Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author | Files | Lines |
- Relax dependency in gemspec.
- Also relax dependency in gemspec.
* The option :trace_selectors can now be used to emit a full trace before each
selector. This can be helpful for in-browser debugging of stylesheet imports
and mixin includes. This option supersedes the :line_comments option and is
superseded by the :debug_info option.
* Fix a bug where long @if/@else chains would cause exponential slowdown under
some circumstances.
* Updated the vendored FSSM version, which will avoid segfaults on OS X Lion
when using --watch.
* Sass no longer unnecessarily caches the sass options hash. This allows
objects that cannot be marshaled to be placed into the options hash.
* Sass now logs message thru a logger object which can be changed to provide
integration with other frameworks¡Ç logging infrastructure.
Changes are unknown.
=== 2.0.1 / 2011-06-28
Mechanize now uses minitest to avoid 1.9 vs 1.8 assertion availability in
* Bug Fixes
* Restored Mechanize#set_proxy. Issue #117, #118, #119
* Mechanize::CookieJar#load now lazy-loads YAML. Issue #118
* Mechanize#keep_alive_time no longer crashes but does nothing as
net-http-persistent does not support HTTP/1.0 keep-alive extensions.
=== 2.0 / 2011-06-27
Mechanize is now under the MIT license
* API changes
* WWW::Mechanize has been removed. Use Mechanize.
* Pre connect hooks are now called with the agent and the request. See
* Post connect hooks are now called with the agent and the response. See
* Mechanize::Chain is gone, as an internal API this should cause no problems.
* Mechanize#fetch_page no longer accepts an options Hash.
* Mechanize#put now accepts headers instead of an options Hash as the last
* Mechanize#delete now accepts headers instead of an options Hash as the
last argument
* Mechanize#request_with_entity now accepts headers instead of an options
Hash as the last argument
* Mechanize no longer raises RuntimeError directly, Mechanize::Error or
ArgumentError are raised instead.
* The User-Agent header has changed. It no longer includes the WWW- prefix
and now includes the ruby version. The URL has been updated as well.
* Mechanize now requires ruby 1.8.7 or newer.
* Hpricot support has been removed as webrobots requires nokogiri.
* Mechanize#get no longer accepts the referer as the second argument.
* Mechanize#get no longer allows the HTTP method to be changed (:verb
* Mechanize::Page::Meta is now Mechanize::Page::MetaRefresh to accurately
depict its responsibilities.
* Mechanize::Page#meta is now Mechanize::Page#meta_refresh as it only
contains meta elements with http-equiv of "refresh"
* Mechanize::Page#charset is now Mechanize::Page::charset. GH #112, patch
by Godfrey Chan.
* Deprecations
* Mechanize#get with an options hash is deprecated and will be removed after
October, 2011.
* Mechanize::Util::to_native_charset is deprecated as it is no longer used
by Mechanize.
* New Features
* Add header reference methods to Mechanize::File so that a reponse
object gets compatible with Net::HTTPResponse.
* Mechanize#click accepts a regexp or string to click a button/link in the
current page. It works as expected when not passed a string or regexp.
* Provide a way to only follow permanent redirects (301)
automatically: <tt>agent.redirect_ok = :permanent</tt> GH #73
* Mechanize now supports HTML5 meta charset. GH #113
* Documented various Mechanize accessors. GH #66
* Mechanize now uses net-http-digest_auth. GH #31
* Mechanize now implements session cookies. GH #78
* Mechanize now implements deflate decoding. GH #40
* Mechanize now allows a certificate and key to be passed directly. GH #71
* Mechanize::Form::MultiSelectList now implements #option_with and
#options_with. GH #42
* Add Mechanize::Page::Link#rel and #rel?(kind) to read and test the rel
* Add Mechanize::Page#canonical_uri to read a </tt><link
rel="canonical"></tt> tag.
* Add support for Robots Exclusion Protocol (i.e. robots.txt) and
nofollow/noindex in meta tags and the rel attribute. Automatic
exclusion can be turned on by setting:
agent.robots = true
* Manual robots.txt test can be performed with
Mechanize#robots_allowed? and #robots_disallowed?.
