Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author | Files | Lines |
* Change default value for clamd_local configuration directive to the
common package default clamd local socket '/var/run/clamav/clamd.ctl'.
* The origin of the double free corruption was partially found in last
release. It is now completely fixed. Thanks to Tim Weippert for the
* The call to squidGuard from SquidClamav by a bidirectional pipe seem
to make squid/c-icap system going slower and slower. The reason comes
from more and more pending squidGuard processes after c-icap thread
restarting. The historical reason of this feature is related to Squid
version 2.x that doesn't allow to chained url_rewrite_program. I think
this is no more useful so the squidguard configuration directive will
be removed in next major release. Thank to Marco Schuth and David
Tannheimeri for the report.
You'd better use the Squid configuration file (squid.conf) and the
'url_rewrite_program' directive to use squidGuard. There's no plan to
reintroduce the call to squidGuard from SquidClamav at least until
squidGuard has a daemon mode or you really asked for it.
* Fix an issue on reallocating mishandled null pattern array.
Czech, Danish, Dutch, French, Italian, Japanese, Russian and Slovenian
language files are updated to support Contao 2.10.1.
From release announce:
The maintenance release provides stability fixes for the version 2.10
branch and updates TinyMCE to version 3.4.4 (which fixes a few IE9
pkgsrc change:
Add a note to MESSAGE needs of www/php-tidy package when using minify
the HTML markup function of Contao 2.10.
- mod_authnz_ldap: If the LDAP server returns constraint violation,
don't treat this as an error but as "auth denied". [Stefan Fritsch]
- mod_filter: Fix FilterProvider conditions of type "resp=" (response
headers) for CGI. [Joe Orton, Rainer Jung]
- mod_reqtimeout: Fix a timed out connection going into the keep-alive
state after a timeout when discarding a request body. Bug 51103.
[Stefan Fritsch]
- core: Do the hook sorting earlier so that the hooks are properly sorted
for the pre_config hook and during parsing the config. [Stefan Fritsch]
* Unknown
- Regression fix: vhost and defaultsite causing vport to be ignored
- Regression Bug 3295: broken escaping in rfc1738_do_escape
- Bug #3232: fails to compile with OpenSSL v1.0.0
- Bug #3222: cache_peer name is not logging on CONNECT
- Bug #3131: fd_table[fd].closing() assert from
- Bug #3217: "!fd_table[fd].closing()" from
- Bug #3213: https sites (CONNECT) not open when using NTLM
- Bug #3114: Memory leak in SSL certificate verify code
- Bug #3107: ncsa_auth DES silently truncates passwords to 8 bytes
- Bug #2662: cf_gen failure when cross compiling
- Bug #2655: passing wrong the username to the url_rewrite_program
- Bug #2495: ignore whitespace prefix on config lines
- Bug #2051: 'default' cache_peer option does not match documentation
- Bug #1842: Optimize order of tests in peerWouldBePinged() and
- Bug #1791: timestampsSet does not validate Date: if server sends very
old date
- Correct parsing of large Gopher indexes
- Enable negative cacheing on unknown or -1 expiry timestamp
- Remove hierarchy_stoplist default value
- Migrate cf_gen tool from C-style to C++
- ... and several documentation and compiler warning fixes
from Apache SVN repository.
* update http-parser to latest upstream.
* fix ruby != 1.9 compatibility
* Parse multiple HTTP headers as strings, arrays or mixed.
DragonflyBSD by Andrey N. Oktyabski.
Yaws is a HTTP high perfomance 1.1 webserver particularly well suited for
dynamic-content webapplications. Two separate modes of operations are
* Standalone mode where Yaws runs as a regular webserver daemon.
This is the default mode.
* Embedded mode where Yaws runs as an embedded webserver in another
erlang application.
Yaws is entirely written in Erlang furthermore it is a multithreaded
where one Erlang light weight process is used to handle each client.
The main advantages of yaws compared to other Web technologies are
and elegance. The performance comes from the underlying Erlang system and
ability to handle concurrent processes in an efficent way. Its elegance
from Erlang as well. Web applications dont have to be written in ugly adhoc
Update Dutch, Romanian, Russian and Slovenian language files.
Compact changes are not available but some ruby19 related improvement.
