue and allows for appending to
variables originally defined in Makefile.common from the package
Firefox 1.0.5 is a security update.
Fixed vulnerabilities are:
2005-56 Code execution through shared function objects
MFSA 2005-55 XHTML node spoofing
MFSA 2005-54 Javascript prompt origin spoofing
MFSA 2005-53 Standalone applications can run arbitrary code through the browser
MFSA 2005-52 Same origin violation: frame calling top.focus()
MFSA 2005-51 The return of frame-injection spoofing
MFSA 2005-50 Possibly exploitable crash in InstallVersion.compareTo()
MFSA 2005-49 Script injection from Firefox sidebar panel using data:
MFSA 2005-48 Same-origin violation with InstallTrigger callback
MFSA 2005-47 Code execution via "Set as Wallpaper"
MFSA 2005-46 XBL scripts ran even when Javascript disabled
MFSA 2005-45 Content-generated event vulnerabilities
This is a security fix release.
Fixed vulnerabilities are follows:
MFSA 2005-44 Privilege escalation via non-DOM property overrides
MFSA 2005-43 "Wrapped" javascript: urls bypass security checks
MFSA 2005-42 Code execution via javascript: IconURL
to fix binary packages.
fix PR pkg/29595
And switched to use gtk2.
Changes from release notes:
* Improved stability
* International Domain Names are now displayed as punycode.
(To show International Domain Names in Unicode, set the
"network.IDN_show_punycode" preference to false.)
* Several security fixes.
MFSA 2005-29 Internationalized Domain Name (IDN) homograph spoofing
MFSA 2005-28 Unsafe /tmp/plugtmp directory exploitable to erase user's files
MFSA 2005-27 Plugins can be used to load privileged content
MFSA 2005-26 Cross-site scripting by dropping javascript: link on tab
MFSA 2005-25 Image drag and drop executable spoofing
MFSA 2005-24 HTTP auth prompt tab spoofing
MFSA 2005-23 Download dialog source spoofing
MFSA 2005-22 Download dialog spoofing using Content-Disposition header
MFSA 2005-21 Overwrite arbitrary files downloading .lnk twice
MFSA 2005-20 XSLT can include stylesheets from arbitrary hosts
MFSA 2005-19 Autocomplete data leak
MFSA 2005-18 Memory overwrite in string library
MFSA 2005-17 Install source spoofing with user:pass@host
MFSA 2005-16 Spoofing download and security dialogs with overlapping windows
MFSA 2005-15 Heap overflow possible in UTF8 to Unicode conversion
MFSA 2005-14 SSL "secure site" indicator spoofing
MFSA 2005-13 Window Injection Spoofing
fix PR pkg/28396
fix pkg/28164.
- add some missing files to PLIST
This is a bugfix release, to fix the problems reported in Preview
Releases, etc.
from Release Notes:
Firefox is a fast, full-featured browser that makes browsing more
efficient than ever before. More information about Firefox is
Firefox Preview Release (henceforth refered to as PR) is a Technology
Preview. While this software works well enough to be relied upon as
your primary browser in most cases, we make no guarantees of its
performance or stability. It is a pre-release product and should not
be relied upon for mission-critical tasks. See the License Agreement
for more information.
These release notes cover what's new, download and installation
instructions, known issues and frequently asked questions for the
Firefox PR release. Please read these notes and the bug filing
instructions before reporting any bugs to Bugzilla.
We want to hear your feedback about Firefox. Please join us in the
Firefox forums, hosted by MozillaZine.
What's New
Here's what's new in this release of Firefox:
* Live Bookmarks
You can now subscribe to and read RSS feeds in your
Bookmarks. When you visit a page that advertises a RSS feed by using a
<link> tag, a RSS icon will appear in the status bar. Click it to view
a list of feeds the page is offering. Click one to subscribe - this
adds a Bookmark Folder that contains all the recent posts from the
* Improved Find
Find is easier and more powerful now with our new Find
toolbar. The Find toolbar (which shows at the bottom of the browser
window) automatically highlights text in the page as you type and has
a useful highlight feature.
* Managing Annoyances and Protecting Security
You can now open blocked popups, and the Extension install
system now blocks all attempts to install software from sites other
than Users can add other sites to a list that
allows them to offer software, but software is never automatically
installed. In addition to these steps, several other measures have
been taken to prevent phishing attacks and to highlight when a page is
being viewed over a secure connection.
* Better Bookmarks
Numerous improvements to bookmarks including more reliable
presentation of Site icons, and a split pane view in the Bookmarks
* Strong Encryption For Passwords Available
Passwords saved with the Password Manager can now be more easily
encrypted with strong encryption by creating a "Master Password". If
you create a Master Password, you are prompted once per session to
enter the Master Password so that Password Manager can automatically
fill in site logins. A useful feature for people who share computers
with others and want improved security.
* Improved Compatibility for IE users
Undetectable document.all support for site compatibility and
improved compatibility for keyboard accelerators further smooth the
transition for IE users
* Better System Integration for GNOME users
You can now configure Firefox as your Default Browser on GNOME,
and Firefox will adhere to your GNOME settings for edit field key
bindings, etc.
* And a horde of other bug fixes...
See The Burning Edge's Bigger Picture for more details.
Several security holes have been fixed. See the page bellow for
Here's what's new in this release of Firefox:
* New Default Theme
An updated Default Theme now presents a uniform appearance across all
three platforms - a new crisp, clear look for Windows
users. Finetuning for GNOME will follow in future releases.
* Comprehensive Data Migration
Switching to Firefox has never been easier now that Firefox imports
data like Favorites, History, Settings, Cookies and Passwords from
Internet Explorer. Firefox can also import from Mozilla 1.x, Netscape
4.x, 6.x and 7.x, and Opera. MacOS X and Linux migrators for browsers
like Safari, OmniWeb, Konqueror etc. will arrive in future releases.
* Extension/Theme Manager
New Extension and Theme Managers provide a convenient way to manage
and update your add-ons. SmartUpdate also notifies you of updates to
* Help
A new online help system is available.
* Lots of bug fixes and improvements
Copy Image, the ability to delete individual items from Autocomplete
lists, SMB/SFTP support on GNOME via gnome-vfs, better Bookmarks,
Search and many other refinements fine tune the browsing experience.
For Linux/GTK2 Users
* Look and Feel Updates
Ongoing improvements have been made to improve the way Firefox adheres
to your GTK2 themes, such as menus.
* Talkback for GTK2
Help us nail down crashes by submitting talkback reports with this
crash reporting tool.
use CONFLICTS, because they are installing the same files...