* Mechanize::Form now supports the accept-charset attribute. GH #96
* Mechanize::ResponseReadError is raised if there is an exception while
reading the response body. This allows recovery from broken HTTP servers
(or connections). GH #90
* Mechanize#follow_meta_refresh set to :anywhere will follow meta refresh
found outside of a document's head. GH #99
* Add support for HTML5's rel="noreferrer" attribute which indicates
no "Referer" information should be sent when following the link.
* A frame will now load its content when #content is called. GH #111
* Added Mechanize#default_encoding to provide a default for pages with no
encoding specified. GH #104
* Added Mechanize#force_default_encoding which only uses
Mechanize#default_encoding for parsing HTML. GH #104
* Bug Fixes:
* Fixed a bug where Referer is not sent when accessing a relative
URI starting with "http".
* Fix handling of Meta Refresh with relative paths. GH #39
* Mechanize::CookieJar now supports RFC 2109 correctly. GH #85
* Fixed typo in EXAMPLES.rdoc. GH #74
* The base element is now handled correctly for images. GH #72
* Image buttons with no name attribute are now included in the form's button
list. GH#56
* Improved handling of non ASCII-7bit compatible characters in links (only
an issue on ruby 1.8). GH #36, GH #75
* Loading cookies.txt is faster. GH #38
* Mechanize no longer sends cookies for a.b.example to axb.example. GH #41
* Mechanize no longer sends the button name as a form field for image
buttons. GH #45
* Blank cookie values are now skipped. GH #80
* Mechanize now adds a '.' to cookie domains if no '.' was sent. This is
not allowed by RFC 2109 but does appear in RFC 2965. GH #86
* file URIs are now read in binary mode. GH #83
* Content-Encoding: x-gzip is now treated like gzip per RFC 2616.
* Mechanize now unescapes URIs for meta refresh. GH #68
* Mechanize now has more robust HTML charset detection. GH #43
* Mechanize::Form::Textarea is now created from a textarea element. GH #94
* A meta content-type now overrides the HTTP content type. GH #114
* Mechanize::Page::Link#uri now handles both escaped and unescaped hrefs.
GH #107
There is no summry of changes. Please refer in detail.
Release 2011.07.25
* Ramaze::Log::RotatingInformer can now be used as a Rack middleware.
* Ramaze::Helper::Layout#set_layout has been modified in such a way that it's
easier to specify method specific layouts, see commit
0d15a29c960e22761456180a6be7b88c3809eba8 or lib/ramaze/helper/layout.rb for
more information.
* All remaining ETag issues have been solved.
* Ramaze::Cache::Sequel has been re-written, massive thanks to Lars Olsson for
the contribution. See commit c5587c0d3feda8ca2c89399418ac1132d0236fcb or
lib/ramaze/cache/sequel.rb for more information.
* Ramaze::Cache::MemCache has been re-written and now uses Dalli. See commit
016b2d225d601a71479698e40886b15aaeaa32ec or lib/ramaze/cache/memcache.rb for
more information.
* Pathname errors have been resolved.
* The layout of the prototype has been updated to reflect the new design of
the website.
* Ramaze::Helper::BlueForm#input_checkbox and
Ramaze::Helper::BlueForm#input_radio now accept the options :show_label and
:show_value which can be used to show/hide the values/labels of these
* The Email contribution has been moved to Ramaze::Helper::Email and had
several cleanups.
* The HTTP Digest helper has been removed in favor of Rack::Auth.
* User objects are no longer stored in the session when using
Ramaze::Helper::User, it may not always be possible to Marshal these
* Several changes have been made for those developing Ramaze itself.
* A new shiny Ramaze executable, see commit
cd9fa64138324a5af061daafbd8e7307726843ed or the files in lib/ramaze/bin/ for
more information.
* Ramaze::View::Less, Ramaze::View::RedCloth and Ramaze::View::Maruku have
been removed. Less is no longer supported without Node.js, RedCloth could
not be compiled on systems running relatively new versions of Gcc. On top of
that both RedCloth and Maruku weren't used as view drivers.
* Ramaze::Helper::BlueForm#input_checkbox and
Ramaze::Helper::BlueForm#input_radio no longer generate a hidden field as
this would generate Rack errors (they also weren't that useful).