Please refer detail:
Revision history for Reaction
0.002005 - 8 Mar 2011
- use JSON instead of JSON::Any
0.002004 - 5 Mar 2011
- add a warning for people not using Reaction::Role(::Parameterized)
- silence m2m warnings during tests
0.002003 - 4 Mar 2011
- fixes for Moose 2
0.002002 - 5 Nov 2010
- use JSON::Any instead of JSON
0.002001 - 2 Nov 2010
- Fix some POD and tests
- Fix Order role to allow for exclusions (for non-indexed columns) and
coerceion of the column name to allow proper ORDER BY generation in
belongs_to rels and fields that do not map directly to columns.
- Fix Package names in POD for various files. this was causing some
weirdness in CPAN.
- All Reaction::UI::ViewPort::* now uses MooseX::Types
- Add 'action' attribute to Action viewport
- Adapt widget and layout to changes
- Add example of explicitly stating action to ComponentUI
- Don't override custom location in push_viewport
- Wire layout_args, which was forgotten + example of how to use it
- CRUD functionality is now implemented as roles, so it can be used
without needing to use Controller::Collection::CRUD
- Deprecate redirect_to and move it to an external role
- Controllers no longer 'use Reaction::Class' which was causing
problems with metaclass compatibility. 'use Moose' is now the
preferred approach.
1.68 Fri Apr 22 01:10:40 EST 2011
No changes from 1.67_01
As of this release, Jesse Vincent has taken over maintenance of
WWW-Mechanize. The project's repository can be found at:
Added prereq for HTML::TreeBuilder.
0.10018 29 Jul 2011
- Fix failing tests with the new PSGI Catalyst dev release
0.10017 24 Jan 2010
- Fix failing tests with the new PSGI Catalyst dev release
5.90002 - 2011-08-22 21:44:00
Backward compatibility fixes:
- Deploying via mod_perl in some cases is fixed by making
Catalyst::EngineLoader detect mod_perl in more generic
Documentation fixes:
- Fix incorrect example in Catalyst::PSGI.
- Add note that if you are using the PSGI engine, then $c->req->env
needs to become $c->engine->env when you upgrade.
5.90001 - 2011-08-15 22:42
Realise that we accidentally chopped a digit off the versioning scheme
without anyone noticing, which is a bad thing.
Feel like a fool. Well done t0m.
Cut another release.
5.9000 - 2011-08-15 22:18
See Catalyst::Delta for the major changes in this release.
Changelog since the last TRIAL release:
Backward compatibility fixes:
- Fix calling MyApp->engine_class to set the engine class manually.
- Re-add a $res->headers->{status} field to Catalyst::Test responses.
This _should_ be accessed with $c->res->code instead, but is here
for backward compatibility.
- Documentation which was in the now removed Catalyst::Engine::* classes
has been moved to Catalyst::Manual::Deployment
- nginx specific behaviour is removed as it is not needed with any
web server configuration I can come up with (recommended config is
documented in Catalst::Manual::Deployment::nginx::FastCGI)
5.89003 2011-07-28 20:11:50 (TRIAL release)
Backward compatibility fixes:
- Application scripts which have not been upgraded to newer
Catalyst::Script::XXX style scripts have been fixed
Bug fixes:
- mod_perl handler fixed to work with application classes which have manually
been made immutable.
- Scripts now force the Plack engine choice manually, rather than relying
on auto-detection, as the automatic mechanism gets it wrong if (for
example) Coro is loaded.
- Server script option for --fork --keepalive are now handled by loading
the Starman server, rather than silently ignored.
- Server script options for --background and --pid are now fixed by
using MooseX::Deamonize
- Plack middlewares to deal with issues in Lighttpd and IIS6 are now
automatically applied to applications and deployments which need them
(when there is not a user written .psgi script available).
This fixes compatibility with previous stable releases for applications
deployed in these environments.
- Catalyst::Test's remote_request method not uses Plack::Test to perform
the remote request.
- Added a Catalyst::PSGI manual page with information about writing a .psgi
file for your application.
- Catalyst::Uprading has been improved, and the status of old Catalyst
engines clarified.
- Catalyst::Test's local_request function is now deprecated. You should just
use the normal request function against a local server instead.
5.80033 2011-07-24 16:09:00
Bug fixes:
- Fix Catalyst::Request so that the hostname accessor is not incorrectly
populated with 'localhost' if a reverse DNS lookup fails.
