path: root/www/py-cheroot
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines mk.tnn1-2/+2
2019-11-15*: use py-more-itertools via versioned_dependencies.mkwiz1-2/+4
2019-09-18py-cheroot: updated to 6.5.8adam2-10/+14
v6.5.8 - :issue:`222` via :commit:`621f4ee`: Fix :py:const:`socket.SO_PEERCRED` constant fallback value under PowerPC. v6.5.7 - :issue:`198` via :commit:`9f7affe`: Fix race condition when toggling stats counting in the middle of request processing. - Improve post Python 3.9 compatibility checks. - Fix support of `abstract namespace sockets < /space/blog/linux/SocketAbstractNamespace>`_.
2019-08-27py-cheroot: updated to 6.5.6adam2-7/+7
v6.5.6 Fix HTTP parser to return 400 on invalid major-only HTTP version in Request-Line.
2019-05-21py-cheroot: updated to 6.5.5adam3-9/+13
v6.5.5 - :issue:99 via :pr:186': Sockets now collect statistics (bytes read and written) on Python 3 same as Python 2. - :cp-issue:1618 via :pr:180: Ignore OpenSSL's 1.1+ Error 0 under any Python while wrapping a socket.
2019-01-02py-cheroot: updated to 6.5.4adam3-23/+16
v6.5.4 Fix cheroot.ssl.pyopenssl under Python 3. Remove custom license field from dist metadata. Fully integrate trustme into all TLS tests. Also remove all hardcoded TLS certificates. Remove traces of unittest and ddt usage. Fix invalid input processing in cheroot._compat.extract_bytes(). Fix returning error explanation over plain HTTP for PyOpenSSL. Add a fallback for os.lchmod() where it’s missing. Avoid traceback for invalid client cert with builtin ssl adapter. Avoid deprecation warning with OpenSSL.SSL.Connection. Fix socket wrapper in PyOpenSSL adapter. Improve tests coverage: Client TLS certificate tests cheroot._compat.extract_bytes() Peercreds lookup v6.5.3 Make SCRIPT_NAME optional per PEP 333.
2018-09-06py-cheroot: updated to 6.5.2adam3-8/+12
v6.5.2 - Fix import of :py:mod:cheroot.ssl.pyopenssl by refactoring and separating :py:mod:cheroot.makefile's stream wrappers. - Add initial tests for SSL layer with use of :py:mod:trustme
2018-09-03py-cheroot: updated to 6.5.1adam3-10/+24
v6.5.1: Improve UNIX socket fs access mode in :py:meth:cheroot.server.HTTPServer.prepare on a file socket when starting to listen to it. v6.5.0 Add support for validating client certificates.
2018-08-07py-cheroot: updated to 6.4.0adam2-7/+7
v6.4.0: Factor out parts of :py:meth:cheroot.server.HTTPServer.start into :py:meth:prepare() <cheroot.server.HTTPServer.prepare> and :py:meth:serve() <cheroot.server.HTTPServer.serve>
2018-07-13py-cheroot: updated to 16.0.3adam2-7/+7
16.0.3: Fix bug with returning empty result in cheroot.ssl.builtin.BuiltinSSLAdapter.wrap
2018-06-18py-cheroot: updated to 6.3.2adam2-7/+7
v6.3.2 Respond with HTTP 400 to malicious Content-Length in request headers.
2018-05-23py-cheroot: updated to 6.3.1adam4-8/+21
v6.3.1 - :cp-issue:1618: Ignore OpenSSL's 1.0+ Error 0 under Python 2 while wrapping a socket. v6.3.0 - :pr:87: Add cheroot command and runpy launcher to launch a WSGI app from the command-line.
2018-04-25py-cheroot: updated to 6.2.4adam2-7/+7
v6.2.4 - Fix missing resolve_peer_creds argument in :py:class:cheroot.wsgi.Server being bypassed into :py:class:cheroot.server.HTTPServer. - :pr:85: Revert conditional dependencies. System packagers should honor the dependencies as declared by cheroot, which are defined intentionally.
2018-04-18py-cheroot: updated to 6.2.3adam2-7/+7
v6.2.3 Skip installing dependencies from backports namespace under Python 3.
2018-04-14py-cheroot: updated to 6.2.2adam2-7/+7
6.2.2: Fix regression, causing :py:exc:ModuleNotFoundError under cygwin.
2018-04-11py-cheroot: updated to 6.2.1adam3-8/+16
v6.2.1: :pr:83: Fix regression, caused by inverted check for Windows OS. Add more URLs to distribution metadata v6.2.0: :pr:37: Implement PEERCRED lookup over UNIX-socket HTTP connection. Discover connected process' PID/UID/GID Respect server switches: peercreds_enabled and peercreds_resolve_enabled get_peer_creds and resolve_peer_creds methods on connection peer_pid, peer_uid, peer_gid, peer_user and peer_group properties on connection X_REMOTE_PID, X_REMOTE_UID, X_REMOTE_GID, X_REMOTE_USER (REMOTE_USER) and X_REMOTE_GROUP WSGI environment variables when enabled and supported Per-connection caching to reduce lookup cost
2018-04-09py-cheroot: updated to 6.1.2adam3-20/+22
v6.1.2 - :issue:81: Fix regression introduced by :pr:80. * Restore :py:attr:storing bound socket <cheroot.server.HTTPServer.bind_addr> in Windows broken by use of :py:obj:socket.AF_UNIX v6.1.1 - :pr:80: Fix regression introduced by :commit:68a5769. * Get back support for :py:obj:socket.AF_UNIX in stored bound address in :py:attr:cheroot.server.HTTPServer.bind_addr
2018-01-19py-cheroot: updated to 6.0.0adam2-8/+8
v6.0.0 Drop support for Python 2.6, 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3. Also drop built-in SSL support for Python 2.7 earlier than 2.7.9.