* General code cleanups and more documentation.
Changes are unknown.
Changes are unknown.
- Relax dependency to builder in gemspec.
- Relax dependency pattern of gemspec for coderay and launchy.
and ruby-webrobots.
This library helps write robots.txt compliant web robots in Ruby.
Manages persistent connections using Net::HTTP plus a speed fix for 1.8.
It's thread-safe too!
Using persistent HTTP connections can dramatically increase the speed of
HTTP. Creating a new HTTP connection for every request involves an extra
TCP round-trip and causes TCP congestion avoidance negotiation to start
Net::HTTP supports persistent connections with some API methods but does not
handle reconnection gracefully. net-http-persistent supports reconnection
according to RFC 2616.
An implementation of RFC 2617 - Digest Access Authentication. At this time
the gem does not fully integrate with Net::HTTP and can be used for with
other HTTP clients.
- A little clean up.
This is translation files for contao210. Currently, Czech, Japanese
and Swedish languages support Contao 2.10.0.
This is example site data for contao210.
This is new minor release of Contao Open Source CMS.
* HTML5 support as well as XHTML.
* CSS3 support.
For more information, please refer:
* Clean up Makefile utilizing common Makefile.
* Fix PLIST lacked some Swedish language files in editArea plugin.
pkgsrc changes:
- replace bash with sh in a script.
Upstream changes:
Many, many changes, including security fixes.
Highlights from version 2.1:
- New question engine
- Ability to restore the course contents from Moodle 1.9 backup files
- Support for mobile devices
For complete changelog, please refer to:
Fixes SA45487 (MSA-11-0021, MSA-11-0022), among others.
Version 0.73 -- 19 May 2011 <>
o Stop claiming we ship a file called -e in the MANIFEST.
Version 0.72 -- 19 May 2011 <>
o Clean up Makefile.PL and restore compatibility with recent
ExtUtils::MakeMaker versions.
- Tied all $VERSION to HTML::Element to ensure latest package is used
for all modules. RT #66110
- Moved perlcritic tests to xt/author
- Added text and link to "Perl and LWP" book.
- Fix Authors is all PM files.
- Mark Stosberg (8):
- typo fix: s/do deal/to deal/
- best practice: s/foreach /for /
- Whitespace: fix inconsistent use of tabs vs spaces
- Code style: fix inconsistency with subroutine braces at the end of the
line vs below it.
- Modernize: s/use vars/our/ ... since we require 5.6 as a minimum
version now
- Whitespace: fix indentation so blocks are consistently indented
- Add formal terms "Percent-encode" and "Percent-decode" to the NAME
and description to match the RFC
- Drop support for Perl < 5.8.1 -
Perl 5.8 was released almost 10 years ago. It's time.
- Gisle Aas (6):
- Convert test to use Test::More
- Adjust tests for query_form
- Avoid "Use of uninitialized value"-noise from query_form
- State test dependencies [RT#61538]
- We also depend on ExtUtils::MakeMaker
- State 5.8 dependency in the META.yml file
- Ville Skyttä (2):
- Guess HTTPS and FTP from URI::Heuristic input with port but no scheme.
- Try harder to guess scheme from hostnames besides just "$scheme.*" ones.
- Made Mojo::UserAgent slightly more efficient.
- Improved documentation.
1.72 2011-08-05 00:00:00
- Changed default keep alive timeout in Mojo::Server::Daemon from 5
to 15 seconds.
- Improved documentation.
- Fixed small alternative placeholder value bug in routes.
- Fixed small bug in Mojo::IOWatcher.
- Fixed small bug in Mojo::IOLoop::Client.
1.71 2011-08-05 00:00:00
- Improved Mojo::IOWatcher to use higher resolution timers.
1.70 2011-08-04 00:00:00
- Added EXPERIMENTAL defer method to Mojo::IOLoop.
- Added extended callback support to Mojo::IOLoop::Trigger.
- Improved documentation.
- Improved tests.
- Fixed a few small bugs in Mojo::URL. (sshaw)
1.69 2011-08-03 00:00:00
- Added EXPERIMENTAL module Mojo::IOLoop::Trigger.
- Modernized Mojo::HelloWorld.