- Fix Path actions debug screen to display number of arguments
- Fix a regression that prevented configuring attributes for all actions using
->config(actions => { '*' => \%attrs }) from working
- Append $\ in Catalyst::Response->print to more closely match
IO::Handle's behaviour.
- Fixed situation where a detach($action) from a forward within auto
was not breaking out correctly
- Fix the disable_component_resolution_regex_fallback config setting
to also work in the $c->component method.
- Handle users setting cookies with an undef value by not trying to
output that cookie (rather than trying to do so and causing an exception
as previously happened). A warning is logged if this occurs in debug
- Update tests to ignore $ENV{CATALYST_HOME} where required
- Change repository metadata to point at git.
- Clean namespaces in Catalyst::Request::Upload
- Catalyst::Test: Fixes to action_ok, action_redirect and action_notfound
test functions to be better documented, and have better default test
- Update tests to ignore CATALYST_HOME env var.
5.89002 2011-03-02 11:30:00 (TRIAL release)
Bug fixes:
- Fix a couple of test failures caused by optional dependencies such as FCGI
not being installed.
- Simplified the API for getting a PSGI application code reference for a
Catalyst application for use in, for example, .psgi files. See
Catalyst::Upgrading for details.
5.89001 2011-03-01 15:27:00 (TRIAL release)
Bug fixes:
- Fixed command-line argument passing in Catalyst::Script::FastCGI.
- Fixed Catalyst::Engine::Stomp compatibility. Applications using
Catalyst::Engine::Stomp are believed to continue working without
any changes with the new Catalyst major version.
- Fixed issues auto-loading engine with older scripts.
Known problems:
- Catalyst::Engine::Wx is officially unsupported and BROKEN. If you
are using this engine then please get in touch with us and we'll
be happy to help with the changes it needs to be compatible with
the new major version of Catalyst.
- The section of Catalyst::Upgrading describing how to upgrade to version 5.90
of Catalyst has been much improved.
5.80032 2011-02-23 01:10:00
Bug fixes:
- Fix compatibility issue with code which was testing the value of
$c->res->body multiple times. Previously this would cause the value
to be built, and ergo cause the $c->res->has_body predicate to start
returning true.
Having a response body is indicated by $c->res->body being defined.
- Fix bug with calling $upload->slurp multiple times in one request
not working as expected as the file handle wasn't returned to
the zero position. (Adam Sjøgren)
- Fix some weird perl 5.8 situations where $c can get squashed unexpectedly
in Catalyst::execute
- Fix chained dispatch where chains were being compared for length (number
of private parts in the chain) vs where they are being compared for
PathPart length (i.e. number of non-capturing URI elements in your path).
This bug meant that sometimes multiple Args or CaptureArgs (e.g. /*/*)
type paths would be preferred to those with fixed path elements
(e.g. /account/*)
New features:
- Add MYAPP_RESTARTER and CATALYST_RESTARTER environment variables to
allow the restarter class to be chosen per application or generally.
This feature was added to enable GUI restarters (such as the soon to
be released CatalystX::Restarter::GTK to be enabled more easily by
developers without changing their application code.
5.80031 2011-01-31 08:13:02
Bug fixes:
- Update dependency on MooseX::Role::WithOverloading to ensure that
a version which can deal with / depends on a new Package::Stash
is installed. (As if some other dependency is pulled in during upgrading
which results in new Package::Stash, then it can leave you with a broken
version of MooseX::Role::WithOverloading.
- Fix undef warning in Catalyst::Engine::FastCGI when writing an empty
body (e.g. doing a redirect)
5.89000 2011-01-24 09:28:45 (TRIAL release)
This is a development release from psgi branch of Catalyst-Runtime.
Removed features:
- All of the Catalyst::Engine::* namespace is now gone. Instead we only have
one Catalyst::Engine class speaking the PSGI protocol natively. Everything
the various Catalyst::Engine:: classes did before is now supposed to happen
through PSGI handlers such as Plack::Handler::FCGI,
Plack::Handler::HTTP::Server::PSGI, Plack::Handler::Apache2, and so
on. However, deployment can still work the same as it did before. The
catalyst scripts still exist and continue to work.