2017-11-29py-cheroot: updated to 5.9.2adam3-18/+21
v5.9.2 - Re-release without spurious files in the distribution.
2017-08-23Fix broken DEPENDS line.wiz1-2/+2
- Improve HTTP request line validation: * Improve HTTP version parsing - Fix HTTP CONNECT method processing: * Respond with ``405 Method Not Allowed`` if ``proxy_mode is False`` * Validate that request-target is in authority-form - Improve tests in ``test.test_core`` - Fix EPROTOTYPE @ Mac OS v5.8.2 - Fix 39 regression. Add HTTP request line check: absolute URI path must start with a forward slash ("/").
- CI improvements: * Add basic working Circle CI v2 config - Fix URI encoding bug introduced in 39 * Improve cheroot.test.helper.Controller to properly match unicode v5.8.0 - CI improvements: * Switch to native PyPy support in Travis CI * Take into account PEP 257 compliant modules * Build wheel in Appveyor and store it as an artifact - Improve urllib support in ``_compat`` module - 38 via 39: Improve URI parsing: * Make it compliant with RFC 7230, RFC 7231 and RFC 2616 * Fix setting of ``environ['QUERY_STRING']`` in WSGI * Introduce ``proxy_mode`` and ``strict_mode`` argument in ``server.HTTPRequest`` * Fix decoding of unicode URIs in WSGI 1.0 gateway
2017-07-19Updated py-cheroot to 5.7.0.wiz2-7/+8
v5.7.0 ====== - CI improvements: * Don't run tests during deploy stage * Use VM based build job env only for pyenv envs * Opt-in for beta trusty image @ Travis CI * Be verbose when running tests (show test names) * Show xfail/skip details during test run - #34: Fix ``_handle_no_ssl`` error handler calls - #21: Fix ``test_conn`` tests: * Improve setup_server def in HTTP connection tests * Fix HTTP streaming tests * Fix HTTP/1.1 pipelining test under Python 3 * Fix ``test_readall_or_close`` test * Fix ``test_No_Message_Body`` * Clarify ``test_598`` fail reason - #36: Add GitHub templates for PR, issue && contributing - #27: Default HTTP Server header to Cheroot version str - Cleanup _compat functions from server module v5.6.0 ====== - Fix all PEP 257 related errors in all non-test modules. ``cheroot/test/*`` folder is only one left allowed to fail with this linter. - #30: Optimize chunked body reader loop by returning empty data is the size is 0. Ref: cherrypy/cherrypy#1602 - Reset buffer if the body size is unknown Ref: cherrypy/cherrypy#1486 - Add missing size hint to SizeCheckWrapper Ref: cherrypy/cherrypy#1131 v5.5.2 ====== - #32: Ignore "unknown error" and "https proxy request" SSL errors. Ref: sabnzbd/sabnzbd#820 Ref: sabnzbd/sabnzbd#860 v5.5.1 ====== - Make Appveyor list separate tests in corresponding tab. - #29: Configure Travis CI build stages. Prioritize tests by stages. Move deploy stage to be run very last after all other stages finish. - #31: Ignore "Protocol wrong type for socket" (EPROTOTYPE) @ OSX for non-blocking sockets. This was originally fixed for regular sockets in cherrypy/cherrypy#1392. Ref: v5.5.0 ====== - #17 via #25: Instead of a read_headers function, cheroot now supplies a HeaderReader class to perform the same function. Any HTTPRequest object may override the header_reader attribute to customize the handling of incoming headers. The server module also presents a provisional implementation of a DropUnderscoreHeaderReader that will exclude any headers containing an underscore. It remains an exercise for the implementer to demonstrate how this functionality might be employed in a server such as CherryPy. - #26: Configured TravisCI to run tests under OS X.
2017-04-23Revert previous now that py-setuptools is fixed.wiz1-1/+2
2017-04-22Fix PLIST after update.wiz1-2/+1
2017-04-01Changes 5.4.0:adam2-7/+7
* Add "ciphers" parameter to SSLAdapter.
====== 8: Updated style to better conform to PEP 8. Refreshed project with jaraco skeleton Docs now built and deployed at RTD
2017-02-15Needs py-setuptools_scm.joerg1-1/+3
2017-02-13Added www/py-cheroot version 5.1.0:adam4-0/+90
Cheroot is the high-performance, pure-Python HTTP server used by CherryPy.