Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author | Files | Lines |
* Fixes:
- Resolved a network threading issue that prevented Drivel from working on
NetBSD, and possibly the other BSD variants as well.
- Fixed the autosave feature.
- Keybinding fixes to allow better interoperability with emacs bindings.
- Resolve a couple of bugs in the History dialog (still requires GTK+ 2.4.4
or higher to work correctly) (Davyd Madeley).
- Correct the lj-lq tag in the poll creator (Grahame Bowland).
- Don't duplicate the protocol in the Insert Link dialog (
netscape-installer, eliminating the patch and some linux tweaks.
symlink libgdk and libgtk into ${WRKDIR} so the installer can run.
Changes from 0.5 include (please see the ChangeLog for full details):
* configuration changes;
* build errors fixes when using --enable-m17n and --disable-unicode;
* HTTP basic authentication bugs fixed;
* Fix IPv6 FQDN resolution failure;
* bug fixes and source cleanup.
Here's what's new in this release of Firefox:
* New Default Theme
An updated Default Theme now presents a uniform appearance across all
three platforms - a new crisp, clear look for Windows
users. Finetuning for GNOME will follow in future releases.
* Comprehensive Data Migration
Switching to Firefox has never been easier now that Firefox imports
data like Favorites, History, Settings, Cookies and Passwords from
Internet Explorer. Firefox can also import from Mozilla 1.x, Netscape
4.x, 6.x and 7.x, and Opera. MacOS X and Linux migrators for browsers
like Safari, OmniWeb, Konqueror etc. will arrive in future releases.
* Extension/Theme Manager
New Extension and Theme Managers provide a convenient way to manage
and update your add-ons. SmartUpdate also notifies you of updates to
* Help
A new online help system is available.
* Lots of bug fixes and improvements
Copy Image, the ability to delete individual items from Autocomplete
lists, SMB/SFTP support on GNOME via gnome-vfs, better Bookmarks,
Search and many other refinements fine tune the browsing experience.
For Linux/GTK2 Users
* Look and Feel Updates
Ongoing improvements have been made to improve the way Firefox adheres
to your GTK2 themes, such as menus.
* Talkback for GTK2
Help us nail down crashes by submitting talkback reports with this
crash reporting tool.
post-install -> pre-install
New features/improvements:
- The BuildHistoryFormat can now accept xml to build the AWStats
database in xml. The XML schema is available in tools/xslt directory.
- Added an example of xslt style sheet to use AWStats XML database.
- Added %time4 flag for LogFormat to support unix timestamp date format.
- Added Firefox to browser database.
- Added option IncludeInternalLinksInOriginSection (defined to 0
by default).
- Added field to choose size of list limit (rawlog plugin).
- Added ExtraSectionCodeFilterX parameters.
- PDF detection works also for browsers that support PDF 6 only.
Added an automatic year adjustment for sendmail/postfix log
files that does not store the log. This solve problems for mail
analyses around new year.
- Added tooltips for mail reports (tooltips plugin).
Changed look of the summary report to prepare add of new informations.
- Added failed mails number in the summary.
- AllowAccessFromWebToFollowingAuthenticatedUsers is no more case
- Added new functions for plugins: AddHTMLMenuHeader, AddHTMLMenuFooter,
AddHTMLContentHeader, AddHTMLContentFooter
- Added detection of Camino web browser (old Chimera).
- Full updated robots database.
- Removed warning "Bizarre copy of ARRAY" with new Perl 5.8.4.
- Fixed syntax error in Year view when xhtml output is selected.
- Fixed a problem of not working misc feature when using IIS and
when URLWithQuery was set to 0.
- Now all non ISO-8859-1 languages are shown correctly even with
Apache2, whatever is the value of the AddDefaultCharset directive.
- Some plugins broke the xhtml output.
- Fixed wrong results for compression ratios when using mod_gzip and
%gzip_ratio tag.
- Fixed old bug showing string "SCALAR(0x8badae4)" inside html reports
when using mod_perl.
- Fixed the not allowed GET method when LogType=S.
- Better management of error records with sendmail
and postfix (some "reject" records were discarded).
- Fixed important bug where records were discarded
when server name was a FQDN.
- Now works also on Mac OS X
- If /etc/awstats directory does not exist, try to
create it. If /etc/awstats.model.conf not found on Linux, try to
find it in cgi-bin directory.
- Fixed some bugs when BuildReportOutput is set to xhtml (rawlog plugin)
- Number of shown lines were one more than required (rawlog plugin).
- xhtml output broken for some 404 reports.