If you find anything that either doesn't work anymore as it did before or
anything that could be done before with the various Catalyst::Engine::
classes, but can't be done anymore with the single PSGI Catalyst::Engine
class, please tell us *now*.
5.80030 2011-01-04 13:13:02
New features:
- Add a --proc_title option to the FCGI script to set the process
- Allow the response body to be set to `undef' explicitly to indicate the
absence of a body. It can be used to indicate that no body should be sent at
all and processing of views should be skipped. This is especially useful for
things like X-Sendfile, which now no longer require providing fake response
bodies to suppress view processing. In order for this to work, you will also
have upgrade Catalyst::Action::RenderView to at least version 0.15.
Bug fixes:
- Deal correctly with GLOB file handles in the response body (setting
the Content-Length header appropriately)
- Chained dispatch has been fixed to always prefer paths
with the minimum number of captures (rather than the
maximum number of actions). This means that (for example)
a URI path /foo/* made out of 2 actions will take preference
to a URI path /*/* made out of 3 actions. Please check your applications
if you are using chained action and please write new test to report
failing case.
- Stop relying on bugs in the pure-perl version of Package::Stash. New
versions of Package::Stash load Package::Stash::XS if
available. Package::Stash::XS fixes some of the bugs of the pure-perl
version, exposing our faulty assumption and breaking things. We now work
with both old and new versions of Package::Stash, both with and without
Package::Stash::XS being installed. Older versions of Catalyst-Runtime also
work with both old and new versions of Package::Stash, but only if
Package::Stash::XS is *not* installed.
- Clarify that when forwarding or detaching, the end action associated
with the original dispatched action will be run afterwards (fallen)
5.80029 2010-10-03 16:39:00
New features:
- Add a warning when $c->view is called and cannot locate a default_view
or current_view. This clarifies the logging when ::RenderView gets
Warning fixes:
- Deal warning in with Moose >= 1.15 if you add a method called 'meta' to a
class which already has one by using _add_meta_method.
5.80028 2010-09-28 20:49:00
Bug fixes:
- use Class::MOP in Catalyst::Utils.
- Do not keep a reference to a closed over context in ctx_request, allowing
the caller to dispose of the request context at their leisure.
- Changes to be compatible with bleadperl
pkgsrc change: handle p5-Class-MOP now being part of p5-Moose
0.9982 Tue Jul 19 13:07:35 PDT 2011
- Fixed the bug in restarter introduced in 0.9980 (nihen) #223 #234
- Removed a debug statement left over in Plack::Util
- Fixed warnings in Lint
0.9981 Mon Jul 18 17:24:11 PDT 2011
- Plack::Request: Added a sanity check to remove newlines from headers to follow
the PSGI specification #224
- HTTPParser::PP: Fixed warnings #225
- plackup now prints errors to psgi.errors rather than STDERR
- Fixes issues with undef returned from streaming handler in middleware #231
- ContentLength: Do not auto-add Content-Length from block devices, pipes and
character files
- HTTPExceptions: Support ->as_psgi method on exceptions (doy)
- FastCGI: Support psgix.harakiri
- Lint: Added more checks to validate header values
- StackTrace: Strip caller information since it is not useful anyway
- HTTPExceptions: Added rethrow option (doy)
- Misc. doc fixes on plackup (chromatic)
- binmode STDIN for CGI handler for Win32 #218
- Remove the test that tests Server specific handling of Transfer-Encoding
- Fixed POD link (audreyt)