- Improved HTML healing capabilities of Mojo::DOM::HTML.
- Improved HTML rendering in Mojo::DOM::HTML.
- Improved 64bit support in Mojo::Transaction::WebSocket.
- Improved documentation.
- Fixed memory leak in Mojo::IOLoop::Client.
- Fixed memory leak in Mojolicious.
- Fixed small bug in Mojo::IOLoop::Server.
1.68 2011-07-29 00:00:00
- Moved is_ipv4 and is_ipv6 methods from Mojo::URL to
- Improved documentation.
1.67 2011-07-27 00:00:00
- Improved documentation.
- Fixed version command.
- Fixed small Mojo::DOM bug. (akron)
1.66 2011-07-27 00:00:00
- Added EXPERIMENTAL detect method to Mojo::IOWatcher.
- Improved Mojo::IOLoop::Resolver efficiency.
- Improved documentation.
- Fixed typos. (crab)
1.65 2011-07-25 00:00:00
- Added EXPERIMENTAL modules Mojo::IOLoop::Client,
Mojo::IOLoop::EventEmitter, Mojo::IOLoop::Server and
Mojo::IOLoop::Stream, which contain extracted functionality from
- Added EXPERIMENTAL module Mojo::IOWatcher::EV. (xantus)
- Removed modules Mojo::IOWatcher::Epoll and Mojo::IOWatcher::KQueue,
since Mojo::IOWatcher::EV is a much better alternative.
- Renamed Mojo::Resolver to Mojo::IOLoop::Resolver.
- Improved Mojolicious::Routes to automatically disable the routing
cache if conditions are used.
- Improved route constraint alternatives.
- Improved documentation browser CSS. (judofyr)
- Improved documentation.
- Fixed small bug in get command.
1.64 2011-07-10 00:00:00
- Added EXPERIMENTAL module Mojo::DOM::HTML.
- Improved documentation.
1.63 2011-07-10 00:00:00
- Added EXPERIMENTAL modules Mojo::DOM::CSS and
- Renamed Mojo::Transactor to Mojo::UserAgent::Transactor.
1.62 2011-07-10 00:00:00
- Merged Mojo::HTML into Mojo::DOM again.
- Improved documentation.
1.61 2011-07-09 00:00:00
- Added module Mojo::HTML, which contains extracted functionality
from Mojo::DOM.
- Improved documentation.
- Tests reworked to not use subtests. Development versions
of Test::More do not support subtests, and the smokers
that are running with these dev versions then send me
confusing test failures. This is a pain.
- Reworking of HTML quote issue in FormatPS
- Now remap all double quotes to " in FormatPS (which is not
really right, but the best I can do with latin1 output)
- RT#69426 - issues with HTML quotes
- UTF8 handling requires perl 5.8, so minimum requirement bumped
- Release unchanged except for version number after a period
to see if test release threw up any issues...
- Code gardening - no functionality modifications - includes:-
- Moved old DEBUG framework to Smart::Comments
- Ensured variables are declared my as much as possible
- Ensure strict/warnings used as far as possible
- use base rather than playing games with @ISA
- Changes above enforce a requirement of perl 5.6.1
- Robo-reformatted by perltidy
- Stripped function prototypes where used
- Passes standard perl critic with one exclusion
- Tweaks for comprehensibility - splitting sections etc
- Smoke tests on windows showed needed make PS tests less strict
- Changed the github location to be all lowercase
- Releasing this as a stop gap - will do further work now
incompatibilities dealt with
- Added dependancies for font metrics files
- Documentation tidy up - but needs further work
- new TRIAL release - intend to push this as full release if OK
- Git conversion
- Dist::Zilla conversion
- RT#54636 - UNIVERSAL::Can deprecated
- RT#56278 - RTF formatting parameters ignored by new
- Start of a new test harness
- TRIAL release pushed out. Aiming to improve docs and maybe
hit rest of RT queue before a full release.
Classy web-development dressed in a DSL.
Tue Jul 12 00:46:02 BST 2011 - surfraw 2.2.8
* New elvi:
+ ads - search the SAO/NASA Astrophysics data system.
+ archwiki: search the arch wiki.
+ bugzilla - search various bugzillas, defaults to kernel.