- BuildReportOutput=xml renamed into BuildReportOutput=xhtml
- Added arabic language file.
- Updated language file.
- Updated documentation.
Here's what's new in this release of Firefox:
* New Default Theme
An updated Default Theme now presents a uniform appearance across all
three platforms - a new crisp, clear look for Windows
users. Finetuning for GNOME will follow in future releases.
* Comprehensive Data Migration
Switching to Firefox has never been easier now that Firefox imports
data like Favorites, History, Settings, Cookies and Passwords from
Internet Explorer. Firefox can also import from Mozilla 1.x, Netscape
4.x, 6.x and 7.x, and Opera. MacOS X and Linux migrators for browsers
like Safari, OmniWeb, Konqueror etc. will arrive in future releases.
* Extension/Theme Manager
New Extension and Theme Managers provide a convenient way to manage
and update your add-ons. SmartUpdate also notifies you of updates to
* Help
A new online help system is available.
* Lots of bug fixes and improvements
Copy Image, the ability to delete individual items from Autocomplete
lists, SMB/SFTP support on GNOME via gnome-vfs, better Bookmarks,
Search and many other refinements fine tune the browsing experience.
For Linux/GTK2 Users
* Look and Feel Updates
Ongoing improvements have been made to improve the way Firefox adheres
to your GTK2 themes, such as menus.
* Talkback for GTK2
Help us nail down crashes by submitting talkback reports with this
crash reporting tool.
The full list of changes can be found at:
Major browser changes since 1.6:
* A new option to prevent sites from using JavaScript to block the
browser's context menu.
* A new set of icons for files that are associated with Mozilla on
* Password Manager has a "show passwords" mode which will display
saved passwords. You will need to enter your master password if
you are using one.
* The "Set As Wallpaper" feature now has a confirmation dialog.
* Linux GTK2 builds have improved support for OS themes.
* Cookie dialogs have been reworked to make them more usable.
* Date handling, especially on OS X, has been improved.
* It is now possible to fine-tune Mozilla's pop-up blocking using
two preferences (dom.popup_maximum and dom.popup_allowed_events)
but there's no UI for that yet. Even without a UI, users should
notice a greater variety of pop-ups blocked (primarily mouseover
pop-ups) and a limit of 20 or so open at one time - regardless of
whether pop-up blocking is active. This will provide some protection
from sites that open hundreds of windows in a loop.
* Downloaded files are now moved to the target directory as soon
as the user selects the desired location. This was the frequently
reported bug 55690.
* There is now user interface to activate Smooth Scrolling (Preferences
-> Appearance).
* Mozilla now supports basic FTP upload.
when importing a package to a different category from where the local
directory lives... Pointed out by xtraeme@.
Ok'ed wiz@/snj@
SpeedyCGI is a way to run perl scripts persistently, which can make them run
much more quickly. A script can be made to to run persistently by changing
the interpreter line at the top of the script from:
After the script is initially run, instead of exiting, the perl interpreter
is kept running. During subsequent runs, this interpreter is used to handle
new executions instead of starting a new perl interpreter each time. A very
fast frontend program, written in C, is executed for each request. This fast
frontend then contacts the persistent Perl process, which is usually already
running, to do the work and return the results.
Drivel is a LiveJournal client for the GNOME Desktop. Its purpose is to
retain a simple and elegant design while providing the same level of
functionality as the offical LiveJournal clients. Drivel also integrates
tightly with the GNOME Desktop technologies.
0.54 - *
- Separated IO code from Accept
- Add HSML comment tag: <?- -?>
- Add launcher from cmdline (path|port) using HsmlExec module.
- Allow stdin to read the configuration file (-c -)
- Disable exectimeout by default to allow large file processing.
- Disable keep-alive (not all scripts print Content-Length)
- Solve IExplorer 'bug' that forces screws to segfault
- Add initial support for Range-bytes in Headers and HsmlExec.
- Drop nonblocking sockets, and use IOpoll/IOselect by default.
- Solved longfiles buffering problems.
- Solve XSS bug on HsmlExec
- Initial screws_* API
- Allow logs using syslog (LOG_ERR) and piped logs (|...)
- Create macros for modules.
- Add CleanLog module
- Move hsml_lua_init into HsmlExec_init (3x faster)
- Exterminate zombies using setsid()
- Change bool env from TRUE/"" to 1/0
- patch unicode bug that wraps the ARGV env.
- Implement headers support for hsml and .x's
(redirect, mimetype, 404...)
- do not overwrite user config file
- initial alloc drop process.
0.53 - 2004/05/10
- Initial code for file uploading
- Solve Dead children ripper bug.