0.9980 Mon Jun 6 20:24:25 PDT 2011
- Fixed a bug where restarting loader doesn't terminate children (#209)
- Strip URI fragments off of PATH_INFO and QUERY_STRING (#213)
- Documented -r vs auto server detection caveat
- Documented a default AccessLog format (ask)
- Support %V in AccessLog formats (ask)
- Document PLACK_HTTP_PARSER_PP (melo)
- Added experimental IPv6 and SSL support for the built-in HTTP::Server::PSGI
0.9979 Tue May 17 09:54:03 PDT 2011
- Fixed Middleware::AccessLog's default %t format to match Apache's format
- Fixed a warning in Apache1 handler where PATH_INFO doesn't exist #204
- Fixed a bad test relying on new Test::More versions
- Fixed Lint to accept bare in-memory filehandle per
- Added setup_env() to Plack::Handler::CGI (markstos)
- Added a non-blocking Hello World example in eg/dot-psgi
- Doc cleanup
0.9978 Wed May 4 11:29:12 PDT 2011
- Fixed a failing output_encoding.t because of FCGI dependencies
- Improved Plack::Test::Suite documentation
0.9977 Sun May 1 12:16:08 PDT 2011
- Fixed ConditionalGET to not die with streaming interface (reported by Paul Ervamaa)
- Add a reason string to CGI/FastCGI Status header to comply with RFC 3875 (Stephen Clouse)
- Fixed a CGI/FastCGI handler to ensure newlines are not mangled on Win32 platforms (Christian Walde)
- localize @ARGV to empty when evaluating a PSGI application (
- Fixed the use of Getopt::Long to make the pass_through flag local
- Middleware::JSONP now supports more response types such as IO::Handle (reported by Theory)
0.9976 Fri Apr 8 18:07:11 PDT 2011
- Support setting content_type in App::File (ajgb)
- Document fixes (jhannah)
- Skip bad tests failing on LWP 6 (daxim)
0.99_75 Thu Mar 24 11:29:22 PDT 2011
- builder {} now always returns a PSGI code reference, instead of inconsistently
returning URLMap object when mount() is used. (reported by hoelzro)
- Plack::Runner now automatically calls ->parse_options() if it hasn't been called,
so the sane defaults for plackup can be applied. (reported by arcanez)
- Fixed the way to override %ENV to avoid test breakages in Win32 #179
- Properly append '/' when linking to a directory in Plack::App::Directory (theory)
- Skips the current directory in Plack::App::Directory
- Plack::App::Directory now redirects to a canonical URL that has a trailing slash
just like Apache (hobbs)
- Fixed some typos and outdated information in the PODs
0.9974 Thu Mar 3 20:55:28 PST 2011
- Added a documentation about using relative URI paths beginning with //
- Added IIS6ScriptNameFix that fixes SCRIPT_NAME for IIS6 FastCGI, extracted from Catalyst (rafl)
- Moved the wrapcgi/exec tests for Win32 #174
- Fixed a warning for the new Test::TCP in FCGI testing
- Clear %ENV when running the Plack::Test::Suite with Server implementation (hachi)
0.9973 Sat Feb 26 09:40:15 PST 2011
- Fixed the regexp in the code check added in 0.9972 (leedo)
0.9972 Thu Feb 24 10:50:01 PST 2011
- Fixed the Plack::Runner docs to avoid the cargo cult issue of __FILE__ eq $0
- Added a silly check to give warnings if the idiom __FILE__ eq $0 is used in .psgi
0.9971 Wed Feb 23 14:02:35 PST 2011
- Localize $0 to the given .psgi path when evaluating it in Plack::Util::load_psgi()
This fixes the unexpected values and/or crashes with Starman when your application
uses FindBin module.
0.9970 Tue Feb 22 08:35:50 PST 2011
- Apache2: Fixed a bug where dispatcher fails to parse first path when it begins with two or
more slashes (clkao)
0.9969 Fri Feb 18 21:35:29 PST 2011
- Suppress the use of unlocalized $_ in Plack::Runner (mst)
- Plack::Handler::Net::FastCGI is now removed from Plack core dist.
It will be released as a separate distribution on CPAN.