+ cablesearch - search wikileaks cables
+ deli: search
+ duckduckgo - replace with better implementation
+ openports - search openbsd ports
+ pasearch - search Penny Arcade archives.
+ scirus, scitopia, worldwidescience - science searches
+ stack: search and friends.
+ yandex - russian web search.
* Changed elvi:
+ archpkg: now supports options.
+ arxiv: quote queries for exact string matches.
+ ctan: Option -doc replaced by -id. Options no longer mutually
+ codesearch, musicbrainz, rpmsearch: rewritten to match new
site. Options have changed to match site, see help message.
+ debbugs: add -s as an alias for -search=src.
+ google: new options:
* -v, -search=video: search video
* -m, -search=maps: search maps
* -n, -search=news: search news
* -i: new shortcut for -search=images
* -safe=default|off|moderate|strict: safe search
+ openbsd: support -misc and -tech.
+ opensearch: new option -r, uses remote redirector
which means it can run without heavy dependencies.
+ pgpkeys: add more options, support more keyservers,
default to
+ translate: added Google Translate support.
+ wayback: advanced search is broken, rip out all
options and use basic search.
+ wikipedia: new option -d, uses remote redirector
to search both wikipedia and deletionpedia.
use -fallback=wikipedia|deletionpedia to customise
* Fixed elvi: archpkg, arxiv, cia, codesearch, ctan, javasun,
lastfm, musicbrainz, netbsd, rpmsearch, w3link, yahoo.
* Removed elvi:
+ altavista: is now just a front-end to yahoo. RIP.
+ cddb: gracenote made the "hard decision" to remove the
website search. sigh.
+ fast: another yahoo front-end.
+ filesearching: refuses to work without 'Referer:' header.
+ port: site gone
* Support -local-help, --local-help or -lh to get elvi-specific
help without displaying the global options. This works for
all elvi and the main surfraw script.
* Support -h as a synonym for -help.
* Improved listing of elvi.
* Default to surfraw_graphical_remote=no,
as chromium doesn't support "-remote openURL".
* Bookmark names are now an exact match not a substring match.
* Support BSD/POSIX make.
* README: added INTEGRATION section on uzbl and pentadactyl.
--- snip ---
2011-03-27 Release 6.02
This is the release where we try to help the CPAN-toolchain be able to install
the modules required for https-support in LWP. We have done this by unbundling
the LWP::Protocol::https module from the libwww-perl distribution. In order to
have https support you now need to install (or depend on) 'LWP::Protocol::https'
and then this will make sure that all the prerequsite modules comes along.
See [RT#66838].
This release also removes the old http10 modules that has really been
deprecated since v5.60. These should have been removed at the v6.00 jump, but
I forgot.
Christopher J. Madsen (1):
Ignores env variables when ssl_opts provided [RT#66663]
Gisle Aas (4):
Fix typo; Authen::NTLM [RT#66884]
Yury Zavarin (1):
Support LWP::ConnCache->new(total_capacity => undef)
2011-03-09 Release 6.01
Add missing HTTP::Daemon dependency for the tests.
2011-03-08 Release 6.00
Unbundled all modules not in the LWP:: namespace from the libwww-perl
distribution. The new broken out CPAN distribtions are File-Listing,
HTML-Form, HTTP-Cookies, HTTP-Daemon, HTTP-Date, HTTP-Message, HTTP-Negotiate,
Net-HTTP, and WWW-RobotRules. libwww-perl-6 require these to be installed.
This release also drops the unmaintained lwp-rget script from the distribution.
Perl v5.8.8 or better is now required. For older versions of perl please stay
with libwww-perl-5.837.
For https://... default to verified connections with require IO::Socket::SSL
and Mozilla::CA modules to be installed. Old behaviour can be requested by
setting the PERL_LWP_SSL_VERIFY_HOSTNAME environment variable to 0. The
LWP::UserAgent got new ssl_opts method to control this as well.
Support internationalized URLs from command line scripts and in the proxy
environment variables.
The lwp-dump script got new --request option.
The lwp-request script got new -E option, contributed by Tony Finch.
Protocol handlers and callbacks can raise HTTP::Response objects as exceptions.
--- snip ---
This will abort the current request and make LWP return the raised response.