- Cleaner Makefiles
- add portable getpath(Utils/whereis)
- Add nonblocking sockets for child ripping.
- Add multi-part support for fileuploading
- Solve argument parsing bug.
- Add some filechecks in
- Add csharp support.
- Patch an hsml parsing bug.
- Hashbang support on hsml (to separate hsml1 and hsml2 code)
- Solve http request bug.
- Write all manpages.
- Add support for mozilla 1.7
- Intended to be the last 1.2.x release of galeon
- Added new marc and petrus templates
- Added support for more Exif tags.
- Fix a divide by zero error crash, due to a corrupt image.
- Fix javascript errors occured when a singe quote was included in a filename.
- Fix bug on joi template : accesskey="t" was showing in the pages.
- Fix missing /IF directive in images pages on satyap template.
New features and fixes
* A new option to prevent sites from using JavaScript to block the
browser's context menu.
* Password Manager has a "show passwords" mode which will display
saved passwords. You will need to enter your master password if
you are using one.
* The "Set As Wallpaper" feature now has a confirmation dialog.
* Linux GTK2 builds have improved support for OS themes.
* Cookie dialogs have been reworked to make them more usable.
* Date handling, especially on OS X, has been improved.
* It is now possible to fine-tune Mozilla's pop-up blocking using
two preferences (dom.popup_maximum and dom.popup_allowed_events)
but there's no UI for that yet. Even without a UI, users should
notice a greater variety of pop-ups blocked (primarily mouseover
pop-ups) and a limit of 20 or so open at one time - regardless
of whether pop-up blocking is active. This will provide some
protection from sites that open hundreds of windows in a loop.
* Downloaded files are now moved to the target directory as soon
as the user selects the desired location. This was the
frequently reported bug 55690.
* There is now user interface to activate Smooth Scrolling
(Preferences -> Appearance).
* Mozilla now supports basic FTP upload.
* Many improvements to Palm Sync.
* IMAP IDLE support has been added.
* Support for "MSN Authentication" and Secure Password
* Authentication using SSPI NTLM auth for SMTP and POP3.
* A new preference to "always use the default character encoding
for replies" rather than using the encoding of the message being
replied to.
* Improvements to performance of downloading, viewing, and saving
mail messages.
* Support for multiple identities on the same mail account. See
the Multiple Identity Support documentation for more details.
* Support for relative paths for mail folders in prefs.js. This
makes it easier to copy profiles around without having to fix up
prefs.js afterwards.
* You can now edit address lists containing "Last, First" style
* When composing mail, you can now use the up and down arrow keys
to scroll through the To/Cc/Bcc list.
* All Mozilla LDAP queries now default to using LDAPv3
(previously, they used LDAPv2). Mozilla should gracefully fall
back to v2 if v3 isn't found.
* Chatzilla now supports zooming of fonts with keyboard shortcuts
(Ctrl + and Ctrl -), as well as with the View menu.
* Improved date handling; using the date/time format for the
* Support for the /ignore command.
* The ability to change the font family and size.
* Working custom sounds on Windows and Linux.
* Improvements to the preferences panel and the user interface for
half-op mode.
Under the Hood
* Size and performance have improved dramatically with this
release. When compared to Mozilla 1.6, Mozilla 1.7 is 7% faster at
startup, is 8% faster to open a window, has 9% faster page
loading, and is 5% smaller in binary size.
* A long-standing bug with CSS backgrounds on table elements has
been fixed (standards mode only).
* Support for Kerberos HTTP authentication using GSSAPI (benefits
Unix-like platforms including Linux and OS X).
* Support for smb:// URLs using the gnome-vfs library (only
enabled in GTK2+XFT Linux builds).
* Support for server push of XML documents using
multipart/x-mixed-replace and XMLHttpRequest.
* Liveconnect now works when a Java applet's codebase is in a
different domain.
* Support for the CSS3 opacity property.
* Mozilla adds support for the onbeforeunload event. This lets web
application developers add code that alerts the user about
potential data-loss when closing a web application, or when
leaving a HTML page with potentially sensitive information.
* This release has a new SVG backend. The feature is not yet
enabled in the releases but developers may wish to
compile with this feature enabled.
* Mozilla handles dynamic style changes much better (see bug 15608
for details.)
* Mozilla has upgraded the NSS libraries to version 3.9. NSS 3.9
passes all the NISCC SSL/TLS and S/MIME tests (1.6 million test
cases of invalid input data) without crashes or memory leaks.
New features and fixes
* A new option to prevent sites from using JavaScript to block the
browser's context menu.