- Fixed Plack::Handler::Apache2 so that it can safely call log (Andy Wardley)
- StackTrace: Display graceful fallback errors when $SIG{__DIE__} is overridden in the application (mkanat)
0.9968 Wed Feb 9 19:07:48 PST 2011
- Fixed Recursive middleware to rethrow unknown exceptions. #166 (reported by waba)
- Document response_cb. #121
- Plack::Loader to print errors if it is really a compilation error
- Fixed the Cascade app to work with all 404 responses with the streaming interface. #171 (reported by eevee)
0.9967 Tue Jan 25 14:26:37 PST 2011
- Fixed StackTrace to require D::ST::WithLexicals 0.08 that supports 'message' (doy)
0.9966 Tue Jan 25 12:00:25 PST 2011
- Fixed a memory leak in SimpleLogger (vti)
- Support %v in AccessLog (Ranguard)
- Force set CONTENT_LENGTH in req_to_psgi when $content is given to HTTP::Request (timbunce) #150
- Fixed a case where SCRIPT_NAME and PATH_INFO can both get empty in req_to_psgi (doy) #163
0.9965 Mon Jan 24 23:08:04 PST 2011
- Requires Devel::StackTrace 0.11
- Fixed a regression where StackTrace wasn't able to get the thrown exception as an error message (hachi)
0.9964 Mon Jan 24 16:29:08 PST 2011
- Various documentation improvements (miyagawa, schwern)
- Improved the way it eliminates Plack::Middleware::StackTrace from its own stacktrace (Jonathan Swartz)
0.9963 Mon Jan 10 16:46:33 PST 2011
- Fixed fcgi.t for lighttpd < 1.4.23 (confound)
0.9962 Sat Jan 8 21:07:30 PST 2011
- Same fix as 0.9961 but works around the issues with Strawberry unarchiver
0.9961 Fri Jan 7 21:54:04 PST 2011
- Skip directory.t on win32 since the directory "stuff.." can't be created [RT:64545]
0.9960 Sat Dec 25 11:16:08 PST 2010
- FCGI: Fixed the regression in 0.9958 where PATH_INFO gets wrong value when hosted under a
non-root path (ambs)
- Improved the FastCGI and Apache2 test infrastructure to test SCRIPT_NAME values
0.9959 Tue Dec 21 11:38:08 PST 2010
- Apache2: Fixed the regression bug around LocationMatch caused by fixes in 0.9958 (cho45)
0.9958 Mon Dec 20 15:18:54 PST 2010
- Plack::Handler::Apache[12] now handles Authorization: header automatically, no need for
mod_rewrite workaround anymore (cho45)
- Fixed Apache[12] and FCGI where multiple forward slashes were munged (cho45)
- Static: Added pass_through option to pass non-existent paths to the app. Fixing the
docs to match with the code (beanz) #154
0.9957 Thu Dec 16 11:27:29 PST 2010
- Fixed warnings in Plack::Request cookie parsing (typester)
- removed MethodOverride middleware. Now it is a standalone distribution on CPAN (theory)
0.9956 Thu Dec 9 19:32:46 PST 2010
- FastCGI: Fixed an empty PATH_INFO with mod_fastcgi (and possibly others)
- FastCGI: Improved the automatic detection of the case when invoked from web server. #141
(reported by LeoNerd)
- plackup: Document that -e 'enable ...' doesn't assume app.psgi when there's no argument. #106 (clkao)
- Plack::App::FCGIDispatcher: Remove the Status: header #123 (reported by Htbaa)
- Apache2: Work around issues where SCRIPT_NAME gets wrong when LocationMatch is used. #136
(reported by atiking)
0.9955 Thu Dec 9 18:02:50 PST 2010
- More fixes to a possible directory traversal
0.9954 Thu Dec 9 17:45:59 PST 2010
- Fixed a directory traversal bug in Plack::App::File etc. RT:63020
0.9953 Fri Dec 3 14:50:09 PST 2010
- Include the original error message in the StackTrace text output on console.
This requires Devel::StackTrace 1.23 and Devel::StackTrace::WithLexicals 0.08 (optional)
- Fixed AccessLog middleware to handle multiple dashes in %{} (Jiro)
0.9952 Thu Dec 2 14:03:48 PST 2010
- Fixed the potential deadlocks in WrapCGI's read/write pipe (typester)
- Improved documentations on plackup -e
- Fixed a potential DoS vulnerability in HTTP::Server::PSGI (kazuho)
- Allows setting names of FCGI process with proc_title option (rafl)
0.9951 Mon Oct 25 13:50:33 PDT 2010
- Added Feersum to the benchmark script (stash)
- Lint: fixed the body handle check to see if the file has getline() method (tokuhirom)
- StackTrace: store the stacktrace in $env->{'plack.stacktrace.text'} and $env->{'plack.stacktrace.html'} (theory)
- Added ->mount method to the Plack::Builder OO interface (franckcuny)
- HTTPExceptions: Don't set an invalid Content-Length when the exception is not an object (ask)
- ErrorDocument: Fixed wrong Content-Length header be set (ask)
0.9950 Thu Sep 30 14:11:33 PDT 2010
- Fixed typos in middleware docs (miyagawa, theory, tokuhirom)
- App::Directory: fixed URL generation escape bug (chiba)
- Middleware::JSONP: support callback parameter name (franck)
0.9949 Tue Sep 14 11:59:36 PDT 2010
- Fixed FCGI handler docs
- Auth::Basic: Pass $env to the callback so .htpasswd based auth can be implemented with PATH_INFO (doy)
0.9948 Thu Sep 9 16:01:53 PDT 2010
- Fixed a bug introduced in 0.9947 where $req->upload loses the temporary files when
Plack::Request object is instantiated multiple times. It could happen if one of the
pre-processing middleware uses Plack::Request and then again in the application or
0.9947 Thu Sep 9 02:26:14 PDT 2010
- Plack::Loader: Fixed a typo in ENV that prevents warnings messages in development
- Added flymake temporary file in Restarter (hirose31)
- Plack::Request: Fixed a bug that HTTP::Body temporary files were not cleaned up (plu)
- Middleware::AccessLog: Fixed a bug where %{key}i ignores the value '0' (nekoya)
This module allows your to run your Plack::Test tests against an
external server instead of just against a local application through
either mocked HTTP or a locally spawned server.
