Also reorganize several dependencies in Makefile and buildlink3.mk.
See the following post for details:
Upstream changes (from NEWS):
== Ruby-GNOME 3.3.8: 2019-09-10
This is a partially GLib 2.62.0 support release.
=== Changes
==== All
* Improvements
* Changed our project name to Ruby-GNOME from Ruby-GNOME2.
[GitHub#1277][Suggested by kojix2]
[GitHub#1291][Patch by kojix2]
* Stopped to release (({.tar.gz})) because they are no longer
==== Ruby/GLib2
* Improvements
* (({GLib.convert})): Changed to set correct encoding.
* (({GLib::FILENAME_ENCODING})): Added.
* Changed to use the same enum object for the same enum value.
* (({GLib::Enum.find})): Added.
* (({GLib::Bytes#initialize})): Changed to reuse (({String})) data
even if the given (({String})) isn't frozen.
* (({GLib::Bytes.try_convert})): Added.
* (({GLib::Enum.try_convert})): Added.
* (({GLib::Flags.try_convert})): Added.
* (({GLib::Type.try_convert})): Added.
* (({GLib::MkEnums.create})): Added support for flags to enum
[GitHub#1295][Patch by Mamoru TASAKA]
==== Ruby/GIO2
* Fixes
* Renamed to (({Gio::Icon#hash})) from (({Gio::Icon.hash})).
[GitHub#1293][Reported by Erik Czumadewski]
==== Ruby/GObjectIntrospection
* Improvements
* Introduced (({try_convert})) protocol.
==== Ruby/CairoGObject
* Improvements
* (({Cairo::Context.try_convert})): Added.
* (({Cairo::Device.try_convert})): Added.
* (({Cairo::Pattern.try_convert})): Added.
* (({Cairo::Surface.try_convert})): Added.
* (({Cairo::ScaledFont.try_convert})): Added.
* (({Cairo::FontFace.try_convert})): Added.
* (({Cairo::FontOptions.try_convert})): Added.
* (({Cairo::Region.try_convert})): Added.
=== Thanks
* kojix2
* Erik Czumadewski
* Mamoru TASAKA