* Password Manager has a "show passwords" mode which will display
saved passwords. You will need to enter your master password if
you are using one.
* The "Set As Wallpaper" feature now has a confirmation dialog.
* Linux GTK2 builds have improved support for OS themes.
* Cookie dialogs have been reworked to make them more usable.
* Date handling, especially on OS X, has been improved.
* It is now possible to fine-tune Mozilla's pop-up blocking using
two preferences (dom.popup_maximum and dom.popup_allowed_events)
but there's no UI for that yet. Even without a UI, users should
notice a greater variety of pop-ups blocked (primarily mouseover
pop-ups) and a limit of 20 or so open at one time - regardless
of whether pop-up blocking is active. This will provide some
protection from sites that open hundreds of windows in a loop.
* Downloaded files are now moved to the target directory as soon
as the user selects the desired location. This was the
frequently reported bug 55690.
* There is now user interface to activate Smooth Scrolling
(Preferences -> Appearance).
* Mozilla now supports basic FTP upload.
* Many improvements to Palm Sync.
* IMAP IDLE support has been added.
* Support for "MSN Authentication" and Secure Password
* Authentication using SSPI NTLM auth for SMTP and POP3.
* A new preference to "always use the default character encoding
for replies" rather than using the encoding of the message being
replied to.
* Improvements to performance of downloading, viewing, and saving
mail messages.
* Support for multiple identities on the same mail account. See
the Multiple Identity Support documentation for more details.
* Support for relative paths for mail folders in prefs.js. This
makes it easier to copy profiles around without having to fix up
prefs.js afterwards.
* You can now edit address lists containing "Last, First" style
* When composing mail, you can now use the up and down arrow keys
to scroll through the To/Cc/Bcc list.
* All Mozilla LDAP queries now default to using LDAPv3
(previously, they used LDAPv2). Mozilla should gracefully fall
back to v2 if v3 isn't found.
* Chatzilla now supports zooming of fonts with keyboard shortcuts
(Ctrl + and Ctrl -), as well as with the View menu.
* Improved date handling; using the date/time format for the
* Support for the /ignore command.
* The ability to change the font family and size.
* Working custom sounds on Windows and Linux.
* Improvements to the preferences panel and the user interface for
half-op mode.
Under the Hood
* Size and performance have improved dramatically with this
release. When compared to Mozilla 1.6, Mozilla 1.7 is 7% faster at
startup, is 8% faster to open a window, has 9% faster page
loading, and is 5% smaller in binary size.
* A long-standing bug with CSS backgrounds on table elements has
been fixed (standards mode only).
* Support for Kerberos HTTP authentication using GSSAPI (benefits
Unix-like platforms including Linux and OS X).
* Support for smb:// URLs using the gnome-vfs library (only
enabled in GTK2+XFT Linux builds).
* Support for server push of XML documents using
multipart/x-mixed-replace and XMLHttpRequest.
* Liveconnect now works when a Java applet's codebase is in a
different domain.
* Support for the CSS3 opacity property.
* Mozilla adds support for the onbeforeunload event. This lets web
application developers add code that alerts the user about
potential data-loss when closing a web application, or when
leaving a HTML page with potentially sensitive information.
* This release has a new SVG backend. The feature is not yet
enabled in the releases but developers may wish to
compile with this feature enabled.
* Mozilla handles dynamic style changes much better (see bug 15608
for details.)
* Mozilla has upgraded the NSS libraries to version 3.9. NSS 3.9
passes all the NISCC SSL/TLS and S/MIME tests (1.6 million test
cases of invalid input data) without crashes or memory leaks.
* Only decode %xx up to the first '?' in all requests, per RFC2396.
* Set SERVER_SOFTWARE to explicitly contain "nb6" (the PKGREVISION).
(I would have done this with CPPFLAGS, except the make/shell/cpp
quoting ended up too hairy & fragile)
ADD: RSS feed support (thanks to Lübbe Onken for his work on this)
ADD: Translatations for French and Portuguese
ADD: .exe is recognised by default as having content-type
ADD: Recognised links are now 'linkified' in the log messages
ADD: Tabs in file/diff listings are now expanded by a user
configurable number of spaces.
ADD: WebSVN URLs now access the repository by name rather than number.
This means that bookmarks will stay the same when new projects
are added. The old behaviour can be configure in
FIX: Removed the revision 0 that has appeared in the previous version
FIX: Repositories were not sorted alphabetically when using ParentPath
FIX: The PNG support script needed for IE (and the BlueGrey scheme) is
now only loaded with IE
Too many changes and new features since 0.3.3. See Changes in
distfile for a complete list.