See Plack::Test on how to write tests that can use this module.
This is a Java plugin and a Web Start launcher for NPR compatible browsers.
WebKit is an open source web browser engine. WebKit is also the name of
the Mac OS X system framework version of the engine that's used by
Safari, Dashboard, Mail, and many other OS X applications. WebKit's HTML
and JavaScript code began as a branch of the KHTML and KJS libraries
from KDE.
This is the GTK3+ port of the engine.
While here, fix some PKGCONFIG_OVERRIDE and REPLACE_PERL paths.
Noted by wiz@.
* Major Enhancements
* Add command line importer functionality (#253)
* Add Redcarpet Markdown support (#318)
* Make markdown/textile extensions configurable (#312)
* Add `markdownify` filter
* Minor Enhancements
* Switch to Albino gem
* Bundler support
* Use English library to avoid hoops (#292)
* Add Posterous importer (#254)
* Fixes for Wordpress importer (#274, #252, #271)
* Better error message for invalid post date (#291)
* Print formatted fatal exceptions to stdout on build failure
* Add Tumblr importer (#323)
* Add Enki importer (#320)
Tidy is an extension based on Libtidy ( and allows
a PHP developer to clean, repair, and traverse HTML, XHTML, and XML
documents -- including ones with embedded scripting languages such as
PHP or ASP within them using OO constructs.
2010-05-31 Bart Vanbrabant <bart at>
* Release version
* php_check_open_basedir only needs to be called when restoring
2010-02-25 Hans Rakers <hans at>
* Fixed class static variable restore where parent was protected
static and child was public static. This would lead to error
'Access to undeclared static property' upon restore from cache
* Added proper handling of class properties during storing in
cache. Public/private/protected is properly handled now. Somehow
this was a long overdue TODO spotted by running the testsuite.
This fixes ticket #408
* Small fix that solves some issues with lambda (closure)
functions. This solves ticket #405
to facilitate coinstallation with current packages.
From the Announcement blog: "This maintenance release fixes a server
incompatibility related to JSON that’s unfortunately affected some of you,
as well as a few other fixes in the new dashboard design and the Twenty
Eleven theme."
Major changes include:
The address bar now highlights the domain of the website you're visiting
Streamlined the look of the site identity block
Added support for the latest draft version of WebSockets with a prefixed API
Added support for EventSource / server-sent events
Added support for window.matchMedia
Added Scratchpad, an interactive JavaScript prototyping environment
Added a new Web Developer menu item and moved development-related items into it
Improved usability of the Web Console
Improved the discoverability of Firefox Sync
Reduced browser startup time when using Panorama
Fixed several stability issues
Fixed several security issues
Update French, Japanese and Swedish language files.
4.5.3 and 4.5.5 contains some security fixes. For more detail,
please refer these changes.
Changed version only.
Bump version only.
Rails 3.0.10
* Fixes an issue where cache sweepers with only after filters would
have no controller object, it would raise undefined method
controller_name for nil [jeroenj]
* Ensure status codes are logged when exceptions are raised.
* Subclasses of OutputBuffer are respected.
* Fixed ActionView::FormOptionsHelper#select with :multiple => false
* Avoid extra call to Cache#read in case of a fragment cache hit