Many bug fixes and changes. See Changes in distfile for a complete list.
Code changes
* Support for mozilla 1.7rc1, 1.7rc2, 17rc3, 1.7 branch and trunk
(Christian, Marco, Carlos Romero)
* Eliminate external protocol handlers and use prefs instead
(Christian Biesinger)
* Various solaris portability fixes (Brian Cameron, Christian)
* Filter unwanted urls from history (Christian) [#142143]
* Disable xpinstall by default (Christian) [144035]
* Fix some compile warnings (Christian)
* Use single sign-on prompt for downloads too (Christian)
* Fix crash with popup window and when opening windows from command line
(Christian) (backported from HEAD) [#142184]
* Fix compilation with gcc 2.95 (Christian)
* Fix LD_LIBRARY_PATH setting in startup script (Christian) [#141576]
* Fix a mem leak in the toolbar editor (Christian)
* Fix cookies-cleared notification (Christian)
* Fix toolbar editor dragging theme bug (Crispin Flowerday)
* Fix reload not to use forced reload by default (C. J. N. Breame)
* Fix filechooser default filename shown from web form file inputs
* Fix opening of webcal: urls (Marco) [#139040]
* Fix check for firefox bookmarks file import (Christian)
* Fix contextmenu on unfocused text fields (Marco) [#139040]
Documentation translations
* Translated to spanish (es) by Francisco F. Serrador
* bg, el, th, tk, ru
WebSVN offers a view onto your subversion repositories that's been designed to
reflect the Subversion methodology. You can view the log of any file or
directory and see a list of all the files changed, added or deleted in any
given revision. You can also view the differences between 2 versions of a
file so as to see exactly what was changed in a particular revision.
WebSVN offers the following features:
* Easy to use interface
* Highly customisable templating system
* Log message searching
* Colourisation of file listings
* Fast browsing thanks to internal caching feature
* Apache MultiViews support
Since it's written using PHP, WebSVN is also very portable and easy to
(Current squid package dosen't build sasl_auth module.)
support making sasl_auth module. (I think it is better to create
separate packages for those authentication modules.)
Bump package revision.
use CONFLICTS, because they are installing the same files...
pkgsrc change:
o set DIST_SUBR to ${PKGNAME}.
o 2004-06-07 21:25 (Cosmetic) Negative size in access.log on long
running CONNECT requests
o 2004-06-08 11:01 (Major) Segmentation fault after
"Likely proxy abuse detected"
o 2004-06-18 17:39 (Security issue) Overflow bug in Squid's ntlm_auth helper.
Note: currently below patch isn't applied since it is broken and I'm
not sure how it shold be corrected. I wish it would fixed
before tagging pkgsrc-2004Q2.
o 2004-06-08 11:42 (Minor) sasl_auth doesn't compile with SALS2
find the headers/files, and this breaks some packages using the .pc files
with firefox*.
are required to build some packages.
installation of binary packages.
assembler got confused with the floating .elseif
checksum change.
Reported by Ole Hellqvist in PR 25895.
* VPL: (once again) don't lose the comment text from inside a comment
* don't crash when source/VPL buttons are pressed while a plugin is visible
* don't crash when canceling a failed upload
* don't crash when saving files while the structure tree is visible
* don't crash when inserting a dot in an empty CSS file
* fix a major memory leak, cause of many crashes and instability
* don't be confused by quotation marks inside a script area which is
inside a tag value (like <a href="<? echo "foo" ?>">)
* fix search problems when Preview is set to appear in the bottom area
* fix restoration of the toolbar visibility setting
* hide/show the plugin toolbar as well when Show Toolbar is
* fix the layout of the Document Properties Dialog
* don't ask for copying a file to the project if it is under the project
directory (happened with symlinked files and projects)
* color with bold in the Files Tree the opened files, even if they are
under a symlinked directory
* don't save the shortcuts as localized strings
* remove the backup files in every case when the document was saved and
don't warn about their presence on the next startup
* <fieldset> is not a single tag
* unconditionally hide the splash screen after 10 seconds
* make uploading of empty folders possible
* don't show the file changed dialog when previewing after Save All or
Project Upload was called
* fix removal of action containing &
* fix toolbar configuration and removal for non-English versions
* improvement: allow two plugins named differently, but using of the same
* performance improvement: faster parsing and tree building
o Use to patch the files (so the patches are not needed).
o Look for cvsweb.conf in ${PKG_SYSCONFDIR} instead of using
a harcoded "/usr/pkg/etc/cvsweb".